Re: [mythtv-users] What's the correct way to handle overlapping showtimes?

2006-01-29 Thread ffrr
Michael T. Dean wrote:

>On 01/27/2006 09:36 PM, ffrr wrote:
>>So, I then set the second show to start early by -5 minutes (that's 
>>negative 5) and this worked, allowing both shows to record, and missing 
>>the first 5 minutes of the second show.
>>Is there a better way to handle this, and/or did I go wrong somewhere?
>Nope.  You did it exactly right.  The only better way is to get another 
>capture card (or two or three or ...).

Thanks, much appreciated.   You are right, I am going to get an extra 
card, I run into too many conflicts :-)

mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] What's the correct way to handle overlapping showtimes?

2006-01-27 Thread ffrr
I only have on tuner, and there are two shows that overl;ap slightly, 
that I want to record.  The first ends 5 minutes after the beginning of 
the second show (on a nother channel of course).

When I scheduled the second show, it did not want to record because the 
default priority, 0 , was less than the priority assigned to the first 
show (which had been auto-scheduled because I watch it all the time).  
So, I increased the priority of the second show, thinking that I'd just 
miss the end of the first show, but no, the first show then went red (in 
Mythweb).  I assumed this meant it would not record at all.

So, I then set the second show to start early by -5 minutes (that's 
negative 5) and this worked, allowing both shows to record, and missing 
the first 5 minutes of the second show.

Is there a better way to handle this, and/or did I go wrong somewhere?
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] should I just switch to SVN

2006-01-24 Thread ffrr

>Why limit yourself to using a distribution which has MythTV packaged?  Sure, 
>it makes it easier but, if you're looking for an all-in-one package, why not 
>use KnoppMyth instead?  I'm sure I'm just missing something here, as there are 
>plenty of ways to set it up.
>- Ken
Don't you still have to wait for it to be 'packaged' into a new 
Knoppmyth version.  I am stuck on R5A22 and waiting patiently for this 
too :-)
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Query about display seen in Mythweb recorded programs screen

2006-01-14 Thread ffrr
Michael Fox wrote:

>NO lock ups. Just sometimes does this, however the recording before
>and after the program works. Just sometimes one doesn't and this is
>how its viewed from mythweb. The file appears to be zero size. So
>possibly trouble getting channel locks.

I used to get that on a system built from Mandriva rpms.  That system 
also had problems where my DVB-T card recordings had glitches caused by 
the SATA controller chip. 

I built a new system using IDE drives and Knoppmyth (R5A22 
unfortunately) , and the same DVB-T card, and the system has NEVER had a 
zero byte recording.

Your theory on trouble getting channel locks sounds possible.  In my 
first system, I think it was the SATA controller interfering just at the 
wrong moment (while it was tuning).

Of course, given that Knoppmyth R5A22 was built on an SVN version 
accidentally, maybe it's another completely unrelated problem that the 
myth developers fixed?
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Software RAID problems - the unspoken mythtv problem?

2006-01-09 Thread ffrr

Fedor Pikus wrote:

Or just use JFS instead of XFS.

My greatest fear with the hardware raid is what would happen to it if 
something failes in the system itself. If my PC with softRAID dies, I 
can connect the disks to any Linux PC and it will recognize the RAID. 
At least as long as the distribution is similar enough, although I 
once moved a RAID from FC1 with 2.4 kernel to Knoppix with 2.6 kernel 
and it was detected with no problems. If that hardware controller 
goes, what would you need to get your RAID back? Identical controller 
will work, sure. Will the latest controller work, say, after 2 years? 
And if it does not, what can you do?

It's a valid fear.  We use lots of hardware raid at work, mostly on 
Windows and Netware servers. Firmware versions alone make it less than a 
sure bet.  Unless BIOS, Raid controller firmware, and scsi disk firmware 
are just right, chances are it'll spit the dummy and refuse to accept 
the disks.

Then, try and buy the same version Raid controller card in 2 year's 
time?  Even if you manage it, it won't have the same firmware and can't 
be backdated to the old firmware (voids warranty etc).  So, have to 
upgrade all the old servers?  Not practical.  I am not turning off a 
stable server that's been running for 3 years to muck with updating it's 
RAID controller and BIOS and disk drives etc etc.

Bah!!  Bad idea
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Australian Free TV guide/grabber script.

2006-01-07 Thread ffrr

Phill Edwards wrote:


I've been using this as a backup solution because I noticed that there
seemed to be only 5 days rather than 7 a lot of the time and there
were quite a few holes in the data. Do you know if this is still the
case, 'cos if not I may make it my primary grabber?

The don't update the data every day. The seem to do it Thursday night, 
and again at the end of the weekend, Sunday I think.

Not sure there are any more holes or errors than you'd find in any 
published set of data though.  Stations change things at the last minute.

Anyway, as long as it is a few days ahead, it doesn't matter so much to 
me, as once you have all your regular stuff scheduled, the only thing I 
need it for is to record the occasional movie and I mostly only do  that 
on the day it is showing.

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Australian Free TV guide/grabber script.

2006-01-05 Thread ffrr

Michael Fox wrote:

On 1/5/06, ffrr <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I use the oztivo script.  There's info and an example script (it's what
I am using) on their web site.

I will have to look into it, I am now using immir one, and I lost some
recordings today as I just realised in the arvo that it was an hour
out, so all my shows got missed :( I've since changed the timeoffset
in mythtv-setup to be none instead of auto and its put the guide data
back on time.

daylight savings time I guess.
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Twinhan VisionDTV Remote Control and USB dongle.

2006-01-05 Thread ffrr

Michael Fox wrote:

On 1/5/06, ffrr <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Mine just does this...

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/myth/tmp# ./usbhid-twinhan
Searching /lib/modules/
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/myth/tmp#

Did you plug in the USB thing before running it or after?

The USB dongle was already plugged in. I have been using the remote with 
minimal keys mapped for a few months already.  The usbhid.ko file exists.

As far as I can read the code, it's looking for a certain string of 
characters in the original file and then replaces them.  It seems it 
doesn't find them in mine.  Maybe my newer kernel has a different usbhid 
file, hence the program fails?

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Australian Free TV guide/grabber script.

2006-01-05 Thread ffrr

Michael Fox wrote:

On 1/5/06, Michael Cowell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

The immir script is probably the most widely used tv_grab_au. It's
updated very quickly by Michael Smith (immir) and by users on this list.

I am currently using it and it works fine so far, will continue to use
it and monitor things. Although I will certainly look at the oztivo
one, as I knew they had some tv guide data, however hadn't seen or
found script to grab it.

I use the oztivo script.  There's info and an example script (it's what 
I am using) on their web site.

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Twinhan VisionDTV Remote Control and USB dongle.

2006-01-05 Thread ffrr

Michael Fox wrote:

On 1/4/06, Craig Tinson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

check this out...

and look for the patch

it makes the thing a 20 second job.

I compiled the program you mentioned, I run it and it gives the
following output;

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/home/mythtv# ./usbhid-twinhan
Searching /lib/modules/2.6.12-9-386/kernel/drivers/usb/input/usbhid.ko
Wrote ok

Mine just does this...

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/myth/tmp# ./usbhid-twinhan
Searching /lib/modules/
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/myth/tmp#   

Doesn't seem to find whatever it is searching for.  Any ideas on making 
it work?

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Twinhan VisionDTV Remote Control and USB dongle.

2006-01-05 Thread ffrr

Michael Cowell wrote:

then used mythweb to set appropriate keys using the table that I
made. Worked fine - except that it was impossible to use a regular
keyboard on that frontend from then on.

Yes, that's the big problem for me.  I too have the Twinhan remote and I 
don't think it's possible to get them all working and still be able to 
use a regular keyboard.  I still think the best way is to get the 
smallest possible full remote PC k'board and use that. :-(

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] SATA & FC4 question

2005-12-23 Thread ffrr

Neil Bird wrote:

Around about 22/12/05 13:25, Kirk Grell typed ...

I've purchased hardware for my MythTV backend and plan
to install Fedora Core 4.  The drive I bought was a
SATA drive (Maxtor).  For anyone who has installed FC4
on a single SATA drive, did you run into any issues?

  I just upgraded my FC4 boot drive to be a SATA one;  the only issues 
you're going to have are with respect to support for the SATA chipset 
on your mobo. I say this without pretending to be an expert or 
anything :-)  I just had a read-around before plumping for a couple of 
SATA drives.

  Gut feeling is that with FC4 (+updates) you shouldn't have any probs.

You are right about the SATA chipset.  Mine installed and worked, but 
then file system corruptions crept in.  The SATA chipset was a si3112 
and they are apparently notorious. A BIOS update then setting one of the 
parameters to an EXTREME setting, finally stopped the errors, but then 
made it interfere with the data coming from my DVB-T card, causing video 
corruption. They seem to fight over the PCI bus.

This was on an NF7-S motherboard with nForce2.  Hopefully things are 
better now...
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Reduce size of DVB-T recordings

2005-12-18 Thread ffrr

Phill Edwards wrote:

I want to burn some of my DVB-T recordings to DVD (like the other
poster today) but my question is different. This weekend I recorded a
film which is > 9.5GB. I want to take that file (which, being DVB, is
MPEG2) and reduce it to a MPEG2 file of around 4GB so I can make a
4.7GB DVD out of it after cutting out the ads etc in ProjectX.

Does anyone know a tool that's good for just reducing the filesize? I
don't need it to do anything else.


How long is it?  Judging by the file size, I'd guess 3-4 hours?

A normal movie at 6000 kbps and typical audio, will fit on a 4GB DVD, so 
I'd take a punt and use ffmpeg (or mencoder) to convert it to 3000 kbps 
and see how you go. If it compresses well, it might fit. Maybe juggle 
the quality settings too, until you get it to where it fits and is 
sufficient quality.

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Converting mpeg-TS from DVB card to vob

2005-12-18 Thread ffrr

sorry, hit send before I finished...

I have been down that route with mythweb.  It doesn't work - get's the 
aspect ratio wrong every time.  I have decided to do it manually until 
the whole world catches up and has digital 16:9  (or some standard) TV.  
Maybe then programs/scripts like mythburn (and nuvexport) will know how 
to handle them.

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Converting mpeg-TS from DVB card to vob

2005-12-18 Thread ffrr

Nick wrote:

On 18/12/05, ffrr <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

One question I have, is should I de-interlace the video, in fact, is it
even interlaced to start with? This always confuses me!

If you are intending to watch this on an interlaced display, keep it
interlaced. Regular SDTV transmissions (analogue and digital) are
normally interlaced (and all non-p modes in HDTV too). It also means
that no additional reencoding is required from the original video



Great, no extra work to do.

Are commercial DVD's all interlaced then.  I mean, do they assume they 
will be played back on interlaced display devices?

