Re: [mythtv-users] Exit screen saver using remote control

2005-06-24 Thread John Williams
 I know I could program an unused key on the remote to send a
 signal to the IR keyboard's receiver, but ideally I'd like to make it
 so that any keypress on the remote wakes the system up. I had bad luck
 getting the remote to learn all of the keyboard signals which is why I
 went with the serial IR receiver. 

Do you have a JP1 capable remote. My remote strictly uses the keyboard
signals. I can bypass lirc altogether that way. I programmed it all in
the JP1 tools. Great stuff. Now pressing any button on the remote is
like pressing a key so the screensaver would go away if I had it
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Re: [mythtv-users] [OT] Radio Shack 15-2116 remote control

2005-06-23 Thread John Williams
On 6/23/05, Robert Tsai [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  15-2116 owner here:
 I'm pretty happy with the remote, except (heh) for one thing. I can't
 find a good/obvious button to emit the D key (delete recording).
 There is no Clear button (a la TiVo remote).
 For now, I just navigate my way through the menus, but it takes too
 many keystrokes to delete something. I plan to code something up to
 allow configuration of the the default Delete selection (Yes +
 Re-record, Yes, No), but I'd still like to hit D when watching
 the trailing credits of a recording.
 Any ideas from other 15-2116 owners?

I'm not a 15-2116 owner, but on my JP1 remote I created a macro for
delete. It hits escape, then right, then up (This gets you to the
delete selection), then right and then up again. This leaves me at the
delete recording prompt. I could get it to press right one more time
and it would do exactly what you are asking. May be a long way around,
but it doesn't require me programming another button I can't remember
where I put.

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Re: [mythtv-users] Preferred Infrared keyboard for training?

2005-06-17 Thread John Williams
  I have the BTC RF keyboard (and it's great), but it can't be

I have the Lite-On keyboard and it works great, sad to hear it has
been discontinued.

Try one more thing when trying to learn your remote. Try tapping the
key rather than holding the key as most remotes suggest. That allows
the keyboard to send the make and break signal while the remote is
still trying to learn.

 I second the JP1 comment. That is how I finally got my remote to work
correctly. It doesn't have the memory to hold it all. Also with the
comment about the manufacturer that probably made the lite on board I
would agree. That is the same model number my lite-on is.

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Re: [mythtv-users] Preferred Infrared keyboard for training?

2005-06-17 Thread John Williams
If you get this keyboard and it is like the lIte-On there is aready a
preprogrammed setup for it at Shoot me an email and
I'll give you some pointers when you get it in and get you JP1 remote.
I love my HT-Pro remote. It has enough space to do all your other
stuff too.


On 6/17/05, Grant McChesney [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On 6/17/05, Tim Tait [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Grant McChesney wrote:
  I'm looking for the preferred IR keyboard to train against a universal
  remote.  I have the BTC RF keyboard (and it's great), but it can't be
  The Lite-on Airboard looked good for this, but it is discontinued.
  Anyone have any recommendations for the best + reasonably priced IR
  keyboard for training? TIA.
  The Silitek SK-7551 (who I think actually made the Lite-on too) seem to
  work well enough, and is sold at least here:
  I have only had one problem, I can get my learning remote to send the
  up-arrow code properly...
 I actually tried to buy that keyboard from PCTek.  It's not in stock
 (see below).  I think I found a store that still sells it.  I'll know
 once it arrives if it's really the SK-7551.
 Dear customer,
 Thank you for your order.
 Unfortunately the SK-7551 Keyboard is out of stock and won't be available in
 the near future.
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Re: [mythtv-users] Myth TV without recording live!

2005-06-16 Thread John Williams
I was thinking he meant not running the live tv to disk 9recording)
you lose the PVR functions, but you have a fully functional TV
otherwise. I can see a use for this. Especially if the Myth box acts
as a computer and entertainment box in the study.

It was discussed earlier to reduce the delay in changing channels for
someone. I'm betting that is what the link to the gossamer threads is
very high up. It's not a terrible idea, just one I don't think anyone
is going to take the time implement.
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Myth TV without recording live!

2005-06-16 Thread John Williams
On 6/16/05, SB Childe Roland [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 If a capture source is unavailabel, how would one watch live tv?

I understood things until that comment too. What do you mean by a
capture source? I woul dinterpret that to be a tuner. Without a
tuner there is no live TV on the myth box.
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[mythtv-users] Mythfrontend wont run (was: upgrade problems)

2005-06-12 Thread John Williams
I have just upgraded from .17 to .18.1 using atrpms. When I rebooted.
I can't get mythfrontend to run. I also can't get mythtv-setup to run.
It opens the background and freezes in mythfrontend. In mythtv-setup
it gives me the first 2 questions about clearing the channels and the
card data once i ghave answered those it freezes. There are no
underlying windows or anything else.

I'm running FC3 I installed via atrpms and Jarrod's guide when myth
was still .16. I upgraded to .17 by manually compiling and now the
upgrade to .18.1 was via atrpms again.

Is there something I may have done wrong? Could it be that I use the
titivillus theme and maybe it isn't being found or painted properly.
Mythbackend is running fine (or so it appears). I've been looking at
teh database and it appears to even to coninue to record. I just can't
see it through the frontend.

Any help would be appreciated.
John Willaims

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[mythtv-users] Upgrade problems

2005-06-11 Thread John Williams
I have begun trying to upgrade to version .18.1 using FC3 and apt-get.
I have run through the install mythtv-suite stuff and all seems to
work fine. When I try to launch the mythtv-setup I get the first 2
questioins about clearing tuner card info and about clearing channel
info, but then the whole thing freezes. I just have the myth
background on screen. I even left it over night last night to see if
it would come up with something, it never did.

I can't seem to figure out what is going on and don't even know where
to start to look in thlogs to see an error. I read the mythbackend log
and it has no errors listed.

Any suggestions?
John Williams
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[mythtv-users] No sound on certain channel

2005-06-10 Thread John Williams
I have seena few threads on no sound in recordings, but have not found
any with solutions. All of a sudden my SciFi channel has lost all
sound. We all know hwo big a deal no sci-fi is. All other channels are
working fine, but I also had no sound on a CSI recording last night.
The channel it was on seems on in Live TV mode though.

I have a PVR-250 and am running FC3, Myth .17. (Not sure what IVTV)

Any ideas? What information would be helpful to trouble shoot? My next
step will be to upgrade to Myth .18.1 and to upgrade IVTV to the
latest stable release.

Thanks for any help.
John Williams

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Re: [mythtv-users] WHISH-LIST: what I always wanted.

2005-05-27 Thread John Williams
On 5/26/05, James Oltman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 How did you get the remote to properly learn the IR commands of the
 keyboard?  When I do that with my giant Sony Rm-2100 remote, it works.
  When I go to use the remote, it gives me 2 keypresses instead of one
 for EVERY command I learned.  Did you do something special?

In my research what I have found for learning a keyboard is to do
sharp taps on the keyboard rather than hold the key as you would on a
standard remote. Keyboards send a press, hold and release message for
each key press so it takes a sharp tap to get them all together as a
single button learn.

 My remote didn't have near enough memory to learn the commands
though, so I had to program it via the JP1. Now i still have a ton of
memory left.

Hope this helps,
John Williams

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Re: [mythtv-users] WHISH-LIST: what I always wanted.

