Re: Running docker containers with podman (on NetBSD!)

2021-09-05 Thread Leonardo Taccari writes:
> Hi all,

Hello coypu!

> I added a package to pkgsrc called Podman.
> It's a tool for running OCI containers, and it has the same command line
> behaviour as the docker command line argument.
> There are some selling points for it over docker, but the most important
> for us is the fact it has a mode where it spawns a Linux VM to talk to
> for you, so it runs on NetBSD!

That's really nice, thank you very much for working on it!

> One caveat is that NetBSD somewhat struggles running virtualized Linux
> by default. The virtualized ticks are just too slow, so it panics with:
>   Kernel panic - not syncing: IO-APIC + timer doesn't work! Boot with
>   apic=debug and send a report. Then try booting with the 'noapic' option.
> One way to work around it, convenient for this purpose, is to rebuild
> your kernel with "options HZ=1000" added, then you don't need to edit
> the command line arguments in the VM.
> [...]

I was tempted to try the other workaround, i.e. append `noapic'
directly at the boot but... that was a bit challenging! :)  So here all
the notes that I have collected.

 1. Download the image via:
 podman machine init
 2. After the image is downloaded and extracted SSH keys will be
generated under ~/.ssh and there will be a Ignition config in
In order to append `noapic' to the kernel arguments we need to
adjust the following in podman-machine-default.ign:
2a. Reindent the JSON to be a bit easier to edit, e.g. via
`jq .'
2b. Bump .ignition.version to "3.3.0" (it is "3.2.0")
2c. At the end, after systemd object add a comma `,' and then
another JSON object:
"kernelArguments": {
  "shouldExist": ["noapic"]
 3. Manually run the image via QEMU in order to initialize it via the
ignite config so that `noapic' is appended.  Assuming we are in our
home directory, e.g.:
 qemu-system-x86_64 -accel nvmm -nographic -m 1G -smp 1 \
 4. In GRUB press `e' in order to edit the boot entry.  In the kernel
line append at the end `noapic' and press Ctrl-x to boot it
 5. The ignition config will be applied and it will reboot
 6. In GRUB press `c' and then `halt' in order to poweroff the machine
(we're done!)
 7. Start the machine as usual via `podman machine start'

Re: Recent web page changes

2020-08-06 Thread Leonardo Taccari
Hello Bob,

Bob Proulx writes:
> [...]
> Looking at that page now I find that the netbsd-announce link is
> missing a path part in the href url.
>   netbsd-announce
> While it appears from the other two working links next to it that the
> intent was that it should be this.
>   netbsd-announce
> Could some kind soul with wiki change access priviledges double check
> my poor typing transcription here and then correct that link?
> Thanks! :-)
> [...]

Nice catch, thank you very much for noticing and sharing it!

I have just committed the fix as you have suggested!

Re: git SSL certificate problem: Unable to get local issuer certificate

2020-04-05 Thread Leonardo Taccari
Hello John,

John m0t writes:
> Hello;
> git can't clone any repo and errors out with "ssl certificate 
> problem".
> insted of doing {git config --global http.sslVerify false} I want to give git 
> the path of the certificate but I don't know where they are in 
> NetBSD!?
> {git config --system http.sslCAPath /absolute/path/to/git/certificates}
> ?
> Thanks
> J.B

Probably installing mozilla-rootcerts-openssl will fix that.

Re: pkgsrc binary packages security with pkgin

2020-01-31 Thread Leonardo Taccari
Ottavio Caruso writes:
> [...]
> I believe there's an internal pkgsrc security mailing list to which 
> users have no access (I could be wrong), so I don't really know how this 
> auditing really works.
> One can always "pkg_admin fetch-pkg-vulnerabilities && pkg_admin audit".
> [...]

pkgsrc-security@ is a team, usually there isn't much traffic on it and
the most possible private information that happens is on an internal RT
ticket system to track tickets that then ends up in pkg-vulnerabilities

However, this is mostly unrelated to signing binary packages (we manually
sign the pkg-vulnerabilities file but that's unrelated).

Re: No HDMI output on Lenovo V145, NetBSD 8.0

2019-12-10 Thread Leonardo Taccari
Mayuresh writes:
> [...]
> I don't know whether it is related, but videos aren't playing well. They
> are choppy and mpv says:
> Audio/Video desynchronisation detected! Possible reasons include too slow
> hardware, temporary CPU spikes, broken drivers, and broken files
> [...]

Probably that's related because it seems that vesa(4) is used on

Can you please share what video output is used by mpv?  If `gpu' is
used can you please try to invoke mpv via `mpv -vo x11' to force the
x11 video output?

Re: No HDMI output on Lenovo V145, NetBSD 8.0

2019-12-10 Thread Leonardo Taccari
Mayuresh writes:
> On Tue, Dec 10, 2019 at 08:50:10AM +0100, Hauke Fath wrote:
> > At this point, I would recommend giving netbsd-9 a spin, which is late in
> > its release cycle and, if anything, more stable than -8.
> At least the installer of 9.0RC1 does not show anything on hdmi. I do not
> know whether I should complete the installation and hope for X11 to
> work...

Which installer?  The (USB) .img uses GENERIC kernel while the .iso
will uses INSTALL kernel IIRC.

INSTALL kernel has drmkms disabled so trying to boot a GENERIC kernel
is probably worth.

You can probably safetely do that by extracting the GENERIC kernel, e.g.

 % cd /tmp
 % ftp 
 % tar xJf kern-GENERIC.tar.xz
 % su
 # cp netbsd /netbsd9

Then reboot and when in boot(8) do:

 boot netbsd9

(no modules should be needed to test that, but if in some ways they are
needed you can then also download the modules.tar.xz installation set
and do a `cd / && tar xJpf ../path/to/modules.tar.xz' to extract them
(they can cohexists with 8.0 ones))

Re: No HDMI output on Lenovo V145, NetBSD 8.0

2019-12-09 Thread Leonardo Taccari
Hello Mayuresh, 

Mayuresh writes:
> [...]
> Now I have another lenovo laptop[1] that boots fine using the same stick
> but for HDMI not showing any output.
> $ uname -a
> NetBSD asusnetbsd 8.0 NetBSD 8.0 (GENERIC) #0: Tue Jul 17 14:59:51 UTC
> 2018
> amd64 x86_64 AMD 686-class NetBSD
> Please the following dmesg message, also let me know if I should grep for
> more:
> $ dmesg  | grep -i hdmi
> hdafg0: HDMI00 2ch: Digital Out [Jack]
> [...]

The complete dmesg could be helpful, in particular I would grep for (via
`grep -E'):


(to be on the safe side, please share it entirely if you can).

> HDMI cable is connected right from boot time and it shows nothing during
> boot. I don't think it's an X11 matter. But just in case it matters I am
> using native X11 and xrandr shows:
> $ xrandr 
> xrandr: Failed to get size of gamma for output default
> Screen 0: minimum 1366 x 768, current 1368 x 768, maximum 1368 x 768
> default connected 1368x768+0+0 0mm x 0mm
>1366x768   0.00  
>1368x768   0.00* 
> Would appreciate help to get this work.
> [...]

Can you please share /var/log/Xorg.0.log after is started?

Re: boot.cfg and autoconf

2019-07-11 Thread Leonardo Taccari
Hello Rocky!

