Re: And Now for Something Completely Different (was Re: IPv6 news)

2005-10-24 Thread Alexei Roudnev

Randy; we are living on Earth with small size (only 6,000 km in radius), so
we will never see unlimited grouth in multihomed networks.

It is not a problem. We are not building Internet for the whole universe.
Good old Moore can deal with our planet very well.
I repeated many times - IPv6 idea of changing multihome approach is VERY BAD
and will not survise for more that 1 - 2 years. (if IPv6 survive at all,
which I have many doubts about).

- Original Message - 
From: Randy Bush [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Daniel Golding [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, October 17, 2005 2:16 PM
Subject: Re: And Now for Something Completely Different (was Re: IPv6 news)

  There is a fundamental difference between a one-time reduction in the
  table and a fundamental dissipation of the forces that cause it to
  bloat in the first place.  Simply reducing the table as a one-off
  only buys you linearly more time.  Eliminating the drivers for bloat
  buys you technology generations.
  If we're going to put the world thru the pain of change, it seems
  that we should do our best to ensure that it never, ever has to
  happen again.
  That's the goal here? To ensure we'll never have another protocol
  transition? I hope you realize what a flawed statement that is.

 tony probably did not think about it because that's not what he
 said at all.  he was speaking of routing table bloat, not

 and he was spot on.


Re: And Now for Something Completely Different (was Re: IPv6 news)

2005-10-19 Thread Michael . Dillon

 Obviously if the RIRs contacted the folks responsible for a given block 
 were provided justification for its continued allocation, then it should 
 be reclaimed.  On the other hand, folks sitting on several class Bs and 
 using them could have their blocks reclaimed trivially; ditto for 
 that no longer exist.  The last is certainly doable without much risk of 


This is exactly what the Internic did many years ago. I, like many
other people, had registered a .com domain name at no cost. Then
suddenly one day, the Internic said that I had to pay an annual
subscription fee for this domain name. Like many others, I paid
my fees. There were a few complaints about this but by and large 
people accepted the idea that you had to MAINTAIN a business
relationship with the domain name registry in order to continue
using a domain name.

For some reason, this concept of MAINTAINING a business relationship
with the registry, has not caught on in the Regional IP Registry
arena. Of course, a large number of IP address users do pay annual
membership subscription fees to ARIN (or other RIRs) but not all.
And the RIRs seem unwilling to withdraw services (
from those who do not MAINTAIN a business relationship.

 However, one of the articles referred to recently in this thread (I 
 which) showed that even if we reclaimed all of the address space that is 

 currently unannounced (in use or not), we'd buy ourselves a trivially 
 extension of the IPv4 address space exhaustion date.  Considering the 
 of performing the task, doing so seems rather pointless; our time would 
 better spent getting IPv6 deployed and either reengineering the routing 
 system or switching to geo addresses.

Probably this article from the Cisco IP Journal which
has been mentioned a few times in the past week.

From the viewpoint of avoiding an addressing crisis and
avoiding a v6 transition crisis, your advice is sound.
However, from the viewpoint of having a sensibly functioning
RIR system, I think we still need to deal with two issues.
One is that the holders of IP address allocations should
be required to maintain a business relationship with the RIR
or lose the right to use those IP addresses. The other is 
that the RIRs need to fix the whole debacle that is whois
and routing registries. There should be no need for 3rd
party bogon lists. The RIR's should publish an authoritative
registry, rooted in IANA, that covers the entire IPv4 and
IPv6 address spaces. An operator faced with receiving a new
BGP announcement should be able to query such a registry 
and find out whether or not the address block is allocated,
who it is allocated to, and whether that party intends to
announce that exact block size from that exact AS number.

--Michael Dillon

Re: And Now for Something Completely Different (was Re: IPv6 news)

2005-10-19 Thread Per Heldal

On Tue, 2005-10-18 at 15:52 -0700, David Conrad wrote:

 Hmm.  Are the aliens who took the _real_ IETF and replaced it with  
 what's there now going to give it back? :-)

Sure they'll hand it back ... when there is no more money to be made
from IETF-related technology and politicians no longer feel it's
interesting ;)

Otoh, the IETF is a function of its partitipants. Businesses today have
such fear of competitors and interllectual-propery-issues that they
hardly can cooperate on anything. Thus, the number of technology
reasearchers available to partitipate in public forums is just a
fraction of what it was 20 or 30 years ago. If enough people find IETF
unworkable, wouldn't they just form an alternative forum that would be
to the IETF what the IETF has been to ITU?


Re: And Now for Something Completely Different (was Re: IPv6 news)

2005-10-18 Thread Tony Li

True enough, but unfortunately, it's not done in a way that we can  
make use of the identifier in the routing subsystem or in the  
transport protocols.

The transport protocols, well they generally act on behalf of  
something which can do the lookup and supply transport with right  
address, as long the DNS server does not require who-where  
indirection ;).

The transport protocols unfortunately need the identifier in the  
packet to demux connections.


Re: And Now for Something Completely Different (was Re: IPv6 news)

2005-10-18 Thread Michael . Dillon

  check out The Landmark Hierarchy: A New Hierarchy for Routing in Very 
  Networks; Paul Tsuchiya; 1989.
great stuff... i have a hardcopy. is it online yet?

Just google for landmark routing and you will find lots
of papers and presentations that deal with the topic.

If OSPF area boundaries were more fluid, rather like
the period covered by a moving average... Of course,
this might not be so nice if it was done across 
AS boundaries.

--Michael Dillon

Re: And Now for Something Completely Different (was Re: IPv6 news)

2005-10-18 Thread Paul Vixie

#  True enough, but unfortunately, it's not done in a way that we can make
#  use of the identifier in the routing subsystem or in the transport
#  protocols.
#  The transport protocols, well they generally act on behalf of something
#  which can do the lookup and supply transport with right address, as long
#  the DNS server does not require who-where indirection ;).
# The transport protocols unfortunately need the identifier in the packet to
# demux connections.

the idea of a transport protocol comes from the OSI Reference Model which
might not be the best conceptual fabric for re-thinking Internet routing.  we
know it's a distributed system and we know that various waypoints will or
will not have state, but i don't think we know that there will always be a
layer that does what the transport protocol does in the OSIRM.  i mention
this because padlipsky's mantra about maps and territories came into my head
just now as i was listening to folks talk about what the transport protocol
had to have or had to provide.  there's only a transport protocol if we
decide to keep thinking in ISORM terms.

and with that, i do indeed wonder if this has stopped being operational and
if so, whether nanog wants to overlap THIS much with the irtf?


Re: And Now for Something Completely Different (was Re: IPv6 news)

2005-10-18 Thread Michael . Dillon

 this because padlipsky's mantra about maps and territories came into my 

S.I. Hayakawa - Language and Thought in Action
   The symbol is not the thing the thing symbolized;
The map is not the territory: The word is not 
the thing.

Nevertheless, Padlipsky is a good thing to read. Here
is the book review from the Cisco IP Journal with a 
taste of the book.

--Michael Dillon

Re: And Now for Something Completely Different (was Re: IPv6 news)

2005-10-18 Thread David Conrad


On Oct 16, 2005, at 1:15 AM, Tony Li wrote:

A real locator/identifier separation requires a rewrite.

Not necessarily.  If you transition at the edge, what happens within  
the site matters only to the site and what matters to the core only  
matters to the core.  No stacks, either core or edge, need to be  

Any system that provided site-wide source address control was going  
to require a rewrite.

Not necessarily (depending on what you mean by the ambiguous term  
address).  A lot depends on the actual requirements for source  
locator or identifier control.

David, I should point out that if only a small number of folks care  
about multihoming, then only a small number of folks need to change  
their stacks.

I thought all clients would have to be modified if they wanted to  
take full advantage of a shim6 enabled multi-homed server?

And even in your solution, there would need to be some changes to  
the end host if you want to support exit point selection, or carry  
alternate locators in the transport.

One of the problems that I have seen in the IETF is calling desires  
requirements.  How important is exit point selection?  Are there  
ways of implementing exit point selection without changing the IP  
stack?  How critical is it that alternate locators be carried in the  
transport?  Does the lack of that functionality make the protocol  

What _are_ the actual requirements (not the Goals)?  From my  
perspective, the really, really critical flaw in both IPv4 and IPv6  
is the lack of _transparent_ renumberability.  Multi-homing is also a  
flaw, but less critical and I believe it can be addressed with the  
right solution to renumberability.  A few folks worry about multi- 
homing.  Everybody worries about end site renumbering.

It's just a mess.  I think that we all can agree that a real  
locator/identifier split is the correct architectural direction,  
but that's simply not politically tractable.

Right.  And since it couldn't be done the right way in the protocol,  
we make the protocol much more complicated and force a reset to  
address functionality that relatively few folks need.

I'm suggesting not mucking with the packet format anymore.  It might  
be ugly, but it can be made to work until somebody comes up with  
IPv7.  Instead, since the locator/identifier split wasn't done in the  
protocol, do the split in _operation_.  Make the edge/core boundary  
real.  Both edge and core could be addressed without hierarchy, but  
the mapping between the edge and core would change such that the edge  
would never be seen in the DFZ.  Within the core, nothing new or  
different need be done (well, except for deploying IPv6 and running  
the core/edge translators).  Within the edge, nothing new need be  
done either.  Yes, it is a hack.  But I suspect it would address the  
real requirements (or, at least my pet requirement :-)).


Re: And Now for Something Completely Different (was Re: IPv6 news)

2005-10-18 Thread Elmar K. Bins

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (David Conrad) wrote:

 I'm suggesting not mucking with the packet format anymore.  It might  
 be ugly, but it can be made to work until somebody comes up with  
 IPv7.  Instead, since the locator/identifier split wasn't done in the  
 protocol, do the split in _operation_.

It has been done a long time ago, IMHO.

I wonder whether I am the only one seeing this, but we already have
a (albeit routing-) locator (ASN) and an identifier (IP address),
that are pretty much distinct and where the routing locator is not
used inside the local network, but only outside. There's your
edge/core boundary.

Every multi-homer will be needing their own ASN, so that's what clutters
up your routing tables. It's economy there. Btw, a lot of ASNs advertise
one network only. People surely think multihoming is important to them
(and I cannot blame them for that).

Hierarchical routing is one possible solution, with a lot of drawbacks
and problems. Forget about geographic hierarchies; there's always people
who do not peer. Visibility radius limitation is another (I cannot believe
the idea is new, I only don't know what it's called).



Begehe nur nicht den Fehler, Meinung durch Sachverstand zu substituieren.

--[ ELMI-RIPE ]---

RE: And Now for Something Completely Different (was Re: IPv6 news)

2005-10-18 Thread Church, Chuck


I've been thinking a bunch about this IPv6 multihoming issue.
It seems that the method of hierarchical summarization will keep the
global tables small for all single-homed end user blocks.  But the
multihomed ones will be the problem.  The possible solution I've been
thinking about is 'adjacency blocks', for lack of a better term.  In
theory, the first customer to home to two different ISPs causes a new
large address block to be advertised upstream by these two ISPs.
Further customers homing to these two ISPs get an allocation out of this
same block.  The two ISPs will only announce the large block.  Of course
there are issues involving failure and scalability...
Failure would involve an ISP losing contact with end customer,
but still announcing the aggregate upstream.  This can be solved by
requiring that two ISPs must have a direct peering agreement, before
they can accept dual-homed customers.  Or a possible method (maybe using
communities?) where ISP B will announce the customer's actual block (the
small one) to it's upstreams, if notified by ISP A that it's not
reachable by them.  When ISP A resumes contact with end customer, ISP B
retracts the smaller prefix.
Scalability is an obvious issue, as the possible number of these
'adjacency blocks' would be N * (N-1), where N is the number of ISPs in
the world.  Obviously pretty large.  But I feel the number of ISPs that
people would actually dual home to (due to reputation, regional
existence, etc) is a few orders of magnitude smaller.  ~100,000 prefixes
(each can be an ASN, I suppose) should cover all needs, doing some
simple math.
The downside is that end customers are going to lose the ability
to prefer traffic from one ISP versus another for inbound traffic.  That
alone might be a show-stopper, not sure how important it is.  Since IPv6
is a whole new ballgame, maybe it's ok to change the rules...
Looking for any thoughts about it.  I'm sure there's things I
haven't considered, but the people I've bounced it off of haven't seen
any obvious problems.  Flame-retardant clothes on, just in case though.


Every multi-homer will be needing their own ASN, so that's what
up your routing tables. It's economy there. Btw, a lot of ASNs
one network only. People surely think multihoming is important to them
(and I cannot blame them for that).

Hierarchical routing is one possible solution, with a lot of drawbacks
and problems. Forget about geographic hierarchies; there's always
who do not peer. Visibility radius limitation is another (I cannot
the idea is new, I only don't know what it's called).

