Re: Spontaneous corrupted tables on MyISAM with 5.0.x release

2008-01-31 Thread Markus Fischer

Hi Gerald, Michael,

Gerald L. Clark wrote:

Never put MySQl data files on an NFS exported share.

Michael Dykman wrote:
 This is a bit of a generalization, but file locks are known to be
 pretty flakey and unreliable under NFS..  any kind of serious load
 begs races conditions which file locks normally sort out.  I have had
 similar very bad luck using MySQL across NFS.

Thanks for the input. I've talked with our Hoster, they told me that, 
technically, whether the mount points are directly mounted via NFS or whether 
they're VMware discs doesn't matter: the product operates solely on NFS, 
they're no real physical drives involved ...

- Markus

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Spontaneous corrupted tables on MyISAM with 5.0.x release

2008-01-30 Thread Markus Fischer


our scenario (was):
server1: 5.0.32-Debian_7etch1-log
server2: 5.0.32-Debian_7etch1-log

Hardware-wise (attention, Vmware, see below) they're equal: ~1GHz CPU at at 
minimum 2GB ram.

Suddenly about 4 to 6 weeks ago, server1 started getting serious problems with 
 spontaneous corrupted tables, so that in the end our hoster upgrade server1 
to 5.0.51-2-log what we're currently running.

Unfortunately, things haven't changed a bit. server2 is running different 
databases/applications, some tables are replicated from server1 to server2, 
some from server2 to server1. However, server2, as far as I can remember, 
never had those spontaneous table problems and still hasn't (yet).

Both servers are running on VMware (I think ESX is the product our Hoster is 
using) and the MySQL data files are on a NFS exported share. Those 
share/fileserver is reported to be some kind of Ueber-Beast-Killer-Maschine. 
All servers running in Vmware don't contain virtual Vmware hard discs but have 
NFS mounted root and data, etc. partitions.

We're very often, daily!, getting spontaneous corrupted tables on the server 
with the version which gets us really in trouble.

The only pattern so far:
1) it only affects MyISAM tables
2) once converted to InnoDB, no troubles (so far)

Unfortunately there are tables we weren't able to convert because they contain 
an fulltext index. Interestingly, once we converted all (except mentioned) 
tables in a database, the remaining MyISAM tables won't crash anymore (so far).

Besides this, there's no distinct pattern, because we get crashes
* on high and low traffic tables
* on intensive and non-intensive write tables
* on big (range between 100 and 150MB) and small tables

It often occurred that a simple REPAIR table statement didn't always helped. 
 Sometimes EXTENDED was required, sometimes an offline repair with the 
myisamchk had to be done.

The tables didn't crash because the whole MySQL server went down, this was 
while the server was running.

We've been running the applications using the databases for years. The were 
two major changes during the last year:

* our moved the MySQL server from a physical machine to Vmware
* we upgraded (better, let our Hoster upgrade) from some MySQL4 version to the 
mentioned versions above.

We don't use any fancy stuff, more or less simple SELECT, DELETE, UPDATE, 
INSERT. No Subselects, no triggers, no stored procedures, no key constraints, 
etc, no locking, no REPLACE.

Our Hoster refers to the following MySQL bugs

However specially for 33596 I don't see any related information because this 
issue described there never applied.

For 28154: Unfortunately I don't remember seeing this 127 error, however if it 
ever occurred, then only a long time ago. Recent errors are just corrupted 
tables once we start seeing problems in our web application. Our thread cache 
size is 128. Mentioned in #28154 is . 
I think that's the reason why our Hoster upgraded to 5.0.51.

For what it matters, I just can't believe that MyISAM is to blame completely 
at fault. If it had that problems I just couldn't believe this was in a stable 
product. I'm really curious to just to fix the problems but also find out what 
the cause really is.

I would be glad for any help on this matter and I'm happy to provide any 
information you want.

- Markus

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Corrupted Tables, was:Memory Problems

2007-05-18 Thread Christoph Klünter
On Tuesday 15 May 2007 14:36:45 Mathieu Bruneau wrote:
 Hi, yeah, apparenlty you're running into the 32 bits memory liimt. Note
 thta some memory is allocated for the OS so you don't even have the full
 4GB of ram you can technically adressesed.

