Re: getting procedure code via mysqldump

2011-03-30 Thread Joerg Bruehe
Hi all!

John G. Heim wrote:
> From: "Claudio Nanni" 
> [[...]]
>> In case you use a linux or unix system, to strip off the comments in
>> linux
>> bash is very easy, you can use this simple bash command:
>> grep -v "^/\*" yourdumpfile.sql > yourdumpfilewithoutcomments.sql
> That didn't work because there are comments embedded in the line that
> creates the procedure. For example:
> /*!50003 CREATE*/ /*!50020 DEFINER=`root`@`localhost`*/ /*!50003
> That's all one line. It will probably wrap in my  message. But the line
> begins with a /* so its removed by your grep command.

No member of the "grep" family is the right tool for this, as they
always take (or ignore) whole lines.

This is a job for "sed" - try this (tested just on that single line):

  sed '1,$s=/\*![3-6][0-9]* \([^*]*\)\*/=\1 =g' noversion.sql


Joerg Bruehe,  MySQL Build Team,
ORACLE Deutschland B.V. & Co. KG,   Komturstrasse 18a,   D-12099 Berlin
Geschaeftsfuehrer: Juergen Kunz, Marcel v.d. Molen, Alexander v.d. Ven
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Re: getting procedure code via mysqldump

2011-03-30 Thread John G. Heim

From: "Claudio Nanni" 
To: "Shawn Green (MySQL)" 
Cc: "John G. Heim" ; 
Sent: Wednesday, March 30, 2011 2:01 AM
Subject: Re: getting procedure code via mysqldump

In case you use a linux or unix system, to strip off the comments in linux
bash is very easy, you can use this simple bash command:

grep -v "^/\*" yourdumpfile.sql > yourdumpfilewithoutcomments.sql

That didn't work because there are comments embedded in the line that 
creates the procedure. For example:

/*!50003 CREATE*/ /*!50020 DEFINER=`root`@`localhost`*/ /*!50003 PROCEDURE 

That's all one line. It will probably wrap in my  message. But the line 
begins with a /* so its removed by your grep command.

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Re: getting procedure code via mysqldump

2011-03-30 Thread Johan De Meersman
Might it not be easier to use something like "show create procedure" instead? 
Given that the purpose is debugging, I would assume you want the exact text 
used to create the procedure, not the one with version-specifics removed.

You can still pump that into a file by using "mysql -e 'show create procedure 
procname\G' dbname > outputfile.sql". There will still be a bit of superfluous 
information as this is an information request, but that should be easily 
removed with some sed hacking.

- Original Message -
> From: "Claudio Nanni" 
> To: "Shawn Green (MySQL)" 
> Cc: "John G. Heim" ,
> Sent: Wednesday, 30 March, 2011 9:01:06 AM
> Subject: Re: getting procedure code via mysqldump
> In case you use a linux or unix system, to strip off the comments in
> linux
> bash is very easy, you can use this simple bash command:
> grep -v "^/\*" yourdumpfile.sql > yourdumpfilewithoutcomments.sql
> this will create a new dump without comments.
> Cheers
> Claudio
> 2011/3/30 Shawn Green (MySQL) 

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Is als mosterd by den wyn
Sy die't drinkt, is eene kwezel
Hy die't drinkt, is ras een ezel

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Re: getting procedure code via mysqldump

2011-03-30 Thread Claudio Nanni
In case you use a linux or unix system, to strip off the comments in linux
bash is very easy, you can use this simple bash command:

grep -v "^/\*" yourdumpfile.sql > yourdumpfilewithoutcomments.sql

this will create a new dump without comments.



2011/3/30 Shawn Green (MySQL) 

