optimizer bug in selecting fields that don´t belong to the index used by mysql/Innodb

2002-10-09 Thread rafarife


  We reported a problem about selecting fields that some of them didn´t belong to 
  the used index on September. 

  We have already installed MySql 4.0.4 and we have a similar problem 
  (and also we are still having the original problem) when we select fields which some 
of them
  don´t belong to the primary index that MySql should use in the search. In this 
  we haven´t any OR condition in the WHERE clause as we had in the query that we made 
  on September. Moreover, in this case MySQL doesn´t use any index when runs the 
query. So,
  we think this problem is bigger than the previous one.

  We have sent to ftp://support.mysql.com/pub/mysql/secret the table definition
  and data (albaranes.txt) in a compressed file named Albaranes.zip so you can
  reproduce the bug.

  We hope the test we are going to explain can help you to fix the bug.

  Now, the table definition is (we have got 45055 records)

CREATE TABLE `albaranes` (
  `Cli` varchar(6) NOT NULL default '',
  `Alb` varchar(8) NOT NULL default '',
  `Fac` varchar(8) NOT NULL default '',
  `Ped` varchar(8) NOT NULL default '',
  `Pis` char(2) NOT NULL default '',
  `Fec` date default NULL,
  `Dom` char(2) NOT NULL default '',
  `FoP` char(2) NOT NULL default '',
  `Ven` char(3) NOT NULL default '',
  `Rep` char(3) NOT NULL default '',
  `Ba1` decimal(20,4) NOT NULL default '0.',
  `Ba2` decimal(20,4) NOT NULL default '0.',
  `Ba3` decimal(20,4) NOT NULL default '0.',
  `Ba4` decimal(20,4) NOT NULL default '0.',
  `Iv1` float NOT NULL default '0',
  `Iv2` float NOT NULL default '0',
  `Iv3` float NOT NULL default '0',
  `Iv4` float NOT NULL default '0',
  `Re1` float NOT NULL default '0',
  `Re2` float NOT NULL default '0',
  `Re3` float NOT NULL default '0',
  `Re4` float NOT NULL default '0',
  `Dps` decimal(20,4) NOT NULL default '0.',
  `Dpj` double NOT NULL default '0',
  `Por` decimal(20,4) NOT NULL default '0.',
  `TCV` decimal(20,4) NOT NULL default '0.',
  `TCR` decimal(20,4) NOT NULL default '0.',
  `TBe` decimal(20,4) NOT NULL default '0.',
  `Nts` text,
  `GAS` decimal(20,4) NOT NULL default '0.',
  `ENV` varchar(40) NOT NULL default '',
  `NFV` tinyint(4) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
  `NFR` tinyint(4) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
  `Usuario` char(2) NOT NULL default '',
  `Tar` varchar(6) NOT NULL default '',
  `Umv` date default NULL,
  `Retenido` tinyint(4) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
  `Total` tinyint(4) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
  `Tipo_portes` tinyint(4) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
  `Agencia` char(2) NOT NULL default '',
  `Nom_agencia` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
  `Peso` float NOT NULL default '0',
  `Volumen` float NOT NULL default '0',
  `Num_expedicion` varchar(20) NOT NULL default '',
  `Instalacion` varchar(20) NOT NULL default '',
  `Bultos` smallint(6) NOT NULL default '0',
  `Doc_manual` varchar(8) NOT NULL default '',
  `Integrado` tinyint(4) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
  `Su_Pedido` varchar(40) NOT NULL default '',
  `RecalculaPreciosCompra` tinyint(4) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
  PRIMARY KEY  (`Alb`),
  UNIQUE KEY `Cliente` (`Cli`,`Alb`),
  UNIQUE KEY `FecCliAlb` (`Cli`,`Fec`,`Alb`),
  UNIQUE KEY `PorInstalacion` (`Cli`,`Instalacion`,`Fec`,`Alb`),
  UNIQUE KEY `PorSuPedido` (`Cli`,`Su_Pedido`,`Fec`,`Alb`),
  KEY `Facturas` (`Fac`)
) TYPE=InnoDB;

  And now the tests:

1) explain select * from albaranes where alb 'SA' limit 10
table=albaranes, type=ALL, possible_keys=PRIMARY,key=NULL,Key_len=NULL,
Time: 0.85 secs.

MySql must use the PRIMARY index !!!

2) explain select alb from albaranes where alb 'SA' limit 10
key_len=8,ref=NULL,rows=58698,Extra=where used; Using index.
Time:0.05 secs.

If we only select the ALB field which belongs to the PRIMARY INDEX,
the query runs okey.
3) explain select * from albaranes where alb 'BA' limit 10
key_len=8,ref=null,rows=41440,Extra=where used.
Time:0.10 secs.