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Converting mpeg-TS from DVB card to vob

2005-12-18 Thread ffrr

A JM wrote:

Why don't you try Mythburn?

mythtv-users mailing list

I have been down that route with mythweb.  It doesn't work - get's the 
aspect ratio wrong every time.  I have decided to do it manually until 
the whole world catches up and has digital 16:9  (or some standard) TV.  
Maybe then programs like

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Jerky motion on DVB

2005-12-18 Thread ffrr

Dag Nygren wrote:

Are there settings I can change.

turning off the deinterlacing seems to make the jerkiness go away
but the picture looks crappy.
Also tested different algorithms, but all the effective ones create
jerky pictures.

But why only on certain channels???


The jerky channels don't happen to be the ones with the highest 
resolution do they.

mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] Converting mpeg-TS from DVB card to vob

2005-12-18 Thread ffrr

I have been experimenting with the best way to convert mpeg-TS files
recorded from my DVB-T card to vob files suitable for authoring to a DVD.
The program is standard definition 720x576 (16:9) PAL.

I can't use nuvexport.  It is broken on the Knoppmyth R5A22 box I have - 
won't do DVD at all.

Using ffmpeg directly, I have come up with the following setup -

ffmpeg -i infile.nuv -target dvd -aspect 16:9 outfile.vob 

What further refinements are recommended? 

One question I have, is should I de-interlace the video, in fact, is it 
even interlaced to start with? This always confuses me!

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Playing dvb nuv files with vlc

2005-12-15 Thread ffrr

Mike Ryan wrote:

Anyone out there got vlc to play dvb-t nuv files with sound. I can 
view the video but no sound whatsoever..

I'm running FC3 with 0.18.1 mythtv and 0.8.1 vlc

Everything's fine in mplayer and xine (and myth obviously) but as vlc 
doesn't seem to be able to pick up the audio I'm unable to get 
mythtvstream to work

I couldn't even get video.  It was just a mess.  Then somebody told me 
it wasn't working yet, so I stopped trying :-)

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Transcoding Artifacts (MPEG-2 -> MPEG-4)

2005-12-15 Thread ffrr

Cymen Vig wrote:

I have been experimenting with transcoding the MPEG-2 output of my
Hauppauge PVR-500 device to MPEG-4. The current settings are are below
and result in approximately a 50% reduction in file size so a 1 hour
recording is 2.2 GB in MPEG-2 and 1.1 GB in MPEG-4. I upped the
bitrate and enabled some of the quality settings after the first
transcoding attempt resulted in poor quality -- too many blocky chunks
in the video for my taste. With the settings below the quality is
better but I prefer the MPEG-2 recordings because the MPEG-4
compression seems to highlight and make the video noise worse and
there are some dancing jaggies occasional on faces and other things.

I've also noticed that attempting to play the MPEG-4 files with
mplayer results in the wrong aspect ratio as it thinks the video is
720x480 while it really appears to be 480x480. If I jump around in the
file with fast forward/rewind it tends to kill X and leave my sound
output in an usuable state until the system is rebooted.

Does anyone have some advice on the settings below? Would the
interlaced settings have any affect on the video coming from a
Huappauge PVR card? How do the hardware MPEG-4 encoders such as the
Plextor PX-TV402U compare to software transcoding? I am going to
continue to bump up the bitrate on the MPEG-4 transcode settings as
currently I am not happy with the video quailty. It is *very* close
most of the time but every once in a while some obvious artifacts can
be seen.

So any advice on improving quality? As it stands now, I am leaning
towards giving the system more drive space and skipping transcoding.


I convert to small mpeg4 files for viewing on a Palm Tx.  I have limited 
my minimum quality to 10.  It is much better, but not perfect.  I think 
you should limit your minimum quality, and maybe reduce the bitrate to 
keep the size down at the same time.  The overall result might be better.


mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] What's your recording file size?

2005-12-08 Thread ffrr

Ant Daniel wrote:

On 08/12/05, *Josh Burks* <[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> wrote:

On 12/7/05, Shardayyy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> wrote:
> Mine is PVR-500
> 30mins = 1.1 GB
> 1 hour = 2.2 GB

Perfectly normal for MPEG2 recordings.


I tuned mine (PVR 350), no visable loss in signal (but the signal is 
analog from a digi set top box, so is nice and clean)

30mins = 764MB
1 hour = 1.3 GB

Think there's still some changes I can make to go lower. Big advantage 
is I can store twice as many recordings then before.


What do you mean by 'tuned'?If you are recording from a digital 
card, the bandwidth, and hence file size, is fixed as no processing is 
done.  It's not a matter of cleanliness.

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Easiest installation?

2005-12-06 Thread ffrr

Marcus wrote:

I'm new to MythTV. If I use KnoppMyth do I only need a free partition? Can I 
specify which partition to install to?
Reading the docs it seemed like it would automatically install to hda1.

I want myth to co-exist on my regular desktop PC.
I'm using Debian and the MythTV packages are currently not maintained. I don't 
know how to tweak the source or makefiles to compile, so is KnoppMyth my best 





The best way for myth to 'coexist' with a desktop PC is for it to be on 
a second machine with NFS drives mapped between them and using a remote 
frontend, or even just mythweb.

Theoretically they can coexist, and if you really want to try, using a 
distribution that has packages for myth (if you don't want to compile 
them yourself).  I used Mandriva at one point, and Fedora is popular.  I 
now have Mandriva for my desktop, and a second smaller PC runs 
Knoppmyth.  It works well this way.

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Why does /dev/dvb reset permisions on boot?

2005-12-06 Thread ffrr

Jochen Kühner wrote:

if you are using a actual distribution, you may not have a static dev 
directory, this directory is created every time on boot via udev.

you have to look at /etc/udev/permison.rules or so...


You are most likely right, but I did/do not know much about udev, so I 
came up with my solution, which works because udev has already created 
the dev directory at that point in the boot sequence.

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Why does /dev/dvb reset permisions on boot?

2005-12-06 Thread ffrr

Weston, Toby wrote:

Hi folks,

Probably an obvious question (bit of Linux newbie here I'm afraid) but why
would the permissions on my dvb devices reset to allow just root access each
time I reboot? Myth can't access them as the 'mythtv' user doesn't have
write permission but I change this using chmod... it just can't retain the

After I got DVB working, the DVB devices (in /dev/dvb/adapter0/*) had no 
permissions so only root could see them.   The fix was to add

chmod 666 /dev/dvb/adapter0/*

to /etc/rc.d/rc.local

which resets them to something sensible each reboot.

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] RingBuffer error?

2005-12-03 Thread ffrr

A JM wrote:

Nothing funny in the log except the ringbuffer issue...

Could it be a channels issue in the Database giving that kind of issue?


Well yes, I suppose it might be. If the tuning data etc is wrong, then I 
guess no data would come from the card, but I am guessing only.

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Alternative to Mythmusic?

2005-12-02 Thread ffrr


My music collection is very dynamic and often the songs I have don't 
have ID3 tags.  Because of this I find Mythmusic less than convenient 
to use and basically I've stopped using it.

Is there a way to just point Mythmusic at a directory and just get it 
to browse the filesystem? 

Passing on some info that I was given.  I think it will help

>Media Settings -> Music Settings -> General Settings. Under the Tree
>Sorting item put in 'directory'. You'll probably also want to tick the
>box for 'Ignore ID3 tags.'

I have Mythvideo setup this way and it's way more covenient than 
having to update the database everytime I add something to my file server.

Does anyone use something other than Mythmusic to play music with 
their Myth machine?  

mythtv-users mailing list

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] RingBuffer error?

2005-12-02 Thread ffrr

A JM wrote:

Would it show in an error log somewhere?

Take a look in /var/log/mythtv  I think that's the usual place

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] RingBuffer error?

2005-12-02 Thread ffrr

A JM wrote:

Anyone familiar with ringbuffer issues? Is this a file permissions issue?

2005-12-02 19:43:52.589 RingBuffer: Couldn't read data from the 
capture card in 15 seconds. Stopping.

I'd interpret that more like an error coming from the ringbuffer 
process, saying it can't get any data from the capture card. Maybe the 
capture card and/or drivers are having trouble?

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Adding movies to MythTV

2005-12-01 Thread ffrr

Felix Rubinstein wrote:

Hello everybody!

I'd like to add external movies in different formats, MPEG-2, MPEG-4, 
etc. to MythTV.

The same goes for mp3 and photos.
I couldn't find any documentation related to how can I do it.


Other parts of myth (plugins) handle media that's not recorded by myth.  
There's mythmusic and mythvideo for example.

Have a read of the docs.
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Do DVB card "encode"?

2005-12-01 Thread ffrr

Weston, Toby wrote:

Hi Folks,

Might be a silly question, but my PVR-250 had a hardware encoder (or is it
decoder!?) which was great, I'm wondering if DVB cards have/need the same


I kind of thought that because the signal is digital that it doesn't
need to encode it so no hardware encoder was needed? 

That's right.

Having installed a
couple of Nova-T's though, the system is really slow making me wonder if the
CPU is forced to do allot more work than when I had the PVR-250...

A DVB card does NOT put much load on the cpu.  The digital stream is 
just dumped in the recording file. 

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Commercial Flagging - whats it all about

2005-12-01 Thread ffrr

Phill Edwards wrote:

Ditto - I noticed a drop in accuracy when I went to DVB-T. However, my
success rate is probably around 60+% - certainly not as low as 5%.
This is in Australia.



True, but the success rate wasn't enough to make it worth using.  I just 
set the skip forward to 30 secs, back to 10 secs, then jump commercials 
manually using the remote.

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Commercial Flagging - whats it all about

2005-11-30 Thread ffrr

Christopher McEwan wrote:

On 11/30/05, *Stephen Dolan* <[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> wrote:

Have to agree with Ant. I'm in Ireland and I find that the commercial
detection works reasonably well on the Irish channels, but the UK
channels are very hit and miss - it never seems to properly detect the
commercials on Channel4 for some reason :-(
mythtv-users mailing list


The only commercial detection that works 100% for me is the aspect 
ratio change. I sent the guy who codes the commercial detection stuff 
a clip of the aspect ratio change and he managed to get it to detect that.

The strange thing is, when I used to use an analog card (pvr250) the 
commercial detection sucess rate would be about 95% !! with dual DVB 
tuners unless it can use the aspect ratio change as detection then its 
about a 5% success rate.. if that ! Maybe the dvb signals are too 
clean in comparison to the analog stream ?

I find that, with my DVB recordings, I wasn't having much success at all.

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] AC3 audio in DVB-T sourced recording?

2005-11-29 Thread ffrr

Ben Rigby wrote:

On 11/28/05, ffrr <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


Yep , it is... :-)   but only 2 channel.   Wonder if it's ever 5.1 ?


Some Australian stations do 2 channel AC3 on their SD broadcasts. Some
only do MPEG. I think they all do AC3 on their HD streams, normally
also 2 channel. Occasionally though, we're lucky enough to get movies
that are 5.1 on the HD streams. The quality of HD, and whether or not
you get the good sound seems to vary not only from program to program,
and channel to channel, but also from area to area, as some
cities/regions have better equipment (and more of a clue) than others.


I see.  Thanks for the info, I'll be on the lookout for it :-)

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] AC3 audio in DVB-T sourced recording?

