[nant-dev] Linux story

2004-05-02 Thread Philip Nelson
I just wanted to document the experience I had with nant on my linux box. In
the end it was a partial success but there were a few things I didn't figure
out right away and it may be good to have them documented here.

Day one, load linux in a dual boot with Windows 2003. My previous install
wouldn't boot after loading Windows and adding a hard drive so I reinstalled.
the install added a partition, and then Windows wouldn't boot again. Note to
manufacturers, take over this whole boot loader, device map thing.

Day two - Tried getting the release version of nant to run. No go of course so
I tried to do a build, but alas you can't build unless you can run nant.
Bootstrap? Dug up in the lists a reference to the make, and viola, there it is.

It didn't work, and saving the trouble of typing the reasons, there was a newer
makefile in cvs. It didn't work so on to the nightly build.

The nightly failed as well. 
- cp -R bin/lib/*  .

Now make started humming along. It made it through the bootstap build, but then
failed at different points. mcs couldn't find some of the support dlls. In
order they were log4net, nunit.framework and NDoc.Core. In each case, to get
further down the compilation path, I copied them to the mono lib directory,
/usr/lib in my case. Clearly that was a hack, but perhaps the build will have
to reference these differently to succeed. Finally though, I did have build.

I tried running the tests. They began to execute, but then got stuck in a 100%
CPU loop and had to be killed. I tried letting it run about 25 minutes just in
case mono was that slow, but eventually gave up. One part (sorry can't remember
the section) passed, the first call in the test target, so that would mean
nunit was loaded correctly. Note that this version of nunit was from the
nightly download.

My goal was to compile the data access helper I am working on, SnapDAL on linux
using NAnt. First problem, no solution task. I didn't look into the internals
to see how it worked, but somehow I thought that the solution task wouldn't
have been dependent on win32 but I see it's excluded from the mono build. 

Ok, no problem build a normal csc compile task. It worked! I played around for
a couple of hours and got MySql setup with a very small part of the Northwind
test database I use in the SnapDAL tests. I got as far as one working query,
and one dying an a input parameter with spaces in it that caused a sql syntax
error. Probably not a big deal to fix and not important here.

In the end, I'd say progress! I had run linux as my default desktop for about a
year and a half. Last fall, I had a day where I had compiled one library just
one too many times, loaded windows 2003, and hadn't looked back. Now I would
say mono has really come a long way, and that nant and SnapDAL (which also
means .net mock objects), the platform might just be interesting again. 

My platform was Suse 8.2, mono .31 installed from the Suse 9.0 mono rpm.

This is interesting especially after that last round of Microsoft patches cause
my cluster to fail and had me down during business hours for the longest time
since I joined my current company. 2 1/2 hours down.

Cheers and keep up the good work.

Philip - http://blogs.xcskiwinn.org/panmanphil
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Re: [nant-dev] Expansion of properties in target descriptions

2003-11-03 Thread Philip Nelson

--- Scott Hernandez [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 The projecthelp uses xsl templates to transform the source document (build
 file) without doing any includes  (or actually running any tasks; like
 property/). This makes it pretty useless in many cases.
 At this point I think we need to re-write the projecthelp stuff to load the
 document, run (the include/ tasks only?) global tasks, and then provide
 help about the build file.

I've already done this for my command line replacement gui, except for the
include target descriptions.  What I have observed is that the need for the
xslt is removed, as you are generally interested in a list of targets, and then
of those, the descriptions of just some of them.  Quite often on larger builds
with lots of targets, you may be interested in only those targets with
descriptions, or targets that don't start with an _, or some other way of
filtering the list.  In a point and click gui, this is a much easier way to
explore the build file than trying to read a full formatted document.

The expansion of properties is a good question.  In my properties grid, I show
the unexpanded value, and I *think* this is what people would want.  If a
property is in the description, I think the opposite may be true. From the
execution point of view you may want to see all expanded values, but if the gui
is hosting an editor, you may want to leave the expansion off.  

I think the best answer is to expose some non instance code that takes a string
with property templates, and the property collection and returns the string
with the templates expanded.

