Re: Reading securely the value of an autoincrement field used as PK

2004-01-20 Thread robert_rowe

Use a different connection for each thread. last_insert_id() is isolated per 

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2004-01-14 Thread robert_rowe

Can you post the code that does the update?

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Re: 2 Quick Questions

2004-01-14 Thread robert_rowe

Why use WinMySqlAdmin to view databases? The MySQL Control Center has a lot more 
features and its usage is very straight forward.

If you are referring to the name that you gave it the first time you ran it then I 
don't know. I'm curious about how to set it myself. 

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Re: Weird

2004-01-13 Thread robert_rowe

Even though Napmarilu and localhost are resolving to the same machine, they are 
different host names. MySQL security uses a combination of username and hostname in 
the form of: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

That means that [EMAIL PROTECTED] is a different user than [EMAIL PROTECTED] Since you 
have the Control center up, user the User Administration features to add a user with 
Napmarilu as it's host. If you want to do this with the command line client, look up 
Grant in the manual.

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Re: installing mySQL on Windows 2000

2004-01-13 Thread robert_rowe

Are you logged on as Administrator? 
Is there enough disk space free? 
Does it generate the same error if you try re-installing? 
Is there an existing installation with the server still running?

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Re: MySQL Existing with other DBMSes

2004-01-13 Thread robert_rowe

These are completely different programs so you shouldn't have any problems. I've never 
run into mention of any conflicts listed in the MySQL docs. You might check the docs 
of the other applications. I know the MSSQL and MySQL can co-exist.

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Re: Which one is better: CHAR or VARCHAR?

2004-01-12 Thread robert_rowe

Char is more efficient when selecting but less efficient when storing (wastes space). 
It is a trade off so there really isn't a right answer. Do some experimenting and 
see what works best for you.

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Re: HTML in Longtext

2004-01-12 Thread robert_rowe

The double quotes have meaning in HTML. You might be confusing the parser. Try 
replacing your double quotes with quot. 

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Re: Storing currency values

2004-01-12 Thread robert_rowe

Just convert the format of the input in your program before saving the value. In 
VB/ASP us can do: replace(255,55,,,.)

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Re: Passwords query

2004-01-12 Thread robert_rowe

These look like the security permissions for 3 MySQL user entries. The first one is 
the administrator account which can do pretty much anything. The second looks like an 
account used by a program. The third looks like it can be given to individual users as 
it can only looks at records, not change them.

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Re: my.ini file for two instances of MySql - need help

2004-01-12 Thread robert_rowe

 # If you specify no service name, the server uses the default service name of MySQL 
 and the server reads options from the [mysqld] group in the standard option files.
 # If you specify a service name after the --install option, the server ignores the 
 [mysqld] option group and instead reads options from the group that has the same 
 name as the service. The server reads options from the standard option files.
 # If you specify a --defaults-file option after the service name, the server ignores 
 the standard option files and reads options only from the [mysqld] group of the 
 named file.


It sounds like MySQL uses the service name to determine the section of the my.cnf file 
to pull its settings from. The service name can be set when using the --install 
option. Follow the second like for an example my.cnf file.

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Re: Space Column

2004-01-12 Thread robert_rowe

Just enclose the column name in backticks (upper left key on your keyboard just below 
ESC). Be warned that if you do this you will ALWAYS have to refer to this column using 
the backticks. It would be MUCH better to remove the space from the name. You might 
consider using an underscore instead.

mysql CREATE TABLE g1 (`p1 GEOMETRY`);

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Re: Can't create Database

2004-01-12 Thread robert_rowe

It looks like you didn't specify a user. Try this:

mysql -u root -p

It will prompt you for the password that you set up for the root account. After you 
enter it you will get a mysql prompt. 

Now type:

create database newdatabase;

This will create a new database called newdatabase. You can list the databases that 
the current user has access to by issuing the show databases; command. Type quit to 
exit the mysql client program.

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Re: What Does This Mean

2004-01-12 Thread robert_rowe

Did you set a password for the root account? MySQL comes with a root user that 
(initially) has no password and all privileges. Most setup instructions have you 
assign a password to the root account pretty early on.

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Re: Mysql Problem...

2004-01-10 Thread robert_rowe

Did you stop and restart the server while you had the client up? This will break the 
client's connection and force it to try and re-establish it.

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Re: New INstall of MySQL

2004-01-09 Thread robert_rowe

Comment out this line:

datadir = c:/SQLData

in the my.ini file in your windows (winnt) folder and remove the my.cnf from your c:\.

Start the server.

The default location of the data folder is c:/mysql/data. You told it to look in 
c:/SQLData and it can't find it's security database. Also you should have either 
my.ini OR my.cnf. Not both.

