Mysql Support Rated !

2001-12-11 Thread rjtalbo

 I had to post this short note of Thank You to Monty Widenius..
I had struggled for over 6 months and several versions of MySQL
trying to get the source to compile without errors on Caldera 2.3
or 2.4. I continued to fail.
I upgraded Libc libraries and gcc makes but still failed.
Yeah, I got a compile and the Mysql engines ran but the make test
errors haunted me..

 After a number of postings on the list, Monty finally took pity on
me. A number of emails and suggested fixes, still no cure.
Monty then offered to telnet to the offending machine. A couple phome
calls later, Sweden to New York the telnet was set up.

 Monty worked on my hard drive and compiled a few version with various
make switches. In the end a source fix in the and
all compiled and passes all tests. I am more than happy!

 Monty, THank You! The support at MySQL AB is great!
The support is worth the price of admission.

Bob T

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Re: Compiled v. 3.23.40 and 3.23.42 to12 test Failures

2001-09-26 Thread rjtalbo

Thank You.. Monty
  Yeah! I can write shell scripts and depending on
style usually interpet those written by others..
So, I will set about changing the script and email you
my results..

Thank You for taking the time to look at my problem.

Bob T

Michael Widenius wrote:


  R == R Talbot [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 R R Talbot wrote:
 R R Talbot wrote:
 R  Still having compile problems and GNU binary
 R produces the following info


 R bin/mysqld --help

 R  basedir: /usr/local/mysql/
 R  datadir: /usr/local/mysql/var/
 R  tmpdir:  /tmp/


 As you get any output from mysqld, it means that there is a good
 change to get mysqld to work.

 The question now is why mysql_install_db doesn't work.
 To be able to help you with this over email is however not trivial.

 The error you got was:

  R I changed the dir name to /usr/local/mysql.
  R I ran   /usr/local/mysql/scripts/mysql_install_db
  R and got this error every time..
  R faults: command not found
  R Didn't find ./bin/mysqld

 Please examine the mysql_install_script to find out what is wrong!
 If you don't know how shell scripts works, please ask someone that
 you know that can help you with this. To fix this should be just a
 couple of minutes of work!

 In general, the following should always work:

 cd /usr/local/mysql

 Based on your emails, I can't however say why this doesn't work for

 You could try with:

 cd /usr/local/mysql
 ./scripts/mysql_install_db --basedir=/usr/local/mysql

 If this doesn't work either, then you need to take a close look at the
 mysql_install_db script to find out what is wrong with your setup.


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Problem with MySQL 3.23.40 Install..Source Compiled

2001-09-16 Thread rjtalbo

Can someone help me??
I have been trying out MySQL beginning in June of 2001.
I use Caldera Linux and have a 4 machine LAN.
The Lan includes 3 Linux and 1 WinNT install.
I compiled the Source and installed version: 3.22.32-log on
all machines. This runs fine but I was needing the newer
features of version 3.23.40. So, I downloaded and installed
to the first Linux machine.

 Now, no matter what I do  safe_Mysqld continues to start
version: 3.22.32-log ..

Here are the steps I took to compile and install ver 3.23.40.
to the same directory as ver. 3.22.32 which I hoped would be
overwritten. I installed both versions to /usr/share/mysql..

cd /usr/src/OpenLinux/SOURCES/
tar zxvf mysql-3.23.40.tar.gz
cd /usr/src/OpenLinux/SOURCES/mysql-3.23.40
./configure --prefix=/usr/share/mysql
make install
 ( I did not run scripts as I had a previous installation, Right??)

I noticed 3.23.40 installed mysqld to a libexec directory, not bin..
Also 3.23.40 did not make a mysql/var directory, by but continued to
use /var/lib/mysql for data and pid..