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RE: [nant-dev] FYI

2003-10-29 Thread Philip Nelson

--- Damir Simunic [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Since there is so much interest in this msbuild thing, here's the list of
 namespaces Microsoft.Build.BuildEngine

The book they handed out with the PDC alpha bits, Introducing Longhorn for
Developers, Brent Rector, Microsoft Press, has a fairly unflattering
description of NAnt in it.  Some of the points are probably just wrong, but
others are not.  In particular, he describes how msbuild tasks can access each
other through a formal input and output description and how this is required in
Longhorn projects.  He also describes projects the include declarations from
multiple files.  No time to type the whole thing, but it may be difficult to
try and support that full syntax, and as a result the whole solution task. 
More enquiring minds will have to analyze it.

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Re: [nant-dev] NAnt and Ant (was: Ready to tackle next release)

2003-10-08 Thread Philip Nelson

 Well, to be honest : I don't have a clue ... That's perhaps why we're still
 stuck with the GPL license :-)

I am pretty sure the copyright holder can do whatever they want, so long as
they aren't bound to the gpl by other source code or libraries in the
application.  NAnt may be bound to the gpl because of things like the
sharpcvslib.  There's also the issue of source code that may have been copied.
Does anybody know where all the source comes from?

 I did have a quick look at the licensing stuff, and to me it seems like a
 BSD-style license is the most open license ...

I would summarize it as do want you want with this code, and you can't sue me
with an unwritten correlary of I don't want your crummy enhancements to my
code. It is definately my preference to use BSD or Apache licenses.

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Re: [nant-dev] NAnt Designer Support

2003-09-28 Thread Philip Nelson

 Reason: One of the most common complaints I hear about NAnt is that its
 too hard to use, even though it oozes power and flexibility. A lot of
 people run with Visual Build from Kinook (another fine product), but I
 think some kind of designer support would give NAnt the edge.

Yeah, Alex Lowe wrote a column essentially saying just that, ironically in an
argument for why .net needs a new build system.  On the other hand, one of the
great features of both nant and it's predecesor, ant, was that task writers
have an easy time of it writing new tasks.  But, building an designer
interface, applicable to any sort of task, especially trying to accomplish that
across platforms, is not a trivial effort.

I've also been studying this.  I have seen a few different approaches, NAntPad
included.  And honestly, none of them excites me at all. Let's say we could
accomplish this with the core tasks, itself a challenge.  Would any tool that
was to expose the designer then have to have a text based interface for those
task that didn't support the designer?  How would that work?  I noticed
recently a reference to a previous conclusion that the task properties were
probably not enough to build a designer themselves, which leads to your
conclusion that each task writer should support a designer.

I've come to the conclusion that a text interface makes more sense for editing
build files.  But, it should be a much better text interface than notepad. I've
just started playing with the text editor in SharpDevelop, using example code
from a nifty little tool called SqlBuddy.  SqlBuddy provides intellisense sytle
help for sql editing, and I think nant files could benefit from the same thing
with the help of properties, a code snippet with all required fields, and a
schema from the task builder.   I think we can assume that almost everyone that
creates a build file is a developer or system administrator type for whom text
interfaces are not unfamiliar.  And we all are happy with good editors that
provide lots of context sensitive help, searching, designers that generate some
of the code and provide intuitive navigation and feedback.  For me, this would
be preferable.

As for those that may *use* a build file, as opposed to edt it, a tool I have
been working on makes that part really easy.  Hopefully, I'll get my updated
version past the vaporware stage in the next couple of weeks.  I took a detour
to try and really understand windows forms and docking a lot better, but I'm
close to something useful.

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Re: [nant-dev] Questions about Project class

2003-08-27 Thread Philip Nelson
That's what it looked like but I wanted to make sure that it wasn't just
unfinished business.  I'll proceed with the idea or working from the xml
directly, thanks.

--- Ian MacLean [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 the Nant project class and others are not designed to be DOM like. Many 
 elements are only created just before execution and then thrown away. 
 This is to ensure that when a task or build element is initialized it 
 has the correct ( up to date values).
 I can appreciate that having a DOM like project object would help with 
 your app but that is not the purpose of the current NAnt Project class.

