2024-04-29 Thread atomicules
On 29 April 2024 18:04:23 BST, Patrick Welche  wrote:
>Apparently I need to "purchase an inexpensive OATH TOTP compatible
>token device."
>$ wtf oath
>wtf: I don't know what `oath' means!
>$ wtf totp
>TOTP: time-based one time password
>Any suggestions on something that works on NetBSD/amd64?

I've used oath-toolkit before when I needed a cli based tool. That's in Pkgsrc.


2022-08-12 Thread atomicules


On 11-Aug-2022 17:55:41, Brian Buhrow wrote:

hello.  thanks so much for your reply and the link to your blog post.  
I'm almost there,
but I've run into something that seems very simple, but is currently tripping 
me up.
How do I specify "Direct Disk" as a kernel in the configuration creation or 
update step?

From `linode-cli kernels list` try:

--kernel "linode/direct-disk"

I don't think the cli existed when I first set mine up. I'll have to 
have a go with it.


2022-08-11 Thread atomicules

Hey Brian,

On 10-Aug-2022 19:57:02, Brian Buhrow wrote:
hello.  Is there anyone on this list using NetBSD on Linode?  I see 
some folks have done it in the past, but I don't see anything 

Been running NetBSD on Linode since 2013 and have been through various 
transitions: i386 to amd64; XEN to KVM.

instructions on how to build a custom image for uploading?

My approach has always been to use the install image to install onto a 
Linode raw disk. This post is dated, but the overall technique is valid:

If you have no luck figuring it out from that I could walk through a 
fresh install and update the steps... assuming I can find the time.

Re: does anyone have a working mozilla firefox-74.0 on 9.0 amd64?

2020-07-03 Thread atomicules

My case was the same as this:

On 02-Jul-2020 22:27:49, r0ller wrote:

Hi Greg,

Mine works fine. However, my system is an upgraded one from 8.1 to 
9.0 if it makes a difference. Then I installed firefox-74.0 and 
removed 68 (I guess that was its version). On the first run it 
complained about libepoxy like in this mail:

So I followed that up to the solution which was to remove the 
installed libepoxy package:

It worked out indeed, and since then firefox-74.0 runs just fine.

I.e. I just updated libepoxy.

I also saw some complaints about being missing:

/usr/pkg/lib/gio/modules/ Shared object 
"" not found
Failed to load module: /usr/pkg/lib/gio/modules/

I think I fixed that by updating GConf. Can't recall for sure now.

Re: Is elinks dead?

2020-06-07 Thread atomicules

On 07-Jun-2020 19:41:21, Mayuresh wrote:

Thanks. I was able to build 0.13. Will send a separate request to upgrade
in pkgsrc list.

I did suggest that some time ago. I think in pkg/50105. At the time 
.13 wasn't an official release so the suggestion was to keep (my) 
changes in WIP. But seems like things have changed since then.

Re: Is elinks dead?

2020-06-07 Thread atomicules


On 07-Jun-2020 18:56:26, Mayuresh wrote:

Are there any elinks user out here who have you faced those SSL errors and
know any workaround? Or any alternatives, that may meet at least my first
requirement in the bullets mentioned above?

I use elinks (less than I used to though). I have been keeping the 
Pkgsrc WIP elinks-snapshot package up to date with upstream, but sadly 
no updates upstream since 2017.

But this is a 0.13 version. If you want to build it you'll have to use 
`make NO_CHECKSUM=yes` because they must automatically rebuild/package 
upstream and even though the source hasn't change in years the 
checksum will have.

(I just did a quick check and seems to still build ok, NetBSD 9.0 / 

Re: X broken after upgrade to 9.0

2020-03-30 Thread atomicules

On 03-Mar-2020 22:44:16, wrote:

One way to workaround some of these issues is to force the less
demanding uxa accel method for i915, modesetting driver, or wsfb driver.
e.g. an xorg.conf like this:

Section "Device"
 Identifier "Intel Graphics"
 Driver "intel"
 Option "AccelMethod" "uxa"

Thanks for this! Upgraded my desktop (Dell Optiplex 745, Intel GMA 
3000 / Q965) and this setting worked a treat.

Re: Video Driver for Intel - resolution stuck at 800x600

2019-02-06 Thread atomicules

Nice! Thanks for this.

On 03-Feb-2019 16:45:38, David Brownlee wrote:

The script I sent assumes /current already exists and that you're running
amd64. I've attached an updated version which should handle that, plus will
run as root without sudo (if you do not have sudo setup). It also notes the
lines you should add to /boot.cfg

I've taken the liberty of cc'ing in the list on this reply (hope you do not
mind), because
a) If anyone else was reading the original reply they may as well have the
slightly improved hacky script

Re: stateful npf

2018-04-18 Thread atomicules

Don't `block in all` here:

On 18-Apr-2018 13:06:37, Patrick Welche wrote:

group "ext" on wm0 {
 block in all
 pass stateful in proto tcp flags S/SA from any to port 80

Instead do that here:

group default {
 pass all


group "ext" on wm0 {
 pass stateful in proto tcp flags S/SA from any to port 80

group default {
 block in all

I'm new to npf (so take advice with a pinch of salt), but I ran into a 
similar issue when converting to it. The rules should flow through so 
`default` only gets hit if no other rules before it match so blocking 
there is fine.

Re: NetBSD on Linode kvm problems

2018-03-03 Thread atomicules
Just to follow-up here, because it's now been almost two weeks that 
everything has been running fine again (woohoo!).