The records with alb 'BA' are at the beginning of the table. This
is the difference between explain 1 and explain 3. 

 4) explain select * from albaranes where alb 'MA' limit 10
table=albaranes, type=ALL, possible_keys=PRIMARY,key=NULL,Key_len=NULL,
ref=NULL,rows=45240,Extra=where used.
Time: 0.80 secs.

MySql must use the PRIMARY index !!!

5) explain select * from albaranes where alb 'SB' limit 10
key_len=8,ref=null,rows=16224,Extra=where used.
Time:0.09 secs.

The records with alb'SB' are at the end of the table.

6) explain select * from albaranes where alb  'SB' limit 10
table=albaranes, type=ALL, possible_keys=PRIMARY,key=NULL,Key_len=NULL,

Re: optimizer bug in selecting fields that don´t belong to the index used by mysql/Innodb

2002-10-09 Thread Heikki Tuuri


I fixed the optimization of the ORDER BY ... LIMIT 50 query on the generated
'clientes' table you sent in September. The fix is in 3.23.53. It will favor
index range scans even more over full index scans.

But the underlying problem is in the MySQL optimizer. It does not realize
that it can use the LIMIT to restrict the number of rows to be fetched. That
may be fixed in 4.1 at the earliest.

I will take a look at the optimizer problem below.

Thank you,


Innobase Oy

- Original Message -
Sent: Wednesday, October 09, 2002 12:56 PM
Subject: optimizer bug in selecting fields that don´t belong to the index
used by mysql/Innodb


  We reported a problem about selecting fields that some of them didn´t
belong to
  the used index on September.

  We have already installed MySql 4.0.4 and we have a similar problem
  (and also we are still having the original problem) when we select fields
which some of them
  don´t belong to the primary index that MySql should use in the search. In
this query,
  we haven´t any OR condition in the WHERE clause as we had in the query
that we made
  on September. Moreover, in this case MySQL doesn´t use any index when runs
the query. So,
  we think this problem is bigger than the previous one.

  We have sent to ftp://support.mysql.com/pub/mysql/secret the table
  and data (albaranes.txt) in a compressed file named Albaranes.zip so you
  reproduce the bug.

  We hope the test we are going to explain can help you to fix the bug.

  Now, the table definition is (we have got 45055 records)

CREATE TABLE `albaranes` (
  `Cli` varchar(6) NOT NULL default '',
  `Alb` varchar(8) NOT NULL default '',
  `Fac` varchar(8) NOT NULL default '',
  `Ped` varchar(8) NOT NULL default '',
  `Pis` char(2) NOT NULL default '',
  `Fec` date default NULL,
  `Dom` char(2) NOT NULL default '',
  `FoP` char(2) NOT NULL default '',
  `Ven` char(3) NOT NULL default '',
  `Rep` char(3) NOT NULL default '',
  `Ba1` decimal(20,4) NOT NULL default '0.',
  `Ba2` decimal(20,4) NOT NULL default '0.',
  `Ba3` decimal(20,4) NOT NULL default '0.',
  `Ba4` decimal(20,4) NOT NULL default '0.',
  `Iv1` float NOT NULL default '0',
  `Iv2` float NOT NULL default '0',
  `Iv3` float NOT NULL default '0',
  `Iv4` float NOT NULL default '0',
  `Re1` float NOT NULL default '0',
  `Re2` float NOT NULL default '0',
  `Re3` float NOT NULL default '0',
  `Re4` float NOT NULL default '0',
  `Dps` decimal(20,4) NOT NULL default '0.',
  `Dpj` double NOT NULL default '0',
  `Por` decimal(20,4) NOT NULL default '0.',
  `TCV` decimal(20,4) NOT NULL default '0.',
  `TCR` decimal(20,4) NOT NULL default '0.',
  `TBe` decimal(20,4) NOT NULL default '0.',
  `Nts` text,
  `GAS` decimal(20,4) NOT NULL default '0.',
  `ENV` varchar(40) NOT NULL default '',
  `NFV` tinyint(4) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
  `NFR` tinyint(4) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
  `Usuario` char(2) NOT NULL default '',
  `Tar` varchar(6) NOT NULL default '',
  `Umv` date default NULL,
  `Retenido` tinyint(4) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
  `Total` tinyint(4) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
  `Tipo_portes` tinyint(4) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
  `Agencia` char(2) NOT NULL default '',
  `Nom_agencia` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
  `Peso` float NOT NULL default '0',
  `Volumen` float NOT NULL default '0',
  `Num_expedicion` varchar(20) NOT NULL default '',
  `Instalacion` varchar(20) NOT NULL default '',
  `Bultos` smallint(6) NOT NULL default '0',
  `Doc_manual` varchar(8) NOT NULL default '',
  `Integrado` tinyint(4) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
  `Su_Pedido` varchar(40) NOT NULL default '',
  `RecalculaPreciosCompra` tinyint(4) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
  PRIMARY KEY  (`Alb`),
  UNIQUE KEY `Cliente` (`Cli`,`Alb`),
  UNIQUE KEY `FecCliAlb` (`Cli`,`Fec`,`Alb`),
  UNIQUE KEY `PorInstalacion` (`Cli`,`Instalacion`,`Fec`,`Alb`),
  UNIQUE KEY `PorSuPedido` (`Cli`,`Su_Pedido`,`Fec`,`Alb`),
  KEY `Facturas` (`Fac`)
) TYPE=InnoDB;