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Re: [nant-dev] nant include task

2003-06-13 Thread Philip Nelson

--- Haltunen, Mathew [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hello all,
 I've used ant in the past, but now I am using nant to build .NET
 applications.  I am running into a problem handling dependencies.
 Here's the break down.
 The dependencies that are handled with the pre.build target are built
 and placed in the directory where this nant script is executed (the
 .\bin directory).  The problem occurs when the build target includes
 the dlls that are created by the pre.build target.  The name spaces in
 the pre.build dlls are not recognized in the include task in the
 build target.  Has anyone seen this before?  Any help is much

Are the pre.build dlls there when you're done?  This is most likely a path
problem because the fact the pre.build task runs first means that the dlls
should be there.  As a test you could just verify the dlls are there and run
the main build separately.

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Re: [nant-dev] COM visibility

2003-04-03 Thread Philip Nelson
I'll offer one counter point of view to using NAnt from COM.  I had started,
but lost the motivation to complete, a task to have NAnt tasks callable from a
DTS package.  It's entirely possible that building this functionality would
require no COM visibility, ie the implementation just has the name of a build
file and a target, but my first stab at it was more than that.

I lost motivation because DTS runs on database servers which in my world have
to be gaurded against every possible unneeded CPU cycle.

--- Gert Driesen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 My post was not about having a solution for a problem, I just think it's
 best to have a clear message about what we support and what we don't support
 And not explicitly marking an assembly as being COM visible or not just
 leaves users in the dark as to if using NAnt through COM is supported or not
 I agree that we shouldn't modify our classes to allow usage from COM... I
 would prefer marking all assemblies as not COM visible ...
 If (and only if) you agree, I'll send in a patch which sets the COMVisible
 attribute to false for all NAnt assemblies.
 - Original Message - 
 From: Ian MacLean [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: Gert Driesen [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Cc: Nant-Developers (E-mail) [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Thursday, April 03, 2003 1:32 AM
 Subject: Re: [nant-dev] COM visibility
  It works both ways. If you feel that there is no demand for using NAnt
  from COM then there is no need to specifically allow or dissallow access.
  We don't mark them COM visible right now - we just don't mark them
  invisible. This seems like a non issue to me.
  My view of the com visible attribute is that its used for when you are
  explicitly designing your library to be used from COM and want to
  provide a clean interface by hiding those types that you don't want to
  pass across the COM boundary.
  You say we should make a decision - well I don't think that we should
  modify our classes specifically to allow usage from COM ( ie ensure that
  there are default constructors ) unless there is demand for that and I
  don't think there is. So you feel its necessary to explicitly mark
  everything invisible feel free to send a patch. It seems like a solution
  without a problem to me but thats just me.
   Should all NAnt assembly (and all clasess within these assemblies)
   continue to be marked COM visible ?
   Is there really a demand for using NAnt as an COM object ?  Has anyone
   ever tried to use NAnt as a COM component ?  If so, for what purpose ?
   Currently, there are lots of classes that are not usable at all in a COM
   context because they :
   - have no default public constructor
   - have static methods
   What's the use of making, for example, the NAnt.Win32Tasks assembly
   visible to COM clients ?
   In my opinion, we should make a decision on this matter.  Personally, I
   think it's of no use to actually mark the assemblies COM visible if
   they're not really usable as COM components, and if we're not planning
   on doing anything to support this.
   What do you think about this ?
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Re: [nant-dev] original exception is discarded

2003-04-02 Thread Philip Nelson

 while in fact we could add more infomation to that error message by adding
 the Message of the innerexception, eg.

you bet!

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RE: [nant-dev] [Nant-users] How to use nunit2 task (resend)

2003-03-28 Thread Philip Nelson
Can you run the NUnit gui correctly?  Is it installed under Program Files or
somewhere else?  Have you tried setting the assembly reference in your test
project to the assembly in the NAnt/bin directory?

It almost has to be mismatched dlls.

