Re: [lisp] Anybody can participate in the IETF (Was: Why is IPv6 broken?)

2011-07-18 Thread Jeff Wheeler
On Mon, Jul 18, 2011 at 12:15 PM, Noel Chiappa  wrote:
> Let me make sure I understand your point here. You don't seem to be
> disagreeing with the assertion that for most sites (even things like very
> large universities, etc), their 'working set' (of nodes they communicate)
> with will be much smaller than the network as a whole?

Why would you assume this to be true if LISP also promises to make
multi-homing end-sites cheaper and easier, and independent of the
ISP's willingness to provide BGP without extra cost?  You see, if
every SOHO network and "power user" can suddenly become multi-homed
without spending a great deal of money on a powerful router and ISP
services which support BGP, many of these networks will do so.

The working sets of a scaled-up, LISP future will make the BGP DFZ of
today look small.

> So only the very largest content providers (YouTube, etc) will have
> 'working sets' which include a fairly large share of the entire Internet?

No, any end-site of interest to a DoS attacker must be able to deal
with a working set which includes the entire Internet.  The reason for
this is obvious: it will be the best way to attack a LISP
infrastructure, and it will not be difficult for attackers to send
packets where each packet's source address appears to be from a
different mapping system entry.

Some people have commented that LISP hopes to prevent source address
spoofing through technical means that have not been fully explored.
This is a good goal but it must require the ETR doing address
validation to look-up state from the mapping system.  It will have the
same cache churn problem as an ITR subject to a reflection attack (or
an outbound DoS flow meant to disable that ITR.)

So there is no practical means of doing source address validation on
ETRs (under DoS.)  Even if you did that, the ITR must still be subject
to the occasional large flow of outbound traffic from a compromised
host (dorm machine, open wireless, hacked server, etc.) which is
intended to disable the ITR.

> I have previously commented that such sites have lots of specialized
> infrastructure to handle their traffic loads - do you think it will be
> infeasible for them to have specialized LISP infrastructure too? (Leaving
> aside for a moment what that infrastruture would look like - it's not
> necessarily separate hardware, it might be integrated into existing boxes
> on the periphery of their site.)

Again, every content shop will need to have that specialized
infrastructure.  Every site that someone might have a motive to launch
a DoS attack against must be able to withstand at least trivial DoS.
If you think only the super-huge sites will have a large working set,
you are again ignoring DoS attacks.

The same is true of ISP subscriber access platforms.  If my ISP's BRAS
effectively goes down regularly, I won't keep that ISP service very
long, I'll change to a competitor.  The more subscribers on one BRAS,
the more likely it will receive frequent DoS attacks.

So in reality, the common cache size needed to achieve a high hit rate
really does not matter, unless you wish to ignore DoS (which you seem
to want to do very badly.)

Jeff S Wheeler 
Sr Network Operator  /  Innovative Network Concepts

NANOG mailing list

Re: NDP DoS attack (was Re: Anybody can participate in the IETF (Was: Why is IPv6 broken?))

2011-07-17 Thread Owen DeLong

On Jul 17, 2011, at 1:32 PM, William Herrin wrote:

> On Sun, Jul 17, 2011 at 1:35 PM, Jeff Wheeler  wrote:
>> On Sun, Jul 17, 2011 at 11:42 AM, William Herrin  wrote:
>>> My off-the-cuff naive solution to this problem would be to discard the
>>> oldest incomplete solicitation to fit the new one and, upon receiving
>>> an apparently unsolicited response to a discarded solicitation,
>>> restart the process flagging that particular query non-discardable.
>> Do you mean to write, "flagging that ND entry non-discardable?"
> Hi Jeff,
> I meant flagging the new incomplete solicitation ineligible for
> previous sentence's early load-based discard. When you get a response
> to a solicitation you no longer remember making, solicit again and
> don't forget about it until the normal protocol timeouts this time.

If you're going to solicit again rather than wait for a new packet, what's
the point of not just installing a complete entry?

After all, if someone sends you a spurious response, they'll likely also
be able to respond to the solicit, so, you don't really protect anything
by sending the solicit.

I figured you stick the ineligible incomplete entry in the table and wait for
the retransmit of the original packet.

>>> Where does this naive approach break down?
>> It breaks down because the control-plane can't handle the relatively
>> small number of punts which must be generated in order to send ND
>> solicits, and without the ability to install "incomplete" entries into
>> the data-plane, those punts cannot be policed without, by design,
>> discarding some "good" punts along with the "bad" punts resulting from
>> DoS traffic.
> Let me try to restate what you've said to make sure I understand. When
> the data plane knows what ARP or ND is underway, it can guard against
> overwhelming the control plane by discarding excessive traffic for the
> same yet-unresolved destination while allowing packets for new
> destinations on the lan through to the control plane. Without that
> knowledge, it can only have one queue causing the data plane to
> discard packets which would initiate neighbor discovery prior to the
> control plane seeing them, preventing any solicitation or implementing
> the logic I described.
> This doesn't sound particularly hard to me.
> Most CPE has the control and data planes on the same silicon. A guard
> at the data plane is pointless in the first place. Just punt the
> packet up and move on.

I think Jeff's focus here is on the kinds of core and TOR switches that
are mostly used in datacenters, not so much the CPE end of the world.
> Still, you've sold me on part of the claim: A /64 is inherently
> vulnerable to a remote DOS attack that a /120 is not.

More accurately, the larger your single subnet address space, the more
vulnerable you are to table overflow attacks.

A /120 is exactly as vulnerable as an IPv4 /24.
A /96 is exactly as vulnerable as an IPv4 /0.

With bigger address spaces come new challenges. In the real world,
I think this is less of an issue because:

a.  While the attack surface is large, the benefits of carrying out 
an attack are relatively small.

b.  It's a relatively easy attack to spot, identify, quench, and 


NANOG mailing list

Re: NDP DoS attack (was Re: Anybody can participate in the IETF (Was: Why is IPv6 broken?))

2011-07-17 Thread Owen DeLong

On Jul 17, 2011, at 1:17 PM, Jeff Wheeler wrote:

> On Sun, Jul 17, 2011 at 3:40 PM, Owen DeLong  wrote:
>> Basically an ND entry would have the following states and timers:
> I've discussed what you have described with some colleagues in the
> past.  The idea has merit and I would certainly not complain if
> vendors included it (as a knob) on their boxes.  The downfalls of this
> approach are that they still don't ensure the discovery of new
> neighbors (rather than "ever seen" neighbors) during DoS, and you make
> the local DoS a bit more complex by needing to establish more rules
> for purging these semi-permanent entries.

Sure they do... Just not necessarily on the first attempt.

There are no semi-permanent entries. In fact, it doesn't make any entry more
permanent than today's state. The D flag just makes entries more readily
discardable than today's entries.

So you have some misconceptions about how it would work in practice, I think.

Under DOS, the first packet that arrives for a known host generates the
standard ND request sent to the host, but, the Incomplete ND table entry
is created with the D flag set. If the host responds before the ND table
entry is discarded, all functions as normal. If the entry is discarded before
the host responds, then the response from the host creates a new
incomplete entry without the D flag set. This entry will live for the normal
time that an incomplete ND entry would be kept (not eligible for early
discard) and the retry packet from the originating host would then
generate a new ND request and the response should arrive before the
normal incomplete ND timer expires. At that point a normal complete entry
is created and things continue to function.

So, what happens under this scenario is that you have a small chance that
you need to wait for an initial connection retry on an unseen host, but, you
can easily discard incomplete ND entries for which no response has yet
been received. Further, since you're only discarding the oldest one entry
each time you need to create a new entry in a full table, this would only
start discarding things when an actual table overflow is occurring whether
from DOS or other cause. If it's another cause, I don't think this makes life
any worse. If it's DOS, then, it should be relatively rare that a responsive
host is the oldest ND table entry that would get discarded, no?

>> I think most of this punting could be handled at the line card level. Is 
>> there
>> any reason that the ND process can't be moved into line-card level silicon
>> as described above?
> You could implement ND solicit in the data-plane (and remove punts
> entirely) in even some current chips, to say nothing of future ones.
> Whether or not that is a good idea, well, keep in mind that the ND
> solicits would then be mcasted to the LAN at a potentially unlimited
> rate.

There's no reason it would have to be an unlimited rate, but, I think
that would probably be acceptable in most cases anyway.

> That is not necessarily a problem unless the L2 implementation is not
> too good with respect to multicast.  For example, in some "switches"
> (mostly those that are routers that can switch) the L2 mcast has
> surprising caveats, such as using up a lot of fabric capacity for
> whatever replication scheme has been chosen.

If your L2 implementation sucks on Mcast in IPv6, you're kind of in a
bad way anyway.

> Of course, you also hope NDP on all the connected hosts works right.
> I believe some Juniper customers noticed a pretty big problem with
> JUNOS NDP implementation when deploying boxes using the DE-CIX
> addressing scheme, and in a situation like that, the ingress router
> for the attack could be crippled by spurious responses from the other
> mis-behaving hosts on the LAN, essentially like smurf except without
> sending any garbage back out to the Internet.

I think the bad NDP implementations on the hosts will get sorted fairly
quickly anyway.

Since all a spurious hosts would do is create a new incomplete entry
without the D flag set the FIRST time it sends an unsolicited ND response,
I'm not sure how that would really cripple the ingress router. Care
to explain that?

> What you definitely don't want to do is assume this fixes the local
> DoS, because it doesn't.  I would like for you to keep in mind that a
> host on the LAN, misconfigured to do something like "local proxy-arp,"
> or otherwise responding to all ND solicits, would accidentally DoS the
> LAN's gateway.  I do not think we should assume that the local DoS
> won't happen, or is "fixable" with a whack-a-mole method.

I consider local DOS to be a corner case unique to universities and very
poorly run colos. We've already had that discussion and IIRC agreed
to disagree.

>> Sure, that doesn't solve the problem on current hardware, but, it moves it
>> from design problem to implementation issue, which IMHO is a step in the
>> right direction.
> Well, it already is a design problem

Re: NDP DoS attack (was Re: Anybody can participate in the IETF (Was: Why is IPv6 broken?))

2011-07-17 Thread William Herrin
On Sun, Jul 17, 2011 at 1:35 PM, Jeff Wheeler  wrote:
> On Sun, Jul 17, 2011 at 11:42 AM, William Herrin  wrote:
>> My off-the-cuff naive solution to this problem would be to discard the
>> oldest incomplete solicitation to fit the new one and, upon receiving
>> an apparently unsolicited response to a discarded solicitation,
>> restart the process flagging that particular query non-discardable.
> Do you mean to write, "flagging that ND entry non-discardable?"

Hi Jeff,

I meant flagging the new incomplete solicitation ineligible for
previous sentence's early load-based discard. When you get a response
to a solicitation you no longer remember making, solicit again and
don't forget about it until the normal protocol timeouts this time.

>> Where does this naive approach break down?
> It breaks down because the control-plane can't handle the relatively
> small number of punts which must be generated in order to send ND
> solicits, and without the ability to install "incomplete" entries into
> the data-plane, those punts cannot be policed without, by design,
> discarding some "good" punts along with the "bad" punts resulting from
> DoS traffic.

Let me try to restate what you've said to make sure I understand. When
the data plane knows what ARP or ND is underway, it can guard against
overwhelming the control plane by discarding excessive traffic for the
same yet-unresolved destination while allowing packets for new
destinations on the lan through to the control plane. Without that
knowledge, it can only have one queue causing the data plane to
discard packets which would initiate neighbor discovery prior to the
control plane seeing them, preventing any solicitation or implementing
the logic I described.

This doesn't sound particularly hard to me.

Most CPE has the control and data planes on the same silicon. A guard
at the data plane is pointless in the first place. Just punt the
packet up and move on.

On the bigger iron where the planes are on running on different chips,
you can move the initial ND solicitation packet into the data plane.
After failing to find an incomplete ND, generate and send the ND
solicitation and THEN make the decision whether to punt to the control
plane or discard. If you discard, the control plane will find out
about the "good" ones when the response comes back.

This means you could multiply a unicast flood into a multicast flood
but you'll have to pump out several orders of magnitude more packets
than with the original problem before it causes me grief.

Still, you've sold me on part of the claim: A /64 is inherently
vulnerable to a remote DOS attack that a /120 is not.

Now sell me on the other part: How does this require effort on the
attacker's part that's enough smaller than the general form "flood his
link" attack that I should care about it beyond poking my vendors to
see if they've reasonably covered the high-load corner cases?

I see how the original attack could kill a lan with a relatively small
number of packets. With the naive solution, it seems to require
something a lot closer to a steady flood.

Bill Herrin

William D. Herrin
3005 Crane Dr. .. Web: 
Falls Church, VA 22042-3004

NANOG mailing list

Re: NDP DoS attack (was Re: Anybody can participate in the IETF (Was: Why is IPv6 broken?))

2011-07-17 Thread Jeff Wheeler
On Sun, Jul 17, 2011 at 3:40 PM, Owen DeLong  wrote:
> Basically an ND entry would have the following states and timers:

I've discussed what you have described with some colleagues in the
past.  The idea has merit and I would certainly not complain if
vendors included it (as a knob) on their boxes.  The downfalls of this
approach are that they still don't ensure the discovery of new
neighbors (rather than "ever seen" neighbors) during DoS, and you make
the local DoS a bit more complex by needing to establish more rules
for purging these semi-permanent entries.

> I think most of this punting could be handled at the line card level. Is there
> any reason that the ND process can't be moved into line-card level silicon
> as described above?

You could implement ND solicit in the data-plane (and remove punts
entirely) in even some current chips, to say nothing of future ones.
Whether or not that is a good idea, well, keep in mind that the ND
solicits would then be mcasted to the LAN at a potentially unlimited

That is not necessarily a problem unless the L2 implementation is not
too good with respect to multicast.  For example, in some "switches"
(mostly those that are routers that can switch) the L2 mcast has
surprising caveats, such as using up a lot of fabric capacity for
whatever replication scheme has been chosen.

Of course, you also hope NDP on all the connected hosts works right.
I believe some Juniper customers noticed a pretty big problem with
JUNOS NDP implementation when deploying boxes using the DE-CIX
addressing scheme, and in a situation like that, the ingress router
for the attack could be crippled by spurious responses from the other
mis-behaving hosts on the LAN, essentially like smurf except without
sending any garbage back out to the Internet.

What you definitely don't want to do is assume this fixes the local
DoS, because it doesn't.  I would like for you to keep in mind that a
host on the LAN, misconfigured to do something like "local proxy-arp,"
or otherwise responding to all ND solicits, would accidentally DoS the
LAN's gateway.  I do not think we should assume that the local DoS
won't happen, or is "fixable" with a whack-a-mole method.

> Sure, that doesn't solve the problem on current hardware, but, it moves it
> from design problem to implementation issue, which IMHO is a step in the
> right direction.

Well, it already is a design problem that implementations can largely
work-around.  Vendors just aren't doing it.  :-/

Jeff S Wheeler 
Sr Network Operator  /  Innovative Network Concepts

NANOG mailing list

Re: NDP DoS attack (was Re: Anybody can participate in the IETF (Was: Why is IPv6 broken?))

2011-07-17 Thread Owen DeLong

On Jul 17, 2011, at 10:35 AM, Jeff Wheeler wrote:

> On Sun, Jul 17, 2011 at 11:42 AM, William Herrin  wrote:
>> My off-the-cuff naive solution to this problem would be to discard the
>> oldest incomplete solicitation to fit the new one and, upon receiving
>> an apparently unsolicited response to a discarded solicitation,
>> restart the process flagging that particular query non-discardable.
> Do you mean to write, "flagging that ND entry non-discardable?"  Once
> the ND entry is in place, it should not be purged for quite some time
> (configurable is a plus), on the order of minutes or hours.  Making
> them "permanent" would, however, cause the ND table to eventually
> become full when foolish things like frequent source address changes
> for "privacy" are in use, many clients are churning in and out of the
> LAN, etc.

I believe it was obvious in the context he means flagging the incomplete
ND entry as one that is not to be discarded early for pruning of potentially
DOS-related ND entries.

Basically an ND entry would have the following states and timers:

I   Incomplete (1 = ND entry is not complete)
D   Discardable (1 = Incomplete entry is result of incoming packet
for unverified neighbor)

A   Age -- Counts up from time ND entry was created (most likely
synthetic and calculated by storing T in the ND entry and using
Tnow - Tentry).

The system would have a two timer policies: 1 for Incomplete Timeout
and 1 for Complete Timeout. (TI and TC)

At A=TI, an incomplete entry would be discarded regardless of the D flag.
At A=TC, a complete entry would be discarded regardless of the D flag.

When a packet arrives for a host which does not exist in the ND table,
a new entry with flags I and D would be created. An ND request would
be generated as normal.

When a new ND table entry is required and the table is full, the oldest
entry with both I and D flags (max(A)) would be replaced with the new

When an ND response is received matching an entry with the I flag set,
the I and D flags would be cleared and the entry would be filled in with
the appropriate data.

When an ND response is received not matching an entry with the I flag set,
a new entry with the I flag and no D flag would be created.

In this way, you cannot overflow the neighbor table in a way that creates
significant disruption unless there are actually too many neighbors,
in which case, it's bad network design and not DOS.

>> Where does this naive approach break down?
> It breaks down because the control-plane can't handle the relatively
> small number of punts which must be generated in order to send ND
> solicits, and without the ability to install "incomplete" entries into
> the data-plane, those punts cannot be policed without, by design,
> discarding some "good" punts along with the "bad" punts resulting from
> DoS traffic.

I think most of this punting could be handled at the line card level. Is there
any reason that the ND process can't be moved into line-card level silicon
as described above?

Sure, that doesn't solve the problem on current hardware, but, it moves it
from design problem to implementation issue, which IMHO is a step in the
right direction.


NANOG mailing list

Re: Anybody can participate in the IETF (Was: Why is IPv6 broken?)

2011-07-17 Thread Jeff Wheeler
On Sun, Jul 17, 2011 at 11:07 AM, Eliot Lear  wrote:
> We all make mistakes in not questioning our own positions, from time to
> time.  You, Jeff, seem to be making that very same mistake.

> Rome wasn't built in a day.  The current system didn't come ready-made
> pre-built with all the bells and whistles you are used to.  It grew slowly
> over time, as we learned what works, what doesn't, and what was missing.
> Any system that attempts to deal with locator/id separation will assuredly
> not be built in a day, either.

LISP work has been going on for a long time to still not have any
useful discussion on a designed-in, trivial DoS which will affect any
ITR and make the work being done to allow ETRs to validate source
addresses (or even do loose uRPF) into a DoS vector for ETRs as well.

> While you have stated a problem relating to a security consideration –
> specifically that there is a potential reflection attack that could cause
> cache thrashing, the solution may not be what you expect.

I agree, a solution might be available.  One has not been presented
yet.  In my earliest postings to the IETF LISP list, the ones which
received zero replies, I suggest a way to significantly improve the
cache churn DoS problem.  It is not novel, as Darrel Lewis informed
me, which means that even already-available research has not been
applied to LISP in this area, and the Mapping Service protocol ties
the hands of implementors so they *cannot* apply such techniques while
still conforming to the specifications.

> Yes, you were asked.  Even so... Novelty isn't something worth arguing over,
> except in patent battles.

Really?  Novelty, by definition, advances the state of the art.  You
may not think it's very important to inform people that LISP is based
on essentially the same flow-caching scheme used in the 1990s, but I

> Never is a very long time.  Many uses of "never" have been used relating to
> the Internet.  It is the corollary to "Imminent Death of the 'Net: film @
> 11."  I still have the NANOG tee-shirt with Robert Metcalfe, someone with
> considerably more notoriety, eating his hat.

And yet, I am quite comfortable with the statement that LISP can never
scale up to meet the demands of the Internet.  Perhaps with
fundamental changes to its design, and its advocates giving up some of
their current assumptions, some progress could be made.  In its
current form, though, LISP will never be a useful tool to scale the
Internet, and in fact, it cannot meet the demands of today's Internet.
 Unless, of course, you pretend that the ability to DoS any router
with a trivial amount of traffic is not worthy of concern.

Jeff S Wheeler 
Sr Network Operator  /  Innovative Network Concepts

NANOG mailing list

Re: NDP DoS attack (was Re: Anybody can participate in the IETF (Was: Why is IPv6 broken?))

2011-07-17 Thread Jeff Wheeler
On Sun, Jul 17, 2011 at 11:42 AM, William Herrin  wrote:
> My off-the-cuff naive solution to this problem would be to discard the
> oldest incomplete solicitation to fit the new one and, upon receiving
> an apparently unsolicited response to a discarded solicitation,
> restart the process flagging that particular query non-discardable.

Do you mean to write, "flagging that ND entry non-discardable?"  Once
the ND entry is in place, it should not be purged for quite some time
(configurable is a plus), on the order of minutes or hours.  Making
them "permanent" would, however, cause the ND table to eventually
become full when foolish things like frequent source address changes
for "privacy" are in use, many clients are churning in and out of the
LAN, etc.

> Where does this naive approach break down?

It breaks down because the control-plane can't handle the relatively
small number of punts which must be generated in order to send ND
solicits, and without the ability to install "incomplete" entries into
the data-plane, those punts cannot be policed without, by design,
discarding some "good" punts along with the "bad" punts resulting from
DoS traffic.

Jeff S Wheeler 
Sr Network Operator  /  Innovative Network Concepts

NANOG mailing list

Re: NDP DoS attack (was Re: Anybody can participate in the IETF (Was: Why is IPv6 broken?))

2011-07-17 Thread William Herrin
On Mon, Jul 11, 2011 at 8:17 PM, Karl Auer  wrote:
> RFC3756 IPv6 Neighbor Discovery (ND) Trust Models and Threats
>   In this attack, the attacking node begins fabricating addresses with
>   the subnet prefix and continuously sending packets to them.  The last
>   hop router is obligated to resolve these addresses by sending
>   neighbor solicitation packets.  A legitimate host attempting to enter
>   the network may not be able to obtain Neighbor Discovery service from
>   the last hop router as it will be already busy with sending other
>   solicitations.

Hi Karl,

My off-the-cuff naive solution to this problem would be to discard the
oldest incomplete solicitation to fit the new one and, upon receiving
an apparently unsolicited response to a discarded solicitation,
restart the process flagging that particular query non-discardable.

That would be an implementation change, not a protocol change.

I would expect to occasionally lose a packet due to the discard while
the router was under attack with the accordingly minimal impact. I
would also expect to see a multicast flood on the LAN of about the
same data rate as the inbound attack packets.

Where does this naive approach break down?

On Fri, Jul 15, 2011 at 12:13 AM, Fernando Gont  wrote:
> On 07/15/2011 12:24 AM, Jimmy Hess wrote:
>> A similarly hazardous situation exists with IPv4,  and it is basically
>> unheard of  for IPv4's Layer 2/ARP security weaknesses to be exploited
>> to create a DoS condition, even though they can be (very easily),
> IMO, the situation is different, in that the typical IPv4 subnet size
> eliminate some of the attack vectors.

Hi Fernando,

Not at a practical level. The reason it's unheard of for IPv4 is that
if you're a hacker with an ability to generate arbitrary packets on a
LAN, DOSing the adjacent router by overwhelming its ARP cache is one
of the least interesting things you can do... and one of the easiest
to get busted at.

It isn't necessary (or possible) to solve every conceivable *local*
DOS attack. And frankly remote saturation-bomb attacks are out of
bounds too. The concern Karl presented was that it was possible to
remotely disable an IPv6 LAN with tailored traffic much less than that
network's inbound capacity. Solve that issue with IPv6 ND and we're

Bill Herrin

William D. Herrin
3005 Crane Dr. .. Web: 
Falls Church, VA 22042-3004

NANOG mailing list

Re: Anybody can participate in the IETF (Was: Why is IPv6 broken?)

2011-07-17 Thread Eliot Lear
We all make mistakes in not questioning our own positions, from time to
time.  You, Jeff, seem to be making that very same mistake.

Please keep these points in mind:

  * Rome wasn't built in a day.  The current system didn't come
ready-made pre-built with all the bells and whistles you are used
to.  It grew slowly over time, as we learned what works, what
doesn't, and what was missing.  Any system that attempts to deal
with locator/id separation will assuredly not be built in a day, either.
  * While you have stated a problem relating to a security consideration
– specifically that there is a potential reflection attack that
could cause cache thrashing, the solution may not be what you expect.
  * Yes, you were asked.  Even so... Novelty isn't something worth
arguing over, except in patent battles.  Usefulness is only worth
arguing over marginally more.  Deployment (or lack thereof) speaks
for itself.  LISP or ILNP or what-have-you either will or won't be
deployed over the long run.
  * Never is a very long time.  Many uses of "never" have been used
relating to the Internet.  It is the corollary to "Imminent Death of
the 'Net: film @ 11."  I still have the NANOG tee-shirt with Robert
Metcalfe, someone with considerably more notoriety, eating his hat.


NANOG mailing list

Re: NDP DoS attack (was Re: Anybody can participate in the IETF (Was: Why is IPv6 broken?))

2011-07-17 Thread Dobbins, Roland
On Jul 15, 2011, at 10:24 AM, Jimmy Hess wrote:

> In most cases if you have a DoS attack coming from the same Layer-2 network 
> that a router is attached to,
> it would mean there was already a serious security incident that occured to 
> give the attacker that special point to attack fr

This scenario is quite common in physical/virtual co-lo IDCs, FYI - customer A 
attacking customer B, both within the same subnet, in many cases.

Roland Dobbins  // 

The basis of optimism is sheer terror.

  -- Oscar Wilde

NANOG mailing list

Re: NDP DoS attack (was Re: Anybody can participate in the IETF (Was: Why is IPv6 broken?))

