Re: NANOG Changes

2005-02-22 Thread Scott Weeks

On Sat, 19 Feb 2005, Joe Provo wrote:
: On Thu, Feb 17, 2005 at 10:19:45PM +0200, Gadi Evron wrote:
:  Scott Weeks wrote:
:  On Thu, 17 Feb 2005, Gadi Evron wrote:
:  : want to see at this headache of a position, or we do it openly on the
:  Yes, publically.  Please.
:  Publically - on NANOG itself, please.
: Please no.  Speaking as someone for whom this place was a

It was a mistake and I wish to recall it.


Re: NANOG Changes

2005-02-21 Thread Michael . Dillon

 Merit has setup the nanog-futures list and made it public and open from 
 outset.. that is the forum to take this discussion to but focus on 

HAS set up? I thought they were going to set it up. Hmmm

Well, what do you know, here it is at the bottom of this page...

No archive yet that I can see...

--Michael Dillon

RE: NANOG Changes

2005-02-21 Thread Michael . Dillon

 [for those not reading nanOg-reform, this is a
 hidden reference to my yesterday's post]

Reading nanog-reform? Is there some kind of list? Let me have
a look at Nope, nothing here but
old news.

Aha! So there really is more stuff hidden away on that
site for the chosen few. Perception is reality, eh?

--Michael Dillon

Re: NANOG Changes

2005-02-21 Thread Majdi Abbas

On Mon, Feb 21, 2005 at 11:05:03AM +, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Reading nanog-reform? Is there some kind of list? Let me have
 a look at Nope, nothing here but
 old news.

The nanog-reform list was announced both on nanog@ and
during the Sunday night meeting in Vegas.  It is a public list.
 Aha! So there really is more stuff hidden away on that
 site for the chosen few. Perception is reality, eh?

I wouldn't really classify a set of draft bylaws that are being
constantly discussed on a mailing list that has been publicly announced,
that live on a web site that anyone can read or post changes to, as 
hidden away.  Particularly when any complete set of bylaws would be 
voted on anyway.

People, please, gain some perspective here.  Nobody wants the 
thankless job of maintaining a mailing list that badly.


Re: NANOG Changes

2005-02-21 Thread Michael . Dillon

  Aha! So there really is more stuff hidden away on that
  site for the chosen few. Perception is reality, eh?

People, please, gain some perspective here.  Nobody wants the 
 thankless job of maintaining a mailing list that badly.

Perhps I'm being too subtle here. I fully realize that
all these irregularities are the result of incompetence and
not of malice. But, as Paul Vixie wisely pointed out,
in the realm of politics, perception equals reality.

If something is not completely in the open then people
tend to believe that there are nefarious plotters doing
backroom deals to sieze power.

The i's need to be dotted and the t's need to be crossed.

If there is really a nanog-reform mailing list associated
with then put information about it on
the website. Move the petition signers to a secondary page.
Put a link to (and explanation of) the wiki on the homepage.

If there really is an archive of nanog-futures then put 
information about it on the website.

If there really are some interim results as reflected
by the several emails on the NANOG list, then put this
info on the website.

Dot the i's. Cross the t's.

The community to which NANOG addresses itself is only
partially represented by this mailing list and even less
represented by the NANOG meetings themselves. There are
many, many IP network operators in North America (and 
elsewhere) who would benefit from greater cooperation
and communication through a medium like NANOG. In order
to reach out to them, we have to stop posting in cryptic
language and assuming that everyone is part of the in-crowd
and knows how to find that one reference to a nanog-reform
list buried somewhere in the archives of this mailing list.
This is not an attack on any one person but rather a general
comment on behavior which is widespread on this list.

It's the middle of the noughties now and the Internet has
grown up. We need to move on and restructure our forums and
organizations to better meet the needs of the industry
and the IP network operations community.

--Michael Dillon

RE: NANOG Changes

2005-02-21 Thread ren
Most of the note below is just a rant, similar in form to the dozen notes 
by a handful of posters over the weekend here, on NANOG-Reform  
NANOG-Futures.  C'mon folks, refocus that energy into doing something 
professional and positive for the NANOG community.

Please cease demands for over-the-top documentation from hard-working 
volunteers.  Fixating on a stray message or two that were sent in advance 
of archive activation is fruitless.  There is no way what was said in the 
halls at the NANOG meetings - in Reston or Vegas - about this project could 
be documented in full either.  Embrace the progress made on many fronts and 
work towards the by-laws. -ren