--- Anthony Francisco [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Actually that was the first thing that I checked.
 The only file with the same filename that I could find between my nant\bin
 and nunit\bin directories was nunit.framework.dll. Doing a binary file
 compare between the two files indicated a perfect match.
 - Ants
 | -Original Message-
 | From: Matthew Mastracci [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 | Sent: Friday, 28 March, 2003 07:59
 | To: Anthony Francisco
 | Subject: Re: [nant-dev] [Nant-users] How to use nunit2 task (resend)
 | Make sure that you're using the same version of NUnit for 
 | linking your 
 | test assemblies that NAnt uses.  You'll get this error if there is a 
 | mismatch.  I'm not sure what we can do to fix the issue of linking 
 | against the wrong NUnit, but I'm guessing that this is what 
 | the problem is.
 | Anthony Francisco wrote:
 |  I getting a crash in NAnt when trying to use the nunit2 task.
 |  I tried using the nunit2 task using the following in my 
 | build script:
 |   target name=test depends=build description=Runs NUnit tests
 | test assemblyname=Reveal.exe /
 |   /target
 |  The result I get is:
 |  System.IO.FileLoadException: Unable to load file 'nunit.framework'. 
 |  File name: nunit.framework
 |  Server stack trace:
 | at System.Reflection.Assembly.nLoad(AssemblyName fileName, String
 |  codeBase, B
 |  oolean isStringized, Evidence assemblySecurity, Boolean 
 |  throwOnFileNotFound, Ass
 |  embly locationHint, StackCrawlMark stackMark)
 | at System.Reflection.Assembly.InternalLoad(AssemblyName 
 |  assemblyRef, Boolean
 |  stringized, Evidence assemblySecurity, StackCrawlMark stackMark)
 | at System.Reflection.Assembly.InternalLoad(String 
 | assemblyString, 
 |  Evidence as
 |  semblySecurity, StackCrawlMark stackMark)
 | at System.Activator.CreateInstance(String assemblyName, String 
 |  typeName, Bool
 |  ean ignoreCase, BindingFlags bindingAttr, Binder binder, Object[] 
 |  args, CultureI
 |  nfo culture, Object[] activationAttributes, Evidence securityInfo, 
 |  StackCrawlMar
 |  k stackMark)
 | at System.Activator.CreateInstance(String assemblyName, String 
 |  typeName, Bool
 |  ean ignoreCase, BindingFlags bindingAttr, Binder binder, Object[] 
 |  args, CultureI
 |  nfo culture, Object[] activationAttributes, Evidence securityInfo)
 | at System.AppDomain.CreateInstance(String assemblyName, String 
 |  typeName, Bool
 |  ean ignoreCase, BindingFlags bindingAttr, Binder binder, Object[] 
 |  args, CultureI
 |  nfo culture, Object[] activationAttributes, Evidence 
 | securityAttributes)
 | at 
 | System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging.StackBuilderSink.PrivateProc
 | essMessage(M
 |  ethodBase mb, Object[] args, Object server, Int32 
 | methodPtr, Boolean 
 |  fExecuteInC
 |  ontext, Object[] outArgs)
 | at 
 | System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging.StackBuilderSink.SyncProcess
 | Message(IMes
 |  sage msg, Int32 methodPtr, Boolean fExecuteInContext)
 |  Exception rethrown at [0]:
 | at
 | System.Runtime.Remoting.Proxies.RealProxy.HandleReturnMessage(
 | IMessage req
 |  Msg, IMessage retMsg)
 | at 
 | System.Runtime.Remoting.Proxies.RealProxy.PrivateInvoke(Messag
 | eData msgDa
 |  ta, Int32 type)
 | at System.AppDomain.CreateInstance(String assemblyName, String 
 |  typeName, Bool
 |  ean ignoreCase, BindingFlags bindingAttr, Binder binder, Object[] 
 |  args, CultureI
 |  nfo culture, Object[] activationAttributes, Evidence 
 | securityAttributes)
 | at 
 | SourceForge.NAnt.Tasks.NUnit2.NUnit2TestDomain.CreateTestRunne
 | r(AppDomain
 |  domain)
 | at SourceForge.NAnt.Tasks.NUnit2.NUnit2TestDomain.Run(String 
 |  assemblyFile, St
 |  ring configFilePath, EventListener listener)
 | at 
 | SourceForge.NAnt.Tasks.NUnit2.NUnit2Task.RunRemoteTest(NUnit2T
 | est test, Ev
 |  entListener listener)
 | at SourceForge.NAnt.Tasks.NUnit2.NUnit2Task.ExecuteTask()
 | at SourceForge.NAnt.Task.Execute()
 | at SourceForge.NAnt.Target.Execute()
 | at SourceForge.NAnt.Project.Execute(String targetName)
 | at SourceForge.NAnt.Project.Execute()
 | at SourceForge.NAnt.Project.Run()
 |  Fusion log follows:
 |  Please send bug report to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 |  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 |  Try 'nant -help' for more information
 |  I can run nunit-console just fine from the command-line, but NAnt 
 |  seems unable to be crashing.
 |  Is there anything special I need to do to my NT CMD shell ?
 |  - Ants
 This SF.net 

