Re: Database Encryption

2002-03-03 Thread BD


At 10:02 AM 3/3/2002 , you wrote:
In an effort to encrypt private data in my database (national id numbers, 
credit card numbers, passwords) I have had to resort to writing code in my 
application using the Blowfish algorithm.  Is there any facility for doing 
this within MySQL (on Windows)?  Any third party tools out there?  For 
speed reasons, I don't want to encrypt everything, just the private data 
in database?

If I have to use the Blowfish algorithm in my client app, is there any 
standard way of handling keys.  I realize this opens up a huge area, but I 
was curious if there are any simple ways of key handling short of storing 
it in the executable code of the client app.

What can I say except perhaps, Good Luck.g

Blowfish isn't as secure as Triple-DES  but if you're only protecting 
against wanna-be hackers it should be ok.  You have to weigh the level of 
security you need against the speed of the algorithm. It would be really 
nice if MySQL supported table wide encryption so if someone found a 
backdoor into your data directory, all of your data would be safe from 
prying eyes. Also if someone broke in and stole your server, table wide 
encryption will slow them down. Table wide encryption is also needed on web 
servers where you may be sharing database files with other web applications.

There are a lot of problems involved in trying to encrypt individual 
columns, especially if they are indexed. Read on.

Because MySQL doesn't support table wide encryption, you're going to have 
to program your encrypt/decrypt function every time you update, insert, or 
select data (which is a real pain). The more programs you have accessing 
the database, the bigger the pain. This is going to be  made easier once 
triggers are implemented. You didn't say if this was a web application or 
not. If you're using PHP then there is a PHP library called php_mcrypt.dll 
that you can use. It has several encryption algorithms including blowfish. 
You will need to compile it for Windows because the binaries are not 

When the data field is encrypted, so is the corresponding index. This is 
fine from a security standpoint, but limits the usefulness of indexes.This 
means to search for an encrypted customer#, you will have to encrypt the 
customer # you are searching for, before it gets put into the Select 

$CustId = ToSQLText(Encrypt(1342, secretpw));
$Sql = select * from customer where cust_id = $CustId;

The ToSQLText function will escape any quotes and other binary characters 
(like returns/linefeeds) that may be generated by the encryption algorithm. 
Now this also presents a problem. Encrypting a number like 1342 will 
usually produce binary unprintable characters and would be invalid 
characters for MySQL Integer or other Numeric column types. So that means 
changing your column types to character for the encrypted fields (OUCH!), 
or find an encryption algorithm that does not produce binary characters. 
Perhaps one that just scrambles the text from this is a test to s sttahi 
its e or from 1234 to 3241. That way you can keep your same data types. 
(before anyone blows a gasket, the pw would not use the same pattern each 
time!)  As for your Char and VarChar columns, if you encrypt them to binary 
data then these columns will have to be set to Binary.

Of course encrypting indexes also means you can't do ranges like Select 
cust_id from table where cust_id  100; won't work any more because 
encrypted data is random. Once the data is retrieved by the Select 
statement, you will need to decrypt the fields. In PHP you would return the 
results in an array and decrypt the encrypted fields. Of course you also 
need to know if the wrong password was given because then you don't want to 
decrypt the fields into garbage because then it would be re-encrypted to 
garbage when the record is saved with the wrong password, then no one will 
be able to access the encrypted data.

So encrypting individual fields is wrought with problems. I would not 
recommend it unless it was really necessary and you're willing to spend the 
time and effort implementing it. :(

Also, while we are on the subject, any recommendations of inexpensive SSH 
server (and client) software for connecting two Windows 98 machines?

