Re: MySQL and phpMyAdmin

2005-03-21 Thread Gleb Paharenko

I think you should rebuild php with the 4.1.10 libraries.

Search in the archives at

about successful solution for similar problem(s). See:

Asad Habib <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I just installed phpMyAdmin, made the appropriate changes in the

> file, and got the following error when accessing it via

> both IE and Safari on Mac OS X Panther client.


> #1251 - Client does not support authentication protocol requested by

> server; consider upgrading MySQL client


> I am using MySQL 4.1.10, the latest stable release, with

> phpMyAdmin-2.6.1-pl3, which the documentation says are compatible. Any

> help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.


> - Asad


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Re: MySQL and phpMyAdmin

2005-03-19 Thread Karam Chand
Even I had the same problem so I moved to using SQLyog
and its an awesom client.

--- Asad Habib <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I just installed phpMyAdmin, made the appropriate
> changes in the
> file, and got the following error
> when accessing it via
> both IE and Safari on Mac OS X Panther client.
> #1251 - Client does not support authentication
> protocol requested by
> server; consider upgrading MySQL client
> I am using MySQL 4.1.10, the latest stable release,
> with
> phpMyAdmin-2.6.1-pl3, which the documentation says
> are compatible. Any
> help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
> - Asad
> -- 
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Re: MySQL and phpMyAdmin

2005-03-19 Thread Michael Stassen
Did you try searching on the error message first?  I got hundreds of hits in 
Google for this.  Searching the mysql docs, the first hit 
 has the explanation.

The short version is that password security has been improved in mysql 4.1, 
so clients need to be compiled against a 4.1 mysql client library to work. 
Your copy of php, however, is compiled against an older version of the 
client library (probably 3.23).

You can tell mysql to accept old-style passwords (details in the 
documentation linked above)for one or all users, but the better solution is 
to fix your copy of php, either by installing a php package pre-compiled 
against the newer client library, or by building php from source yourself 
using your copy of the mysql client library.  Either way, you can find 
directions at the php site and elsewhere.

Asad Habib wrote:
I just installed phpMyAdmin, made the appropriate changes in the file, and got the following error when accessing it via
both IE and Safari on Mac OS X Panther client.
#1251 - Client does not support authentication protocol requested by
server; consider upgrading MySQL client
I am using MySQL 4.1.10, the latest stable release, with
phpMyAdmin-2.6.1-pl3, which the documentation says are compatible. Any
help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
- Asad
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MySQL and phpMyAdmin

2005-03-19 Thread Asad Habib
I just installed phpMyAdmin, made the appropriate changes in the file, and got the following error when accessing it via
both IE and Safari on Mac OS X Panther client.

#1251 - Client does not support authentication protocol requested by
server; consider upgrading MySQL client

I am using MySQL 4.1.10, the latest stable release, with
phpMyAdmin-2.6.1-pl3, which the documentation says are compatible. Any
help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

- Asad

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Re: Mysql and PHPMYadmin

2004-08-03 Thread Barry Zimmerman
Quick question if anyone can help.

I was reading through the manual and it states something about the character
sets being different from mysql version 4 to version 4.1.1

We have just upgraded from 4 to version 4.1.1 and are having problems with
accent characters on our database table. Some fields import with the correct
characters yet the one field called description of type TEXT does not insert
with the characters instead it puts a ? in its place.

Could the effect of this from the manual:
Finally, there is a different file format for storing information about
character sets and collations. Make sure that you have reinstalled the
Œ/share/mysql/charsets/¹ directory
containing the new configuration files.

Cause this to happen?

Please help.


Barry Zimmerman

> From: Victor Pendleton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: Mon, 2 Aug 2004 13:46:02 -0500
> To: "'Barry Zimmerman '" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, "'[EMAIL PROTECTED] '"
> Subject: RE: Mysql and PHPMYadmin
> Do you know the ASCII values for the characters that are being turned into
> question marks? Are you able to verify that the data is not be imported by
> querying the underlying ascii value?
> -Original Message-----
> From: Barry Zimmerman
> Sent: 8/2/04 1:00 PM
> Subject: Mysql and PHPMYadmin
> Hi,
> Hoping that someone can help me, as I have tried everywhere for help and
> still cannot get this to work.
> I am using MySQL 4.1.1
> I have a sql file that contains french accent characters. I have 8
> fields in
> my database. Now the content of the text file imports into my database,
> when
> I import the text into the database some fields enter the accent
> characters
> correctly and others do not.
> The field type varchar imports the text no problem.
> The field type text does not, it converts my accents into ? and does not
> import them.
> I have tried to change the character sets and this also does not work.
> Does
> anyone know how I can solve this problem. Also what is the correct
> character
> set and collation for french characters.
> Please could someone help.
> Thanks
> Barry
> --
> Barry Zimmerman
> Administrator
> --
> -- 
> MySQL General Mailing List
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RE: Mysql and PHPMYadmin

2004-08-02 Thread Victor Pendleton
Do you know the ASCII values for the characters that are being turned into
question marks? Are you able to verify that the data is not be imported by
querying the underlying ascii value? 