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Re: MySQL Service starts and then Stops

2004-01-09 Thread robert_rowe

Could you post the contents of you my.cnf (or my.ini) file? What OS are you trying to 
run the server on?

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Re: How 'if not exists' implemented in MySQL?

2004-01-08 Thread robert_rowe

First, please be aware that MySQL 5.0 is an alpha release. It is very young and there 
may still be some unresolved issues. It is not generally recommended to use alpha 
releases in production situations. Besides, anything that can be done in a stored 
procedure can be implemented in client side code.

That said, the If Exists is used with Create and Drop statements. I don't think that 
you can use it to determine the rows returned by a select statement. 

There may be other techniques but this is what I'd do:

Take your select query any convert it to a count(*) query and use Select Into to store 
the count in a variable. Use this variable in your if statement.

See this chapter in Select Into:

If it isn't possible to turn your query into a count(*) then you might try using 
FOUND_ROWS(). See this chapther for more info:

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Re: Knowing the real size of a column

2004-01-08 Thread robert_rowe

If you are using ADO then the field object has an actualsize property that should give 
you your value.

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Re: When does using multiple databases make sense?

2004-01-08 Thread robert_rowe

In our accounting software our users can manage the books for several different 
companies with the same program. As such I have to keep a field (in every record) that 
designates which company the given record is for and use it for report filtering, 
lookups, etc. Had I used a different database for each company then I would not need 
the overhead of this field. We chose the company field over the multiple databases 
because many of our clients are vertically integrated and do cross charging (an entry 
from one company posts to another company). This inter-company stuff is easy if the 
data is all in one database but we always have to remember to filter by the company 
field everywhere else. If I had it to do over again I'd probably use multiple 

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2004-01-08 Thread robert_rowe

I don't think that Linux uses GUID's. They are a Microsoft construct. I just searched 
the MySQL manual and it doesn't mention them. What are you using them for? There may 
be an equivilent available.

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Re: Problem displaying 'count'

2004-01-08 Thread robert_rowe

It sounds like Zeos is checking the value of the number and reducing it's data type if 
it can (for efficiency I guess). If cast isn't available in your version of MySQL you 
might try Convert().

Here's a manual link:

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Re: consistency checking InnoDB tables

2004-01-08 Thread robert_rowe

I had the same question a while back and I was told that InnoDB does this 
automatically. There are no utilities that I could find.

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Re: consistency checking InnoDB tables

2004-01-08 Thread robert_rowe

Thanks for the correction. I didn't think to check InnoDB's docs. MySQL's docs don't 
mention this. Sorry for leading you astray Joshua.

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Re: How 'if not exists' implemented in MySQL?

2004-01-08 Thread robert_rowe

Stored procedures are MySQL are real new so I don't have much experience with them 
yet. The manual does seem to include some good info but I haven't delved too deeply. 
MaxDB is actually a separate DB. It is a re-brand of SAP DB. You might look for SAP DB 
info. It would probably apply to MaxDB.

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Re: How to find if the value returned is numeric

2004-01-07 Thread robert_rowe

That depends on what language you are using to return the query results. Visual Basic 
is an IsNumeric function. I'm sure other languages have something similiar. What are 
you using?

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Re: [mysql] Dump table _files_ to a text file?

2004-01-07 Thread robert_rowe

Just copy the database folder to your new server. If they are not corrupt then they 
should be accessible from your new server.

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Re: Multiple sums in one query

2004-01-07 Thread robert_rowe

Are you wanting to do this in one query? You could put an order by on your second 
query. The first row returned by it should be what you are after.

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Re: Multiple sums in one query

2004-01-07 Thread robert_rowe

Sorry, I didn't look closely enough at your two queries. I don't believe that you will 
be able to get your desired results from one query. Besides it is usually better to 
execute 2 queries that are simplier than one that is very complex.

Robert Rowe
--- Aleksander Wang-Hansen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Yes, I want to do it in one query. And the second query I made should only 
 return one row anyway. But I want both the value I select in my first query, 
 and the value I select in my second query, from one query. Getting it from 
 two isn't a problem, but I can't seem to figure out how to get it from only 
 one query.
 Original Message Follows
 From: robert_rowe [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Re: Multiple sums in one query
 Date: Wed,  7 Jan 2004 13:46:02 -0500
 Are you wanting to do this in one query? You could put an order by on your 
 second query. The first row returned by it should be what you are after.
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Re: Bet the Business

2004-01-06 Thread robert_rowe

I'm lead developer for a company that writes custom software for the mining industry. 
We support MSSQL and MySQL. I've found that from a programming aspect (VB + ADO) there 
is relatively little difference between MSSQL and MySQL. There is some sight syntax 
differences and MySQL versions  5.0 do not support stored procedures. We use the 
InnoDB table type for MySQL as it provides row level locking and transactions. Our 
largest client has about 1 gig of data and averages 125 users. I've found that MySQL 
usually out performs MSSQL if you tune it properly and use good programming 
techniques. It is less integrated with Microsoft products though so if your clients 
will be accessing the data via MS Office applications then MSSQL will seem easier. We 
offer both platforms mainly because a lot of IT managers are convinced that Microsoft 
solutions are the best even when benchmarks say different.