Rocky Hotas writes:
> [...]
> I tried to install NetBSD 8.1 in a (not so new) desktop pc and for some
> reason the nouveau(4) driver creates a kernel panic.
> If at boot I choose option 5 ("Drop to boot prompt"), and then type
> userconf disable nouveau
> userconf disable nouveaufb
> boot
> NetBSD 8.1 is able to perform an ordinary boot, till the login prompt. I
> would like to automatically perform this configuration.
> Following the EXAMPLES section in boot.cfg(5), I added the following
> line to my boot.cfg:
> userconf=disable nouveau nouveaufb
> but it doesn't work (as if I didn't modify the file at all).
> What is the correct syntax?
> [...]

IIRC every userconf command should be in their separate line.
Can you please try to split the userconf= line in two userconf= lines in
boot.cfg, i.e.:

 userconf=disable nouveau
 userconf=disable nouveaufb

Re: Atheros AR9485

2019-07-09 Thread Leonardo Taccari
Hello bmelo,

bmelo writes:
> Hi, is there any driver for AR9485 wifi? Or any current development on it?
> Thanks.

No, ATM neither athn(4) nor ath(4) supports them (AFAIK only FreeBSD
ath(4) supports that).

Re: gcc issues when compiling ArcticFox browser

2019-06-08 Thread Leonardo Taccari
Hello maya, writes:
> www/firefox has this, I forget what the issue was, but I think it's the same.
> .if !empty(MACHINE_PLATFORM:MNetBSD-[0-7]**-*) || \
>   !empty(MACHINE_PLATFORM:MNetBSD-8.[0-8]*-*)
> .endif

I think that's unrelated.  USE_PKGSRC_GCC_RUNTIME is used as a kludge
to depends on corresponding gcc-libs package (USE_GCC_RUNTIME should be

At least with webkit-gtk that fails at run time missing


Re: Parsing pkg_admin audit

2019-05-30 Thread Leonardo Taccari
Hello Aaron,

Aaron B. writes:
> [...]
> Is there a mode, or some other utility/combination of commands, to get
> the output of 'pkg_admin audit' in a machine-readable way - something
> like CSV/JSON/etc?
> A regular expression should be able to do it, but I'm hoping there's
> some format intended to be scripted.
> [...]

I would just pipe it to AWK (without any regular expression), e.g.
to have a corresponding TSV of them:

 | % pkg_admin audit |
 |   awk '{ pkg = $2; vuln_type = $5; url = $NF; print pkg "\t" vuln_type "\t" 
url }'

Re: curses(3) handling of UTF-8 in various programs

2019-04-26 Thread Leonardo Taccari
Hello Cág, 

Cág writes:
> [...]  
> Leonardo Taccari wrote:
> [...]  
> > At least regarding the noice problem, that's just a kludge but a
> > possible patch that workaround the problem is attached in this email
> > (it can be used as a LOCALPATCHES for sysutils/noice).
> > Most printw() calls in noice seems easy to be changed to addstr() ones
> > and with them the single bytes are output as-is (IIUC!).
> I guess I'll contact upstream about that.

At least the proposed workaround is just a kludge that depends on how
addstr() is implemented so it is probably not suitable for upstreaming.

> [...]
> Can we consider this a curses bug?
> [...]

IIUC at least according POSIX printw() maybe it was a bug:

 | The mvprintw(), mvwprintw(), printw() and wprintw() functions
 | are analogous to printf(). The effect of these functions is as
 | though sprintf() were used to format the string, and then
 | waddstr() were used to add that multi-byte string to the current
 | or specified window at the current or specified cursor position.

Anyway, Roy fixed that via:



 cvs rdiff -u -r1.68 -r1.69 src/lib/libcurses/curses_private.h
 cvs rdiff -u -r1.20 -r1.21 src/lib/libcurses/delwin.c
 cvs rdiff -u -r1.54 -r1.55 src/lib/libcurses/newwin.c
 cvs rdiff -u -r1.26 -r1.27 src/lib/libcurses/printw.c


And no local patch is longer needed for noice.

Re: is missing

2019-01-20 Thread Leonardo Taccari
Greg Troxel writes:
> [...]
> Overall, just randomly trying things isn't going to help.  We need to
> find the bug so we can fix it.
> How are other people doing with these packages and netbsd-8?
> Is it just midori?  Are there other packages that have binaries that try
> to load
> [...]

I think that the root case is the following:
webkit-gtk needs gcc 6.0 or newer and that's required via GCC_REQD
both in in www/webkit-gtk/Makefile and www/webkit-gtk/
This leads to build webkit-gtk and its dependencies (at least
midori!) fine but fails at run time as noticed by Pedro.

I think that is actually provided by lang/gcc6-libs
and I think that webkit-gtk probably also needs
`USE_GCC_RUNTIME= yes' too (but I'm pretty unfamiliar with that and
I hope that someone can comment on that after we double-check that's
actually the issue!).

Pedro, can you please try to install gcc6-libs package and let us
know if that fixes the problem?


Re: Setting up postfix

2019-01-17 Thread Leonardo Taccari
Hello Csányi,

Csányi Pál writes:
> [...]
> Now after reboot, I get this messages:
> eval: /usr/pkg/sbin/postconf: not found
> eval: /usr/pkg/sbin/postfix: not found
> /etc/rc.d/postfix excited with code 1
> and finally:
> The following components reported failures:
> [...]
> But now what can I do to solve that problem that the postfix can't be started?
> What am I missing here?
> [...]

It seems that the rc.d script invokes pkgsrc postfix not base
postfix.  You can find the original one in the etc installation set^[0],
fetching, locally extracting in a temporary directory it and overwriting
/etc/rc.d/postfix with the one from etc.tgz should do the trick.^[1]

[0]: E.g. for NetBSD/amd64 8.0 (probably the port will not made any
 difference for the rc.d postfix script though):


[1]: If the daily script ran at least one time before overwriting the
 postfix rc.d script another possible way to recover it is by
 looking at /var/backups/etc/rc.d, then inspect the revisions via:

  # rlog postfix.current

 ...and pick up the proper revision (e.g. if 1.1 is the one)

  # co -p 1.1 postfix.current

Re: Setting up postfix

2019-01-16 Thread Leonardo Taccari
Hello Csányi,

Csányi Pál writes:
> [...]
> I am following
> chapter to set up mail on my old laptop.
> I installed postfix, fetchmail and mutt.
> At boot I get the following message:
> WARNING: default postfix not used as not selected in mailer.conf
> In the /etc/rc.conf I have:
> postfix=${_rc_d_postfix:-YES}
> In /etc/mailer.conf I have:
> sendmail   /usr/pkg/sbin/postfix
> mailq   /usr/pkg/sbin/postfix
> newaliases   /usr/pkg/sbin/postfix
> In /etc/postfix/ I have:
> mydomain = localdomain
> So why does not start postfix at boot out here?
> [...]

I think that a possible problem is in base postfix vs pkgsrc postfix,

 - /etc/mailer.conf was adjusted to use pkgsrc postfix
 - /etc/postfix/ is probably only honored by base postfix, not pkgsrc
   postfix. Configuration files for the latter should be under
   /usr/pkg/etc instead
 - /etc/rc.d/postfix will start base postfix, not pkgsrc one

So I think that if you prefer to use pkgsrc postfix the following will
be needed:

 - adjust configuration files in /usr/pkg/etc
 - overwrite /etc/rc.d/postfix with /usr/pkg/share/examples/rc.d/postfix

Re: Links crashed when open a https site?