2005-11-28 Thread ffrr

Steve Adeff wrote:

On Monday 28 November 2005 03:06, ffrr wrote:

I have been playing around with converting recordings and just noticed
this as part of what ffmpeg had to say as it started ...

Input #0, mpegts, from '1126_Twilight_':
 Duration: 34:35:42.5, bitrate: 448 kb/s
 Stream #0.0[0x201]: Video: mpeg2video, 720x576, 25.00 fps
 Stream #0.1[0x294]: Audio: mp2, 48000 Hz, stereo, 256 kb/s
 Stream #0.2[0x295]: Audio: ac3, 48000 Hz, stereo, 192 kb/s

Does this mean that the TV station is transmitting ac3 audio as well,
and my DVB card is capturing it as part of the stream? (Sure looks like it)

Play back audio PID 0x295 with mplayer and find out!

but it sure looks like it to me as well.


Yep , it is... :-)   but only 2 channel.   Wonder if it's ever 5.1 ?

Playing 1126_Twilight_.
TS file format detected.
VIDEO MPEG2(pid=513)AUDIO A52(pid=661) NO SUBS (yet)!  PROGRAM N. 1
Opened TS demuxer, audio: 2000(pid 661), video: 1002(pid 
VIDEO:  MPEG2  720x576  (aspect 3)  25.000 fps  1.0 kbps (1250.0 

Trying to force audio codec driver family libmad...
Opening audio decoder: [liba52] AC3 decoding with liba52
Using SSE optimized IMDCT transform
AC3: 2.0 (stereo)  48000 Hz  192.0 kbit/s
Using MMX optimized resampler
AUDIO: 48000 Hz, 2 ch, s16le, 192.0 kbit/12.50% (ratio: 24000->192000)
Selected audio codec: [a52] afm:liba52 (AC3-liba52)

mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] AC3 audio in DVB-T sourced recording?

2005-11-28 Thread ffrr
I have been playing around with converting recordings and just noticed 
this as part of what ffmpeg had to say as it started ...

Input #0, mpegts, from '1126_Twilight_':
 Duration: 34:35:42.5, bitrate: 448 kb/s
 Stream #0.0[0x201]: Video: mpeg2video, 720x576, 25.00 fps
 Stream #0.1[0x294]: Audio: mp2, 48000 Hz, stereo, 256 kb/s
 Stream #0.2[0x295]: Audio: ac3, 48000 Hz, stereo, 192 kb/s

Does this mean that the TV station is transmitting ac3 audio as well, 
and my DVB card is capturing it as part of the stream? (Sure looks like it)

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] NuppelVideo container format

2005-11-28 Thread ffrr

Tom Lichti wrote:

Felix Rubinstein wrote:

Guys, thanks for such a prompt reply!
But I think you miss the point.
Those of you who read the last issue of Linux journal, the "Advanced 
MythTV Video Processing" article must note, I citate:
"Although digital TV recordings are an MPEG-2 video stream, the 
NuppelVideo container format used by MythTV is specific to MythTV and 
is not supported by most video player software. To watch the videos 
with anything other than a MythTV front end, you must convert them to 
a format with a wider selection of players."

Just because it is in a magazine doesn't make it right. If you rename 
a .nuv file to .mpg, it will play in most video players, from my 

You don't even need to rename it.  Under linux, I just told KDE the .nuv 
files were mpeg files, and now if I double click on an nuv file, it 
launches xine and plays it !

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Converting shows to PDA suitable format

2005-11-27 Thread ffrr

Scott Alfter wrote:

Try mencoder with a command line something like this:

mencoder -o foo.avi \
-ovc lavc \
-lavcopts vcodec=msmpeg4v2:vbitrate=256 \
-vop scale=240:180 \
-srate 32000 \
-oac mp3lame \
-lameopts cbr:br=32:mode=3 \

Hmmm, mine complains mplayer was compiled without libmp3lame support. :-(

This plays in Windows Media Player with the stock codecs and should be of
sufficient quality for handheld viewing.  (I was using it to watch stuff on
my notebook while on the road last summer; the low bitrate made shows
downloadable in a reasonable amount of time.)  I'd think that something that
plays DivX could play this too.  I'd try it on my Tungsten T just to make
sure, but it seems to have gone into hiding. :-(

Encoding one hour of video this way takes 11-12 minutes on an Athlon XP
3000+.  Your Celery is going to be slower, but I'd think it would still be
nowhere near 12+ hours.  You'll probably get somewhere around one hour, or
maybe a little longer, for one hour of video.

Luckily I can do it on my 2.2GHz Sempron instead I have realised (using 
nfs drives to access the file)

mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] trouble with ffmpeg and mpeg4 codec

2005-11-27 Thread ffrr
I am using ffmpeg (and mencoder) from the command line to convert video 
to a small format for my PDA (as I mentioned in another thread).  I 
decided to try a different codec from the default in ffmpeg, in fact I 
am trying mpeg4.  The command line I am using is

ffmpeg -i infile -vcodec mpeg4 -b 200 -ab 96 -s 480x270 outfile

and ffmpeg accepts that.  It starts converting, but if I try playing the file, 
gxine tells me it is a 1x7 mpeg (libmpeg2) (and shows no picture).

I uninstalled, then reinstalled ffmpeg using urpmi.  The rpm it is installing 
is ffmpeg-0.4.9-0.pre1.5mdk.i586.rpm.

Is this version broken (if so how can I get one that's not)?  
Any other ideas?

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Modifying the D1 Home Media Centre to use a tv_grab script

2005-11-26 Thread ffrr


Thanks Will, for that and the other info - I believe it is in fact
rohbags' tv_grab_au script that is currently being distributed with

It is.

It strikes me that it will now need to be modified, since
it will no longer be able to scrape any PayTV data from D1. (I am
Bcc-ing both you and rohbags in on this post, jic he's not aware of 
this yet).

I switched mine to use oztivo, as it has better data for the 
free-ro-air.  I don't use pay tv however, so I can't comment on that.

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Accessing content other then tv from frontend

2005-11-26 Thread ffrr

Nedim Cholich wrote:

Possibly a newbe question.

I've just finished building my myth backend. Things seem to work fine 
(except I haven't put up antenna for HD3000). Before I start building 
fronend(s) I am testing the setup from my laptop. While both live and 
recorded tv works great, mythfrontend seems to want to access, videos, 
pictures and music from local filesystem. Is this how it's suppose to 
be? Am I suppose to export these files through nfs or myth can stream 
these like it does tv?

That's what I have ended up doing.  I now have the storage on my myth 
box exported via nfs, and mounted to the remote machine in the same 
place in the tree, to ensure things like file paths and symlinks all 
work.  Once done, it is all very transparent and works very well.

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Converting shows to PDA suitable format

2005-11-26 Thread ffrr

Jeff volckaert wrote:

I use Virtualdub under windows.  That way I can cut the commercials by 

What's Windows?   Just kidding :-)  but I haven't used that operating 
system for years !

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Converting shows to PDA suitable format

2005-11-26 Thread ffrr

Paul V. Gratz wrote:

Yeah I think mencoder is faster (its certainly easier to figure out
than transcode).  The processor may have something to do with it too,
P4's excel at code that has very predictable branches like video
encoding.  Less branch mispredict penalty means they can really take
advantage of their deep pipelines.



I just tried a few recordings with mencoder, and the files are about the 
same size as those from ffmpeg, but I think they are better quality when 
played on the Palm with TCPMP (might be because they are mpeg4).

And it IS faster, even on my 2.2GHz Sempron, I get 40+ fps.  Anything 
better than real time, I am happy with. :-)

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Converting shows to PDA suitable format

2005-11-26 Thread ffrr

Paul V. Gratz wrote:

On Saturday 26 November 2005 09:38 am, Wendy Seltzer wrote:

On 11/26/05, Nathan Allen Stratton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

What player are you using on your 650? Have you been able to stream
anything to your treo using mythstream?

Not the original poster, but I've transcoded a few shows to the 650 for
playback with TCPMP
, which works quite well with Xvid or avi
files, as well as mp3s.


Yeah this is the same player I'm using on my Treo.  I haven't tried
mythstream though. I don't think that player has the ability to pick
up a stream via TCPIP.  Even if it did, my only internet access on
that phone is through SprintPCS's vision plan which has really low
data bandwidth (think dialup).  It'd be a cool hack though.  Perhaps I
could get it working over bluetooth...



I use TCPMP as well.  I am fairly sure I read that streaming was not 
there yet, but it's coming.

I have the latest palm Tx and it has WiFi and Bluetooth.  Even so, I 
would prefer to have the movie on the expansion card.  WiFi on a palm is 
good in short bursts - like for email and a bit of web surfing, but 
really drains the battery.  Not good for watching a movie for a couple 
of hours.

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Converting shows to PDA suitable format

2005-11-26 Thread ffrr

Paul V. Gratz wrote:

I have a treo 650 and I've encoded a few shows for it.  I have been
using mencoder to encode it to the built-in lavc endcoder for divx.
In my understanding divx is an early implementation of mpeg4 (prior to
the release of the standard). Xvid is another. I'm not sure what the
relative differences are but I think they more or less amount to the
same kind of quality per bitrate. Now that mpeg4 is out I think they
both produce legal mpeg4 output.

OK, so I might be better to look at mpeg4. It seems to be well supported.

I get much better performance using mencoder (part of mplayer). Its
something like 15-20 minutes to encode a 1 hour program on my P4 2.8Hz
HT machine. 

That's fast.

I use nuvexport to give me the raw *.nuv file 

What is a raw *.nuv file?   I feed the nuv files, as recorded, straight 
into ffmpeg. It can handle the mpeg2-TS directly.

then I
run mencoder on that file to re-encode for my palm machine. Here is
the mencoder command line I use:

(I use nuvexport not mythtranscode)


mencoder -o outfile.avi -aspect 4:3 -ovc lavc -lavcopts
-oac lavc -vf-pre pp=lb -vf scale=320:200 -af volnorm  infile.nuv

Replace outfile.avi and infile.nuv with the input and output files you
want.  The resultant file is ~150MB for 1 hour.  The quality is very
high so you could probably halve the 300kbs bit rate and still have a
usable video if you want smaller files.

Yes.  150kbs is a low end point for me - barely good enough, but 200 
kbps and up are good.

The assumption is that you are going from a full screen TV program to
a full 4:3 aspect ratio output file.  You can get slightly better
quality if the program is 16:9 and you crop it but it may be more pain
than its worth (look at the mencoder man page for the info on

Mine are all 16:9 natively

I will be comparing mencoder, especially as you report very good speed.  

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] kudos

2005-11-25 Thread ffrr

korebantic wrote:

I just wanted to send out a heartfelt thanks to:

* The developers of Myth-TV...great job!
* This list for being helpful not only to me but to
anyone who asks for help
* The ivtv list
* Jarod Wilson for his Fedora/Myth-TV writeup

With some work and patience I was able to get my
Myth-TV box up and running, and it rocks!

Great feeling huh?  !! 