2011-07-15 Thread Christopher Morrow
On Thu, Jul 14, 2011 at 9:47 PM, Owen DeLong  wrote:

> Very true. This is where Mr. Wheeler's arguments depart from reality. He's 
> right
> in that the problem can't be truly fixed without some very complicated code 
> added
> to lots of devices, but, it can be mitigated relatively easily and mitigation 
> really
> is good enough for most real world purposes.

ok,I'll bite, what's the solution?

Re: NDP DoS attack (was Re: Anybody can participate in the IETF (Was: Why is IPv6 broken?))

2011-07-15 Thread Valdis . Kletnieks
On Thu, 14 Jul 2011 23:13:03 PDT, Owen DeLong said:
> On Jul 14, 2011, at 8:24 PM, Jimmy Hess wrote:
> > In most cases if you have a DoS attack coming from the same Layer-2
> > network that a router is attached to,
> > it would mean there was already a serious security incident  that
> > occured to give the attacker that special point to attack from.

> That's one possibility.
> The other likely possibility is that you are a University.

Nope. Unless you want to add "or you are a cable provider, or you are a DSL
provider, or you are a" to that. (Hint - what percent of students launch DoS
attacks that cut themselves off from the net? Compare to what percent of
non-student machines out on cable and DSL are botted or pwned)

Even if you're a university with resident students, if said students are on the
same Layer-2 as anything you actually care about, you have a serious security

"Student manages to DoS the router out of the dorm and strands 3 floors of dorm
without internet" is just as interesting as "Joe Sixpack manages to DoS the
router at the cable head end and strands 3 blocks of Comcast customers without
internet", for the *exact same reasons*.  If the student is able to play more
level-2 games than Joe Sixpack can, you misdesigned your network.

Description: PGP signature

Re: NDP DoS attack (was Re: Anybody can participate in the IETF (Was: Why is IPv6 broken?))

2011-07-14 Thread Owen DeLong

On Jul 14, 2011, at 8:24 PM, Jimmy Hess wrote:

> On Thu, Jul 14, 2011 at 9:35 PM, Jared Mauch  wrote:
>> On Jul 14, 2011, at 10:06 PM, Fernando Gont  wrote:
>> Anyone on a layer-2 network can do something interesting like flood all f's 
>> and kill the lan. Trying to keep the majority of thoughts here for layer-3 
>> originated attacks, even if the target is a layer2 item.
>> - Jared
> In most cases if you have a DoS attack coming from the same Layer-2
> network that a router is attached to,
> it would mean there was already a serious security incident  that
> occured to give the attacker that special point to attack from.
That's one possibility.

The other likely possibility is that you are a University.


Re: NDP DoS attack (was Re: Anybody can participate in the IETF (Was: Why is IPv6 broken?))

2011-07-14 Thread Fernando Gont
On 07/15/2011 12:24 AM, Jimmy Hess wrote:

> A similarly hazardous situation exists with IPv4,  and it is basically
> unheard of  for IPv4's Layer 2/ARP security weaknesses to be exploited
> to create a DoS condition, even though they can be (very easily),

IMO, the situation is different, in that the typical IPv4 subnet size
eliminate some of the attack vectors.

For example, it would be virtually impossible for an ARP cache to grow
without bounds, and consume all kernel memory, because the typical IPv4
subnet size imposes a limit on the number of entries. That is *not* the
case with v6.

> IPv4  Layer 2 DoS conditions are often due to a malfunction or error
> than intended attack;   more likely,   IPv6 Layer 2 security
> weaknesses will be used to  intercept traffic for snooping, or quietly
> subvert network policy.   LAN DoS conditions are noticed quickly, and
> usually result in physical unplugging of the attacking  (or
> malfunctioning)  node.

Assuming the admin of the possibly-ipv6-enabled-by-default router is
IPv6 aware, etc.

> Methods can be designed to protect against spoofed NDP flooding on the
> LAN that do not require the router's involvement.

Which ones?

> For IPv4 switched networks there is a technology referred to as
> 'Dynamic ARP Inspection'.
> Untrusted IPv6 LAN environments will need to implement SEND  or  some
> form of  'Dynamic ND inspection'   plus RA-guard.

Good luck with deploying SEND.

OTOH, forget about current implementations of RA-Guard:

> If it comes down to   solving a  remote DoS issue at the cost of
> creating a LAN DoS issue that comes down to   'hosts on the LAN having
> to spoof'
> I would say that's easily well worth it.

You *can* fix the remote DoS issue, *without* introducing the
locally-exploitable one. That's the point.

Fernando Gont
e-mail: ||
PGP Fingerprint: 7809 84F5 322E 45C7 F1C9 3945 96EE A9EF D076 FFF1

Re: NDP DoS attack (was Re: Anybody can participate in the IETF (Was: Why is IPv6 broken?))

2011-07-14 Thread Jimmy Hess
On Thu, Jul 14, 2011 at 9:35 PM, Jared Mauch  wrote:
> On Jul 14, 2011, at 10:06 PM, Fernando Gont  wrote:
> Anyone on a layer-2 network can do something interesting like flood all f's 
> and kill the lan. Trying to keep the majority of thoughts here for layer-3 
> originated attacks, even if the target is a layer2 item.
> - Jared

In most cases if you have a DoS attack coming from the same Layer-2
network that a router is attached to,
it would mean there was already a serious security incident  that
occured to give the attacker that special point to attack from.

A similarly hazardous situation exists with IPv4,  and it is basically
unheard of  for IPv4's Layer 2/ARP security weaknesses to be exploited
to create a DoS condition, even though they can be (very easily),
IPv4  Layer 2 DoS conditions are often due to a malfunction or error
than intended attack;   more likely,   IPv6 Layer 2 security
weaknesses will be used to  intercept traffic for snooping, or quietly
subvert network policy.   LAN DoS conditions are noticed quickly, and
usually result in physical unplugging of the attacking  (or
malfunctioning)  node.

Methods can be designed to protect against spoofed NDP flooding on the
LAN that do not require the router's involvement.

For IPv4 switched networks there is a technology referred to as
'Dynamic ARP Inspection'.

Untrusted IPv6 LAN environments will need to implement SEND  or  some
form of  'Dynamic ND inspection'   plus RA-guard.

If it comes down to   solving a  remote DoS issue at the cost of
creating a LAN DoS issue that comes down to   'hosts on the LAN having
to spoof'

I would say that's easily well worth it.


Re: NDP DoS attack (was Re: Anybody can participate in the IETF (Was: Why is IPv6 broken?))

2011-07-14 Thread Jared Mauch

Sent from my iThing

On Jul 14, 2011, at 10:57 PM, Fernando Gont  wrote:

> On 07/14/2011 11:35 PM, Jared Mauch wrote:
>>> Well, unless there's some layer-2 anti-spoofing mitigation in
>>> place, with /64 subnets the "local attacker" typically *will* have
>>> enough addresses.
>> Solving a local attack
> Well, I was talking about not *introducing* ;-) one.
>> is something I consider different in scope
>> than the current draft being discussed in 6man, v6ops, ipv6@ etc...
> Which I-D are you referring to?
> Thanks,
> -- 
> Fernando Gont
> e-mail: ||
> PGP Fingerprint: 7809 84F5 322E 45C7 F1C9 3945 96EE A9EF D076 FFF1

Re: NDP DoS attack (was Re: Anybody can participate in the IETF (Was: Why is IPv6 broken?))

2011-07-14 Thread Fernando Gont
On 07/14/2011 11:35 PM, Jared Mauch wrote:

>> Well, unless there's some layer-2 anti-spoofing mitigation in
>> place, with /64 subnets the "local attacker" typically *will* have
>> enough addresses.
> Solving a local attack

Well, I was talking about not *introducing* ;-) one.

> is something I consider different in scope
> than the current draft being discussed in 6man, v6ops, ipv6@ etc...

Which I-D are you referring to?

Fernando Gont
e-mail: ||
PGP Fingerprint: 7809 84F5 322E 45C7 F1C9 3945 96EE A9EF D076 FFF1

Re: NDP DoS attack (was Re: Anybody can participate in the IETF (Was: Why is IPv6 broken?))

2011-07-14 Thread Jared Mauch

On Jul 14, 2011, at 10:06 PM, Fernando Gont  wrote:

>> It should be possible to mitigate this, so long as the attack does not 
>> actually
>> originate from a neighbor on the same subnet as a router  IP interface on
>> an IPv6 subnet with sufficient number of IPs.
> Well, unless there's some layer-2 anti-spoofing mitigation in place,
> with /64 subnets the "local attacker" typically *will* have enough
> addresses.

Solving a local attack is something I consider different in scope than the 
current draft being discussed in 6man, v6ops, ipv6@ etc...

Anyone on a layer-2 network can do something interesting like flood all f's and 
kill the lan. Trying to keep the majority of thoughts here for layer-3 
originated attacks, even if the target is a layer2 item.

- Jared 

Re: NDP DoS attack (was Re: Anybody can participate in the IETF (Was: Why is IPv6 broken?))

2011-07-14 Thread Fernando Gont
On 07/14/2011 10:24 PM, Jimmy Hess wrote:
>> In this particular case, if the implementation enforces a limit on the
>> number of entries in the "INCOMPLETE" state, then only nodes that have
>> never communicated with the outside world could be affected by this
>> attack. And if those entries that are in the "INCOMPLETE" state are
>> pruned periodically (e.g. in a round-robin fashion), chances are that
> Not only that but  it's possible to differentiate _how_ an entry is added to
> the table when the table reaches a "high water mark" it's possible
> to drop the packet that was attempting to cause a NDP discover, fail to add
> the INCOMPLETE entry to the table,  but _still_  send  the outgoing NDP
> neighbor solicitation, and complete the entry or "whitelist"  the destination
> if the neighbor advertises itself.

Agreed. I should double-check whether there's room in the current
specifications to do this -- however, whether the specs allow this or
not is irrelevant. At the point you're being hit with a DoS, you better
do something about it (particularly when it's possible, as in this case!)

> That is: if the destination is good, the neighbor will respond to the
> NDP solicit,
> even though the neighbor doesn't have an entry in the table.

Modulo that when the high water mark has not been hit, the router should
probably *not* create ND cache entries in response to this "gratuitous"
ND advertisements, since otherwise it would open the door to a DoS from
local attackers.

> It should be possible to mitigate this, so long as the attack does not 
> actually
> originate from a neighbor on the same subnet as a router  IP interface on
> an IPv6 subnet with sufficient number of IPs.

Well, unless there's some layer-2 anti-spoofing mitigation in place,
with /64 subnets the "local attacker" typically *will* have enough

Fernando Gont
e-mail: ||
PGP Fingerprint: 7809 84F5 322E 45C7 F1C9 3945 96EE A9EF D076 FFF1

Re: NDP DoS attack (was Re: Anybody can participate in the IETF (Was: Why is IPv6 broken?))

2011-07-14 Thread Owen DeLong

On Jul 14, 2011, at 6:24 PM, Jimmy Hess wrote:

> On Thu, Jul 14, 2011 at 7:29 PM, Fernando Gont  wrote:
>> On 07/11/2011 09:17 PM, Karl Auer wrote:
>> Vulnerability to this specific issues has a great deal to do with the
>> implementation. After all, whenever there's a data structure that can
> Yes
>> In this particular case, if the implementation enforces a limit on the
>> number of entries in the "INCOMPLETE" state, then only nodes that have
>> never communicated with the outside world could be affected by this
>> attack. And if those entries that are in the "INCOMPLETE" state are
>> pruned periodically (e.g. in a round-robin fashion), chances are that
> Not only that but  it's possible to differentiate _how_ an entry is added to
> the table when the table reaches a "high water mark" it's possible
> to drop the packet that was attempting to cause a NDP discover, fail to add
> the INCOMPLETE entry to the table,  but _still_  send  the outgoing NDP
> neighbor solicitation, and complete the entry or "whitelist"  the destination
> if the neighbor advertises itself.
> That is: if the destination is good, the neighbor will respond to the
> NDP solicit,
> even though the neighbor doesn't have an entry in the table.
> So a small number of packets are lost at initial setup, due to the
> attack,  but further
> packets are unaffected,
> So long as the attack does not overwhelm router CPU,  and  so long as the
> INCOMPLETE entry high water mark is at a low enough level,
> so there is still ample space in the table.
> Even more sophisticated strategies may be available.
> It should be possible to mitigate this, so long as the attack does not 
> actually
> originate from a neighbor on the same subnet as a router  IP interface on
> an IPv6 subnet with sufficient number of IPs.
>> even those "new hosts" would be able to get into the neighbor cache and
>> hence remain unaffected by this attack.
>> Thanks,
> -- 
> -JH

Very true. This is where Mr. Wheeler's arguments depart from reality. He's right
in that the problem can't be truly fixed without some very complicated code 
to lots of devices, but, it can be mitigated relatively easily and mitigation 
is good enough for most real world purposes.


Re: NDP DoS attack (was Re: Anybody can participate in the IETF (Was: Why is IPv6 broken?))

2011-07-14 Thread Jimmy Hess
On Thu, Jul 14, 2011 at 7:29 PM, Fernando Gont  wrote:
> On 07/11/2011 09:17 PM, Karl Auer wrote:
> Vulnerability to this specific issues has a great deal to do with the
> implementation. After all, whenever there's a data structure that can

> In this particular case, if the implementation enforces a limit on the
> number of entries in the "INCOMPLETE" state, then only nodes that have
> never communicated with the outside world could be affected by this
> attack. And if those entries that are in the "INCOMPLETE" state are
> pruned periodically (e.g. in a round-robin fashion), chances are that

Not only that but  it's possible to differentiate _how_ an entry is added to
the table when the table reaches a "high water mark" it's possible
to drop the packet that was attempting to cause a NDP discover, fail to add
the INCOMPLETE entry to the table,  but _still_  send  the outgoing NDP
neighbor solicitation, and complete the entry or "whitelist"  the destination
if the neighbor advertises itself.

That is: if the destination is good, the neighbor will respond to the
NDP solicit,
even though the neighbor doesn't have an entry in the table.

So a small number of packets are lost at initial setup, due to the
attack,  but further
packets are unaffected,

So long as the attack does not overwhelm router CPU,  and  so long as the
INCOMPLETE entry high water mark is at a low enough level,
so there is still ample space in the table.

Even more sophisticated strategies may be available.

It should be possible to mitigate this, so long as the attack does not actually
originate from a neighbor on the same subnet as a router  IP interface on
an IPv6 subnet with sufficient number of IPs.

> even those "new hosts" would be able to get into the neighbor cache and
> hence remain unaffected by this attack.
> Thanks,


Re: NDP DoS attack (was Re: Anybody can participate in the IETF (Was: Why is IPv6 broken?))

2011-07-14 Thread Fernando Gont
On 07/11/2011 09:17 PM, Karl Auer wrote:
> I realise this is not "specific implementations" as you requested, but
> it seems to me that the problem is generic enough not to require that.
> The attack is made possible by the design of the protocol, not any
> failing of specific implementations. Specific implementations need to
> describe what they've done about it (mitigation or prevention).

Vulnerability to this specific issues has a great deal to do with the
implementation. After all, whenever there's a data structure that can
potentially grow out of bounds (or hit a limit), it becomes a resource
management issue.

In this particular case, if the implementation enforces a limit on the
number of entries in the "INCOMPLETE" state, then only nodes that have
never communicated with the outside world could be affected by this
attack. And if those entries that are in the "INCOMPLETE" state are
pruned periodically (e.g. in a round-robin fashion), chances are that
even those "new hosts" would be able to get into the neighbor cache and
hence remain unaffected by this attack.

Fernando Gont
e-mail: ||
PGP Fingerprint: 7809 84F5 322E 45C7 F1C9 3945 96EE A9EF D076 FFF1

Re: Anybody can participate in the IETF (Was: Why is IPv6 broken?)

2011-07-13 Thread Mark Andrews

In message <>, Joel Jaeggli write
> On Jul 12, 2011, at 10:59 PM, Mark Andrews wrote:
> >=20
> > I didn't claim it would work with existing CPE equipment.  Declaring
> > 6to4 historic won't work with existing CPE equipment either.
> If the hosts behind it stop using 2002::/16  addresses as a product of a =
> software update which seems rather more likely (also there some evidence =
> for that), it will. that said yes one assumption is that you have to =
> continue to support it.

When you switch the source address preference from 2002::/16 to
IPv4 you loose insight into which machines have 2002::/16 addresses
still without explict testing.

> >> It is really hard to justify the expansion and deployment of new =
> relays =3D
> >> when in fact tunneled traffic can be observed to be on the decline =3D
> >> (possibly because devices particularly hosts that do receive regular =
> =3D
> >> updates receive tweaks to their address selection algorithm).
> >> =3D
> >> =
> >=20
> > Which may or may not be a short term dip.
> correlation is not causation but...
> =
> ing-it-some-more.ars
> >  We are yet to see much in the
> > way of IPv6 only content.  When that appears, which it will, the =
> tunneled
> > traffic will go up unless ISPs have deployed native IPv6 to all =
> customers.
> > Are you willing to bet on which will happen first?
> I'm willing to bet that subpar experience due to auto-tunneling is =
> considered a liability for content providers.
> > This whole area is in a state of flux.
Mark Andrews, ISC
1 Seymour St., Dundas Valley, NSW 2117, Australia
PHONE: +61 2 9871 4742 INTERNET:

Re: Anybody can participate in the IETF (Was: Why is IPv6 broken?)

2011-07-13 Thread Luigi Iannone

On Jul 13, 2011, at 13:03 , Luigi Iannone wrote:

> Jeff,
> on one point we agree, there is value in continuing this thread.

There is  _no_ value.

my mistake...


> I've tried to bring the discussion back to the technical issues, but I failed.
> Personally, I find your emails aggressive and close to offensive in some 
> sentences.
> Differently from you, in my replies (all of them public) I never judged your 
> competences.
> For me this thread is closed.
> Have a nice day
> Luigi
> On Jul 13, 2011, at 11:21 , Jeff Wheeler wrote:
>> Luigi, you have mis-understood quite a bit of the content of my
>> message.  I'm not sure if this is of any further interest to NANOG
>> readers, but as it is basically what seems to go on a lot, from my
>> observations of IETF list activity, I'll copy my reply to the list as
>> you have done.
>> On Wed, Jul 13, 2011 at 4:08 AM, Luigi Iannone
>>  wrote:
>>> Granted. You are the real world expert. Now can you stop repeating this in
>>> each email and move on?
>> No.  This is a point that needs to be not only made, but driven home.
>> You do not understand how routers work, which is why you are having
>> such difficulty understanding the severity of this problem.  The
>> lisp-threats work you have done is basically all control-plane /
>> signalling issues, and no data-plane issues.  This is not a
>> coincidence; it is because your knowledge of the control-plane side is
>> good and of the data-plane is weak.
>>> This is completely false. Several people gave credit to you about the
>>> existence of the threat you pointed out.
>> Really?  In April, when I posted a serious problem, and received no
>> replies?  Now, the original folks who I discussed this with, before
>> ever posting to the IETF LISP list, are finally seeking clarification,
>> because apparently there may have been some confusion in April,
>> possibly leading to their total dismissal of this as a practical
>> concern.
>>> This is again false. We had mail exchange both privately and on the
>>> mailinglist. We proposed to you text to be added to the threats draft but
>>> you did not like it. We are asking to propose text but we have no answer
>>> from you on this point.
>> Actually, you classified this as an implementation concern, which is
>> false.  You have said yourself that this is why you believe it
>> deserves just one sentence, if that, in the lisp-threats draft.  This
>> is not an implementation-specific concern, it is a design flaw in the
>> MS negative response scheme, which emerges to produce a trivial DoS
>> threat if LISP ever scales up.
 Now there is a LISP "threats" draft which the working group mandates
 they produce, discussing various security problems.  The current paper
 is a laundry list of "what if" scenarios, like, what if a malicious
 person could fill the LISP control-plane with garbage.  BGP has the
>>> So you are saying that BGP can be victim of similar attacks/problem
>>> still... if you are reading this email it means that the Internet is still
>>> running...
>> This is where I believe you are mis-reading my message.  Your threats
>> draft covers legitimate concerns which also exist in the current
>> system that is widely deployed, which is largely, BGP plus big FIB.
>> What you don't cover, at all, is an IMO critical new threat that
>> emerges in the data-plane from the design of the MS protocol.
>>> If you still think that LISP is using a flow-cache you should have a second
>>> read to the set of drafts.
>> This language may appear unclear if you haven't read it in the context
>> of my other postings.  LISP routing most certainly is a flow-cache,
>> however, the definition of "flow" is different.  Some platforms and
>> routing schemes see a flow as a layer-3 destination /32 or similar
>> (some 90s routers), others more granular (firewalls, where flows are
>> usually layer-4 and often stateful), and with LISP, the "flow" the
>> address space routed from your ITR to a remote ETR, which may cover a
>> large amount of address space and many smaller flows.
>> The LISP drafts also refer to these flows as "tunnels," but that
>> language could easily be confused to mean much more permanent, static
>> tunnels, or MPLS-like tunnels which are signaled throughout the
>> network of P routers.  So there are clear semantic issues of
>> importance when talking about LISP, and all these terms must be read
>> in the correct context.
>>> For the third time: this is false. We got the problem, we were asking for
>>> more specific information in order to quantify the risk. We asked you help
>> You haven't "got it," or you would already understand the risk very
>> well.  It is not my intention to fault you and your colleagues for
>> failing to understand this; but to demonstrate clearly that the right
>> kind of expertise is absolutely not being applied to LISP, and there
>> is a huge and possibly int

Re: Anybody can participate in the IETF (Was: Why is IPv6 broken?)

2011-07-13 Thread Luigi Iannone

on one point we agree, there is value in continuing this thread.
I've tried to bring the discussion back to the technical issues, but I failed.

Personally, I find your emails aggressive and close to offensive in some 
Differently from you, in my replies (all of them public) I never judged your 

For me this thread is closed.

Have a nice day


On Jul 13, 2011, at 11:21 , Jeff Wheeler wrote:

> Luigi, you have mis-understood quite a bit of the content of my
> message.  I'm not sure if this is of any further interest to NANOG
> readers, but as it is basically what seems to go on a lot, from my
> observations of IETF list activity, I'll copy my reply to the list as
> you have done.
> On Wed, Jul 13, 2011 at 4:08 AM, Luigi Iannone
>  wrote:
>> Granted. You are the real world expert. Now can you stop repeating this in
>> each email and move on?
> No.  This is a point that needs to be not only made, but driven home.
> You do not understand how routers work, which is why you are having
> such difficulty understanding the severity of this problem.  The
> lisp-threats work you have done is basically all control-plane /
> signalling issues, and no data-plane issues.  This is not a
> coincidence; it is because your knowledge of the control-plane side is
> good and of the data-plane is weak.
>> This is completely false. Several people gave credit to you about the
>> existence of the threat you pointed out.
> Really?  In April, when I posted a serious problem, and received no
> replies?  Now, the original folks who I discussed this with, before
> ever posting to the IETF LISP list, are finally seeking clarification,
> because apparently there may have been some confusion in April,
> possibly leading to their total dismissal of this as a practical
> concern.
>> This is again false. We had mail exchange both privately and on the
>> mailinglist. We proposed to you text to be added to the threats draft but
>> you did not like it. We are asking to propose text but we have no answer
>> from you on this point.
> Actually, you classified this as an implementation concern, which is
> false.  You have said yourself that this is why you believe it
> deserves just one sentence, if that, in the lisp-threats draft.  This
> is not an implementation-specific concern, it is a design flaw in the
> MS negative response scheme, which emerges to produce a trivial DoS
> threat if LISP ever scales up.
>>> Now there is a LISP "threats" draft which the working group mandates
>>> they produce, discussing various security problems.  The current paper
>>> is a laundry list of "what if" scenarios, like, what if a malicious
>>> person could fill the LISP control-plane with garbage.  BGP has the
>> So you are saying that BGP can be victim of similar attacks/problem
>> still... if you are reading this email it means that the Internet is still
>> running...
> This is where I believe you are mis-reading my message.  Your threats
> draft covers legitimate concerns which also exist in the current
> system that is widely deployed, which is largely, BGP plus big FIB.
> What you don't cover, at all, is an IMO critical new threat that
> emerges in the data-plane from the design of the MS protocol.
>> If you still think that LISP is using a flow-cache you should have a second
>> read to the set of drafts.
> This language may appear unclear if you haven't read it in the context
> of my other postings.  LISP routing most certainly is a flow-cache,
> however, the definition of "flow" is different.  Some platforms and
> routing schemes see a flow as a layer-3 destination /32 or similar
> (some 90s routers), others more granular (firewalls, where flows are
> usually layer-4 and often stateful), and with LISP, the "flow" the
> address space routed from your ITR to a remote ETR, which may cover a
> large amount of address space and many smaller flows.
> The LISP drafts also refer to these flows as "tunnels," but that
> language could easily be confused to mean much more permanent, static
> tunnels, or MPLS-like tunnels which are signaled throughout the
> network of P routers.  So there are clear semantic issues of
> importance when talking about LISP, and all these terms must be read
> in the correct context.
>> For the third time: this is false. We got the problem, we were asking for
>> more specific information in order to quantify the risk. We asked you help
> You haven't "got it," or you would already understand the risk very
> well.  It is not my intention to fault you and your colleagues for
> failing to understand this; but to demonstrate clearly that the right
> kind of expertise is absolutely not being applied to LISP, and there
> is a huge and possibly intractable threat that was completely
> overlooked when producing what is meant to be an authoritative
> document on currently-known "threats" to LISP.
>> to state the problem and explained to you where the solution shou

Re: Anybody can participate in the IETF (Was: Why is IPv6 broken?)

2011-07-13 Thread Jeff Wheeler
Luigi, you have mis-understood quite a bit of the content of my
message.  I'm not sure if this is of any further interest to NANOG
readers, but as it is basically what seems to go on a lot, from my
observations of IETF list activity, I'll copy my reply to the list as
you have done.

On Wed, Jul 13, 2011 at 4:08 AM, Luigi Iannone
> Granted. You are the real world expert. Now can you stop repeating this in
> each email and move on?