Re: And Now for Something Completely Different (was Re: IPv6 news)

2005-10-18 Thread Fred Baker

the principal issue I see with your proposal is that it is DUAL  
homing vs MULTI homing. To make it viable, I think you have to say  
something like two or more ISPs must participate in a multilateral  
peering arrangement that shares the address pool among them. The  
location of the actual peering is immaterial - doing one for Santa  
Barbara County in California might actually mean peering at One  
Wilshire Way in LA, for example. However, the peering arrangement  
would have to be open to the ISPs that serve the community;  
otherwise, it would be exposed to anti-trust litigation (if Cox and  
Verizon, the Cable Modem and DSL providers in Santa Barbara, did  
this, but it was not open to smaller ISPs in the community, the  
latter might complain that it had the effect of locking out  

But yes, communities of a rational size and density could get an  
address block, the relevant ISPs could all advertise it into the  
backbone, and the ISPs could determine among themselves how to  
deliver traffic to the homes, which I should expect would mean that  
they would deliver directly if they could and otherwise hand off to  
another ISP, and that handoff would require an appropriate routing  
exchange. Can you say lots of long prefixes within a limited  
domain? They would want to configure the home's address block on its  
interior interface and route to it through their own networks. Note  
that NAT breaks this... this requires end to end connectivity. I  
should expect that they would not literally expect the homes to run  
BGP (heaven forfend); I could imagine the last mile being the last  
bastion of RIP - the home sends a IP update upstream for its interior  
address, and the ISP sends a default route plus routes to its own  
data centers down.

The biggest issue here might be the effect on cost models in routing.  
Today, hot potato routing makes a some relationships relatively cheap  
while other relationships are more expensive; this reverses those.  
Today, if a datagram is handed to me that will be delivered in your  
network, I hand it to you at my earliest opportunity and you deliver  
it. In this model, I can't tell who will deliver it until I get  
relatively close to the community. Hence, I will carry the packet to  
that exchange point, and only then hand it to you. Funny. I described  
this in an internet draft nearly a decade ago, and got dumped on  
because of this issue - something about living in an ivory tower and  
playing with people's livelihoods, as I recall. I'll see if I can  
resurrect that, if you like.

On Oct 18, 2005, at 10:40 AM, Church, Chuck wrote:


I've been thinking a bunch about this IPv6 multihoming issue.
It seems that the method of hierarchical summarization will keep the
global tables small for all single-homed end user blocks.  But the
multihomed ones will be the problem.  The possible solution I've been
thinking about is 'adjacency blocks', for lack of a better term.  In
theory, the first customer to home to two different ISPs causes a new
large address block to be advertised upstream by these two ISPs.
Further customers homing to these two ISPs get an allocation out of  
same block.  The two ISPs will only announce the large block.  Of  

there are issues involving failure and scalability...
Failure would involve an ISP losing contact with end customer,
but still announcing the aggregate upstream.  This can be solved by
requiring that two ISPs must have a direct peering agreement, before
they can accept dual-homed customers.  Or a possible method (maybe  
communities?) where ISP B will announce the customer's actual block  

small one) to it's upstreams, if notified by ISP A that it's not
reachable by them.  When ISP A resumes contact with end customer,  

retracts the smaller prefix.
Scalability is an obvious issue, as the possible number of these
'adjacency blocks' would be N * (N-1), where N is the number of  
ISPs in
the world.  Obviously pretty large.  But I feel the number of ISPs  

people would actually dual home to (due to reputation, regional
existence, etc) is a few orders of magnitude smaller.  ~100,000  

(each can be an ASN, I suppose) should cover all needs, doing some
simple math.
The downside is that end customers are going to lose the ability
to prefer traffic from one ISP versus another for inbound traffic.   
alone might be a show-stopper, not sure how important it is.  Since  

is a whole new ballgame, maybe it's ok to change the rules...
Looking for any thoughts about it.  I'm sure there's things I
haven't considered, but the people I've bounced it off of haven't seen
any obvious problems.  Flame-retardant clothes on, just in case  


Every multi-homer will be needing their own ASN, so that's what


up your routing tables. It's economy there. Btw, a lot of ASNs


one network 

Re: And Now for Something Completely Different (was Re: IPv6 news)

2005-10-18 Thread Gary E. Miller

Hash: SHA1

Yo Fred!

On Tue, 18 Oct 2005, Fred Baker wrote:

 But yes, communities of a rational size and density could get an address
 block, the relevant ISPs could all advertise it into the backbone, and the
 ISPs could determine among themselves how to deliver traffic to the homes,

That assumes they can agree on how to get traffic to/from the world and
the local IX.  One of our local ISPs goes the cheap way and uses an
overloaded (and therefore cost effective) link to a cheap tier 2.  Another
pays a premium price to have a lightly loaded link for it's customers.

They will never agree on their business model, not should they have to.  By
forcing local ISPs to use the same routing prefix you force them to share
the same routing strategy to the outside world.  For semi-isolated
communities this is a big issue.

- ---
Gary E. Miller Rellim 20340 Empire Blvd, Suite E-3, Bend, OR 97701
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  Tel:+1(541)382-8588 Fax: +1(541)382-8676

Version: GnuPG v1.4.1 (GNU/Linux)


Re: And Now for Something Completely Different (was Re: IPv6 news)

2005-10-18 Thread Stephen Sprunk


E.g prevously
announced address-blocks that has disappeared from the global
routing-table for more than X months should go back to the RIR-pool

In RFC 2050 section 3 a)
  the organization has no intention of connecting to
  the Internet-either now or in the future-but it still
  requires a globally unique IP address.  The organization
  should consider using reserved addresses from RFC1918.
  If it is determined this is not possible, they can be
  issued unique (if not Internet routable) IP addresses.

Seems to me that the Internet routing table contents
past and present are irrelevant. Note also that the
so-called Internet routing table contents vary depending
on where you look at it.

Obviously if the RIRs contacted the folks responsible for a given block and 
were provided justification for its continued allocation, then it should not 
be reclaimed.  On the other hand, folks sitting on several class Bs and not 
using them could have their blocks reclaimed trivially; ditto for companies 
that no longer exist.  The last is certainly doable without much risk of 

However, one of the articles referred to recently in this thread (I forget 
which) showed that even if we reclaimed all of the address space that is 
currently unannounced (in use or not), we'd buy ourselves a trivially short 
extension of the IPv4 address space exhaustion date.  Considering the cost 
of performing the task, doing so seems rather pointless; our time would be 
better spent getting IPv6 deployed and either reengineering the routing 
system or switching to geo addresses.


Stephen SprunkStupid people surround themselves with smart
CCIE #3723   people.  Smart people surround themselves with
K5SSS smart people who disagree with them.  --Aaron Sorkin 

Re: And Now for Something Completely Different (was Re: IPv6 news)

2005-10-18 Thread Tony Li


A real locator/identifier separation requires a rewrite.

Not necessarily.  If you transition at the edge, what happens  
within the site matters only to the site and what matters to the  
core only matters to the core.  No stacks, either core or edge,  
need to be rewritten.

Transitioning at the edge implies to me that the hosts need to know  
about different semantics for the IPv6 header.  That, in turn,  
implies that there is different code for the hosts.

Alternately, if there is no new code anywhere, it's clear that you  
must necessarily have the same semantics and must not have made a  

Any system that provided site-wide source address control was  
going to require a rewrite.

Not necessarily (depending on what you mean by the ambiguous term  
address).  A lot depends on the actual requirements for source  
locator or identifier control.

Again, source address selection is going to require something  
different than what we have today.  The host might have to interact  
with some centralized policy server, execute a selection algorithm,  
or consult an oracle.  Whatever that might be, there is new code  

David, I should point out that if only a small number of folks  
care about multihoming, then only a small number of folks need to  
change their stacks.

I thought all clients would have to be modified if they wanted to  
take full advantage of a shim6 enabled multi-homed server?

The keyword there is full.  Unmodified clients can still interact  
with a multi-homed server in a legacy manner.

And even in your solution, there would need to be some changes to  
the end host if you want to support exit point selection, or carry  
alternate locators in the transport.

One of the problems that I have seen in the IETF is calling desires  
requirements.  How important is exit point selection?  Are there  
ways of implementing exit point selection without changing the IP  
stack?  How critical is it that alternate locators be carried in  
the transport?  Does the lack of that functionality make the  
protocol unusable?

What _are_ the actual requirements (not the Goals)?  From my  
perspective, the really, really critical flaw in both IPv4 and IPv6  
is the lack of _transparent_ renumberability.  Multi-homing is also  
a flaw, but less critical and I believe it can be addressed with  
the right solution to renumberability.  A few folks worry about  
multi-homing.  Everybody worries about end site renumbering.

As with any political process, the stated requirements are a function  
of perspective.  The stated requirements may or may not have anything  
to do with reality, realizability, practicality, or architectural  

It's just a mess.  I think that we all can agree that a real  
locator/identifier split is the correct architectural direction,  
but that's simply not politically tractable.

Right.  And since it couldn't be done the right way in the  
protocol, we make the protocol much more complicated and force a  
reset to address functionality that relatively few folks need.

It could have been done the right way in the protocol, but it  
wasn't.  Yes, the result is that the subsequent 'work around'  
solution is much more complicated than it could have been.

Again, between multihoming and mobility, the ubiquity and necessity  
of Internet access, and the reliability of the last mile, this is not  
going to remain a rare or even minority issue.


Re: And Now for Something Completely Different (was Re: IPv6 news)

2005-10-18 Thread Tony Li


But wasn't that the rationale for originally putting the kitchen  
sink into IPv6, rather than fixing the address length issue?

The stated rationale was to fix the address length issue.

I think we missed a lot of opportunities.


We're 10 years on, and talking about whether there will need to be  
more than one massive pain of migration, because the kitchen sink  
didn't take into account multihoming.

More generally because we were unwilling to make changes to the  
routing architecture.

Now we're talking about a solution that appear to be an even worse  
Rube Goldberg than token ring source-route bridging.

No one has proposed anything that is as bad as the exponential  
traffic explosion caused by explorers.

Moore will likely have to continue to produce the solution.

What happens if he can't?  Silicon technology *is* topping out.  What  
happens to v6 if every single household and business on the planet  
decides to multihome?


Re: And Now for Something Completely Different (was Re: IPv6 news)

2005-10-18 Thread David Conrad


On Oct 18, 2005, at 1:56 PM, Tony Li wrote:

Not necessarily.  If you transition at the edge, what happens  
within the site matters only to the site and what matters to the  
core only matters to the core.  No stacks, either core or edge,  
need to be rewritten.

Transitioning at the edge implies to me that the hosts need to know  
about different semantics for the IPv6 header.  That, in turn,  
implies that there is different code for the hosts.
Alternately, if there is no new code anywhere, it's clear that you  
must necessarily have the same semantics and must not have made a  

No.  The only code change that must occur is at the core/edge  
transition device _at both ends_.  Let me try explaining this by  

Assume you have:
- ISP A providing service to site X.
- ISP B providing service to site Y.
- ISP A has locator prefix A000::0
- ISP B has locator prefix B000::0
- Site X has identifier prefix 1000::0
- Site Y has identifier prefix 2000::0
- Host 1000::1 wants to send a packet to host 2000::2


1. Packet leaves host 1000::1 destined for 2000:2 and ends up at the  
site edge router for ISP A.
2. The site edge router for ISP A sees destination 2000:2 and looks  
up the locator in some globally distributed database using the  
identifier prefix 2000::0, getting back locator prefix B000::0.
3. The site edge router for ISP A rewrites the destination address  
with the locator prefix, i.e., B000::2.
4. The site edge router for ISP A forwards the packet to the next  
(core) hop for destination B000::2.
5. The site edge router for ISP B receives the packet destined for  
6. The site edge router for ISP B rewrites the destination prefix  
with the identifier prefix, i.e., 2000::2
7. The site edge router for ISP B forwards the packet to the  

You want multi-homing?  Site Y has two ISPs, each having their own  
locator prefix, e.g., ISP B (B000::0) and ISP C (C000::0).  The  
lookup at step 2 returns two locators and the site edge router for  
ISP A can choose which path to take (perhaps with advice from the  
administrator of Site Y encoded in the response from the lookup,  
e.g., a preference or priority value).  Transparent renumbering is  
obvious.  Mobility might be possible with a little work and the old  
site edge router forwarding to the new site edge router for the  
duration of the cached response from the lookup.

No code changes within the site or within the core would be necessary.

Of course, the tricky bit is in looking up the locator in the  
globally distributed database and caching the response (which  
presumably would be necessary because the lookup will take a long  
time, relatively speaking).  When a new 'conversation' between two  
hosts start, the initial packet will obviously have increased  
latency, but subsequent packets could rely on cached information.

Again, I realize this is a hack, but I suspect it is a hack that  
impacts fewer points than something like shim6.

Again, source address selection is going to require something  
different than what we have today.  The host might have to interact  
with some centralized policy server, execute a selection algorithm,  
or consult an oracle.  Whatever that might be, there is new code  

Well, yes, if source address selection is important.  My point was  
that there didn't have to be new code in the IP stack.

As with any political process, the stated requirements are a  
function of perspective.  The stated requirements may or may not  
have anything to do with reality, realizability, practicality, or  
architectural elegance.

Hmm.  Are the aliens who took the _real_ IETF and replaced it with  
what's there now going to give it back? :-)

It could have been done the right way in the protocol, but it  
wasn't.  Yes, the result is that the subsequent 'work around'  
solution is much more complicated than it could have been.

I grant additional complexity is necessary.  However, additional  
complexity in every system seems like a bad idea to me.

Again, between multihoming and mobility, the ubiquity and necessity  
of Internet access, and the reliability of the last mile, this is  
not going to remain a rare or even minority issue.

I very much agree.


Re: And Now for Something Completely Different (was Re: IPv6 news)

2005-10-17 Thread Per Heldal

man, 17,.10.2005 kl. 07.17 +0200, skrev Mikael Abrahamsson:
 Both MPLS and any tunneled VPN over IP means the core won't have to know 
 about all those prefixes (think aggregation of addresses regionally in the 
 IP case and outer label in the MPLS case).