2019-01-14 Thread Leonardo Taccari
Hello Csányi, 

Csányi Pál writes:
> [...]
> Although, he stopped at this point:
> What can I do to proceed?
> [...]

You can just hit enter to continue and to complete the upgrade.

Re: Links crashed when open a https site?

2019-01-13 Thread Leonardo Taccari
Hello Csányi, 

Csányi Pál writes:
> [...]
> cpu0: highest basic info 0001
> cpu0: highest extended info 8005
> cpu0: "AMD-K6(tm) D processor"
> cpu0: AMD-K6-2 (586-class), 333.30 MHz
> cpu0: family 0x5 model 0x8 stepping 0xc (id 0x58c)
> cpu0: features 0x8021bf
> cpu0: I-cache 32KB 32B/line 2-way, D-cache 32KB 2B/line 2-way
> cpu0: ITLB 64 4KB entries direct-mapped
> cpu0: DTLB 128 4KB entries 2-way
> cpu0: initial APIC ID 0
> [...]
> The last few lines when gdb loaded the core are these:
> Core was generated by 'links'.
> Program terminated with signal SIGILL, Illegal instruction.
> #0  0xb2ed7d50 in gcm_ghash_bit_mmx () from /usr/lib/
> (gdb) x/i $pc
> Segmentation fault (core dumped)
> [...]

This seems pretty similar to PR bin/53532 (thanks !)
and this should be fixed in the netbsd-8 daily.

Can you please try with a netbsd-8 daily image? (you can fetch it via,
e.g. )


Re: delay npf/npfd service start at boot

2018-11-28 Thread Leonardo Taccari
Hello Paolo,

Paolo Vincenzo Olivo writes:
> [...]
> I think npf is enabled over a wireless interface, it 
> doesn't wait for wpa_supplicant to establish a working connection, thus 
> failing to 
> apply npf.conf, and retunrning:
> /etc/npf.conf#$line#$column: no address matched for interface $if near ')'
> [...]
> How can I properly address this problem? (e.g. an idea could be writing a 
> sleep script)
> [...]

If you are using inet4/inet6 I think that using ifaddrs instead will do
the trick (if it is a similar case reported in PR bin/53512).

Re: Issue when suspending sysinst(8) with Ctrl+Z

2018-10-24 Thread Leonardo Taccari
Hello Rocky and all,

"Rocky Hotas" writes:
> [...]
> When installing NetBSD, there is sometimes need to go to a prompt to read
> dmesg or run some other commands. This is possible (and suggested by the
> guide), typing Ctrl+Z: then, sysinst(8) itself prints that it can be resumed
> typing `exit' or Ctrl+D.
> With the NetBSD 8.0 sysinst(8) on amd64, `exit' or Ctrl+D produce the effect
> to restart sysinst(8) from the beginning, so any possible setting/setup made
> till that point is lost. I would like to signal this for anyone who tries to
> install NetBSD 8.0 and needs to suspend sysinst(8).
> Leot and I investigated a bit about this problem and it seems to be an sh(1)
> bug. It was not present in -current. In 8.0, after having updated and
> rebuilt the code of sh(1), sysinst(8) worked correctly.
> The problem continues to affect, obviously, all the (at least, amd64)
> existing install images of NetBSD 8.0, with the related version of sh(1).
> [...]

Adding more details about the debugging we have done the problem
was in the following lines of

92  while [ -n "${cmd}" ]
93  do
94  ${cmd}
95  if [ $? = 4 ]; then
96  echo "Oops, something went wrong - we will try again"
97  exit
98  else
99  if [ -n "$(jobs)" ]; then
   100  tput clear
   101  echo "You have stopped sysinst, return to it 
by" \
   102  "typing 'exit' or ^D."
   103  ${SHELL} -i
   104  cmd="fg"
   105  else
   106  cmd=""
   107  fi
   108  fi
   109  done

Tracing netbsd-8 or NetBSD-current sh(1) when ^Z-ing reveals:

 | [1] + Suspended   ${cmd}
 | + '[' 146 = 4 ']'
 | + jobs
 | + '[' -n '[1] + Suspended   ${cmd}' ']'
 | + tput clear
 | + echo 'You have stopped sysinst, return to it by' "typing 'exit' or ^D."
 | + /bin/sh -i

...while with 8.0 sh(1):

 | [1] + Suspended   ${cmd}
 | + '[' 146 = 4 ']'
 | + jobs
 | + '[' -n '' ']'
 | + cmd=''
 | + '[' -n '' ']'
 | + echo TERM=wsvt25 >/tmp/sysinst.term
 | + echo
 | + echo "To return to the installer, quit this shell by typing 'exit' or ^D."
 | + exec /bin/sh

I.e. in 8.0 "$(jobs)" is not expanded to the string printed while
it is expanded in netbsd-8 and -current.

We have not tracked the pullup but the change was pulluped to
netbsd-8 so if you are installing netbsd-8 (not the 8.0 formal
release) you can safetely supsend sysinst(8) and recover it as
documented in the Guide.

Re: Wireless USB Adapter

2018-10-03 Thread Leonardo Taccari
Hello imglitch and Bretty,

Brett Lymn writes:
> On Mon, Oct 01, 2018 at 10:40:48PM +, wrote:
> > 
> > So, I took a look at 
> > and despite 
> > the fact the my specific device is not listed on the hardware list, it`s 
> > chipset is listed as one of the supported ones. If the chipset is 
> > supported, then why it is loaded as ugen when I plug it on my laptop?
> > 
> > My adapter: TP-LINK TL WN823N
> > Chipset: RTL8192EU
> > 
> The EU on the end is very significant.  That variant is not supported at
> the moment.  I have some (old) local mods that get the firmware loaded
> but I was stuck on getting the interface actually passing packets.  It
> is not just a matter of adding the USB id unfortunately, the method of
> loading the firmware is not the same as the other 8192 chipset variants.

At least on -current (after Jun 2018) urtwn(4) seems to had several
commits about 8192EU support.  If you have not tried them recently
probably it's worth to try (otherwise please ignore this email!).

Re: curses(3) handling of UTF-8 in various programs

2018-08-10 Thread Leonardo Taccari
Hello Cág, Brett and netbsd-users@!
(I'll reply to both emails here)

Cág writes:
> [...]
> I don't understand whether it's a curses(3) thing or a program bug, but
> linking against ncursesw makes noice display the name correctly.
> [...]

At least regarding the noice problem, that's just a kludge but a
possible patch that workaround the problem is attached in this email
(it can be used as a LOCALPATCHES for sysutils/noice).
Most printw() calls in noice seems easy to be changed to addstr() ones
and with them the single bytes are output as-is (IIUC!).

Brett Lymn writes:
> [...]
> More than likely an application bug but one that is hidden by the
> behaviour of ncursss.  It is hard to say without looking at the code but
> it could be something in the terminal initialisation or environment that
> is changing what is on the screen... The complicating factor in some
> situations is the differences in the interpretation done by the terminal
> doing the display (though, in this case I don't think this applies).
> [...]

The following code should be enough to reproduce what happens in
noice via argv[]:

   main(int argc, char *argv[])
   int i;
   setlocale(LC_ALL, "");
   for (i = 1; i < argc; i++)
   printw("%s\n", argv[i]);
   return 0;

Directly use addstr() instead of printw() in order to output every
bytes without any transformation (and hence also correctly displaying
Unicode characters).