At 08:59 PM 2/20/2005 -0800, Michel Py wrote:
Hi Gadi,
 Gadi Evron wrote:
 Please read the below text in full, if you are going to read
 any of it. I use a lot of cynicism to get my point across.
Same here. Besides cynicism, I also use (and possibly abuse) sarcasm.
 I haven't been involved with the NANOG reform initiative,
 and haven't really commented on it, as I liked what I saw
 and am not really that involved with NANOG politics - and
 that's just how I like it.
 However, I can't ignore some of the things I am seeing
 lately from the outside, hence my comments, which are mine
 alone and stand as opinions others don't have to accept.
 Also, I may be wrong. Replies I received, especially from
 Steve, satisfied me originally. No longer.
FWIW, I am interested in hearing more about the no longer part.
 I believe in Merit's wishes, good will, hard work and promises.
 I really do.
For the record, I do not believe in wishes, good will, promises, rumors,
buzzwords and the list is too long to go on. I believe in results.
 hard work.
I do believe in this one. It does not mean that I like it, as I prefer
napping on the beach with nothing to do to working, but I do believe in
this one anyway. If anyone has good tips on how to achieve the same by
napping on the beach instead of hard working, please speak up!
 And I am willing to give them time and working-space.
Same here.
 Thing is, we seem to be missing something.
 Martin Hannigan, an all around good guy, seems (to me) to
 have made a snag at management, hiding behind the reform.
I could have written this myself. For the record, these are my own words
posted on nanog-reform 3 days ago:
This will be perceived by the innocent bystander as follows: Martin
wanted Susan's job and got it through backroom maneuvers in the dark.
 Can't argue with my ill-formed and un-informed feelings
 (or any feelings for that matter), right?
Whether your feelings are ill-formed and/or un-informed is not relevant
to me (also valid for my own feelings, BTW). Paul Vixie and William
Allen Simpson have recently worded better text than I could about this.
 You can explain to me, how this is not the case and I am making
 stupid deductions, based on facts you did not yet easily provide
 - that has yet to happen. I wonder why. Please give me facts that
 will burn these weird ideas our of my skull.. please.. I *want*
 to see the light.
I'm afraid I want to see the light as much as you do, not the one
carrying the light.
 Now, I don't really mind the reform or Martin doing it, I just
 don't see how it is visible beyond us just being told about it.
My point also.
 When I am *told* about something, I go to conspiracy theories,
This reminds me that I have to have a good talk between me, my ego and
my subconscious mind about conspiracy theories. Do you have two other
guys in your brain too?
 and then to investigation. I am paranoid, it's my job.
If you don't mind my asking, is this a _paying_ job? If yes, I wouldn't
mind a copy of the application form :-)
 You don't have to like my opinions or listen to me. But me and how
 many others have these mis-conceptions? Please share with us few
 idio... ignorant fools.
I would have written:
idio^H^H^H^H ignorant fools.
 Enlighten us.
As mentioned earlier, I am not the one carrying the light. I expect Sue
Joiner to shed light soon though.
 Provisional [government] is way too un-declared in my
 opinion. Please define what provisional means. Also,
 I am overly uncomfortable about the lack of visibility from
 the offset. Visibility is the main thing Merit promised.
Gadi, you are preaching the choir.
[This sounds weird to me as much as I expect it does to you; not only I
do not know of everyone that actually has preached a choir, it does not
appear to me that you could be one of these. Nevertheless it is a very
common English/American sentence; non-native English speakers, google is
your friend]
 Now, I don't personally know you, but I doubt you would lie
 about this. However, I also know Martin to be a good an
 honourable guy, so I'd suggest you post the email messages
 that disappeared, here, and let us decide if there is
The messages that have disappeared have been forwarded to Sue. I am
happy to forward them to you if requested, but I would ask the same
favor I asked Sue: don't 

Re: NANOG Changes

2005-02-21 Thread Stephen J. Wilcox

Arhchive here michael:

not sure if its complete yet but i know merit are trying to include the first 
few messages

nanog-reform here:

again, dont know how complete it is. understand also, the list has been open to 
subscriptions, the reason for creating it was to allow a bunch of people to 
some ideas around before airing them and getting into a mess of discussions 
like what we have now. 

we saw this successful in vegas with the community forum and the document on 
nanog-reform site was well put together.

what we have now is what happens when 5000 people try to negotiate which is 
varying opinions, vocal people getting more airtime than they ought to when 
their opinions are only their opeinions and nnot necessarily the opinions of 
large group. 

some folks need to write a document, propose it, vote on  it and majority 
rules.. not everyone will like all of it but its not possible to write a 
document that satisfies everyone 100%. i believe thats the aim of the bbylaws 
doc - please dont flame it, provide constructive comments, be prepared to 
compromise and dont get lost in minutia when the major points have yet to be 


On Mon, 21 Feb 2005, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   Aha! So there really is more stuff hidden away on that
   site for the chosen few. Perception is reality, eh?
 People, please, gain some perspective here.  Nobody wants the 
  thankless job of maintaining a mailing list that badly.
 Perhps I'm being too subtle here. I fully realize that
 all these irregularities are the result of incompetence and
 not of malice. But, as Paul Vixie wisely pointed out,
 in the realm of politics, perception equals reality.
 If something is not completely in the open then people
 tend to believe that there are nefarious plotters doing
 backroom deals to sieze power.
 The i's need to be dotted and the t's need to be crossed.
 If there is really a nanog-reform mailing list associated
 with then put information about it on
 the website. Move the petition signers to a secondary page.
 Put a link to (and explanation of) the wiki on the homepage.
 If there really is an archive of nanog-futures then put 
 information about it on the website.
 If there really are some interim results as reflected
 by the several emails on the NANOG list, then put this
 info on the website.
 Dot the i's. Cross the t's.
 The community to which NANOG addresses itself is only
 partially represented by this mailing list and even less
 represented by the NANOG meetings themselves. There are
 many, many IP network operators in North America (and 
 elsewhere) who would benefit from greater cooperation
 and communication through a medium like NANOG. In order
 to reach out to them, we have to stop posting in cryptic
 language and assuming that everyone is part of the in-crowd
 and knows how to find that one reference to a nanog-reform
 list buried somewhere in the archives of this mailing list.
 This is not an attack on any one person but rather a general
 comment on behavior which is widespread on this list.
 It's the middle of the noughties now and the Internet has
 grown up. We need to move on and restructure our forums and
 organizations to better meet the needs of the industry
 and the IP network operations community.
 --Michael Dillon