Re: [nant-dev] NAnt.Win32Tasks

2003-03-24 Thread Philip Nelson

--- Ian MacLean [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I've created a new NAnt.Win32Tasks assembly to hold win32 specific 
 stuff. I've moved those tasks that fail to compile on linux in there to 
 start with so that I can move forward with getting NAnt building on with 
 mono/linux. Obviously compile on linux doesn't mean run on linux - the 
 ReadRegistry task suprisingly built fine on mono/linux - it seems 
 they've stubbed out the registry classes - but it fails at runtime.

That one gets delegated to wine I think.  It *could* work as expected if you 1
- have wine setup with a version that matches the mono build and 2 - setup a
registry in wine that ms programs would use.

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Re: [nant-dev] SharpZipLib bug (was: Problem installing Nant0.8.01)

2003-03-20 Thread Philip Nelson

 (BTW, was curious if any NAntians are using #Develop rather than Studio
 to work on NAnt.  Anyone?)

I use it when I work at home but aren't booted in linux where I use gvim ;-)

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[nant-dev] Nant/Linux tale to tell

2003-03-20 Thread Philip Nelson
Actually, nothing to report with Nant except that the tedious process of
building the gnome libraries and all supporting packages on my older suse linux
system, did finally get me to the point of running a gui debugger on NAnt.  And
the result?  I stepped into an infinite loop.  Same thing with the command line
debugger.  Same thing with a 5 line hello world type program, though I could
step until I accessed a system dll.

So, I am left with the question I posed back awhile.  To debug, I have to
either wait until the debugger stabilizes, or go to something like log4net
where I can assert debug statements (that could be turned off later with a
config file change).  If I were to go that way, I would prefer that the using
log4net statements and the logger setup stay in the code.  Ideally, some
rationale and best practices for leaving logging assertions in the libraries
would be useful too for later debugging purposes.  But, there would have to be
some agreement on style etc. so it didn't turn into chaos.

Any thoughts?

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Re: [nant-dev] bug in recursive source compile using '**/*.cs' ?

2003-03-16 Thread Philip Nelson

 What seems to happen is that the top level directory is ignored or
 identified as an invalid URI if I attempt to compile my sources from the
 same directory as my build file.  I have the following code:
   sources basedir=
   includes name=**/*.cs/

A basedir of the current directory should be indicated as ..  **/*.cs means
all .cs files in any subdirectory of the current directory so that wouldn't get
the files in the current directory.  Instead:

sources basedir=.
includes name=*.cs /
includes name=**/*.cs/

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Re: [nant-dev] NAnt on Linux findings (some) and questions (more)

2003-03-09 Thread Philip Nelson
 Then, get rid of any classes
 that have using Win32 in them.
 Unfortunately I just added using Win32 to project.cs to support the 
 multiple runtimes. I want to come up with a way to partition
 this so that the registry access stuff is skipped on a non-windows 
 build. Maybe thru use of #ifdef. Anyone have a better way to do this ?

If I ever get the debugger compiled, I was intending to look into this further.
 I suggested dropping those files that had using Win32 from the build just to
get going under linux, but hopefully, that wouldn't have to be an absolute

It is my understanding that certain parts of Mono are implemented using the
wine libraries.  Not all systems will have this installed or installed and
configured, like mine was. Of course any .net compiled libraries that used
PInvoke may hit kernel32.dll by themselves, but the original set of wine
libraries had a version of kernel32.dll and this is why Brian saw that error
most likely.  The current versions of wine delegate everything to a single
shared library and emulate the win32 calls by some sort of configuration. They
also emulate the Registry but that must be setup to work correctly. I am going
to guess that it will be possible to say using Win32 without wine and without
error, but I don't know what the limitations are yet.