--- noice.c.orig	2018-08-10 18:55:47.299592935 +0200
+++ noice.c	2018-08-10 19:01:15.778111428 +0200
@@ -293,7 +293,8 @@
 printmsg(char *msg)
 	move(LINES - 1, 0);
-	printw("%s\n", msg);
+	addstr(msg);
+	addstr("\n");
 /* Display warning as a message */
@@ -324,7 +325,7 @@
 printprompt(char *str)
-	printw(str);
+	addstr(str);
 /* Returns SEL_* if key is bound and 0 otherwise.
@@ -428,10 +429,16 @@
 	if (strlen(name) > maxlen)
 		name[maxlen] = '\0';
-	if (cm == 0)
-		printw("%s%s\n", active ? CURSR : EMPTY, name);
-	else
-		printw("%s%s%c\n", active ? CURSR : EMPTY, name, cm);
+	if (cm == 0) {
+		addstr(active ? CURSR : EMPTY );
+		addstr(name);
+		addstr("\n");
+	} else {
+		addstr(active ? CURSR : EMPTY);
+		addstr(name);
+		addch(cm);
+		addstr("\n");
+	}

Re: Status of run0 on armv7 NetBSD 8.0_RC1 rpi2

2018-06-12 Thread Leonardo Taccari
Hello Mayuresh,

Mayuresh writes:
> [...]
> # wpa_cli status
> Selected interface 'run0'
> 20:31:07.754: wpa_state=SCANNING
> address=00:c1:00:c1:94:b6
> wpa_cli status always shows scanning only.
> I have done /etc/rc.conf and /etc/wpa_supplicant.conf settings as per
> the following link and don't think there is any problem with them:
> It had got connected all of a sudden once, something I could not repeat.
> [...]

Can you please share relevant part of /etc/wpa_supplicant.conf (probably
just the:

 | network={
 | ...
 | }

lines will be enough), `wpa_cli scan_res' output of the corresponding
ssid and more information when invoking just `wpa_cli' interactively?
(the latter will contain information if, for example, the
psk/credentials are not correct that can be missed if `wpa_cli scan' is
not called at that exact time and will hopefully help to debug that

Thank you!

Re: sacrilegious question : netbsd 8 : release date : approximate?

2018-06-05 Thread Leonardo Taccari
Hello Kathe,

Kathe writes:
> [...]
> what is "head"? and how do i get it?
> [...]

You can get the daily snapshots here:


For more information about it:


Re: lang/swi-prolog-lite : lighter still

2018-04-17 Thread Leonardo Taccari
Leonardo Taccari writes:
> [...]
> Mmh, at least for bash I think that it was only needed because in
> older versions probably `dotfiles/edit' was installed and needed
> bash, but it doesn't seem no longer true for 6.6.6!
> [...]

Whoops, sorry, I am wrong, at least library/ needs

Re: lang/swi-prolog-lite : lighter still

2018-04-17 Thread Leonardo Taccari
Hello Kathe,

Kathe writes:
> can the swi-prolog-lite package be made even more lighter?
> i saw and wondered
> if it's dependence on bash, gmp and readline can be removed.
> thanks.

Mmh, at least for bash I think that it was only needed because in
older versions probably `dotfiles/edit' was installed and needed
bash, but it doesn't seem no longer true for 6.6.6!

Regarding gmp and readline, probably it's a good idea to have them
by default but we can add PKG_OPTIONS so they can be disabled.

The attached patch should address that but I've only slighty tested
(probably the part about `bash' is safe to commit, while the part
about options probably need a look to other swi-prolog packages as
swi-prolog-lite: Avoid no longer needed bash and add `gmp' and `readline' options

- bash was used for `dotfiles/edit' script but the script seems no longer
  present in 6.6.6.
- Add `gmp' and `readline' PKG_OPTIONS, both enabled by default.
Index: Makefile
RCS file: /cvsroot/pkgsrc/lang/swi-prolog-lite/Makefile,v
retrieving revision 1.25
diff -u -p -r1.25 Makefile
--- Makefile	18 Aug 2015 07:31:01 -	1.25
+++ Makefile	17 Apr 2018 10:09:00 -
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 # $NetBSD: Makefile,v 1.25 2015/08/18 07:31:01 wiz Exp $
 .include "Makefile.common"
 PKGNAME=		swi-prolog-lite-${SWIPLVERS}
@@ -13,8 +13,7 @@ CONFIGURE_DIRS=		src
 CONFIGURE_ENV+=		PL=swi-prolog
-USE_TOOLS+=		gmake bash:run
-REPLACE_BASH+=		dotfiles/edit
+USE_TOOLS+=		gmake
 .include "../../mk/"
@@ -32,9 +31,9 @@ REPLACE_FILES.swipl+=	library/dialect/si
 TEST_TARGET=		check
+.include ""
 .include "../../devel/ncurses/"
 # uses rl_event_hook() interface
-.include "../../devel/readline/"
-.include "../../devel/gmp/"
 .include "../../mk/"
 .include "../../mk/"
RCS file: /cvsroot/pkgsrc/lang/swi-prolog-lite/,v
retrieving revision 1.12
diff -u -p -r1.12
---	18 Aug 2015 07:31:01 -	1.12
+++	17 Apr 2018 10:09:00 -
@@ -9,9 +9,16 @@ BUILDLINK_API_DEPENDS.swi-prolog-lite+=	
 BUILDLINK_ABI_DEPENDS.swi-prolog-lite+=	swi-prolog-lite>=6.6.6nb2
 BUILDLINK_PKGSRCDIR.swi-prolog-lite?=	../../lang/swi-prolog-lite
+pkgbase := swi-prolog
+.include "../../mk/"
 .include "../../devel/ncurses/"
+.if !empty(PKG_BUILD_OPTIONS.swi-prolog:Mreadline)
 .include "../../devel/readline/"
+#.if !empty(PKG_BUILD_OPTIONS.swi-prolog:Mgmp)
 #.include "../../devel/gmp/" ?
 BUILDLINK_TREE+=	-swi-prolog-lite
RCS file:
diff -N
--- /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -
+++	17 Apr 2018 10:09:00 -
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+# $NetBSD$
+.include "../../mk/"
+.if !empty(PKG_OPTIONS:Mgmp)
+CONFIGURE_ARGS+=	--with-gmp
+.include "../../devel/gmp/"
+CONFIGURE_ARGS+=	--without-gmp
+.if !empty(PKG_OPTIONS:Mreadline)
+CONFIGURE_ARGS+=	--with-readline
+.include "../../devel/readline/"
+CONFIGURE_ARGS+=	--without-readline

Re: NetBSD's Blog Unreachable

2017-11-20 Thread Leonardo Taccari
Hello Yass,

Yass Amed writes:
> [...]
> It seems that NetBSD's Blog (under "Community" menu item) is unreachable.
> The link points to a 'dead' server at instead of the
> previous (still working) server
> [...]

Nice catch! I have just changed the `Community -> Blogs' entry in
navbar to just `Community -> Blog' and changed the anchor to instead of as you've proposed.

I think that actually isn't "dead" but just had some
problems in the latest weeks, probably Kim will shed some light!
(it's a nice resource for NetBSD related news and it's still linked
in `NetBSD Gallery' page, at least, under `News about NetBSD and
the *BSDs in general' section).

Thank you very much for reporting that!

Re: nss compile error

2017-10-03 Thread Leonardo Taccari
Hello Riccardo!