RE: NANOG Changes

2005-02-21 Thread Bill Nash
On Sun, 20 Feb 2005, Hannigan, Martin wrote:
[ snip ]
As I was browsing the archive, I
noticed my post and his and another one from William Leizon
that quoted
mine have been removed from it.

From what I understand, the archive feature wasn't turned on until
just before the first post that was actually archived appeared.
So, now that archiving is on (for those of us reading the archive instead 
of subbing to the traffic), can those posts be resubmitted for the sake of 

- billn

RE: NANOG Changes

2005-02-21 Thread Hannigan, Martin

 -Original Message-
 From: Bill Nash [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Monday, February 21, 2005 9:53 PM
 To: Hannigan, Martin
 Cc: William Allen Simpson;
 Subject: RE: NANOG Changes
 On Sun, 20 Feb 2005, Hannigan, Martin wrote:
  [ snip ]
  As I was browsing the archive, I
  noticed my post and his and another one from William Leizon
  that quoted
  mine have been removed from it.
  From what I understand, the archive feature wasn't turned on until
  just before the first post that was actually archived appeared.
 So, now that archiving is on (for those of us reading the 
 archive instead 
 of subbing to the traffic), can those posts be resubmitted 
 for the sake of 


Let me correct a mischaracterization. I have nothing to do
with any technical or administrative issue on nanog-futures.
I'm just a poster like anyone else.

As far as the nanog-futures archive goes? You'd think it
would be a relatively simple operation to add something that's
missing. How about just resending it as a historical
note and if some person feels really strongly that it
must be authenticated, by all means, PGP sign it.



RE: NANOG Changes

2005-02-21 Thread Betty Burke
Reminder, if you sent an email regarding NANOG changes to either list 
(NANOG or NANOG-Futures) between Thursday (Feb. 17) and Saturday (Feb. 20), 
the list archive was not working yet.  Sorry about the disruption and loss. 
Please resend your email privately to [EMAIL PROTECTED] We will make 
sure to add all mail received to the nanog-futures archive.

Thanks for your support:

Re: NANOG Changes

2005-02-21 Thread Joe Abley

On 21 Feb 2005, at 10:06, Stephen J. Wilcox wrote:
nanog-reform here:
again, dont know how complete it is. understand also, the list has 
been open to
subscriptions, the reason for creating it was to allow a bunch of 
people to kick
some ideas around before airing them and getting into a mess of 
discussions much
like what we have now.
And since it an open list (and since I had trouble finding subscription 
information at the above URL or at the following 
might be useful to others:

  To subscribe, send mail to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

RE: NANOG Changes

2005-02-20 Thread Michel Py

 William Allen Simpson wrote:
 Please, the interim-moderators should moderate, and the
 bylaws drafters should draft, and they should be separate.
 It's the usual difference between the Chair and the Editor
 (or Raporteur, or Recording Secretary).
 I introduced this important division to the IETF many years
 Since they accepted the moderation function, they've
 disqualified themselves from the drafting function.

It appears that they do not share your view, by reading nanog-futures.
The new mailing list administration has already demonstrated that it had
zero credibility:

Yesterday, I posted something that displeased Martin Hanningan and was
told that I needed his permission. As I was browsing the archive, I
noticed my post and his and another one from William Leizon that quoted
mine have been removed from it.

This is not better, it is worse. Although I did not like the way Dr
Harris moderated the least, at least she did not try to rewrite history
when she did not like something.


Re: NANOG Changes

2005-02-20 Thread Gadi Evron

It appears that they do not share your view, by reading nanog-futures.
The new mailing list administration has already demonstrated that it had
zero credibility:
Yesterday, I posted something that displeased Martin Hanningan and was
told that I needed his permission. As I was browsing the archive, I
noticed my post and his and another one from William Leizon that quoted
mine have been removed from it.
This is not better, it is worse. Although I did not like the way Dr
Harris moderated the least, at least she did not try to rewrite history
when she did not like something.
Please read the below text in full, if you are going to read any of it. 
I use a lot of cynicism to get my point across.

I haven't been involved with the NANOG reform initiative, and haven't 
really commented on it, as I liked what I saw and am not really that 
involved with NANOG politics - and that's just how I like it.

However, I can't ignore some of the things I am seeing lately from the 
outside, hence my comments, which are mine alone and stand as opinions 
others don't have to accept. Also, I may be wrong. Replies I received, 
especially from Steve, satisfied me originally. No longer.

I believe in Merit's wishes, good will, hard work and promises. I really 
do. And I am willing to give them time and working-space.