  And now the tests:

1) explain select * from albaranes where alb 'SA' limit 10
table=albaranes, type=ALL, possible_keys=PRIMARY,key=NULL,Key_len=NULL,
Time: 0.85 secs.

MySql must use the PRIMARY index !!!

2) explain select alb from albaranes where alb 'SA' limit 10
key_len=8,ref=NULL,rows=58698,Extra=where used; Using index.
Time:0.05 secs.

If we only select the ALB field which belongs to the PRIMARY INDEX,
the query runs okey.

3) explain select * from albaranes where alb 'BA' limit 10
key_len=8,ref=null,rows=41440,Extra=where used.
Time:0.10 secs.

The records with alb 'BA' are at the beginning of the table. This
is the difference between 

optimizer bug in selecting fields that don´t belong to the index used by mysql/innodb

2002-09-23 Thread rafarife

  I wrote the following text in my last message (It was an answer to Monty):
 I have already sent to pub/mysql/secret the table definition and data 
and my.ini file in a compressed file named clientes.zip. 
You can import clientes.txt and test it.

I have the problem only with InnoDb tables.

I tell you my test with the above table clientes (

  InnoDB table
  I ran the following query:

  Select Cod,Nom,Nif,Nombre_comercial from Clientes Where (Nom = 'a2618' And 
  Cod'059336') Or Nom'a2618' Order by Nom ASC, Cod ASC Limit 50;

  Time:0.08 secs.
  Handler_read_next: 1850 

  tabletype   possible_keys   keykey_len  ref  rows Extra
  Clientes index PRIMARY,Nombre   Nombre 46   NULL 3899 where used

 I changed the table type to MyIsam (alter table clientes type=MyIsam),
 and I ran the above query:

 MyIsam table
 Select Cod,Nom,Nif,Nombre_comercial from Clientes Where (Nom = 'a2618' And 
 Cod'059336') Or Nom'a2618' Order by Nom ASC, Cod ASC Limit 50;

 Time:0.00 secs.
 Handler_read_next: 49

 tabletype   possible_keys   keykey_len  ref  rows Extra
 Clientes range  PRIMARY,Nombre  Nombre 46   NULL 4057 where used

 Thanks in advance,

  and I have received no answer, so, Have you received the file clientes.zip?
  Have you tested it?
  Let me know about it.

  Thanks in advance,

   Select Cod,Nom,Nif,Nombre_comercial from Clientes Where (Nom = 'a2618' And 
   Cod'059336') Or Nom'a2618' Order by Nom ASC, Cod ASC Limit 50;


Synopsis:optimizer bug in selecting fields that don´t belong to the index used by 

Submitter-Id:   submitter ID
Originator: Rafa
Organization:   Pecomark
MySQL support:  none
Severity:   non-critical
Priority:   medium
Category:   mysqld-max-nt
Class:  sw-bug
Release:mysqld 4.0.3 beta(InnoDB)

Exectutable:   mysqld-max-nt
Environment:   Pentium III-MMX, 500 MHZ, 540 MB
System:Windows 2000
Compiler:  -
Architecture:  i

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optimizer bug in selecting fields that don´t belong to the index used by mysql/innodb

2002-09-18 Thread Michael Widenius


 r == rafarife  [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:


rAnd now, the explain selects:

r   1) Slow query
r   explain Select Cod,Nom,Nif,Nombre_comercial from Clientes 
r  Where (Nom = 'GARCIA MANCILLA,S.L' And Cod'061642') 
r Or Nom'GARCIA MANCILLA,S.L' Order by Nom ASC, Cod ASC Limit 50;

r   tabletype   possible keys  keykey_len  refrowsExtra  
r   -   -  ------  ----
r   Clientes index  PRIMARY,Nombre Nombre   464039where used

The above explains what happens.  For some strange reason MySQL uses a
full index scan above instead of a 'range' query.

This really looks like a bug in the optimiser.

To solve this we would however need a copy of your tables to be able
to repeat this.

Can you please ftp them to ftp://support.mysql.com/pub/mysql/secret so
that we can try to fix ASAP ?