 The 64 bits os would increase this limit to 64gb++ (on 64 bits hardware)

 Good luck!
Ok, changed OS to 64bit. But didn't have any luck at all :-(
Upgrade was fine, used a dump to import all the data, and when everything was 
running, I got following error:

May 16 22:47:09 sql mysqld[15259]: 070516 22:47:09 [ERROR] /usr/sbin/mysqld: 
Got error 134 from storage engine
May 16 22:47:09 sql mysqld[15259]: 070516 22:47:09 [ERROR] /usr/sbin/mysqld: 
Sort aborted

So I stopped the database, did a myisamchk and everythind was fine again. For 
about two minutes. Then these
errors occured again. First error 134 (Record was already deleted (or record 
file crashed)) and after a while
the tables could not be accessed anymore:
May 16 23:12:03 sql mysqld[15259]: 070516 23:12:03 [ERROR] /usr/sbin/mysqld: 
Got error 127 from storage engine
May 16 23:12:03 sql mysqld[15259]: 070516 23:12:03 [ERROR] /usr/sbin/mysqld: 
Sort aborted

Repairing the tables worked. But it would take just some minutes until the 
tables got corrupted again.

I tried mysql-5.0 from debian etch (5.0.32) ,4.1 from debian sarge (4.1.11) and 
5.0 from debian-testing (5.0.38).
All the same.  Any hints anybody ?


mysql show variables;
| Variable_name   | Value   |
| back_log| 50  |
| basedir | /usr/   |
| binlog_cache_size   | 32768   |
| bulk_insert_buffer_size | 8388608 |
| character_set_client| latin1  |
| character_set_connection| latin1  |
| character_set_database  | latin1  |
| character_set_results   | latin1  |
| character_set_server| latin1  |
| character_set_system| utf8|
| character_sets_dir  | /usr/share/mysql/charsets/  |
| collation_connection| latin1_swedish_ci   |
| collation_database  | latin1_swedish_ci   |
| collation_server| latin1_swedish_ci   |
| concurrent_insert   | ON  |
| connect_timeout | 5   |
| datadir | /var/lib/mysql/ |
| date_format | %Y-%m-%d|
| datetime_format | %Y-%m-%d %H:%i:%s   |
| default_week_format | 0   |
| delay_key_write | ON  |
| delayed_insert_limit| 100 |
| delayed_insert_timeout  | 300 |
| delayed_queue_size  | 1000|
| expire_logs_days| 0   |
| flush   | OFF |
| flush_time  | 0   |
| ft_boolean_syntax   | + -()~*:|  |
| ft_max_word_len | 84  |
| ft_min_word_len | 4   |
| ft_query_expansion_limit| 20  |
| ft_stopword_file| (built-in)  |
| group_concat_max_len| 1024|
| have_archive| YES |
| have_bdb| NO  |
| have_blackhole_engine   | NO  |
| have_compress   | YES |
| have_crypt  | YES |
| have_csv| YES |
| have_example_engine | NO  |
| have_geometry   | YES |
| have_innodb | YES |
| have_isam   | YES |
| have_ndbcluster | DISABLED|
| have_openssl| NO  |
| have_query_cache| YES |
| have_raid   | YES |
| have_rtree_keys | YES |
| have_symlink| YES |
| init_connect| |
| init_file

Re: corrupted tables

2007-03-19 Thread Steve Musumeche
How about your disk space?  I had a similar problem on a large table and 
it ended up being caused by filling up the disk.

Steve Musumeche
CIO, Internet Retail Connection

Octavian Rasnita wrote:

From: Steve Edberg [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sometimes I see that some tables from my database get corrupted. Why 
does this happpen and how can I avoid it?
It is not hard to go and use repair table but it seems that in 
this way some records could be deleted and this is not ok.
If I want to have a very secure database, can I use MySQL? I hope 
the answer won't be that I need to make backups regularily.

You'll have to give us some more least:

* What MySQL version, OS platform, and file system used for database?

I am using MySQL 5, under Fedora Core 4, installed with its default 

* Does this happen at a regular time, or apparently randomly?