Thing is, we seem to be missing something.
Martin Hannigan, an all around good guy, seems (to me) to have made a 
snag at management, hiding behind the reform. Can't argue with my 
ill-formed and un-informed feelings (or any feelings for that matter), 
You can explain to me, how this is not the case and I am making stupid 
deductions, based on facts you did not yet easily provide - that has yet 
to happen. I wonder why. Please give me facts that will burn these weird 
ideas our of my skull.. please.. I *want* to see the light.

Now, I don't really mind the reform or Martin doing it, I just don't see 
how it is visible beyond us just being told about it. When I am 
*told* about something, I go to conspiracy theories, and then to 
investigation. I am paranoid, it's my job. You don't have to like my 
opinions or listen to me. But me and how many others have these 
mis-conceptions? Please share with us few idio... ignorant fools. 
Enlighten us.

Provisional [government] is way too un-declared in my opinion. 
Please define what provisional means. Also, I am overly 
uncomfortable about the lack of visibility from the offset. Visibility 
is the main thing Merit promised.

Now, I don't personally know you, but I doubt you would lie about this. 
However, I also know Martin to be a good an honourable guy, so I'd 
suggest you post the email messages that disappeared, here, and let us 
decide if there is censorship and indeed Martin is an asshole, or if you 
are just a troll who sends out accusations without proof to back them 
up. No offense.. just being honest as I don't know the facts and I form 
opinions based on what I do know and feel when such facts are not provided.

Any replies sent to me that do not refer to the full text will be 
ignored, as taking sentences out of context here is way too easy, and 
I'm too tired for yet another flame bait.


RE: NANOG Changes

2005-02-20 Thread Hannigan, Martin

 -Original Message-
 Michel Py
 Sent: Sunday, February 20, 2005 4:20 PM
 To: William Allen Simpson;
 Subject: RE: NANOG Changes
  William Allen Simpson wrote:
  Please, the interim-moderators should moderate, and the
  bylaws drafters should draft, and they should be separate.
  It's the usual difference between the Chair and the Editor
  (or Raporteur, or Recording Secretary).
  I introduced this important division to the IETF many years
  Since they accepted the moderation function, they've
  disqualified themselves from the drafting function.

[ snip ]

As I was browsing the archive, I
 noticed my post and his and another one from William Leizon 
 that quoted
 mine have been removed from it.

From what I understand, the archive feature wasn't turned on until
just before the first post that was actually archived appeared. 


RE: NANOG Changes

2005-02-20 Thread Michel Py

Hi Gadi,

 Gadi Evron wrote:
 Please read the below text in full, if you are going to read
 any of it. I use a lot of cynicism to get my point across.

Same here. Besides cynicism, I also use (and possibly abuse) sarcasm.

 I haven't been involved with the NANOG reform initiative,
 and haven't really commented on it, as I liked what I saw
 and am not really that involved with NANOG politics - and
 that's just how I like it.
 However, I can't ignore some of the things I am seeing
 lately from the outside, hence my comments, which are mine
 alone and stand as opinions others don't have to accept.
 Also, I may be wrong. Replies I received, especially from
 Steve, satisfied me originally. No longer.

FWIW, I am interested in hearing more about the no longer part.

 I believe in Merit's wishes, good will, hard work and promises.
 I really do.

For the record, I do not believe in wishes, good will, promises, rumors,
buzzwords and the list is too long to go on. I believe in results.

 hard work.

I do believe in this one. It does not mean that I like it, as I prefer
napping on the beach with nothing to do to working, but I do believe in
this one anyway. If anyone has good tips on how to achieve the same by
napping on the beach instead of hard working, please speak up!

 And I am willing to give them time and working-space.

Same here.

 Thing is, we seem to be missing something.
 Martin Hannigan, an all around good guy, seems (to me) to
 have made a snag at management, hiding behind the reform.

I could have written this myself. For the record, these are my own words
posted on nanog-reform 3 days ago:

This will be perceived by the innocent bystander as follows: Martin
wanted Susan's job and got it through backroom maneuvers in the dark.

 Can't argue with my ill-formed and un-informed feelings
 (or any feelings for that matter), right?

Whether your feelings are ill-formed and/or un-informed is not relevant
to me (also valid for my own feelings, BTW). Paul Vixie and William
Allen Simpson have recently worded better text than I could about this.

 You can explain to me, how this is not the case and I am making
 stupid deductions, based on facts you did not yet easily provide
 - that has yet to happen. I wonder why. Please give me facts that
 will burn these weird ideas our of my skull.. please.. I *want*
 to see the light.

I'm afraid I want to see the light as much as you do, not the one
carrying the light.

 Now, I don't really mind the reform or Martin doing it, I just
 don't see how it is visible beyond us just being told about it.

My point also.

 When I am *told* about something, I go to conspiracy theories,

This reminds me that I have to have a good talk between me, my ego and
my subconscious mind about conspiracy theories. Do you have two other
guys in your brain too?

 and then to investigation. I am paranoid, it's my job.

If you don't mind my asking, is this a _paying_ job? If yes, I wouldn't
mind a copy of the application form :-)

 You don't have to like my opinions or listen to me. But me and how
 many others have these mis-conceptions? Please share with us few
 idio... ignorant fools.

I would have written:
idio^H^H^H^H ignorant fools.

 Enlighten us.

As mentioned earlier, I am not the one carrying the light. I expect Sue
Joiner to shed light soon though.