2005-05-26 Thread John Williams
On 5/25/05, Karsten Jeppesen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 There is a very very important thing missing in MythTV.
 At least I have been missing this feature on every single TV I have had:
 A volumen-preset-while-the-bloody-commercials-are-running button.
 Ever noticed that the sound is turned up 15% while the commercials are on?
 I would like a switch button that is programmable so I can press it and
 temporarily lower the volumen to X% of what it was before.
 When the button is pressed again we resume at the previously used volume.

Yeah I've noticed drives me crazy too. It was realy pronounced on my
recording of Starwars Episode 2 the other night. My suggestion would
be to get a macro capable remote. Make a macro that hits the volume
down button about 10 or 20 times. The make another macro the brings it
back up the same amount. It may take asome playing with, but it is
essentially the same thing you are asking for. I'm assuming you use a
remote. I just bought one last week and programmed all my Myth
Functions fromteh Lite-On IR keyboard into it. Including a few macros,
like a single button delete file. now I'm keyboard free. Make sure it
is JP1 compatible.
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Re: [mythtv-users] New Nokia web device -- ultimate Myth controller?

2005-05-26 Thread John Williams
On 5/26/05, James Oltman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I think it's great because you should be able to control your other
 devices all from the Nokia.  Devices like your TV, receiver/amp, DVD
 player, Lights, motorized screen (for a projector) etc.  It would be
 really cool if someone created some software to link this with Myth
 and allow you to learn commands for your other devices too, then store
 those learned commands in a file for backup purposes.  Just my 2

Isn't all that pretty much what the pronto remote does? Of course it
doesn't use Wi-FI, but then you have to have a piece of software
interpreting the command on the server anyway if you use Wi-Fi.
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Re: [mythtv-users] mythtools v0.2

2005-05-16 Thread John Williams
 If anybody knows how to do a little text processing using perl/mysql,
 and can throw together something to go through the database, select
 all plots, and remove whitespace before and after, and put it back in,
 that would be awesome too!

It should look something like this

update tablename set descriptioncolumnname = trim(descriptioncolumnname)
this will update the description column to contain the same
information with leading and trailing spaces removed. You will have to
determine the column name and table name yourself. I'n m not near my
Myth system.

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Re: [mythtv-users] Scary times ahead

2005-05-11 Thread John Williams
I just had to say how much I appreciate (no I'm not the OP on this
one) you guys taking the time to answer his questions and encourage
the learning process. I can't say how many times this list has turned
perfect opportunities like this into the standard those questions
don't belong here They aren't directly related to Myth. GO AWAY

I was really getting turned off this list for just such responses. You
guys have canged my current outlook on the list. Thanks for a job well
done. It is community like this that will help OSS to grow.

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Re: [mythtv-users] commercial flagging idea - commercialfingerprinting

2005-04-13 Thread John Williams
 In my opinion a start would be to figure out some sort of finger
 printing system, or some method of sharing cutlists that will work on
 the same program across different stations or that takes in to account
 that not every mythtv box will start recording at the exact second. Once
 we have that, creating a centralized system to share said cutlists is
 the easy part.

Another consideration is going to be the different resolutions people
record at. If everyone used the same resolution you could choos e a
few place son teh screen (like a real fingerprint sort of) and get a
difference from a particular pixel or set of pixels (this should
eleminate the contrast and sharpness settings). Then just create a
sort of MD5 type algorthm for frames or something so you aren't
passing the actual screen shots and thus copyrighted material. The you
could look for a series of frames that each match the algorithm's
results in the database for the specific cut point.

All that said with different resolutions you get even more hairy than
what I have described, which is admittedly more complex than it might
have to be. How do you compare different resolutions for the same
picture? I'm sure it can be done.


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Re: [mythtv-users] commercial flagging idea - commercialfingerprinting

2005-04-12 Thread John Williams
 i don't mind watching up to a minute of commercials or station id blurbs
 as long as most ads are skipped and there aren't any false positives.

My problem with this is knowing I'm actually only watching 1 min of
ads. If I'm not sure I end up forwarding and then sometimes get in the
OOPS, went too far loop

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Re: [mythtv-users] MythTv and Camera: Initiating recording on some action

2005-04-11 Thread John Williams
On Apr 11, 2005 8:50 AM, Colin Smillie [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Apr 11, 2005 3:49 AM, Pancham Gupta [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Anybody has an idea on how to go about in achieving the same? I am 
  relatively new to MythTv. My best guess is that we need to call some MythTV 
  API to initiate the recording, once we detect the RFID tag. I would really 
  appreciate if anybody could let me know the same.
 Ok, what are you using the detect the RFID tag?  Assuming you have
 linux drivers for the RFID reader you can probably pass a keyboard cmd
 or maybe create a lirc loop back to initiate a record now command.

Interesting application for Mythtv. Are you trying to create a vision
system of sorts using Myth? This seems like a hard way to go. You can
use command line commands like
cat /dev/video0  /tmp/your recording.mpg to capture video without
myth. If this is in fact a vision system on an assembly line or
soemthing you could datetime stamp the file in the name you record
from command line, then there is little you have to do.

I'd be interested to hear more about your application though it does
seem a bit off topic if you go without using Myth. Email me directly
if you want to chat about it some.

John Williams
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Re: [mythtv-users] Re: MythTv and Camera: Initiating recording on some action

2005-04-11 Thread John Williams
On Apr 11, 2005 2:05 PM, Pancham Gupta [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Ok, what are you using the detect the RFID tag?  Assuming you have
 linux drivers for the RFID reader you can probably pass a keyboard cmd
 or maybe create a lirc loop back to initiate a record now command.
 I am using RFID reader to detect the tags. Everything related to reader, 
 mythtv and camera is already set up. All we need to do now is initiate the 
 recording on some action. What is that 'record now' command that you are 
 talking about. Where I can read about creating the lirc loop back?
 Interesting application for Mythtv. Are you trying to create a vision
 system of sorts using Myth? This seems like a hard way to go. You can
 use command line commands like
 cat /dev/video0  /tmp/your recording.mpg to capture video without
 myth. If this is in fact a vision system on an assembly line or
 soemthing you could datetime stamp the file in the name you record
 from command line, then there is little you have to do.
 I'd be interested to hear more about your application though it does
 seem a bit off topic if you go without using Myth. Email me directly
 if you want to chat about it some.
 I thought of doing the same (cat /dev/video0  my.mpg), but the problem with 
 that is we don't want to get into the management of all the videos and then 
 playing them back. So, that is why I thought of using the MythTV. I am 
 currently using camera as a security camera which should record any 
 authorized/unauthorized RFID tag.
 Also, getting back to what you have suggested, is there any way so that I can 
 playback the videos that I have recorded directly (from cat /dev/video0 
 my.mpg) on MythTV? If that is not possible, is there any off-the-shelf video 
 players which can play the RAW video format?
 Also, what needs to be done if I wanted to store the prerecorded videos into 
 the MythTV database, so that when I run MythTV it recognizes all those videos?

The record now command is press the R key while watching live TV. If
you are wanting a way to watch the videos and manage them then I guess
mythTV is better for you than developing a specific app for it. Or
using the cat command line.

Give pressing R in code a shot and let us know how it goes.

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Re: [mythtv-users] When do we get this feature in Myth???

2005-03-29 Thread John Williams
On Tue, 29 Mar 2005 15:19:57 -0500, John Kuhn [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 how long before datadirect starts pumping ads into our free tv listings?