Here are the specs on my setup, for those that are

Version: Myth-TV 0.18.1
Capture: Hauppauge PVR350 (also used for video out)
Remote: Hauppauge remote included w/PVR350
Sound: On-board AC'97 Audio Controller
Processor: P4 2.2GHZ
Motherboard: Abitbg7

Nice setup.  Mine is much more meagre.

How much storage do you have?  I went for 250GB because that size was 
the best value for money around here.  Seems adequate, but you can 
always use more :-)

mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] Converting shows to PDA suitable format

2005-11-25 Thread ffrr
I am fairly new to converting video, so I have been trying to discover 
the best way to convert my recordings (PAL mpeg-TS from a DVB-T card) to 
a small format suitable for my Palm Tx PDA.

Firstly, I have read that divx is a popular format and the TCPMP player 
on the palm will play it.  Is xvid the same thing? What's the 
difference?  Any other suggestions for a target format?

OK, so I have experimented with nuvexport.  Unfortunately, under 
Knoppmyth R5A22, nuvexport with ffmpeg seems to be broken, so I tried it 
with --transcode and chose xvid format and a screen width of 240 (a 
suggestion as a reasonable compromise in quality and size).   The show I 
am converting was 3.9GB in size.  The problem is, on my mythbox, which 
is only a 800MHz celeron, it has been over 12 hours, the target file is 
200MB and it's still not finished !

I tried running transcode manually from the command line on a faster 
(non-myth) machine I have.  It's a 2.2GHz sempron.  I used this command line

transcode -i in.mpg -V -x mplayer -y xvid4,xvid4 -Z 240x160 -E 16000 -b 
48,1,7,1 -w 150 -f 24,2 -o out.avi

but it still is going slow (<20 fps)

So, I guess I am hoping for some suggestions on better ways to do this?

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] How does mythtv-setup assign the tv_grab script?

2005-11-24 Thread ffrr

Phill Edwards wrote:

Tthere are 2 ways of getting the EPG:

1) Let myth run it
2) Set up a cron job to run it from a shell script.

I think most of us Aussies take the 2nd option as there isn't an 
official tv_grab_au. So in the setup change whatever it is that calls 
the tv_grab_au (can't remember here it is) and just do it all as a 
cron job by setting up a shell script which a) runs tv_grab_au and b) 
runs mythfilldatabase to load the data.

Not sure I understand that.  I have always let myth run  tv_grab_au for 
me.   ...and what's more, I never run tv_grab_au manually, except when 
testing.  Even from the command line, I just run mythfilldatabase and it 
calls tv_grab_au for me and loads the data, all in one shot.

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Userfreindly filenames of .nuv files?

2005-11-24 Thread ffrr

Jules is basically right.  The problem is not that the remote 
filesystem doesn't follow symlinks, it's that NFS allows the symlink 
to be read as a symlink.  Then, the local kernel attempts to follow 
the symlink and that file location doesn't exist on your local 
machine.  If you make sure that the path to the recordings directory 
is identical on the local filesystem, it will work.  For example, if 
you have your recordings in "/myth/recordings" on the backend, either 
mount "/myth" at "/myth" or mount the recordings directory at 
"/myth/recordings" (depending on how much of the myth tree you want 

That might be easy enough to do.

and that's what I did.  Works great.   thanks again
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Userfreindly filenames of .nuv files?

2005-11-24 Thread ffrr

This is as far as I know not true. I have used symlinks over NFS in 
the past quite extensively.

Typically they should be relative. Does this script perhaps use 
absolute links?

Don't know.  Is that easy to fix?

(Incidentally, programs which don't show symbolic links in their file 
dialogs are really broken)


Jules is basically right.  The problem is not that the remote 
filesystem doesn't follow symlinks, it's that NFS allows the symlink 
to be read as a symlink.  Then, the local kernel attempts to follow 
the symlink and that file location doesn't exist on your local 
machine.  If you make sure that the path to the recordings directory 
is identical on the local filesystem, it will work.  For example, if 
you have your recordings in "/myth/recordings" on the backend, either 
mount "/myth" at "/myth" or mount the recordings directory at 
"/myth/recordings" (depending on how much of the myth tree you want 

That might be easy enough to do.

Another option is to use Samba.  With Samba you can a) specify a 
password (unlike NFS, which simply uses UID--which is easy to fake), 

hmmm, but security isn't an issue

b) potentially get better filesystem performance (although tuning 
Samba is significantly more difficult than tuning NFS, so often you 
get worse performance), c) access the linked files (Samba allows you 
to specify you want it to follow symlinks for you since Windows 
doesn't support symlinks).

Yes it would have to wouldn't it !

Thanks for the ideas guys.
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Userfreindly filenames of .nuv files?

2005-11-23 Thread ffrr

Nick Rout wrote:

Do you know why the symlinks that I created with don't work 
when using them from a remote computer with the myth machines hard drive 
connect as an NFS drive over the network? Either that or programs like 
Xine can't play video files via symlinks, and gmplayer and kaffeine 
won't even show symlinks in their file open dialogs?

remote filesystems often don't follow synlinkls, its a security thing.


That's a pity.  Thanks for the confirmation though...

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Userfreindly filenames of .nuv files?

2005-11-22 Thread ffrr

Michael T. Dean wrote:

Why I prefer symlinks instead of renaming files:
   a) I can put the symlinks in a "clean" directory that doesn't 
contain a bunch of thumbnail files that I don't care about (all the 
.png files).
   b) I can make multiple "views" allowing me to identify recordings 
by whatever criteria I desire (i.e. sorted by title/start time, 
title/original airdate, start time, recording group/title/start time, 
category/title/start time).

   c) I couldn't care less what the database/myth calls the files. ;)



Do you know why the symlinks that I created with don't work 
when using them from a remote computer with the myth machines hard drive 
connect as an NFS drive over the network? Either that or programs like 
Xine can't play video files via symlinks, and gmplayer and kaffeine 
won't even show symlinks in their file open dialogs?

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] How to record LiveTV?

2005-11-21 Thread ffrr

Phill Edwards wrote:

I've not tried the SVN versions yet, would it be a bad idea installed
SVN code over an already installed system, built following Jarod's
excellent How-To on FC4?
Or maybe I should just wait for the next main release.

There was a bit of a discussion on this recently and the general view
was "bad idea". Rather than install it over what you have, you should
really trash what you have and install from SVN from scratch. Also,
it's a different kettle of fish than using precompiled binaries so
unless you know what you're doing it might be prudent to wait. And if
WAF is an issue  then definitely wait!


Yes, I vote for wait.  See some recent threads about using SVN.  It 
requires some commitment to stay up to date with developments.

I am one (of the many - I suspect) who will have to wait for the next 
release.  But it WILL be worth it !! :-)

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] mysql problem

2005-11-21 Thread ffrr

Antonis Labadaridis wrote:

I am trying to install mythtv on madriva linux 2005LE. I donwloaded
the pms by thac. I try to rum mythtv setup but I receive an error
message that it can not connect to the database and it prompts me to
change same settings. I think the problem is that I don't have sql
installed, since when I try to follow these instructions from the

If this is the system maintaining the database, make sure that MySQL
is running and started at boot. Click on Mandrake Control
Center->System->Services, find MySQL and click the "On Boot" button
and the "Start" button if the MySQL status shows that it isn't running

[there's no mySQL option at all]

it's called mysqld and if it's not there, just go to the software 
management section of the control centre, choose 'Look at installable 
software' and search for mysql.  It should be obvious what to install, 
and it will automatically install any dependencies.

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] How to record LiveTV?

2005-11-21 Thread ffrr

Isaac Richards wrote:

Been in SVN for over a week now, actually.


mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] How to record LiveTV?

2005-11-21 Thread ffrr

Steve Adeff wrote:

On Monday 21 November 2005 00:02, W.Kenworthy wrote:

There's nothing there about why one should not use such a feature.  Now
myth has the basic tech working, I think more effort should go into
making it user friendly.

The myth interface is pretty hard to sell when a family member says "on
the video I used to just press record - here Ive got to spend ages
navigating obscure menus, can you put the video back and remove that



and then they go buy a Tivo because if your watching live tv and hit record it 
automatically sets a manual record for the program your watching using the 
buffer to make sure you get the whole thing.


Probably one of the biggest features myth is missing.  I'm sure it is 

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Problem with time offset from UTC in guide data

2005-11-19 Thread ffrr

ffrr wrote:

I had been using the script that came with Knoppmyth, but 
today I changed it to the one from minnie tuhs - (Oztivo)

All is working except the programs are 10 hours out.  As we are +10 
hours in front of UTC, it seems to be where the problem lies.

Is there a setting to offset the times?
mythtv-users mailing list

argh!  answering my own question here.  Found the setting in mythtv-setup.

I was misled by some messages in the archives saying it was automatic, 
but that's just one of the possible settings for the XMLTV time offset.  
I set it to +1000 and it seems to be working now.

mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] Problem with time offset from UTC in guide data

2005-11-19 Thread ffrr
I had been using the script that came with Knoppmyth, but 
today I changed it to the one from minnie tuhs - (Oztivo)

All is working except the programs are 10 hours out.  As we are +10 
hours in front of UTC, it seems to be where the problem lies.

Is there a setting to offset the times?
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Re: NUV to DVD scripts for PVR-xxx owners

2005-11-19 Thread ffrr

Cory Papenfuss wrote:

Sounds great.  Will it get around the problem I am having with 
mythtvwebburn where the aspect ratio keeps getting altered?  I am 
hoping it will as you won't be doing any conversion and the video 
from my DVB-T card is 720x576 16:9 natively.

Most likely... Little is done to the stream except cutting out 
frames requested and reinserting missing frames (that get dropped once 
in awhile on ivtv captures).  DVB captures can be quite a bit more 
complicated than ivtv captures since they can have multiple 
video/audio streams, can be TS, etc... My guess it they will take a 
fair bit of debugging to work in all cases, but once done should be fine.

OK... I look forward to it then.

Also, will it be possible to use this code without having to install 
a non-release version of mythtv?

Currently, the utility is compiled using avlibs that are part of 
the svn.  I'm sure that requirement will remain, but eventually it 
should be released as part of the main tree.

The author has said that he hopes to keep a standalone 
(non-mythtrancode-integrated) version accessable via the command line.

Fair enough.  Thanks for the response.
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Re: NUV to DVD scripts for PVR-xxx owners

2005-11-18 Thread ffrr

Cory Papenfuss wrote:

My future mods will take a MythTV cutlist and pass it to ProjectX for

You might want to catch up on the 'MPEG commercial-cut code' thread 
in the Myth dev list. There is a tool in development to cut 
commercials already that is pretty close to working. I mean, it does 
work, but it's not ready for prime time yet.

I'll agree here.  There are a few of us actively working to get 
bugs worked out of this code.  Unlike most other scripts and 
utilities, this one (when the bugs are smashed) should allow for 
essentially lossless MPEG2->MPEG2 transcoding from within mythtv.  It 
will fix PTS discrepancies in ivtv captures, do frame-accurate cutting 
(along with reencoding the few frames around a cut if necessary), and 
make it quite easy to burn the resulting (commercialless) stream to DVD.