Riccardo Mottola writes:
> [...]
> that allows me compilation to finish, so it fixes it.
> [...]

Great! I've committed that few hours ago.

Thank you for reporting this problem and for the feedback!

Re: nss compile error

2017-09-29 Thread Leonardo Taccari
Riccardo Mottola writes:
> Hi,

Hello Riccardo!

> I am upgrading packages on my 7.1 x86 machine and nss fails to update with:
> [...]
> verified/hacl_curve25519_64.c: In function 'Hacl_Bignum_Fmul_fmul_':
> verified/hacl_curve25519_64.c:241:5: error: 'for' loop initial 
> declarations are only allowed in C99 mode
>   for (uintmax_t _i = 0; _i < (uint32_t)5; ++_i)
>   ^
> verified/hacl_curve25519_64.c:241:5: note: use option -std=c99 or 
> -std=gnu99 to compile your code
> anyone else? Just a compiler misdetection/configuration in the makefiles?
> [...]

I haven't seen it but I guess that adding:


...will hopefully help! (you can add in before the `USE_TOOLS+= ...'
line in pkgsrc/devel/nss/Makefile)

Please let us known if that fixes the issue!

Re: Error starting lxde

2017-07-27 Thread Leonardo Taccari
Hello Ivan,
(I'm also cc'ing Youri who's maintaining lxde)

"Ivan \"Rambius\" Ivanov" writes:
> [...]
> I think most of those issues are caused by the fact that lxde uses its
> default locations of /etc/xdg and /usr/share, instead of /usr/pkg/etc
> and /usr/pkg/share. Is there a way to fix that?
> [...]

Yes, I think so too. Yesterday on #netbsd@Freenode we have tried to
debug that and at the end adjusting that via environment variables
mostly did the trick (except for the window with `Could not connect: No
such file or directory' error opened when starting LXDE).

The following ~/.xinitrc workaround these problems:

 export XDG_CONFIG_DIRS=/usr/pkg/etc/xdg
 export XDG_DATA_DIRS=/usr/pkg/share

Youri, do you know if lxde needs to be adjusted or if other xdg
related packages are involved in that? And, do you also know if
gdm or other display managers sets that themself? (I'm also a bit
curious why it wasn't spotted previously!)

Re: The State of NPF?

2017-07-25 Thread Leonardo Taccari
Hello Ryan,
sorry for the incomplemete response but I will just try to address the
documentation part of it.

Ryan Brackenbury writes:
> [...] 
> - NPF documentation is also a bit of a sore point. The examples provided in
> /usr/share do not cover all the common situations that might arise. I found
> myself doing a lot of 'reverse engineering' to figure out how to best 
> configure
> my firewall rules. Any plans in the works for a complete NPF wiki page or
> how-to? I am sure there are a number of more advanced configurations I have
> no idea about.
> [...] 

Apart the various man pages IMHO a very good introduction to it is:


(I've double-checked that it was linked in npf(7) and search engines
usually shows it as one of the first search results for `npf netbsd' but
it's maybe easy to miss it!)

Re: Recurrent disk activity every minute

2017-06-10 Thread Leonardo Taccari
Hello Mayuresh,

Mayuresh writes:
> [...]
> Is there any way to override this behavior of the drive in NetBSD?
> Would apm or sysutils/smartmontools be of help?
> [...]

No idea if that will increase/decrease disk life span but I think
that `atactl  setidle 0' and/or `atactl  setstandby 0'
is what you're looking for!

Re: 8.0 BETA i386 : atheros wifi support

2017-06-09 Thread Leonardo Taccari
Hello Mayuresh,

Mayuresh writes:
> The relevant dmesg is:
>   vendor 168c product 0036 (miscellaneous network, revision 0x01) at pci2 dev 
> 0 function 0 not configured
> Looks like this is not supported. I checked the GENERIC configuration of
> the kernel and could not find something that commented relevant to this.
> For the same card Linux says, in case it helps:
>   ath: phy0: WB335 1-ANT card detected
>   ath: phy0: Set BT/WLAN RX diversity capability
>   ath: phy0: Enable LNA combining
>   ath: phy0: ASPM enabled: 0x42
>   ath: EEPROM regdomain: 0x6a
>   ath: EEPROM indicates we should expect a direct regpair map
>   ath: Country alpha2 being used: 00
>   ath: Regpair used: 0x6a
>   ath3k: probe of 1-4.1:1.0 failed with error -12
>   usbcore: registered new interface driver ath3k
> Is there any chance, this card would be supported on NetBSD?

It's an `Atheros AR9565' (if I'm reading src/sys/dev/pcidevls
correctly!) and unfortunately at the moment it isn't supported neither
by ath(4) nor by athn(4) (that's true for every AR>=9400).

Last time that I've looked to them (I have an AR9485 on this laptop)
athn(4) from OpenBSD didn't supported them. I think that FreeBSD's
ath(4) support them though.

Re: NetBSD-7.1-amd64: IMG install problems / missing checksum

2017-05-25 Thread Leonardo Taccari
Hello Andrei!

"Andrei M." writes:
> Hello,
> I've downloaded NetBSD-7.1-amd64 install image:
> and put it to a USB drive:
> sudo dd if=/media/andrei/Storage/NetBSD-7.1-amd64-install.img of=/dev/sdb1 
> bs=1M
> [...]

Can you please try to use `/dev/sdb' instead of `/dev/sdb1'?
(WARNING: this will completely erase your USB drive!, but will
hopefully fix the problems you are seeing! :))

Re: no console login after sysupgrade from 7.0 to 7.1

2017-05-15 Thread Leonardo Taccari
Hello r0ller!

r0ller writes:
> Hi All,
> I recently upgraded my 7.0 (amd64) to 7.1 using sysupgrade and although I was 
> very cautious during the upgrade process when answering all the questions 
> about the config file changes, I may have done something wrong. So currently 
> I cannot logon as root via the console but interestingly enough I can logon 
> as normal user to X (started by xdm) and in an X terminal I can switch to 
> root using su which accepts the root's pw. If I try to log on to the 
> console as root, the logon simply hangs -does not even ask for a password. I 
> haven't tried the console logon as normal user but will do this evening. 
> Till then, if anyone has any hint, I'd appreciate that!
> Thanks & regards,
> r0ller

I think that /etc/ttys was (accidently!) overwritten, probably you'll
want something like that (in a unified format, please notice the 4th
column `off' vs `on'):

-ttyE1  "/usr/libexec/getty Pc" wsvt25  off secure
-ttyE2  "/usr/libexec/getty Pc" wsvt25  off secure
-ttyE3  "/usr/libexec/getty Pc" wsvt25  off secure
+ttyE1  "/usr/libexec/getty Pc" wsvt25  on secure
+ttyE2  "/usr/libexec/getty Pc" wsvt25  on secure
+ttyE3  "/usr/libexec/getty Pc" wsvt25  on secure

Re: How to view /usr/share/doc/psd/12.make/

2017-03-01 Thread Leonardo Taccari
Hello Robert,

Robert Elz writes:
> Try it now, see if what it looks like is acceptable.
> [...] 

Looks good now, thank you very much for the quick fix!

Re: How to view /usr/share/doc/psd/12.make/

2017-03-01 Thread Leonardo Taccari
Hello Lewis!