It happends apparently randomly. Sometimes I just see that the 
programs are not working. Sometimes I can do some simple queries in 
the table with problems (like select count(*) from table_name), and 
the query works fine, but only when trying some more complex queries I 
can find that the table is corrupt and I need to fix it.
Sometimes after fixing the table no records are deleted, but sometimes 
one or more records are deleted after fixing it.

* Does this happen to the same tables all the time, or is that random 
as well?

I found that it happends in more tables, but especially with one of 
them. That table has more than 2 million records and it is a MyISAM 
table. Should I use InnoDB instead? (Or another storage system?)
That table is updated by a single program which runs continuously a 
few hours every day, and the program add (just addings and no updates) 
aproximately 1 records in those few hours... so they are not very 
very many.

But other programs query that table very often.

* Is this a precompiled binary from MySQL or did you build it yourself?

It is a precompiled version from MySQL.

I could see that if you compiled it yourself against some buggy 
libraries you could have problems; perhaps a cronjob is doing some 
copy/restore process on the underlying files without shutting mysql 
down or flushing logs; perhaps a lot of things...more information is 

I have also seen (in most of the tables if not all) that after using 
check table table_name for the first time, I receive the message 
that the table was not closed by a few processes (from 2 to 6 
processes). If I use that query a second time, I receive the message 
that the table is ok, and that message doesn't appear again.

It has been my experience (on Windows NT, Solaris and Linux 
platforms) that MySQL  has been one of the more reliable programs out 
there. Even after system crashes I haven't lost any data; a repair 
table and index rebuild fixed things.

Yes in some cases it is the same for me, but after reparing a table, 
sometimes it tells me that some records were deleted because before 
that repair query the number of records reported is bigger.


Thank you.


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corrupted tables

2007-03-16 Thread Octavian Rasnita


Sometimes I see that some tables from my database get corrupted. Why does 
this happpen and how can I avoid it?
It is not hard to go and use repair table but it seems that in this way 
some records could be deleted and this is not ok.
If I want to have a very secure database, can I use MySQL? I hope the answer 
won't be that I need to make backups regularily.

Thank you.


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Re: corrupted tables

2007-03-16 Thread John Nichel

Octavian Rasnita wrote:


Sometimes I see that some tables from my database get corrupted. Why 
does this happpen and how can I avoid it?
It is not hard to go and use repair table but it seems that in this 
way some records could be deleted and this is not ok.
If I want to have a very secure database, can I use MySQL? I hope the 
answer won't be that I need to make backups regularily.

This speaks nothing to the security or reliability of MySQL (or any 
other crucial/sensitive information), but why wouldn't you want to make 
regular backups?  You could have the most reliable piece of software out 
there, but that won't help you when a hard drive fails.

John C. Nichel IV
Programmer/System Admin
Dot Com Holdings of Buffalo

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Re: corrupted tables

2007-03-16 Thread Steve Edberg

At 6:56 PM +0200 3/16/07, Octavian Rasnita wrote:


Sometimes I see that some tables from my database get corrupted. Why 
does this happpen and how can I avoid it?
It is not hard to go and use repair table but it seems that in 
this way some records could be deleted and this is not ok.
If I want to have a very secure database, can I use MySQL? I hope 
the answer won't be that I need to make backups regularily.

You'll have to give us some more least:

* What MySQL version, OS platform, and file system used for database?
* Does this happen at a regular time, or apparently randomly?
* Does this happen to the same tables all the time, or is that random as well?
* Is this a precompiled binary from MySQL or did you build it yourself?

I could see that if you compiled it yourself against some buggy 
libraries you could have problems; perhaps a cronjob is doing some 
copy/restore process on the underlying files without shutting mysql 
down or flushing logs; perhaps a lot of things...more information is 

It has been my experience (on Windows NT, Solaris and Linux 
platforms) that MySQL  has been one of the more reliable programs out 
there. Even after system crashes I haven't lost any data; a repair 
table and index rebuild fixed things.


+--- my people are the people of the dessert, ---+
| Steve Edberg |
| UC Davis Genome Center[EMAIL PROTECTED] |
| Bioinformatics programming/database/sysadmin (530)754-9127 |
+ said t e lawrence, picking up his fork +

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Re: corrupted tables

2007-03-16 Thread Octavian Rasnita

From: Steve Edberg [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sometimes I see that some tables from my database get corrupted. Why does 
this happpen and how can I avoid it?
It is not hard to go and use repair table but it seems that in this way 
some records could be deleted and this is not ok.
If I want to have a very secure database, can I use MySQL? I hope the 
answer won't be that I need to make backups regularily.