> On 3/29/2011 19:09, John G. Heim wrote:
>> I would like to use mysqldump to get a copy of the code for a stored
>> procedure in a format that is similar to the code I used to create it.
>> The problem is that I'm blind and I have to listen to the code to debug
>> it. I think I have a file containing the code that I used to create the
>> stored procedure but I want to make absolutely sure.
>> This is what I've tried:
>> mysqldump --p --routines --no-create-info --no-data --no-create-db
>> --skip-opt --skip-comments --compatible=ansi --result=routines.sql
>> My problem is that generates a file with a lot of lines I don't
>> understand. for example:
>> /*!50003 CREATE*/ /*!50020 DEFINER=`root`@`localhost`*/ /*!50003
>> That appears to be the line to create the stored procedure
>> 'timetable_sync'. But what's with all the other stuff on that line? Can
>> i get rid of it?
> As Claudio mentioned, those are version-sensitive comments. In order for a
> MySQL server to not ignore the comment, it must be a version equal to or
> greater than the value tagged in the comment.
> For example, stored procedures did not exist before version 5.0.3 . So all
> of the stored procedure will be enclosed with comments that look like
> /*!50003   */
> We enhanced the security of the stored procedures themselves by adding the
> DEFINER= option to the definition. We did this in version 5.0.20. That is
> why that part of the stored procedure was dumped using the comment tags
> /*!50020   */
> Unfortunately, I have no way at this time to separate the version-specific
> comments from the rest of the dump. Perhaps someone better than I at using
> grep, sed, or awk could produce a script to strip those comments and share
> with the list?
> Yours,
> --
> Shawn Green
> MySQL Principal Technical Support Engineer
> Oracle USA, Inc. - Hardware and Software, Engineered to Work Together.
> Office: Blountville, TN
> --
> MySQL General Mailing List
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Re: getting procedure code via mysqldump

2011-03-29 Thread Shawn Green (MySQL)

On 3/29/2011 19:09, John G. Heim wrote:

I would like to use mysqldump to get a copy of the code for a stored
procedure in a format that is similar to the code I used to create it.
The problem is that I'm blind and I have to listen to the code to debug
it. I think I have a file containing the code that I used to create the
stored procedure but I want to make absolutely sure.

This is what I've tried:

mysqldump --p --routines --no-create-info --no-data --no-create-db
--skip-opt --skip-comments --compatible=ansi --result=routines.sql

My problem is that generates a file with a lot of lines I don't
understand. for example:

/*!50003 CREATE*/ /*!50020 DEFINER=`root`@`localhost`*/ /*!50003

That appears to be the line to create the stored procedure
'timetable_sync'. But what's with all the other stuff on that line? Can
i get rid of it?

As Claudio mentioned, those are version-sensitive comments. In order for 
a MySQL server to not ignore the comment, it must be a version equal to 
or greater than the value tagged in the comment.

For example, stored procedures did not exist before version 5.0.3 . So 
all of the stored procedure will be enclosed with comments that look like

/*!50003   */

We enhanced the security of the stored procedures themselves by adding 
the DEFINER= option to the definition. We did this in version 5.0.20. 
That is why that part of the stored procedure was dumped using the 
comment tags

/*!50020   */

Unfortunately, I have no way at this time to separate the 
version-specific comments from the rest of the dump. Perhaps someone 
better than I at using grep, sed, or awk could produce a script to strip 
those comments and share with the list?

Shawn Green
MySQL Principal Technical Support Engineer
Oracle USA, Inc. - Hardware and Software, Engineered to Work Together.
Office: Blountville, TN

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Re: getting procedure code via mysqldump

2011-03-29 Thread Claudio Nanni
Hi John,
The lines you mention are comments , the comments in mysql sql files are
enclosed between two delimiters. The first is the sequence /* and the second
is the sequence */ ,  inside the comments you can have a marker constituted
by a ! and a number that represents a mysql version. These markers are used
to give instructions to specific mysql versions. When a mysql client reads a
sql file executes all commands enclosed plus the commented parts that
correspond to the server version. Usually you can delete those parts, since
in any case they are comments, but you should not need to delete them. I
hope I was enough clear,
My Android mobile soft keyboard is good, but not so inviting for writing
long messages!
On Mar 30, 2011 1:10 AM, "John G. Heim"  wrote:
> I would like to use mysqldump to get a copy of the code for a stored
> procedure in a format that is similar to the code I used to create it. The

> problem is that I'm blind and I have to listen to the code to debug it. I
> think I have a file containing the code that I used to create the stored
> procedure but I want to make absolutely sure.
> This is what I've tried:
> mysqldump --p --routines --no-create-info --no-data --no-create-db
> --skip-comments --compatible=ansi --result=routines.sql 
> My problem is that generates a file with a lot of lines I don't
> for example:
> /*!50003 CREATE*/ /*!50020 DEFINER=`root`@`localhost`*/ /*!50003 PROCEDURE

> That appears to be the line to create the stored procedure
> But what's with all the other stuff on that line? Can i get rid of it?
> --
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