Another question, how on earth would they be able to keep us from
filtering them out?

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Re: [mythtv-users] Two Different Backend systems talking together

2005-03-25 Thread John Williams
 identical systems. But you'd need to have the same cable subscription in
 both locations since both Myths would try to record the same shows. Not
 really a perfect solution, I'm afraid.

I like the Rsync idea or some such solution, but duplicating the
database is overkill and will do exactly what you are saying here. I'd
suggest creating a custom SQL script that only duplicates the needed
tables or one that runs and deletes the scheduled recordings
information from the scheduled recordings table (I don't know the real
name for that table). This would allow you to have the same data and
access to the data on both systems without having to have the schedule
and even the hardware config the same (if you didn't copy the hardware

The first questionthat comes to mind (it is a small concern) though is
what happens when you delete a viewed file form the second house
(slave system). It will reappear the next time things are sync'd
because it was not deleted on the master. It would take a pretty
significant change to make that sort of thing go away, and probably
not worth it.

Other than that you could duplicate the whole database and then run a
delete from ScheduledPrograms script to clear that table. All would
be well with the scheduled progs on the slave then.

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Re: [mythtv-users] Two Different Backend systems talking together

2005-03-25 Thread John Williams
Yeah, Me too. WOW.

On Fri, 25 Mar 2005 07:51:16 -0800, Richard J. Sears
 On Fri, 25 Mar 2005 10:09:46 -0500
 Tom E. Craddock Jr. [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Richard J. Sears wrote:
   Hey Everyone,
   I have a second house that I want to put MythTV into. I have a T1 at my
   first house and a 3MB dsl line in the other house.
   I wanted to share programs and music and stuff between the sites without
   having to have cable, the music files, etc in both places.
   Is there any way for one complete Myth system to talk to another and
   transfer the requested movies or music in the background fr later
   Does someone have a good way to set this up..?
   Richard J. Sears
  Looks like the already has something like this.  Heres the
info from thier page
  When you have multiple homes with Pluto systems, they can all be joined
  as one. Every Pluto Core will automatically create a VPN (virtual
  private network) connection to the others. It's completely safe and
  fully encrypted. The benefit is that you can go from one house to
  another and know that you will still have access to all your files no
  matter where you are without the hassle of copying them.
  mythtv-users mailing list
 Richard J. Sears
 Vice President
 American Internet Services
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 INOC-DBA - 6130
 I fly because it releases my mind
 from the tyranny of petty things . .
 Work like you don't need the money, love like you've
 never been hurt and dance like you do when nobody's
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Re: [mythtv-users] MythTV .18 impending release? If so, what's in it?

2005-03-25 Thread John Williams
On Fri, 25 Mar 2005 10:45:26 -0800 (PST), JacqueUsi [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I was assembling equipment these past few weeks to do a bare metal install
 of .17. I picked up on a discussion somewhere along the line that a .18
 release was coming up real soon. 
 I'd rather hold off on my install for .18 if I think it's going to be a
 dramatic enough step. Can anyone clue me in on what's in store for the .18
 release? I tried reviewing the commits but couldn't make heads or tails of
 most of the information. 
 Thank you!
Quoted from

0.18 is nigh -- Isaac just engaged in the Montlhy Patch Festival the
other day, committing about 2 dozen patches from the outstanding
queue. He said on the mailing list that 0.18 might happen in a couple
of weeks, pending one or two critical stability patches. If you have
patches on your shelf, let's get them in *now*, instead of waiting
until he makes the announcement, like last time. 'k? [BayLink

Try that site for what's under development and what should be in the release.

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Re: [mythtv-users] Power to the Masses (CPU Power that is) - LONG!!

2005-03-24 Thread John Williams
 Here is the plan for the backend:
 HD-3000 HDTV PCI Card
 Hauppauge WinTV PVR-350 (someone said you cannot watch DVD's with this
 card, has that been corrected, or should I stick with the 250..?)
 LSI Login MegaRAID SATA Controller
 4 x Maxtor 300GB Hard Drives (RAID 5)
 Questions for the backend system:
 Do I need a real good video card for this system since it will not be
 hooked to a TV at all...?
 Do I need a decent sound card to capture the sound, or will the ivtv
 driver work for both the 250/350 and the HD-3000
 How powerful of a CPU do I need to handle the HDTV stuff. I realize that
 the 350 has a builtin hardware mpeg encoder/decoder, but I am not sure
 about the HDTV side of the house.
 Do I need a separate tuner card in the backend system for each frontend
 system in order for them to watch separate 'live' channels..? SO if I
 had 3 frontend systems that wanted to watch different 'live' channels, I
 would need 3 x PVR-350's..?
 On the frontend, I assume that I need
 1) Hard Drive
 2) Good Video Card
 3) Good Sound Card
 The hard drive does not have to be that big because its only going to
 run the front end application correct..? No need for mysql, and all the
 extra stuff that had to been installed in the backend, or am I incorrect
 On the video card, I was told to use a card that supported XV. I was
 hoping to use a nice ATI or NVidia that would support component out as
 opposed to composite or S-Video. But how powerful of a card do I need
 Also, how powerful a machine and video card do I need on the front end
 to watch the HDTV stuff, or is all of that processing done on the
 backend system and just streamed to the frontend..? I was thinking of
 running the ASUS Pundit as my front end systems (with a different video
 card (if necessary)).

Ok, Here goes. I'm no expert, but I'll give you what I know. 

The largest advantage of the PVR350 over the PVR250 is the Tv out. If
you aren't going to hook the backend to a TV don't waste the extra
money on the PVR350.

The HDTV content is generally harder on the frontend CPU than the
backend. My understaning is that the HD is in the encoded format
already so the BE just really has to write it to disk. The FE actually
has to decode and then display the content. So your processing will
have to be on the FE machines.

No there is no need for a really good video card on the back end. If
you can read a shell promt you're good. For that matter if you can SSH
in you're good.

If each FE machine wants to watch a different channel through myth
then yes you would need a different card for each FE machine. That
said, these TVs surely have their own tuner so if you don't have that
many cards you just let teh TV tune it. That approach does lose the
timeshift abilities, but not much else. It would be a way to start if
there isn't enough in the budget for the extra tuners on the BE.

There is no need for the soundcard on the BE as far as the PVR 250s
are concerned. I'm pretty sure it is irrelevant for the HD stuff too.

For video cards I'd recommend an NVidia based card most people here
are running them. I don't know much else about that.

I hope some of this is clearer now.



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Re: [mythtv-users] By passing tuner and external channel changing

2005-03-24 Thread John Williams
On Thu, 24 Mar 2005 15:42:17 -0500, Nick Collier [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Is it possible to connect a coax cable from a cable box to a pvr-250
 tuner, but change channels via the cable box. I basically want to user

Yes, this is entirely possible. As for changing the channel on the
cable box you'll be looking more than likely at an IR Blaster. unless
you cable box has a serial or firewire input.

That can be done through LIRC. I'm not doing it so I can't help you
with setup, but I know it is being done.


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Re: [mythtv-users] pvr150 or pvr500

2005-03-23 Thread John Williams
On Wed, 23 Mar 2005 14:32:00 -0600, Dan Littlejohn
 Anyone have any experience about which way to go on this?  The price
 is fairly simular when you consider the 500 has two tuners.  Any
 advantages, gotchas to decide whether to buy two pvr150's or one
 mythtv-users mailing list

My first thought is how many slots would you like to fill? The 500 has
the advantage of only filling the single slot.