No.  This is a point that needs to be not only made, but driven home.
You do not understand how routers work, which is why you are having
such difficulty understanding the severity of this problem.  The
lisp-threats work you have done is basically all control-plane /
signalling issues, and no data-plane issues.  This is not a
coincidence; it is because your knowledge of the control-plane side is
good and of the data-plane is weak.

> This is completely false. Several people gave credit to you about the
> existence of the threat you pointed out.

Really?  In April, when I posted a serious problem, and received no
replies?  Now, the original folks who I discussed this with, before
ever posting to the IETF LISP list, are finally seeking clarification,
because apparently there may have been some confusion in April,
possibly leading to their total dismissal of this as a practical

> This is again false. We had mail exchange both privately and on the
> mailinglist. We proposed to you text to be added to the threats draft but
> you did not like it. We are asking to propose text but we have no answer
> from you on this point.

Actually, you classified this as an implementation concern, which is
false.  You have said yourself that this is why you believe it
deserves just one sentence, if that, in the lisp-threats draft.  This
is not an implementation-specific concern, it is a design flaw in the
MS negative response scheme, which emerges to produce a trivial DoS
threat if LISP ever scales up.

>> Now there is a LISP "threats" draft which the working group mandates
>> they produce, discussing various security problems.  The current paper
>> is a laundry list of "what if" scenarios, like, what if a malicious
>> person could fill the LISP control-plane with garbage.  BGP has the
> So you are saying that BGP can be victim of similar attacks/problem
> still... if you are reading this email it means that the Internet is still
> running...

This is where I believe you are mis-reading my message.  Your threats
draft covers legitimate concerns which also exist in the current
system that is widely deployed, which is largely, BGP plus big FIB.
What you don't cover, at all, is an IMO critical new threat that
emerges in the data-plane from the design of the MS protocol.

> If you still think that LISP is using a flow-cache you should have a second
> read to the set of drafts.

This language may appear unclear if you haven't read it in the context
of my other postings.  LISP routing most certainly is a flow-cache,
however, the definition of "flow" is different.  Some platforms and
routing schemes see a flow as a layer-3 destination /32 or similar
(some 90s routers), others more granular (firewalls, where flows are
usually layer-4 and often stateful), and with LISP, the "flow" the
address space routed from your ITR to a remote ETR, which may cover a
large amount of address space and many smaller flows.

The LISP drafts also refer to these flows as "tunnels," but that
language could easily be confused to mean much more permanent, static
tunnels, or MPLS-like tunnels which are signaled throughout the
network of P routers.  So there are clear semantic issues of
importance when talking about LISP, and all these terms must be read
in the correct context.

> For the third time: this is false. We got the problem, we were asking for
> more specific information in order to quantify the risk. We asked you help

You haven't "got it," or you would already understand the risk very
well.  It is not my intention to fault you and your colleagues for
failing to understand this; but to demonstrate clearly that the right
kind of expertise is absolutely not being applied to LISP, and there
is a huge and possibly intractable threat that was completely
overlooked when producing what is meant to be an authoritative
document on currently-known "threats" to LISP.

> to state the problem and explained to you where the solution should be
> addressed. But you seem to be stuck on the operator vs. researcher
> discussion, which IMHO is just pointless.

Substantially all operators are "stuck" there.  They should participate more.

> Let me now ask a simple question: why are you so strongly against LISP?

No new work has been done to address the problem of scaling up the
number of locators or multi-homed end-sites.  However, the *claims*
being made by LISP advocates is that the caching scheme you have,
which is not novel, does solve this problem.  It does not.  It cannot
as there has been no novel work on this.

Re: Anybody can participate in the IETF (Was: Why is IPv6 broken?)

2011-07-13 Thread Damien Saucez
Hello Jeff,

On 13 Jul 2011, at 10:08, Luigi Iannone wrote:

> Jeff,
> On Jul 12, 2011, at 20:13 , Jeff Wheeler wrote:
>> On Tue, Jul 12, 2011 at 11:42 AM, Leo Bicknell  wrote:
>>> I'll pick on LISP as an example, since many operators are at least
>>> aware of it.  Some operators have said we need a locator and identifier
>>> split.  Interesting feedback.  The IETF has gone off and started
>>> playing in the sandbox, trying to figure out how to make that go.
>> As an operator (who understands how most things work in very great
>> detail),
> Granted. You are the real world expert. Now can you stop repeating this in 
> each email and move on?
>> I found the LISP folks very much uninterested in my concerns
>> about if LISP can ever be made to scale up to "Internet-scale," with
>> respect to a specific DDoS vector.
> This is completely false. Several people gave credit to you about the 
> existence of the threat you pointed out.

Definitely, since 2007 we are working on LISP and always keep scalability in 
mind. All our researches are always
constrained by the scalability. What you pointed out is very interesting and we 
are working on it. Nevertheless, and
I am just repeating myself now, the problem you expose is an operational 
problem that can also have security
implications. This is why we proposed you several time to expose the problem at 
next IETF such that we can
all discuss the problem and propose solutions to be added in the main specs. 
The cache management problem is
really interesting and we could even imagine a draft like "implementation 
guidelines" that would explain how to
implement the caches in a smart way. The solution to the problem you are 
pointing-out can also be proposed in
the deployment draft as it could be alleviate with the help of filters.

>>  I also think that an explosion of
>> small, multi-homed SOHO networks would be a disaster, because we might
>> have 3 million FIB instead of 360k FIB after a few years.  These
>> things are directly related to each-other, too.
>> So I emailed some LISP gurus off-list and discussed my concern.  I was
>> encouraged to post to the LISP IETF list, which I did.  To my great
>> surprise, not one single person was interested in my problem.  
> This is again false. We had mail exchange both privately and on the 
> mailinglist. We proposed to you text to be added to the threats draft but you 
> did not like it. We are asking to propose text but we have no answer from you 
> on this point.

Among the people that are interesting by the problem, you have the threats 
authors. You received personal
replies from me on Jul 6th @2:08pm and Jul 7th @1:13 am. In our SVN, the draft 
is already updated with your
comments and you are in the acks. The version will be submitted just after the 
IETF with the comments that will
come from the presentation we will make during IETF81. I understand that you 
would like to have the comment
addresses immediately when you are thinking about them but sometime it is nice 
to take a few days to think
about the problem in order to problem a more robust description and thus build 
more sustainable ways to a

>> If you
>> think it is a small problem, well, you should try going back to
>> late-1990s flow-cache routing in your data-center networks and see
>> what happens when you get DDoS.  I am sure most of us remember some of
>> those painful experiences.
>> Now there is a LISP "threats" draft which the working group mandates
>> they produce, discussing various security problems.  The current paper
>> is a laundry list of "what if" scenarios, like, what if a malicious
>> person could fill the LISP control-plane with garbage.  BGP has the
>> same issue, if some bad guy had enable on a big enough network that
>> their peers/transits don't filter their routes, they could do a lot of
>> damage before they were stopped.  
> So you are saying that BGP can be victim of similar attacks/problem 
> still... if you are reading this email it means that the Internet is still 
> running...

Some people like Randy Bush try to find solutions for BGP not to be destroyed 
in presence
of malicious guys. For BGP as for LISP, things take time just become the 
problem is definitely
more complex as we always have to make tradeoffs between various contradictory 

>> This sometimes happens even by
>> accident, for example, some poor guy accidentally announcing 12/9 and
>> giving AT&T a really bad day.
>> What it doesn't contain is anything relevant to the special-case DDoS
>> that all LISP sites would be vulnerable to, due to the IMO bad
>> flow-cache management system that is specified.
> If you still think that LISP is using a flow-cache you should have a second 
> read to the set of drafts.

Depends you definition of flow. If a flow is defined by the destination prefix, 
then yes, LISP has a flow-cache ;-)

>>  I am having a very
>> great deal of trouble getting 

Re: Anybody can participate in the IETF (Was: Why is IPv6 broken?)

2011-07-13 Thread Luigi Iannone

On Jul 12, 2011, at 20:13 , Jeff Wheeler wrote:

> On Tue, Jul 12, 2011 at 11:42 AM, Leo Bicknell  wrote:
>> I'll pick on LISP as an example, since many operators are at least
>> aware of it.  Some operators have said we need a locator and identifier
>> split.  Interesting feedback.  The IETF has gone off and started
>> playing in the sandbox, trying to figure out how to make that go.
> As an operator (who understands how most things work in very great
> detail),

Granted. You are the real world expert. Now can you stop repeating this in each 
email and move on?

> I found the LISP folks very much uninterested in my concerns
> about if LISP can ever be made to scale up to "Internet-scale," with
> respect to a specific DDoS vector.

This is completely false. Several people gave credit to you about the existence 
of the threat you pointed out.

>  I also think that an explosion of
> small, multi-homed SOHO networks would be a disaster, because we might
> have 3 million FIB instead of 360k FIB after a few years.  These
> things are directly related to each-other, too.
> So I emailed some LISP gurus off-list and discussed my concern.  I was
> encouraged to post to the LISP IETF list, which I did.  To my great
> surprise, not one single person was interested in my problem.  

This is again false. We had mail exchange both privately and on the 
mailinglist. We proposed to you text to be added to the threats draft but you 
did not like it. We are asking to propose text but we have no answer from you 
on this point.

> If you
> think it is a small problem, well, you should try going back to
> late-1990s flow-cache routing in your data-center networks and see
> what happens when you get DDoS.  I am sure most of us remember some of
> those painful experiences.
> Now there is a LISP "threats" draft which the working group mandates
> they produce, discussing various security problems.  The current paper
> is a laundry list of "what if" scenarios, like, what if a malicious
> person could fill the LISP control-plane with garbage.  BGP has the
> same issue, if some bad guy had enable on a big enough network that
> their peers/transits don't filter their routes, they could do a lot of
> damage before they were stopped.  

So you are saying that BGP can be victim of similar attacks/problem 
still... if you are reading this email it means that the Internet is still 

> This sometimes happens even by
> accident, for example, some poor guy accidentally announcing 12/9 and
> giving AT&T a really bad day.
> What it doesn't contain is anything relevant to the special-case DDoS
> that all LISP sites would be vulnerable to, due to the IMO bad
> flow-cache management system that is specified.

If you still think that LISP is using a flow-cache you should have a second 
read to the set of drafts.

>  I am having a very
> great deal of trouble getting the authors of the "threats" document to
> even understand what the problem is,

For the third time: this is false. We got the problem, we were asking for more 
specific information in order to quantify the risk. We asked you help to state 
the problem and explained to you where the solution should be addressed. But 
you seem to be stuck on the operator vs. researcher discussion, which IMHO is 
just pointless.

> because as one of them put it, he
> is "just a researcher."  I am sure he and his colleagues are very
> smart guys, but they clearly do not remember our 1990s pains.
> That is the "not an operator" problem.  It is understandable.
> Others who have been around long enough simply dismiss this problem,
> because they believe the unparalleled benefits of LISP for mobility
> and multi-homing SOHO sites must greatly out-weigh the fact that,
> well, if you are a content provider and you receive a DDoS, your site
> will be down and there isn't a damn thing you can do about it, other
> than spec routers that have way, way more FIB than the number of
> possible routes, again due to the bad caching scheme.
> The above is what I think is the "ego-invested" problem, where certain
> pretty smart, well-intentioned people have a lot of time, and
> professional credibility, invested in making LISP work.  I'm sure it
> isn't pleasing for these guys to defend their project against my
> argument that it may never be able to reach Internet-scale, and that
> they have missed what I claim is a show-stopping problem with an easy
> way to improve it through several years of development.  Especially
> since I am a guy who did not ever participate in the IETF before,
> someone they don't know from a random guy on the street.
> I am glad that this NANOG discussion has got some of these LISP folks
> to pay more attention to my argument, and my suggested improvement (I
> am not only bashing their project; I have positive input, too.)
> Simply posting to their mailing list once and emailing a few draft
> authors did not cause any movement at all.  Evidently 

Re: Anybody can participate in the IETF (Was: Why is IPv6 broken?)

2011-07-12 Thread Joel Jaeggli

On Jul 12, 2011, at 10:59 PM, Mark Andrews wrote:
> I didn't claim it would work with existing CPE equipment.  Declaring
> 6to4 historic won't work with existing CPE equipment either.

If the hosts behind it stop using 2002::/16  addresses as a product of a 
software update which seems rather more likely (also there some evidence for 
that), it will. that said yes one assumption is that you have to continue to 
support it.

>> It is really hard to justify the expansion and deployment of new relays =
>> when in fact tunneled traffic can be observed to be on the decline =
>> (possibly because devices particularly hosts that do receive regular =
>> updates receive tweaks to their address selection algorithm).
>> =
> Which may or may not be a short term dip.

correlation is not causation but...

>  We are yet to see much in the
> way of IPv6 only content.  When that appears, which it will, the tunneled
> traffic will go up unless ISPs have deployed native IPv6 to all customers.
> Are you willing to bet on which will happen first?

I'm willing to bet that subpar experience due to auto-tunneling is considered a 
liability for content providers.

> This whole area is in a state of flux.
>>> What would have been much better would have been to encourage CPE
>>> vendors to release images which address some of the known issues.
>>> Just adding a check box saying "enable 6to4" and for ISP to send
>>> out email to say "check your router vendor web site for fixed
>>> images".  The better fix would be to get them to also add support
>>> for draft-andrews-v6ops-6to4-router-option-02.txt which greys out
>>> the checkbox when is sent as a response to the option.
>>> =20
>>> Remember operators are in the position to alleviate lots of the
>>> 6to4 issues themselves.
>>> =20
> Blocking  over IPv4 transport is just silly. It's just as likely =
>> =3D
 that your
>  record is destined for an end-host that has native IPv6 =3D
> with an intermediate resolver that desn't have IPv6 as it is that =3D
> sending that to a 6to4 host. Further, there's no reason to believe =
>> the
> 6to4 host won't attempt to resolve via IPv6, so, it doesn't really =3D=
> anyway.
> =3D20
>> Real network operators have a relatively low BS threshold, they =
>> have
>> customers to support and businesses to run,  and they don't have =3D
>> wrestle these people who don't actually have any skin in the game.
>> =3D20
> I agree, but, it's not hard to run 6to4 relays and running them does =
>> =3D
> more to alleviate the problems with 6to4 than anything you proposed
> above. Indeed, what you proposed above will likely create more =3D
> issues rather than reduce them.
> =3D20
> Owen
> =3D20
>> Cameron
>> =3D20
>> =3D20
>>> =3D20
>>> =3D20
>>> -Original Message-
>>> From: Leo Bicknell []
>>> Sent: Monday, July 11, 2011 3:35 PM
>>> To:
>>> Subject: Re: Anybody can participate in the IETF (Was: Why is IPv6 =
>> =3D
>>> =3D20
>>> In a message written on Sun, Jul 10, 2011 at 06:16:09PM +0200, =3D
 Jeroen Massar wrote:
 Eh ANYBODY, including you, can sign up to the IETF mailing =3D
 and participate there, just like a couple of folks from NANOG are =
>> =3D
 already doing.
>>> =3D20
>>> The way the IETF and the operator community interact is badly =3D
>>> =3D20
>>> The IETF does not want operators in many steps of the process.  If =
>> =3D
 you try to bring up operational concerns in early protocol =
>> development =3D
 for example you'll often get a "we'll look at that later" response, =3D=
 which in many cases is right.  Sometimes you just have to play with =3D=
 something before you worry about the operational details.  It also =
>> does =3D
 not help that many operational types are not hardcore programmers, =
>> and =3D
 can't play in the sandbox during the major development cycles.
>>> =3D20
>>> =3D20
>>> =3D20
>>> =3D20
> =3D20
> =3D20
> =3D20
>>> --=20
>>> Mark Andrews, ISC
>>> 1 Seymour St., Dundas Valley, NSW 2117, Australia
>>> PHONE: +61 2 9871 4742 INTERNET:
>>> =20
> -- 
> Mark Andrews, ISC
> 1 Seymour St., Dundas Valley, NSW 2117, Australia
> PHONE: +61 2 9871 4742 INTERNET:

Re: Anybody can participate in the IETF (Was: Why is IPv6 broken?)

2011-07-12 Thread Mark Andrews

In message <>, Joel Jaeggli write
> On Jul 12, 2011, at 6:41 PM, Mark Andrews wrote:
> >=20
> > In message <>, Joel =
> Jaeggli write
> > s:
> >>=20
> >> On Jul 12, 2011, at 12:53 PM, Owen DeLong wrote:
> >>=20
> >>> =3D20
> >>> On Jul 12, 2011, at 8:43 AM, Cameron Byrne wrote:
> >>> =3D20
>  On Tue, Jul 12, 2011 at 8:28 AM, Ronald Bonica =
>  =3D
> >> wrote:
> > Leo,
> > =3D20
> > Maybe we can fix this by:
> > =3D20
> > a) bringing together larger groups of clueful operators in the =
> > b) deciding which issues interest them
> > c) showing up and being vocal as a group in protocol developing =3D
> >> working groups
> > =3D20
> > To some degree, we already do this in the IETF OPS area, but =
> judging =3D
> >> by your comments, we don't do it nearly enough.
> > =3D20
> > Comments?
> > =3D20
>  =3D20
>  There may be an OPS area, but it is not listened to.
>  =3D20
>  Witness the latest debacle with the attempt at trying to make 6to4 =
> =3D
> >> historic.
>  =3D20
>  Various "non-practicing entities" were able to derail what network
>  operators largely supported.  Since the IETF failed to make =
> progress
>  operators will do other things to stop 6to4 ( i have heard no 
>  over IPv4 transport, blackhole 6to4 anycast, decom relay =
> routers...)
>  =3D20
> >>> Those are all REALLY bad ideas. Speaking as an operator, the best =3D
> >> thing you
> >>> can do to alleviate the problems with 6to4 is operate more, not less =
> =3D
> >> 6to4
> >>> relays.
> >>=20
> >> Unless of course the large providers get their shared transition =
> space =3D
> >> in which case all 6to4 behind it will break in a really ugly way, =
> pretty =3D
> >> much exactly like in the mobile operator in question.=3D20
> >=20
> > And would deploying draft-andrews-v6ops-6to4-router-option-02.txt =
> and/or
> > adding router reachability tests have addressed this issue?
> Neither of these approaches address existing cpe, and shared transtion =
> space is justified on the basis of existing cpe...

I didn't claim it would work with existing CPE equipment.  Declaring
6to4 historic won't work with existing CPE equipment either.

As for requesting shared transition space, there are lots of benefits
to it other than helping existing CPE equipement.

draft-andrews-v6ops-6to4-router-option-02.txt helps when you are
just filtering the protocol 41 traffic.

> We go into this with the internet we have not the one that we would like =
> to have the later takes time.

> >> The goal of 6to4 to historic was not to encourage the outcome =
> described, =3D
> >> it was to take having 6to4 as a default method of any kind off the =
> table =3D
> >> going into the future. If mature adults want to use it great, but =3D
> >> conformance tests shouldn't require it, CPE shouldn't it on just =
> because =3D
> >> what they think they have a is a public IP with not filtering and =
> hosts =3D
> >> shouldn't use it unless told to do so..
> >=20
> > But that is *not* what the draft did.  Making the protocol historic
> > did LOTS more than that.  I think there was universal consensus
> > that 6to4 should be off by default.
> And that'll take some time while particularly for the CPE to age out.
> > There was this nuke 6to4 from orbit attitude which did nothing to
> > help with already deployed/shipped boxes.  6to4 historic is actually
> > harmful for dealing with the existing problems as it tells vendors
> > not to include 6to4 support in future products which means operators
> > won't have boxes with fixes to other problems to alleviate the
> > problems cause but the currently deployed customer boxes.
> The interpretation of attitude is a matter of taste. When that authors =
> of 3056 and 3068 come down in support of or opposed to the same draft =
> there clearly some debate.=20
> If we focus on what really would be in the best interests of the end =
> user, it is a  decline to zero in the unintentional use of 6to4 in cpe =
> and operating systems. it is the removal of 6to4 from requirements where =
> it presently exists, and it is the continued support of relays to =
> support legacy devices.=20

And to support those that can't get IPv6 from their ISPs.
> It is really hard to justify the expansion and deployment of new relays =
> when in fact tunneled traffic can be observed to be on the decline =
> (possibly because devices particularly hosts that do receive regular =
> updates receive tweaks to their address selection algorithm).
> =

Which may or may not be a short term dip.  We are yet to see much in the
way of IPv6 only content.  When that appears, which it will, the tunneled
traffic will go up unless ISPs have deployed native IPv6 to all customers.
Are you willing to bet 

Re: Anybody can participate in the IETF (Was: Why is IPv6 broken?)

2011-07-12 Thread Joel Jaeggli
esponse to the option.
> Remember operators are in the position to alleviate lots of the
> 6to4 issues themselves.
>>> Blocking  over IPv4 transport is just silly. It's just as likely =
>> that your
>>>  record is destined for an end-host that has native IPv6 =
>> connectivity
>>> with an intermediate resolver that desn't have IPv6 as it is that =
>> you're
>>> sending that to a 6to4 host. Further, there's no reason to believe the
>>> 6to4 host won't attempt to resolve via IPv6, so, it doesn't really =
>> help
>>> anyway.
>>> =20
>>>> Real network operators have a relatively low BS threshold, they have
>>>> customers to support and businesses to run,  and they don't have =
>> thumb
>>>> wrestle these people who don't actually have any skin in the game.
>>>> =20
>>> I agree, but, it's not hard to run 6to4 relays and running them does =
>> much
>>> more to alleviate the problems with 6to4 than anything you proposed
>>> above. Indeed, what you proposed above will likely create more =
>> customer
>>> issues rather than reduce them.
>>> =20
>>> Owen
>>> =20
>>>> Cameron
>>>> =20
>>>> =20
>>>>> Ron
>>>>> =20
>>>>> =20
>>>>> -Original Message-
>>>>> From: Leo Bicknell []
>>>>> Sent: Monday, July 11, 2011 3:35 PM
>>>>> To:
>>>>> Subject: Re: Anybody can participate in the IETF (Was: Why is IPv6 =
>> broken?)
>>>>> =20
>>>>> In a message written on Sun, Jul 10, 2011 at 06:16:09PM +0200, =
>> Jeroen Massar wrote:
>>>>>> Eh ANYBODY, including you, can sign up to the IETF mailing =
>> lists
>>>>>> and participate there, just like a couple of folks from NANOG are =
>> already doing.
>>>>> =20
>>>>> The way the IETF and the operator community interact is badly =
>> broken.
>>>>> =20
>>>>> The IETF does not want operators in many steps of the process.  If =
>> you try to bring up operational concerns in early protocol development =
>> for example you'll often get a "we'll look at that later" response, =
>> which in many cases is right.  Sometimes you just have to play with =
>> something before you worry about the operational details.  It also does =
>> not help that many operational types are not hardcore programmers, and =
>> can't play in the sandbox during the major development cycles.
>>>>> =20
>>>>> =20
>>>>> =20
>>>>> =20
>>> =20
>>> =20
>>> =20
> -- 
> Mark Andrews, ISC
> 1 Seymour St., Dundas Valley, NSW 2117, Australia
> PHONE: +61 2 9871 4742 INTERNET:

Re: Anybody can participate in the IETF (Was: Why is IPv6 broken?)

2011-07-12 Thread Joel Jaeggli

On Jul 12, 2011, at 7:20 PM, Owen DeLong wrote:

> On Jul 12, 2011, at 2:21 PM, Joel Jaeggli wrote:
>> On Jul 12, 2011, at 12:53 PM, Owen DeLong wrote:
>>> On Jul 12, 2011, at 8:43 AM, Cameron Byrne wrote:
>>>> On Tue, Jul 12, 2011 at 8:28 AM, Ronald Bonica  wrote:
>>>>> Leo,
>>>>> Maybe we can fix this by:
>>>>> a) bringing together larger groups of clueful operators in the IETF
>>>>> b) deciding which issues interest them
>>>>> c) showing up and being vocal as a group in protocol developing working 
>>>>> groups
>>>>> To some degree, we already do this in the IETF OPS area, but judging by 
>>>>> your comments, we don't do it nearly enough.
>>>>> Comments?
>>>> There may be an OPS area, but it is not listened to.
>>>> Witness the latest debacle with the attempt at trying to make 6to4 
>>>> historic.
>>>> Various "non-practicing entities" were able to derail what network
>>>> operators largely supported.  Since the IETF failed to make progress
>>>> operators will do other things to stop 6to4 ( i have heard no 
>>>> over IPv4 transport, blackhole 6to4 anycast, decom relay routers...)
>>> Those are all REALLY bad ideas. Speaking as an operator, the best thing you
>>> can do to alleviate the problems with 6to4 is operate more, not less 6to4
>>> relays.
>> Unless of course the large providers get their shared transition space in 
>> which case all 6to4 behind it will break in a really ugly way, pretty much 
>> exactly like in the mobile operator in question. 
> Actually, if those same providers run 6to4 gateways/routers on their networks
> in that shared transition space with public IPv6 addresses on the exterior,
> it would not break at all.

arin 2011-5 specfically cites numbering cpe in space as the justification for 

the cpe therefore have to be natted and you are implying that you'll be natting 
the 6to4, overall I'd put that in the less desirable category as far as 
violating expectations go...

> As I said, the resolution to the 6to4 problems described is to run MORE, not
> less 6to4 gateways.

Are you advocating draft-kuarsingh-v6ops-6to4-provider-managed-tunnel?

>> The goal of 6to4 to historic was not to encourage the outcome described, it 
>> was to take having 6to4 as a default method of any kind off the table going 
>> into the future. If mature adults want to use it great, but conformance 
>> tests shouldn't require it, CPE shouldn't it on just because what they think 
>> they have a is a public IP with not filtering and hosts shouldn't use it 
>> unless told to do so..
> I have no problem with saying 6to4 should not be enabled by default. However,
> that doesn't change the fact that the best way to resolve things given 
> current shipping
> software and hardware is to deploy 6to4 gateways in the appropriate places.

and we have

The fact of the matter is more 6to4 relays is only an anodyne as is rejiggering 
the address selection priority, the pain may go down it won't go away.