Stay tuned... I think there's some good news on this front.


Sounds great.  Will it get around the problem I am having with 
mythtvwebburn where the aspect ratio keeps getting altered?  I am hoping 
it will as you won't be doing any conversion and the video from my DVB-T 
card is 720x576 16:9 natively.

Also, will it be possible to use this code without having to install a 
non-release version of mythtv?

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Wrong audio stream picked up

2005-11-15 Thread ffrr

cardboil wrote:

I couldn't find the setting for TS/PS mode in mythtv-setup (I am using 

That'll be because they dropped PS I think.

So, I checked the mythconverg database and found dvb_recordts setting 
in the capturecard table.  This is set 1 in my case, so I assume TS is 
being used.  But, myth is still picking up the AC3 audio stream 
instead of the first mpeg2 stream.  Any other ideas to try?

That's what I meant when I said it didn't work for me.  I was never 
convinced that going to TS would fix all the problems with the wrong 
audio track being selected.

On 11/7/05, *ffrr* <[EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> wrote:

Phill Edwards wrote:

>>No, this issue happens while watching live TV.
>It's probably the TS mode vs PS mode issue. Go for TS mode.

I agree, try it, as it apparently worked for some (most?) users.  It
didn't for me, on an earlier incarnation of my mythtv setup, but
somewhere along the line it went away, thankfully. As I am now using
Knoppmyth R5A22, who knows what version I am really using.  I haven't
seen this problem on this new box though.

mythtv-users mailing list <>

mythtv-users mailing list

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: URGENT HELP...PLEASE! Re: [mythtv-users] Guidance on burning recordings to CD/DVD

2005-11-15 Thread ffrr

David Whyte wrote:

On 11/15/05, David Whyte <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


Can anybody tell me how to recover files on Linux (FC2 for the
record).  I

And it is an XFS filesystem, which seems like bad news from the
searching I am doing :(


I think you are right.  Here's something I found

sorry to confirm the bad news

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] MythTV Sharing Question

2005-11-14 Thread ffrr

Brad Fuller wrote:

why can't you just copy their .nuv file and associated .png file and 
put it in your video directory?


You only need the nuv file to watch it as a video, but to get it to show 
up in the recorded shows list, you need to put entries in the database 
as well.

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] xmltv questions - the finer points

2005-11-14 Thread ffrr

Ben Edwards wrote:

Got my system up and running but am trying to get my head around the
finer points of XMLTV.  I did a full channel scan and all is well. I
have my .xmltv file with the stations I want and run the
mythfilldatabase script (I am using the UK Alternative/radio times
grabber).It populated the guide but created a load of duplicate
channels with slightly different names (i.e. there are 3 with a id of
3, one is called ITV3 and the other have numbers as their name.

I know I need to add xmltv codes and was in fact quite surprised it
did anything without them.  So I guess my question is when does the
grabber create channels and what are the finer points of xmltv
configuration that are needed to stop this?



Yes, that seemed odd to me too.  I thought mythfilldatabase, would do 
just that, fill it with data, but it seems to create channels too

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Guidance on burning recordings to CD/DVD

2005-11-14 Thread ffrr

David Whyte wrote:

A couple of things I think would be cool is:

- If you could mark chapter points in MythTV.  That is, when you are
manually flagging a commercial, have the ability to insert chapters
- And finally, allow you to choose a frame in the program, which would
appear in the title menu, so you can see what is on the disc.

Maybe these are things we could work towards in the future.

Nice features I agree.

I'd just like to get it working first however :-)
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Guidance on burning recordings to CD/DVD

2005-11-14 Thread ffrr

David Whyte wrote:



I started to produce DVD's of my recordings and they have been
brilliant so far and as you know, I am no linux pro.

From 10, 000 ft, here goes (bear in mind I only have DVB-T tuners):

1) Record in TS, I find this makes nuvexport and cutpoints much more accurate.
2) Flag the commercials manually.
3) Export using nuxvexport to DVD.  This happens just slower than
realtime for me but I have a sempron 2400, which isn't too beefy.

Same here, with a 2200

4) Copy MPEG2 file to my windows laptop.
5) Create a project using DVDStyler, drag the movies into place, link
buttons to titles etc.
6) Create the VIDEO_TS and AUDIO_TS using DVDStyler.
7) Burn DVD using CDBurnerXP.

As I say, the quality is amazing.  The commercial cuts are dead where
I put them and the only thing I have noticed is the odd audio squeel
where the cut was made.

I would do the DVD authoring on my linux box and create an ISO then
drag that to my laptop where the DVD burner is, but DVDStyler was
segfaulting on me so I grabbed the Windows version of it.

I must have been lucky, as DVDStyler worker under linux for me.

As an aside, I know there has been speak of MythBurn etc, but I
haven't tried it ever as it seemed to involved.  Surely though, the
above 7 steps could be automated (or at least the authoring steps) a
little to help this process by. 

That's what the mythburn scripts do.  They use call dvdauthor to create 
the DVD.

The only trouble, (not resolved yet), is that the 16:9 video is being 
stretched vertically to fill the 4:3 screen

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Problem with mythfilldatabase and the crontab

2005-11-12 Thread ffrr

duckeo wrote:

Okay this one is driving me nuts.

I've got my local myth user configured to use mythfilldatabase with 
tv_grab_au. If I run this manually from the command line as mythtv, it 
works fine.

I configure up my crontab to run the same job:

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ crontab -l
00 23 * * * /usr/local/bin/mythfilldatabase

It was set to run once a day early in the morning (but it's 11:00p for 
testing purposes).

When I check my mythweb status, it says mythfilldatabase last failed 
and I verify this with the guide still not having the correct data.

I set up the crontab to pipe the output to a file:

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ crontab -l
00 23 * * * /usr/local/bin/mythfilldatabase > 

and in that log, the next day:
[EMAIL PROTECTED] :~$ cat /var/log/mythfilldatabase.log
2005-11-12 23:00:02.969 New DB connection, total: 1
2005-11-12 23:00:03.048 New DB connection, total: 2
- Start of XMLTV output -
2005-11-12 23:00: 03.170 New DB connection, total: 3
-- End of XMLTV output --
Updating icons for sourceid: 1
2005-11-12 23:00:03.207 New DB connection, total: 4

That's all I see, no reason for a failure. My Crontab log shows it is 
running as the correct user:

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/home/mythtv# cat /var/log/cron.1
/usr/sbin/crond 2.3.3 dillon, started, log level 8
USER mythtv pid 18998 cmd /usr/local/bin/mythfilldatabase

Is there some environment variable I need to set within the cron job 


I was getting an error when mythbackend ran mythfilldatabase. In the log 
I found...

config file //.mythtv/au.xmltv does not exist, run me with --configure

The problem was that the 'HOME' environment variable is not defined. 
To fix it in /etc/init.d/mythtv-backend

Add the following line

directly after
DESC="MythTV server"

Now, you might need to do something similar?  Just a guess...
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] tv_grab_au data source list

2005-11-11 Thread ffrr

Phill Edwards wrote:

 With the recent NineMSN issues, I thought I'd post a link to my
list of Aus XMLTV data sources.  Diversity is a good thing :).

 And if anyone knows of others to add to the list, please let me know.

Be well,

Will   :-}

Thanks Will. I did switch to this when things went wrong ealier in the
week with the 9MSN script. I'd like to use your source as my first
choice but at the moment I notice that there's only 4-5 days of data
there whereas we always get 7 days with 9MSN. I posted to your mailing
list and someone replied that there are some issues causing that
outside of your control.

I am going to download your new script, though, because I like the
idea of the conf file being XML. It just doesn't feel right having a
.py file as a conf file somehow! MythTV-ers - you can find it at


Yes, that's the one I got working (mentioned in an earlier post), but I 
haven't moved it to my Knoppmyth box yet.  Actually I'm still using the 
d1 script that Knoppmyth comes with as I am busy ironing out a few other 
issues.  Still, it's a good backup knowing it's there for later.

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Can't see whole picture on playback or live TV

2005-11-11 Thread ffrr

Michael T. Dean wrote:

On 11/05/05 02:21, ffrr wrote:

Michael T. Dean wrote:

Overscan settings for the NVIDIA cards only apply to TV out.

That settles that then,t hanks.

What happens when you set the /Myth/ overscan to 0?


The picture seems to maximise, i.e. fit the most in vertically, and a 
setting of 9.  Reducing it to 0 gives less picture, as does increasing 
it to, say, 18.

Even though is is at it's max at 9, I still miss half of the bottom line 
of subtitles when watching subtitled movies for example.

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Capture Card 'setup' program?

2005-11-11 Thread ffrr

Chris Ribe wrote:

mythtv-setup.  Using this program you can tell mythtv what you are 
using for capture cards, set up channel lineups,  and tweak various 
other settings.  I think you need to have the backend (but not 
frontend) running when you run mythtv-setup, but I'm not certain.  
Having mythbackend running doesn't hurt at any rate.

Actually it can cause a problem.  If it already knows about a DVB card, 
the backend can block access to it for the mythtv-setup program. I have 
often needed to turn off the backend to adjust something.  Of course, 
this won't be a problem the first time, as no card will yet be configured.

On 11/11/05, *tgate* <[EMAIL PROTECTED] > 

I'm trying to learn a bit more about how myth interacts with my
installed cards and in the documentation at
 it says:

"For DVB and HDTV cards, no further configuration is required after
setting up the card using the 'setup' program"

What setup program is this referring to?  /usr/sbin/setup , /usr/bin/
mythtv-setup , or some card specific setup?

mythtv-users mailing list

mythtv-users mailing list

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: AW: [mythtv-users] Aspect ratio changes 16:9 to 4:3 using mythwebburn

2005-11-11 Thread ffrr

ffrr wrote:

Info about the aspect ratio is part of the mpeg2 stream recorded via
DVB. The aspect ratio for a title is set by dvdauthor by looking at the
beginning of each title. So, if your recording begins a bit early and
the first frames are 4:3, the whole title is set to 4:3 for the DVD.  

Well actually, the first one I tried, starts in 16:9. So maybe it 
isn't detecting it correctly for me.

Also, in the log I see this from dvdauthor

WARN: attempt to update aspect ratio from 4:3 to 16:9; skipping

Just a little more info,  from earlier on in the log file that indicates 
it is 16:9 data I think...

1% demuxingDVB MPEG-TS file 1002_2005102918_20051029183000.nuv
--> PID 0x0 (PAT) (0 #1) -> ignored

--> PID 0x20 (PMT) (188 #2) -> ignored

ok> PID 0x905 has PES-ID 0xEA (MPEG Video) (376 #3) 

ok> PID 0x909 has PES-ID 0xBD (private stream 1) (TTX)  (1880 #11) 

ok> PID 0x906 has PES-ID 0xC0 (MPEG Audio) (82908 #442) 

-> video basics: 720*576 @ 25fps @ 0.7031 (16:9) @ 1500bps, vbvBuffer 109

-> starting export of video data @ GOP# 0

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: AW: [mythtv-users] Aspect ratio changes 16:9 to 4:3 using mythwebburn

2005-11-11 Thread ffrr

Martin Bene wrote:

DVB-T doesn't have anything to do with aspect ratio; this can still vary
between programs; some might be 4:3 and others 16:9.