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Re: [mythtv-users] pvr150 or pvr500

2005-03-23 Thread John Williams
On Wed, 23 Mar 2005 16:36:32 -0600, Matt [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I'd definitely go
  500, since you don't even need a splitter to get both tuners fed (the signal
  is split internally).
 Jarod, can you elaborate on this?  Does this mean that if I want to
 use both of the tuners I can run a single RG6 cable to one of the
 inputs, then it'll split the signal off to the other tuner on the card

That is exactly what it means. Run your Coax in to the single input
and both tuners are connected.
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] (no subject)

2005-03-23 Thread John Williams
 Yes, 'hostname' at the $ promt worked. Thank you. I can clean up my act, what exactly is top posting?

Posting above the other people's posts. It makes the discussion travel
from the bottom up rather than the prefered top down. Basically when
you post people would prefer you put your message below the other
messages. You'll find some people are absolute zealots about this too.
I don't care either way. If you top post the most recent stuff is
staring you in the face when you open it. If you bottom post the
discussion flows more naturally. When you get a combination of both it
just flubbs things all up.
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Lite-On IR Keyboard and Learning Remotes

2005-03-21 Thread John Williams
On Mon, 21 Mar 2005 11:19:45 -0600, Matt S. [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I have the lite-on wireless keyboard as well.  The remote I have is a
 harmony remote from logitech which is GREAT.  I was able to teach the
 keys, but I kept having the problem that if I hit a key on the remote,
 it would send it twice to the machine.  I called up harmony support
 and they were great at reviewing the captures IR commands and being
 able to edit them by hand.  Unfortuantnly, I can't do this myself, so
 if I ever try and capture more commands, I have to call up harmony
 support and ask them to help me out like they did before.  However,
 it's GREAT!  NO MORE LIRC!  (LIRC would constantly break after a few
 days of uptime and required me to restart mythfrontend)
 I'd always recommend the harmony remote, and honestly the best
 customer service ever and a truely unique product.

Did you pay the nearly $250 that Logitech is asking for this remote?

I have plenty of G Mail invites. Ask me if you'd like one. G Mail
rocks for  email lists.
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Lite-On IR Keyboard and Learning Remotes

2005-03-21 Thread John Williams
You couldn't edit yourself. is this because of the software for
editing the codes. Is it not capable of allowing it or what?

On Mon, 21 Mar 2005 14:56:58 -0600, Matt [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Yeah,  I figured you were talking about this one:,CRID=2084,CONTENTID=9933
 Seems really freakin cool, but not worth the $.
 This is the one I have:,CRID=2084,CONTENTID=9511
 It's MSRP is $199, but I got it for less than $100 after rebate, $119
 w/o rebate on newegg.
 Also, I think you are correct Brad.  But unfortunatly, I couldn't edit
 the IR code myself on the harmony remote... wish I could :)
 On Mon, 21 Mar 2005 14:26:27 -0600, John Williams
  I got it from here,CRID=2084,CONTENTID=8747
  It is in the center of the screen in the header. it says $249 USD. I'm
  not gogin to criticize what you choose to spend on a remote. It's your
  money. That figure just florred me. It seems there are quite a few
  harmony models out there.
  On Mon, 21 Mar 2005 14:18:04 -0600, Matt S. [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Of course not... that'd be silly!  Where are your getting $250 from,
   their top of the line one that's not even out yet? =D
   $119 on newegg, then a 25% rebate on top of that(rebate has ended):
   Of course you can get the cheaper $95 one too that's nearly identical:
   Say whatever you want, it's worth every penny.  I had been using a $30
   all-in-wonder before, there is no comparison.
   On Mon, 21 Mar 2005 11:34:59 -0600, John Williams
On Mon, 21 Mar 2005 11:19:45 -0600, Matt S. [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I have the lite-on wireless keyboard as well.  The remote I have is a
 harmony remote from logitech which is GREAT.  I was able to teach the
 keys, but I kept having the problem that if I hit a key on the remote,
 it would send it twice to the machine.  I called up harmony support
 and they were great at reviewing the captures IR commands and being
 able to edit them by hand.  Unfortuantnly, I can't do this myself, so
 if I ever try and capture more commands, I have to call up harmony
 support and ask them to help me out like they did before.  However,
 it's GREAT!  NO MORE LIRC!  (LIRC would constantly break after a few
 days of uptime and required me to restart mythfrontend)

 I'd always recommend the harmony remote, and honestly the best
 customer service ever and a truely unique product.


Did you pay the nearly $250 that Logitech is asking for this remote?
I have plenty of G Mail invites. Ask me if you'd like one. G Mail
rocks for  email lists.
  I have plenty of G Mail invites. Ask me if you'd like one. G Mail
  rocks for  email lists.
 mythtv-users mailing list

I have plenty of G Mail invites. Ask me if you'd like one. G Mail
rocks for  email lists.
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Sound Levels from my Myth box

2005-03-15 Thread John Williams
On Tue, 15 Mar 2005 15:51:25 -0500, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 This is a trivial, yet annoying audio issue that I am experiencing.  My
 Myth box is louder than all of my other components.  When I flip my crappy
 Technics receiver to from my DVD player to my Myth box, I get what I have
 always called a 60Hz hum and have to turn the receiver volume way down.  So,
 thinking to set the volume levels to the same as my DVD and VCR, I went to
 KMix and turned down the volume.  It did lower the audio volume, but did not
 effect the placement of the 60Hz hum.  So now even though the DVD/VCR/Myth
 Volume levels are comparable, the hum kicks in at about half the standard
 volume when I am on the Myth box.   
 The sound is coming out of the 3.5mm onboard sound socket on my ASUS A7N8X-E
 Deluxe motherboard.  Yeah, I know its a waste, but I can't upgrade my
 ancient crappy Technics receiver until September.  In the interim, are there
 any sound settings I might try?   

I've noticed a similar hum in my box, but it is connected directly to
my TV from the sound card. I have decided mine was from the on board
sound having a lot of electrical noise from the other stuff in the
box. Mine even gets worse when the panel goes shows on screen, so it
may even be coming from my video card or the AGP traces??

I'm anxious to hear the answers you get.
John Williams

I have plenty of G Mail invites. Ask me if you'd like one. G Mail
rocks for  email lists.
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Wierd problems with 0.17

2005-03-11 Thread John Williams
My first thought would be to create a file manually wihtthat name and
see if that aleviates the problem.

On Fri, 11 Mar 2005 11:09:13 -0700, Brady [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Last night I upgraded to 0.17. Its really really nice so far but the
 upgrade manage to completely bork all of my input settings. (This is a
 Fedora thing, not a mythtv thing) anyways, when I got it all fixed and
 working this morning I noticed that there where two shows listed that
 I can not delete now. They both have all the info and such but no file
 attached to them.. I can not delete them through the menu in mythtv, I
 can not delete them through mythweb, and I couldn't rebuild the
 database to remove them. Any thoughts?
 Oh yea, delete still works on newer recordings that actually have a file.
 Anyways: 0.17 so far has been really nice. MythWeb looks downright
 slick now. All in all this upgrade was a really nice change =)
 mythtv-users mailing list

I have plenty of G Mail invites. Ask me if you'd like one. G Mail
rocks for  email lists.
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Distro of choice?