> Owen
>>> Blocking  over IPv4 transport is just silly. It's just as likely that 
>>> your
>>>  record is destined for an end-host that has native IPv6 connectivity
>>> with an intermediate resolver that desn't have IPv6 as it is that you're
>>> sending that to a 6to4 host. Further, there's no reason to believe the
>>> 6to4 host won't attempt to resolve via IPv6, so, it doesn't really help
>>> anyway.
>>>> Real network operators have a relatively low BS threshold, they have
>>>> customers to support and businesses to run,  and they don't have thumb
>>>> wrestle these people who don't actually have any skin in the game.
>>> I agree, but, it's not hard to run 6to4 relays and running them does much
>>> more to alleviate the problems with 6to4 than anything you proposed
>>> above. Indeed, what you proposed above will likely create more customer
>>> issues rather than reduce them.
>>> Owen
>>>> Cameron

Re: Anybody can participate in the IETF (Was: Why is IPv6 broken?)

2011-07-12 Thread Cameron Byrne
On Jul 12, 2011 6:42 PM, "Mark Andrews"  wrote:
> In message <>, Joel Jaeggli
> s:
> >
> > On Jul 12, 2011, at 12:53 PM, Owen DeLong wrote:
> >
> > >=20
> > > On Jul 12, 2011, at 8:43 AM, Cameron Byrne wrote:
> > >=20
> > >> On Tue, Jul 12, 2011 at 8:28 AM, Ronald Bonica 
> > wrote:
> > >>> Leo,
> > >>>=20
> > >>> Maybe we can fix this by:
> > >>>=20
> > >>> a) bringing together larger groups of clueful operators in the IETF
> > >>> b) deciding which issues interest them
> > >>> c) showing up and being vocal as a group in protocol developing =
> > working groups
> > >>>=20
> > >>> To some degree, we already do this in the IETF OPS area, but judging
> > by your comments, we don't do it nearly enough.
> > >>>=20
> > >>> Comments?
> > >>>=20
> > >>=20
> > >> There may be an OPS area, but it is not listened to.
> > >>=20
> > >> Witness the latest debacle with the attempt at trying to make 6to4 =
> > historic.
> > >>=20
> > >> Various "non-practicing entities" were able to derail what network
> > >> operators largely supported.  Since the IETF failed to make progress
> > >> operators will do other things to stop 6to4 ( i have heard no 
> > >> over IPv4 transport, blackhole 6to4 anycast, decom relay routers...)
> > >>=20
> > > Those are all REALLY bad ideas. Speaking as an operator, the best =
> > thing you
> > > can do to alleviate the problems with 6to4 is operate more, not less =
> > 6to4
> > > relays.
> >
> > Unless of course the large providers get their shared transition space =
> > in which case all 6to4 behind it will break in a really ugly way, pretty
> > much exactly like in the mobile operator in question.=20
> And would deploying draft-andrews-v6ops-6to4-router-option-02.txt and/or
> adding router reachability tests have addressed this issue?
> > The goal of 6to4 to historic was not to encourage the outcome described,
> > it was to take having 6to4 as a default method of any kind off the table
> > going into the future. If mature adults want to use it great, but =
> > conformance tests shouldn't require it, CPE shouldn't it on just because
> > what they think they have a is a public IP with not filtering and hosts
> > shouldn't use it unless told to do so..
> But that is *not* what the draft did.  Making the protocol historic
> did LOTS more than that.  I think there was universal consensus
> that 6to4 should be off by default.
> There was this nuke 6to4 from orbit attitude which did nothing to
> help with already deployed/shipped boxes.  6to4 historic is actually
> harmful for dealing with the existing problems as it tells vendors
> not to include 6to4 support in future products which means operators
> won't have boxes with fixes to other problems to alleviate the
> problems cause but the currently deployed customer boxes.
> What would have been much better would have been to encourage CPE
> vendors to release images which address some of the known issues.
> Just adding a check box saying "enable 6to4" and for ISP to send
> out email to say "check your router vendor web site for fixed
> images".  The better fix would be to get them to also add support
> for draft-andrews-v6ops-6to4-router-option-02.txt which greys out
> the checkbox when is sent as a response to the option.
> Remember operators are in the position to alleviate lots of the
> 6to4 issues themselves.

But they will not. If there is not a revenue forecast, there is no project.
That said, CGN is moving forward as a "keep the lights on" initiative as
is real native v6.

I don't care to rehash this yet again with no progress.

> > > Blocking  over IPv4 transport is just silly. It's just as likely =
> > that your
> > >  record is destined for an end-host that has native IPv6 =
> > connectivity
> > > with an intermediate resolver that desn't have IPv6 as it is that =
> > you're
> > > sending that to a 6to4 host. Further, there's no reason to believe the
> > > 6to4 host won't attempt to resolve via IPv6, so, it doesn't really =
> > help
> > > anyway.
> > >=20
> > >> Real network operators have a relatively low BS threshold, they have
> > >> c

Re: Anybody can participate in the IETF (Was: Why is IPv6 broken?)

2011-07-12 Thread Owen DeLong

On Jul 12, 2011, at 2:21 PM, Joel Jaeggli wrote:

> On Jul 12, 2011, at 12:53 PM, Owen DeLong wrote:
>> On Jul 12, 2011, at 8:43 AM, Cameron Byrne wrote:
>>> On Tue, Jul 12, 2011 at 8:28 AM, Ronald Bonica  wrote:
>>>> Leo,
>>>> Maybe we can fix this by:
>>>> a) bringing together larger groups of clueful operators in the IETF
>>>> b) deciding which issues interest them
>>>> c) showing up and being vocal as a group in protocol developing working 
>>>> groups
>>>> To some degree, we already do this in the IETF OPS area, but judging by 
>>>> your comments, we don't do it nearly enough.
>>>> Comments?
>>> There may be an OPS area, but it is not listened to.
>>> Witness the latest debacle with the attempt at trying to make 6to4 historic.
>>> Various "non-practicing entities" were able to derail what network
>>> operators largely supported.  Since the IETF failed to make progress
>>> operators will do other things to stop 6to4 ( i have heard no 
>>> over IPv4 transport, blackhole 6to4 anycast, decom relay routers...)
>> Those are all REALLY bad ideas. Speaking as an operator, the best thing you
>> can do to alleviate the problems with 6to4 is operate more, not less 6to4
>> relays.
> Unless of course the large providers get their shared transition space in 
> which case all 6to4 behind it will break in a really ugly way, pretty much 
> exactly like in the mobile operator in question. 

Actually, if those same providers run 6to4 gateways/routers on their networks
in that shared transition space with public IPv6 addresses on the exterior,
it would not break at all.

As I said, the resolution to the 6to4 problems described is to run MORE, not
less 6to4 gateways.

> The goal of 6to4 to historic was not to encourage the outcome described, it 
> was to take having 6to4 as a default method of any kind off the table going 
> into the future. If mature adults want to use it great, but conformance tests 
> shouldn't require it, CPE shouldn't it on just because what they think they 
> have a is a public IP with not filtering and hosts shouldn't use it unless 
> told to do so..

I have no problem with saying 6to4 should not be enabled by default. However,
that doesn't change the fact that the best way to resolve things given current 
software and hardware is to deploy 6to4 gateways in the appropriate places.


>> Blocking  over IPv4 transport is just silly. It's just as likely that 
>> your
>>  record is destined for an end-host that has native IPv6 connectivity
>> with an intermediate resolver that desn't have IPv6 as it is that you're
>> sending that to a 6to4 host. Further, there's no reason to believe the
>> 6to4 host won't attempt to resolve via IPv6, so, it doesn't really help
>> anyway.
>>> Real network operators have a relatively low BS threshold, they have
>>> customers to support and businesses to run,  and they don't have thumb
>>> wrestle these people who don't actually have any skin in the game.
>> I agree, but, it's not hard to run 6to4 relays and running them does much
>> more to alleviate the problems with 6to4 than anything you proposed
>> above. Indeed, what you proposed above will likely create more customer
>> issues rather than reduce them.
>> Owen
>>> Cameron
>>>> -Original Message-
>>>> From: Leo Bicknell []
>>>> Sent: Monday, July 11, 2011 3:35 PM
>>>> To:
>>>> Subject: Re: Anybody can participate in the IETF (Was: Why is IPv6 broken?)
>>>> In a message written on Sun, Jul 10, 2011 at 06:16:09PM +0200, Jeroen 
>>>> Massar wrote:
>>>>> Eh ANYBODY, including you, can sign up to the IETF mailing lists
>>>>> and participate there, just like a couple of folks from NANOG are already 
>>>>> doing.
>>>> The way the IETF and the operator community interact is badly broken.
>>>> The IETF does not want operators in many steps of the process.  If you try 
>>>> to bring up operational concerns in early protocol development for example 
>>>> you'll often get a "we'll look at that later" response, which in many 
>>>> cases is right.  Sometimes you just have to play with something before you 
>>>> worry about the operational details.  It also does not help that many 
>>>> operational types are not hardcore programmers, and can't play in the 
>>>> sandbox during the major development cycles.

Re: Anybody can participate in the IETF (Was: Why is IPv6 broken?)

2011-07-12 Thread Mark Andrews

In message <>, Joel Jaeggli write
> On Jul 12, 2011, at 12:53 PM, Owen DeLong wrote:
> >=20
> > On Jul 12, 2011, at 8:43 AM, Cameron Byrne wrote:
> >=20
> >> On Tue, Jul 12, 2011 at 8:28 AM, Ronald Bonica  =
> wrote:
> >>> Leo,
> >>>=20
> >>> Maybe we can fix this by:
> >>>=20
> >>> a) bringing together larger groups of clueful operators in the IETF
> >>> b) deciding which issues interest them
> >>> c) showing up and being vocal as a group in protocol developing =
> working groups
> >>>=20
> >>> To some degree, we already do this in the IETF OPS area, but judging =
> by your comments, we don't do it nearly enough.
> >>>=20
> >>> Comments?
> >>>=20
> >>=20
> >> There may be an OPS area, but it is not listened to.
> >>=20
> >> Witness the latest debacle with the attempt at trying to make 6to4 =
> historic.
> >>=20
> >> Various "non-practicing entities" were able to derail what network
> >> operators largely supported.  Since the IETF failed to make progress
> >> operators will do other things to stop 6to4 ( i have heard no 
> >> over IPv4 transport, blackhole 6to4 anycast, decom relay routers...)
> >>=20
> > Those are all REALLY bad ideas. Speaking as an operator, the best =
> thing you
> > can do to alleviate the problems with 6to4 is operate more, not less =
> 6to4
> > relays.
> Unless of course the large providers get their shared transition space =
> in which case all 6to4 behind it will break in a really ugly way, pretty =
> much exactly like in the mobile operator in question.=20

And would deploying draft-andrews-v6ops-6to4-router-option-02.txt and/or
adding router reachability tests have addressed this issue?

> The goal of 6to4 to historic was not to encourage the outcome described, =
> it was to take having 6to4 as a default method of any kind off the table =
> going into the future. If mature adults want to use it great, but =
> conformance tests shouldn't require it, CPE shouldn't it on just because =
> what they think they have a is a public IP with not filtering and hosts =
> shouldn't use it unless told to do so..

But that is *not* what the draft did.  Making the protocol historic
did LOTS more than that.  I think there was universal consensus
that 6to4 should be off by default.

There was this nuke 6to4 from orbit attitude which did nothing to
help with already deployed/shipped boxes.  6to4 historic is actually
harmful for dealing with the existing problems as it tells vendors
not to include 6to4 support in future products which means operators
won't have boxes with fixes to other problems to alleviate the
problems cause but the currently deployed customer boxes.

What would have been much better would have been to encourage CPE
vendors to release images which address some of the known issues.
Just adding a check box saying "enable 6to4" and for ISP to send
out email to say "check your router vendor web site for fixed
images".  The better fix would be to get them to also add support
for draft-andrews-v6ops-6to4-router-option-02.txt which greys out
the checkbox when is sent as a response to the option.

Remember operators are in the position to alleviate lots of the
6to4 issues themselves.

> > Blocking  over IPv4 transport is just silly. It's just as likely =
> that your
> >  record is destined for an end-host that has native IPv6 =
> connectivity
> > with an intermediate resolver that desn't have IPv6 as it is that =
> you're
> > sending that to a 6to4 host. Further, there's no reason to believe the
> > 6to4 host won't attempt to resolve via IPv6, so, it doesn't really =
> help
> > anyway.
> >=20
> >> Real network operators have a relatively low BS threshold, they have
> >> customers to support and businesses to run,  and they don't have =
> thumb
> >> wrestle these people who don't actually have any skin in the game.
> >>=20
> > I agree, but, it's not hard to run 6to4 relays and running them does =
> much
> > more to alleviate the problems with 6to4 than anything you proposed
> > above. Indeed, what you proposed above will likely create more =
> customer
> > issues rather than reduce them.
> >=20
> > Owen
> >=20
> >> Cameron
> >>=20
> >>=20
> >>>  Ron
> >>>=20
> >>>=20
> >>> -Original Message-
> >>> From: Leo Bicknell [mailto:b

Re: Anybody can participate in the IETF (Was: Why is IPv6 broken?)

2011-07-12 Thread Benson Schliesser

On Jul 11, 2011, at 7:19 PM, Jeff Wheeler wrote:

> Again, this is only hard to understand (or accept) if you don't know
> how your routers work.
> * why do you think there is an ARP and ND table?
> * why do you think there are policers to protect the CPU from
> excessive ARP/ND punts or traffic?
> * do you even know the limit of your boxes' ARP / ND tables?  Do you
> realize that limit is a tiny fraction of one /64?
> * do you understand what happens when your ARP/ND policers are reached?
> * did you think about the impact on neighboring routers and protocol
> next-hops, not just servers?
> * did you every try to deploy a /16 on a flat LAN with a lot of hosts
> and see what happens?  Doesn't work too well.  A v6 /64 is 281
> trillion times bigger than a v4 /16.  There's no big leap of logic
> here as to why one rogue machine could break your LAN.

FYI, in case you're interested in these topics, the IETF working group ARMD was 
chartered to explore address resolution scale.  I'm one of the co-chairs.  It's 
in the Operations Area, and we'd love to have more operators involved - if 
you're willing to contribute, your input will help set the direction.  (If 
operators don't contribute, it will be just another vendor-led circle... well, 
you know the score.)

For details please see


Re: Anybody can participate in the IETF (Was: Why is IPv6 broken?)

2011-07-12 Thread Joel Jaeggli

On Jul 12, 2011, at 12:53 PM, Owen DeLong wrote:

> On Jul 12, 2011, at 8:43 AM, Cameron Byrne wrote:
>> On Tue, Jul 12, 2011 at 8:28 AM, Ronald Bonica  wrote:
>>> Leo,
>>> Maybe we can fix this by:
>>> a) bringing together larger groups of clueful operators in the IETF
>>> b) deciding which issues interest them
>>> c) showing up and being vocal as a group in protocol developing working 
>>> groups
>>> To some degree, we already do this in the IETF OPS area, but judging by 
>>> your comments, we don't do it nearly enough.
>>> Comments?
>> There may be an OPS area, but it is not listened to.
>> Witness the latest debacle with the attempt at trying to make 6to4 historic.
>> Various "non-practicing entities" were able to derail what network
>> operators largely supported.  Since the IETF failed to make progress
>> operators will do other things to stop 6to4 ( i have heard no 
>> over IPv4 transport, blackhole 6to4 anycast, decom relay routers...)
> Those are all REALLY bad ideas. Speaking as an operator, the best thing you
> can do to alleviate the problems with 6to4 is operate more, not less 6to4
> relays.

Unless of course the large providers get their shared transition space in which 
case all 6to4 behind it will break in a really ugly way, pretty much exactly 
like in the mobile operator in question. 

The goal of 6to4 to historic was not to encourage the outcome described, it was 
to take having 6to4 as a default method of any kind off the table going into 
the future. If mature adults want to use it great, but conformance tests 
shouldn't require it, CPE shouldn't it on just because what they think they 
have a is a public IP with not filtering and hosts shouldn't use it unless told 
to do so..

> Blocking  over IPv4 transport is just silly. It's just as likely that your
>  record is destined for an end-host that has native IPv6 connectivity
> with an intermediate resolver that desn't have IPv6 as it is that you're
> sending that to a 6to4 host. Further, there's no reason to believe the
> 6to4 host won't attempt to resolve via IPv6, so, it doesn't really help
> anyway.
>> Real network operators have a relatively low BS threshold, they have
>> customers to support and businesses to run,  and they don't have thumb
>> wrestle these people who don't actually have any skin in the game.
> I agree, but, it's not hard to run 6to4 relays and running them does much
> more to alleviate the problems with 6to4 than anything you proposed
> above. Indeed, what you proposed above will likely create more customer
> issues rather than reduce them.
> Owen
>> Cameron
>>>  Ron
>>> -Original Message-
>>> From: Leo Bicknell []
>>> Sent: Monday, July 11, 2011 3:35 PM
>>> To:
>>> Subject: Re: Anybody can participate in the IETF (Was: Why is IPv6 broken?)
>>> In a message written on Sun, Jul 10, 2011 at 06:16:09PM +0200, Jeroen 
>>> Massar wrote:
>>>> Eh ANYBODY, including you, can sign up to the IETF mailing lists
>>>> and participate there, just like a couple of folks from NANOG are already 
>>>> doing.
>>> The way the IETF and the operator community interact is badly broken.
>>> The IETF does not want operators in many steps of the process.  If you try 
>>> to bring up operational concerns in early protocol development for example 
>>> you'll often get a "we'll look at that later" response, which in many cases 
>>> is right.  Sometimes you just have to play with something before you worry 
>>> about the operational details.  It also does not help that many operational 
>>> types are not hardcore programmers, and can't play in the sandbox during 
>>> the major development cycles.

Re: Anybody can participate in the IETF (Was: Why is IPv6 broken?)

2011-07-12 Thread Joel Jaeggli

On Jul 12, 2011, at 12:40 PM, Michael Thomas wrote:

> Leo Bicknell wrote:
> In short, make it easy for the operators to participate at the right
>> time in the process.  It will be better for everyone!
> Unfortunately, where you want to be inserted into the process is when 
> everybody has
> said their piece 80-dozen times and are tired and just want to get on with 
> life. So
> it doesn't matter whether you're an operator or the IESG -- you're not going 
> to make
> many friends at that point telling them they got it wrong.
> On the other hand, is it really too much to ask operators -- especially big 
> ones with
> a vested interest in not having the IETF throw crap over the wall for them to 
> debug --
> to *hire* a liaison whose job is to monitor a swath of working groups, bofs, 
> etc, and
> participate the entire way through? I imagine they'd be pretty popular 
> amongst clueful
> vendors, and would give you a leg up knowing what's good and what's just 
> sales-drek.

By definition if crap has been thrown of the wall and you're trying to deploy 
it, that means:

* you have a commercial or other compelling reason to run it.
* someone has implemented it.

the bar to make something relevant on those two points is much higher, than the 
one that involves submitting an internet draft. getting something through draft 
to publication via a working group is itself a rather involved process.

Plenty of crap is thrown over the wall which you will never use, because the 
marketplace doesn't care, nobody built it, nobody has that problem it turns 
out, it turned out to be too hard or it was actually a dumb idea. in the market 
place for idea this seems normal and healthy.

> Mike

Re: Anybody can participate in the IETF (Was: Why is IPv6 broken?)

2011-07-12 Thread Owen DeLong

On Jul 12, 2011, at 8:43 AM, Cameron Byrne wrote:

> On Tue, Jul 12, 2011 at 8:28 AM, Ronald Bonica  wrote:
>> Leo,
>> Maybe we can fix this by:
>> a) bringing together larger groups of clueful operators in the IETF
>> b) deciding which issues interest them
>> c) showing up and being vocal as a group in protocol developing working 
>> groups
>> To some degree, we already do this in the IETF OPS area, but judging by your 
>> comments, we don't do it nearly enough.
>> Comments?
> There may be an OPS area, but it is not listened to.
> Witness the latest debacle with the attempt at trying to make 6to4 historic.
> Various "non-practicing entities" were able to derail what network
> operators largely supported.  Since the IETF failed to make progress
> operators will do other things to stop 6to4 ( i have heard no 
> over IPv4 transport, blackhole 6to4 anycast, decom relay routers...)
Those are all REALLY bad ideas. Speaking as an operator, the best thing you
can do to alleviate the problems with 6to4 is operate more, not less 6to4

Blocking  over IPv4 transport is just silly. It's just as likely that your
 record is destined for an end-host that has native IPv6 connectivity
with an intermediate resolver that desn't have IPv6 as it is that you're
sending that to a 6to4 host. Further, there's no reason to believe the
6to4 host won't attempt to resolve via IPv6, so, it doesn't really help

> Real network operators have a relatively low BS threshold, they have
> customers to support and businesses to run,  and they don't have thumb
> wrestle these people who don't actually have any skin in the game.
I agree, but, it's not hard to run 6to4 relays and running them does much
more to alleviate the problems with 6to4 than anything you proposed
above. Indeed, what you proposed above will likely create more customer
issues rather than reduce them.


> Cameron
>>   Ron
>> -Original Message-
>> From: Leo Bicknell []
>> Sent: Monday, July 11, 2011 3:35 PM
>> To:
>> Subject: Re: Anybody can participate in the IETF (Was: Why is IPv6 broken?)
>> In a message written on Sun, Jul 10, 2011 at 06:16:09PM +0200, Jeroen Massar 
>> wrote:
>>> Eh ANYBODY, including you, can sign up to the IETF mailing lists
>>> and participate there, just like a couple of folks from NANOG are already 
>>> doing.
>> The way the IETF and the operator community interact is badly broken.
>> The IETF does not want operators in many steps of the process.  If you try 
>> to bring up operational concerns in early protocol development for example 
>> you'll often get a "we'll look at that later" response, which in many cases 
>> is right.  Sometimes you just have to play with something before you worry 
>> about the operational details.  It also does not help that many operational 
>> types are not hardcore programmers, and can't play in the sandbox during the 
>> major development cycles.

Re: Anybody can participate in the IETF (Was: Why is IPv6 broken?)

2011-07-12 Thread Michael Thomas

Leo Bicknell wrote:
 In short, make it easy for the operators to participate at the right

time in the process.  It will be better for everyone!

Unfortunately, where you want to be inserted into the process is when everybody 
said their piece 80-dozen times and are tired and just want to get on with 
life. So
it doesn't matter whether you're an operator or the IESG -- you're not going to 
many friends at that point telling them they got it wrong.

On the other hand, is it really too much to ask operators -- especially big 
ones with
a vested interest in not having the IETF throw crap over the wall for them to 
debug --
to *hire* a liaison whose job is to monitor a swath of working groups, bofs, 
etc, and
participate the entire way through? I imagine they'd be pretty popular amongst 
vendors, and would give you a leg up knowing what's good and what's just 


RE: Anybody can participate in the IETF (Was: Why is IPv6 broken?)

2011-07-12 Thread Ronald Bonica

Please stay tuned. While 6-to-4-historic is on hold, it is far from being dead. 
Expect more discussion in Quebec and on the mailing list. I doubt if there will 
be any final decision before Quebec.


> -Original Message-
> From: Cameron Byrne []
> Sent: Tuesday, July 12, 2011 11:44 AM
> To: Ronald Bonica
> Cc: Leo Bicknell;
> Subject: Re: Anybody can participate in the IETF (Was: Why is IPv6
> broken?)
> On Tue, Jul 12, 2011 at 8:28 AM, Ronald Bonica 
> wrote:
> > Leo,
> >
> > Maybe we can fix this by:
> >
> > a) bringing together larger groups of clueful operators in the IETF
> > b) deciding which issues interest them
> > c) showing up and being vocal as a group in protocol developing
> working groups
> >
> > To some degree, we already do this in the IETF OPS area, but judging
> by your comments, we don't do it nearly enough.
> >
> > Comments?
> >
> There may be an OPS area, but it is not listened to.
> Witness the latest debacle with the attempt at trying to make 6to4
> historic.
> Various "non-practicing entities" were able to derail what network
> operators largely supported.  Since the IETF failed to make progress
> operators will do other things to stop 6to4 ( i have heard no 
> over IPv4 transport, blackhole 6to4 anycast, decom relay routers...)
> Real network operators have a relatively low BS threshold, they have
> customers to support and businesses to run,  and they don't have thumb
> wrestle these people who don't actually have any skin in the game.
> Cameron
> >               Ron
> >
> >
> > -----Original Message-
> > From: Leo Bicknell []
> > Sent: Monday, July 11, 2011 3:35 PM
> > To:
> > Subject: Re: Anybody can participate in the IETF (Was: Why is IPv6
> broken?)
> >
> > In a message written on Sun, Jul 10, 2011 at 06:16:09PM +0200, Jeroen
> Massar wrote:
> >> Eh ANYBODY, including you, can sign up to the IETF mailing lists
> >> and participate there, just like a couple of folks from NANOG are
> already doing.
> >
> > The way the IETF and the operator community interact is badly broken.
> >
> > The IETF does not want operators in many steps of the process.  If
> you try to bring up operational concerns in early protocol development
> for example you'll often get a "we'll look at that later" response,
> which in many cases is right.  Sometimes you just have to play with
> something before you worry about the operational details.  It also does
> not help that many operational types are not hardcore programmers, and
> can't play in the sandbox during the major development cycles.
> >
> >
> >
> >

RE: Anybody can participate in the IETF (Was: Why is IPv6 broken?)