Hmmm, but a 4:3 recording plays back with the same vertical height as 
the 16:9, just with a black border all around.  I thought this meant it 
is really a 16:9 with black added left and right.


Older versions of mythburn used to have all titles on a DVD in a single
title set, so the whole DVD could only be either 4:3 or 16:9. one of the
updates I did (and which should be in current CVS) was to reorganise the
DVD layout so aspect ratio is defined per title.

That would be great.  I am only putting one show on the DVD at the 
current time though.


Does anyone know what is going wrong?  Does mythburn assume 4:3?


Info about the aspect ratio is part of the mpeg2 stream recorded via
DVB. The aspect ratio for a title is set by dvdauthor by looking at the
beginning of each title. So, if your recording begins a bit early and
the first frames are 4:3, the whole title is set to 4:3 for the DVD. 

Well actually, the first one I tried, starts in 16:9. So maybe it isn't 
detecting it correctly for me.

Also, in the log I see this from dvdauthor

WARN: attempt to update aspect ratio from 4:3 to 16:9; skipping

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] How to select mpeg2-ps ?

2005-11-11 Thread ffrr

tgate wrote:

Based on reading through some of the threads I wanted to see if  
setting myth to record mpeg2-ps would help with some of my  
performance issues.  But I can't find where to set that.

If you mean you want to use PS rather than TS, that's not recommended.  
TS is the preferred format.

I have a HD5000 card, and when I go to...
Utilities/Setup -> Setup -> TV Settings -> Recording Profiles

I'm only given two options.  RTjpeg or mp4.  I am running an SVN  
version (7679), do I need to set some parameter during the compile to  
implement this?

I believe that's for transcoding.  There is another tickbox that tells 
it to record in TS or PS.  From memory, it's in mythtv-setup.

mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] Aspect ratio changes 16:9 to 4:3 using mythwebburn

2005-11-10 Thread ffrr
I have a DVB-T card so my recordings are 16:9.  However, when I use 
mythwebburn (under Knoppmyth R5A22 - but with a very recent cvs copy of 
mythburn, needed to get around other problems)) the resultant DVD plays 
in 4:3 aspect ratio.  The image is stretched to fill the screen vertically.

Does anyone know what is going wrong?  Does mythburn assume 4:3?

I have been trying to see what the scripts do.  To help me, can anyone 
suggest which part of the process is changing the aspect ratio?  Is it 
the remultiplexing done by projectx, and if so, is there some config for 
projectx somewhere that can be changed. 

Alternatively, I see some other options, commented out, in the script.   Do I need to try   some of those for 16:9 ?

e.g. - this is the section I mean -

#Added on 24 Feb 2005
#   iso13818ps $src $dst

#You may find this is better with DVB streams although DVD author will 
moan a lot!

#   replex $src $dst

# 28-Dec-04 Added myth-mplex to handle DVB streams although its very slow!
#   although problems have been encountered with audio-sync on 
DVB streams

#   mythmplex $src $dst

# Only use replex or multiplex though - not both!
#   multiplex $src $dst

# Remux using projectx
  remux_projectx "$src" "$dst"
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] HDTV digital static with DVB

2005-11-09 Thread ffrr

Chris Trown wrote:


 This thread has me wondering, now.  I just got MythTV going and 
have done some test records.

 The Simpsons Halloween special recorded just fine, but it was in 
SD format(Recorded from the HD channel).  That same night, I tried to 
record Law & Order:CI.  That recording had a lot of breakups and qudio 

 The system is a 3.06GHz P4 with a HD3000 and a Rosewill Nvidia 

 My understanding is that recording DVB streams is not CPU 
intensive.  The card just grabs the digital data off the air and the 
system writes it to disk for later manipulation/transcoding.  Am I 

That is my understanding of it as well, and what I see in practice.  
Recording a show hardly loads the CPU at all.

If that is true, then I am casting a suspicious eye to problems with 
reception.  I know that there is one channel that MythTV's scan didn't 
pick up.

 So I guess my question, is how can I tell if the problem I'm 
seeing is trouble with recption vs. a possible system throughput issue?

It is hard.  I would expect that true reception problems would be less 
frequent and VERY random. I have yet to see a true reception problem on 
mine - I am lucky that I have very good reception.  Also, reception 
problems would not correlate at system load and especially disk I/O. 

Try starting a large file copy on the SATA drive while watching live TV 
under Myth.

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Re: HDTV digital static with DVB

2005-11-09 Thread ffrr


> I chased video glitches from my DVB setup for ages, and with a lot of
> help from the list, I finally nailed it. It was the Si 3112 SATA
> controller chip doing nasties on the PCI bus and corrupting the mpeg
> stream from the DVB card.

I've recently had a similar issue migrating to FC4 and a new 300gb SATA
drive.  I was getting the same "poor reception"
on DVB when the SATA drive was working hard. I was able to confirm 
that it
was the SATA drive alone through experimentation under my prior FC3 

My motherboard (gigabyte GA-K8NS Pro) has two pairs of SATA connectors 
- one

pair near the edge of the card (and adjacent the outer most PCI slots -
where my DVB cards are) and another pair near the CPU socket.  The 
pairs use
different SATA controllers - one a Sil3512 and the other nVIDIA 
nForce3 250.

I observed a vast improvement just by swapping to the pair furthest 
from the
DVB cards (nForce3).  I still get occasional interference artefacts at 

of high IO - but I'm hoping to play with shielding to resolve this. The 2
controllers are pretty much right next to each other but the Sil3512
controller that serves the outside pair is also a little closer to the 
cards slots.  I don't know whether proximity to the DVB cards or the 

is to blame for the interference.

Does anyone have any suggestions for effective shielding of either the 

for the SATA controller/cables?

That's not going to be easy to do.  

But one question here first.  If there's so much
electronic noise coming from the SATA controller/cables/disks, why don't 
we hear it in
the audio?  That's usually the first thing to suffer in an electrically 
noisy environment.

You say that it is a lot better when you use the nForce controller.  
Well given that the
early Si 3112 chip was so bad it even corrupted file systems, I can 
believe your later
one is still inferior to the nForce chip.  I guess I am saying it might 
be a better engineered
chip that's producing the improvement, not proximity to the DVB card, 
and that it might not be

electrical interference, but the way it uses the pci bus.

This is not unheard of.  I remember early graphics cards, under Windows, 
would cause
audio glitches when scrolling the screen (as in scolling a web page 
under IE) because
the drivers were tweaked to give good benchmarks.  In fact, they didn't 
obey all the 'road
rules' on the pci bus, and jumped all over other card's useage of it.  
It made them run faster though :-)

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] no editing for new recordings

2005-11-09 Thread ffrr

Milos Prudek wrote:

MythTV suddenly stopped supporting the edit function. When I press E
while playing new recordings, nothing happens. Old recordings (earlier
than November 5) can be edited with E keys.

I have not changed anything in Myth config within last few months. Two
things happened just before editing stopped working for new recordings:
- the disk run out of space and I had to kill X
Window(Ctrl-Alt-backspace), delete files and launch X again.

- a day later, my 2-year old son punched the reset button and caused
hard reboot, with no visible consequences. Root filesystes is journal
ReiserFS, myth storage filesystem is journal XFS.

Everything except Edit seems to work fine.

How should I approach this problem?



I had something similar, and one of the database tables had become 
corrupted.  I don't remember the details, but here's some notes I jotted 
down. Please note the bit at the end about backing it up first if you can.

Can check the database with

mysqlcheck -u mythtv -pmythtv mythconverg

can also repair it with

mysqlcheck -r -u mythtv -pmythtv mythconverg

but beware, this is where I got an error.  Could be a coincidence as the whole 
filesystem had problems and needed to be repaired at the same time.

Should have dumped the data first with

mysqldump -u mythtv -pmythtv mythconverg -c > mythtv_backup.sql

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] My new MythTV box

2005-11-09 Thread ffrr

Folashade Adeyosoye wrote:

I would like to openly give credit to Jarod C.Wilson’s website, I 
followed it to the “T” and it worked on the first try even my ATI remote.

This all took my under 2 hours after building the computer

That's amazing. Well done. I guess you were very familiar with linux 
before you started?
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] HDTV digital static with DVB

2005-11-09 Thread ffrr

Preston Crow wrote:

On Tue, 2005-11-08 at 17:14 +1000, ffrr wrote:

I chased video glitches from my DVB setup for ages, and with a lot of 
help from the list, I finally nailed it.  It was the Si 3112  SATA 
controller chip doing nasties on the PCI bus and corrupting the mpeg 
stream from the DVB card.

This would correlate with your observation that it is worse with system 
load, in particular disk access.

I have two hard drives.  If I simply cat /dev/dvb/adapter0/dvr0 to a
file on the SATA drive, I get some glitches.  If I do the same to a file
on the PATA drive, I get tons of glitches.  If I do it to a ram disk, I
get a perfect recording.

But is your linux system running from the SATA drive?  If so, it is 
still being used - maybe by all sorts of background processes at the 
same time. Booting from SATA drives, and putting the DVB data on an IDE 
drive did not cure the glitches for me.  Your ram disk experience is 
interesting, but I think it may have worked because it was so very fast.

So it doesn't look like it's the SATA chipset doing something nasty.  In
fact, the SATA drive, being on a faster bus, gives me a better recording
than the PATA drive.  This makes it look more like my original theory of
being an issue that can be solved in the DVB driver.  Of course, it
could be the SATA chipset or anything else on the PCI bus, but if
something were corrupting the DVB traffic, wouldn't it also corrupt
other traffic, like disk I/O?

As per my other message (just sent) it did indeed cause disk problems 
initially.  That chipset is just rubbish!  It sounds like your BIOS 
already copes with the timing problem, as my BIOS update did, but with 
the same unfortunate result for the DVB data stream.

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] HDTV digital static with DVB

2005-11-09 Thread ffrr

Preston Crow wrote:

On Tue, 2005-11-08 at 17:14 +1000, ffrr wrote:

I chased video glitches from my DVB setup for ages, and with a lot of 
help from the list, I finally nailed it.  It was the Si 3112  SATA 
controller chip doing nasties on the PCI bus and corrupting the mpeg 
stream from the DVB card.

This would correlate with your observation that it is worse with
system load, in particular disk access.

Not only that, but I bought a new SATA drive at about the same time as I
switched to the DVB drivers.

Did you ever get a good resolution?

Yep, swore long and loud at the manufacturers of such shoddy hardware 
:-) , then built a whole new dedicated Knoppmyth system on an old 850MHz 
box, using a 250GB IDE drive I went out and purchased.

Absolutely perfect recordings every time now !

I have an ASUS A7N8X Deluxe motherboard, which includes on-board a
Silicon Image Sil 3112A controller; the same one you found to be your

Yep, many people have since told me horror stories about them.