My next couple of free time sessions are going to be spent rebuilding my linux
system so that I have more source packages, now that I finally figured out the
connection between tarballs (.tar.gz), source rpms, spec files and packages, so
I'll be a few days from any more work on NAnt.  Hopefully after that I can hit
this hard again. As for the using Win32 in project.cs, I'd say leave it there
for now until me or somebody else can look into this a little more.

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Re: [nant-dev] proposal : change to if task behaviour

2003-03-06 Thread Philip Nelson

 propertyexists is false when the property does NOT exist OR the property is

sounds dangerous to me.  Some operation x is supposed run or not, presumably
based on a carefully considered condition.  If I forget to set it, I may get
unexpected results.

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Re: [nant-dev] Mono Support

2003-03-03 Thread Philip Nelson

 And Philip... I'm curious as to the environment you got mono NAnt to run
 in.  Cygwin, or the real deal in linux?

Suse Linux 8.0, shell script for the initial build, GVim text editor

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Re: [nant-dev] Mono Support

2003-02-28 Thread Philip Nelson
--- Ian MacLean [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Which is why the mcs task should go and we use the same csc task for 
 both. The stuff i'm working on with loading settings from the confiog 
 will allow this. Ie if you set the current runtime to be mono - it will 
 know to call mcs.exe instead of csc.exe

Makes sense to me as long as there aren't unique mcs features somebody wants to

While your at it

VolumeInfo.cs is going to be a problem under linux.  My problems with wine (a
quasi mswin32 api compatibility layer for linux that allows certain windows
program to operate on a linux box) were actually triggered by the
VolumeInfo.IsCaseSensitive call which cascades off to a bunch of dllimport
supported methods.  There is still a problem with Mono and wine, but if we're
lucky we can avoid the problem altogether with NAnt by not requiring win32 api
calls at all, at least under linux/mono.

I got NAnt.Core, NAnt.exe and NAnt.DotNetTasks (partially) compiled last night.
 I still have a problem with parsing the uri with -buildfile to work through
and the figuring what I missed with the ProjectHelp.xslt resource file. 
Hopefully, this weekend I can get to the NUnit tests and run them from the NAnt
build file.

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Re: [nant-dev] Mono Support

2003-02-27 Thread Philip Nelson
Trying to compile nant under mono.  What I originally thought was an xml short
fall is actually a reflection shortfall:

element has more than one match for attribute_type

Anyway, the problem occurs trying to compile McsTask (and other times using
Mono with .net compiled assemblies). McsTask inherits from CompilerBase which
depends on ResgenTask which inherits from MsftSDKExternalProgramBase.cs which
uses the Registry.  Can I assume that the registry won't be supported under

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Re: [nant-dev] Mono Support

2003-02-27 Thread Philip Nelson

 hmm - well that registry code will be removed shortly. Its just to get 
 the SDKFramework path I think.

 Can I assume that the registry won't be supported under
 I would have thought not. Considering its in the Microsoft.Win32 
 namespace. And it definately won't be available on linux.
 out of interest are you using mono on windows or linux ?

Linux, suse 8.0, just installed the .20 release of mono.  I got NAnt.Core and
NAnt.exe compiled, only removing the Script task.  NAnt.exe runs but still
can't get through a build file without errors.  I still need to check my
version of wine because some of the errors are related to missing
libkernel32, which of course is not missing.

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Nant-developers mailing list

[nant-dev] patched NAntExplorer

2003-02-27 Thread Philip Nelson
A few people wrote about a bug that happens if you load a project without first
selecting a build file.  Thanks! This version just dims the load button until a
file is selected.  Amazing I never did that in over 8 months of use ;-)

I included only the .exe and source.  To use, you will have to copy
NAnt.Core.dll and most likely NAnt.DotNetTasks.dll to the bin directory where
you unpack it.  Of course any other task or support dlls needed by your build
would have to go as well.

Description: NAntExplorer.zip

RE: [nant-dev] Mono Support

2003-02-27 Thread Philip Nelson

--- Brian Deacon [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Just wanted to pipe up and say that I personally am really interested in
 hearing any gotchas and resolutions in getting nant and mono to play
 nice with each other.  So thanks, Philip.

Yeah, I had pretty much set aside my interest in Mono until NAnt was working. 
I don't care for makefiles and NAnt seems like a good reality check on how far
Mono has come.  Doesn't require windows forms, asp.net, ado.net, but still
exercizes a good portion of standard functionality.  So, we'll see where this goes...