-Original Message-
From: Barry Zimmerman
Sent: 8/2/04 1:00 PM
Subject: Mysql and PHPMYadmin


Hoping that someone can help me, as I have tried everywhere for help and
still cannot get this to work.

I am using MySQL 4.1.1

I have a sql file that contains french accent characters. I have 8
fields in
my database. Now the content of the text file imports into my database,
I import the text into the database some fields enter the accent
correctly and others do not.

The field type varchar imports the text no problem.

The field type text does not, it converts my accents into ? and does not
import them.

I have tried to change the character sets and this also does not work.
anyone know how I can solve this problem. Also what is the correct
set and collation for french characters.

Please could someone help.


Barry Zimmerman

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Mysql and PhpMyadmin problem

2004-08-02 Thread Barry Zimmerman

Hoping that someone can help me, as I have tried everywhere for help and
still cannot get this to work.

I am using MySQL 4.1.1

I have a sql file that contains french accent characters. I have 8 fields in
my database. Now the content of the text file imports into my database, when
I import the text into the database some fields enter the accent characters
correctly and others do not.

The field type varchar imports the text no problem.

The field type text does not, it converts my accents into ? and does not
import them.

I have tried to change the character sets and this also does not work. Does
anyone know how I can solve this problem. Also what is the correct character
set and collation for french characters.

Please could someone help.


Barry Zimmerman

MySQL General Mailing List
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Mysql and PHPMYadmin

2004-08-02 Thread Barry Zimmerman

Hoping that someone can help me, as I have tried everywhere for help and
still cannot get this to work.

I am using MySQL 4.1.1

I have a sql file that contains french accent characters. I have 8 fields in
my database. Now the content of the text file imports into my database, when
I import the text into the database some fields enter the accent characters
correctly and others do not.

The field type varchar imports the text no problem.

The field type text does not, it converts my accents into ? and does not
import them.

I have tried to change the character sets and this also does not work. Does
anyone know how I can solve this problem. Also what is the correct character
set and collation for french characters.

Please could someone help.


Barry Zimmerman

MySQL General Mailing List
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urgent problem with mysql and phpmyadmin

2002-02-21 Thread Victoria Reznichenko


Thursday, February 21, 2002, 3:31:16 AM, you wrote:

AB> I have created a table in the mysql db, using phpmyadmin with the following
AB> statement:

AB> create table books
AB> ( isbn char(13) not null,author char(30),title(60),price float(4,2),primary
AB> key(isbn));

AB> which works fine and creates the table i need the problem comes when i try
AB> to insert some values into the price column using the phpmyadmin form, if
AB> for example i try to enter the price 34.99 it will only allow me to enter
AB> 34.9, and then when i go to the browse feature it shows the value as 34.90
AB> any ideas on what's going wrong???

I have tested it and it worked fine.
What version of MySQL do you use?

AB> any help would be much apprecited.
AB> thanks

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RE: urgent problem with mysql and phpmyadmin

2002-02-20 Thread David McInnis

My guess. . . 

I have seen this problem with other databases . . . don't know if it is
true for MySQL as well.  Try to change to your field definition to
float(5,2) as it may be counting the (.) as part of your field size.

So if you number is xx.xx you will need 5,2.  4,2 would give you xx.x

David McInnis

-Original Message-
From: Andrew Bunkell [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: Wednesday, February 20, 2002 5:31 PM
Subject: urgent problem with mysql and phpmyadmin

I have created a table in the mysql db, using phpmyadmin with the

create table books
( isbn char(13) not null,author char(30),title(60),price

which works fine and creates the table i need the problem comes when i
to insert some values into the price column using the phpmyadmin form,
for example i try to enter the price 34.99 it will only allow me to
34.9, and then when i go to the browse feature it shows the value as
any ideas on what's going wrong???
any help would be much apprecited.

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urgent problem with mysql and phpmyadmin

2002-02-20 Thread Andrew Bunkell

I have created a table in the mysql db, using phpmyadmin with the following

create table books
( isbn char(13) not null,author char(30),title(60),price float(4,2),primary

which works fine and creates the table i need the problem comes when i try
to insert some values into the price column using the phpmyadmin form, if
for example i try to enter the price 34.99 it will only allow me to enter
34.9, and then when i go to the browse feature it shows the value as 34.90
any ideas on what's going wrong???
any help would be much apprecited.

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Using MySQL and phpmyadmin 2.2

2002-01-22 Thread Mark Stringham

I am running MySQL and using phpmyadmin 2.2 as the GUI.
I noticed that if there is a lot of db activity - the "overhead" increases
on various tables.

What causes "overhead" ? I have looked into the MySQL docs and haven't
really found much of an answer.
Any help is appreciated.


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