Hope you don't imply NAT and private addresses like it is usually
associated with VPN in the IPv4 world ;)

 So if you're building a 100G capable platform that'll do IPv6 and MPLS, 
 how much difference would it be if you only had to support 16000 labels 
 and 16000 IPv6 prefixes, rather than 2 million?
 Then of course I guess the argument can be made to put everything on MPLS 
 to avoid the core knowing about anything but outer labels.

flameMPLS on its own won't solve anything. Although MPLS has its uses,
it smells too much like another desperate attempt from the telco-heads
in the ITU crowd to make a packet-switched network look and behave like
a circuit-switched network./flame

What this discussion boils down to is that a long term solution has to
remove the size of the routing-table as a limiting factor in internet
routing.  Something must eliminate the need for every node in the
default-free transit-network to know how to reach every allocated
address-block at all times. Allocation policies, operational agreements
on filtering, BCPs etc can only slow the growth of the routing-table.
Growth can't be eliminated. In the future network you'll have routers
that may know a lot about their local region of the network but have
to rely on nodes that are several hops (even AS-hops) away to pass the
packets to more remote destinations. These trust-relationships have to
be built and maintained automatically (may involve packet tagging /
tunnelling etc), similar to current route-cache mechanisms, but will
require a whole new set of routing protocols. Despite lots of research
there's no such solution today or anytime soon. Just think of the added
complexity. How do you build trust with remote nodes given the problems
you see in trusting your direct peers in the BGP world today? How can
routing loops be prevented in such a network? All we know is that if
there is no such solution, at some point in time the network will
fragment due to its size and complexity.

In the meantime we have to manage with what we've got, and treat v6 just
like we've done with v4 - multihoming and all. We know we'll run out of
v4 addresses at some point, and that v6 is the only realistic
alternative. Without improved routing protocols, all we can do is to
pray that the development of routing hardware in terms of memory and
processing capability outpaces the growth of the routing table.
Initiatives like shim6 that changes the behaviour of leaf-nodes are only
a supplement and won't replace the need for true multi-homing for
end-sites. Here we have to adapt to business needs, and businesses have
made it pretty clear that it is unacceptable to them to be tied to any
single provider. Besides, shim6 doesn't eliminate the need for a
mechanism to locate any globally unique address. What if there's
suddenly 10M LIR's, or otherwise a trend towards a market with very
small providers each handling only a small number of customers? Who gets
to decide who may peer with whom, or decide which providers will be
denied the ability to build redundant connectivity with multiple


Re: And Now for Something Completely Different (was Re: IPv6 news)

2005-10-17 Thread Mikael Abrahamsson

On Mon, 17 Oct 2005, Per Heldal wrote:

man, 17,.10.2005 kl. 07.17 +0200, skrev Mikael Abrahamsson:

Both MPLS and any tunneled VPN over IP means the core won't have to know
about all those prefixes (think aggregation of addresses regionally in the
IP case and outer label in the MPLS case).

Hope you don't imply NAT and private addresses like it is usually
associated with VPN in the IPv4 world ;)

No, no NAT and RFC1918 implied, even though it might be part of it.

Then of course I guess the argument can be made to put everything on MPLS
to avoid the core knowing about anything but outer labels.

flameMPLS on its own won't solve anything. Although MPLS has its uses,
it smells too much like another desperate attempt from the telco-heads
in the ITU crowd to make a packet-switched network look and behave like
a circuit-switched network./flame

Why? The initial argument for MPLS was that it would solve the core 
problem and put intelligence at the edge. You would have a core that only 
needed to know about hundreds of nodes instead of 100.000:nds of nodes.

Growth can't be eliminated. In the future network you'll have routers
that may know a lot about their local region of the network but have
to rely on nodes that are several hops (even AS-hops) away to pass the
packets to more remote destinations. These trust-relationships have to

Yes, that is what's being proposed. Know your internal nodes, announce 
single big prefix externally. With ISPs only having a single prefix and no 
single customer prefixes, routing table can be kept low. Redundancy can 
be solved with for instance shim6.

alternative. Without improved routing protocols, all we can do is to
pray that the development of routing hardware in terms of memory and
processing capability outpaces the growth of the routing table.

We have done this for 15 years or so, what good has it brought us? Yes, 
TCAM size etc has been fairly good in keeping up with routing table size, 
but at quite high cost.

Initiatives like shim6 that changes the behaviour of leaf-nodes are only
a supplement and won't replace the need for true multi-homing for
end-sites. Here we have to adapt to business needs, and businesses have

Why? What problem does multihoming with single prefix solve that a fully 
working shim6 doesn't? What is the argument that the internet needs to 
know about a lot of end-users, instead of the end-user knowing that each 
end user might have n number of IP addresses and that there are n^2 
combinations to send packets?

Convergence time in the real world today is in the minutes, with shim6 it 
would for the end user be much quicker to route around the problem. 
Shouldn't be any problem to have failover in the subsecond timeframe, even 
thought that might need some kind of hello mechanism that is suboptimal 
because it sends traffic not carrying any data.

single provider. Besides, shim6 doesn't eliminate the need for a
mechanism to locate any globally unique address. What if there's

I thought DNS solved that?

suddenly 10M LIR's, or otherwise a trend towards a market with very
small providers each handling only a small number of customers? Who gets
to decide who may peer with whom, or decide which providers will be
denied the ability to build redundant connectivity with multiple

It costs money to maintain a LIR which limits the number of LIRs 
economically viable in the world.

Mikael Abrahamssonemail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: And Now for Something Completely Different (was Re: IPv6 news)

2005-10-17 Thread Paul Jakma

On Sun, 16 Oct 2005, Tony Li wrote:

This is completely orthogonal to a real identifier/locator split, 
which would divide what we know of as the 'address' into two 
separate spaces, one which says where the node is, topologically, 
and one which says who the node is.

Hmm, no idea whether it's a good idea or not, but from POV of scaling 
while it might make 'where' scaleable, you still have to find a way 
to tie who to where.

Some might say we already have this split though, DNS.


Robotic tape changer mistook operator's tie for a backup tape.

Re: And Now for Something Completely Different (was Re: IPv6 news)

2005-10-17 Thread Mikael Abrahamsson

On Mon, 17 Oct 2005, Per Heldal wrote:

Well, let's try to turn the problem on its head and see if thats
clearer; Imagine an internet where only your closest neighbors know you
exist. The rest of the internet knows nothing about you, except there
are mechanisms that let them track you down when necessary. That is
very different from today's full-routing-table.

Yes, it's true that it's different, but is it better?

It does not provide 100% provider-indepence to begin with. Depending on
who you ask that alone is a show-stopper.

Well, the reason for people wanting to stick to their own IP adresses 
are administrative and technical. If we solve that then hopefully, it wont 
be such a big hassle to renumber to go to another provider.

Also, if everybody got their equal size subnet delegation from each ISP 
then it shouldnt be that much of a problem to run two networks 
side-by-side by using the subnet part of the delegation equal to both 
networks, but keep the prefix separate. If you switch providers you change 
the prefix part. This means we need new mechanisms to handle this, but I 
feel that's better than doing the routing mistake again.

The internet shouldn't need to know anything about individual users to
begin with, provided there are mechanisms avilable track them down. By
that I mean that algorithms to locate end-nodes may include mechanisms
to interrogate a large number of nodes to find the desired location as
opposed to looking it up in a locally stored database (routing-table).

So what is it you're proposing? I understand what shim6 tries to do (since 
it basically keeps most of todays mechanisms) but I do not understand your 
proposal. Could you please elaborate?

I thought DNS only provided a name for an address ;) How does DNS tell
us that e.g. is part of a subnet belonging to AS2838 and how
to get there?

Should end users really care for that level of routing information?

Also, your proposal seems to indicate that we need something that sounds 
like a proxy server that actually do know more about the internet and who 
needs to keep state, this doesn't sound scalable?

Mikael Abrahamssonemail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: And Now for Something Completely Different (was Re: IPv6 news)

2005-10-17 Thread Fred Baker

is that anything like using, in Cisco terms, a fast-switching cache  
vs a FIB?

On Oct 17, 2005, at 6:47 AM, Mikael Abrahamsson wrote:
Well, let's try to turn the problem on its head and see if thats  
clearer; Imagine an internet where only your closest neighbors  
know you exist. The rest of the internet knows nothing about you,  
except there are mechanisms that let them track you down when  
necessary. That is very different from today's full-routing-table.

Re: And Now for Something Completely Different (was Re: IPv6 news)

2005-10-17 Thread Per Heldal

man, 17,.10.2005 kl. 07.25 -0700, skrev Fred Baker:
 is that anything like using, in Cisco terms, a fast-switching cache  
 vs a FIB?

I'll bite as I wrote the paragraph you're quoting; 

Actually, hanging on to the old concepts may be more confusing than
trying to look at it in completely new ways.

Imagine a situation with no access to any means of direct communication
(phone etc). You've got a message to deliver to some person, and have no
idea where to find that person. Chances are there's a group of people
nearby you can ask. They may know how to find the one you're looking
for. If not they may know others they can ask on your behalf. Several
iterations later the person is located and you've established a path
through which you can pass the information you wanted.

Translated into cisco terms this mean that the FIB is just a partial
routing database, enough to start the search and otherwise handle
communications in the neighborhood (no more than X router-hops, maybe
AS-hops away). When the destination is located you keep that information
for a while in case there are more packets going to the same place,
similar to what you do with traditional route-cache.

 On Oct 17, 2005, at 6:47 AM, Mikael Abrahamsson wrote:
  Well, let's try to turn the problem on its head and see if thats  
  clearer; Imagine an internet where only your closest neighbors  
  know you exist. The rest of the internet knows nothing about you,  
  except there are mechanisms that let them track you down when  
  necessary. That is very different from today's full-routing-table.

Re: And Now for Something Completely Different (was Re: IPv6 news)

2005-10-17 Thread Tony Li


This is completely orthogonal to a real identifier/locator split,  
which would divide what we know of as the 'address' into two  
separate spaces, one which says where the node is,  
topologically, and one which says who the node is.

Hmm, no idea whether it's a good idea or not, but from POV of  
scaling while it might make 'where' scaleable, you still have to  
find a way to tie who to where.

True.  Even better, you get to change this binding (mobility) or have  
multiple bindings (multihoming).

Some might say we already have this split though, DNS.

True enough, but unfortunately, it's not done in a way that we can  
make use of the identifier in the routing subsystem or in the  
transport protocols.


Re: And Now for Something Completely Different (was Re: IPv6 news)

2005-10-17 Thread Peter Dambier

That reminds me of anycasting or routing issues.

Hackers did use this technique to make use of ip addresses not
really allocated. There would be no need for IPv6 if this was
more widespread.

How about claiming to be and setting up our
own root :)

Peter and Karin Dambier

is that anything like using, in Cisco terms, a fast-switching cache
vs a FIB?

On Oct 17, 2005, at 6:47 AM, Mikael Abrahamsson wrote:
Well, let's try to turn the problem on its head and see if thats  
clearer; Imagine an internet where only your closest neighbors  
know you exist. The rest of the internet knows nothing about you,  
except there are mechanisms that let them track you down when  
necessary. That is very different from today's full-routing-table.

Re: And Now for Something Completely Different (was Re: IPv6 news)

2005-10-17 Thread Fred Baker

OK. What you just described is akin to an enterprise network with a  
default route. It's also akin to the way DNS works.

The big question becomes not only who knows what I need to know,  
but how do I know that they actually know it?. For example, let's  
postulate that the concept is that each ISP advertises some sort of  
routing service that will install routes on demand, but requires that  
someone initiate a request for the route, and requires either the  
target system or the edge router in that domain that is closest to  
the target respond with a route.

Simplistically, perhaps I am trying to route from my edge network  
(A) towards your edge network (B), and we are both customers of  
some ISP (C). The host A' that is trying to get to your host B'  
initiates a request. Lets presume that this goes to some name in  
domain A that lists all border routers, or some multicast group that  
they are members of. Presumably every border router does this, but  
for present discussion the border router in A connecting to router C'  
in C asks all of his peers (POPs?) for the route, and some other  
router C asks B's border router. B's border router has the route,  
and so replies; C replies to C', C' to A's border router, and that  
router to A'. A' can now send a message.

Presumably, if someone else now ask C about the route, either C' or  
C, or if the route was multicast to all of C's edge routers then any  
router in C would be able to respond directly.

This becomes more interesting if C is in fact a succession of peer  
ISPs or ISPs that purchase transit from other ISPs. It also becomes  
very interesting if some router D' is misconfigured to advertise  
itself as B.

It's not dissimilar to ant routing. For that, there is a variety of  
literature; Google is your friend. In manet and sensor networks, it  
works pretty well, especially in the sense that once it finds a route  
it keeps using it while it continues working even if other routes are  
changing around it, and it can use local repair to deal with local  

At least as the researchers have described it, it doesn't do policy  
very well, and in networks that tend to be stable (such as wired  
networks) its load and convergence properties can be improved on.

I'll let you read there.

On Oct 17, 2005, at 9:20 AM, Per Heldal wrote:

man, 17,.10.2005 kl. 07.25 -0700, skrev Fred Baker:

is that anything like using, in Cisco terms, a fast-switching cache
vs a FIB?

I'll bite as I wrote the paragraph you're quoting;

Actually, hanging on to the old concepts may be more confusing than
trying to look at it in completely new ways.