2005-03-09 Thread John Williams
After all the Gentoo love around here, I decided a few days ago to try
gentoo. I've got an old HP celeron 550 and thought if it can optimize
maybe I cam make something useful out of this box. Well after getting
the first install up and booting, I was dead in the water because it
wasn't recognizing my Network card (and heck if I know what that built
in thing is). So then I decided to go with a level (some name like
that) 3 install because it was faster and was supposed to be more like
the live CD. Well, that didn't help becaus enow it is acsking what
kernel modules to load including network card driver. All that to say
I'm a relative newbee with Linux, but really want to learn more. I
know I need more info about my hardware. Is there a hardware
identification app out there that will tell you what you have in
english? Something I could use to set up my system.

OK so it's OT, but point in the right direction and I'll ask there.
I'm stoked about the idea, but it's not gogin so well for me.

BTW, I do like emerge.

John Williams
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] DPMS and televisions; some useful ideas and a question

2005-03-08 Thread John Williams
All the child rearing and email advice asside, has anyone got
recomendations to increase the life of the projector bulb?
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Re: [Improving] The Current State of Myth - DVD

2005-03-07 Thread John Williams
  If anyone else wants to beat me to either of these steps, feel free; it
  could take me a while...
 I've already manually done it.  I took a cutlist out of MythTV's
 exported .sql file, and put it in the .RTV format that gopdit liked.  I
 think with a quick sed/awk of the .sql file, it could be easily converted
 into something directly importable to gopdit.
My first thuoght for changing the sql into the gopdit file type would
be using an xlt transform. I'm not sure if this is a highly supported
technology in Linux, but it would probably be pretty easy, maybe not
as easy as a scipt?
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Hauppage 350 .nuv to mpeg-2

2005-03-04 Thread John Williams
Have you made any significant changes to thsi program since the last
update on sourceforge?

Once it is done with all the work MythHelper does are you burning to
DVD with good results? This archiving thing is still bothering me. I
have to delete files every once in a while just to clear space for
newer recordings. Some of which I'd like to archive to DVD.

Are you burning VCDs?


On Thu, 03 Mar 2005 18:00:41 -0500, Will Dormann [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 John Williams wrote:
  I'd love to get a copy of that program you have. It is a big start for
  some of what I'm wanting to do. The biggest is probably naming and
  moving the file for me.
 Take a look at MythHelper:
 I've let the project page stagnate, as it turned out to be something
 that pretty much only I use, so it's somewhat customized for the tools I
 use on my machine.   I'm not sure what all works anymore, but it should
 be a good start for you.  It sounds quite similar to what Calvin has
 Press the Copy button and the selected program is copied from the
 mythtv machine to the specified target, giving it a useful name.  The
 source is provided, so have at it!

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Commercial cutting DVD burning

2005-03-04 Thread John Williams
The answer to this is, you didn't find it in the archives because it
doesn't exist. The copy to Windows is about the best answer I'v run
across, and I agree too much work so I haven't done it. The next
answer you'll get is the devs don't burn shows so they won't code it
because they don't want it. You'll also get and this one rightly so If
it is too much trouble for you to copy to a windows box and burn then
it is way too much trouble for someone else to code this for you.

I'm just repeating most of the things you'll hear based on old posts.
I'd like this to be easy, but it seems the editing is not an easy task
to keep sound in sync. The last few days have had a few good step by
steps, but they are still pretty drawn out. I'm waiting for a while to
get a DL burner until I have time to work on this particular problem
myself or someone else comes up with a good answer.

Sorry, but I think you are out of luck,
John Williams

On Fri, 04 Mar 2005 14:19:42 -0800, Praveen Shenoy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 After spending a few hours digging thru the archives on this topic, I
 still didn't find any discussion that had concise steps to cutting
 commercials and burning dvd. I am sure people out there are doing this.
 I have a PVR-350 and I want to burn the movies I record to a dvd after
 cutting the commercials.  I don't want to lose any quality. I want the
 resulting mpeg after cutting the commercials to be still mpeg-2 and not
 mpeg-4. I can copy the file to windows and use pinnacle studio or
 something like that to dtect scenes and then edit out the commercials,
 but that is too much work and takes time. I don't much time to spare on
 this given that we have a 1 year old who keeps us busy and then work
 too. I would appreciate if anybody out there is already doing this and
 share a mini-howto of cutting commercials out of the mpeg2 files output
 by the pvr-350 and then burning them to a dvd.
 Thanks in advance
 mythtv-users mailing list

I have plenty of G Mail invites. Ask me if you'd like one. G Mail
rocks for  email lists.
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] parts list

2005-03-03 Thread John Williams
I order the noisetaker 2 weeks ago. It is pretty quiet. I can't hear
it over the other loud stuff I have in the room, but really it has a
manually adjustable fan so you can feel for the sweet spot between
cool and quiet.

On Thu, 03 Mar 2005 16:06:37 -0500, Buddy Taylor [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 How about
 ENERMAX Noisetaker 370W EG375P-VE-SFMA $43.99
 I'll know how quiet it is soon - I ordered one a couple of days ago.
 On Thu, 2005-03-03 at 12:05 -0800, Yan-Fa Li wrote:
  Bryce wrote:
   Comments? Any recommendation for a decent, quiet, psu for somewhere
   between $40-60?
  That's pretty low dollar value for a *quiet* power supply.  If you want
  quiet, in general you have to pay for it.  On the high end is Antec with
  the Phantom 350 (140USD), completely fanless.  A PC Power Cooling
  Silencer 360W will run you $65; though you could conceivably run using a
  310W which is cheaper still.  An antec true power 330 which is an *ok*
  power supply goes for as low as $55.  Antec and PPC are the only power
  supplies I use regularly, I'm sure others will chime in with more
  The physical weight of the power supply is an indication of it's quality
  in most cases.  My new PPC 470W Silencer weighs in at just over 4lbs.
   Thanks for all the input!
  Your welcome.
  mythtv-users mailing list
 mythtv-users mailing list

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Hauppage 350 .nuv to mpeg-2

2005-03-03 Thread John Williams
I'd love to get a copy of that program you have. It is a big start for
some of what I'm wanting to do. The biggest is probably naming and
moving the file for me.

What version of VB are we talking?


On Mon, 28 Feb 2005 13:28:08 -0500, Calvin Harrigan
 Craig H Fry wrote:
 -Original Message-
 From: Dybdahl, Niels [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Monday, February 28, 2005 07:42 AM
 To: [EMAIL PROTECTED], 'Discussion about mythtv'
 Subject: RE: [mythtv-users] Hauppage 350 .nuv to mpeg-2
  The fact that you are supposed to install a special codex to play
 them back on a Windows system tells me they aren't true mpeg2.
 You need an MPEG2 codec.  Nothing more.
  Then what's this?
 MPEG2s from a Hauppauge PVR-x50 is stored as ordinary MPEG2 file, even
 though the extension is .nuv
 Shows that have been compressed by software are stored in a different
 format, even though the compression is MPEG2 or MPEG4. To read the
 format and extract the MPEG2/4 stream, you need the dsmyth filter
 No, I'm saying playing a .nuv file back through the mpeg codex
 results in color correction problems and pixelation.
 Compared to what?   You're going to need to provide more information.
  Compared to the original, what else?  Plays back fine in Mythtv as a
 .nuv.  Change the extension and try to play back through the mpg-2
 and it looks like crap.  I don't know what more information I can give
 unless you want to come over and look at it yourself.
 There are different MPEG2 codecs for Windows. F.ex the one that come
 with Nero Reloaded do a better job but require 3 times more CPU time
 than others that I am using. So maybe you should be more explicit on
 which codec you are using.
 Niels Dybdahl
 Just the stock codecs.  My goal was to copy the .nuv's, rename to mpeg and 
 then encode into dvd format but the quality of the mpg's is terrible.  Maybe 
 the stock codecs are what my problem is.  I'll investigate that further.
 mythtv-users mailing list
 I've written a little VB program that does exactly what you want to do.
 It get's the shows name from the database, connects via samba.  Copies
 and renames the files so I can watch them on my laptop.  It's a straight
 copy, no fiddlin' at all.  I think that you just have a second rate mpeg
 2 codec.  Of all the bolt on's windows comes with, you would think a
 mpeg 2 codec would have come along by now...
 mythtv-users mailing list