2011-07-12 Thread Ronald Bonica

> -Original Message-
> From: Leo Bicknell []
> Sent: Tuesday, July 12, 2011 11:42 AM
> To: Ronald Bonica
> Cc:
> Subject: Re: Anybody can participate in the IETF (Was: Why is IPv6
> broken?)
> But there is no roadmap in the IETF process now for LISP that says
> "We've got this 90% baked, we need to circulate a draft to the NANOG
> mailing list, request operator comments, and actively solicit operators
> to participate in the expanded test network".  We need that mechanism
> to
> tell folks "hey, it's real enough your operational feedback is now
> useful" and "come test our new idea".


We need to fix this problem. Without the feedback loop that you describe, the 
IETF will never know whether they are producing useful stuff or nonsense.

How does the following sound as a solution:

Let's say we set up an new IETF mailing list, primarily for the use of 
operators. When an operator sees a draft that might be of interest to the 
operational community, he creates a new thread on the list, copying the draft 
authors and WG chairs. (The authors and chairs can decide whether to add the WG 
to the thread). The OPS AD will consider thread contents when evaluating the 


Re: Anybody can participate in the IETF (Was: Why is IPv6 broken?)

2011-07-12 Thread Doug Barton
On 07/12/2011 08:43, Cameron Byrne wrote:
> Witness the latest debacle with the attempt at trying to make 6to4 historic.
> Various "non-practicing entities" were able to derail what network
> operators largely supported.  Since the IETF failed to make progress
> operators will do other things to stop 6to4 ( i have heard no 
> over IPv4 transport, blackhole 6to4 anycast, decom relay routers...)

FYI, my understanding (and I'm sure Ron will correct me if I'm wrong) is
that what's actually happening is that the IESG is pushing that draft
forward knowing that it's going to be appealed. The appeal process will
then sort itself out, and we'll have a result.

The fact that one person can stall the end result through the appeals
process is both a strength and occasionally a burden of the way the IETF
does its work.



Nothin' ever doesn't change, but nothin' changes much.
-- OK Go

Breadth of IT experience, and depth of knowledge in the DNS.
Yours for the right price.  :)

Re: Anybody can participate in the IETF (Was: Why is IPv6 broken?)

2011-07-12 Thread Jeff Wheeler
On Tue, Jul 12, 2011 at 11:42 AM, Leo Bicknell  wrote:
> I'll pick on LISP as an example, since many operators are at least
> aware of it.  Some operators have said we need a locator and identifier
> split.  Interesting feedback.  The IETF has gone off and started
> playing in the sandbox, trying to figure out how to make that go.

As an operator (who understands how most things work in very great
detail), I found the LISP folks very much uninterested in my concerns
about if LISP can ever be made to scale up to "Internet-scale," with
respect to a specific DDoS vector.  I also think that an explosion of
small, multi-homed SOHO networks would be a disaster, because we might
have 3 million FIB instead of 360k FIB after a few years.  These
things are directly related to each-other, too.

So I emailed some LISP gurus off-list and discussed my concern.  I was
encouraged to post to the LISP IETF list, which I did.  To my great
surprise, not one single person was interested in my problem.  If you
think it is a small problem, well, you should try going back to
late-1990s flow-cache routing in your data-center networks and see
what happens when you get DDoS.  I am sure most of us remember some of
those painful experiences.

Now there is a LISP "threats" draft which the working group mandates
they produce, discussing various security problems.  The current paper
is a laundry list of "what if" scenarios, like, what if a malicious
person could fill the LISP control-plane with garbage.  BGP has the
same issue, if some bad guy had enable on a big enough network that
their peers/transits don't filter their routes, they could do a lot of
damage before they were stopped.  This sometimes happens even by
accident, for example, some poor guy accidentally announcing 12/9 and
giving AT&T a really bad day.

What it doesn't contain is anything relevant to the special-case DDoS
that all LISP sites would be vulnerable to, due to the IMO bad
flow-cache management system that is specified.  I am having a very
great deal of trouble getting the authors of the "threats" document to
even understand what the problem is, because as one of them put it, he
is "just a researcher."  I am sure he and his colleagues are very
smart guys, but they clearly do not remember our 1990s pains.

That is the "not an operator" problem.  It is understandable.

Others who have been around long enough simply dismiss this problem,
because they believe the unparalleled benefits of LISP for mobility
and multi-homing SOHO sites must greatly out-weigh the fact that,
well, if you are a content provider and you receive a DDoS, your site
will be down and there isn't a damn thing you can do about it, other
than spec routers that have way, way more FIB than the number of
possible routes, again due to the bad caching scheme.

The above is what I think is the "ego-invested" problem, where certain
pretty smart, well-intentioned people have a lot of time, and
professional credibility, invested in making LISP work.  I'm sure it
isn't pleasing for these guys to defend their project against my
argument that it may never be able to reach Internet-scale, and that
they have missed what I claim is a show-stopping problem with an easy
way to improve it through several years of development.  Especially
since I am a guy who did not ever participate in the IETF before,
someone they don't know from a random guy on the street.

I am glad that this NANOG discussion has got some of these LISP folks
to pay more attention to my argument, and my suggested improvement (I
am not only bashing their project; I have positive input, too.)
Simply posting to their mailing list once and emailing a few draft
authors did not cause any movement at all.  Evidently it does get
attention, though, to jump up and down on a different list.  Go

If operators don't provide input and *perspective* to things like
LISP, we will end up with bad results.

How many of us are amazed that we still do not have 32:32 bits BGP
communities to go along with 32 bit ASNs, for signalling requests to
transit providers without collision with other networks' community
schemes?  It is a pretty stupid situation, and yet here we are, with
32 bit ASN for years, and if you want to do advertisement control with
32 bit ASNs used, you are either mapping your 32 bit neighbors to
special numbers, or your community scheme can overlap with others.

That BGP community problem is pretty tiny compared to, what if people
really started rolling out something new and clever like LISP, but in
a half-baked, broken way that takes us back to 1990s era of small DDoS
taking out whole data-center aggregation router.  A lot of us think
IPv6 is over-baked and broken, and probably this is why it has taken
such a very long time to get anywhere with it.  But ultimately, it is
our fault for not participating.  I am reversing my own behavior and
providing input to some WGs I care about, in what time I have to do
so.  More operators should do the same.  

Re: Anybody can participate in the IETF (Was: Why is IPv6 broken?)

2011-07-12 Thread Tim Chown

On 10 Jul 2011, at 21:22, Owen DeLong wrote:

> On Jul 10, 2011, at 12:23 PM, William Herrin wrote:
>> Consider, for example, RFC 3484. That's the one that determines how an
>> IPv6 capable host selects which of a group of candidate IPv4 and IPv6
>> addresses for a particular host name gets priority. How is a server's
>> address priority NOT an issue that should be managed at an operations
>> level by individual server administrators? Yet the working group which
>> produced it came up with a static prioritization that is the root
>> cause of a significant portion of the IPv6 deployment headaches we
>> face.
> 3484 specifies a static default. By definition, defaults in absence of
> operator configuration kind of have to be static. Having a reasonable
> and expected set of defaults documented in an RFC provides a known
> quantity for what operators can/should expect from hosts they have
> not configured. I see nothing wrong with RFC 3484 other than I would
> agree that the choices made were suboptimal. Mostly that was based
> on optimism and a lack of experience available at the time of writing.
> There is another RFC and there are APIs and most operating systems
> have configuration mechanisms where an operator CAN set that to
> something other than the 3484 defaults.

There is a DHCPv6 option to configure host policy described in, which is 
hopefully approaching a WGLC at IETF81.  

RFC3484 was originally published in 2003, which is a long time ago.  And of 
course it turned out that, with wider operational experience and feedback from 
the operator community, there were some issues uncovered and some omissions.  
Perhaps some of those might have been foreseen, but I highly doubt all of them 
would have.  Many of the issues were captured in RFC5220, which led to the work 
on RFC3484-bis, which is also close to publication.  

Now, perhaps the DHCPv6 option and the 3484-bis drafts could be posted to the 
NANOG list at an appropriate time, for example when the docs hit WGLC.  But 
there are a lot of WGLCs out there and the question is then whether the NANOG 
list, or some special NANOG list for IETF WGLCs, would want all those 

As a co-author of the DHCPv6 and 3484-bis drafts, I am quite happy to post 
about these to NANOG as they approach last call. There are three open issues on 
3484-bis that some feedback would be welcomed on.  

>> There should be an operations callout as well -- a section where
>> proposed operations defaults (as well as statics for which a solid
>> case can be made for an operations tunable) are extracted from the
>> thick of it and offered for operator scrutiny prior to publication of
>> the RFC.
> I think this would be a good idea, actually. It would probably be more
> effective to propose it to IETF than to NANOG, however.

Whether it's a separate section in the draft, or a recommendation to post to 
operators communities (which is more than just NANOG of course), the question 
as mentioned above is how that's done in a way to get the attention of 
appropriate operators without drowning them in notifications.  


Re: Anybody can participate in the IETF (Was: Why is IPv6 broken?)

2011-07-12 Thread Cameron Byrne
On Tue, Jul 12, 2011 at 8:42 AM, Leo Bicknell  wrote:
> In a message written on Tue, Jul 12, 2011 at 11:28:58AM -0400, Ronald Bonica 
> wrote:
>> Maybe we can fix this by:
>> a) bringing together larger groups of clueful operators in the IETF
>> b) deciding which issues interest them
>> c) showing up and being vocal as a group in protocol developing working 
>> groups
>> To some degree, we already do this in the IETF OPS area, but judging by your 
>> comments, we don't do it nearly enough.
> I don't think it's that simple, sadly.  I'll no doubt get flamed
> by the 5 people on NANOG that also participate in the IETF in a
> regular basis, but the reality is most operators don't want to sit
> through multi-year protocol devopment work, or have much of anything
> to do with "pie in the sky" ideas.
> The IETF can, should, and does do both of those things today.  Where the
> friction occurs is there is no good place to loop the operators back in,
> so they are often  kicked out, discouraged, or just uninterested on the
> front end (we're going to go play with new ideas kids!) and then not
> brought back in (it's ready for deployment, wait, why are no operators
> interested).
> So it's not that individual issues are of interest to operators (outside
> of the IETF OPS area, which is a special case), it's that the process
> needs work.
> I'll pick on LISP as an example, since many operators are at least
> aware of it.  Some operators have said we need a locator and identifier
> split.  Interesting feedback.  The IETF has gone off and started
> playing in the sandbox, trying to figure out how to make that go.
> Several years of coding have occured, a bunch of proof of concept
> testing is going on.  Even many of the operators who wanted such a spit
> are not really interested in following the details of the work right
> now.  Of course, if you are, you can, I'm not advocating any exclusions.

W.R.T. to LISP,  in defense of the IETF or the IRTF, i do not believe
"the IETF" has told the world that LISP is the best fit for the
Internet or solves any specific problem well.

The IETF has never said the "Internet Architecture" is going to LISP,
and it likely will not / cannot.  My expectation is that LISP will go
away as quickly as it came.


> But there is no roadmap in the IETF process now for LISP that says
> "We've got this 90% baked, we need to circulate a draft to the NANOG
> mailing list, request operator comments, and actively solicit operators
> to participate in the expanded test network".  We need that mechanism to
> tell folks "hey, it's real enough your operational feedback is now
> useful" and "come test our new idea".
> Today the IETF just finishes their work, "tosses it over the wall" and
> hopes for the best.  Generally it's not 100%, and vendors make
> propretary changes to the standards slowly over time to meet the needs
> of operators.  It would be far better if there was at least one round of
> "ask the operators" and incorproate feedback before it went over the
> wall, and in paricular before working groups disbanded.
> In short, make it easy for the operators to participate at the right
> time in the process.  It will be better for everyone!
> --
>       Leo Bicknell - - CCIE 3440
>        PGP keys at

Re: Anybody can participate in the IETF (Was: Why is IPv6 broken?)

2011-07-12 Thread Cameron Byrne
On Tue, Jul 12, 2011 at 8:28 AM, Ronald Bonica  wrote:
> Leo,
> Maybe we can fix this by:
> a) bringing together larger groups of clueful operators in the IETF
> b) deciding which issues interest them
> c) showing up and being vocal as a group in protocol developing working groups
> To some degree, we already do this in the IETF OPS area, but judging by your 
> comments, we don't do it nearly enough.
> Comments?

There may be an OPS area, but it is not listened to.

Witness the latest debacle with the attempt at trying to make 6to4 historic.

Various "non-practicing entities" were able to derail what network
operators largely supported.  Since the IETF failed to make progress
operators will do other things to stop 6to4 ( i have heard no 
over IPv4 transport, blackhole 6to4 anycast, decom relay routers...)

Real network operators have a relatively low BS threshold, they have
customers to support and businesses to run,  and they don't have thumb
wrestle these people who don't actually have any skin in the game.


>               Ron
> -Original Message-
> From: Leo Bicknell []
> Sent: Monday, July 11, 2011 3:35 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: Anybody can participate in the IETF (Was: Why is IPv6 broken?)
> In a message written on Sun, Jul 10, 2011 at 06:16:09PM +0200, Jeroen Massar 
> wrote:
>> Eh ANYBODY, including you, can sign up to the IETF mailing lists
>> and participate there, just like a couple of folks from NANOG are already 
>> doing.
> The way the IETF and the operator community interact is badly broken.
> The IETF does not want operators in many steps of the process.  If you try to 
> bring up operational concerns in early protocol development for example 
> you'll often get a "we'll look at that later" response, which in many cases 
> is right.  Sometimes you just have to play with something before you worry 
> about the operational details.  It also does not help that many operational 
> types are not hardcore programmers, and can't play in the sandbox during the 
> major development cycles.

Re: Anybody can participate in the IETF (Was: Why is IPv6 broken?)

2011-07-12 Thread Leo Bicknell
In a message written on Tue, Jul 12, 2011 at 11:28:58AM -0400, Ronald Bonica 
> Maybe we can fix this by:
> a) bringing together larger groups of clueful operators in the IETF
> b) deciding which issues interest them
> c) showing up and being vocal as a group in protocol developing working groups
> To some degree, we already do this in the IETF OPS area, but judging by your 
> comments, we don't do it nearly enough.

I don't think it's that simple, sadly.  I'll no doubt get flamed
by the 5 people on NANOG that also participate in the IETF in a
regular basis, but the reality is most operators don't want to sit
through multi-year protocol devopment work, or have much of anything
to do with "pie in the sky" ideas.

The IETF can, should, and does do both of those things today.  Where the
friction occurs is there is no good place to loop the operators back in,
so they are often  kicked out, discouraged, or just uninterested on the
front end (we're going to go play with new ideas kids!) and then not
brought back in (it's ready for deployment, wait, why are no operators

So it's not that individual issues are of interest to operators (outside
of the IETF OPS area, which is a special case), it's that the process
needs work.

I'll pick on LISP as an example, since many operators are at least
aware of it.  Some operators have said we need a locator and identifier
split.  Interesting feedback.  The IETF has gone off and started
playing in the sandbox, trying to figure out how to make that go.
Several years of coding have occured, a bunch of proof of concept
testing is going on.  Even many of the operators who wanted such a spit
are not really interested in following the details of the work right
now.  Of course, if you are, you can, I'm not advocating any exclusions.

But there is no roadmap in the IETF process now for LISP that says
"We've got this 90% baked, we need to circulate a draft to the NANOG
mailing list, request operator comments, and actively solicit operators
to participate in the expanded test network".  We need that mechanism to
tell folks "hey, it's real enough your operational feedback is now
useful" and "come test our new idea".

Today the IETF just finishes their work, "tosses it over the wall" and
hopes for the best.  Generally it's not 100%, and vendors make
propretary changes to the standards slowly over time to meet the needs
of operators.  It would be far better if there was at least one round of
"ask the operators" and incorproate feedback before it went over the
wall, and in paricular before working groups disbanded.

In short, make it easy for the operators to participate at the right
time in the process.  It will be better for everyone!

   Leo Bicknell - - CCIE 3440
PGP keys at

RE: Anybody can participate in the IETF (Was: Why is IPv6 broken?)

2011-07-12 Thread Ronald Bonica

Maybe we can fix this by:

a) bringing together larger groups of clueful operators in the IETF
b) deciding which issues interest them
c) showing up and being vocal as a group in protocol developing working groups

To some degree, we already do this in the IETF OPS area, but judging by your 
comments, we don't do it nearly enough.



-Original Message-
From: Leo Bicknell [] 
Sent: Monday, July 11, 2011 3:35 PM
Subject: Re: Anybody can participate in the IETF (Was: Why is IPv6 broken?)

In a message written on Sun, Jul 10, 2011 at 06:16:09PM +0200, Jeroen Massar 
> Eh ANYBODY, including you, can sign up to the IETF mailing lists 
> and participate there, just like a couple of folks from NANOG are already 
> doing.

The way the IETF and the operator community interact is badly broken.

The IETF does not want operators in many steps of the process.  If you try to 
bring up operational concerns in early protocol development for example you'll 
often get a "we'll look at that later" response, which in many cases is right.  
Sometimes you just have to play with something before you worry about the 
operational details.  It also does not help that many operational types are not 
hardcore programmers, and can't play in the sandbox during the major 
development cycles.

Re: Anybody can participate in the IETF (Was: Why is IPv6 broken?)

2011-07-11 Thread Owen DeLong
> Again, no one is interested in this problem yet because vendors really
> don't want their customers to demand more knobs.  Cisco is the only
> vendor who has done anything at all.  If you read about their knob,
> you immediately realize that it is a knob to control the failure mode
> of the box, not to "fix" anything.  Why?  It can't be "fixed" without
> not using /64 (or similar) or going to the extreme lengths I outline
> in those slides.
While it can't be "fixed", controlling the failure mode is adequate in
the vast majority of cases.

Beyond that, it becomes increasingly academic and purist-oriented
rather than operational.


Re: Anybody can participate in the IETF (Was: Why is IPv6 broken?)

2011-07-11 Thread Owen DeLong

On Jul 11, 2011, at 2:54 PM, Franck Martin wrote:

> Once upon a time, there was only the IETF, then NOGs came and standards
> became sloppy

Uh, no... Really not.

Read some of the earliest standards documents and you'll find that they are
pretty sloppy, but, the community back then (predecessor to NOGs) was small
enough that people could develop and deploy workarounds and feed those
resolutions into superseding RFCs. Today, there are many more operators
and IETF has become a much larger and more complex set of bodies as


Re: Anybody can participate in the IETF (Was: Why is IPv6 broken?)

2011-07-11 Thread Fred Baker
On Jul 10, 2011, at 12:16 PM, Jeroen Massar wrote:
> On 2011-07-10 17:56 , David Miller wrote:
> [..]
>> +1
>> The lack of will on the part of the IETF to attract input from and involve 
>> operators in their processes (which I would posit is a critical element in 
>> the process).
> Eh ANYBODY, including you, can sign up to the IETF mailing lists and 
> participate there, just like a couple of folks from NANOG are already doing.
> You are on NANOG out of your own free will, the same applies to the IETF. If 
> you don't participate here your voice is not heard either, just
> like at the IETF.
> Peeking at the member list, I don't see your name there. You 
> can signup here:

Thanks, Jeroen.

For IPv6 functionality, I'd suggest 
( For IPv6 operational issues, I'd 
suggest ( For 
security-related issues, you might also look into 

On Jul 10, 2011, at 3:45 PM, Owen DeLong wrote:
> Number two: While anyone can participate, approaching IETF as an operator 
> requires a rather thick skin, or, at least it did the last couple of times I 
> attempted to participate. I've watched a few times where operators were 
> shouted down by purists and religion over basic real-world operational 
> concerns.

That goes both ways. I periodically see dismissive statements about the IETF on 
operational lists, and dismissive statements about operators on IETF lists. I 
would classify David's comment as "dismissive", the kind of comment that causes 
IETF folks to not participate in operational meetings or lists, and the kind of 
comment cited by operational folks such as you as reasons to leave IETF 
meetings and lists. Such comments tend to come from a small set of individuals 
on each side. If such comments bother you, feel free to block the 
in-duh-viduals that send them. Personally, I try to listen to them; they are 
often telling me something I need to hear but don't want to.

Re: Anybody can participate in the IETF (Was: Why is IPv6 broken?)

2011-07-11 Thread Randy Bush
> I said there is an ops directorate that reviews basically every draft
> in front of the iesg.

and this directorate is a group of actual operators?


Re: Anybody can participate in the IETF (Was: Why is IPv6 broken?)

2011-07-11 Thread Randy Bush
>> My focus in this thread is this: how do we help the next teams avoid
>> the discourtesy and the smackdown that the v6 teams are getting for
>> not adequately recognizing the ops' issues. These guys should have
>> been heroes but instead they screwed the pooch and everybody's paying
>> for it. How do we fix the systemic problems so that next time they
>> are heroes?
> get to the party early: and stay
> late... lots of new work inbound.

aka, suit up and show up.  talk is cheap.


Re: Anybody can participate in the IETF (Was: Why is IPv6 broken?)

2011-07-11 Thread Randy Bush
> Well, you work at Zynga, a company which makes facebook games. Before
> that you worked at Nokia, company which makes phones but doesn't run
> phone networks. Before that it was Check Point Software, a company
> which makes firewalls but doesn't run networks. And before that it was
> the University of Oregon.

down to the ad homina pretty quickly.  congrats.

fyi, what joel does/did at those companies is/was build and run networks
and data centers.

next ad hominem attack?


Re: Anybody can participate in the IETF (Was: Why is IPv6 broken?)

2011-07-11 Thread Doug Barton
On 07/10/2011 12:45, Owen DeLong wrote:
> On Jul 10, 2011, at 9:16 AM, Jeroen Massar wrote:
>> On 2011-07-10 17:56 , David Miller wrote:
>> [..]
>>> +1
>>> The lack of will on the part of the IETF to attract input from and involve
>>> operators in their processes (which I would posit is a critical element in
>>> the process).

Discussing how the IETF should fix itself is both fruitless, and off
topic for this list. However ...

> While this is true, there are a couple of factors that make it more difficult
> than it would appear on the surface.
> Number one: Participating effectively in IETF is a rather time-consuming
> process. While a lot of engineers and developers may have IETF effort
> as a primary part of their job function and/or get their employer to let
> them spend time on it, operators are often too busy keeping what they
> already have running and it can be _VERY_ difficult to get management
> to support the idea of investing time in things like IETF which are not
> seen by management as having direct operational impact. NANOG
> is about the limit of their vision on such things and even that is not
> well supported in a lot of organizations.
> Number two: While anyone can participate, approaching IETF as an
> operator requires a rather thick skin, or, at least it did the last couple
> of times I attempted to participate. I've watched a few times where
> operators were shouted down by purists and religion over basic
> real-world operational concerns. It seems to be a relatively routine
> practice and does not lead to operators wanting to come back to
> an environment where they feel unwelcome.

What you're saying is absolutely right (unfortunately), but the answer
is that operators need to suck it up and get involved. The problem will
not fix itself if we don't.

The good news is that in many areas (at least, the areas that I
participate in) there is starting to be a lot more sympathy toward
operational concerns/realities, and real progress is being made. Yes,
it's slow, arduous, and often frustrating. (How's that for a sales
pitch?) But there is literally no other solution to improving the
situation that for the people that care to get involved in helping to
fix it.

For those interested in IPv6 I highly recommend subscribing to the the
6man and v6ops lists, listen in on the conversations for a while, and
then chime in when you feel comfortable. Treat those on the list with
the same courtesy and respect that you'd like to be treated with, and
way more often than not it will bear fruit.




Nothin' ever doesn't change, but nothin' changes much.
-- OK Go

Breadth of IT experience, and depth of knowledge in the DNS.
Yours for the right price.  :)

Re: Anybody can participate in the IETF (Was: Why is IPv6 broken?)

2011-07-11 Thread Jeff Wheeler
On Mon, Jul 11, 2011 at 7:48 PM, Jimmy Hess  wrote:
> If every vendor's implementation is vulnerable to a NDP Exhaustion
> vulnerability,
> how come the behavior of specific routers has not been documented 
> specifically?

Well, I am in the business of knowing the behavior of kit being
considered by my clients for their applications.  Every box breaks
when tested, period.  I imagine you have tested zero, thus you have no
data of your own to go on.  No vendors are rushing to spend money on
"independent" testing laboratories to produce reports about this,
because they pretty much all know their boxes will break (or are not
even aware of the potential problem, in the case of a few scary

> If  "zero" devices are not vulnerable, you came to this conclusion
> because you tested
> every single implementation against IPv6 NDP DoS,  or?

Although I have tested many routers to verify my thinking, if you
actually read the slides and understand how routers work, you too will
know that every router is vulnerable.  If you don't know, you don't
understand how routers work.  It's that simple.

> How come there are no security advisories.
> What's the CWE or CVE number for this vulnerability?

Again, no one is interested in this problem yet because vendors really
don't want their customers to demand more knobs.  Cisco is the only
vendor who has done anything at all.  If you read about their knob,
you immediately realize that it is a knob to control the failure mode
of the box, not to "fix" anything.  Why?  It can't be "fixed" without
not using /64 (or similar) or going to the extreme lengths I outline
in those slides.

> It would be useful to at least have the risk properly described, in
> terms of what
> kind of DoS condition could arise on specific implementations.

Let's take 6500/SUP720 for example.  On this platform, a policer is
shared between the need to resolve ARP entries and ND table entries.
If you attack a dual-stack SUP720 box it will break not only IPv6
neighbor resolution, but also IPv4 neighbor resolution.  This is
pretty much the "worst-case scenario" because not only will your IPv6
break, which may annoy customers but not be a disaster; it will also
break mission-critical IPv4.  That's bad.  Routing-protocol
adjacencies can be affected, disabling not just some hosts downstream
of the box, but also its upstream connectivity.  It doesn't get any
worse than that.