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Re: transaction support

2004-01-06 Thread robert_rowe

Direct your developer to This site is dedicated to supporting 
developers who want to use MySQL with VB. We will be happy to help him with anything 
he runs into while writing your system for you.

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Re: Database Update Notification

2004-01-06 Thread robert_rowe

MySQL 5.0 does support triggers. It is still alpha though. 

You might try using a timestamp field and polling your tables at intervals. It won't 
be real time but it might be close enough.

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Re: Bet the Business

2004-01-06 Thread robert_rowe

Back to stored procedures for a second. I use them with MSSQL. For certain tasks they 
greatly improve performance because I don't have to move all the data client side. For 
the vast majority of tasks though stored procedures yeild little performance gain. 

I've seen systems that (designed as Microsoft suggests) wrapped all SQL usage in 
stored procedures. This is nonsense. 

Also, stored procedure have two very important liabilities: they break the n-tier 
model and they expose source code to the customer (if you sell your app). If you 
change your back end then you get to re-write all your stored procedures (I had to do 
this once). I routinely get calls from IT managers who have looked at my stored 
procedures and have questioned why I did so and so. This forces me to research it and 
come up with a reasonable answer. 

In my opinion the performance gain of stored procedures are rarely worth the headaches 
so their lack of them in MySQL is really not a problem. 

Will I use them in MySQL 5.0? Probably, but only when justified.

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Re: Help with Query

2004-01-06 Thread robert_rowe

Try single quotes around  instead of double quotes.

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Re: Escaping single quotes

2004-01-06 Thread robert_rowe

You could always write your own function to do the escaping for you. This following 
link is an example written in VB that you could adapt to whatever language you are 

Here is another way of doing it if you can link to the libmySQL.dll (or equivilent in 
your OS).

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Re: struggling newbie - datetime or timestamp problem

2004-01-05 Thread robert_rowe

Your easiest route would be to make createddate a DATETIME field and update it 
yourself when you insert a record. You can then make updateddate a TIMESTAMP and let 
MySQL set it to NOW() automatically for you by not specifying it in any of your insert 
or update queries. If you made them both timestamps then both fields would get updated 
as the record changes. Play with it some and you'll see how it behaves.

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Re: newbie FTP question

2004-01-05 Thread robert_rowe

If you are using the MyISAM table type and have FTP access to the MySQL data folder 
then you can just upload the database folder to your server.

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Re: Table: NULL (yes or no)

2004-01-05 Thread robert_rowe

Null means no data entered. If Null is allowed and you don't specifically set a 
field to a value then it will be Null. If Null is not allowed then the field will be 
assigned its default value unless you specifically set it to something during an 

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Re: Binary Log replay utility?

2004-01-05 Thread robert_rowe

I would greatly appreciate your notes if you are willing to post them. I'm currently 
preparing for the core exam.

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Re: connecion error

2004-01-04 Thread robert_rowe

It sounds like you need to set up your security permissions. See the section of the 
manual on grant:

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Re: Extracting images from blob fields.

2004-01-04 Thread robert_rowe

You need to select into dumpfile instead of outfile. See the section of the manual on 
select syntax:

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Re: Importing dates from access

2004-01-04 Thread robert_rowe

If your MySQL field is date or datetime then MySQL will store whatever date your put 
in the field. If you use a timestamp field then MySQL will set this field to the 
current datetime on an insert or update unless you specifically set it to something. 

See this section of the manual for more information.

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Re: Oracle nvl function equivalent.

2004-01-04 Thread robert_rowe

What does nvl do? Here is a list of the functions from the MySQL manual:

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Re: Help:)

2004-01-03 Thread robert_rowe

Issuing this command:

 mysqlSET PASSWORD FOR 'root'@'localhost' = PASSWORD xx

set your password to xx

You will need to use 

mysql -u root -p xx

from the local machine to get access with the root user.


mysql -u root -p

is specifying a blank password.

I believe that this:

mysql -u root 

will prompt you for the password without echoing it to the screen.