Imagine a situation with no access to any means of direct  
(phone etc). You've got a message to deliver to some person, and  
have no

idea where to find that person. Chances are there's a group of people
nearby you can ask. They may know how to find the one you're looking
for. If not they may know others they can ask on your behalf. Several
iterations later the person is located and you've established a path
through which you can pass the information you wanted.

Translated into cisco terms this mean that the FIB is just a partial
routing database, enough to start the search and otherwise handle
communications in the neighborhood (no more than X router-hops, maybe
AS-hops away). When the destination is located you keep that  

for a while in case there are more packets going to the same place,
similar to what you do with traditional route-cache.

On Oct 17, 2005, at 6:47 AM, Mikael Abrahamsson wrote:

Well, let's try to turn the problem on its head and see if thats
clearer; Imagine an internet where only your closest neighbors
know you exist. The rest of the internet knows nothing about you,
except there are mechanisms that let them track you down when
necessary. That is very different from today's full-routing-table.

Re: And Now for Something Completely Different (was Re: IPv6 news)

2005-10-17 Thread Per Heldal

man, 17,.10.2005 kl. 15.47 +, skrev Mikael Abrahamsson:
 On Mon, 17 Oct 2005, Per Heldal wrote:
  Well, let's try to turn the problem on its head and see if thats
  clearer; Imagine an internet where only your closest neighbors know you
  exist. The rest of the internet knows nothing about you, except there
  are mechanisms that let them track you down when necessary. That is
  very different from today's full-routing-table.
 Yes, it's true that it's different, but is it better?

This thread, as well as most messages on this mailinglist in the last 2
days says so. Everyone uses all their energy trying to work within the
limits of the current scheme. Common sense says it would be to eliminate
the problem. What happens to policies if there's no limit to the size of
the routing-table?

  It does not provide 100% provider-indepence to begin with. Depending on
  who you ask that alone is a show-stopper.
 Well, the reason for people wanting to stick to their own IP adresses 
 are administrative and technical. If we solve that then hopefully, it wont 
 be such a big hassle to renumber to go to another provider.

I'm not so sure it will be that easy to get the flexibility you want.
How do you for example enforce rules of flexibilty on *all*

 Also, if everybody got their equal size subnet delegation from each ISP 
 then it shouldnt be that much of a problem to run two networks 
 side-by-side by using the subnet part of the delegation equal to both 
 networks, but keep the prefix separate. If you switch providers you change 
 the prefix part. This means we need new mechanisms to handle this, but I 
 feel that's better than doing the routing mistake again.

True, but it creates unnecessary complexity for end-systems. It still
doesn't help for scaleability on the next level up.

  The internet shouldn't need to know anything about individual users to
  begin with, provided there are mechanisms avilable track them down. By
  that I mean that algorithms to locate end-nodes may include mechanisms
  to interrogate a large number of nodes to find the desired location as
  opposed to looking it up in a locally stored database (routing-table).
 So what is it you're proposing? I understand what shim6 tries to do (since 
 it basically keeps most of todays mechanisms) but I do not understand your 
 proposal. Could you please elaborate?

What I've got can't be called a proposal. There's no solution to
propose. I just think that network complexity should be handled in the
network and not by exporting the problem to connected clients. BGP and
its related path-selection algorithms have served us well for many
years, but there's a need for alternatives and somebody have to get

  I thought DNS only provided a name for an address ;) How does DNS tell
  us that e.g. is part of a subnet belonging to AS2838 and how
  to get there?
 Should end users really care for that level of routing information? 

I never said so. Their equipment, their upstream, or the upstream's
upstream may need to know to get there though.

 Also, your proposal seems to indicate that we need something that sounds 
 like a proxy server that actually do know more about the internet and who 
 needs to keep state, this doesn't sound scalable?

There's no proxy server involved unless you count forwarding of route
location requests between inter-domain routers as proxy. If so, all
intra-domain routers would be proxies. Data transport along an
established forwarding path would not change. 

This mailinglist isn't really the place to discuss future concepts and
further discussion should move to the IETF Inter-Domain-Routing
working-group or other suitable forum. 


Re: And Now for Something Completely Different (was Re: IPv6 news)

2005-10-17 Thread Per Heldal

man, 17,.10.2005 kl. 19.16 +0200, skrev Peter Dambier:
 That reminds me of anycasting or routing issues.
 Hackers did use this technique to make use of ip addresses not
 really allocated. There would be no need for IPv6 if this was
 more widespread.
 How about claiming to be and setting up our
 own root :)

Yeah, you'd love that, wouldn't you? ;)

Trust that security considerations would be an important part of the
design of any replacement for current routing protocols.


Re: And Now for Something Completely Different (was Re: IPv6 news)

2005-10-17 Thread Randy Bush

 Imagine a situation with no access to any means of direct communication
 (phone etc). You've got a message to deliver to some person, and have no
 idea where to find that person. Chances are there's a group of people
 nearby you can ask. They may know how to find the one you're looking
 for. If not they may know others they can ask on your behalf. Several
 iterations later the person is located and you've established a path
 through which you can pass the information you wanted.
 Translated into cisco terms this mean that the FIB is just a partial
 routing database, enough to start the search and otherwise handle
 communications in the neighborhood (no more than X router-hops, maybe
 AS-hops away). When the destination is located you keep that information
 for a while in case there are more packets going to the same place,
 similar to what you do with traditional route-cache.

check out The Landmark Hierarchy: A New Hierarchy for Routing in Very Large
Networks; Paul Tsuchiya; 1989.


Re: And Now for Something Completely Different (was Re: IPv6 news)

2005-10-17 Thread bmanning

On Mon, Oct 17, 2005 at 09:03:45AM -1000, Randy Bush wrote:
  Imagine a situation with no access to any means of direct communication
  (phone etc). You've got a message to deliver to some person, and have no
  idea where to find that person. Chances are there's a group of people
  nearby you can ask. They may know how to find the one you're looking
  for. If not they may know others they can ask on your behalf. Several
  iterations later the person is located and you've established a path
  through which you can pass the information you wanted.
  Translated into cisco terms this mean that the FIB is just a partial
  routing database, enough to start the search and otherwise handle
  communications in the neighborhood (no more than X router-hops, maybe
  AS-hops away). When the destination is located you keep that information
  for a while in case there are more packets going to the same place,
  similar to what you do with traditional route-cache.
 check out The Landmark Hierarchy: A New Hierarchy for Routing in Very Large
 Networks; Paul Tsuchiya; 1989.

great stuff... i have a hardcopy. is it online yet?

--bill (checking citesear...)


Re: And Now for Something Completely Different (was Re: IPv6 news)

2005-10-17 Thread Per Heldal

mon, 17,.10.2005 kl. 11.29 -0700, Fred Baker:
 OK. What you just described is akin to an enterprise network with a  
 default route. It's also akin to the way DNS works.

No default, just one or more *potential* routes.

Your input is appreciated, and yes I'm very much aware that many people
who maintain solutions that assume full/total control of the entire
routing-table will be screaming bloody murder if that is going to
change. Further details about future inter-domain-routing concepts
belong in other fora (e.g. ietf's inter-domain-routing wg).

The long-term operational impact is that the current
inter-domain-routing concepts (BGP etc) don't scale indefinitely and
will have to be changed some time in the future. Thus expect the size of
the routing-table to be eliminated from the list of limiting factors, or
that the bar is considerably raised. 


Note that I'm not saying that nothing should be done to preserve and
optimise the use of the resources that are available today just because
there will be something better available in a distant future. I'm in
favor of the most restrictive allocation policies in place today. The
development of the internet has for a long time been based on finding
better ways to use available resources (CIDR anyone). To me a natural
next-step in that process is for RIR's to start reclaiming unused v4
address-blocks, or at least start collect data to document that space is
not being used (if they're not already doing so). E.g prevously
announced address-blocks that has disappeared from the global
routing-table for more than X months should go back to the RIR-pool


Re: And Now for Something Completely Different (was Re: IPv6 news)

2005-10-17 Thread Randy Bush

 check out The Landmark Hierarchy: A New Hierarchy for Routing in Very
 Large Networks; Paul Tsuchiya; 1989.
 great stuff... i have a hardcopy. is it online yet?

dunno if i would say great.  but certainly good.


Re: And Now for Something Completely Different (was Re: IPv6 news)

2005-10-17 Thread Randy Bush

 --bill (checking citesear...)

does that only yield rare papers :-)

and citeseer does not have the paper, only a few cites to it


Re: And Now for Something Completely Different (was Re: IPv6 news)

2005-10-17 Thread Fred Baker

That is an assumption that I haven't found it necessary to make. I  
have concluded that there is no real debate about whether the  
Internet will have to change to something that gives us the ability  
to directly address (e.g. not behind a NAT, which imposes some  
interesting requirements at the application layer and gateways of  
the sort which were what the Internet came about to not need) a whole  
lot more things than it does today. The debate is about how and when.  
when seems pretty solidly in the 3-10 year timeframe, exactly where  
in that timeframe being a point of some discussion, and how comes  
down to a choice of IPv6 or something else.

Fleming's IPv8 was a non-stupid idea that has a fundamental flaw in  
that it re-interprets parts of the IPv4 header as domain identifiers  
- it effectively extends the IP address by 16 bits, which is good,  
but does so in a way that is not backward compatible. If we could  
make those 16 bits be AS numbers (and ignoring for the moment the  
fact that we seem to need larger AS numbers), the matter follows  
pretty quickly. If one is going to change the header, though, giving  
up fragmentation as a feature sees a little tough; one may as well  
change the header and manage to keep the capability. One also needs  
to change some other protocols, such as routing AS numbers and  
including them in DNS records as part of the address.

From my perspective, we are having enough good experience with IPv6  
that we should simply choose that approach; there isn't a real good  
reason to find a different one. Yes, that means there is a long  
coexistence period yada yada yada. This is also true of any other  
fundamental network layer protocol change.

The RIRs have been trying pretty hard to make IPv6 allocations be one  
prefix per ISP, with truly large edge networks being treated as  
functionally equivalent to an ISP (PI addressing without admitting it  
is being done). Make the bald assertion that this is equal to one  
prefix per AS (they're not the same statement at all, but the number  
of currently assigned AS numbers exceeds the number of prefixes under  
discussion, so in my mind it makes a reasonable thumb-in-the-wind- 
guesstimate), that is a reduction of the routing table size by an  
order of magnitude.

If we are able to reduce the routing table size by an order of  
magnitude, I don't see that we have a requirement to fundamentally  
change the routing technology to support it. We may *want* to (and  
yes, I would like to, for various reasons), but that is a different  

On Oct 17, 2005, at 12:42 PM, Per Heldal wrote:

mon, 17,.10.2005 kl. 11.29 -0700, Fred Baker:

OK. What you just described is akin to an enterprise network with  
a  default route. It's also akin to the way DNS works.

No default, just one or more *potential* routes.

Your input is appreciated, and yes I'm very much aware that many  
people who maintain solutions that assume full/total control of the  
entire routing-table will be screaming bloody murder if that is  
going to change. Further details about future inter-domain-routing  
concepts belong in other fora (e.g. ietf's inter-domain-routing wg).

The long-term operational impact is that the current inter-domain- 
routing concepts (BGP etc) don't scale indefinitely and will have  
to be changed some time in the future. Thus expect the size of the  
routing-table to be eliminated from the list of limiting factors,  
or that the bar is considerably raised.


Note that I'm not saying that nothing should be done to preserve  
and optimise the use of the resources that are available today just  
because there will be something better available in a distant  
future. I'm in favor of the most restrictive allocation policies in  
place today. The development of the internet has for a long time  
been based on finding better ways to use available resources (CIDR  
anyone). To me a natural next-step in that process is for RIR's to  
start reclaiming unused v4 address-blocks, or at least start  
collect data to document that space is not being used (if they're  
not already doing so). E.g prevously announced address-blocks that  
has disappeared from the global routing-table for more than X  
months should go back to the RIR-pool (X=6).


Re: And Now for Something Completely Different (was Re: IPv6 news)

2005-10-17 Thread Tony Li


If we are able to reduce the routing table size by an order of  
magnitude, I don't see that we have a requirement to fundamentally  
change the routing technology to support it. We may *want* to (and  
yes, I would like to, for various reasons), but that is a different  

There is a fundamental difference between a one-time reduction in the  
table and a fundamental dissipation of the forces that cause it to  
bloat in the first place.  Simply reducing the table as a one-off  
only buys you linearly more time.  Eliminating the drivers for bloat  
buys you technology generations.

If we're going to put the world thru the pain of change, it seems  
that we should do our best to ensure that it never, ever has to  
happen again.


Re: And Now for Something Completely Different (was Re: IPv6 news)

2005-10-17 Thread Fred Baker

works for me - I did say I'd like to change the routing protocol -  
but I think the routing protocol can be changed asynchronously, and  
will have to.

On Oct 17, 2005, at 1:51 PM, Tony Li wrote:


If we are able to reduce the routing table size by an order of  
magnitude, I don't see that we have a requirement to fundamentally  
change the routing technology to support it. We may *want* to (and  
yes, I would like to, for various reasons), but that is a  
different assertion.

There is a fundamental difference between a one-time reduction in  
the table and a fundamental dissipation of the forces that cause it  
to bloat in the first place.  Simply reducing the table as a one- 
off only buys you linearly more time.  Eliminating the drivers for  
bloat buys you technology generations.

If we're going to put the world thru the pain of change, it seems  
that we should do our best to ensure that it never, ever has to  
happen again.