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Nant-developers mailing list

Re: [nant-dev] Mono Support

2003-02-26 Thread Philip Nelson

--- Scott Hernandez [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I would like to see NAnt run on Mono. Does anyone want to volunteer to be the
 point man on this?
 For the next major release I'd like to see us provide a Mono distribution.

What parts of NAnt?  I had gotten NAnt.exe to partially run with the last
release of Mono but there are serious parts missing, particularly in Xml
support that could make this difficult at this time. And how do you account for
core tasks that would never run on Mono, if at all?

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Nant-developers mailing list

Re: [nant-dev] Mono Support

2003-02-26 Thread Philip Nelson

--- Scott Hernandez [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Those are good questions.
 My goal would be to get things working well enough so that the mono team
 feels confident is using NAnt to do their builds.

That at least may be an easier first goal.  The MCS task and possibly some
other file utilities?  Mono is pretty big though and as I recall, the mono
developers are happy with their existing build system, so that would possibly
take some doing.  I'll take a look tonight possibly.

 For tasks that will never run on mono we should separate them from the core.
 We should build separate assemblies for the tasks that require Win32
 functionality. The other option is to use a compiler flag to strip out code
 that will not compile on mono. It can get a little dirty, but we will need
 to figure some strategy out. I think we are all open to suggestions. :)

There's also the issue of linux vs win32 that's separate from mono vs .net. 
Would it make more sense to separate mono specific tasks into one dll and linux
specific tasks, if any, into another?

Core - works anywhere a compliant clr is working
Win32 - only windows supported tasks, including csc and vbc
Mono - mcs, mono and related tasks
Linux - only linux supported tasks if any.

Would anybody on the mono team likely volunteer for this?

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Nant-developers mailing list

RE: [nant-dev] Mono Support

2003-02-26 Thread Philip Nelson
(from memory) mcs syntax and command line parameters are fairly different than
csc so, if you are a developer familiar with mono, you won't know the correct
syntax for the parameters if they are done in a csc sort of way.  Plus, the
compilers don't support exactly the same set of features, so to put the options
all in one would force nant to have the least common denominator.

Off hand, I would think that if mcs and csc both support references and
filesets, with excludes, it would be easier to allow the developer to specify
the compiler.  FWIW, the ide's that support mono, SharpDevelop(does it?) and
Eclipse(which uses Ant) with a plugin, have you specify the compiler.

--- Shaw, Gerry [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 In an effort to one up people I'm going to try to get nant working under
 mono on my iBook (OS X).
 My vision is for the core nant distribution to work on any .NET platform
 with platform specific tasks in different dll's.  I think a global
 property should control what compiler the csc task uses.  For example,
 property name=csc.program value=/usr/local/bin/mcs/
 property name=csc.style value=Mono/
 property name=csc.program
 property name=csc.style value=Microsoft/
 property name=csc.program value=??/
 property name=csc.style value=DotGnu/
 By default the csc task should work out of the box (ie, MS on Windows,
 Mono on Linux) but there should be a clean way to override the compiler.

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Nant-developers mailing list

[nant-dev] contribution to project

2003-02-24 Thread Philip Nelson
I have a fairly low tech, but useful winforms app I wrote that I would like to
contribute to the project.  It's a gui for NAnt, but unlike the nant gui for
vs-studio, this is an alternative to the command line for NAnt build files.  I
call it NAnt Explorer and here are it's features (and not much more!)

- add/remove a build file into a saved list of build files.  These lists are
serialized to a config file as new entries are loaded.
- click on a build file and it's targets show in another list
- click on a target, and if available, the target description from the build
file is displayed
- execute any target from the selected build file
- display target results in a scrolling text box
- optionally select the verbose option for the target

My purpose in writing this was to encourage my developers who have nasty knee
jerk reactions and facial ticks whenever they encounter a command line to use
this wonderful NAnt tool, and it worked!  Of course I am their boss so that may
have been a factor. I use NAnt for software builds and deployments from
developer machines to dev/qa/prod machines and having this tool on the server
desktops makes access to the tasks a few clicks shorter.

What do you tbink?  Any interest?

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