You'll have to give us some more least:

* What MySQL version, OS platform, and file system used for database?

I am using MySQL 5, under Fedora Core 4, installed with its default options.

* Does this happen at a regular time, or apparently randomly?

It happends apparently randomly. Sometimes I just see that the programs are 
not working. Sometimes I can do some simple queries in the table with 
problems (like select count(*) from table_name), and the query works fine, 
but only when trying some more complex queries I can find that the table is 
corrupt and I need to fix it.
Sometimes after fixing the table no records are deleted, but sometimes one 
or more records are deleted after fixing it.

* Does this happen to the same tables all the time, or is that random as 

I found that it happends in more tables, but especially with one of them. 
That table has more than 2 million records and it is a MyISAM table. Should 
I use InnoDB instead? (Or another storage system?)
That table is updated by a single program which runs continuously a few 
hours every day, and the program add (just addings and no updates) 
aproximately 1 records in those few hours... so they are not very very 

But other programs query that table very often.

* Is this a precompiled binary from MySQL or did you build it yourself?

It is a precompiled version from MySQL.

I could see that if you compiled it yourself against some buggy libraries 
you could have problems; perhaps a cronjob is doing some copy/restore 
process on the underlying files without shutting mysql down or flushing 
logs; perhaps a lot of things...more information is needed.

I have also seen (in most of the tables if not all) that after using check 
table table_name for the first time, I receive the message that the table 
was not closed by a few processes (from 2 to 6 processes). If I use that 
query a second time, I receive the message that the table is ok, and that 
message doesn't appear again.

It has been my experience (on Windows NT, Solaris and Linux platforms) 
that MySQL  has been one of the more reliable programs out there. Even 
after system crashes I haven't lost any data; a repair table and index 
rebuild fixed things.

Yes in some cases it is the same for me, but after reparing a table, 
sometimes it tells me that some records were deleted because before that 
repair query the number of records reported is bigger.


Thank you.


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Re: Mysql 4.0.4 + InnoDB leads to corrupted tables ?

2002-10-14 Thread Andrea Forghieri

Thank you very much Heikki.

Your suggestions are useful. I also noticed
that the use on symlinks are somehow deprecated
with the last releases of Mysql.

Concerning the problem :
I lately discovered that the Air Conditioning of
the servers room was OFF, thus there where some
40° (we could have grown orchards in there  ;-)  ).

After restoring the AC, MySql and InnoDb are back to businness !!

As far as I am concerned everithing is running fast and safe an smooth.


Andrea Forghieri


- Original Message -
From: Andrea Forghieri [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Newsgroups: mailing.database.mysql
Sent: Saturday, October 12, 2002 2:02 AM
Subject: Mysql 4.0.4 + InnoDB leads to corrupted tables ?


 I recently updated from 4.0.3 do 4.0.4 .
 everithing was running fast ans smooth (as always).

 Then I enabled for the first time the InnoDB feature.

 I was surprised to find out that everithing worked fine
 from the very beginning.

 The next day I start having handler error on non-inno tables of
 other databases !

 I ran myisamchk to check and fix the tables : there where the majority of
 the tables
 with index probles.

 I restarted mysql WITHOUT innodb support, everithing was OK again.

 I restarted mysql WITH innodb and I had the most of the tables (especially
 the big ones)
 corrupted again.

 I decided not use innodb :-(

 What could be wrong ?

this is the first case I hear that InnoDB could corrupt MyISAM tables.
 The only peculiar thing is that the db that (should) make use of innodb
 tables ,
 has 2 MYISAM tables linked (ln -s) from another DB.

Do you access the SAME MyISAM table BOTH from that other database AND from
the database to which it is linked?

If yes, MySQL does not know that they are actually the same table, and you
will get corruption if you update the table in both databases. MySQL caches
MyISAM index pages to key_buffer.

 Could this be the tricky combo ?