Re: And Now for Something Completely Different (was Re: IPv6 news)

2005-10-17 Thread Per Heldal

It doesn't look like were talking about the same thing.

A. Address conservation and aggregation (IPv4 and IPv6) is very
important to get the most out of what we've got. Read; limit the
combined routing-table to a manageable size whatever that may be.

B. There seems to be widespread fear that the global routing-table will
grow to a non-manageable size sooner or later regardless of the efforts
under A. So the limit has to be removed.

What you address below mostly belong under A (and I mostly agree),
whereas I so far have focused on B.

On Mon, 2005-10-17 at 13:12 -0700, Fred Baker wrote:
 That is an assumption that I haven't found it necessary to make. I  
 have concluded that there is no real debate about whether the  
 Internet will have to change to something that gives us the ability  
 to directly address (e.g. not behind a NAT, which imposes some  
 interesting requirements at the application layer and gateways of  
 the sort which were what the Internet came about to not need) a whole  
 lot more things than it does today. The debate is about how and when.  
 when seems pretty solidly in the 3-10 year timeframe, exactly where  
 in that timeframe being a point of some discussion, and how comes  
 down to a choice of IPv6 or something else.

Sure, something has to replace IPv4 sooner or later and IPv6 is almost
certainly the thing. Personally I belive the most trustworthy
projections points towards 2010 as the time we'll run out of addresses
in V4 with an additional 2-3 years if we can manage to reclaim up to 90%
of those previously allocated addressblocks which are not used or not
announced to the public internet.

 Fleming's IPv8 was a non-stupid idea that has a fundamental flaw in  
 that it re-interprets parts of the IPv4 header as domain identifiers  
 - it effectively extends the IP address by 16 bits, which is good,  
 but does so in a way that is not backward compatible. If we could  
 make those 16 bits be AS numbers (and ignoring for the moment the  
 fact that we seem to need larger AS numbers), the matter follows  
 pretty quickly. If one is going to change the header, though, giving  
 up fragmentation as a feature sees a little tough; one may as well  
 change the header and manage to keep the capability. One also needs  
 to change some other protocols, such as routing AS numbers and  
 including them in DNS records as part of the address.

For the record: You brought up IPv8. Nothing of what I've mentioned
requires any change to transport protocols wether implemented on top of
IPv4 or 6.

  From my perspective, we are having enough good experience with IPv6  
 that we should simply choose that approach; there isn't a real good  
 reason to find a different one. Yes, that means there is a long  
 coexistence period yada yada yada. This is also true of any other  
 fundamental network layer protocol change.
 The RIRs have been trying pretty hard to make IPv6 allocations be one  
 prefix per ISP, with truly large edge networks being treated as  
 functionally equivalent to an ISP (PI addressing without admitting it  
 is being done). Make the bald assertion that this is equal to one  
 prefix per AS (they're not the same statement at all, but the number  
 of currently assigned AS numbers exceeds the number of prefixes under  
 discussion, so in my mind it makes a reasonable thumb-in-the-wind- 
 guesstimate), that is a reduction of the routing table size by an  
 order of magnitude.

I wouldn't even characterise that as being bald. Initial allocations of
more than one prefix per AS should not be allowed. Further; initial
allocations should differentiate between network of various sizes into
separate address-blocks to simplify and promote strict prefix-filtering
policies. Large networks may make arrangements with their neighbors to
honor more specifics, but that shouldn't mean that the rest of the world
should accept those.
 If we are able to reduce the routing table size by an order of  
 magnitude, I don't see that we have a requirement to fundamentally  
 change the routing technology to support it. We may *want* to (and  
 yes, I would like to, for various reasons), but that is a different  

Predictions disagree. 


Re: And Now for Something Completely Different (was Re: IPv6 news)

2005-10-17 Thread Randy Bush

 works for me - I did say I'd like to change the routing protocol -  
 but I think the routing protocol can be changed asynchronously, and  
 will have to.

and that is what the other v6 ivory tower crew said a decade ago.
which is why we have the disaster we have now.


Re: And Now for Something Completely Different (was Re: IPv6 news)

2005-10-17 Thread Randy Bush

 There is a fundamental difference between a one-time reduction in the
 table and a fundamental dissipation of the forces that cause it to
 bloat in the first place.  Simply reducing the table as a one-off
 only buys you linearly more time.  Eliminating the drivers for bloat
 buys you technology generations.
 If we're going to put the world thru the pain of change, it seems
 that we should do our best to ensure that it never, ever has to
 happen again.
 That's the goal here? To ensure we'll never have another protocol
 transition? I hope you realize what a flawed statement that is.

tony probably did not think about it because that's not what he
said at all.  he was speaking of routing table bloat, not 

and he was spot on.


Re: And Now for Something Completely Different (was Re: IPv6 news)

2005-10-17 Thread Daniel Senie

At 04:51 PM 10/17/2005, Tony Li wrote:


If we are able to reduce the routing table size by an order of
magnitude, I don't see that we have a requirement to fundamentally
change the routing technology to support it. We may *want* to (and
yes, I would like to, for various reasons), but that is a different

There is a fundamental difference between a one-time reduction in the
table and a fundamental dissipation of the forces that cause it to
bloat in the first place.  Simply reducing the table as a one-off
only buys you linearly more time.  Eliminating the drivers for bloat
buys you technology generations.

If we're going to put the world thru the pain of change, it seems
that we should do our best to ensure that it never, ever has to
happen again.

But wasn't that the rationale for originally putting the kitchen sink 
into IPv6, rather than fixing the address length issue? I think we 
missed a lot of opportunities. Extended addressing may well have been 
possible to integrate in the mid 1990's ahead of much of the massive 
Internet expansion. Too late.

We're 10 years on, and talking about whether there will need to be 
more than one massive pain of migration, because the kitchen sink 
didn't take into account multihoming. Now we're talking about a 
solution that appear to be an even worse Rube Goldberg than token 
ring source-route bridging. Moore will likely have to continue to 
produce the solution. 

Re: And Now for Something Completely Different (was Re: IPv6 news)

2005-10-17 Thread Tony Li


If we're going to put the world thru the pain of change, it seems
that we should do our best to ensure that it never, ever has to
happen again.

That's the goal here? To ensure we'll never have another protocol
transition? I hope you realize what a flawed statement that is. We  
can't see
into the future. However, assuming that IPv6 is the Last Protocol  
seems a
bit short sighted. If we get 20 years out of IPv6, that will be  
just peachy.

I see that as a worthy goal and no, I don't see that as flawed.   
While we certainly cannot guarantee that v6 will be the last  
protocol, we should certainly be designing for it to be the best that  
we can possibly make it.  Just how many times do you think that we  
will replace all implementations?

This change is simply fundamental to the way the Internet works.   
There is almost as much pain associated with this change as if we  
were to change the electric outlet voltage in every single country to  
a mutually incompatible standard.  Can you imagine power companies  
making that change and then telling consumers to expect another such  
change in 20 years?

To not even *attempt* to avoid future all-systems changes is nothing  
short of negligent, IMHO.

Of course, if we can't get PI address space for enterprises and real
multihoming, there won't be any real IPv6 deployment. Lots of  

illegitimate) IPv4 trading and NAT, but not IPv6.

These aren't nice to haves. Even if it shortens the life of IPv6,  
that is an

acceptable trade-off.

IPv6 is not the Last Protocol.

If you do get PI space for multihoming, then by definition, it cannot  
be the last protocol.  In fact, it will have cemented v6's lifetime  
as just 10 more years.


Re: And Now for Something Completely Different (was Re: IPv6 news)

2005-10-17 Thread Fred Baker

we agree that at least initially every prefix allocated should belong  
to a different AS (eg, no AS gets more than one); the fly in that is  
whether there is an ISP somewhere that is so truly large that it  
needs two super-sized blocks. I don't know if such exists, but one  
hopes it is very much the exception.

The question is does every AS get a prefix. Under current rules,  
most AS's assigned to edge networks to support multihoming will not  
get a prefix. I personally think that's probably the wrong answer  
(eg, you and I seem to agree on PI space for networks that would  
warrant an AS number does to size, connectivity, and use of BGP to  
manage their borders), but it is the current answer.

On Oct 17, 2005, at 2:06 PM, Per Heldal wrote:

The RIRs have been trying pretty hard to make IPv6 allocations be  
one prefix per ISP, with truly large edge networks being treated  
as functionally equivalent to an ISP (PI addressing without  
admitting it is being done). Make the bald assertion that this is  
equal to one prefix per AS (they're not the same statement at all,  
but the number of currently assigned AS numbers exceeds the number  
of prefixes under discussion, so in my mind it makes a reasonable  
thumb-in-the-wind- guesstimate), that is a reduction of the  
routing table size by an order of magnitude.

I wouldn't even characterise that as being bald. Initial  
allocations of more than one prefix per AS should not be allowed.  
Further; initial allocations should differentiate between network  
of various sizes into separate address-blocks to simplify and  
promote strict prefix-filtering policies. Large networks may make  
arrangements with their neighbors to honor more specifics, but that  
shouldn't mean that the rest of the world should accept those.

Re: And Now for Something Completely Different (was Re: IPv6 news)

2005-10-17 Thread Fred Baker

On Oct 17, 2005, at 2:24 PM, Tony Li wrote:
To not even *attempt* to avoid future all-systems changes is  
nothing short of negligent, IMHO.

On Oct 17, 2005, at 2:17 PM, Randy Bush wrote:

and that is what the other v6 ivory tower crew said a decade ago.
which is why we have the disaster we have now.

and there I would agree, on both points.

now, the proposal put forward lo these many moons ago to avoid any  
possibility of a routing change was, as I recall, Nimrod, and the  
Nimrod architecture called for variable length addresses in the  
network layer protocol and the use of a flow label (as in IPv6 flow  
label) as a short-form address in some senses akin to a virtual  
circuit ID. There has been a lot of work on that in rrg among other  
places, but the word from those who would deploy it has been  
uniformly think in terms of an incremental upgrade to BGP and  
maybe MPLS will work as a virtual circuit ID if we really need one.

As you no doubt recall all too well, the variable length address was  
in fact agreed on at one point, but that failed for political  
reasons. Something about OSI. The 16 byte length of an IPv6 address  
derived from that as well - it didn't allow one to represent an NSAP  
in IPv6, which was an objective.

So the routing problem was looked at, and making a fundamental  
routing change was rejected by both the operational community and the  
routing folks.

No, IPv6 doesn't fix (or even change) the routing of the system, and  
that problem will fester until it becomes important enough to change.  
But lets not blame that on the ivory tower folks, at least not  
wholly. We were all involved.

Re: And Now for Something Completely Different (was Re: IPv6 news)

2005-10-17 Thread Marshall Eubanks

On Mon, 17 Oct 2005 14:24:08 -0700
 Tony Li [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Dear Tony et al.;

This is beginning to sound like an IETF or IRTF mail list, and, lo!, I get an 
email today 
from Leslie Daigle :

A new mailing list has been created to provide a forum for general
discussion of Internet architectural issues:


The architecture-discuss list serves as a technical discussion forum for
all members of the IETF community that are interested in larger
architectural issues. It is meant to be an open discussion forum for
all long and/or wide range architectural concerns related to the
Internet Architecture. In particular, it may be used to discuss and
bring forth different points of view on controversial architectural
questions. Discussions that drill down and dwell on specifics of
individual protocols or technologies are to be discouraged, redirected
to appropriate other fora, or re-cast to discussions of broader
implications for Internet architecture.

Maybe this  conversation should move there. Maybe a lot of operators should 
join that
list. Probably couldn't hurt.

Marshall Eubanks

  If we're going to put the world thru the pain of change, it seems
  that we should do our best to ensure that it never, ever has to
  happen again.
  That's the goal here? To ensure we'll never have another protocol
  transition? I hope you realize what a flawed statement that is. We  
  can't see
  into the future. However, assuming that IPv6 is the Last Protocol  
  seems a
  bit short sighted. If we get 20 years out of IPv6, that will be  
  just peachy.
 I see that as a worthy goal and no, I don't see that as flawed.   
 While we certainly cannot guarantee that v6 will be the last  
 protocol, we should certainly be designing for it to be the best that  
 we can possibly make it.  Just how many times do you think that we  
 will replace all implementations?
 This change is simply fundamental to the way the Internet works.   
 There is almost as much pain associated with this change as if we  
 were to change the electric outlet voltage in every single country to  
 a mutually incompatible standard.  Can you imagine power companies  
 making that change and then telling consumers to expect another such  
 change in 20 years?
 To not even *attempt* to avoid future all-systems changes is nothing  
 short of negligent, IMHO.
  Of course, if we can't get PI address space for enterprises and real
  multihoming, there won't be any real IPv6 deployment. Lots of  
  illegitimate) IPv4 trading and NAT, but not IPv6.
  These aren't nice to haves. Even if it shortens the life of IPv6,  
  that is an
  acceptable trade-off.
  IPv6 is not the Last Protocol.
 If you do get PI space for multihoming, then by definition, it cannot  
 be the last protocol.  In fact, it will have cemented v6's lifetime  
 as just 10 more years.

Re: And Now for Something Completely Different (was Re: IPv6 news)

2005-10-17 Thread Stephen Sprunk

- Original Message - 
From: Fred Baker [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Sent: Monday, October 17, 2005 15:12
Subject: Re: And Now for Something Completely Different (was Re: IPv6 news)

That is an assumption that I haven't found it necessary to make. I  
have concluded that there is no real debate about whether the  
Internet will have to change to something that gives us the ability  
to directly address (e.g. not behind a NAT, which imposes some  
interesting requirements at the application layer and gateways of  
the sort which were what the Internet came about to not need) a whole  
lot more things than it does today. The debate is about how and when.  
when seems pretty solidly in the 3-10 year timeframe, exactly where  
in that timeframe being a point of some discussion, and how comes  
down to a choice of IPv6 or something else.

