Re: Perl with MySQL

2004-09-13 Thread Egor Egorov

Just go to

You will need to download DBI and DBD::Mysql. Then you could install it manually, 
even no need to run the CPAN shell. 

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Re: Perl with MySQL

2004-09-10 Thread gerald_clark
This is the 3rd time you have asked this.
Perhaps you should take it to a perl list where it belongs.
Kirti S. Bajwa wrote:
I am trying to install Perl support with MySQL. After installing MySQL
(v4.0.20)I run the following commands:
% echo $PATH
% perl -MCPAN -e shell
Note: Answer “no” to auto-configure perl.
cpan> install Data::Dumper
(Upto this point. Following commands are not run yet.)  
cpan> install Bundle::DBI
cpan> install Bundle::DBD::mysql
cpan> quit
Today, when I tried to install Perl using the above sequence of commands.
However, after I entered the third command "cpan> install Data::Dumper";, a
message was displayed indicating that there is a new version of perl & it
canbe installed by using the command "cpan> install Bundle::CPAN". Well, I
changed the commands to as follows:
% echo $PATH
% perl -MCPAN -e shell
Note: Answer “no” to auto-configure perl.
cpan> install Data::Dumper
cpan> install Bundle::CPAN   
cpan> install Bundle::DBI
cpan> install Bundle::DBD::mysql
cpan> quit
I am not sure if the above command sequence is correct or not? I know about
Perl as much as I know about brain surgery. However, I am willing to read if
I know where. 

Thanks in advance.
PS: I have no idea id I posted this or not. So if it is duplicate, please

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RE: Perl with MySQL

2004-09-09 Thread Kirti S. Bajwa

I am trying to install Perl support with MySQL. After installing MySQL
(v4.0.20)I run the following commands:

% echo $PATH
% perl -MCPAN -e shell
Note: Answer “no” to auto-configure perl.
cpan> install Data::Dumper
(Upto this point. Following commands are not run yet.)  
cpan> install Bundle::DBI
cpan> install Bundle::DBD::mysql
cpan> quit

Today, when I tried to install Perl using the above sequence of commands.
However, after I entered the third command "cpan> install Data::Dumper";, a
message was displayed indicating that there is a new version of perl & it
canbe installed by using the command "cpan> install Bundle::CPAN". Well, I
changed the commands to as follows:

% echo $PATH
% perl -MCPAN -e shell
Note: Answer “no” to auto-configure perl.
cpan> install Data::Dumper
cpan> install Bundle::CPAN  
cpan> install Bundle::DBI
cpan> install Bundle::DBD::mysql
cpan> quit

I am not sure if the above command sequence is correct or not? I know about
Perl as much as I know about brain surgery. However, I am willing to read if
I know where. 

Thanks in advance.


PS: I have no idea id I posted this or not. So if it is duplicate, please

MySQL General Mailing List
For list archives:
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RE: Perl with MySQL

2004-09-08 Thread Kirti S. Bajwa

I am trying to install Perl support with MySQL. After installing MySQL
(v4.0.20)I run the following commands:

% echo $PATH
% perl -MCPAN -e shell
Note: Answer “no” to auto-configure perl.
cpan> install Data::Dumper
(Upto this point. Following commands are not run yet.)  
cpan> install Bundle::DBI
cpan> install Bundle::DBD::mysql
cpan> quit

Today, when I tried to install Perl using the above sequence of commands.
However, after I entered the third command "cpan> install Data::Dumper";, a
message was displayed indicating that there is a new version of perl & it
canbe installed by using the command "cpan> install Bundle::CPAN". Well, I
changed the commands to as follows:

% echo $PATH
% perl -MCPAN -e shell
Note: Answer “no” to auto-configure perl.
cpan> install Data::Dumper
cpan> install Bundle::CPAN  
cpan> install Bundle::DBI
cpan> install Bundle::DBD::mysql
cpan> quit

I am not sure if the above command sequence is correct or not? I know about
Perl as much as I know about brain surgery. However, I am willing to read if
I know where. 

Thanks in advance.


MySQL General Mailing List
For list archives:
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Re: Perl with Mysql

2002-10-03 Thread Amer Neely

> HI all
> I'm trying to do the following
> # want to select (just preparing) every thing from the table PERSON 
> where i don't know the deptID yet.
> $per = $dbh->prepare("SELECT * FROM person WHERE deptID = ?");
> # selecting deptID from the table ACCOUNT, say  with some condition
> $acc = $dbh->prepare("SELECT deptID FROM account WHERE ;   
> $acc->execute()
> or die "Can't execute the SQL statment: $DBI::errstr\n";
> while ( @accRow = $acc->fetchrow_array ) {
> # For each deptID I get from the ACCOUNT table, I want all the info from 
> the PERSON table
> $per->execute($accRow[0] )
> or die "Can't execute the SQL statment: 
> $DBI::errstr\n";

The statements above are all part of a subroutine, and not meant to be
executed as individual commands. Here's what is on the page you

sub age_by_id 
# Arguments: database handle, person ID number
my ($dbh, $id) = @_;
my $sth = $dbh->prepare('SELECT age FROM people WHERE id = ?')
or die "Couldn't prepare statement: " . $dbh->errstr;
or die "Couldn't execute statement: " . $sth->errstr;
my ($age) = $sth->fetchrow_array();
return $age;

You have to pass this subroutine 2 arguments when you execute it: $dbh
and $id before it will work. 
/* All outgoing email scanned by Norton Antivirus 2002 */
Amer Neely, Softouch Information Services
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Perl | PHP | MySQL | CGI programming for all data entry forms.
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