Try putting a table to only one database. You can refer to a table in
another database with


There is really no reason to link a table so that it is 'seen' in two

If this symlinking is not the bug, then the next step is to upgrade your
Linux kernel. There appear to be lots of file i/o bugs in different Linux
hardware/driver/kernel combinations.

 The following is the configuration of the cpu that runs mysql :

 OS : Linux (Mandrake 8.2) kernel 2.4.3-20
 Mysql : 4.0.4
 CPU : Pentium III 800
 RAM : 127 Mb

 Best Regards
 Andrea Forghieri
 Emmegi S.p.A.

Best regards,

Heikki Tuuri
Innobase Oy
sql query

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Re: Mysql 4.0.4 + InnoDB leads to corrupted tables ?

2002-10-13 Thread Heikki Tuuri


- Original Message -
From: Andrea Forghieri [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Newsgroups: mailing.database.mysql
Sent: Saturday, October 12, 2002 2:02 AM
Subject: Mysql 4.0.4 + InnoDB leads to corrupted tables ?


 I recently updated from 4.0.3 do 4.0.4 .
 everithing was running fast ans smooth (as always).

 Then I enabled for the first time the InnoDB feature.

 I was surprised to find out that everithing worked fine
 from the very beginning.

 The next day I start having handler error on non-inno tables of
 other databases !

 I ran myisamchk to check and fix the tables : there where the majority of
 the tables
 with index probles.

 I restarted mysql WITHOUT innodb support, everithing was OK again.

 I restarted mysql WITH innodb and I had the most of the tables (especially
 the big ones)
 corrupted again.

 I decided not use innodb :-(

 What could be wrong ?

this is the first case I hear that InnoDB could corrupt MyISAM tables.
 The only peculiar thing is that the db that (should) make use of innodb
 tables ,
 has 2 MYISAM tables linked (ln -s) from another DB.

Do you access the SAME MyISAM table BOTH from that other database AND from
the database to which it is linked?

If yes, MySQL does not know that they are actually the same table, and you
will get corruption if you update the table in both databases. MySQL caches
MyISAM index pages to key_buffer.

 Could this be the tricky combo ?

Try putting a table to only one database. You can refer to a table in
another database with


There is really no reason to link a table so that it is 'seen' in two

If this symlinking is not the bug, then the next step is to upgrade your
Linux kernel. There appear to be lots of file i/o bugs in different Linux
hardware/driver/kernel combinations.

 The following is the configuration of the cpu that runs mysql :

 OS : Linux (Mandrake 8.2) kernel 2.4.3-20
 Mysql : 4.0.4
 CPU : Pentium III 800
 RAM : 127 Mb

 Best Regards
 Andrea Forghieri
 Emmegi S.p.A.

Best regards,

Heikki Tuuri
Innobase Oy
Order technical MySQL/InnoDB support at
See for the online manual and latest news on InnoDB

sql query

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Mysql 4.0.4 + InnoDB leads to corrupted tables ?

2002-10-13 Thread Andrea Forghieri


I recently updated from 4.0.3 do 4.0.4 .
everithing was running fast ans smooth (as always).

Then I enabled for the first time the InnoDB feature.

I was surprised to find out that everithing worked fine
from the very beginning.

The next day I start having handler error on non-inno tables of
other databases !

I ran myisamchk to check and fix the tables : there where the majority of
the tables
with index probles.

I restarted mysql WITHOUT innodb support, everithing was OK again.

I restarted mysql WITH innodb and I had the most of the tables (especially
the big ones)
corrupted again.

I decided not use innodb :-(

What could be wrong ?
I set all the variables according to MySQL manual. I did not use extreme
memory settings.
I created all the requested directories.

The only peculiar thing is that the db that (should) make use of innodb
tables ,
has 2 MYISAM tables linked (ln -s) from another DB.

Could this be the tricky combo ?

The following is the configuration of the cpu that runs mysql :

OS : Linux (Mandrake 8.2) kernel 2.4.3-20
Mysql : 4.0.4
CPU : Pentium III 800
RAM : 127 Mb

Best Regards
Andrea Forghieri
Emmegi S.p.A.