"J. Lewis Muir" writes:
> Hello, NetBSD Users!
> On NetBSD 6 (stable branch), what is the right way to view
> /usr/share/doc/psd/12.make/
> I tried the following:
> $ nroff -ms /usr/share/doc/psd/12.make/

Yes, that's the right way to view it!

> That mostly works, but it produces the following warnings:
>   /usr/share/doc/psd/12.make/ warning: macro `Ix' not defined
>   /usr/share/doc/psd/12.make/ warning: can't find font `C'

I think that Christos fixed the former via -r1.12 of
src/usr.bin/make/PSD.doc/ .

> It also renders some lines with the word "NOT" in the left margin like
> this:
>  This  tutorial  is  divided  into three main sections corre-
>   NOTsponding to basic, intermediate and advanced PMake usage. If
>  you already know Make well, you will only need to skim chap-
> Thanks!
> [...] 

Ouch! I have read it some months ago but printing the PostScript
version on dead trees I have not noticed that. However, I can
confirm that also on NetBSD-current the `NOTE' is still problematic
for the text version available in

Unfortunately my roff-fu is pretty limited. I think that at least
`.po +.3i' in should be bumped to `.po +.5i' (or
something like that) to properly accomodate the `NOTE' on the left
and then the NOTE should be adjust in order to have the text version
right (but I have no idea on how to do it).

Anyone more experienced with roff(7)/ms(7) can please give it a look?

Thanks for pointing that out Lewis!

Re: top and sorting by command name?

2016-12-19 Thread Leonardo Taccari
Hello Scott,

"Scott Burns" writes:
> Is this possible?
> I can't seem to find it in the help.
> You can subset to a single command to monitor with "c" but of all the sorts
> I cannot find one that sorts by command name. Ultimately I would like to
> sort in real-time purely based on the executable name, not the dir.
`top -o command' (or `o command' interactively)?

Re: Keyboard latin american NetBSD?

2016-11-07 Thread Leonardo Taccari
Hello Rodolfo,

Rodolfo Edgar writes:
> Hi guys, I have a question, NetBSD has support for keyboard latin
> american? Because when I am installing never I saw keyboard latin
> american only spanish, my key board is latin, thanks you for you reply
If no such layout exists I think that you can start from the most
similar existing layout and then adjust it similarly to what is done
via /usr/share/wscons/keymaps/ and then load that via `mapfile' in

In order to write a mapfile just running `wsconsctl map' to list
all the keycodes can be helpful; then you need to "remap" just the
different keycodes and write them like e.g.

Re: modules tutorial

2016-09-15 Thread Leonardo Taccari
Hello Jan!

Jan Danielsson writes:
> [...] 
>Is there something like
> but for NetBSD?
> [...] 
`src/sys/modules/examples/' is probably what you're looking for!


Re: 7.0.1 AMD64 Install Problem - laptop TOSHIBA Satellite L840

2016-09-01 Thread Leonardo Taccari
Hello JingYuan,

JingYuan Chen writes:
> [...] 
> I found that there are a bug report #49964 with my situation. According to
> it's fix section, I can use userconf to disable Radeon module. I execute
> 'userconf list' to get the current list. But the result is empty.
> I wonder that I can install NetBSD in my laptop or not. If it can be
> installed, I worried that installing xorg is another problem to me.
> Any suggestions are appreciated.
> [...] 
Can you please try a netbsd-7 daily snapshot?
You can download it from e.g.:

>From a quick look to PR kern/49964 and CHANGES files it seem that
the fix was pull-up'ed only in netbsd-7 (but not netbsd-7-0) so NetBSD
7.0.1 probably still exposes the same problem.

Please let us know if it will fix the problem you see!

Re: HP 620 - first install and where is my wireless?

2016-04-27 Thread Leonardo Taccari
Hello Riccardo,

Riccardo Mottola writes:
> [...]
> do we have lspci in NetBSD?
Yes, there is pcictl(8) (`list' command) or if you need lspci is
provided by sysutils/pciutils package.


Re: HP 620 - first install and where is my wireless?

2016-04-26 Thread Leonardo Taccari
Hello Riccardo!

Riccardo Mottola writes:
> [...]
I have no idea regarding the DRM issues/messages unfortunately.

> However, what bothers mee is that I have no wireless itnerface device 
> shown by ifconfig, nor do I see in dmesg something related. It should be 
> a Ralink device.
> If I activate/deactivate the wlan with the keyboard button, I see this:
> ubt0: detached
> ubt0: at uhub1 port 1 (addr 2) disconnected
> ubt0 at uhub1 port 1
> ubt0: Ralink Technology product 0x1000, rev 2.00/52.76, addr 2
> Does this mean that after cycling it, the device is seen on the USB bus? 
> but then there is no driver to manage it?
> Missing firmware?
As Robert pointed out ubt(4) is probably in the same chip of the

After a quick look to src/sys/dev/pci/pcidevs your device seems a Ralink
RT3090 802.11b/g/n (ATM not supported by ral(4) or any other device
drivers). OpenBSD ral(4) seems to support it although I do not have
any idea how difficult is to port it.


Re: wpa_supplicant issues

2016-01-19 Thread Leonardo Taccari
Hello Riccardo,

Riccardo Mottola writes:
> Well, I'm just accustomed to see some output on Linux or FreeBSD.
Seems that the wpa_supplicant "-d" flags do that (I had never used it

> I launched wpa_cli, it connects but I don't see much more. What can I check?
> Connection to wpa_supplicant lost - trying to reconnect
> Connection to wpa_supplicant re-established
>  > ifname
> 11:19:03.517: ipw0
> Is correct.
>  > status
> 11:31:12.678: wpa_state=SCANNING
> address=00:0c:f1:2e:4a:3b
> it remains this way after several minutes. It appears it scans forever.
> [...]
First two lines in the log sounds like a wpa_supplicant "restart"...
Apart "ifname" and "status" can you please also check "scan_results"
(if there are any APs near you you'd be able to watch them)?


Re: wpa_supplicant issues

2016-01-19 Thread Leonardo Taccari
Hello Riccardo,

Riccardo Mottola writes:
> [...] 
> I have copied over the wpa_supplicant.conf file from a linux computer 
> where network works: ssid and key are known to be good.
> When I try to launch wpa_supplicant, I get:
> # wpa_supplicant -Dbsd -iipw0 -c /etc/wpa_supplicant.conf
> Successfully initialized wpa_supplicant
> and "nothing more". I expect some more chatty stuff about keys and other 
> stuff I see on Linux. I see that the WiFi LED comes up and blinks, but 
> ifconfig tells me the "status" is "no network" although it is attached 
> to the correct ssid.
> Running dhclient/dhpcd on the interface yields nothing.
> What's wrong? I see no errors to work on.
I'm not sure if it will contains a lot of information or not but usually
when I need to diagnosticate wpa_supplicant problems I just fire up
wpa_cli(8) in order to look what's happening (in interactive mode).

My wpa_supplicant.conf also contains the following two lines in order to
use it as a user in "wheel" group too:



Re: turn on display

2015-10-12 Thread Leonardo Taccari
Hello phipo,
(replying to netbsd-users@ where is more pertinent).

phipo writes:
> Hi,
> I have a crazy question !
> how to put display on always, my display turn off all 10 minutes !
> Can i put the time to display turn off, i want an command line,
> not tools bar parametres !
If you are using the following should do that (just via a command
and you can then re-enable them if needed):

 $ xset -dpms s off

"-dpms" disables DPMS and "s off" disables screen blanking and screen
(I should wait 10 minutes of inactivity to confirm that though :)).