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Installation issue - Couldn't find package Synaptic

2005-02-28 Thread John Williams
Synaptic is in the testing branch at ATrpms. You probably are not and
don't want to be set up to run the testing branch. You can go to
atrpms and find the link ot the RPM and install using the whole path
rather than the name of the package. I did it yesterday.

On Mon, 28 Feb 2005 19:52:48 -0500, Thom Paine [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Mon, 28 Feb 2005 16:32:52 -0800, Steve Dorsey
I am running my machine with a NATted 10. static IP. My machine can
  see the internet, I can ping IPs, and I can surf the web. Running
  Redhat FC3.
I had to download and
  install it manually because I thought the server may have been down at
  the location in Jarod's guide. Anyway, I typed apt-get install
  synaptic and was greeted with Couldn't find package synaptic.
I have no idea what this means.
Any ideas here? I just started the guide, so I could re-install Linux
  if I need to but would rather not.
 It just means that the synaptic package wasn't available. You prollie
 spelled it wrong. It's not required for the install.
 I skipped it. All it is is a graphical apt package. If you continue to
 have errors during apt-get, post that.
 You should be able to do an
 # apt-get update
 And get a list of the packages.
 Then you can
 # apt-get dist-upgrade to upgrade your system.
 mythtv-users mailing list

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Wireless card that works on stock FC3 kernel?

2005-02-27 Thread John Williams
I have the DLink DWL-G510 you mentioned and mine ws working fine with
the stock 2.6.10 kernel. I'm not sure which 2.6.10 I have (I'm on my
windows box. But I'll be happy to check if you want. It was some work
cause I'm pretty new to Linux, but I did finally get it going.

On Sun, 27 Feb 2005 13:27:01 -0600, Robert Denier [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Try a
 Subsystem: Netgear MA311 802.11b wireless adapter
 Its what i've been working with for over a year and they work fine
 for when I developed
 Their is also a pcmcia card I used, but you'd have to skim the bottem
 of the paper in the files section on that page.
 Thats just plain 802.11b, but i've used them without any issues.  I know
 the current orinoco CVS works well with them, and most likely hostap,
 and orinoco drivers in the 2.6.10 kernel.
 On Sun, 2005-02-27 at 10:58 -0800, Brennan Folmer wrote:
  After upgrading to FC3, my PCMCIA wireless (Orinoco Gold) didn't
  work anymore. I also have a D-link DWL-G510, and I eventually
  got that working but I had to use ndiswrapper and a custom
  kernel that had the CONFIG_4KSTACK option disabled. With the
  non-standard kernel, I can't use apt-get to gather all the
  modules that I need.
  Can anyone out there recommend a wireless card that will work
  with a stock FC3 kernel (2.6.10-1.766_FC3, for example)? 802.11b
  or g is fine, just using this to get zap2it updates. The machine
  is a pundit. I've gone round and round trying to get 0.17
  working on the non-4KSTACK kernel and I've about exhausted my
  options. Thanks for any help!
  Do you Yahoo!?
  Yahoo! Mail - 250MB free storage. Do more. Manage less.
  mythtv-users mailing list
 mythtv-users mailing list

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Release 0.17 has serious database issue with HDTV

2005-02-23 Thread John Williams
Alright, someone tell me if this is doable under the license of
Mythtv. Is it possible for someone to start keeping up a different
release tree by importing from the CVS what they want of the myth CVS?

If so it may be within one of the many people who want to tell Isaac
how to run his project's releases ability to being to do just that.
Manage a release tree. They could begin their own cvs tree and import
bug fixes from the development tree as they see fit. Then my
monitoring the MythTV bug reports and such they can do the RC releases
and full on releases.

This may get those people off Isaac's back and provide a more stable
release pattern to boot. There wouldn't have to be any development in
this release tree, just bug fixes from the dev tree.

So is it OK with the way MythTV is licensed? I thought it might be.


On Wed, 23 Feb 2005 06:15:31 -0500, Donavan Stanley
 On Wed, 23 Feb 2005 06:13:38 -0500, Donavan Stanley
  Let's put it bluntly:  For the most part the developers do not CARE if
  it works for anyone else.  If it works for us we're happy.
 Actually it's more accurate to say we don't care if it doesn't works
 for non-contributers.
 mythtv-users mailing list

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Re: Release 0.17 has serious database issue with HDTV

2005-02-23 Thread John Williams

 Are you, or anyone else, volunteering?  It will never happen until
 someone is willing to do the work.

That seems to be adifferent attitude than Isaac had. I got the idea
from Isaac that he liked the way he did it and that it wasn't going to
change even if someone volunteered. So which is it? Is  the release
process something that is open for discussion if someone volunteers to
manage a release tree?

John Williams
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] blurry boot and frontend but clear video playback

2005-02-21 Thread John Williams
I jujst went to using my TV this week with Myth. I have had to bump up
the size of the text in the browser and even then it is blurry, but
readable. The other thing I had to do was change the default
resolution of the card to 640x480. This cleared things up
tremendously. I'm using about a 21 TV.

On Mon, 21 Feb 2005 05:18:24 -0500, William [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Anyone have a fix so that my screen is clear when booting and
  using KDE or MYTHFrontend?
  Thanks for all your help so far.
 Sorry  Brad but your standard def tv is never going to display text clear
 enough to be useful as a monitor. I usually just open a VNC session to the
 box when I want to do something requiring reading the prompts.
 mythtv-users mailing list

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] [Improving] The Current State of Myth - DVD

2005-02-17 Thread John Williams
 confused about the ctrl key.  Also you can't do ctrl-alt-+ for screen
 resolution change as it has no keypad, though perhaps there is another
 sequence that can be set up for that.

I do Ctrl -Alt-Shift-=

the shift = is the same as +

It works as well only more difficult.
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Re: The death of MythDVD? [RipGuard]

2005-02-16 Thread John Williams
Their deal is to prevent the rapid ripping of the data. If a DVD
plasyer can read it so can a computer or piece of software. Wosrt case
you take as long to rip it as it would take to view it. Some people
would still want to rip it.