 Provisional [government] is way too un-declared in my
 opinion. Please define what provisional means. Also,
 I am overly uncomfortable about the lack of visibility from
 the offset. Visibility is the main thing Merit promised.

Gadi, you are preaching the choir.

[This sounds weird to me as much as I expect it does to you; not only I
do not know of everyone that actually has preached a choir, it does not
appear to me that you could be one of these. Nevertheless it is a very
common English/American sentence; non-native English speakers, google is
your friend]

 Now, I don't personally know you, but I doubt you would lie
 about this. However, I also know Martin to be a good an
 honourable guy, so I'd suggest you post the email messages
 that disappeared, here, and let us decide if there is

The messages that have disappeared have been forwarded to Sue. I am
happy to forward them to you if requested, but I would ask the same
favor I asked Sue: don't trust me and cross check with someone else that
has received them. IMHO, the posts themselves (save for William's one, a
technical casualty me thinks) are as relevant if not more than the
fact they have disappeared.

 and indeed Martin is an asshole, or if you are just a troll who
 sends out accusations without proof to back them up. No offense..

None taken.

 just being honest as I don't know the facts and I form opinions
 based on what I do know and feel when such facts are not provided.

This is an honorable position.

 Any replies sent to me that do not refer to the full text will
 be ignored, as taking sentences out of context here is way too
 easy, and I'm 

RE: NANOG Changes

2005-02-19 Thread Steve Gibbard

It should be noted that Michel is speaking only for himself, and not for
the nanog-reform group (and I haven't seen any concensus among the
nanog-reform group yet on the draft bylaws that Michel is referring to).

I am also speaking only for myself on this.

I'd been waiting to hear that the nanog-futures list had actually been
created before urging that this discussion move there.  Since it sounds
like it has been, now would probably be a good time to move the


On Fri, 18 Feb 2005, Michel Py wrote:

  Paul Vixie wrote:
  I am uncomfortable having folks from the nanog-reform
  community accepting responsibility for provisional
  moderation (a form of interim governance),

 So am I. However, I will point out that these individuals have acted
 with precipitation (which is the correct term to use when something
 happens in a matter of days) and without any kind of endorsement or
 mandate from the nanog-reform community. See below about the position of
 the nanog-reform community.

  Perception isn't *actually* reality,

 [for those not reading nanOg-reform, this is a
 hidden reference to my yesterday's post]

 I could live with Paul's phrasing, as long as it is understood in the
 context I wrote it:

  but in politics (which this is) the difference between
  perception and reality is just not worth discussing.

 For the record, with regard to mailing-list moderation (BTW, we call
 this mailing-list administration now), the collective position of the
 nanog-reform community can be found in two places:


  List Administration Group
  Ideally, we would like to see the NANOG mailing list run itself,
  with peer pressure or self-policing used to keep things on topic.
  Since we recognize that there may at some point be cases where
  that doesn't work, there should also be a list administration
  group with the ability to deal with extreme cases. The list
  administrators should be selected by the board, and should follow
  policies set by the board. They should be people with an
  understanding of network operations and what constitutes on-topic
  and appropriate discussions. Attempts should be made to steer
  discussions back on-topic, and to determine whether somebody is
  really being disruptive, before any enforcement action is taken.
  There should be thorough public records of any enforcement actions


  7.2.2 Mailing List Administrator Selection
  The steering committee will select the administrators of the NANOG
  mailing list (discussed further in 8.1.2).
  8.1.2 Mailing List Administration The nanog-l will be administered
  and minimally moderated by a panel selected by the Steering Committee.

  William Allen Simpson wrote:
  Please, the interim-moderators should moderate, and the
  bylaws drafters should draft, and they should be separate.
  It's the usual difference between the Chair and the Editor
  (or Raporteur, or Recording Secretary).

 Being one of the bylaws drafters I agree with this.


Steve Gibbard   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
+1 415 717-7842 (cell)
+1 510 528-1035 (home)

Re: NANOG Changes

2005-02-19 Thread Joe Provo

On Thu, Feb 17, 2005 at 10:19:45PM +0200, Gadi Evron wrote:
 Scott Weeks wrote:
 On Thu, 17 Feb 2005, Gadi Evron wrote:
 : want to see at this headache of a position, or we do it openly on the
 Yes, publically.  Please.
 Publically - on NANOG itself, please.

Please no.  Speaking as someone for whom this place was a 
learning resource for many years until I was able to give
back in kind, the 'governance' stuff may be important but 
it is not operational.  Betty already said there will be 
governance and direction handled on nanog-futures.  That's 
the Right Place.

Joe, not a party to any of the reform stuff just someone 
   who want to restore utilitity to the list.


 RSUC / GweepNet / Spunk / FnB / Usenix / SAGE

RE: NANOG Changes

2005-02-19 Thread Hannigan, Martin

 -Original Message-
 Joe Provo
 Sent: Saturday, February 19, 2005 7:22 AM
 Subject: Re: NANOG Changes
 On Thu, Feb 17, 2005 at 10:19:45PM +0200, Gadi Evron wrote:
  Scott Weeks wrote:
  On Thu, 17 Feb 2005, Gadi Evron wrote:
  : want to see at this headache of a position, or we do it 
 openly on the
  Yes, publically.  Please.
  Publically - on NANOG itself, please.
 Please no.  