I suppose that if I can't fix some setting somewhere, then my best hope
is to buy a separate PCI SATA card with a different controller chip;
that would at least be cheaper than buying a new 400GB hard drive.

Well, what initially happened was, I was getting corrupt file systems 
frequently.  When I realised it was the controller, I found a BIOS 
update that included/added a parameter to extend some obscure timing.  
This had 4 setting from memory, something like 10us, 20us, 30us, and 
1ms.  That rang alarm bells as the doco said to try the first 3 and if 
corruption still occurred, set it to 1ms.  This is s much larger, 
but guess what.  I needed it set to 1ms to get reliable hard disks.  

I am 99% sure that this new setting made my DVB glitches much worse.  I 
hadn't really noticed them before, as I think they were so infrequent, I 
just put it down to signal noise.  But now, they were intolerable. (This 
was all using Mythtv under a Mandriva 2005le install)

I built a quick Knoppmyth install on an old 15GB IDE drive I had around, 
and with the Sata drives disconnected, and obviously all other hardware 
still the same, I had perfect pictures.  This is the point that I built 
the separate, non-SATA machine.

I still use the SATA machine as my daily desktop, and it is now 
reliable.   Just no good for DVB cards.

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] tv_grab_au: ninemsn obfuscating data

2005-11-09 Thread ffrr

Mary Wright wrote:

can you put up a howto of what you did ... I am getting the same  
error you did before but I haven't a clue on howto fix it

I discovered that when I went to the tv guide in the web page (go to and click on the TV Guide 
link), it was opening at a page used to set user preferences. 

1. I set all my station preferences
2. I changed my preferred download format to XMLTV
3. I ticked both the preferences below that -Show me as the uploader of 
guide data -and - Show season and episode numbers on episode list.(I 
think - but probably doesn't matter anyway)

4. I set it to show up to 7 days of data

and submitted the changes.

5. I then edited the config file to request the same stations as in 1. above
6. Made sure my username and password were correct in the config file

then it worked.  That's as good as I remember.  See how you go.

also is anyone working on the imir script's a good script sad  
to see it die the way it has 

Latz mary
On 08/11/2005, at 10:33 PM, ffrr wrote:

ffrr wrote:

I've just been trying the simple grabber (tv_grab_au_tuhs) but it  
isn't working. I registered, and put my name and password in the  
config file, but here's what it does when I run it...

Ah, it's working now.  I think I had to fill in my preferences on  
the web site.  I also edited the config to match my state.

Next, to try it on my Knoppmyth box

mythtv-users mailing list

mythtv-users mailing list

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] tv_grab_au: ninemsn obfuscating data

2005-11-08 Thread ffrr

ffrr wrote:


I've just been trying the simple grabber (tv_grab_au_tuhs) but it 
isn't working. I registered, and put my name and password in the 
config file, but here's what it does when I run it...

Ah, it's working now.  I think I had to fill in my preferences on the 
web site.  I also edited the config to match my state. 

Next, to try it on my Knoppmyth box

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] tv_grab_au: ninemsn obfuscating data

2005-11-08 Thread ffrr

Phill Edwards wrote:

No that is the one I have been using and now it doesn't work. Unless it
handles the new javascript limitation they have put on the ninemsn site.

Yep - I ran it tonight and it didn't download any program data. I'm
going to go to my backup option which is TV Guide/OzTivo. This is
described at;#142021

As I keep saying on this list, this is the ONLY source which seems to
be fully legitimate and _supports_ our use of the data so I highly
recommend that you get an account set up. And don't forget that it's


I've just been trying the simple grabber (tv_grab_au_tuhs) but it isn't 
working. I registered, and put my name and password in the config file, 
but here's what it does when I run it...

   generator-info-name="XMLTV - tv_grab_au_tuhs $Date: 2005-06-04 
22:14:11  +1000 (Sat, 04 Jun 2005) $"


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Unable to find ISO-8859-1 XML header.  Ignoring channel Day.
Unable to find ISO-8859-1 XML header.  Ignoring channel Day.

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] tv_grab_au: ninemsn obfuscating data

2005-11-08 Thread ffrr

Matthew Carle wrote:



Maybe I'm going crazy, but I can't see how you register for the oztivo data.
Can someone give me instructions or a link or something.


Go here and click on 'Register on the wiki'
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] HDTV digital static with DVB

2005-11-07 Thread ffrr

Preston Crow wrote:

I'm having trouble with digital static-like artifacts on my HDTV
recordings using the DVB drivers.  This seems to be unrelated to signal
strength, but noticeably impacted by system load.  If I'm watching a
recording or recording another channel on another tuner, the problem
gets worse.

I know that my system has the throughput to handle the bandwidth, so it
seems that there's some buffer that's too small, but I haven't been able
to find it.

This has been an issue with my HD-2000 card for several months, so it's
not a recent driver change.

My system:
HD-2000 with rooftop antenna for ATSC (works fine with video4linux drivers)
Air2PC HD-5000 with digital cable QAM (works perfectly with non-HD channels)
Kernel: 2.6.14 with CVS DVB drivers (for HD-5000 support).
All DVB drivers built into the kernel (not modules).

Probably irrelevant:
ivtv-0.4.0 for PVR-250
AMD 2500+
SATA drive
nVidia FX5200 with xvmc

I chased video glitches from my DVB setup for ages, and with a lot of 
help from the list, I finally nailed it.  It was the Si 3112  SATA 
controller chip doing nasties on the PCI bus and corrupting the mpeg 
stream from the DVB card.

This would correlate with your observation that it is worse with system 
load, in particular disk access.

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] 'i' key doesn't work in Mythmusic playlist + other questions

2005-11-07 Thread ffrr

Dewey Smolka wrote:


Have you looked at the music area of Media Setting, in the frontend setup up?

I believe you can change the way listings are displayed by reordering
the keywords such as /GENRE/YEAR/ARTIST/TRACK etc etc.

Without knowing your directory structure I'm not sure whether this
will do what you want though.


Media Settings -> Music Settings -> General Settings. Under the Tree
Sorting item put in 'directory'. You'll probably also want to tick the
box for 'Ignore ID3 tags.'

I see.   Yep, sounds great, thanks .
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] 'i' key doesn't work in Mythmusic playlist + other questions

2005-11-07 Thread ffrr

David Watkins wrote:

On 07/11/05, ffrr <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

ffrr wrote:


David Watkins wrote:



Can you jump down the list?  Example, I am looking at the list of
artists, and all the A s are showing.  Can I jump down to those
with 'S', or even filter the list so it only shows those starting
with a
certain letter?


I'm running 18.1 and the number keys allow jumping down the list.  I
assume that it's like mobile phone text eg. '2' jumps to the 'A's and
'9' to the 'W's.  However I haven't checked this.  It's useful though.


Thanks, I will experiment.


Nope, it's just thoroughly weird.  For example, a 1 key jumps halfway
through the B section.  Maybe it's just dividing the list into 10%
chunks, so for example, 4 jumps to 40%.

OK that figures.  I thought it didn't feel quite right, but I'm not
good at texting and assumed that I was getting confused.  So far I've
only got about 30 albums captured, so navigation isn't difficult.  I
can see it would get tricky with a few hundred though.

Yes it does.


What I really want is to be able to select files as per the directory
structure I keep them in.  Funny, but that seems the easiest way.

Have you looked at the music area of Media Setting, in the frontend setup up?

I believe you can change the way listings are displayed by reordering
the keywords such as /GENRE/YEAR/ARTIST/TRACK etc etc.

Without knowing your directory structure I'm not sure whether this
will do what you want though.


I will try

Thanks for your help

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] 'i' key doesn't work in Mythmusic playlist + other questions

2005-11-07 Thread ffrr

ffrr wrote:

David Watkins wrote:


Can you jump down the list?  Example, I am looking at the list of
artists, and all the A s are showing.  Can I jump down to those 
with 'S', or even filter the list so it only shows those starting 
with a

certain letter?

I'm running 18.1 and the number keys allow jumping down the list.  I
assume that it's like mobile phone text eg. '2' jumps to the 'A's and
'9' to the 'W's.  However I haven't checked this.  It's useful though.

Thanks, I will experiment.


Nope, it's just thoroughly weird.  For example, a 1 key jumps halfway 
through the B section.  Maybe it's just dividing the list into 10% 
chunks, so for example, 4 jumps to 40%.

btw:  the number keys on the normal keyboard do this too, BUT typing a 
letter, say, A, does not jump anywhere.

What I really want is to be able to select files as per the directory 
structure I keep them in.  Funny, but that seems the easiest way.

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] 'i' key doesn't work in Mythmusic playlist + other questions

2005-11-07 Thread ffrr

David Watkins wrote:


Can you jump down the list?  Example, I am looking at the list of
artists, and all the A s are showing.  Can I jump down to those starting
with 'S', or even filter the list so it only shows those starting with a
certain letter?

I'm running 18.1 and the number keys allow jumping down the list.  I
assume that it's like mobile phone text eg. '2' jumps to the 'A's and
'9' to the 'W's.  However I haven't checked this.  It's useful though.

Thanks, I will experiment.

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Wrong audio stream picked up

2005-11-07 Thread ffrr

Phill Edwards wrote:

No, this issue happens while watching live TV.

It's probably the TS mode vs PS mode issue. Go for TS mode.

I agree, try it, as it apparently worked for some (most?) users.  It 
didn't for me, on an earlier incarnation of my mythtv setup, but 
somewhere along the line it went away, thankfully. As I am now using 
Knoppmyth R5A22, who knows what version I am really using.  I haven't 
seen this problem on this new box though.

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] dvb channel data into myth.

2005-11-06 Thread ffrr

Frank Simorjay wrote:

That does not exclude the fact that I was looking for a file format that has
been very elusive. And ffrr was kind to at least get me a 'working' sample
to review.

Glad it helped.

This to all involved. As much as I love the Myth product, not having common
points of reference can be really a downer. It doesn't matter what the tool
I'm using (who knows maybe I hacked something up myself.) 
What sucks is that I would get an error importing the file, with no exit

error, or explanation. So I'm not sure why it fails.

Digging around for sample files format info. Has also been frustrating. It
seems that if you need a file it would be nice to know what the fields are
expected for it to succeed? 

I'm sure this message will get some fired up. It should not. Docs always
trail product/dev. 

It's Just life. 

Sure is.  I deal with it all the time at work.  Sometimes user 
communities are the best form of support, even for commercial software.

Seems to be that once an 'average' user gets a Myth box up, they probably
stop supporting the community...and that's just fact. 
EG. I posted several question to the PCHD group, and no replies .Let alone

no new posts in a while. Odds are there are all sitting back enjoying their
MythBox. The problem well gone.

You might have a point there.

As a user. I wish I could return contributions to the group. 

I have been feeling the same, hence I am starting to try to help a bit, 
- when I can.

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Handling DVB-S recordings with Nero

2005-11-06 Thread ffrr

Niels Dybdahl wrote:


I have been told you should export them with nuvexport. Apparently
are mpeg2 files but arranged as a TS, or transport stream.   There may
be other utilities also that can convert TS to DVD compatible format.