Fleming's IPv8 was a non-stupid idea that has a fundamental flaw in  
that it re-interprets parts of the IPv4 header as domain identifiers  
- it effectively extends the IP address by 16 bits, which is good,  
but does so in a way that is not backward compatible. If we could  
make those 16 bits be AS numbers (and ignoring for the moment the  
fact that we seem to need larger AS numbers), the matter follows  
pretty quickly. If one is going to change the header, though, giving  
up fragmentation as a feature sees a little tough; one may as well  
change the header and manage to keep the capability. One also needs  
to change some other protocols, such as routing AS numbers and  
including them in DNS records as part of the address.

From my perspective, we are having enough good experience with IPv6  
that we should simply choose that approach; there isn't a real good  
reason to find a different one. Yes, that means there is a long  
coexistence period yada yada yada. This is also true of any other  
fundamental network layer protocol change.

The RIRs have been trying pretty hard to make IPv6 allocations be one  
prefix per ISP, with truly large edge networks being treated as  
functionally equivalent to an ISP (PI addressing without admitting it  
is being done). Make the bald assertion that this is equal to one  
prefix per AS (they're not the same statement at all, but the number  
of currently assigned AS numbers exceeds the number of prefixes under  
discussion, so in my mind it makes a reasonable thumb-in-the-wind- 
guesstimate), that is a reduction of the routing table size by an  
order of magnitude.

If we are able to reduce the routing table size by an order of  
magnitude, I don't see that we have a requirement to fundamentally  
change the routing technology to support it. We may *want* to (and  
yes, I would like to, for various reasons), but that is a different  

On Oct 17, 2005, at 12:42 PM, Per Heldal wrote:

mon, 17,.10.2005 kl. 11.29 -0700, Fred Baker:

OK. What you just described is akin to an enterprise network with  
a  default route. It's also akin to the way DNS works.

No default, just one or more *potential* routes.

Your input is appreciated, and yes I'm very much aware that many  
people who maintain solutions that assume full/total control of the  
entire routing-table will be screaming bloody murder if that is  
going to change. Further details about future inter-domain-routing  
concepts belong in other fora (e.g. ietf's inter-domain-routing wg).

The long-term operational impact is that the current inter-domain- 
routing concepts (BGP etc) don't scale indefinitely and will have  
to be changed some time in the future. Thus expect the size of the  
routing-table to be eliminated from the list of limiting factors,  
or that the bar is considerably raised.


Note that I'm not saying that nothing should be done to preserve  
and optimise the use of the resources that are available today just  
because there will be something better available in a distant  
future. I'm in favor of the most restrictive allocation policies in  
place today. The development of the internet has for a long time  
been based on finding better ways to use available resources (CIDR  
anyone). To me a natural next-step in that process is for RIR's to  
start reclaiming unused v4 address-blocks, or at least start  
collect data to document that space is not being used (if they're  
not already doing so). E.g prevously announced address-blocks that  
has disappeared from the global routing-table for more than X  
months should go back to the RIR-pool (X=6).


Re: And Now for Something Completely Different (was Re: IPv6 news)

2005-10-17 Thread Stephen Sprunk

Thus spake Fred Baker [EMAIL PROTECTED]
The RIRs have been trying pretty hard to make IPv6 allocations be one 
prefix per ISP, with truly large edge networks being treated as 
functionally equivalent to an ISP (PI addressing without admitting it  is 
being done). Make the bald assertion that this is equal to one  prefix per 
AS (they're not the same statement at all, but the number  of currently 
assigned AS numbers exceeds the number of prefixes under  discussion, so 
in my mind it makes a reasonable thumb-in-the-wind- guesstimate), that is 
a reduction of the routing table size by an  order of magnitude.

If we are able to reduce the routing table size by an order of  magnitude, 
I don't see that we have a requirement to fundamentally  change the 
routing technology to support it. We may *want* to (and  yes, I would like 
to, for various reasons), but that is a different  assertion.

If we reduce the average number of prefixes per AS by an order of magnitude, 
IMHO the result will be that there will be an order of magnitude growth in 
the number of ASes.  We're just going to trade one problem for another.

What we need is an interdomain routing system that can either (a) 
drastically reduce the incremental cost of additional prefixes in the DFZ, 
or (b) move the exist cost out of the DFZ to the people who want to 
multihome.  Both probably mean ditching BGP4 and moving to some sort of 
inter-AS MPLS scheme, but it will never see the light of day unless it 
allows leaving hosts and intra-site routing intact (i.e. hop-by-hop routing 
and a single prefix per site).  This last is why shim6 is DOA.


Stephen SprunkStupid people surround themselves with smart
CCIE #3723   people.  Smart people surround themselves with
K5SSS smart people who disagree with them.  --Aaron Sorkin 

Re: And Now for Something Completely Different (was Re: IPv6 news)

2005-10-17 Thread bmanning

 What we need is an interdomain routing system that can either (a) 
 drastically reduce the incremental cost of additional prefixes in the DFZ, 
 or (b) move the exist cost out of the DFZ to the people who want to 
 multihome.  Both probably mean ditching BGP4 and moving to some sort of 
 inter-AS MPLS scheme, but it will never see the light of day unless it 
 allows leaving hosts and intra-site routing intact (i.e. hop-by-hop routing 
 and a single prefix per site).  This last is why shim6 is DOA.

or...  drop the idea of A/THE default free zone and 
recognize that the concept is based on a flawed assumption.


 Stephen SprunkStupid people surround themselves with smart
 CCIE #3723   people.  Smart people surround themselves with
 K5SSS smart people who disagree with them.  --Aaron Sorkin 

Re: And Now for Something Completely Different (was Re: IPv6 news)

2005-10-17 Thread Tony Li


So the routing problem was looked at, and making a fundamental  
routing change was rejected by both the operational community and  
the routing folks.

No, IPv6 doesn't fix (or even change) the routing of the system,  
and that problem will fester until it becomes important enough to  

From this end of the elephant, we looked at Nimrod and saw potential  
there, but did not buy off on it.  We also looked at GSE and the  
routing folks at the very least seemed bought into that, but it died,  
under what I would characterize as a purely political hailstorm.

Yes, the lack of a scalable routing architecture will continue to  
fester until it has sufficient political visibility that it exceeds  
our pain threshold and we decide to make the change.  The problem  
with this model is that the pain of change grows daily.  Each and  
every v6 system that is deployed is yet another bit of installed base  
that will need to be updated someday.

The Internet community needs the IETF leadership to understand this  
very clearly and to take action to resolve this issue sooner, not  
later.  As others have said, this is a pay now or pay later  
situation, and the pay later portion is MUCH more expensive.   
Specifically, the IAB should call for a halt to IPv6 deployment until  
consensus is reached on a scalable routing architecture.  I realize  
that this is painful, but continuing to deploy is simply creating a  
v6 mortgage that we cannot afford to pay off.


Re: And Now for Something Completely Different (was Re: IPv6 news)

2005-10-17 Thread Paul Vixie

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Tony Li) writes:

 Specifically, the IAB should call for a halt to IPv6 deployment until  
 consensus is reached on a scalable routing architecture.  I realize  
 that this is painful, but continuing to deploy is simply creating a  
 v6 mortgage that we cannot afford to pay off.

well, maybe so.  but IAB could never make deployment start, and IAB cannot
make deployment stop.  deployment happens on its own terms.  leadership has
a built in time delay and a couple layers of indirection between intent and
action and results.  if you want IAB to lead somehow, give them some runway.
Paul Vixie

Re: And Now for Something Completely Different (was Re: IPv6 news)

2005-10-17 Thread Paul Jakma

On Mon, 17 Oct 2005, Tony Li wrote:

True.  Even better, you get to change this binding (mobility) or 
have multiple bindings (multihoming).


True enough, but unfortunately, it's not done in a way that we can 
make use of the identifier in the routing subsystem or in the 
transport protocols.

Well, if the idea is that the global routing subsystem should not 
have to burdened with the overwhelming details of who-where, 
then this mightn't matter much - all routing needs to know is 

The transport protocols, well they generally act on behalf of 
something which can do the lookup and supply transport with right 
address, as long the DNS server does not require who-where 
indirection ;).

The other way of course is to carry who-where as routes in our 
current routing system. Then we just have to figure out how to 
confine things topologically. Would require changes in how providers 
peer though, but it is possible.

And has been done in other networks, eg GSM in Ireland. We have 
provider-assigned, but provider-mobile prefixes. Just as with IP 
multihoming there was much protest that it couldn't be done, would be 
too problematic, would be too burdensome. However the regulator told 
the operators I don't care, you have till X to figure it out and 
implement. The operators did figure out, presumably including how to 
do billing for the differentials of any traffic carried for customers 
who had moved to other providers... The rest of the world has no clue 
that a large set of Irish GSM telephone numbers are essentially /32 
routed between Irish providers. ;)

A possibility anyway (but whether it's the least worst way - i don't 
know ;) ). It does though keep operators fully involved in all 
aspects of routing.

Otherwise end-hosts will just work around the 'dumb' providers 
themselves, if there's no solution operators like. (Not a bad thing 
either really).


Money isn't everything -- but it's a long way ahead of what comes next.
-- Sir Edmond Stockdale

Re: And Now for Something Completely Different (was Re: IPv6 news)

2005-10-17 Thread Paul Jakma

On Mon, 17 Oct 2005, Mikael Abrahamsson wrote:

Also, if everybody got their equal size subnet delegation from each 
ISP then it shouldnt be that much of a problem to run two 
networks side-by-side by using the subnet part of the delegation 
equal to both networks, but keep the prefix separate. If you switch 
providers you change the prefix part. This means we need new 
mechanisms to handle this,

Hmm, one thing that would be nice would be to seperate the prefix 
from the host identifier in DNS, oh... wait..

but I feel that's better than doing the routing mistake again.

It's all routing, just shifting different portions of it to different 

panic (Splunge!);

And Now for Something Completely Different (was Re: IPv6 news)

2005-10-16 Thread David Conrad


On Oct 15, 2005, at 11:26 PM, Tony Li wrote:
Paul is correct.  Things that looked like NAT were rejected because  
NAT is evil.

Religion is so much fun.

Shifting the NAT to end system removed the objection to NAT, tho  
it's not entirely clear why.  Shifting NAT to the end system also  
happened to simplify the entire solution as well.

Except for the part about having to rewrite all existing  
implementations to take full advantage of the technology.

VJ compression should not be considered a violation of the end-to- 
end principle, as it is a per-link hack and performs a function  
that CANNOT be performed in the end systems.  However, I'm not  
entirely sure that this is relevant.

Well, if you NAT the destination identifier into a routing locator  
when a packet traverses the source edge/core boundary and NAT the  
locator back into the original destination identifier when you get to  
the core/destination edge boundary, it might be relevant.  The  
advantages I see of such an approach would be:

- no need to modify existing IPv6 stacks in any way
- identifiers do not need to be assigned according to network  
topology (they could, in fact, be allocated according to national  
political boundaries, geographic boundaries, or randomly for that  
matter).  They wouldn't even necessarily have to be IPv6 addresses  
just so long as they could be mapped and unmapped into the  
appropriate locators (e.g., they could even be, oh say, IPv4 addresses).
- locators could change arbitrarily without affecting end-to-end  
sessions in any way
- the core/destination edge NAT could have arbitrarily many locators  
associated with it
- the source edge/core NAT could determine which of the locators  
associated with a destination it wanted to use

Of course, the locator/identifier mapping is where things might get a  
bit complicated.  What would be needed would be a globally  
distributed lookup technology that could take in an identifier and  
return one or more locators.  It would have to be very fast since the  
mapping would be occurring for every packet, implying a need for  
caching and some mechanism to insure cache coherency, perhaps  
something as simple as a cache entry time to live if you make the  
assumption that the mappings either don't change very frequently and/ 
or stale mappings could be dealt with.  You'd also probably want some  
way to verify that the mappings weren't mucked with by miscreants.   
This sounds strangely familiar...

Obviously, some of the disadvantages of such an approach would be  
that it would require both ends to play and end users wouldn't be  
able to traceroute.  I'm sure there are many other disadvantages as  
well.  However, if an approach like this would be technically  
feasible (and I'm not entirely sure it would be), I suspect it would  
get deployed _much_ faster than an approach that requires every  
network stack to be modified. Again.  Particularly given the number  
of folks who care about multi-homing are so small relative to the  
number of folks on the Internet.