[ SNIP ]

In typical majordomo subscribe fashion, send a message
to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and then cut and past the
following to the first two lines of the message body and
send it off.

subscribe nanog-futures


Re: NANOG Changes

2005-02-19 Thread J.D. Falk

On 02/19/05, Steve Gibbard [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 

 I'd been waiting to hear that the nanog-futures list had actually been
 created before urging that this discussion move there.  Since it sounds
 like it has been, now would probably be a good time to move the


There still needs to be a formal announcement, for those who may
be interested but are ignoring this thread.  I'll leave that to
the current governors, though, 'cause it's not my place.

J.D. Falk  uncertainty is only a virtue
[EMAIL PROTECTED]when you don't know the answer yet

Re: NANOG Changes

2005-02-18 Thread Paul Vixie

I promised some people that I'd comment publically on the moderation change.
Selecting Steve's message at random as a place to start, let me just quote:

 From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Steve Gibbard)
 Subject: Re: NANOG Changes
 Date: Thu, 17 Feb 2005 01:04:51 -0800 (PST)
 Speaking only for myself (and certainly not for Merit):
 The NANOG Reform group (, which has already
 gone on record supporting an open and democratic NANOG, was asked for
 volunteers.  I think all three of us are looking at this as a temporary
 assignment until the broader issues of NANOG governance are sorted out.

First, I am speaking only for myself and not for my employer or for
Merit or for the nanog-reform community.  Having discharged my duties
as co-moderator of the Las Vegas meeting, I'm now just another bozo on
this bus.

Second, I am uncomfortable having folks from the nanog-reform community
accepting responsibility for provisional moderation (a form of interrim
governance), since it's a nominal conflict of interest.  I wish that
Steve and Martin and others involved in drafting bylaws had refused to
serve as interrim moderators.  Failing that, I'd like these moderators
to stand down from any elected position for a period of at least a year
from the formation of the new permanent governance structure.

Third, I think that the current unilateral governance system where Merit
decides what's the best thing to do after collecting input from
interested parties (which, by the way, is exactly what the nanog-reform
community set out to change) means that it's basically Merit's decision
right now who moderates and how.  I wish that Merit had reached out to
the whole nanog@ community in search of interrim moderators rather than
limiting its solicitation to the nanog-reform@ or any other subcommunity.

Fourth, I do not think Merit or Steve or Martin or anyone else has any
dark motives about this, and I'm sure that these interrim moderators
will do a fine job.  I just wish that all the political I's would get
dotted and all the political T's would get crossed.  Perception isn't
*actually* reality, but in politics (which this is) the difference
between perception and reality is just not worth discussing.

Finally, to those among you who have counselled me against this
contrarian position on the grounds that I might self-marginalize: you
should go read the archives of this and perhaps other mailing lists.  Me
being an outlier will surprise approximately nobody.

Re: NANOG Changes

2005-02-18 Thread William Allen Simpson
Paul Vixie wrote:
... I just wish that all the political I's would get
dotted and all the political T's would get crossed.  Perception isn't
*actually* reality, but in politics (which this is) the difference
between perception and reality is just not worth discussing.

Speaking as someone with more than a passing familiarity with practical
political process, Paul's comments are correct.
Please, the interim-moderators should moderate, and the bylaws drafters
should draft, and they should be separate.  It's the usual difference
between the Chair and the Editor (or Raporteur, or Recording Secretary). 

I introduced this important division to the IETF many years ago
Since they accepted the moderation function, they've disqualified
themselves from the drafting function.
And I especially like Paul's point that those serving as the moderators
be disqualified from serving in another postition for at least a year.
William Allen Simpson
   Key fingerprint =  17 40 5E 67 15 6F 31 26  DD 0D B9 9B 6A 15 2C 32

Re: NANOG Changes

2005-02-18 Thread Stephen J. Wilcox

On Fri, 18 Feb 2005, William Allen Simpson wrote:

 Paul Vixie wrote:
 ... I just wish that all the political I's would get dotted and all the
 political T's would get crossed.  Perception isn't *actually* reality, but in
 politics (which this is) the difference between perception and reality is
 just not worth discussing.
 Speaking as someone with more than a passing familiarity with practical
 political process, Paul's comments are correct.
 Please, the interim-moderators should moderate, and the bylaws drafters should
 draft, and they should be separate.  It's the usual difference between the
 Chair and the Editor (or Raporteur, or Recording Secretary).
 I introduced this important division to the IETF many years ago
 Since they accepted the moderation function, they've disqualified themselves
 from the drafting function.
 And I especially like Paul's point that those serving as the moderators
 be disqualified from serving in another postition for at least a year.

I'm not sure what the purpose of that is, seems a bit arbitrary.

As I see it, this is a process, some short term improvements have been made as
an interim fix and response to vegas's community meeting but theres also more to
come before its complete.

Lets not get sidetracked with issues that arent there..

Merit has setup the nanog-futures list and made it public and open from the
outset.. that is the forum to take this discussion to but focus on what you want
not whats past or interim.


RE: NANOG Changes

2005-02-18 Thread Michel Py

 William Allen Simpson wrote:
 And I especially like Paul's point that those serving as the
 moderators be disqualified from serving in another position
 for at least a year.