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Corrupted tables -- for 'no apparent' reason

2001-09-07 Thread Mark Papadakis


We are using mySQL on over 6 servers here, we have been doing so for over 2 years, and 
we are constaly facing problems with corrupted tables, especially on two of our 
busiest servers. 
Tables seem to corrupt out of the blue and we have to shut them down ( the servers ) 
occassionaly to fix all tables and then bring them up again.

This is really not something we want to do, bringing down a server that is, so we were 
wondering if we are doing something wrong. There must be other users of mySQL using it 
for far most difficult tasks who maybe faced the same problems once but managed to 
solve them. 

We are using mySQL 3.23.41. Tables corruptions occur regardless the server's 
configuration ( even on a system with PIII@1MhzX2 with 1.5G RAM we get those problems 
) so maybe there is something wrong with the startup options we are using for mySQLd.

This is how we start mySQLd.

--skip-locking -O back_log=1024 -O table_cache=280 -O max_connections=2048 -O 
wait_timeout=30 -O interactive_timeout=30 -O long_query_time=2 
--log-slow-queries=slow.log --big-tables

Please reply to [EMAIL PROTECTED] Thank you in advance,

Mark Papadakis

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Re: Corrupted tables -- for 'no apparent' reason

2001-09-07 Thread Jeremy Zawodny

On Fri, Sep 07, 2001 at 10:29:31AM +0300, Mark Papadakis wrote:
 We are using mySQL on over 6 servers here, we have been doing so for
 over 2 years, and we are constaly facing problems with corrupted
 tables, especially on two of our busiest servers.  Tables seem to
 corrupt out of the blue and we have to shut them down ( the servers
 ) occassionaly to fix all tables and then bring them up again.

What Operating System?

 We are using mySQL 3.23.41. Tables corruptions occur regardless the
 server's configuration ( even on a system with PIII@1MhzX2 with 1.5G
 RAM we get those problems ) so maybe there is something wrong with
 the startup options we are using for mySQLd.

This clearly shouldn't be happening.

What table formats are you using?  ISAM?  MyISA?  InnoDB?

Jeremy D. Zawodny, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Technical Yahoo - Yahoo Finance
Desk: (408) 349-7878   Fax: (408) 349-5454   Cell: (408) 685-5936

MySQL 3.23.41-max: up 1 days, processed 18,317,521 queries (186/sec. avg)

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Re: Corrupted tables -- for 'no apparent' reason

2001-09-07 Thread Adams, Bill TQO

Mark Papadakis wrote:

 We are using mySQL on over 6 servers here, we have been doing so for over 2 years, 
and we are constaly facing problems with corrupted tables, especially on two of our 
busiest servers.
 Tables seem to corrupt out of the blue and we have to shut them down ( the servers ) 
occassionaly to fix all tables and then bring them up again.

I have found that sometimes (esp. with older versions of MySQL which is not the case 
for you) that the only way to either repair or permanently repair a table is to 
dump/drop/reload the table and data.  I had some instances a number of years back 
where the table would
repair and be okay with isamchk but would, at a random time, be corrupted again.  
Doing the dump, etc. fixed the problem.


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Re: Corrupted tables

2001-01-24 Thread Mikel King

I've had some db corruption on a few occasions, and luckily I was running the
following in a nightly has since first install saved my butt on
many an occasion. It
doesn't do anything magickal just uses mysqldump and a basic routine to auto
discover the databases in your db and print them into straight sql...I have
another cron job that runns shortly after that tars the data to tape and then
they can be erased from disk...


"Kissandrakis S. George" wrote:


 I have mysql 3.23.31 on x86 linux
 Some big tables .ISM get corrupted without any crash or shutdown of
 Any suggestions?

 Kissandrakis S. George [[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Network and System Administrator   []
 Tel/Fax: (+30 892) 24450/23206
 Phaistos Networks S.A. - A DOL Digital Company

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RE: TRUNCATE causes corrupted tables

2001-01-19 Thread Steven Roussey


No, I can't repeat it on command, sorry.

However, I can give a little more info. When inserting, the index file got
bigger. It was the data file that was set to 0 bytes, but did not get bigger
on inserts. Doing a repair fixed it.

I have some tables truncated via scripts, so I turned on mysql's auto repair
feature so it can deal with it rather than me.


Steven Roussey

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