Can two evils make a good?  :-)

(speaking only for myself, of course)

Re: And Now for Something Completely Different (was Re: IPv6 news)

2005-10-16 Thread Mark Smith

Hi David,


 Well, if you NAT the destination identifier into a routing locator  
 when a packet traverses the source edge/core boundary and NAT the  
 locator back into the original destination identifier when you get to  
 the core/destination edge boundary, it might be relevant.  The  
 advantages I see of such an approach would be:
 - no need to modify existing IPv6 stacks in any way
 - identifiers do not need to be assigned according to network  
 topology (they could, in fact, be allocated according to national  
 political boundaries, geographic boundaries, or randomly for that  
 matter).  They wouldn't even necessarily have to be IPv6 addresses  
 just so long as they could be mapped and unmapped into the  
 appropriate locators (e.g., they could even be, oh say, IPv4 addresses).
 - locators could change arbitrarily without affecting end-to-end  
 sessions in any way
 - the core/destination edge NAT could have arbitrarily many locators  
 associated with it
 - the source edge/core NAT could determine which of the locators  
 associated with a destination it wanted to use
 Of course, the locator/identifier mapping is where things might get a  
 bit complicated.  What would be needed would be a globally  
 distributed lookup technology that could take in an identifier and  
 return one or more locators.  It would have to be very fast since the  
 mapping would be occurring for every packet, implying a need for  
 caching and some mechanism to insure cache coherency, perhaps  
 something as simple as a cache entry time to live if you make the  
 assumption that the mappings either don't change very frequently and/ 
 or stale mappings could be dealt with.  You'd also probably want some  
 way to verify that the mappings weren't mucked with by miscreants.   
 This sounds strangely familiar...

Certainly does. Apparently this or a similar idea was suggested back in
1997, and is the root origin of the 64 bits for host address space,
according to Christian Huitema, in his IPv6 book -

A google search found the draft :

GSE - An Alternate Addressing Architecture for IPv6

 Can two evils make a good?  :-)

Not sure, however, two wrongs don't make a right, but three lefts do.



The Internet's nature is peer to peer.

Re: And Now for Something Completely Different (was Re: IPv6 news)

2005-10-16 Thread Tony Li

Shifting the NAT to end system removed the objection to NAT, tho  
it's not entirely clear why.  Shifting NAT to the end system also  
happened to simplify the entire solution as well.

Except for the part about having to rewrite all existing  
implementations to take full advantage of the technology.

That was inevitable from the start.  A real locator/identifier  
separation requires a rewrite.  Any system that provided site-wide  
source address control was going to require a rewrite.

The bigger issue is that given that rewrite was inevitable, why  
didn't we have more design freedom.  Religion *is* so much fun.

Obviously, some of the disadvantages of such an approach would be  
that it would require both ends to play and end users wouldn't be  
able to traceroute.  I'm sure there are many other disadvantages as  
well.  However, if an approach like this would be technically  
feasible (and I'm not entirely sure it would be), I suspect it  
would get deployed _much_ faster than an approach that requires  
every network stack to be modified. Again.  Particularly given the  
number of folks who care about multi-homing are so small relative  
to the number of folks on the Internet.

David, I should point out that if only a small number of folks care  
about multihoming, then only a small number of folks need to change  
their stacks.

And even in your solution, there would need to be some changes to the  
end host if you want to support exit point selection, or carry  
alternate locators in the transport.

It's just a mess.  I think that we all can agree that a real locator/ 
identifier split is the correct architectural direction, but that's  
simply not politically tractable.  If the real message that the  
provider community is trying to send is that they want this, and not  
IPv6 as it stands today, then that's the message that should be sent,  
without reference to shim6.


Re: And Now for Something Completely Different (was Re: IPv6 news)

2005-10-16 Thread Tony Li

Certainly does. Apparently this or a similar idea was suggested  
back in

1997, and is the root origin of the 64 bits for host address space,
according to Christian Huitema, in his IPv6 book -

A google search found the draft :

GSE - An Alternate Addressing Architecture for IPv6

Note that GSE is in no way a NAT, so is very different than David's  

GSE also has a direct impact on all implementations (e.g., only use  
the identifier bits in the TCP pseudo-header, so that is also an all- 
implementations change.  Further, that is a flag day, worldwide, even  
for non-multi-homed sites.


Re: And Now for Something Completely Different (was Re: IPv6 news)

2005-10-16 Thread Joe Maimon

Tony Li wrote:

It's just a mess.  I think that we all can agree that a real locator/ 
identifier split is the correct architectural direction, but that's  
simply not politically tractable.  If the real message that the  
provider community is trying to send is that they want this, and not  
IPv6 as it stands today, then that's the message that should be sent,  
without reference to shim6.


How is a split between locator / identifier any different logicaly from 
the existing ipv4 source routing?

I thought that got dead ended?

Or is a table lookup going to be needed?

Wont all those tables need to be in the exact (or close to) same place 
as the current routing tables?

Appreciate any enlightenment.


Re: And Now for Something Completely Different (was Re: IPv6 news)

2005-10-16 Thread Tony Li

How is a split between locator / identifier any different logicaly  
from the existing ipv4 source routing?

IPv4 source routing, as it exists today, is an extremely limited  
mechanism for specifying waypoints along the path to the destination.

This is completely orthogonal to a real identifier/locator split,  
which would divide what we know of as the 'address' into two separate  
spaces, one which says where the node is, topologically, and one  
which says who the node is.   One might use the identifier in the  
TCP pseudo-header, but not the locator, for one example, immediately  
allowing both mobility and multi-homing.


Re: And Now for Something Completely Different (was Re: IPv6 news)

2005-10-16 Thread Mike Leber

On Sun, 16 Oct 2005, Joe Maimon wrote:
 Tony Li wrote:
  It's just a mess.  I think that we all can agree that a real locator/ 
  identifier split is the correct architectural direction, but that's  
  simply not politically tractable.  If the real message that the  
  provider community is trying to send is that they want this, and not  
  IPv6 as it stands today, then that's the message that should be sent,  
  without reference to shim6.

 How is a split between locator / identifier any different logicaly from 
 the existing ipv4 source routing?
 I thought that got dead ended?
 Or is a table lookup going to be needed?
 Wont all those tables need to be in the exact (or close to) same place 
 as the current routing tables?
 Appreciate any enlightenment.

For example, if your goal was to have TCP-like sessions between
identifiers survive network events without globally propagating full
network topology information about your site (the gripe against classic
IPv4 BGP) you could have multiple locators associated with any single
identifier sort of like the same way you can have multiple A records for a
domain name.  If the location layer session times out then it would try
the other locators listed (pick a method of selection) and if it suceeded
would resume the session transparent to the identifier layer. Design the
timeout and retransmit algorithm and parameters to achieve the convergence
times of your choice.

You would need a new protocol stack on the hosts at both ends of
connections.  By common convention classic TCP hosts could be told to use
one of the locators (a transition hack, or just run the protocols in
parallel).  No change would be required to the network, and existing TCP
could continue to be supported (no flag day).

Of course support of this new protocol would be limited to the clients and
servers that chose to implement it, however this is no less than the
change required for IPv6 which some hoped would solve the multihoming
problem (possibly defined as scalably supporting network topology change
without sessions being interrupted).


+- H U R R I C A N E - E L E C T R I C -+
| Mike Leber   Direct Internet Connections   Voice 510 580 4100 |
| Hurricane Electric Web Hosting  Colocation   Fax 510 580 4151 |

Re: And Now for Something Completely Different (was Re: IPv6 news)

2005-10-16 Thread Joe Maimon

Tony Li wrote:

How is a split between locator / identifier any different logicaly  
from the existing ipv4 source routing?

IPv4 source routing, as it exists today, is an extremely limited  
mechanism for specifying waypoints along the path to the destination.

IOW the end stations were supposed to be able to tell eachother how to 
route to eachother. Obviously that does not work in todays internet. But 
 that was a seperation between the endpoints ID and the routing of the 

This is completely orthogonal to a real identifier/locator split,  which 
would divide what we know of as the 'address' into two separate  spaces, 
one which says where the node is, topologically, and one  which says 
who the node is.   One might use the identifier in the  TCP 
pseudo-header, but not the locator, for one example, immediately  
allowing both mobility and multi-homing.

Do you mean adding a second address space to be used by all l3 protocols?

Or adding a second address space for every L3 protocol? Or adding a 
layer 2.5 address space? That appears to be what shim6 is.

Also my original question -- How do I send my packet to the other node?

I cant just address my packet to the ID, I have to use either 
information supplied by that node or by a third party.

Source routing or routing tables.

If this decoupling depends on inband negotiated information, than this 
allows survivability, but it is not multihoming where multihoming is 
described as what we do now.


Re: And Now for Something Completely Different (was Re: IPv6 news)

2005-10-16 Thread Joe Maimon

Mike Leber wrote:

On Sun, 16 Oct 2005, Joe Maimon wrote:

For example, if your goal was to have TCP-like sessions between
identifiers survive network events without globally propagating full
network topology information about your site (the gripe against classic
IPv4 BGP) you could have multiple locators associated with any single
identifier sort of like the same way you can have multiple A records for a
domain name.  

Real world shows that that doesnt work very well. Multiple A records is 
not usuable practicaly speaking for anything other than load balancing, 

If the location layer session times out then it would try
the other locators listed (pick a method of selection) and if it suceeded
would resume the session transparent to the identifier layer. Design the
timeout and retransmit algorithm and parameters to achieve the convergence
times of your choice.

DNS is a good example of something that was designed that way, but few 
people rely on common implementations actualy performing it properly.

You would need a new protocol stack on the hosts at both ends of
connections.  By common convention classic TCP hosts could be told to use
one of the locators (a transition hack, or just run the protocols in
parallel).  No change would be required to the network, and existing TCP
could continue to be supported (no flag day).

Appears to me thats what shim6 is (cursory reading + nanog discussions)

Of course support of this new protocol would be limited to the clients and
servers that chose to implement it, however this is no less than the
change required for IPv6 which some hoped would solve the multihoming
problem (possibly defined as scalably supporting network topology change
without sessions being interrupted).

Long story short, seperating endpoint/locator does nothing to allow 
multiple paths to a single IP6 address/prefix to scale.

Re: And Now for Something Completely Different (was Re: IPv6 news)

2005-10-16 Thread Mike Leber

On Sun, 16 Oct 2005, Joe Maimon wrote:
 Mike Leber wrote:
  On Sun, 16 Oct 2005, Joe Maimon wrote:
  For example, if your goal was to have TCP-like sessions between
  identifiers survive network events without globally propagating full
  network topology information about your site (the gripe against classic
  IPv4 BGP) you could have multiple locators associated with any single
  identifier sort of like the same way you can have multiple A records for a
  domain name.  
 Real world shows that that doesnt work very well. Multiple A records is 
 not usuable practicaly speaking for anything other than load balancing, 

You are missing the point.

Currently multihomed sites have multiple path entries in the routing table 
for a specific multihomed prefix.

Instead of having multiple paths, you would have multiple location records
in DNS.  (Which are A records and any possible reordering by round robbin
is not part of the actual path selection algorithm and which are
associated with indentifiers though a standard to be designed as part of
the new protocol.)

The process of how you select which one to use (and what knobs you have
for tuning) is a design decision, the same way it was with BGP and OSPF.

  If the location layer session times out then it would try
  the other locators listed (pick a method of selection) and if it suceeded
  would resume the session transparent to the identifier layer. Design the
  timeout and retransmit algorithm and parameters to achieve the convergence
  times of your choice.
 DNS is a good example of something that was designed that way, but few 
 people rely on common implementations actualy performing it properly.

BGP and OSPF have timeouts and select other paths.  They give you the
convergence you have now in the event of router failure.  For example, a
BGP session with a peer accross a public exchange has to time out, your
interface is still up.  Yes, you have to engineer the protocol for the
convergence time you want.  Define the goal and figure out the algorithm
to achieve it.

  You would need a new protocol stack on the hosts at both ends of
  connections.  By common convention classic TCP hosts could be told to use
  one of the locators (a transition hack, or just run the protocols in
  parallel).  No change would be required to the network, and existing TCP
  could continue to be supported (no flag day).
 Appears to me thats what shim6 is (cursory reading + nanog discussions)

Perhaps a shim6 advocate will explain the differences.

Does shim6 provide separate identifiers from locators?

Does shim6 require new protocol stacks on the hosts at both ends of a
session?  (If not then the source is not making its own path selection

  Of course support of this new protocol would be limited to the clients and
  servers that chose to implement it, however this is no less than the
  change required for IPv6 which some hoped would solve the multihoming
  problem (possibly defined as scalably supporting network topology change
  without sessions being interrupted).
 Long story short, seperating endpoint/locator does nothing to allow 
 multiple paths to a single IP6 address/prefix to scale.

Um, this is equivalent to saying it doesn't work because I say so.

How doesn't it work?  For example you could claim (and then try to defend
your claim):

* It can't possibly converge quick enough because the genius that went
into BGP and OSPF was lost and can never be found again.

* (ok seriously) It can't converge quick enough because the timeout would
have to be X and based on a guestimate of network topology entropy that
would result in Y percent more traffic as each host tries to reestablish
locator sessions.  (Well, then define what percentage of sessions you
think get interruped and support your claim.)

* You throw away real topology information and rely on latency (or
whatever), and using latency doesn't work because it doesn't allow traffic
engineering according to policy. (Who said you have to give everybody the
same set of locators?  Paul might say e.  FWIW, if you want the
ability to tell different peers different answers like with BGP you will
need the ability to give different answers with the new protocol.)


+- H U R R I C A N E - E L E C T R I C -+
| Mike Leber   Direct Internet Connections   Voice 510 580 4100 |
| Hurricane Electric Web Hosting  Colocation   Fax 510 580 4151 |

Re: And Now for Something Completely Different (was Re: IPv6 news)

2005-10-16 Thread Mikael Abrahamsson

On Sun, 16 Oct 2005, Mike Leber wrote:

Does shim6 require new protocol stacks on the hosts at both ends of a
session?  (If not then the source is not making its own path selection

As I understood it, shim6 is a way for two hosts to communicate between 
each other that they have multiple IPv6 addresses. So if a timeout occurs 
to the last used address, you can try another and try to resume the 

So if the web-server has two different IP:s (from two different 
providers), both would be in DNS (preferrably) and the TCP session would 
be established with one of them. If shim6 detects that the original path 
is broken, it will try to use another and if it succeeds, the application 
won't notice anything as shim6 will abstract this to the TCP layer.