On Wed, 16 Feb 2005 10:49:18 -0500, Craig Partin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Wed, 16 Feb 2005 10:30:21 -0500, Neil Watson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  On Wed, Feb 16, 2005 at 10:27:06AM -0500, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Macrovision plans to unveil technology to block 97% of software used
   to duplicate discs.
  If you can write software to block it you can write software to unblock
  it.  This is a futile arms race the that MPAA and RIAA cannot win.
  Neil Watson   | Gentoo Linux
  Network Administrator | Uptime 34 days   | 2.6.10 AMD Athlon(tm) MP 2000+ x 2
  mythtv-users mailing list
 It seems that every few weeks there is a headline on Slashdot about a
 revolutionary new DRM scheme that will once and for all end media
 piracy.  There will always be a way to circumvent the copy protection.
 Short of outlawing the general purpose computer, or forcing everyone
 to a trusted platform in which the chip will refuse to run unsigned
 code, no DRM will ever work.
 mythtv-users mailing list

mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] OT - Wireless auto startup - What am I missing

2005-02-14 Thread John Williams
Sorry for hte OT post, ut I've exhausted myself with everything I can
find with Google and din't get much help from the other mailing list.

I've got a myth BE/FE machine that I want to move to the living room
and make part of the entertainment center. The more I thought about it
wireless made a lot of sense because I'd just be using it to retrieve
the weatherdata, and the listing info, neither of which should be
bandwidth intensive.

That said I can't move it until I get a working wireless connection.
I'm running FC3 and kernel 2.6.10-1.741. I've got a D-Link DWL-G510
trying to connect to a D-Link DI-524. I'm having to use NDISWRAPPER
because D-Link doesn't supply a Linux driver.

Here is the problem. I can't for the life of me figure out how to get
this thing working at startup. I can get it to work. I can ping the
router after running a few short commands. I have tried several
startup scripts, but they are goig th have to be run as root when my
mythtv user is automatically logged in. Any pointers? I know FC3 has
some problems with stuff at startup as indicated by Jarod's startup

Where do I start?

Thanks ,
John Williams
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Script to check for POP3 mail and display From and Subject via mythtvosd

2005-02-09 Thread John Williams
 It seems like the MythNews would work if I exported my mail to an RSS
 feed, but that option won't always work. Some people don't have
 control over their email servers.

No they don't but the plugin could do just that. POP the server
collect mail, then convert it to an RSS feed located at
or something. Good idea.
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Testing mailing list..

2005-02-07 Thread John Williams
Phil I thought that at first too. I think it is a gmail thing, the way
they file your reply in the discussion before you receive it. I could
be wrong though.

On Mon, 7 Feb 2005 20:32:16 +1100, Phill Edwards [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Sorry for the spam - we've changed the config of the mailing list around a
  bit, and I need to test the latency now..
 Isaac - just FYI, I think there is a bug in the mailing list where it
 doesn't send you copies of your own postings. Even if you tell it to
 in the preferences page.
 Not a major drama - just letting you know.
 mythtv-users mailing list

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] New MythTV special interest group at

2005-02-05 Thread John Williams
On Sat, 5 Feb 2005 21:18:01 -0500, Magnus Meinfretr [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 For those of you who are members of the community, I've
 created a MythTV special interest group there.

So what is multiply? What are its advantages?
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Myth Music Question

2005-02-02 Thread John Williams
 What would be *really* useful is a one-key option to remove the current
 song from the playlist.  Then I could quickly add a bunch of stuff to
 create an initial playlist, then go through the songs and cut out the
 stuff that I don't really want.

I'll tell you like I do my daughter. Go get'em tiger
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] New version of MythTV (0.17)

2005-01-31 Thread John Williams
 that it is not.. Issac said he wants nothing todo with our wiki (well
 mainly davids i just host it).  He also said he would never link to our
 wiki from his site.  So its as unofficial as it gets :) .. tho someone
 with keen eyes might notice a link..

Out of curiosity, why would Isaac be against the WIKI?
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] vonage caller id

2005-01-29 Thread John Williams
 Love my vonage, 

What is the real advantage to vonage. I've seen the ads, but haven't
been compelled to research.
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] vonage caller id

2005-01-29 Thread John Williams
Asterisk is
 open source PBX, that can be easily connected to outside scripts, that can
 then do mythnotifies .Misterhouse that will send notifies on more
 important events

So you have a PBX and a home automation system in your home? How much
do each of these projects cost? I took a good look at the asterisk
project and it didn't look like much of an outlay, but what are the
advantages to having a PBX in your home if you have one line? Maybe
you have a business in your home?
mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] LIRC diagnostic advice

2005-01-29 Thread John Williams
I know this is a littl off tipoc, but I don't know where to turn. 

My problem is this. I have followed Jarod's guide to setting up Myth
on FC3. Every thing seems to work except my remote control is not
active at startup. I followed his startup scripts he had added and
everything. I don't know where to look for error messages. Could
someone kindly give me pushi n the right direction for troubleshooting
this. Even a link to a LIRC mailing list would be fine. I just don't
know where to look.

Using PVR250

John Williams
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Tuner problems with PVR-350

2005-01-29 Thread John Williams
On Sat, 29 Jan 2005 20:41:47 +0100, Rudy Zijlstra
 Hugo van der Kooij wrote:
 On Sat, 29 Jan 2005, Ellen Spertus wrote:
 What's in your /etc/modprobe.conf file?
 # ivtv modules setup
 alias char-major-81 videodev
 alias char-major-81-0 ivtv
 Not much, is it?
 How about:
 alias char-major-81 videodev
 alias char-major-81-0 ivtv
 alias tveeprom tveeprom-ivtv
 alias msp3400 msp3400-ivtv
 install ivtv /sbin/modprobe --ignore-install ivtv; /sbin/modprobe ivtv-fb
 install ivtv /sbin/modprobe tda9887; /sbin/modprobe --ignore-install ivtv; 
 install lirc_i2c /sbin/modprobe ivtv; /sbin/modprobe --ignore-install 
 options tda9887 debug=3
 options msp3400 once=1 debug=1 standard=0x03
 options ivtv tda9887=0 ivtv_std=2
 Make sure to adjust ivtv_std= to mach your local TV standard.
 And just in case you want to know. In /root/bin/ I have:
 /usr/bin/ivtvctl -d /dev/video0 -u 0xff
 /usr/bin/ivtvctl -d /dev/video0 -p 4
 /usr/bin/ivtvctl -d /dev/video0 -f width=720,height=576
 /usr/bin/ivtvctl -d /dev/video0 -c dnr_mode=0
 /usr/bin/ivtvctl -d /dev/video0 -c dnr_temporal=0
 /usr/bin/ivtvctl -d /dev/video0 -c dnr_spatial=0
 /usr/bin/ivtvctl -j reg=0x6c,val=0xfa -d /dev/video16
 /usr/bin/ivtvctl -j reg=0x2d,val=0x38 -d /dev/video16
 But be aware that these are PAL settings and may not apply to you.
 And for the recent ivtv driver that should all be unneeded. The driver
 auto-detects quit well.

It autodetects most of it. , but hte alias lines for tveeprom and
msp3400 are totally necessary with a new kernel. Naming issues between
the modules (read the ivtv-devel list to see explanation.
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] need help configuring LIRC

2005-01-28 Thread John Williams
The one thing that always hangs up
 on me is LIRC. I have yet to successfully configure
 LIRC despite following the config instructions.

Could you be more specific? Hangs up is a little vague. Does irw work for you?
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Missing i2c client?

2005-01-25 Thread John Williams
 You arent by any chance using a 2.6.10 kernel FC3 are you ?