RE: NANOG Changes

2005-02-18 Thread Michel Py

 Paul Vixie wrote:
 I am uncomfortable having folks from the nanog-reform
 community accepting responsibility for provisional
 moderation (a form of interim governance),

So am I. However, I will point out that these individuals have acted
with precipitation (which is the correct term to use when something
happens in a matter of days) and without any kind of endorsement or
mandate from the nanog-reform community. See below about the position of
the nanog-reform community.

 Perception isn't *actually* reality,

[for those not reading nanOg-reform, this is a
hidden reference to my yesterday's post]

I could live with Paul's phrasing, as long as it is understood in the
context I wrote it:

 but in politics (which this is) the difference between
 perception and reality is just not worth discussing.

For the record, with regard to mailing-list moderation (BTW, we call
this mailing-list administration now), the collective position of the
nanog-reform community can be found in two places:


 List Administration Group
 Ideally, we would like to see the NANOG mailing list run itself,
 with peer pressure or self-policing used to keep things on topic.
 Since we recognize that there may at some point be cases where
 that doesn't work, there should also be a list administration
 group with the ability to deal with extreme cases. The list
 administrators should be selected by the board, and should follow
 policies set by the board. They should be people with an
 understanding of network operations and what constitutes on-topic
 and appropriate discussions. Attempts should be made to steer
 discussions back on-topic, and to determine whether somebody is
 really being disruptive, before any enforcement action is taken.
 There should be thorough public records of any enforcement actions


 7.2.2 Mailing List Administrator Selection
 The steering committee will select the administrators of the NANOG
 mailing list (discussed further in 8.1.2).
 8.1.2 Mailing List Administration The nanog-l will be administered
 and minimally moderated by a panel selected by the Steering Committee.

 William Allen Simpson wrote:
 Please, the interim-moderators should moderate, and the
 bylaws drafters should draft, and they should be separate.
 It's the usual difference between the Chair and the Editor
 (or Raporteur, or Recording Secretary).

Being one of the bylaws drafters I agree with this.


Re: NANOG Changes

2005-02-18 Thread Simon Lyall

On Sat, 19 Feb 2005, Stephen J. Wilcox wrote:
 Merit has setup the nanog-futures list and made it public and open from the
 outset.. that is the forum to take this discussion to but focus on what
 you want not whats past or interim.

Okay I just double checked the archive before saying this but after Betty

Third, we are creating a new email list, NANOG-futures, to discuss
NANOG's evolution. We hope you'll participate - watch for a message later
today or tomorrow about subscribing and a proposed time-line for moving
us forward. 

I thought I'd wait for the actual announcement. Since this hasn't come I
assumed the list wasn't going yet. However I just checked.

and at the bottom it says:

NANOG-futures List

Everyone is welcome to join this new list, established to discuss concerns
raised at our special community meeting at the 2005 Las Vegas NANOG.
Topics to be covered include NANOG's organizational structure, policies
and procedures, and meeting agendas.

To subscribe to NANOG-futures, send mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with
'subscribe nanog-futures' (without the quotes) as the text of the message.
To unsubscribe, send e-mail to the same address, and use only the word
'unsubscribe' as the text of the message.

Which I guess means we should all go and join the list...

*sigh* , Lets hope after this rocky start things settle down.

Simon J. Lyall.  |   Very  Busy   |   Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To stay awake all night adds a day to your life - Stilgar | eMT.

Re: NANOG Changes

2005-02-18 Thread Jim Popovitch

On Sat, 2005-02-19 at 01:25 +, Paul Vixie wrote:
 I'd like these moderators to stand down from any elected position 
 for a period of at least a year from the formation of the new 
 permanent governance structure.

Paul makes very good solid points.   One thing that I would add, having
experience in setting up such an organization, is to avoid setting firm
hard-line restrictions against any participation.  I would recommend a
slight modification to Paul's second point.  A current moderator, judged
to be in good standing by his peers, may run unopposed for a vacant, or
to-be vacant, position.  If someone doesn't want that person to be in an
elected position all they have to do is step up to the plate.

It is only in NANOG's interest to have interested people serve.

-Jim P.


Re: NANOG Changes

2005-02-17 Thread Gadi Evron

First, the NANOG list will now be moderated by a volunteer group that 
includes Marty Hannigan, Steve Gibbard, and Chris Malayter.  Many thanks 
to these folks for taking on this role in upholding the list's AUP. 
Just a small comment from someone looking from the outside of the NANOG 
political mess...

I have nothing against these people, I know one of them and of them, and 
am sure they are good people. More over, they are volunteers and that's 

Leaving silly disclaimers aside, how did you collect candidates? How 
were these candidates selected? Who selected them?

Reforms are nice, but unless I missed something, the main point you were 
speaking of was more visibility how of things are done. Why not let the 
community chose it's own side of the leadership, after all, nobody is 

 list's AUP. Susan Harris and Sue Joiner will represent Merit on the
 committee.  Moderation decisions will be made by the entire group 
with  a Chair appointed within the group to keep the peace:

If all this was answered somewhere and I missed it, please consider this 
a troll and accept my apologies.