In an effort to get 3.23.40 to load at boot I changed
/etc/rc.d/init.d/mysql  and /etc/rc.d/init.d/mysql_server  and
it's link /etc/rc5.d/S35mysql..  Like So


 Still comes up 3.22.32. I've obviously missed Something.
Also I expected the prefix= switch in the ./configure to overwrite
version 3.22.32..Instead it created a sub/sub directory like SO..
/usr/share/mysql/share/mysql   Whats That

I have a lot of house cleaning to do...
Please IF someone can shed some light on all or some of this mess..

BOb T.

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Perl DBI DBD Show Table Modules Best Dir Install Choices!

2001-09-15 Thread rjtalbo

Now that I have the correct Install procedure for the Perl DBI and MySQL
Where is the most common and preferred Location for the Install??

I was considering the following.

Sometimes a script or program will expect to see these modules in a
particular Dir..
I am just thinking ahead to make my progamming a bit easier

I had made changes  and reinstalled java JDK for just such a reason.

Please replly with suggestions and personal setup prefrences. If you
would include your
reasoning that would alson be appeciatied..

Bob T.

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intro mysql book

2001-09-15 Thread rjtalbo

  intro mysql book
  Date:   Fri, 14 Sep 2001 14:18:29 -0700 (PDT)
  From:   another oracle dba [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Can someone recommend an intro MySQL book. I'm looking for a
book with info on MySQL

Your instincts are good. I found the Paul Dubois'  book an excellent
I am at the same point you are at  learning Mysql AND Transitioning
from other SQL enviorments. I have , for many years used DB2 and Sybase.

The books that have helped me are:
 MySQL By P Dubois.. ( Best Single MySQL Refrence)
 Teach Yourself MySQL in 21 Days Maslakowski.. (Takes you
from Ignorant to Working Project).
 SQL In A Nutshell ..O'Reilly by Kline  Kline.. Most SQL commands w/
examples in MySQL, Oracle
PostgreSQL, SQL Server.. For each command  Great for
  Mysql/PHP Database Applications  MT Books by Greenspan and Bulger
..You will understand the Marriage.

Good luck

Bob T

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DBI-1.18.tar.gz Can't gzip -cd

2001-09-14 Thread rjtalbo

I have been trying to uncompress DBI-1.18.tar.gz  which I downloaded
together with

from the MySQL down load page...
I followed the direction in the DBE-1.18 README but if I use the pipe
as instructed...  gzip -cd DBI-1.18.tar.gz |  tar  xf -cd DBI-1.18
  I get    tar: Cannot open -cd: No such file or directory

if I try  w/o -cd ...   gzip -cd DBI-1.18.tar.gz |  tar  xf
  I get...  tar: Hmm, this doesn't look like a tar archive
tar: Skipping to next file header
tar: Only read 3690 bytes from archive
tar: Error is not recoverable: exiting now
broken pipe
  Same if I drop the last  .tar.gz

If I try   gzip -cd DBI-1.18.tar.gz
   The entire archive just decompresses and flashes across the console
never to disk..

Tried to uncompress on two machines same results

Caldera Linux kernals 2.2.14  and 2.2.10

Please help as I would like to use Perl with MySQL..

Bob T

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New install Problem

2001-06-04 Thread rjtalbo

 I am a newbie regarding MySQL but have been using Postgresql, DB2 and
for years Sybase..
 My installations are Linux (Caldera 2.3  2.4), OS/2 and WinNt.
My needs are a lan / Wan database..encompassing above OS's.
Problems: DB2 in Lan format too expensive
Postgresql w/ JDBC will not compile on Caldera edesktop.
Sybase 11 not available for OS/2..
Mysql compiled nicely on Caldera and msql2-3.22.26a installed easily on
1/  But on OS/2 I get this error version 3.22.26a
   mysql mysqladmin -u ME password 'topsecret'
process terminated by SIGSEGV
   (this happens on 2 OS/2 machines) but not on Linux..

2/  Also is there a JDBC for OS\2 or ODBC either which I can use for
MySQL with OS/2.. If not what do you suggest for application/bridge
development language on OS/2..

Thank You
Bob T

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