For technical support contracts, goto https://order.mysql.com/
   __  ___ ___   __
  /  |/  /_ __/ __/ __ \/ /Mr. Michael Widenius [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 / /|_/ / // /\ \/ /_/ / /__   MySQL AB, CTO
/_/  /_/\_, /___/\___\_\___/   Helsinki, Finland
   ___/   www.mysql.com

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   http://www.mysql.com/manual.php   (the manual)
   http://lists.mysql.com/   (the list archive)

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optimizer bug in selecting fields that don´t belong to the index used by mysql/innodb

2002-09-18 Thread Michael Widenius


 rafarife == rafarife  [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

rafarife  Description:
rafarife Hi Heikki,

rafarife I'm Lourdes and I work with Rafa in the MySQL project.

rafarife We have done what you have told us. We have run SHOW STATUS before
rafarife the query and we have obtained the next result:

Handler_read_next = 0

rafarife Handler_read_next = 1929

The above shows that MySQL had to read 1929 rows to satsify the query.

rafarife After doing this, we decided to create a new table like in your example with
rafarife the same records. Then, we execute the query:


rafarife The table definition is:

rafarife CREATE TABLE `clientes` (


In cases like this that are data dependent, it's not enough for us to
have the create table definition, we also need the data itself.

rafarife How-To-Repeat:
rafarifeSelect Cod,Nom,Nif,Nombre_comercial from Clientes Where (Nom = 'GARCIA 
MANCILLA,S.L' And Cod'061642') 
rafarife Or Nom'GARCIA MANCILLA,S.L' Order by Nom ASC, Cod ASC Limit 50;

To be able to find and fix the problem, we would need a copy the
tables involved used by your query. Can you please do the following:

- Make a mysqldump of your tables and make a README file of the above.
- Tar and gzip or zip the files.
- ftp the file to ftp://www.tcx.se/pub/mysql/secrent
- Send an email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] that you have uploaded a test

If you can do the above, we will try to fix the problem for next MySQL


For technical support contracts, goto https://order.mysql.com/
   __  ___ ___   __
  /  |/  /_ __/ __/ __ \/ /Mr. Michael Widenius [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 / /|_/ / // /\ \/ /_/ / /__   MySQL AB, CTO
/_/  /_/\_, /___/\___\_\___/   Helsinki, Finland
   ___/   www.mysql.com

Before posting, please check:
   http://www.mysql.com/manual.php   (the manual)
   http://lists.mysql.com/   (the list archive)

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optimizer bug in selecting fields that don´t belong to the index used by mysql/innodb

2002-09-17 Thread rafarife


1) There is only one record with 'GARCIA MANCILLA,S.L'.
2) Mysql reported 53 scanned rows when I ran your mock-up query on your mock-up 
table. This is ok.
3) I'm using mysql.exe client (sometimes I use front-end) and i don´t think it 
removes the LIMIT 50 
   from my query.
4) I'm using mysqld-max-nt 4.0.3 beta.

I have sent to pub/mysql/secret  the table clientes (clientes.txt) and the my.ini 
in the compressed file named clientes.zip.

I tell you my test.

a) I ran the following query:
Select Cod,Nom,Nif,Nombre_comercial from Clientes Where (Nom = 'a2618' And 
Or Nom'a2618' Order by Nom ASC, Cod ASC Limit 50;

Time:0.08 secs.
Handler_read_next: 1850 
(You can verify it through the file clientes.txt I sent)

b) I changed the table type to MyIsam, and I ran the above query:
Select Cod,Nom,Nif,Nombre_comercial from Clientes Where (Nom = 'a2618' And 
Or Nom'a2618' Order by Nom ASC, Cod ASC Limit 50;

Time:0.00 secs.
Handler_read_next: 49

So, I have no problems with your mock-up table because (I think) it has not too 
many fields.
Also, in my real table, the query is only slow with Innodb table handler. It's 
fast with MyIsam
table handler.

I would like you can guess what the problem is and I thank you for your attention. 

thanks in advance,

Select Cod,Nom,Nif,Nombre_comercial from Clientes Where (Nom = 'a2618' And 
Or Nom'a2618' Order by Nom ASC, Cod ASC Limit 50;


Synopsis:optimizer bug in selecting fields that don´t belong to the index used by 

Submitter-Id:   submitter ID
Originator: Rafa
Organization:   Pecomark
MySQL support:  none
Severity:   non-critical
Priority:   medium
Category:   mysqld-max-nt
Class:  sw-bug
Release:mysqld 4.0.3 beta(InnoDB)

Exectutable:   mysqld-max-nt
Environment:   Pentium III-MMX, 500 MHZ, 540 MB
System:Windows 2000
Compiler:  -
Architecture:  i

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