Win'98? Yikes! Why not just put your database in a cardboard box and put it 
on the stoop? It would probably offer more security especially if you use 
thick corrugated cardboard.g

You shouldn't use Win'98 because the operating system doesn't have any real 
If you're serious about security, upgrade to Win2k (XP?) which has much 
better security. Their NTFS drives can also be encrypted at the OS level 
(you need to check around to see if there is any problem running MySQL on 
an encrypted NTFS partition).  NTFS encrypted drives won't stop everyone, 
but it will slow most people down. You can also run Apache on Win2k and 
that is capable of SSH. You don't need to use IIS or PWS with 

No Database Encryption

2001-12-12 Thread James McLaughlin

The new programmer for our company is not using the dataType password or 
any encryption what so ever for our user accounts (accounts that our 
customers use for getting into our system) in our database.

Instead he is using the VarChar dataType.

Can someone explain to me how I can exploit this and show them it is very 



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Re: No Database Encryption

2001-12-12 Thread tc lewis

it's not all that dangerous.  it just means that you can read your users'
passwords.  anyone who can read that db table can become any of your
users.  password fields are just another safeguard against a just in case
someone gets read access to this scenario.  they also serve to provide
more privacy to your users.  re: some of your users may not want you / the
admins of whatever service you're providing being able to read their

but maybe you want to be able to read your users' passwords, for testing
purposes or whatever.


On Wed, 12 Dec 2001, James McLaughlin wrote:

 The new programmer for our company is not using the dataType password or
 any encryption what so ever for our user accounts (accounts that our
 customers use for getting into our system) in our database.

 Instead he is using the VarChar dataType.

 Can someone explain to me how I can exploit this and show them it is very



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Re: No Database Encryption

2001-12-12 Thread Dan Nelson

In the last episode (Dec 12), James McLaughlin said:
 The new programmer for our company is not using the dataType
 password or any encryption what so ever for our user accounts
 (accounts that our customers use for getting into our system) in our
 Instead he is using the VarChar dataType.
 Can someone explain to me how I can exploit this and show them it is
 very dangerous.  

It's only dangerous if a customer can trick your web frontend into
displaying the output of SELECT * FROM USERS, for example.  If the
frontend only uses hardcoded queries, or quotes every user-supplied
parameter, there's no problem.  In fact, you need the password in
plaintext to support a I forgot my password; email it to me feature.

Dan Nelson

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Re: No Database Encryption

2001-12-12 Thread Doug Thompson

1.  Read the manual sections concerning setting up new accounts with special emphasis 
on passwords.
2.  When you thoroughly understand those matters, take the issue to the system 
administrator and/or management.



Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about 
the former. 
-- Albert Einstein 

On Wed, 12 Dec 2001 15:55:04 -0700, James McLaughlin wrote:

The new programmer for our company is not using the dataType password or 
any encryption what so ever for our user accounts (accounts that our 
customers use for getting into our system) in our database.

Instead he is using the VarChar dataType.

Can someone explain to me how I can exploit this and show them it is very 



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RE: No Database Encryption

2001-12-12 Thread Duncan Maitland

 It's only dangerous if a customer can trick your web frontend 
 into displaying the output of SELECT * FROM USERS, for 
 example.  If the frontend only uses hardcoded queries, or 
 quotes every user-supplied parameter, there's no problem.  In 
 fact, you need the password in plaintext to support a I 
 forgot my password; email it to me feature.

To explain further, MySQL account passwords are encrypted using the
(one-way) password function. This works in a similar way to the UNIX
passwd file so that people who do have access to the mysql.user table
(possibly through a read-only backup account or whatever) can't (without
a lot of effort) get any unencrypted passwords back, so they can't log
in to the database as another user.

You could use PASSWORD to encrypt passwords for user accounts in your
database app if there is any chance that unauthorised people could
access the table, otherwise it is not necessary. (Plus there is the
issue of staff turnover mentioned earlier).

As a side note, absolutely *all* user-supplied parameters should be
verified. Sure, you can quote, but what if a user paramater includes
something like

abc; delete from customers; .

The quote has been closed, and then the user can do anything he likes.
You also need to scan the user input for special characters like  and
then escape them (\), something which PHP will do for you (if you have
it configured that way).

from Duncan

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