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Re: Subtracting date fields

2004-01-03 Thread robert_rowe

Just try to access the databases with the permissions that you had previously set up. 
If you can then it worked okay. If you can't then use grant to set your permissions up 

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2004-01-03 Thread robert_rowe

Both your client and your server must have the local flag turned on. Check phpMyAdmin 
to see if there is an option to turn this on for the client side. I use ADO/ODBC and I 
have to create a my.cnf file on the client machine with local infile=1(ON) in the 
[client] section and tell the ODBC driver to use local settings. The PHP API surely 
has something similar.

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Re: Alter table and setup Default value

2004-01-03 Thread robert_rowe

This worked for me:

ALTER TABLE `test` CHANGE `somefield` `somefield` enum('new','used') DEFAULT 'new' 

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Re: Broadcast to search available MySQL Server in Network?

2004-01-02 Thread robert_rowe

Have you tried this code using:

 hostaddr.sin_port :=htons(3306);

I've never done this but the code looks like it is checking the appropriate port on 
all machines found. See what happens when you use the MySQL default port.

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Re: my.cnf

2004-01-02 Thread robert_rowe

The correct entries for your my.cnf will vary depending on which features that you 
want to support. There is no standard contents. See the manual for the chapters on 
installation, configuration and optimization. Most distributions come with sample cnf 
files called: my-huge.cnf, my-large.cnf, my-medium.cnf and my-small.cnf. Where they 
will be located will vary depending on the distribution but they shouldn't be too hard 
to find.

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Re: Trouble With Counting New Documents With Complex Query

2004-01-02 Thread robert_rowe

One other thing to check is that there are indexes on the fields in the other tables 
that you are joining to. 

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Re: Cannot connect on the internet...Do I need to open a port on my router?

2003-12-29 Thread robert_rowe

If remote clients will connect directly to your MySQL server then you will need to 
open port 3306. If you are only going to access MySQL via server side scripts (PHP) 
then you will not need to open this port as the scripts will connect to the localhost. 

If you cannot see your web site then it sounds like a configuration problem with 
Apache. You might check your Apache config file. You might also check your firewall 
and router settings to make certain that port 80 is open.

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Re: Load Data Local Infile problem

2003-12-12 Thread robert_rowe

This is from the manual. See the 3rd paragraph.

 The REPLACE and IGNORE keywords control handling of input records that duplicate 
 existing records on unique key values.
 If you specify REPLACE, input rows replace existing rows (in other words rows that 
 has the same value for a primary or unique index as an existing row). See section 
 6.4.7 REPLACE Syntax.
 If you specify IGNORE, input rows that duplicate an existing row on a unique key 
 value are skipped. If you don't specify either option, the behavior depends on 
 whether or not the LOCAL keyword is specified. Without LOCAL, an error occurs when a 
 duplicate key value is found, and the rest of the text file is ignored. With LOCAL, 
 the default behavior is the same as if IGNORE is specified; this is because the 
 server has no way to stop transmission of the file in the middle of the operation.

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Re: SORTing / LIMITing on max(fieldname) blah-blah

2003-12-12 Thread robert_rowe

One thing that I see is that you are using an alias in your where clause.

From the manual:
 It is not allowed to use a column alias in a WHERE clause, because the column value 
 may not yet be determined when the WHERE clause is executed. See section A.5.4 
 Problems with alias.

The other thing that I see is that Max() is an aggregate function and that you do not 
have a group by clause. I would think that this query wouldn't run at all.

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Re: SORTing / LIMITing on max(fieldname) blah-blah

2003-12-12 Thread robert_rowe

Or you could use a subquery:

SELECT id, image, width, height FROM images
WHERE reference_number=(Select max(id) From images) 
ORDER BY image

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Re: MySql died a hard death after using grant and won't restart

2003-12-12 Thread robert_rowe

You might consider using Grant instead of editing the permissions table manually. 
Follow this link for the appropriate section of the manual:

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Re: plz help a newbie

2003-12-12 Thread robert_rowe

Here is a link to the MySQL manual. Lots of good info here. l

The max size of a varchar is 255 characters. You will want to use one of the text data 
types if you are going to store long articles. I suggest mediumtext. You can find the 
exact maximum sizes in the manual under the data types section.

A timestamp column gets automatically updated to now on inserts and updates unless you 
explictly set it to something. Datetime fields just store a datetime (you update them 
to whatever you want).

I don't understand what you meant by this. Can you give an example?
 I have these type of associations supported by mysql
 1:1 (Non-Identyfying)
 1:1 (Descendent Obj.)
 What are the differences among them? Especially the last one?

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Re: Index before or after inserts?

2003-11-28 Thread robert_rowe

If you are using the Load Data function then it doesn't matter. Load Data turns 
indexing off and then rebuilds them at the end. If you are using normal inserts then 
add the indexes after the import.

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