Re: NANOG Changes

2005-02-17 Thread Steve Gibbard

On Thu, 17 Feb 2005, Gadi Evron wrote:

  First, the NANOG list will now be moderated by a volunteer group that
  includes Marty Hannigan, Steve Gibbard, and Chris Malayter.  Many thanks
  to these folks for taking on this role in upholding the list's AUP.
 Leaving silly disclaimers aside, how did you collect candidates? How
 were these candidates selected? Who selected them?

 Reforms are nice, but unless I missed something, the main point you were
 speaking of was more visibility how of things are done. Why not let the
 community chose it's own side of the leadership, after all, nobody is

Speaking only for myself (and certainly not for Merit):

The NANOG Reform group (, which has already
gone on record supporting an open and democratic NANOG, was asked for
volunteers.  I think all three of us are looking at this as a temporary
assignment until the broader issues of NANOG governance are sorted out.


Re: NANOG Changes

2005-02-17 Thread Gadi Evron

Speaking only for myself (and certainly not for Merit):
The NANOG Reform group (, which has already
gone on record supporting an open and democratic NANOG, was asked for
volunteers.  I think all three of us are looking at this as a temporary
assignment until the broader issues of NANOG governance are sorted out.
Perfect, but let's not repeat past mistakes.
Let's set a date for this temporary government to expire, and start 
discussing how the process of a more permanent governing body will be 
achieved. I think 3 months is the longest we should decide on (not 
consider, the NANOG community has enough considering to do), we can do 
it in a month.

I believe this is important enough, either someone who has been here 
forever steps forward and volunteers to get the emails of who people 
want to see at this headache of a position, or we do it openly on the 
list. A poll can be done later on.


Re: NANOG Changes (and proposal)

2005-02-17 Thread Howard C. Berkowitz

Hi everyone - apologies for a rather long message, but I wanted to 
bring you up-to-date on some steps the Program Committee and Merit 
have taken to evolve NANOG since our community meeting in Las Vegas. 
*Many thanks* to those of you who attended and gave us feedback - we 
learned a lot and look forward to working with all of you to 
maintain the high standards we have come to expect from NANOG.

Second, the NANOG Program Committee has elected a new chair - thank 
you Steve Feldman!  Steve will now handle speaker communications 
that deal with content, and will make any last-minute decisions 
about what to include on the agenda.

Third, we are creating a new email list, NANOG-futures, to discuss 
NANOG's evolution.  We hope you'll participate - watch for a message 
later today or tomorrow about subscribing and a proposed time-line 
for moving us forward.

In the past, I've suggested (and volunteered for) NANOG to have a 
more extensive publication program, not simply an archive of 
presentation. There are some extremely valuable pages on the NANOG 
website, but I believe there is value to having a slightly more 
formalized publication process.  RIPE and RIPE-NCC have done so for 
some time, with very useful outputs.

It has been suggested that the IETF RFC process can serve, but there 
are problems with that. IETF's process is optimized more for 
developers than operators. It also can be slow, not from controversy 
but simply from administrative process and workload. I'm sure I'm not 
the only author to see a year or two elapse between working group 
consensus and final RFC publication.

Betty, would you see this discussed on NANOG-futures? Is it 
worthwhile to reopen exploratory decisions on the main list?

Re: NANOG Changes

2005-02-17 Thread Stephen J. Wilcox

On Thu, 17 Feb 2005, Gadi Evron wrote:

 Perfect, but let's not repeat past mistakes.
 Let's set a date for this temporary government to expire, and start
 discussing how the process of a more permanent governing body will be
 achieved. I think 3 months is the longest we should decide on (not consider,
 the NANOG community has enough considering to do), we can do it in a month.
 I believe this is important enough, either someone who has been here forever
 steps forward and volunteers to get the emails of who people want to see at
 this headache of a position, or we do it openly on the list. A poll can be
 done later on.

something has to be arbitrary in the absence of a government, its a chicken and 
egg. i think you're looking for problems that arent there - do you or anyone 
have issue with the progress thus far? if not the question is moot.


Re: NANOG Changes

2005-02-17 Thread Gadi Evron

something has to be arbitrary in the absence of a government, its a chicken and 
egg. i think you're looking for problems that arent there - do you or anyone 
have issue with the progress thus far? if not the question is moot.
My question was answered. The current government which was not chosen 
by the people is provisional. All I personally care about now is a 
schedule, and by schedule I only mean a deadline for when this 
government will be replaced.. or succeeded if you like, as a Vulcan 
would say.


Re: NANOG Changes

2005-02-17 Thread Scott Weeks

On Thu, 17 Feb 2005, Gadi Evron wrote:

: want to see at this headache of a position, or we do it openly on the

Yes, publically.  Please.


Re: NANOG Changes

2005-02-17 Thread Gadi Evron
Scott Weeks wrote:

On Thu, 17 Feb 2005, Gadi Evron wrote:
: want to see at this headache of a position, or we do it openly on the
Yes, publically.  Please.
Publically - on NANOG itself, please.

Re: NANOG Changes

2005-02-16 Thread Scott Weeks

Thank you Betty and the whole NANOG/Merit group for making great decisions
on moving forward.  This will help NANOG evolve.  I'd like to ask that
folks who know long time, clue heavy contributors who have left to return.
Merit has reached out, we need to as well.