I think this is a really good idea, having the network know about all 
multihomed companies just doesn't scale. With less prefixes and less AS 
numbers, network convergance would be much better.

Think in the future, do we really want routers that'll handle millions of 
prefixes and hundreds of thousands of AS numbers, just because people want 
resiliance? If this can be solved on the end-user layer instead, it's more 
scalable. I can also see a loadbalancing scheme coming out on top of shim6 
that'll be usable to end users as well.

Mikael Abrahamssonemail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: And Now for Something Completely Different (was Re: IPv6 news)

2005-10-16 Thread Brandon Butterworth

 Think in the future, do we really want routers that'll handle millions of 
 prefixes and hundreds of thousands of AS numbers, just because people want 

Something will have to provide it and I don't want it to be each of my
hosts. I'd rather the hundreds of hosts handle payload and a few proper
network devices handle where to move it

 If this can be solved on the end-user layer instead, it's more 

Sadly most end users will have no idea and cause more trouble
that it's worth if hosts do it


Re: And Now for Something Completely Different (was Re: IPv6 news)

2005-10-16 Thread John Reilly

Forgot to subscribe to nanog-post first time round...

 Forwarded Message 

On Sun, 2005-10-16 at 05:31 -0400, Joe Maimon wrote:
 Long story short, seperating endpoint/locator does nothing to allow 
 multiple paths to a single IP6 address/prefix to scale.

I may be wrong - I haven't been following shim6 for long, but to me it
does appear to scale because it is moving the host identity problem from
being an IP address that exists in a single long prefix in the core
routing table to being an identifier (128 bit number) which maps to a
number of existing IP addresses which each already live in much shorter
prefixes in the core routing tables.  i.e. move the problem from the
core to the edge nodes.  Those edge node only need to locator lookup
tables for the hosts they are talking to - not all that they may talk


Say there is a host a::1 and my server has 3 IP addresses b::1, c::1 and
d::1, via service providers B, C and D.

As it stands, obviously a::1 can talk directly to the server using any
of the addresses.  Now, say I want to multi-home.  Obviously in the
past, I would have gotten my own prefix, say e:: and ASN and announced
it.  But now with shim6, I could use e::1 as the identifier for my host
and use b::1, c::1 and d::1 as the locators.

So now someone requests a  for my host and gets back e::1.

Now when a::1 tries to connect to e::1, the shim does a lookup and sees
three possible locators - b::1, c::1 and d::1.  It selects one of them
and packets are then routed between a::1 and one of b::1, c::1 and d::1
in the same way that they would today.

How are there traffic engineering problems when at the end of the day
the packets will still be routed in the same way?  Or am I missing some
crucial point?


Re: And Now for Something Completely Different (was Re: IPv6 news)

2005-10-16 Thread Joe Abley

On 16-Oct-2005, at 03:37, David Conrad wrote:

Shifting the NAT to end system removed the objection to NAT, tho  
it's not entirely clear why.  Shifting NAT to the end system also  
happened to simplify the entire solution as well.

Except for the part about having to rewrite all existing  
implementations to take full advantage of the technology.

Thought experiment: how many different software vendors need to  
change their shipping IPv6 code in order for some new feature like  
shim6 to be 80% deployed in the server and client communities of hosts?

I'm thinking it's probably less than 5, but I'd be interested to hear  
opinions to the contrary.


Re: And Now for Something Completely Different (was Re: IPv6 news)

2005-10-16 Thread Randy Bush

 GSE also has a direct impact on all implementations (e.g., only use  
 the identifier bits in the TCP pseudo-header, so that is also an all- 
 implementations change.  Further, that is a flag day, worldwide, even  
 for non-multi-homed sites.

a flag day only for the very small number of ipv6 sites

pay me now or pay me later


Re: And Now for Something Completely Different (was Re: IPv6 news)

2005-10-16 Thread Paul Vixie

# ...
# Obviously, some of the disadvantages of such an approach would be that it
# would require both ends to play and end users wouldn't be able to
# traceroute.  I'm sure there are many other disadvantages as well.  ...

ok, so here's the problem.  we don't have what the iab thinks of as end-to-end
and we have not had it for a long time and it's not coming back under any
circumstances.  but the people willing to serve on the iab, as filtered down
to the set of people willing to be put on the iab by any particular nomcom, do
not believe this, or they believe it but they behave like a supreme court
nominee who gets an inevitable question about roe-v-wade and their knee jerks
and they say i support the constitution.

so even though NAT is here to stay and firewalls are here to stay and proxies
are here to stay and most ipv6 deployment by the end of its useful lifetime
will have used RFC1918-like private addressing, or be behind firewalls that
limit flows to what a security administrator can predict and protect and
understand... officially the IAB can never, ever recognize this or act on it
or make decisions or interpretations or recommendations based on it.  that's
how politics just is and our proper course is to build and deploy technology
that works even if it goes against what the IAB has writ and seems a little bit
subversive at the time it comes out (as with firewalls, and NAT), and let the
political world play catch-up to the real world that we actually live in.

# However, if an approach like this would be technically feasible (and I'm not
# entirely sure it would be), I suspect it would get deployed _much_ faster
# than an approach that requires every network stack to be modified. Again.
# Particularly given the number of folks who care about multi-homing are so
# small relative to the number of folks on the Internet.


# Can two evils make a good?  :-)


Re: And Now for Something Completely Different (was Re: IPv6 news)

2005-10-16 Thread Paul Vixie

# ...
# You are missing the point.
# Currently multihomed sites have multiple path entries in the routing table 
# for a specific multihomed prefix.
# Instead of having multiple paths, you would have multiple location records
# in DNS.  (Which are A records and any possible reordering by round robbin is
# not part of the actual path selection algorithm and which are associated
# with indentifiers though a standard to be designed as part of the new
# protocol.)
# The process of how you select which one to use (and what knobs you have for
# tuning) is a design decision, the same way it was with BGP and OSPF.

yes.  we called this the A6/DNAME/SRV approach.

# * You throw away real topology information and rely on latency (or
# whatever), and using latency doesn't work because it doesn't allow traffic
# engineering according to policy. (Who said you have to give everybody the
# same set of locators?  Paul might say e.  ...

some applications need best-latency.  others, best-isochrony.  still others,
highest-bandwidth.  i don't think the network should have a single policy, but
i don't think every application should have to test for latency, isochrony,
and bandwidth toward each potential endpoint before it selects one.  can't we
collect this information as hint state and make it available to applications
who will then make their decision privately?  or failing that, just use SRV?

# FWIW, if you want the ability to tell different peers different answers like
# with BGP you will need the ability to give different answers with the new
# protocol.)

that's how i envision that the NSID option would be used from the client side,
though i recognize that this will make ed lewis's head explode, that's OK too.

Re: And Now for Something Completely Different (was Re: IPv6 news)

2005-10-16 Thread Valdis . Kletnieks
On Sun, 16 Oct 2005 10:55:38 EDT, Joe Abley said:

 Thought experiment: how many different software vendors need to  
 change their shipping IPv6 code in order for some new feature like  
 shim6 to be 80% deployed in the server and client communities of hosts?
 I'm thinking it's probably less than 5, but I'd be interested to hear  
 opinions to the contrary.

Client end, if Microsoft, MacOS X, and the various Linuxoids shipped, you'd have
pretty good coverage.  Maybe Solaris 11 if they're still relevant by then.  A
few vendor Unixoids (AIX, Irix, etc), and proprietary systems (z/OS), but those
vendors will either read the writing on the wall or fade away...

Router end, probably same number - Cisco, Juniper, Linksys and a few other
SOHO-class vendors, plus a few I've overlooked.

The number is certainly more than 5, very likely close to 1 dozen, unlikely to
be more than 2 dozen.

Of course, even if everybody shipped a *working* *interoperable* product today
(quit giggling - we're being hypothetical here), you'd still have a 3-5 year
timeframe before all the stuff sold yesterday and years previous got upgraded
or replaced.

Description: PGP signature

Re: And Now for Something Completely Different (was Re: IPv6 news)

2005-10-16 Thread Joe Abley

Hash: SHA1

On 16-Oct-2005, at 16:20, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On Sun, 16 Oct 2005 10:55:38 EDT, Joe Abley said:

Thought experiment: how many different software vendors need to
change their shipping IPv6 code in order for some new feature like
shim6 to be 80% deployed in the server and client communities of  

I'm thinking it's probably less than 5, but I'd be interested to hear
opinions to the contrary.

Client end, if Microsoft, MacOS X, and the various Linuxoids  
shipped, you'd have
pretty good coverage.  Maybe Solaris 11 if they're still relevant  
by then.  A
few vendor Unixoids (AIX, Irix, etc), and proprietary systems (z/ 
OS), but those

vendors will either read the writing on the wall or fade away...

To get 80%, I think on the client side you just need support in  
Microsoft v6-capable operating systems.

Router end, probably same number - Cisco, Juniper, Linksys and a  
few other

SOHO-class vendors, plus a few I've overlooked.

I don't think you need any support at all on routers for shim6 to be  
functional for services that users and content providers care about.

On the server side, windows plus Solaris plus linux seems like it  
might give 80%.

So, that makes windows, Solaris and Linux.

Whether the answer is three, five or twelve, the point I was  
attempting to make was that it's not necessarily a huge deployment  
obstacle to roll out shim6 across a good proportion of the network's  
hosts from the coding point of view. Since no flag day is required,  
this does not seem necessarily unmanageable.

Of course, even if everybody shipped a *working* *interoperable*  
product today
(quit giggling - we're being hypothetical here), you'd still have a  
3-5 year
timeframe before all the stuff sold yesterday and years previous  
got upgraded

or replaced.


In some ways it's fortunate that Microsoft has yet to ship an  
operating system where v6 is turned on by default (right? I heard  
that Vista will be the first?)

On the server side there's the additional upgrade carrot that  
upgrades will facilitate multi-homing, which may make for an easier  

Anyway. Thought experiment.


Version: GnuPG v1.4.2 (Darwin)


Re: And Now for Something Completely Different (was Re: IPv6 news)

2005-10-16 Thread Christopher L. Morrow

On Sun, 16 Oct 2005, Mikael Abrahamsson wrote:

 Think in the future, do we really want routers that'll handle millions of
 prefixes and hundreds of thousands of AS numbers, just because people want
 resiliance? If this can be solved on the end-user layer instead, it's more

you are getting these anyway, thank network convergence for that... or
curse it, your call. things like 2547 'vpn' and the like are driving
prefix numbers up regardless of what the Internet is doing. Hardware will
be required to handle million(s) of prefixes sooner than large scale v6
deployment IMHO.

Note, just cause it's there (or will be) doesn't mean I'm advocating that
solution for v6, I just had questions (and thought others might as well)
about shim6 or the direction of 'site multihoming' in v6... (not even
specificly shim6)

Re: And Now for Something Completely Different (was Re: IPv6 news)

2005-10-16 Thread Mikael Abrahamsson

On Mon, 17 Oct 2005, Christopher L. Morrow wrote:

you are getting these anyway, thank network convergence for that... or 
curse it, your call. things like 2547 'vpn' and the like are driving 
prefix numbers up regardless of what the Internet is doing. Hardware 
will be required to handle million(s) of prefixes sooner than large 
scale v6 deployment IMHO.

Both MPLS and any tunneled VPN over IP means the core won't have to know 
about all those prefixes (think aggregation of addresses regionally in the 
IP case and outer label in the MPLS case).

So if you're building a 100G capable platform that'll do IPv6 and MPLS, 
how much difference would it be if you only had to support 16000 labels 
and 16000 IPv6 prefixes, rather than 2 million?

Then of course I guess the argument can be made to put everything on MPLS 
to avoid the core knowing about anything but outer labels.

Mikael Abrahamssonemail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: And Now for Something Completely Different (was Re: IPv6 news)

2005-10-16 Thread Christopher L. Morrow

On Mon, 17 Oct 2005, Mikael Abrahamsson wrote:

 On Mon, 17 Oct 2005, Christopher L. Morrow wrote:

  you are getting these anyway, thank network convergence for that... or
  curse it, your call. things like 2547 'vpn' and the like are driving
  prefix numbers up regardless of what the Internet is doing. Hardware
  will be required to handle million(s) of prefixes sooner than large
  scale v6 deployment IMHO.

 Both MPLS and any tunneled VPN over IP means the core won't have to know
 about all those prefixes (think aggregation of addresses regionally in the
 IP case and outer label in the MPLS case).

'core' doesn't matter so much, somewhere there has to be this knowledge...
Perhaps you'll get lucky with some 'edge' devices not having to know about
every destination, but I think that might be more rare than you'd like.

 So if you're building a 100G capable platform that'll do IPv6 and MPLS,
 how much difference would it be if you only had to support 16000 labels
 and 16000 IPv6 prefixes, rather than 2 million?

not sure, I'm a chemical engineer :) Seriously though, is the break 1-2M
or is it 10-20m? (doubling or orders of magnitude?)

 Then of course I guess the argument can be made to put everything on MPLS
 to avoid the core knowing about anything but outer labels.

oh yes, mpls everywhere! wait... did I say that? yuck.