Re: NetBSD 7.0 i386 panic during boot

2015-10-11 Thread Leonardo Taccari
Hello Mayuresh,

Mayuresh writes:
> [...] 
> Unfortunately the keyboard stops working when db prompt appears. So cannot
> gather complete trace.
I think that:

 # sysctl -w ddb.commandonenter="trace"

will do the trick.


Re: Air-Traffic-Controller game?

2015-06-19 Thread Leonardo Taccari
Hello Rocky,

"Rocky Hotas" writes:
> [...] 
> but there is no trace of the executable. They are all read-only file. 
> If I type for example "atc" or "atc -gf easy" it gives me:
> atc: not found
> And "which atc" produces no output. Maybe this is a trivial question, but: 
> how can such a game be started?
Have you installed the games.tgz installation set?


Re: alc(4) current for NetBSD 6.1.5, patch included

2015-01-25 Thread Leonardo Taccari
Hello iMil and the entire NetBSD community,

"Emile `iMil' Heitor" writes:
> Using Leonardo Taccari's work on alc(4) for NetBSD current, I've enabled my
> AR8171 Gbe NIC on NetBSD 6.1.5 by porting the driver.
> Anyone interested, just apply the enclosed patch in src/sys/dev/pci then:
> make -f Makefile.pcidevs in src/sys/dev/pci
> and rebuild your kernel as usual.
If someone has succesfully tested alc(4) on 813x/815x chipsets too can
we request a pull up for netbsd-7? It seems that the 816x chipsets are
common on various motherboards and laptopts.

What do you think?

Thank you in advance for your attention!

Re: NetBSD reference card (again!)

2014-08-13 Thread Leonardo Taccari
Hello Chris,

On Thu, Aug 14, 2014 at 02:29:17AM +1200, Chris Bannister wrote:
> OOps spoke too soon!
> % mupdf netbsd-refcard.pdf
> error: cannot recognize version marker
> warning: trying to repair broken xref
> error: cannot find page tree
> mupdf: warning: Cannot load page
> mupdf: discarded changes to document
> So it is not a valid pdf file?
> *groan*
> tal% file netbsd-refcard.pdf
> netbsd-refcard.pdf: HTML document, UTF-8 Unicode text, with very long lines
Please try to do that:

 $ curl -O 
 $ file netbsd-refcard.pdf
 netbsd-refcard.pdf: PDF document, version 1.5
 $ mupdf netbsd-refcard.pdf

...maybe you need to add "-k" to www/curl if you do not have cacert.pem
and/or you do not have set SSL_CERT_FILE or CURL_CA_BUNDLE variable.

I'm sorry that I didn't provided the PDF link before.


Re: NPF not loading and starting at boot

2014-08-12 Thread Leonardo Taccari
Hello Lewis,

On Tue, Aug 12, 2014 at 04:18:04PM -0500, J. Lewis Muir wrote:
> On 8/12/14, 4:08 PM, Gerard Lally wrote:
> > As a complete newcomer to npf I'm not sure if this is helpful, but
> > here goes anyway: do you have logging turned on in your npf.conf, and
> > if so, have you created the interface npflog0?
> [...] 
> No, I don't have logging turned on (i.e. no 'procedure "log" { log:
> npflog0 }' and no 'apply "log"' on any of my rules), and so I think I
> shouldn't need the npflog0 interface.
Another possible problem... do you use inet4() or inet6()? If the
interfaces are not up you will get an error (altough you can read it
during the boot messages and probably in /var/log/messages too).


NetBSD reference card (again!)

2014-08-10 Thread Leonardo Taccari
Hello to the entire NetBSD community!
I'm happy to announce that I've revived the NetBSD reference card
(I wrote it in 2008).

After thinking a bit about it I saw that six years ago I did two big
 0. The source code of the NetBSD reference card was not easily
available through a RCS (but only via HTTP)... This discouraged a
lot contribution.
 1. I didn't discussed with all interesting users and developers for the
topics that should be part of the NetBSD reference card (IMO it
should be useful for everyone).

I've updated it and now is finally available in this git repository:

It uses print/tex-leaflet and also (optionally) print/latex-mk in order
to ease the generation of the PDF.

I've found similar material that I hope to integrate in some way or
another in the reference card:
 [more or less all interesting commands described there are present in
 the reference card]
 [there are various interesting information that ATM are not in the
 reference card, in particular: IPv6, example, upgrading the
 system with binaries (maybe should be used sysutils/sysupgrade or
 sysupdate here), and probably also a basic wpa_supplicant.conf

If we need more space it can be also splitted in a
``NetBSD reference card'' and in a ``pkgsrc reference card''.

Every kind of critiques and comments are welcomed!

Re: email management under netbsd : any simple strategies?

2014-06-17 Thread Leonardo Taccari
Hello Mayuresh,

On Tue, Jun 17, 2014 at 06:18:35PM +, Mayuresh Kathe wrote:
> hello,
> i have been using mutt under various linux based systems as
> well as under freebsd.
> looks like the mutt under netbsd (via pkgin) doesn't support
> smtp (yet).
> may i know what kind of strategy mutt aficionados use to get
> mutt working well under netbsd?
> if there isn't a simple way, may i know what would be a good
> approach to email (imap + smtp) at the netbsd console?
I personally use mail/msmtp for SMTP, mail/fdm for IMAP and
mail/mutt-devel as MUA.

As Manuel and Gary suggested you can use postfix(1) in base or build
mail/mutt-devel with "mutt-smtp" option.

I suggest you to use postfix(1) or configure something like mail/msmtp.
If you do the latter remember to adjust /etc/mailer.conf (for more
information please give a look to mailer.conf(5)), e.g. (for msmtp):

 #sendmail  /usr/libexec/postfix/sendmail
 mailq  /usr/libexec/postfix/sendmail
 newaliases /usr/libexec/postfix/sendmail
 sendmail /usr/pkg/bin/msmtp

...mainly because in this way you can also send emails not only with
mutt (for example with send-pr(1)).


Re: switching between virtual terminals : difficult

2014-06-15 Thread Leonardo Taccari

On Sun, Jun 15, 2014 at 02:50:38PM +0200, herbert langhans wrote:
> From: Mayuresh Kathe  [140615 14:09]
> hello,
> is there any reason why the right hand side ctrl and alt keys
> on the keyboard don't work while attempting to switch virtual
> terminals, eg. ctrl + alt + fnx?
> i am now running 6.1.4 on an amd64.
> should i be sending in the dmesg too?
> thanks,
> ~mayuresh
> They have another keycode, you can watch them with xev. I guess there is
> a way to map them to switch the terminals.
You can also use wsconscfg(8), e.g.:

 # wsconscfg -s 1


Re: netbsd : books?

2014-06-15 Thread Leonardo Taccari
Hello Mayuresh,

On Sun, Jun 15, 2014 at 04:29:51PM +0530, Mayuresh Kathe wrote:
> are there any books which are specific to netbsd?
> i saw a 2 volume set called "netbsd system manager's manual" by jeremy c
> reed on, but it is from june 2010, infact, over 4 years old.
> isn't there anything newer?
As other suggested The NetBSD guide and The pkgsrc guide are two very
good reading (despite they are not available printed in book form) and
they're always getting updated.
The pkgsrc guide documents pkgsrc for users, MAINTAINERs and

For NPF there is NPF documentation:

And in the NetBSD site (probably you have encountered that) there is
also a page that suggests a lot of books (but not always NetBSD-specific
and, unfortunately, not always updated, but I'm sure that most of them
are very good reading):


Re: netbsd : 6.1.4 : on lenovo m72e tiny : works well?