You are right to question my statements.  I'm not an independent lab
doing professional tests and showing the environment and conditions of
how you can reproduce the results.  I'm just a guy helping my clients
decide what kit to buy, and how they should configure their networks.
The only reason I have bothered to produce slides is because we are at
a point where we have end-customers questioning our reluctance to
provision /64 networks for mixed-use data-center LANs, and until
vendors actually do something to address this, or "the standard"
changes, I need to increase awareness of this problem so I am not
forced to deploy a broken design on my own networks the way a lot of
other clueless people are.

Again, this is only hard to understand (or accept) if you don't know
how your routers work.
* why do you think there is an ARP and ND table?
* why do you think there are policers to protect the CPU from
excessive ARP/ND punts or traffic?
* do you even know the limit of your boxes' ARP / ND tables?  Do you
realize that limit is a tiny fraction of one /64?
* do you understand what happens when your ARP/ND policers are reached?
* did you think about the impact on neighboring routers and protocol
next-hops, not just servers?
* did you every try to deploy a /16 on a flat LAN with a lot of hosts
and see what happens?  Doesn't work too well.  A v6 /64 is 281
trillion times bigger than a v4 /16.  There's no big leap of logic
here as to why one rogue machine could break your LAN.

There is no router which is not vulnerable to this.  If you don't
believe me, read the Cisco documentation on their knob limiting ND
entries per interface, after which there may be service impact on that
interface.  That's the best anyone is doing right now.  Of course,
vendors understand that we, as customers, can configure a subnet
smaller than /64.  They are leaving us open to link-local issues right
now even with a smaller global subnet size, but at least that cannot
be exploited from "the Internet."  And as it happens, exactly the same
features / knobs are needed to "fix" both problems with /64, and with
link-local neighbor learning.

Jeff S Wheeler 
Sr Network Operator  /  Innovative Network Concepts

NDP DoS attack (was Re: Anybody can participate in the IETF (Was: Why is IPv6 broken?))

2011-07-11 Thread Karl Auer
On Mon, 2011-07-11 at 18:48 -0500, Jimmy Hess wrote:
> It would be useful to at least have the risk properly described, in
> terms of what kind of DoS condition could arise on specific implementations.

RFC3756 IPv6 Neighbor Discovery (ND) Trust Models and Threats

Section 4.3.2

   In this attack, the attacking node begins fabricating addresses with
   the subnet prefix and continuously sending packets to them.  The last
   hop router is obligated to resolve these addresses by sending
   neighbor solicitation packets.  A legitimate host attempting to enter
   the network may not be able to obtain Neighbor Discovery service from
   the last hop router as it will be already busy with sending other
   solicitations.  This DoS attack is different from the others in that
   the attacker may be off-link.  The resource being attacked in this
   case is the conceptual neighbor cache, which will be filled with
   attempts to resolve IPv6 addresses having a valid prefix but invalid
   suffix.  This is a DoS attack.

The above RFC and RFC3971 (SEND) both have good descriptions of a BUNCH
of possible attacks. RFC3971 is a bit dismissive IMHO of this particular

I realise this is not "specific implementations" as you requested, but
it seems to me that the problem is generic enough not to require that.

The attack is made possible by the design of the protocol, not any
failing of specific implementations. Specific implementations need to
describe what they've done about it (mitigation or prevention).

Regards, K.

Karl Auer (   +61-2-64957160 (h)   +61-428-957160 (mob)

GPG fingerprint: DA41 51B1 1481 16E1 F7E2 B2E9 3007 14ED 5736 F687
Old fingerprint: B386 7819 B227 2961 8301 C5A9 2EBC 754B CD97 0156

Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Re: Anybody can participate in the IETF (Was: Why is IPv6 broken?)

2011-07-11 Thread Jimmy Hess
On Mon, Jul 11, 2011 at 5:03 PM, Jeff Wheeler  wrote:
> On Mon, Jul 11, 2011 at 5:12 PM, Owen DeLong  wrote:
>> No... I like SLAAC and find it useful in a number of places. What's wrong
>> with /64? Yes, we need better DOS protection in switches and routers

> See my slides for
> why no vendor's implementation is effective "DOS protection" today and
> how much complexity is involved in doing it correctly, which requires

If every vendor's implementation is vulnerable to a NDP Exhaustion
how come the behavior of specific routers has not been documented specifically?

If  "zero" devices are not vulnerable, you came to this conclusion
because you tested
every single implementation against IPv6 NDP DoS,  or?

How come there are no security advisories.
What's the CWE or CVE number for this vulnerability?

I'm not denying the that NDP overflow might be a DoS issue for all IPv6
routers,  but I haven't seen   any specific documentation from vendors
or security
researchers about specific DoS conditions that can be caused by NDP overflow
on particular devices

It would be useful to at least have the risk properly described, in
terms of what
kind of DoS condition could arise on specific implementations.


Re: Anybody can participate in the IETF (Was: Why is IPv6 broken?)

2011-07-11 Thread Joel Jaeggli

On Jul 11, 2011, at 3:37 PM, William Herrin wrote:

> On Mon, Jul 11, 2011 at 5:10 PM, Joel Jaeggli  wrote:
>> On Jul 11, 2011, at 12:18 PM, William Herrin wrote:
>>> On Mon, Jul 11, 2011 at 11:20 AM, Joel Jaeggli  wrote:
 On Jul 11, 2011, at 8:13 AM, William Herrin wrote:
> Today's RFC candidates are required to call out IANA considerations
> and security considerations in special sections. They do so because
> each of these areas has landmines that the majority of working groups
> are ill equipped to consider on their own.
> There should be an operations callout as well -- a section where
> proposed operations defaults (as well as statics for which a solid
> case can be made for an operations tunable) are extracted from the
> thick of it and offered for operator scrutiny prior to publication of
> the RFC.
> Do you find this adjustment objectionable?
 Do I think that adding yet another required section to an
 internet draft is going to increase it's quality?
 No I do not.
>>> Joel,
>>> You may be right. Calling out IANA considerations doesn't seem to have
>>> made the IETF any smarter on the shared ISP IPv4 space. And I have no
>>> idea if calling out security implications has helped reduce
>>> security-related design flaws.
>>> On the other hand, calling out ops issues in RFCs is a modest reform
>>> that at worst shouldn't hurt anything.
>> To my mind, one of the really good criterion for an operational
>> considerations document is some actual experience running it.
> Hi Joel,
> I'm not looking for anything that sophisticated. I just want a list of
> "These are the things that can be tuned at an operations level (plus
> the defaults) and these are the things that can't be tuned but someone
> in the discussion thought a reasonable person might want them to be."
> The idea is that an ops guy should be able to read the three-paragraph
> intro, jump to the list of tunables and then be able to offer feedback
> along the lines of, "Whoa! Of course X should be tunable, are you
> kidding? Here's a rough description of where I want to configure it."
> and "I'm never going to alter Y. You can make it configurable, but I'd
> just as soon deal with everybody having the same value of Y."
> Heck, make it multiple choice. 1 is "no chance I'll ever want to
> change this value" and 5 is "I'll want to set this value case by
> case."
>>> That beats my next best idea:
>>> asking the ops area to schedule its meetings with the various NOG
>>> meetings instead of with the rest of the IETF so that the attendance
>>> is ops who dabble in development instead of developers who dabble in
>>> ops.
>> The OPS area works on OPS and Management. Protocol
>> development of the sort you're describing generally occurs
>> in working-groups chartered in the Internet or Routing areas...
> A moment ago you said, the ops area "reviews basically every draft in
> front of the IESG."

I said there is an ops directorate that reviews basically every draft in front 
of the iesg... much like their are genart reviews, security reviews iana 
reviews etc. The principle work on a draft by the time that occurs is already 
done unless the iesg returns the draft to the work group.

>> Participants, especially those that actually do the work are the
>> important part as far as I'm concerned.
> My focus in this thread is this: how do we help the next teams avoid
> the discourtesy and the smackdown that the v6 teams are getting for
> not adequately recognizing the ops' issues. These guys should have
> been heroes but instead they screwed the pooch and everybody's paying
> for it. How do we fix the systemic problems so that next time they are
> heroes?

IPNG was a long time ago. things have changed and will continue to change 
because standards are written by humans and cemented with consensus which is 
imperment and changable. Rational changes, Requirements change and things 
should evolve, that's not failure it's healthy.

> Regards,
> Bill Herrin

Re: Anybody can participate in the IETF (Was: Why is IPv6 broken?)

2011-07-11 Thread Lucy Lynch

On Mon, 11 Jul 2011, William Herrin wrote:

On Mon, Jul 11, 2011 at 5:10 PM, Joel Jaeggli  wrote:

On Jul 11, 2011, at 12:18 PM, William Herrin wrote:

My focus in this thread is this: how do we help the next teams avoid
the discourtesy and the smackdown that the v6 teams are getting for
not adequately recognizing the ops' issues. These guys should have
been heroes but instead they screwed the pooch and everybody's paying
for it. How do we fix the systemic problems so that next time they are

get to the party early:
and stay late... lots of new work inbound.

- Lucy

Bill Herrin

Re: Anybody can participate in the IETF (Was: Why is IPv6 broken?)

2011-07-11 Thread William Herrin
On Mon, Jul 11, 2011 at 5:10 PM, Joel Jaeggli  wrote:
> On Jul 11, 2011, at 12:18 PM, William Herrin wrote:
>> On Mon, Jul 11, 2011 at 11:20 AM, Joel Jaeggli  wrote:
>>> On Jul 11, 2011, at 8:13 AM, William Herrin wrote:
 Today's RFC candidates are required to call out IANA considerations
 and security considerations in special sections. They do so because
 each of these areas has landmines that the majority of working groups
 are ill equipped to consider on their own.

 There should be an operations callout as well -- a section where
 proposed operations defaults (as well as statics for which a solid
 case can be made for an operations tunable) are extracted from the
 thick of it and offered for operator scrutiny prior to publication of
 the RFC.

 Do you find this adjustment objectionable?
>>> Do I think that adding yet another required section to an
>>> internet draft is going to increase it's quality?
>>> No I do not.
>> Joel,
>> You may be right. Calling out IANA considerations doesn't seem to have
>> made the IETF any smarter on the shared ISP IPv4 space. And I have no
>> idea if calling out security implications has helped reduce
>> security-related design flaws.
>> On the other hand, calling out ops issues in RFCs is a modest reform
>> that at worst shouldn't hurt anything.
> To my mind, one of the really good criterion for an operational
> considerations document is some actual experience running it.

Hi Joel,

I'm not looking for anything that sophisticated. I just want a list of
"These are the things that can be tuned at an operations level (plus
the defaults) and these are the things that can't be tuned but someone
in the discussion thought a reasonable person might want them to be."
The idea is that an ops guy should be able to read the three-paragraph
intro, jump to the list of tunables and then be able to offer feedback
along the lines of, "Whoa! Of course X should be tunable, are you
kidding? Here's a rough description of where I want to configure it."
and "I'm never going to alter Y. You can make it configurable, but I'd
just as soon deal with everybody having the same value of Y."

Heck, make it multiple choice. 1 is "no chance I'll ever want to
change this value" and 5 is "I'll want to set this value case by

>> That beats my next best idea:
>> asking the ops area to schedule its meetings with the various NOG
>> meetings instead of with the rest of the IETF so that the attendance
>> is ops who dabble in development instead of developers who dabble in
>> ops.
> The OPS area works on OPS and Management. Protocol
> development of the sort you're describing generally occurs
> in working-groups chartered in the Internet or Routing areas...

A moment ago you said, the ops area "reviews basically every draft in
front of the IESG."

> Participants, especially those that actually do the work are the
> important part as far as I'm concerned.

I don't disagree. But producing flawed standards does nobody any good,
least of all the folks who poured their hearts and souls into making

> Rough consensus is an ugly an imperfect business, it
> should be recognized that not everyone is going to come
> away from every exchange with what they want.

Which if you were talking about a rough consensus of operations folk
addressing operations issues would be just fine. This is basically
what happens at the address registries like ARIN and it more or less
works. That's broken in the IETF. The ops folks aren't there for the
consensus checks. As a consequence, ops issues are being decided not
with -rough- consensus but with -false- consensus.

False consensus falls apart when you try to bring the excluded folks
back to the party, as you must in the operators' case with any
standard the IETF produces.

>> You disagree? What are your thoughts on fixing the problem?
> I'm not sure that we agree on the dimensions of the problem.
> on the question of ipv6 is broken:
> * You're going to have to cope with what you have and can squeeze out of 
> vendors in the near term. implmentors don't change that fast.
> * People have to show up with the problem statement and stick around to do 
> the work
> * the outcomes are not always pretty.

V6 poses some difficult challenges and you're right that in the short
term we're basically stuck with what is and have to make the best of
it. But V6 isn't my focus in this thread. The ops are sufficiently
irate at this point that they'll keep pounding on the WG's and the
vendors until fixes happen.

My focus in this thread is this: how do we help the next teams avoid
the discourtesy and the smackdown that the v6 teams are getting for
not adequately recognizing the ops' issues. These guys should have
been heroes but instead they screwed the pooch and everybody's paying
for it. How do we fix the systemic problems so that next time they are

Bill H

Re: Anybody can participate in the IETF (Was: Why is IPv6 broken?)

2011-07-11 Thread William Herrin
On Mon, Jul 11, 2011 at 3:35 PM, Leo Bicknell  wrote:
> If the IETF really wanted to get useful operator impact, they would
> slightly modify their process.  On the front end there would be a
> more clear way for operational types to add to the To-Do list "stuff
> we really need to make the Internet work better".

Hi Leo,

That's an interesting idea, but how does it work?

As it stands, I can join a working group mailing list and submit an
I-D any time I feel like it. There is almost zero barrier to entry.
And I can take it to any step short of the final publication track
through the simple expedient of working on it myself.

How does the to-do list differ from this? Does it provide some kind of
push counter to the folks who hum against publication? How's it work?

> Then, some sausage
> would be made largely without operator involvement (but hey, if you
> want to participate no exclusions), and then when developmen is
> about 80-90% done there would be an "operational testing and comment
> period".

That's another interesting idea. Would you mind gaming it out for me?
Use RFC 3484. You have I-D-v6-address-selection 90% ready for
publication as RFC 3484. Now what?

In their prescience, the operator feedback is going to be "with
multiple addresses on a server representing various Internet paths
with various reliabilities, we need a way to communicate to the client
which addresses to prefer based on our expert knowledge of the
reliability of our local network." What elicits that feedback? What do
the authors of I-D-v6-address-selection do with the feedback prior to

Bill Herrin

William D. Herrin
3005 Crane Dr. .. Web: 
Falls Church, VA 22042-3004

Re: Anybody can participate in the IETF (Was: Why is IPv6 broken?)

2011-07-11 Thread Jeff Wheeler
On Mon, Jul 11, 2011 at 5:12 PM, Owen DeLong  wrote:
> No... I like SLAAC and find it useful in a number of places. What's wrong
> with /64? Yes, we need better DOS protection in switches and routers

See my slides for
why no vendor's implementation is effective "DOS protection" today and
how much complexity is involved in doing it correctly, which requires
not only knobs on routers, but also on layer-2 access switches, which
is not easy to implement.  It's a whole lot smarter to just configure
a smaller network when that is practical.  In fact, that advice should
be "the standard."

I really don't understand why we need SLAAC.  I believe it is a relic
of a mindset when a DHCP client might have been hard to implement
cost-effectively in a really light-weight client device (coffee pot?
wrist-watch?)  Or when running a DHCP server was some big undertaking
that couldn't be made not only obvious, but transparent, to SOHO users
buying any $99 CPE.

I do understand why SLAAC needs /64.  Okay, so configure /64 on those
networks where SLAAC is utilized.  Otherwise, do something else.
Pretty simple!  Again, please see my slides.

> to accommodate some of the realities of those decisions, but, that's not
> to say that SLAAC or /64s are bad. They're fine ideas with proper
> protections.

The proper protections are kinda hard to do if you have relatively
dumb layer-2 access switches.  It is a lot harder than RA Guard, and
we aren't ever likely to see that feature on a large base of installed
"legacy" switches, like Cisco 2950.  Replacing those will be
expensive.  We can't replace them yet anyway because similar switches
(price) today still do not have RA Guard, let alone any knobs to
defend against neighbor table churn, etc.  I'm not sure if they ever
will have the later.

> I'm not sure about the /80 reference as I haven't encountered that
> recommendation outside of some perverse ideas about point-to-point
> links.

This is because you didn't follow IPv6 progress until somewhat
recently, and you are not aware that the original suggestion for
prefix length was 80 bits, leaving just 48 bits for the host portion
of the address.  This was later revised.  It helps to know a bit of
the history that got us to where we are now.

It was originally hoped, by some, that we may not even need NDP
because the layer-2 adjacency would always be encoded in the end of
the layer-3 address.  Some people still think vendors may get us to
that point with configuration knobs.

Jeff S Wheeler 
Sr Network Operator  /  Innovative Network Concepts

Re: Anybody can participate in the IETF (Was: Why is IPv6 broken?)

2011-07-11 Thread Franck Martin
Once upon a time, there was only the IETF, then NOGs came and standards
became sloppy

Re: Anybody can participate in the IETF (Was: Why is IPv6 broken?)

2011-07-11 Thread Owen DeLong
>> You disagree? What are your thoughts on fixing the problem?
> I'm not sure that we agree on the dimensions of the problem.
> on the question of ipv6 is broken:
> * You're going to have to cope with what you have and can squeeze out of 
> vendors in the near term. implmentors don't change that fast.
> * People have to show up with the problem statement and stick around to do 
> the work
> * the outcomes are not always pretty.

I don't think that has anything to do with the problem Bill is trying to 

While it is the topic that started this thread, the problem that I think Bill 
is trying to address
and which I agree needs to be addressed is that IETF standards are developed 
with what
has become increasingly obvious as insufficient operator input.

Yes, operators are partially to blame in that decisions are made by those that 
show up
and operators have a hard time showing up to the IETF process for a variety of 
that are mostly related to the realities of running day to day operations and 
not realy
something the IETF can easily address.

However, part of the problem also relates to ways in which the IETF is 
difficult for operators to credibly participate. (the amount of ego and 
religion in some
of the working groups, the need for a thick skin if you want to make a statement
that goes counter to the current dogma, the time-consuming nature of meaningful
participation, etc.).

I don't pretend to have answers to all of these problems, but, I think there 
first needs
to be recognition and consensus that the lack of operator input into the IETF
is becoming increasingly problematic and is impacting the ability to deploy what
is developed by the IETF.


Re: Anybody can participate in the IETF (Was: Why is IPv6 broken?)

2011-07-11 Thread William Herrin
On Mon, Jul 11, 2011 at 3:41 PM, Jeff Wheeler  wrote:
> On Mon, Jul 11, 2011 at 3:18 PM, William Herrin  wrote:
>> On the other hand, calling out ops issues in RFCs is a modest reform
>> that at worst shouldn't hurt anything. That beats my next best idea:
> I think if this were done, some guy like me would spend endless hours
> arguing with others about what should and should not be documented in
> this proposed section, without it actually benefiting the process or
> the improving the underlying protocol function / specification.  Let
> me give you an example:
> BGP Messages, which are up to 4KB, need to be expanded to support
> future features like as-path signing.  Randy Bush proposes to extend
> them to 65,535 octets, the maximum size without significantly changing
> the message header.  This raises a few concerns which I label as
> operational, for example, off-by-one bugs in code can fail to be
> detected by a neighboring BGP speaker in some circumstances, because
> an age-old (since BGP 1) idiot check in the protocol is being silently
> removed.
> If you ask me, that is operational and belongs in such a section.

Hi Jeff,

Thanks for your thoughtful response. Question: It seems to me like
figuring out what is or isn't a security issue to be called out has
exactly the same pitfalls. How do you deal with it?

> Besides, you want "IETF people" who are claimed not to understand
> operational problems to figure them out and document them in the RFCs?
>  I do not think this will be helpful.  More hands-on operators
> participating in their process is what is needed.

You're an "IETF person" trying to figure out what is or isn't an
operations issue so that you can call it out. How might you go about
figuring that out?

Personally, I might ask a few ops: "Lend me your ear for three minutes
to tell you about what I'm working on. Now that that I've given you
the pitch, is this something you'd like to control in a configuration
or is it something you want to -just work-?" "Control" = operations
issue. "Just work" = not an operations issue.


William D. Herrin
3005 Crane Dr. .. Web: 
Falls Church, VA 22042-3004

Re: Anybody can participate in the IETF (Was: Why is IPv6 broken?)

2011-07-11 Thread Owen DeLong

On Jul 11, 2011, at 12:57 PM, Jeff Wheeler wrote:

> On Mon, Jul 11, 2011 at 3:35 PM, Leo Bicknell  wrote:
>> The IETF does not want operators in many steps of the process.  If
>> you try to bring up operational concerns in early protocol development
>> for example you'll often get a "we'll look at that later" response,
>> which in many cases is right.  Sometimes you just have to play with
>> something before you worry about the operational details.  It also
> I really don't understand why that is right / good.  People get
> personally invested in their project / spec, and not only that, vendor
> people get their company's time and money invested in
> proof-of-concept.  The longer something goes on with what may be
> serious design flaws, the harder it is to get them fixed, simply
> because of momentum.
> Wouldn't it be nice if we could change the way that next-header works
> in IPv6 now?  Or get rid of SLAAC and erase the RFCs recommending /80
> and /64 from history?

No... I like SLAAC and find it useful in a number of places. What's wrong
with /64? Yes, we need better DOS protection in switches and routers
to accommodate some of the realities of those decisions, but, that's not
to say that SLAAC or /64s are bad. They're fine ideas with proper

I'm not sure about the /80 reference as I haven't encountered that
recommendation outside of some perverse ideas about point-to-point


Re: Anybody can participate in the IETF (Was: Why is IPv6 broken?)

2011-07-11 Thread Joel Jaeggli

On Jul 11, 2011, at 12:18 PM, William Herrin wrote:

> On Mon, Jul 11, 2011 at 11:20 AM, Joel Jaeggli  wrote:
>> On Jul 11, 2011, at 8:13 AM, William Herrin wrote:
>>> Today's RFC candidates are required to call out IANA considerations
>>> and security considerations in special sections. They do so because
>>> each of these areas has landmines that the majority of working groups
>>> are ill equipped to consider on their own.
>>> There should be an operations callout as well -- a section where
>>> proposed operations defaults (as well as statics for which a solid
>>> case can be made for an operations tunable) are extracted from the
>>> thick of it and offered for operator scrutiny prior to publication of
>>> the RFC.
>>> Do you find this adjustment objectionable?
>> Do I think that adding yet another required section to an
>> internet draft is going to increase it's quality?
>> No I do not.
> Joel,
> You may be right. Calling out IANA considerations doesn't seem to have
> made the IETF any smarter on the shared ISP IPv4 space. And I have no
> idea if calling out security implications has helped reduce
> security-related design flaws.
> On the other hand, calling out ops issues in RFCs is a modest reform
> that at worst shouldn't hurt anything.

To my mind, one of the really good criterion for an operational considerations 
document is some actual experience running it.

> That beats my next best idea:
> asking the ops area to schedule its meetings with the various NOG
> meetings instead of with the rest of the IETF so that the attendance
> is ops who dabble in development instead of developers who dabble in
> ops.

The OPS area works on OPS and Management. Protocol development of the sort 
you're describing generally occurs in working-groups chartered in the Internet 
or Routing areas... 

At least one of the ops chairs are on this list attends nanog regularly etc. 
Participants, especially those that actually do the work are the important part 
as far as I'm concerned. Rough consensus is an ugly an imperfect business, it 
should be recognized that not everyone is going to come away from every 
exchange with what they want.

> You disagree? What are your thoughts on fixing the problem?

I'm not sure that we agree on the dimensions of the problem.

on the question of ipv6 is broken:

* You're going to have to cope with what you have and can squeeze out of 
vendors in the near term. implmentors don't change that fast.
* People have to show up with the problem statement and stick around to do the 
* the outcomes are not always pretty.

I hope that my time is productively employed.

> Regards,
> Bill Herrin
> -- 
> William D. Herrin
> 3005 Crane Dr. .. Web: 
> Falls Church, VA 22042-3004

Re: Anybody can participate in the IETF (Was: Why is IPv6 broken?)

2011-07-11 Thread Jeff Wheeler
On Mon, Jul 11, 2011 at 3:35 PM, Leo Bicknell  wrote:
> The IETF does not want operators in many steps of the process.  If
> you try to bring up operational concerns in early protocol development
> for example you'll often get a "we'll look at that later" response,
> which in many cases is right.  Sometimes you just have to play with
> something before you worry about the operational details.  It also

I really don't understand why that is right / good.  People get
personally invested in their project / spec, and not only that, vendor
people get their company's time and money invested in
proof-of-concept.  The longer something goes on with what may be
serious design flaws, the harder it is to get them fixed, simply
because of momentum.

Wouldn't it be nice if we could change the way that next-header works
in IPv6 now?  Or get rid of SLAAC and erase the RFCs recommending /80
and /64 from history?

Jeff S Wheeler 
Sr Network Operator  /  Innovative Network Concepts

Re: Anybody can participate in the IETF (Was: Why is IPv6 broken?)

2011-07-11 Thread Jeff Wheeler
On Mon, Jul 11, 2011 at 3:18 PM, William Herrin  wrote:
> On the other hand, calling out ops issues in RFCs is a modest reform
> that at worst shouldn't hurt anything. That beats my next best idea:

I think if this were done, some guy like me would spend endless hours
arguing with others about what should and should not be documented in
this proposed section, without it actually benefiting the process or
the improving the underlying protocol function / specification.  Let
me give you an example:

BGP Messages, which are up to 4KB, need to be expanded to support
future features like as-path signing.  Randy Bush proposes to extend
them to 65,535 octets, the maximum size without significantly changing
the message header.  This raises a few concerns which I label as
operational, for example, off-by-one bugs in code can fail to be
detected by a neighboring BGP speaker in some circumstances, because
an age-old (since BGP 1) idiot check in the protocol is being silently

If you ask me, that is operational and belongs in such a section.  I'm
sure others will disagree.  So we would have a bunch of arguing over
whether or not to call this out specifically.