I read on dsmyth's webpage that dsmyth is not able of handling MPEG2 
as PS, but it was not clear if it could handle TS. Maybe I should try TS.

I believe that is the recomended way now. I think they are dropping PS 
support in myth, so yes, try using TS.

I seem to manage to export with nuvexport, so that path should be 
I wonder if transcoding with MythTV would solve the problem too. If I 
can make Nero read the MPEG4s generated by MythTV, then I would have a 
nice path to do the job.

You would get poorer quality though and I don't know if Nero will accept 
MPEG4 (I don't use Nero)

MythTV is a much nicer cut-list editor than Nero

Yes I quite like editing out the bits I don't want in Myth, very easy.

and the transcoding would cut the movie, so there would be less to do 
in Nero.
But both nuvexport and transcoding with Myth would cause an additional 
transcoding which will degrade the quality a little...

Yes.  This has been discussed here in the past.  I would really like to 
somehow just extract the MPEG2 from the TS stream without going through 
a reconversion.  I really don't know enough about it all yet though.

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Handling DVB-S recordings with Nero

2005-11-06 Thread ffrr

Niels Dybdahl wrote:


I have until now used Nero VisionExpress to make DVDs from my analog 
recordings (PVR-350).
Now I have got a Hauppauge Nova-S (DVB-S) tuner and I want to create 
DVDs with Nero VisionExpress from the DVB-recordings.

However Nero refuses to open the .NUV files from the Nova-S.
I thought that the Nova-S would store in a MPEG2 format similar to the 
PVR-350, so that DSMyth would be sufficient for Nero to read the 
files, but apparently it is not so.
Does anyone have an idea of what I can do ? Do I need a different 
MPEG2 codec ? Or is it better to use nuvexport to export the files to 
a DVD compatible format ?

Any help will be appreciated
Niels Dybdahl

I have been told you should export them with nuvexport. Apparently they 
are mpeg2 files but arranged as a TS, or transport stream.   There may 
be other utilities also that can convert TS to DVD compatible format.

I have had trouble with audio sync when exporting files recorded by my 
DVB-T card, but that was back when they contained a lot of errors and 
corruptions due to a system hardware problem.   I mean to try again, now 
I have built a separate dedicated myth box that produces clean nuv files.  

I am still learning too
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] dvb channel data into myth.

2005-11-06 Thread ffrr

John Pullan wrote:

On 06/11/05, ffrr <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

John Pullan wrote:



How is that related to this problem?  We aren't talking about the
protocol between front and backend.  We are talking about importing

Which can only be done with an svn version. (Or some kind of script
I'm not aware of)

Ok.  (and as I said earlier, it is not a script)

That being said,  if it works with the released version of scan that I 
used, and recommended to the guy having trouble here, and doesn't work 
with dvbscan, that he was using,  maybe we have identified a problem or 
incompatibility, between myth and linuxtv's utilities. 

...and hopefully, I have been able to supply a way forward for the 
original poster.

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] dvb channel data into myth.

2005-11-06 Thread ffrr

John Pullan wrote:

I don't thing anyone's using any scripts.  We are simply importing the
channels.conf file, as generated by the dvb app utility, into myth using
it's 'scan' option.

It worked for me using the PLF rpms of mythtv, and it also worked for me
using Knoppmyth R5A22.

See the thread :
Re: [mythtv-users] KnoppMyth R5A22 seriously broken (was: RE: Mythtv
-0.18.1 using protocol 15)

How is that related to this problem?  We aren't talking about the 
protocol between front and backend.  We are talking about importing 

I don't mind people using svn as long as they know it's svn. Using
packages based on svn can cause problems due to claims that they are
official versions.


Nowhere did I claim anything of the sort. 

Just recently Isaac told me I was wrong when I suggested people are 
encouraged to only use the 'official' version, but here you are, telling 
us it's not a good idea to use svn.

mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] 'i' key doesn't work in Mythmusic playlist + other questions

2005-11-06 Thread ffrr

According to the documentation...

"Q: How do I create a new playlist? A: Using the MythMusic "Select 
Music" menu option, setup the playlist as you normally would by adding 
songs or other playlists as needed. When you are ready to save the new 
playlist, highlight "Active Play Queue" at the bottom of the selection 
tree and hit the "i" key. This will pop up a menu allowing you to name 
and save the new playlist. You can also hit Enter to bring up the popup 
on the Active Play Queue. This does not work on the playlists above, as 
Enter is obviously bound to checking/unchecking the boxes. Any number 
(i.e. keypad on remote) will also bring up the menu in both cases."

However, only the enter key will work.  The i doesn't seem to do 
anything anywhere in the playlist area.

Also, how do you, or, can you, change the way the tree displays.  Can 
you display them for selection the way they are stored in the 
filesystem?   This would be the best way IMHO, as I already have them 
nicely organised in subdirectories of albums, and would like to just 
play what's in a particular subdirectory.

Can you jump down the list?  Example, I am looking at the list of 
artists, and all the A s are showing.  Can I jump down to those starting 
with 'S', or even filter the list so it only shows those starting with a 
certain letter?

Can you build playlists some other way and import them?  For example, 
can I import .pls files?  Or can I add them to the database manually 

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] dvb channel data into myth.

2005-11-05 Thread ffrr

John Pullan wrote:

On 05/11/05, ffrr <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Frank Simorjay wrote:


Thanks for the info.
I'm still a bit unclear as to how you generate your config file.


Mine accepted the channels.conf file I generated using tzap and scan
(see Mine is a DVB-T card.


DVB-T terrestrial right?




So how do you get to your format?


I used 'scan' which is one of the utilities on the  site I mentioned.

The actual command is like this

./scan dvb-t/canberra-au | tee mychannels.conf

The source for scan, and example tuning data files for many places in the world 
are in the utilities package (named linuxtv-dvb-apps-1.1.0) This package also 
comes with szap/tzap/czap   (satellite/terrestrial/cable)

Now, I don't know azap and dvbscan (the utilities you are using). Maybe they're 
an alternative someone else wrote?  But the ones I compiled from the source 
from the package above seem to make myth happy :-)


Three things :

azap is part of dvb-apps (certainly under cvs)

I don't see it in the the 1.1.0 version I downloaded, so it must be 
something new.  Zap isn't actually used to generate the channels.conf, 
so it's the dvbscan vs scan app change that must be causing the 
problems, and why myth doesn't like the resulting file.

svn mythtv-setup can import channels.conf files (your mileage may

I assumed he must have a version of myth that at least attempts to 
import the file.  Knoppmyth has the option, btw.

The actual format is : name:frequency:modulation:serviceid.
I'd be very wary about using any external import scripts unless they
can cope with the post 0.16 setup.

I don't thing anyone's using any scripts.  We are simply importing the 
channels.conf file, as generated by the dvb app utility, into myth using 
it's 'scan' option.

It worked for me using the PLF rpms of mythtv, and it also worked for me 
using Knoppmyth R5A22.

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] dvb channel data into myth.

2005-11-05 Thread ffrr

Frank Simorjay wrote:

Thanks for the info.
I'm still a bit unclear as to how you generate your config file.


Mine accepted the channels.conf file I generated using tzap and scan
(see Mine is a DVB-T card.

DVB-T terrestrial right? 


So how do you get to your format?

I used 'scan' which is one of the utilities on the  site I mentioned.

The actual command is like this

./scan dvb-t/canberra-au | tee mychannels.conf

The source for scan, and example tuning data files for many places in the world 
are in the utilities package (named linuxtv-dvb-apps-1.1.0) This package also 
comes with szap/tzap/czap   (satellite/terrestrial/cable)

Now, I don't know azap and dvbscan (the utilities you are using). Maybe they're 
an alternative someone else wrote?  But the ones I compiled from the source 
from the package above seem to make myth happy :-)

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] dvb channel data into myth.

2005-11-04 Thread ffrr

ffrr wrote:

Frank Simorjay wrote:

I’m looking for advice in moving channel data that I scan using 
dvbscan into myth channel listing.

I’ve set up a capture card (dvb) as indicated in the setup guide.

Adding the hd3000 as a dvb device shows up and looks right in 

I can use dvbscan/ and azap to select and tune into channels. Running 
dvbscan to create a conf file works fine,

However I can’t for the life of me figure out how to get the 
frequencies and their sub-channels imported into myth, AND mapped to 
existing channel listing provided by zap2it.

So far I’ve tried to

-import the data using the channel.conf format. However this always 
errors indicating that I don’t have valid data.

(So on this note, what is the proper format that myth expects for a 
channel.conf. What would be defaults that work?)

Mine accepted the channels.conf file I generated using tzap and scan 
(see Mine is a DVB-T card.

Just thought it might help to post the contents of my channels.conf

7 Digital 
7 Digital 
7 Digital 
7 HD 
Nine High 
TEN Digital 
TEN Digital 
TEN Digital 

Re: [mythtv-users] dvb channel data into myth.

2005-11-04 Thread ffrr

Frank Simorjay wrote:

I’m looking for advice in moving channel data that I scan using 
dvbscan into myth channel listing.

I’ve set up a capture card (dvb) as indicated in the setup guide.

Adding the hd3000 as a dvb device shows up and looks right in myth-setup.

I can use dvbscan/ and azap to select and tune into channels. Running 
dvbscan to create a conf file works fine,

However I can’t for the life of me figure out how to get the 
frequencies and their sub-channels imported into myth, AND mapped to 
existing channel listing provided by zap2it.

So far I’ve tried to

-import the data using the channel.conf format. However this always 
errors indicating that I don’t have valid data.

(So on this note, what is the proper format that myth expects for a 
channel.conf. What would be defaults that work?)

Mine accepted the channels.conf file I generated using tzap and scan 
(see Mine is a DVB-T card.

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Can't see whole picture on playback or live TV

2005-11-04 Thread ffrr

Michael T. Dean wrote:

On 11/05/05 01:12, ffrr wrote:

Overscan settings for the NVIDIA cards only apply to TV out.

That settles that then,t hanks.

However, if you're saying that you're losing the top and bottom of 
your picture when a 16:9 video is displayed letterboxed in Myth, then 
overscan isn't your problem.  I.e., you have an image:

|   |
|   |
|   |
|   |
|   |
|   |

If overscan were the problem, the black would be appearing off screen 
because Myth is drawing the black as well as the image, and the video 
would simply be "tall and skinny" (assuming your horizontal overscan 
is set correctly).  

I ran a test just now.  I left a window open on the desktop, and also 
started up mythfrontend and started a recording playing.   I then  
ed to bring the other window to the top. I can move that window 
all over the screen, even above and below the myth video into the black 
area, and the window's contents remain visible. So, yes, myth is drawing 
the black, and too much of it :-)

Doesn't this indicate the problem is within Myth somewhere?

Unfortunately, I don't know what the problem may be.  

I appreciate the input so far.  What you mentioned above seems to have 
advanced my understanding of the problem anyway.

Does it do this on *all* your recordings or even all your 16:9 
recordings?  What about 4:3 recordings?  Are they cut off?

Yes, it seems all playback is effected. 

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