I had  aproblem similar to this yesterday. I am on FC3 and kernel 2.6.10.

add  a line in your modprobe.conf after the other ivtv load stuff saying

alias tveeprom tveeprom-ivtv

save and reboot and you should be in business.
mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] Restore my recording to the recorded programs menu

2005-01-24 Thread John Williams
I have recently upgraded using a fresh install of FC3 from FC2. Not
the nicest thing I've done lately. I have a good many programs still
on the disk I use for my video recording location. I did a full data
dump of the database before I wiped the old install. I'm a little
afraid to restor ehte whole database so I was wondering what tables I
need to restore to get the programs to show up in the menu. The only
data I care about seeing for them is the name, description and date of
broadcast. Obviously I want mythtv to be able to see them, but they
are moujnted in the same location so that shouldn't be a problem.

Thanks in advance.
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Loading IVTV problems with PVR-350

2005-01-24 Thread John Williams
On Mon, 24 Jan 2005 21:53:24 -0500, James Olsovsky
 I'm somewhat new to Linux and am undertaking loading Mythtv.  But I
 seem to be having issues while loading IVTV.  I'm following the step
 by steps from and seem to be coming up short.
 I run this series of commands
 Edit /etc/apt/sources.list, changing at-stable to at-testing,
This works fine.
 #apt-get update
   This works fine.
 #apt-get install ivtv-firmware
   This works fine.
 # apt-get install ivtv-kmdl-$KVER
This is the error I get at this command.
   Reading Package Lists... Done
   Building Dependency Tree... Done
   Couldn't find package ivtv-kmdl-2.6.9-1.724_FC3

Chances are the kernel module you are trying to load is too old to be
up on the site any more. I'm running 2.6.10-741 (something like that).
It seems to work fine (I've only been installed since yesterday). Up
grade your Kernel and try again. I recomend using synaptic for the
kernel upgrade because the 2.6.10-741 kernel is not on atrpms yet.

try that and see where you get.

I'll save you some trouble and let you know my capture card did
nothing for me until I addded a line in the modprobe.conf adding an
alias to the tveeprom and pointing it to tveeprom-ivtv

it went something like 
alias tveeprom tveeprom-ivtv

right after the load ivtv alias lines. My symptom was getting only
static on all channels. Hope all this helps.

John Williams
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Better lirc files?

2005-01-23 Thread John Williams
  I am looking for samples of the new grey and black one
 for the PVR-350 but am willing to take others and put them on a website
 as well.

Jarod has shared his on You can find it at

I hope this helps.
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] is there an easy way to reboot in software through myth

2005-01-19 Thread John Williams
Brad sounds great. I tired /sbin/chkconfig swatch on though and I
get the following error. I'm on FC2 and installed swatch using

error reading information on service swatch: no such file or directory

Swatch is not listed when I pull hte list like you recomend.
Any suggestions?

and how do I make num lock turn on when I boot. It's driving me crazy.
mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] Dual processor any help?

2005-01-15 Thread John Williams
My myth FE/BE combined is a dual proc Intel P3 capable machine. I have
a single 933 Mhz P3 in it now and was wondering if the adding the
second proc would add any transcoding or nuvexport benefit. Right now
I ran an nuvexport and the darn thing took all night to do a 1 hour
show. obviously I don't want to archive my shows at that rate.

I also plan on adding 2 front end machines to work with this back end.

Any comments would be apprecitated.
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] What NOT to do to your Myth box...

2005-01-14 Thread John Williams
I've gotten fairly good with a handful of Windows
 programs that make DVDs out of stuff ripped from my TiVo or my MythTV.

What programs are you using for your windows archiving? I'm almost at
Maximum Capacity and am gogin to have to do something quick. My Myth
box is slow so trascoding or nuvexport on myth is out of the question.
My other PC is a windows machine, so I'm going to have to move the nuv
file created by myth (I'm using a PVR250 so it should be in mpeg2
format. then somehow make it viewable on my DVD player.

Any suggestions? I know I could burn it raw a mount the DVD if need be
later, but I'd like to make them a DVD collection.

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Getting VCR Recordings Into MythTV/MythVideo

2005-01-12 Thread John Williams
I've been wanting to do the same thing. I haven't had time to play
with it though. Please post your solution when you come up with one.
John Williams
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Getting VCR Recordings Into MythTV/MythVideo

2005-01-12 Thread John Williams
True.  I've managed to do it as a manual recording by binding an
 aux input to a bogus channel.  It never quite worked the way I thought
 it should, however.  

How did you set up the bogus channel? Then how did you tue to it? I'm
willing to work a little at it, but I'm not sure where to start.
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Cheap, powerful, quiet, small front-end: problems getting it running!

2005-01-09 Thread John Williams
 The eVectra has 128 megs of memory.  My XBox only has 64.  Now, I know
 the XBox has shared video memory - does that mean it uses main
 memory?  The eVectra uses Intel 810E integrated graphics with Direct
 AGP and Dynamic Video Memory - I'm not sure if that's the same thing
 or not.
 It seems to me that if my XBox can run a MythTV front-end, this
 machine (which has a better CPU and more memory than the XBox)
 shouldn't have any problems.

I'm not an expert, but I have heard of these shared memory PCs having
a setting for the video memory allocation in the BIOS. Your dynamic
memory setting may be 16 MB in the BIOS and this would be pretty
restrictive. Get into the BIOS and see if there is a setting for the
video memory or dynamic memory. Bump it up as high as it will go and
see where you are then.
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Running MythTV in a car computer

2005-01-05 Thread John Williams
It seems like a remote wouldn't be all that difficult to get going
though. Most car stereos come with remote now. It may not be a perfect
answer, but it would do the job.

As for the mythMusic front end. I haven't used it a lot in the .16
release, but it seems much better. Before I think I remember having to
make a play list now you can browse your music directly on the play
screen. I like it.

On Wed, 5 Jan 2005 11:37:01 -0800, Chuck Rice [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 At 2:28 PM -0500 1/5/05, Tom Dombrosky wrote:
 You won't be able to use the touchscreen with Mythtv.  It doesn't
 support a mouse at the moment.
 Why is that? Would mouse support be something difficult to add? -Chuck-
 mythtv-users mailing list

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Running MythTV in a car computer

2005-01-05 Thread John Williams
 On Wed, 5 Jan 2005 11:37:01 -0800, Chuck Rice [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  At 2:28 PM -0500 1/5/05, Tom Dombrosky wrote:
  You won't be able to use the touchscreen with Mythtv.  It doesn't
  support a mouse at the moment.
  Why is that? Would mouse support be something difficult to add? -Chuck-

Are you looking to be able to play your TV files also? What would be a
good way to duplicate files from the backend to the car PC for
something like that? Anybody got any good ideas?

I'm guessing you would run this myth box as a back and frontend all in
one. Then you would mount a network drive that holds the Tv files. You
would have to run a script that duplicates the files then also enters
the information into the database for these files. Does that sound
about right. I could see this being a nice answer for my trips wit
hthe kids. record a full day of Disney and transfer to the car.
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Front end hardware?

2005-01-05 Thread John Williams
  Xbox is dead easy - no chip is required, just a USB cable, a USB flash
  key, and a specific game (depends on xbox release) - they will even do
  it for you at the linux xbox site.  Then it is simply a case of
  installing xebian, and doing and apt-get to grab myth - tweak 1 file,
  and it works.

Is XBox still usable as an Xbox for games after these tweaks? I've
been wanting an XBox, but haven't had a good enough excuse. Having a
front end and game console would be well worth it.
mythtv-users mailing list