Another person believes that expanding the message will affect some
vendors' custom TCP stacks, due to window size considerations.  I
might think that is a developer problem and the affected vendors
should fix their crappy TCP implementations, but it might produce
unusual stalling problems, etc. which operators have to troubleshoot.
Is that an operational issue?  Should it be documented?

There can be many "operational concerns" when creating or modifying a
protocol specification, and every person won't agree on what belongs
and what doesn't.  However, I do not think the requirement to document
them will improve the process or the protocols.  It will only add

Besides, you want "IETF people" who are claimed not to understand
operational problems to figure them out and document them in the RFCs?
 I do not think this will be helpful.  More hands-on operators
participating in their process is what is needed.

Jeff S Wheeler 
Sr Network Operator  /  Innovative Network Concepts

Re: Anybody can participate in the IETF (Was: Why is IPv6 broken?)

2011-07-11 Thread Leo Bicknell
In a message written on Sun, Jul 10, 2011 at 06:16:09PM +0200, Jeroen Massar 
> Eh ANYBODY, including you, can sign up to the IETF mailing lists and
> participate there, just like a couple of folks from NANOG are already doing.

The way the IETF and the operator community interact is badly broken.

The IETF does not want operators in many steps of the process.  If
you try to bring up operational concerns in early protocol development
for example you'll often get a "we'll look at that later" response,
which in many cases is right.  Sometimes you just have to play with
something before you worry about the operational details.  It also
does not help that many operational types are not hardcore programmers,
and can't play in the sandbox during the major development cycles.

But this shuts out operators and discourages them from participating
when they are needed, which is at the idea phase and towards the
end of development.

If the IETF really wanted to get useful operator impact, they would
slightly modify their process.  On the front end there would be a
more clear way for operational types to add to the To-Do list "stuff
we really need to make the Internet work better".  Then, some sausage
would be made largely without operator involvement (but hey, if you
want to participate no exclusions), and then when developmen is
about 80-90% done there would be an "operational testing and comment
period".  Operators would be actively brought back in the process
to test some small scale deployments and provide feedback of
operational concerns that might lead to some tweaks, and then boom,
out the door it goes.

I suspect this would both increase operator participation by a few
orders of magnitude, and also keep the operators from annoying the
developers so much when they are in "trying things out" mode.

   Leo Bicknell - - CCIE 3440
PGP keys at

Description: PGP signature

Re: Anybody can participate in the IETF (Was: Why is IPv6 broken?)

2011-07-11 Thread William Herrin
On Mon, Jul 11, 2011 at 11:20 AM, Joel Jaeggli  wrote:
> On Jul 11, 2011, at 8:13 AM, William Herrin wrote:
>> Today's RFC candidates are required to call out IANA considerations
>> and security considerations in special sections. They do so because
>> each of these areas has landmines that the majority of working groups
>> are ill equipped to consider on their own.
>> There should be an operations callout as well -- a section where
>> proposed operations defaults (as well as statics for which a solid
>> case can be made for an operations tunable) are extracted from the
>> thick of it and offered for operator scrutiny prior to publication of
>> the RFC.
>> Do you find this adjustment objectionable?
> Do I think that adding yet another required section to an
> internet draft is going to increase it's quality?
> No I do not.


You may be right. Calling out IANA considerations doesn't seem to have
made the IETF any smarter on the shared ISP IPv4 space. And I have no
idea if calling out security implications has helped reduce
security-related design flaws.

On the other hand, calling out ops issues in RFCs is a modest reform
that at worst shouldn't hurt anything. That beats my next best idea:
asking the ops area to schedule its meetings with the various NOG
meetings instead of with the rest of the IETF so that the attendance
is ops who dabble in development instead of developers who dabble in

You disagree? What are your thoughts on fixing the problem?

Bill Herrin

William D. Herrin
3005 Crane Dr. .. Web: 
Falls Church, VA 22042-3004

Re: Anybody can participate in the IETF (Was: Why is IPv6 broken?)

2011-07-11 Thread William Allen Simpson

On 7/10/11 6:29 PM, Randy Bush wrote:

The IETF is run by volunteers. They volunteer because they find
designing protocols to be fun. For the most part, operators are not
entertained by designing network protocols. So, for the most part they
don't partiticpate.

Randy Bush, "Editorial zone: Into the Future with the Internet Vendor
Task Force: a very curmudgeonly view, or testing spaghetti," ACM SIGCOMM
Computer Communication Review Volume 35 Issue 5, October 2005.

I agree with Randy.  Well, that's no surprise, I usually agree with
Randy.  But I didn't know/remember that he'd managed to get his rant
published!  Good work

But the problem has been pretty apparent since circa 1991.  I remember
calls for an Internet Operator's Task Force (IOTF) to parallel IETF
sometime in '92 or '93.

Folks have asked me from time to time why I stopped participating in the
IETF a decade or so ago.  My usual tongue-in-cheek reply is, "it's more
important to use the protocols we already have before we build more."
(CF. nukes.)

IPv6 was certainly a part of it (as was security).  As I remind folks
from time to time, I'm the guy that originally registered v6 with IANA.
But PIPE->SIP->SIPP was a much simpler, shorter, cleaner extension using
64-bit addresses.  My proposal used the upper 32-bits extending the then
16-bit BGP ASN, making addresses match topology, shrinking the routing

Although I *do* find designing protocols to be fun, these days I only
post Experimental drafts.  There are committees (dysfunctional "working
groups") where the chair cannot get his own drafts through the process
in under 4 years.  It took about 7 years to publish the group
negotiation extension to SSH, many years after it was shipping.

It's no wonder that operators don't want to participate.

Re: Anybody can participate in the IETF (Was: Why is IPv6 broken?)

2011-07-11 Thread Darrel Lewis
> \
> I have found my input on the LISP list completely ignored because, as
> you suggest, my concerns are real-world and don't have any impact on
> someone's pet project.  LISP as it stands today can never work on the
> Internet, and regardless of the fine reputations of the people at
> Cisco and other organizations who are working on it, they are either
> furthering it only because they would rather work on a pet project
> than something useful to customers, or because they truly cannot
> understand its deep, insurmountable design flaws at Internet-scale.
> You would generally hope that someone saying, "LISP can't work at
> Internet-scale because anyone will be able to trivially DoS any LISP
> ITR ('router' for simplicity), but here is a way you can improve it,"
> well, that remark, input, and person should be taken quite seriously,
> their input examined, and other assumptions about the way LISP is
> supposed to work ought to be questioned.  None of this has happened.

Jeff I've spend many hours working through the issues you brought up (indeed 
cache management, population, and security are three of my focus areas in LISP, 
and something we considered when we started this), have been socializing them 
with the LISP team, and can personally say that I take your comments very 
seriously.  Or testing group in house as well as on the LISP beta network have 
been working through these issues.  Also, we've had an email thread going on 
about this for, by my count, 3-4 replies back and forth.

While I appreciate your opinions above, I have to say that I disagree with 
them, and also with the conclusions you draw.


P.S. oh and Randy Bush is pretty damn smart. :-)

Re: Anybody can participate in the IETF (Was: Why is IPv6 broken?)

2011-07-11 Thread William Herrin
On Mon, Jul 11, 2011 at 11:20 AM, Joel Jaeggli  wrote:
> On Jul 11, 2011, at 8:13 AM, William Herrin wrote:
>> Today's RFC candidates are required to call out IANA considerations
>> and security considerations in special sections. They do so because
>> each of these areas has landmines that the majority of working groups
>> are ill equipped to consider on their own.
>> There should be an operations callout as well -- a section where
>> proposed operations defaults (as well as statics for which a solid
>> case can be made for an operations tunable) are extracted from the
>> thick of it and offered for operator scrutiny prior to publication of
>> the RFC.
>> Do you find this adjustment objectionable? Do you have other fresh
>> ideas to float? Something better than the tired refrain about
>> operators not showing up?
> The operations area has a directorate. It reviews basically every draft in 
> front of the IESG.
> I'm on it.
> Am I not an operator?

Well, you work at Zynga, a company which makes facebook games. Before
that you worked at Nokia, company which makes phones but doesn't run
phone networks. Before that it was Check Point Software, a company
which makes firewalls but doesn't run networks. And before that it was
the University of Oregon.

Do you believe any of those roles offered you the perspective you'd
gain working for an ISP, telco or MSO?

Are you not an operator? Sure, why not. It's a big tent. Are you well
qualified to represent operator interests before the IETF? You really
haven't been speaking to the issues I had to deal with when I led an
ISP and you've expressed little respect for the validity of issues I
face now. But you do show up.

Bill Herrin

William D. Herrin
3005 Crane Dr. .. Web: 
Falls Church, VA 22042-3004

Re: Anybody can participate in the IETF (Was: Why is IPv6 broken?)

2011-07-11 Thread Joel Jaeggli

On Jul 11, 2011, at 8:13 AM, William Herrin wrote:

> Today's RFC candidates are required to call out IANA considerations
> and security considerations in special sections. They do so because
> each of these areas has landmines that the majority of working groups
> are ill equipped to consider on their own.
> There should be an operations callout as well -- a section where
> proposed operations defaults (as well as statics for which a solid
> case can be made for an operations tunable) are extracted from the
> thick of it and offered for operator scrutiny prior to publication of
> the RFC.
> Do you find this adjustment objectionable? Do you have other fresh
> ideas to float? Something better than the tired refrain about
> operators not showing up?

The operations area has a directorate. It reviews basically every draft in 
front of the IESG.

I'm on it.

Am I not an operator?

Do I think that adding yet another required section to an internet draft is 
going to increase it's quality? 

No I do not.

> 'Cause I have to tell you: Several years ago I picked a working group
> and I showed up. And I faced and lost the argument against the
> persistent certainty on the workability of ridiculous deployment
> scenarios by folks who never managed any system larger than a software
> development lab. And I stopped participating in the group about a year
> ago as the core of participants who hadn't given up wandered off into
> la la land.

> Regards,
> Bill Herrin
> -- 
> William D. Herrin
> 3005 Crane Dr. .. Web: 
> Falls Church, VA 22042-3004

Re: Anybody can participate in the IETF (Was: Why is IPv6 broken?)

2011-07-11 Thread William Herrin
On Mon, Jul 11, 2011 at 3:08 AM, Joel Jaeggli  wrote:
> On Jul 10, 2011, at 11:57 PM, William Herrin wrote:
>> A more optimal answer would have been to make  records more like
>> MX or SRV records -- with explicit priorities the clients are
>> encouraged to follow. I wasn't there but I'd be willing to bet there
>> was a lonely voice in the room saying, hey, this should be controlled
>> by the sysadmin. A lonely voice that got shouted down.
> Give me a break... multiple implementations have chosen to tweak the 
> algorithm independently and at various times.
> It's just an rfc, not the gospel according to richard draves.
> "
>   Acknowledgments
>   The author would like to acknowledge the contributions of the IPng
>   Working Group, particularly Marc Blanchet, Brian Carpenter, Matt
>   Crawford, Alain Durand, Steve Deering, Robert Elz, Jun-ichiro itojun
>   Hagino, Tony Hain, M.T. Hollinger, JINMEI Tatuya, Thomas Narten, Erik
>   Nordmark, Ken Powell, Markku Savela, Pekka Savola, Hesham Soliman,
>   Dave Thaler, Mauro Tortonesi, Ole Troan, and Stig Venaas.  In
>   addition, the anonymous IESG reviewers had many great comments and
>   suggestions for clarification.
> "


I am giving you a break. Instead of calling this list of folks to the
carpet over a failure of imagination that by the time we've
ubiquitously deployed IPv6 will have been the root cause of billions
if not tens of billions of dollars in needless industry expense, I'm
trying to move the discussion past the errors and focus on ways to
help the next team of smart, selfless and dedicated individuals avoid
sullying their results with a similar mistake.

Denial keeps the discussion focused on the errors. You don't want that
and neither do I.

 Today's RFC candidates are required to call out IANA considerations
 and security considerations in special sections. They do so because
 each of these areas has landmines that the majority of working groups
 are ill equipped to consider on their own.

 There should be an operations callout as well -- a section where
 proposed operations defaults (as well as statics for which a solid
 case can be made for an operations tunable) are extracted from the
 thick of it and offered for operator scrutiny prior to publication of
 the RFC.

Do you find this adjustment objectionable? Do you have other fresh
ideas to float? Something better than the tired refrain about
operators not showing up?

'Cause I have to tell you: Several years ago I picked a working group
and I showed up. And I faced and lost the argument against the
persistent certainty on the workability of ridiculous deployment
scenarios by folks who never managed any system larger than a software
development lab. And I stopped participating in the group about a year
ago as the core of participants who hadn't given up wandered off into
la la land.

Bill Herrin

William D. Herrin
3005 Crane Dr. .. Web: 
Falls Church, VA 22042-3004

Re: Anybody can participate in the IETF (Was: Why is IPv6 broken?)

2011-07-11 Thread Owen DeLong

Sent from my iPad

On Jul 11, 2011, at 2:57, William Herrin  wrote:

> On Sun, Jul 10, 2011 at 4:22 PM, Owen DeLong  wrote:
>> On Jul 10, 2011, at 12:23 PM, William Herrin wrote:
>>> Consider, for example, RFC 3484. That's the one that determines how an
>>> IPv6 capable host selects which of a group of candidate IPv4 and IPv6
>>> addresses for a particular host name gets priority. How is a server's
>>> address priority NOT an issue that should be managed at an operations
>>> level by individual server administrators? Yet the working group which
>>> produced it came up with a static prioritization that is the root
>>> cause of a significant portion of the IPv6 deployment headaches we
>>> face.
>> 3484 specifies a static default. By definition, defaults in absence of
>> operator configuration kind of have to be static. Having a reasonable
>> and expected set of defaults documented in an RFC provides a known
>> quantity for what operators can/should expect from hosts they have
>> not configured. I see nothing wrong with RFC 3484 other than I would
>> agree that the choices made were suboptimal. Mostly that was based
>> on optimism and a lack of experience available at the time of writing.
> Hi Owen,
> A more optimal answer would have been to make  records more like
> MX or SRV records -- with explicit priorities the clients are
> encouraged to follow. I wasn't there but I'd be willing to bet there
> was a lonely voice in the room saying, hey, this should be controlled
> by the sysadmin. A lonely voice that got shouted down.

Uh, right, because the average system administrator wants the remote host
telling his systems which address to prefer? Besides, that would have been
DESTINATION address selection, not source address selection which isn't
what we're talking about.

I wasn't there either, but, it _IS_ controlled by the sysadmin. There are 
in case the sysadmin is asleep at the switch (RFC 3484) and there are handles
and knobs for the sysadmin to tune if he wants (the other RFC that I referred 

>>> Today's RFC candidates are required to call out IANA considerations
>>> and security considerations in special sections. They do so because
>>> each of these areas has landmines that the majority of working groups
>>> are ill equipped to consider on their own.
>>> There should be an operations callout as well -- a section where
>>> proposed operations defaults (as well as statics for which a solid
>>> case can be made for an operations tunable) are extracted from the
>>> thick of it and offered for operator scrutiny prior to publication of
>>> the RFC.
>> I think this would be a good idea, actually. It would probably be more
>> effective to propose it to IETF than to NANOG, however.
> If the complaint is that the IETF doesn't adequately listen to the
> operations folk, then I think it makes sense to consult the operations
> folks early and often on potential fixes. If folks here think it would
> help, -that- is when I'll it to the IETF.

I think it would help. Hopefully others will express similar sentiment.


Re: Why is IPv6 broken?

2011-07-11 Thread Tom Hill
On Mon, 2011-07-11 at 04:50 -0400, Jeff Wheeler wrote:
> > "Can we have IPv6 transit?"
> > "Yes, please turn up a session to.."
> >
> > That was asking Cogent for IPv6 dual-stack on our existing IPv4
> > transit.
> I continue to hear different.  In my first-hand experience just about
> three weeks ago, I was told by Cogent that I need to execute a new
> contract to get IPv6 added to an existing IPv4 circuit (U.S.
> customer.)  This turned a simple pilot project with only a few I.T.
> folks involved into, well, I'm still waiting on this new contract to
> be executed.  I'm not surprised.

In fairness, we have a small commit. 

If you're talking multi-gigabit+, then perhaps they could be a little
more concerned about the amount of IPv6 traffic that you might start
pushing, leading to delay tactics and/or a required contract change to
protect themselves.

(Not that it's likely much to be concerned about. But then, I don't know
who your customer is. ;))

Or the more likely reality that one hand doesn't talk to the other and
everyone's getting varying answers/actions from Cogent, depending on
whom they speak with.


Re: Anybody can participate in the IETF (Was: Why is IPv6 broken?)

2011-07-11 Thread Mikael Abrahamsson

On Mon, 11 Jul 2011, William Herrin wrote:

If the complaint is that the IETF doesn't adequately listen to the 
operations folk, then I think it makes sense to consult the operations 
folks early and often on potential fixes. If folks here think it would 
help, -that- is when I'll it to the IETF.

I started participating in the IETF 1-2 years ago. Coming from Fidonet 
background, the threshold of entry felt very low, as long as you make any 
kind of sense, people will discuss with you there and it doesn't matter 
who you are. You don't even have to go to the meetings (I've only been to 
a single one).

I encourage everybody to participate, at least to subscribe to the WG 
mailing lists and keep a look out for the draft announcements and give 
feedback to those.

If we in the ISP business don't do this, the show will be run by the 
vendors and academics (as is the case right now). They're saying "come to 
us", you're saying "come to us", and as long as both do this the rate of 
communication is going to be limited. What is needed is more people with 
operational backgrounds. For instance, I pitched the idea that ended up as 
a draft, dunno what will come of it:

This has purely operational background and the puritans didn't like it 
(they didn't even understand why one would want to do it like that), but 
after a while I feel I received some traction and it might actually end up 
as a protocol enhancement that will help some ISPs in their daily work. 
Even something like your IGP isn't "done", and can be enhanced even if it 
takes time.

Mikael Abrahamssonemail:

Re: Why is IPv6 broken?

2011-07-11 Thread Jeff Wheeler
On Mon, Jul 11, 2011 at 3:25 AM, Tom Hill  wrote:
> On Sun, 2011-07-10 at 10:14 -0400, Jeff Wheeler wrote:
>> Cogent's policy of requiring a new contract, and from what I am still
>> being told by some European customers, new money, from customers in
>> exchange for provisioning IPv6 on existing circuits, means a simple
>> technical project gets caught up in the complexities of budgeting and
>> contract execution.
> "Can we have IPv6 transit?"
> "Yes, please turn up a session to.."
> That was asking Cogent for IPv6 dual-stack on our existing IPv4
> transit.

I continue to hear different.  In my first-hand experience just about
three weeks ago, I was told by Cogent that I need to execute a new
contract to get IPv6 added to an existing IPv4 circuit (U.S.
customer.)  This turned a simple pilot project with only a few I.T.
folks involved into, well, I'm still waiting on this new contract to
be executed.  I'm not surprised.

Jeff S Wheeler 
Sr Network Operator  /  Innovative Network Concepts

Re: Why is IPv6 broken?

2011-07-11 Thread Nick Hilliard
On 11/07/2011 08:25, Tom Hill wrote:
> I'm not saying it's any good, but it certainly didn't cost extra.

Several people mentioned this to Jeff on IRC a short time ago, so it's not
clear why he chose to suggest that ipv6 users in Europe were being fleeced
by Cogent for a set-up fee.  Perhaps it has happened, but it appears not to
be their policy.

Of course, if you actually want a full ipv6 table, you will need to go


Re: Why is IPv6 broken?

2011-07-11 Thread Tom Hill
On Sun, 2011-07-10 at 10:14 -0400, Jeff Wheeler wrote:
> Cogent's policy of requiring a new contract, and from what I am still
> being told by some European customers, new money, from customers in
> exchange for provisioning IPv6 on existing circuits, means a simple
> technical project gets caught up in the complexities of budgeting and
> contract execution.

"Can we have IPv6 transit?"
"Yes, please turn up a session to.."

That was asking Cogent for IPv6 dual-stack on our existing IPv4

I'm not saying it's any good, but it certainly didn't cost extra.


Re: Anybody can participate in the IETF (Was: Why is IPv6 broken?)

2011-07-11 Thread Joel Jaeggli

On Jul 10, 2011, at 11:57 PM, William Herrin wrote:

> On Sun, Jul 10, 2011 at 4:22 PM, Owen DeLong  wrote:
>> On Jul 10, 2011, at 12:23 PM, William Herrin wrote:
>>> Consider, for example, RFC 3484. That's the one that determines how an
>>> IPv6 capable host selects which of a group of candidate IPv4 and IPv6
>>> addresses for a particular host name gets priority. How is a server's
>>> address priority NOT an issue that should be managed at an operations
>>> level by individual server administrators? Yet the working group which
>>> produced it came up with a static prioritization that is the root
>>> cause of a significant portion of the IPv6 deployment headaches we
>>> face.
>> 3484 specifies a static default. By definition, defaults in absence of
>> operator configuration kind of have to be static. Having a reasonable
>> and expected set of defaults documented in an RFC provides a known
>> quantity for what operators can/should expect from hosts they have
>> not configured. I see nothing wrong with RFC 3484 other than I would
>> agree that the choices made were suboptimal. Mostly that was based
>> on optimism and a lack of experience available at the time of writing.
> Hi Owen,
> A more optimal answer would have been to make  records more like
> MX or SRV records -- with explicit priorities the clients are
> encouraged to follow. I wasn't there but I'd be willing to bet there
> was a lonely voice in the room saying, hey, this should be controlled
> by the sysadmin. A lonely voice that got shouted down.

Give me a break... multiple implementations have chosen to tweak the algorithm 
independently and at various times.

It's just an rfc, not the gospel according to richard draves.


   The author would like to acknowledge the contributions of the IPng
   Working Group, particularly Marc Blanchet, Brian Carpenter, Matt
   Crawford, Alain Durand, Steve Deering, Robert Elz, Jun-ichiro itojun
   Hagino, Tony Hain, M.T. Hollinger, JINMEI Tatuya, Thomas Narten, Erik
   Nordmark, Ken Powell, Markku Savela, Pekka Savola, Hesham Soliman,
   Dave Thaler, Mauro Tortonesi, Ole Troan, and Stig Venaas.  In
   addition, the anonymous IESG reviewers had many great comments and
   suggestions for clarification.

>>> Today's RFC candidates are required to call out IANA considerations
>>> and security considerations in special sections. They do so because
>>> each of these areas has landmines that the majority of working groups
>>> are ill equipped to consider on their own.
>>> There should be an operations callout as well -- a section where
>>> proposed operations defaults (as well as statics for which a solid
>>> case can be made for an operations tunable) are extracted from the
>>> thick of it and offered for operator scrutiny prior to publication of
>>> the RFC.
>> I think this would be a good idea, actually. It would probably be more
>> effective to propose it to IETF than to NANOG, however.
> If the complaint is that the IETF doesn't adequately listen to the
> operations folk, then I think it makes sense to consult the operations
> folks early and often on potential fixes. If folks here think it would
> help, -that- is when I'll it to the IETF.
> Regards,
> Bill Herrin
> -- 
> William D. Herrin
> 3005 Crane Dr. .. Web: 
> Falls Church, VA 22042-3004

Re: Anybody can participate in the IETF (Was: Why is IPv6 broken?)

2011-07-10 Thread William Herrin
On Sun, Jul 10, 2011 at 4:22 PM, Owen DeLong  wrote:
> On Jul 10, 2011, at 12:23 PM, William Herrin wrote:
>> Consider, for example, RFC 3484. That's the one that determines how an
>> IPv6 capable host selects which of a group of candidate IPv4 and IPv6
>> addresses for a particular host name gets priority. How is a server's
>> address priority NOT an issue that should be managed at an operations
>> level by individual server administrators? Yet the working group which
>> produced it came up with a static prioritization that is the root
>> cause of a significant portion of the IPv6 deployment headaches we
>> face.
> 3484 specifies a static default. By definition, defaults in absence of
> operator configuration kind of have to be static. Having a reasonable
> and expected set of defaults documented in an RFC provides a known
> quantity for what operators can/should expect from hosts they have
> not configured. I see nothing wrong with RFC 3484 other than I would
> agree that the choices made were suboptimal. Mostly that was based
> on optimism and a lack of experience available at the time of writing.

Hi Owen,

A more optimal answer would have been to make  records more like
MX or SRV records -- with explicit priorities the clients are
encouraged to follow. I wasn't there but I'd be willing to bet there
was a lonely voice in the room saying, hey, this should be controlled
by the sysadmin. A lonely voice that got shouted down.

>> Today's RFC candidates are required to call out IANA considerations
>> and security considerations in special sections. They do so because
>> each of these areas has landmines that the majority of working groups
>> are ill equipped to consider on their own.
>> There should be an operations callout as well -- a section where
>> proposed operations defaults (as well as statics for which a solid
>> case can be made for an operations tunable) are extracted from the
>> thick of it and offered for operator scrutiny prior to publication of
>> the RFC.
> I think this would be a good idea, actually. It would probably be more
> effective to propose it to IETF than to NANOG, however.

If the complaint is that the IETF doesn't adequately listen to the
operations folk, then I think it makes sense to consult the operations
folks early and often on potential fixes. If folks here think it would
help, -that- is when I'll it to the IETF.

Bill Herrin

William D. Herrin
3005 Crane Dr. .. Web: 
Falls Church, VA 22042-3004

Re: Anybody can participate in the IETF (Was: Why is IPv6 broken?)

2011-07-10 Thread Randy Bush
> The IETF is run by volunteers. They volunteer because they find
> designing protocols to be fun. For the most part, operators are not
> entertained by designing network protocols. So, for the most part they
> don't partiticpate.