2014-06-14 Thread Leonardo Taccari
On Sat, Jun 14, 2014 at 08:34:33PM +, Mayuresh Kathe wrote:
> perfect, let me read up on sysinst and see how it goes. :)
Ops, my mail was a bit confusing, just use the NetBSD 6.1.4 ISO on your
actual machine, install it on the USB memory stick, than configure
everything needed (booting from the USB) in order to be comfortable when
you will try it.

Sorry for the confusion, I hope that now everything is clearer and

Re: netbsd : 6.1.4 : on lenovo m72e tiny : works well?

2014-06-14 Thread Leonardo Taccari
Hello Mayuresh,

On Sat, Jun 14, 2014 at 05:57:50PM +, Mayuresh Kathe wrote:
> is there any way to test hardware support without installing netbsd?
> i could always convince the vendor to let me run a live cd or something!
If you have a spare USB memory stick I think you can easily use
sysinst on your machine and choose the proper sd* as disk (1GB should be
enough to do a complete NetBSD installation, with x* sets too).

I don't suggest to just try the CD-ROM iso because AFAIK INSTALL kernel
may contains fewer devices support compared to GENERIC one.
In this way you can also install x* installation sets and test X11 too
in the machine you would like to buy.


Re: IPV6 issues

2014-04-17 Thread Leonardo Taccari
Hello Bob,

On Wed, Apr 16, 2014 at 02:14:31PM -0500, Bob Nestor wrote:
> However my connection to my ISP doesn't support IPV6 so I'd like to disable 
> it at least for the time being.  I can't find any sysctl knob to do this but 
> I found an article that says the way to do this is with NPF.  The article 
> indicates the way to do this is to add these two rules to the default group:
>   block in inet6
>   block out inet6
> But these lines give syntax errors when I attempt an "npfctl reload".  
> Looking at the npf.conf documentation seems to indicate that the proper 
> syntax (for the npf variant in 6.1.3) should be:
>   block in family inet6
>   block out family inet6
> But that also gives a syntax error.
> So I dropped back and decided that at least for the time being I'd build a 
> kernel that doesn't have IPV6.   I commented out the "options INET6" line in 
> GENERIC and tried building the kernel.  That fails during link with an 
> unresolved reference to "stfattach".
> My simple question is therefore, what's an easy way of disabling IPV6 in the 
> GENERIC kernel?
In my npf.conf I specified to every pass rule (except on lo0) the
"family inet" flag and in this way it works without any problem (and I have
a "block all" rule at the end).

Maybe this thread could be interesting for you:

IIRC there should be also a patch to /etc/rc.d/network in order to disable
IPv6 without recompiling the kernel (I think that it disable setting
link-local address that by default is enabled as noted by Thor).


Re: Xorg slow start

2014-02-17 Thread Leonardo Taccari
Hello Konstantin and Chris!

On Mon, Feb 17, 2014 at 11:41:07PM +1300, Chris Bannister wrote:
> On Mon, Feb 17, 2014 at 12:42:21PM +0400, Konstantin H wrote:
> > 15.02.2014 00:51, Michel Behr пишет:
> > >Isn't there a way to look at the timestamps on log and/or dmesg to see what
> > >is causing the delay?
> > I checked logs, but it did not make anything clear to me.
> > Here are the log files:
> > Xorg:
> Maybe this sheds some light on the issue:
>  365. [32.406] (EE) AIGLX error: i915 does not export required DRI 
> extension
>  366. [32.414] (EE) AIGLX: reverting to software rendering
>  367. [32.595] (II) AIGLX: Loaded and initialized 
> /usr/X11R7/lib/modules/dri/
>  368. [32.612] (II) GLX: Initialized DRISWRAST GL provider for screen 0
> [...] 
I can read the same in my /var/log/Xorg.0.log but AFAIK should not completely
slow down Xorg but just everything that uses 3d acceleration.

In my case Xorg runs pretty well (NetBSD/i386 6.1.3, native Xorg).


Re: Routing/pf (again)

2014-01-25 Thread Leonardo Taccari
Hello Konrad,

On Sat, Jan 25, 2014 at 12:52:26AM +0100, Konrad Neuwirth wrote:
> Dear reader, 
> recently I asked about routing to multiple destinations via different 
> gateways. We've set up appropriate pf rules, but they seem to mostly be 
> ignored. 
> [...]
> But it appears that all traffic to port 80 still goes out via ext_if_fix 
> instead of ext_if_dsl. 
I am not sure but... Does "sysctl -w net.inet.ip.forwarding=1" make it work?


Re: NetBSD remains stagnant as Charles Hannum said?

2014-01-15 Thread Leonardo Taccari
Hello rafraîchissant,

On Wed, Jan 15, 2014 at 05:25:16AM -0800, rafraîchissant wrote:
> NetBSD remains stagnant as Charles Hannum said in 2006?
Apart from giving a look to activity in the NetBSD mailing lists,
netbsd-bugs@, pkgsrc-bugs@, netbsd-changes@ and pkgsrc-changes@...
Let's look what happened after 2006 (just from an user perspective)...
just to name fews:
 * lot of new hardware support
 * SMP improvements
 * bluetooth(4): Bluetooth support
 * wapbl(4): journaling filesystem for FFS
 * switch to
 * npf(3): NetBSD packet filter
 * puffs(4) and rump(4)
And I think we can go on and on...

I suggest you to subscribe to the feed and
periodically give a look to all the NetBSD news.

NetBSD is not dead it just smells funny! ;-)

PS: I'm writing from please don't feed the trolls! :-P
(gnam, gnam ;-))


Re: Stupid question about startup script.

2013-10-30 Thread Leonardo Taccari
Hello ASV,

On Wed, Oct 30, 2013 at 12:42:13PM +0100, ASV wrote:
> is where they're supposed to be or I should manually copy/link them
> on /etc/rc.d ???
You can manually copy/link on /etc/rc.d or you can add:


in your /etc/mk.conf to get them in /etc/rc.d automatically.
For more information please give a look to:

Apart from The pkgsrc guide (the text version is in
pkgsrc/doc/pkgsrc.txt) and other documents in pkgsrc/doc/* as Greg
suggested, there is a very handy target (useful both for user,
MAINTAINERs and pkgsrc developers): the "help" target, e.g.

 $ make help topic="PKG_RCD_SCRIPTS"

PS: ASV, sorry that I am (re)posting this email again but I have
accidentally replied to you and not to the ML (while here I added
another tip in order to quickly move further in pkgsrc! ;)).


Re: NetBSD bootable installation on USB stick [working script]

2013-09-16 Thread Leonardo Taccari
On Mon, Sep 16, 2013 at 06:32:35PM +0200, Adrian Immanuel Kieß wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> since I did not found this yet on the list I just shortly want to report
> how I got NetBSD working on my old Asus M2N notebook.
> For a working USB stick with NetBSD go to this site and follow the
> instructions:
Hello Adrian,
from NetBSD 5.1.2 for some ports an image is automatically generated and
available, for more information give a look here (``With a downloaded

In most cases this way is easier and faster than the manual method.