Randy Bush, "Editorial zone: Into the Future with the Internet Vendor
Task Force: a very curmudgeonly view, or testing spaghetti," ACM SIGCOMM
Computer Communication Review Volume 35 Issue 5, October 2005.

Re: Anybody can participate in the IETF (Was: Why is IPv6 broken?)

2011-07-10 Thread Jeff Wheeler
On Sun, Jul 10, 2011 at 3:45 PM, Owen DeLong  wrote:
> Number two: While anyone can participate, approaching IETF as an
> operator requires a rather thick skin, or, at least it did the last couple
> of times I attempted to participate. I've watched a few times where

I am subscribed to the IDR (BGP, etc.) and LISP lists.  These are
populated with different people and cover entirely different topics.
My opinion is the following:

* The IDR list is welcoming of operators, but whether or not your
opinion is listened to or included in the process, I do not know.
Randy Bush, alone, posts more on this list than the sum of all
operators who post in the time I've been reading.  I think Randy's
influence is 100% negative, and it concerns me deeply that one
individual has the potential to do so much damage to essential
protocols like BGP.  Also, the priorities of this list are pretty
fucked.  Inaction within this working group is the reason we still
don't have expanded BGP communities for 32 bit ASNs.  The reason for
this is operators aren't participating.  The people on the list or the
current participants of the WG should not be blamed.  My gripe about
Randy Bush having the potential to do huge damage would not exist if
there were enough people on the list who understand what they're doing
to offer counter-arguments.

> operators were shouted down by purists and religion over basic
> real-world operational concerns. It seems to be a relatively routine
> practice and does not lead to operators wanting to come back to
> an environment where they feel unwelcome.

I have found my input on the LISP list completely ignored because, as
you suggest, my concerns are real-world and don't have any impact on
someone's pet project.  LISP as it stands today can never work on the
Internet, and regardless of the fine reputations of the people at
Cisco and other organizations who are working on it, they are either
furthering it only because they would rather work on a pet project
than something useful to customers, or because they truly cannot
understand its deep, insurmountable design flaws at Internet-scale.
You would generally hope that someone saying, "LISP can't work at
Internet-scale because anyone will be able to trivially DoS any LISP
ITR ('router' for simplicity), but here is a way you can improve it,"
well, that remark, input, and person should be taken quite seriously,
their input examined, and other assumptions about the way LISP is
supposed to work ought to be questioned.  None of this has happened.
LISP is a pet project to get some people their Ph.D.s and keep some
old guard vendor folks from jumping ship to another company.  It is a
shame that the IETF is manipulated to legitimize that kind of thing.

Then again, I could be wrong.  Randy Bush could be a genius and LISP
could revolutionize mobility.

Jeff S Wheeler 
Sr Network Operator  /  Innovative Network Concepts

Re: Anybody can participate in the IETF (Was: Why is IPv6 broken?)

2011-07-10 Thread Owen DeLong

On Jul 10, 2011, at 12:23 PM, William Herrin wrote:

> On Sun, Jul 10, 2011 at 1:41 PM, David Miller  wrote:
>> On 7/10/2011 12:16 PM, Jeroen Massar wrote:
>>> You are on NANOG out of your own free will, the same applies to the
>>> IETF. If you don't participate here your voice is not heard either, just
>>> like at the IETF.
>> True, anyone can participate in the IETF processes.  However, if key players
>> do not participate, then something is broken.  I will take my lumps for not
>> participating.
>> My point was - "If fingers can be pointed at both sides, i.e. operators and
>> IETF, then both sides are to blame."
> Hi David,
> This is a process problem, not an individual problem.
> The IETF is run by volunteers. They volunteer because they find
> designing protocols to be fun. For the most part, operators are not
> entertained by designing network protocols. So, for the most part they
> don't partiticpate.
> This is not going to change. And it also isn't the problem -- people
> who enjoy the work tend to do better work.
> The problem is that the IETF routinely exceeds the scope of designing
> network protocols. Participants in the working groups take what are
> fundamentally operations issues unto themselves. They do so knowing
> they lack adequate participation by network operators. And the process
> that leads to RFCs offers inadequate checks and balances to mitigate
> that behavior.
> Consider, for example, RFC 3484. That's the one that determines how an
> IPv6 capable host selects which of a group of candidate IPv4 and IPv6
> addresses for a particular host name gets priority. How is a server's
> address priority NOT an issue that should be managed at an operations
> level by individual server administrators? Yet the working group which
> produced it came up with a static prioritization that is the root
> cause of a significant portion of the IPv6 deployment headaches we
> face.
3484 specifies a static default. By definition, defaults in absence of
operator configuration kind of have to be static. Having a reasonable
and expected set of defaults documented in an RFC provides a known
quantity for what operators can/should expect from hosts they have
not configured. I see nothing wrong with RFC 3484 other than I would
agree that the choices made were suboptimal. Mostly that was based
on optimism and a lack of experience available at the time of writing.

There is another RFC and there are APIs and most operating systems
have configuration mechanisms where an operator CAN set that to
something other than the 3484 defaults.

> I don't know the whole solution to this problem, but I'm pretty sure I
> know the first step.

I don't know what you had in mind, but, reading RFC 5014 would be my
suggestion as a good starting point.

> Today's RFC candidates are required to call out IANA considerations
> and security considerations in special sections. They do so because
> each of these areas has landmines that the majority of working groups
> are ill equipped to consider on their own.
> There should be an operations callout as well -- a section where
> proposed operations defaults (as well as statics for which a solid
> case can be made for an operations tunable) are extracted from the
> thick of it and offered for operator scrutiny prior to publication of
> the RFC.

I think this would be a good idea, actually. It would probably be more
effective to propose it to IETF than to NANOG, however.

Re: Anybody can participate in the IETF (Was: Why is IPv6 broken?)

2011-07-10 Thread Michael Thomas

On 07/10/2011 12:45 PM, Owen DeLong wrote:

While this is true, there are a couple of factors that make it more difficult
than it would appear on the surface.

Number one: Participating effectively in IETF is a rather time-consuming
process. While a lot of engineers and developers may have IETF effort
as a primary part of their job function and/or get their employer to let
them spend time on it, operators are often too busy keeping what they
already have running and it can be _VERY_ difficult to get management
to support the idea of investing time in things like IETF which are not
seen by management as having direct operational impact. NANOG
is about the limit of their vision on such things and even that is not
well supported in a lot of organizations.

Vendors make up the vast bulk of attendance at ietf. And vendors are
there for one reason: to make stuff that you'll be paying  for.  So you
pay for it at ietf time, or you pay for it at deployment time. Either way,
you'll be paying.

Number two: While anyone can participate, approaching IETF as an
operator requires a rather thick skin, or, at least it did the last couple
of times I attempted to participate. I've watched a few times where
operators were shouted down by purists and religion over basic
real-world operational concerns. It seems to be a relatively routine
practice and does not lead to operators wanting to come back to
an environment where they feel unwelcome.

If you're trying to imply that operators get singled out, that's
not been my experience. You definitely need to have a thick skin
given egos and there's definitely a large pool of professional
ietf finger waggers, but their holier than thou attitude is spread
to all in their path, from what I've seen. I won't speak for every
working group, but the ones i've been involved with have been
pretty receptive to operator input.


Re: Anybody can participate in the IETF (Was: Why is IPv6 broken?)

2011-07-10 Thread Owen DeLong

On Jul 10, 2011, at 9:16 AM, Jeroen Massar wrote:

> On 2011-07-10 17:56 , David Miller wrote:
> [..]
>> +1
>> The lack of will on the part of the IETF to attract input from and involve
>> operators in their processes (which I would posit is a critical element in
>> the process).
> Eh ANYBODY, including you, can sign up to the IETF mailing lists and
> participate there, just like a couple of folks from NANOG are already doing.
> You are on NANOG out of your own free will, the same applies to the
> IETF. If you don't participate here your voice is not heard either, just
> like at the IETF.
> Peeking at the member list, I don't see your name there.
> You can signup here:
> Greets,
> Jeroen

While this is true, there are a couple of factors that make it more difficult
than it would appear on the surface.

Number one: Participating effectively in IETF is a rather time-consuming
process. While a lot of engineers and developers may have IETF effort
as a primary part of their job function and/or get their employer to let
them spend time on it, operators are often too busy keeping what they
already have running and it can be _VERY_ difficult to get management
to support the idea of investing time in things like IETF which are not
seen by management as having direct operational impact. NANOG
is about the limit of their vision on such things and even that is not
well supported in a lot of organizations.

Number two: While anyone can participate, approaching IETF as an
operator requires a rather thick skin, or, at least it did the last couple
of times I attempted to participate. I've watched a few times where
operators were shouted down by purists and religion over basic
real-world operational concerns. It seems to be a relatively routine
practice and does not lead to operators wanting to come back to
an environment where they feel unwelcome.


Re: Why is IPv6 broken?

2011-07-10 Thread bmanning

so... how much of the heavy lifting are you personally willing to do and how 
much are you
depending/expecting others to do on your behalf?  

public whining that the v6 network does not mirror the v4 network is not 
productive and
is not news.

of course ymmv.


Re: Anybody can participate in the IETF (Was: Why is IPv6 broken?)

2011-07-10 Thread William Herrin
On Sun, Jul 10, 2011 at 1:41 PM, David Miller  wrote:
> On 7/10/2011 12:16 PM, Jeroen Massar wrote:
>> You are on NANOG out of your own free will, the same applies to the
>> IETF. If you don't participate here your voice is not heard either, just
>> like at the IETF.
> True, anyone can participate in the IETF processes.  However, if key players
> do not participate, then something is broken.  I will take my lumps for not
> participating.
> My point was - "If fingers can be pointed at both sides, i.e. operators and
> IETF, then both sides are to blame."

Hi David,

This is a process problem, not an individual problem.

The IETF is run by volunteers. They volunteer because they find
designing protocols to be fun. For the most part, operators are not
entertained by designing network protocols. So, for the most part they
don't partiticpate.

This is not going to change. And it also isn't the problem -- people
who enjoy the work tend to do better work.

The problem is that the IETF routinely exceeds the scope of designing
network protocols. Participants in the working groups take what are
fundamentally operations issues unto themselves. They do so knowing
they lack adequate participation by network operators. And the process
that leads to RFCs offers inadequate checks and balances to mitigate
that behavior.

Consider, for example, RFC 3484. That's the one that determines how an
IPv6 capable host selects which of a group of candidate IPv4 and IPv6
addresses for a particular host name gets priority. How is a server's
address priority NOT an issue that should be managed at an operations
level by individual server administrators? Yet the working group which
produced it came up with a static prioritization that is the root
cause of a significant portion of the IPv6 deployment headaches we

I don't know the whole solution to this problem, but I'm pretty sure I
know the first step.

Today's RFC candidates are required to call out IANA considerations
and security considerations in special sections. They do so because
each of these areas has landmines that the majority of working groups
are ill equipped to consider on their own.

There should be an operations callout as well -- a section where
proposed operations defaults (as well as statics for which a solid
case can be made for an operations tunable) are extracted from the
thick of it and offered for operator scrutiny prior to publication of
the RFC.

Food for thought.

Bill Herrin

William D. Herrin
3005 Crane Dr. .. Web: 
Falls Church, VA 22042-3004

Re: Anybody can participate in the IETF (Was: Why is IPv6 broken?)

2011-07-10 Thread David Miller

On 7/10/2011 12:16 PM, Jeroen Massar wrote:

On 2011-07-10 17:56 , David Miller wrote:


The lack of will on the part of the IETF to attract input from and involve
operators in their processes (which I would posit is a critical element in
the process).

Eh ANYBODY, including you, can sign up to the IETF mailing lists and
participate there, just like a couple of folks from NANOG are already doing.

You are on NANOG out of your own free will, the same applies to the
IETF. If you don't participate here your voice is not heard either, just
like at the IETF.

True, anyone can participate in the IETF processes.  However, if key 
players do

not participate, then something is broken.  I will take my lumps for not

My point was - "If fingers can be pointed at both sides, i.e. operators and
IETF, then both sides are to blame."

In the corporate world, if I were contemplating changing the framework of a
system, then I would need to get buy in / agreement from the stakeholders of
that system. If I was going to change the framework behind an HR system, 
the HR managers and HR systems experts would all have to agree to the 
If I changed the framework and broke all of the HR systems and then told 
my boss

that I scheduled a meeting and nobody from HR showed up and therefore I used
that as agreement in their absence, then I would get fired.  Yes, I 
that corporate environments are very different from the IETF 
environment, but

there are perhaps some lessons to learn from the corporate environment.

Most RFCs operate within a meritocracy.  A standard can be proposed for
"Example Protocol v10" and if nobody likes it outside of the IETF, then 
it is

not implemented by anyone and it eventually dies on the vine.  IPv6 is
"different" in that it is the underpinning of every other 
protocol/standard that
will exist on or operate over the internet for the next 20-30 years 

We had 10+ years of IPv6 not being implemented by anyone (seriously), yet it
didn't die on the vine.  Perhaps the process for "Example Protocol v10" 
and the
process for IPv6 should be different - given the fundamental difference 
in their


No, we can't change the past.  "Those who do not learn from history are 

to repeat it." - Santayana.  I would say that many variables that got us to
where we are today - which is out of IPv4 addresses and faced with only 
which many believe is fundamentally flawed, as our only way forward - 
holds some
lessons to be learned... but perhaps this is just me - and if so, I 

for the noise.

Peeking at the member list, I don't see your name there.
You can signup here:

Absolutely true, fixed.



Anybody can participate in the IETF (Was: Why is IPv6 broken?)

2011-07-10 Thread Jeroen Massar
On 2011-07-10 17:56 , David Miller wrote:
> +1
> The lack of will on the part of the IETF to attract input from and involve
> operators in their processes (which I would posit is a critical element in
> the process).

Eh ANYBODY, including you, can sign up to the IETF mailing lists and
participate there, just like a couple of folks from NANOG are already doing.

You are on NANOG out of your own free will, the same applies to the
IETF. If you don't participate here your voice is not heard either, just
like at the IETF.

Peeking at the member list, I don't see your name there.
You can signup here:


Re: Why is IPv6 broken?

2011-07-10 Thread David Miller

On 7/10/2011 10:14 AM, Jeff Wheeler wrote:

On Sat, Jul 9, 2011 at 5:25 PM, Bob Network  wrote:

Why is IPv6 broken?

You should have titled your thread, "my own personal rant about
Hurricane Electric's IPv6 strategy."  You may also have left out the
dodgy explanation of peering policies and technicalities, since these
issues have been remarkably static since about 1996.  The names of the
networks change, but the song remains the same.  This is not a novel
subject on this mailing list.  In fact, there have been a number of
threads discussing HE's practices lately.  If you are so interested in
them, I suggest you review the list archive.

There are quite a few serious, unresolved technical problems with IPv6
adoption besides a few networks playing chicken with their collective
customer-bases.  The lack of will on the part of vendors and operators
to participate in the IETF process, and make necessary and/or
beneficial changes to the IPv6 standards, has left us in a situation
where IPv6 implementation produces networks which are vulnerable to
trivial DoS attacks and network intrusions.

The lack of will on the part of access providers to insist on
functioning IPv6 support on CPE and BRAS platforms has even mid-sized
ISPs facing nine-figure (as in, hundred-million-dollars) expenses to
forklift-upgrade their access networks and end-user equipment, at a
time when IPv6 seems to be the only way to continue growing the

The lack of will on the part of major transit networks, including
Savvis, to deploy IPv6 capabilities to their customers, means that
customers caught in multi-year contracts may have no option for native
connectivity.  Cogent's policy of requiring a new contract, and from
what I am still being told by some European customers, new money, from
customers in exchange for provisioning IPv6 on existing circuits,
means a simple technical project gets caught up in the complexities of
budgeting and contract execution.


The lack of will on the part of the IETF to attract input from and involve
operators in their processes (which I would posit is a critical element in
the process).  And the lack of will/fore site on the part of the IETF to
respond to input from operators that they have received. If fingers can
be pointed at both sides, i.e. operators and IETF, then both sides are to
blame.  The IETF only has value if they are publishing "standards" that
work properly in the real world.  If the implementers of these "standards"
say that they are broken, then the IETF has failed to provide value.

If you believe that the most serious problem facing IPv6 adoption is
that HE / Level3 / Cogent don't carry a full table, you are living in
a fantasy world.



Re: Why is IPv6 broken?

2011-07-10 Thread Jeff Wheeler
On Sat, Jul 9, 2011 at 5:25 PM, Bob Network  wrote:
> Why is IPv6 broken?

You should have titled your thread, "my own personal rant about
Hurricane Electric's IPv6 strategy."  You may also have left out the
dodgy explanation of peering policies and technicalities, since these
issues have been remarkably static since about 1996.  The names of the
networks change, but the song remains the same.  This is not a novel
subject on this mailing list.  In fact, there have been a number of
threads discussing HE's practices lately.  If you are so interested in
them, I suggest you review the list archive.

There are quite a few serious, unresolved technical problems with IPv6
adoption besides a few networks playing chicken with their collective
customer-bases.  The lack of will on the part of vendors and operators
to participate in the IETF process, and make necessary and/or
beneficial changes to the IPv6 standards, has left us in a situation
where IPv6 implementation produces networks which are vulnerable to
trivial DoS attacks and network intrusions.

The lack of will on the part of access providers to insist on
functioning IPv6 support on CPE and BRAS platforms has even mid-sized
ISPs facing nine-figure (as in, hundred-million-dollars) expenses to
forklift-upgrade their access networks and end-user equipment, at a
time when IPv6 seems to be the only way to continue growing the

The lack of will on the part of major transit networks, including
Savvis, to deploy IPv6 capabilities to their customers, means that
customers caught in multi-year contracts may have no option for native
connectivity.  Cogent's policy of requiring a new contract, and from
what I am still being told by some European customers, new money, from
customers in exchange for provisioning IPv6 on existing circuits,
means a simple technical project gets caught up in the complexities of
budgeting and contract execution.

If you believe that the most serious problem facing IPv6 adoption is
that HE / Level3 / Cogent don't carry a full table, you are living in
a fantasy world.

Jeff S Wheeler 
Sr Network Operator  /  Innovative Network Concepts

Re: Why is IPv6 broken?

2011-07-09 Thread Jason Hellenthal

Where did you get all this from ?

There is not even one single reference to a URL, not to be rude but how
long did it take you to write this theory ?

As for "It's broken, first and foremost..." They may be a Tier 1
provider of other services and also happen to offer IPv6 at which they
are only a Tier 2 or 3 but using the marketing gimics of theyre original
Tier 1 status to get acknowledgement.

I stopped reading shortly after 'I think' the second paragraph and scanned
the rest for URLs that might have made this clear and to the point but
did not find any.


On Sat, Jul 09, 2011 at 03:25:27PM -0600, Bob Network wrote:
> Why is IPv6 broken?
> It's broken, first and foremost, because not all network providers who claim 
> to be tier 1 are tier 1.
> Even worse, some of these providers run 6to4 relays or providers to home 
> users.  A user has no choice which provider is running their 6to4, 
> they might end up using a relay that is run by a provider who doesn't peer 
> with their intended destination.  I don't think the IETF saw that one coming. 
>  But the result is to make 6to4 even more broken.  Now, I know some people 
> want 6to4 to die, but while it still exists in some form, user experience is 
> worse than it could be.  The temporary fix is for any provider to run their 
> own 6to4 relay for their own customers (assuming that they themselves have 
> full connectivity).
> Right now, unless you buy transit from multiple tier 1s, and do so with 
> carefully chosen tier ones, you have only part of the IPv6 internet.  Many 
> tier 1s are unsuitable even as backup connections, since you still want your 
> backup connection to have access to the whole internet!  Good tier 2 
> providers might be an excellent choice, sine good providers have already done 
> this leg work and can monitor their providers for compliance.
> A few myths...
> Routing table size has nothing to do with completeness of routes.  Google may 
> be one route, through aggregation.  And SmallCo may advertise a large route 
> through one provider, and, due to traffic engineering, a smaller route 
> through a second one - in many cases, anyone that had the large route would 
> be able to contact SmallCo, even without the smaller route being present.  So 
> routing table size doesn't work.  In addition, some providers aggregate their 
> routing tables to reduce routing load and such.  Others intentionally don't 
> or deaggregate it intentionally so that they can brag about having bigger 
> routing tables.  What you need to ask is: "How many /64s can you get to from 
> your network, and how many of these /64s are reachable from at least one 
> other major provider (you don't care about internal-only networks, after 
> all)?"  They can give you that information, but many won't want to.
> It's also not about technical people not getting along.  It's about business 
> players trying to make money, but not just that either.  It's also about 
> ensuring that providers don't end up assuming more than their share of costs 
> for a link.  Just because you have a common peering point doesn't mean that 
> turning peering on would reduce your costs.  In some cases it may increase 
> costs tremendously, particularly on your long haul backbone links, because 
> the other party would like to take advantage of an attitude of trust on the 
> internet.  That's why we end up with peering policies and contracts.
> What is the issue?
> Let's take Hurricane.  This is no different than other providers...basically, 
> they want to say, "We shouldn't need to pay for IPv6 transit from anyone."  
> This is what Cogent said on IPv4 a few years ago.  Google used to say this 
> too for IPv6, not sure if they are still saying it.  Basically, "We know 
> we're big enough that you won't want to screw your users by not peering with 
> us."
> A small network couldn't do this tactic - a 100 node network who said to the 
> IPv4 tier 1s: "Hey, I'm in the Podunk Internet Exchange, so are you, so I'm 
> going to peer from you so I don't have to buy any bandwidth for my web server 
> (placed in the Podunk exchange).  Sure, they would like to - it would save a 
> ton of money if their site got lots of hits.  I mean, who wouldn't want free 
> connectivity?
> In IPv6, we're going through what we settled years ago in IPv4 - who has to 
> pay who to connect.  After all, even free peering connections have a cost in 
> manpower, debugging, traffic engineering, documentation, etc.
> Some players who aren't getting free interconnection to tier 1s in IPv4

Why is IPv6 broken?

2011-07-09 Thread Bob Network

Why is IPv6 broken?

It's broken, first and foremost, because not all network providers who claim to 
be tier 1 are tier 1.

Even worse, some of these providers run 6to4 relays or providers to home users. 
 A user has no choice which provider is running their 6to4, they 
might end up using a relay that is run by a provider who doesn't peer with 
their intended destination.  I don't think the IETF saw that one coming.  But 
the result is to make 6to4 even more broken.  Now, I know some people want 6to4 
to die, but while it still exists in some form, user experience is worse than 
it could be.  The temporary fix is for any provider to run their own 6to4 relay 
for their own customers (assuming that they themselves have full connectivity).

Right now, unless you buy transit from multiple tier 1s, and do so with 
carefully chosen tier ones, you have only part of the IPv6 internet.  Many tier 
1s are unsuitable even as backup connections, since you still want your backup 
connection to have access to the whole internet!  Good tier 2 providers might 
be an excellent choice, sine good providers have already done this leg work and 
can monitor their providers for compliance.

A few myths...

Routing table size has nothing to do with completeness of routes.  Google may 
be one route, through aggregation.  And SmallCo may advertise a large route 
through one provider, and, due to traffic engineering, a smaller route through 
a second one - in many cases, anyone that had the large route would be able to 
contact SmallCo, even without the smaller route being present.  So routing 
table size doesn't work.  In addition, some providers aggregate their routing 
tables to reduce routing load and such.  Others intentionally don't or 
deaggregate it intentionally so that they can brag about having bigger routing 
tables.  What you need to ask is: "How many /64s can you get to from your 
network, and how many of these /64s are reachable from at least one other major 
provider (you don't care about internal-only networks, after all)?"  They can 
give you that information, but many won't want to.

It's also not about technical people not getting along.  It's about business 
players trying to make money, but not just that either.  It's also about 
ensuring that providers don't end up assuming more than their share of costs 
for a link.  Just because you have a common peering point doesn't mean that 
turning peering on would reduce your costs.  In some cases it may increase 
costs tremendously, particularly on your long haul backbone links, because the 
other party would like to take advantage of an attitude of trust on the 
internet.  That's why we end up with peering policies and contracts.

What is the issue?

Let's take Hurricane.  This is no different than other providers...basically, 
they want to say, "We shouldn't need to pay for IPv6 transit from anyone."  
This is what Cogent said on IPv4 a few years ago.  Google used to say this too 
for IPv6, not sure if they are still saying it.  Basically, "We know we're big 
enough that you won't want to screw your users by not peering with us."

A small network couldn't do this tactic - a 100 node network who said to the 
IPv4 tier 1s: "Hey, I'm in the Podunk Internet Exchange, so are you, so I'm 
going to peer from you so I don't have to buy any bandwidth for my web server 
(placed in the Podunk exchange).  Sure, they would like to - it would save a 
ton of money if their site got lots of hits.  I mean, who wouldn't want free 

In IPv6, we're going through what we settled years ago in IPv4 - who has to pay 
who to connect.  After all, even free peering connections have a cost in 
manpower, debugging, traffic engineering, documentation, etc.

Some players who aren't getting free interconnection to tier 1s in IPv4 want to 
get it in IPv6.  So they've worked to attract lots of users, and done so under 
the guise of "We like IPv6 and want to promote it."  Others have not bothered 
with trying to attract the users, but have said, "We're too big for you to not 
want to give us connectivity for free, since it would piss off your users if 
you don't" (Google did this at one point in the past, may still be doing it).  
The Google example is basically trying to use a monopoly position to force 
business decisions.

Now, HE, Google, and others would want you to think, "Hey, IPv6 is all new, and 
these $#@! other providers just want to make a buck on something they have no 
right to."  Well, perhaps.  But what they aren't saying is, "We can turn on BGP 
for IPv6 on our existing connections to other providers, with no cost to us, 
and actually have full connectivity."  The issue isn't about cost today - 
nobody is charging extra for IPv6 in additi

  1   2   >