I wasn't interested in performing a scientific experiment to figure 
out what went wrong or what exactly fixed it, in the end I did:

- Switched timecounter to ACPI-Safe. This was the last one I had to 
 try. However, I didn't leave it long enough to know if that fixed it 
- I started re-building my NetBSD install. Previously I'd used one 
 20GB raw disk image on Linode split in half between /home and 
 everything else. /home was encrypted. I swapped from encrypted and 
 added a new 10GB disk image and moved /home there
- Pretty sure that made no difference, but I didn't want a 20GB disk 
 image with 10GB of nothingness so I spent had some downtime whilst I 
 dumped my root filesystem out to another new diskimage
- Created yet another 10GB disk and did a fresh install of NetBSD 
 7.1.1 to it from a USB image (I think so anyway, of course I didn't 
 keep notes and memory is hazy already, but I _think_ I did that to 
 setup the disk properly - i.e. swap - as opposed to just using 
 fdisk/disklabel, etc).

- newfs'd that root to wipe it out so I could restore my dump onto it
- Finally (I think) re-installed 7.1.1 on top of the new disk to make 
 sure it was all ok.

So I don't really get what changed with the Meltdown patching, but I 
am glad I was able to get things working again.

Re: NetBSD on Linode kvm problems

2018-02-09 Thread atomicules

On 09-Feb-2018 16:57:59, Michael Parson wrote:

Ran this a couple of minutes ago:

$ sudo sysctl -w kern.timecounter.hardware=clockinterrupt
kern.timecounter.hardware: hpet0 -> clockinterrupt

And my clock is already 4 minutes off :-/

[From searching][1]: might be worth making the change in /etc/sysctl.conf 
and rebooting so the change is picked up early on.

Right now my clock is in sync and has been for two and a bit days, but 
next time it drifts (slows) - which I'm expecting it to do soon -  I'm 
going to try that ^ and iterate through the different options to see 
if one works.


Re: NetBSD on Linode kvm problems

2018-02-09 Thread atomicules

Also, forgot to send this to the list earlier:


Hi Michael,

just to say that I've seen the same:

I tried para-virtualised and it didn't help and also ran into a nasty 

I've gone as far as disabling CGD now because a) I wondered if the 
overhead of encryption wasn't helping b) I can just hit reboot now 
when the clock drifts and not have to worry about typing in my 
password (I'd long grown fed up of the inconvenience of encrypted 
disks in the cloud)

The next thing I was going to try was a fresh install because I also 
switched from Xen to KVM "in place".

I've also noticed a similar issue to you:

On a fresh boot, mutt will switch between my mailboxes quickly. After 
a few hours/days of running it'll start taking longer and longer; This 
is mutt straight into a local maildir since my Linode NetBSD is also 
my mail host. So weird.

Re: NetBSD on Linode kvm problems

2018-02-09 Thread atomicules

Here's mine...

On 09-Feb-2018 18:57:11, Michael van Elst wrote:

Can you check what timecounter is used and switch to a different one?

 sysctl kern.timecounter.choice

kern.timecounter.choice = TSC(q=-100, f=2500206200 Hz) clockinterrupt(q=0,
f=100 Hz) piixpm0(q=1000, f=3579545 Hz) hpet0(q=2000, f=1 Hz)
ACPI-Safe(q=900, f=3579545 Hz) lapic(q=-100, f=1001237943 Hz) i8254(q=100,
f=1193182 Hz) dummy(q=-100, f=100 Hz)

Presumably Michael's will be the same.

Re: NetBSD, ipv6, and linode

2017-09-15 Thread atomicules
I finally got around to converting from XEN to KVM and I now have 
the exact same issue as you although since my ipv6 access at home 
was broken it's taken me about 3 months to realise.

Yeah, I have an ipv6 address according to ifconfig, but ipv6 
definitely isn't working. Odd.

A reboot seemed to fix it, although not straight away, which was weird. 
Had to wait an hour or so. Even as I write that I don't believe it 

I understand computers less and less everyday.

So for the record all I have for KVM, Linode and NetBSD 7 is the 
following in rc.conf:

dhcpcd_flags="-q -w 4 -w 6 wm0"

Re: NetBSD, ipv6, and linode

2017-09-11 Thread atomicules

Hi Michael,

On 29-Dec-2016 23:15:30, Michael Parson wrote:

While I've got some free time over the holidays, I thought I'd go ahead
and finally try to get my NetBSD/Linode going with its assigned IPv6.


Again, I get an IP, an ipv6 default route (which I can ping6), but can't
ping6 something like say,, or

$ ping6
PING6(56=40+8+8 bytes) 2600:3c00::f03c:91ff:feae:c95d -->
--- ping6 statistics ---
2 packets transmitted, 0 packets received, 100.0% packet loss

I finally got around to converting from XEN to KVM and I now have the 
exact same issue as you although since my ipv6 access at home was 
broken it's taken me about 3 months to realise.

Yeah, I have an ipv6 address according to ifconfig, but ipv6 
definitely isn't working. Odd.

Don't suppose you ever figured it out?

Re: blacklistd and bpfjit

2017-03-27 Thread atomicules

npfctl: error loading the bpfjit module; performance will be degraded:
Operation not permitted
npfctl: To disable this warning `set bpf.jit off' in /etc/npf.conf

I think that's a XEN issue. I've been playing about with npf and 
building kernels and I cannot get bpfjit to work on XEN even though 
I've supposedly enabled it during the kernel build.

And not to derail you too much, but I can't really get npf to work 
properly on XEN at all. Been meaning to email you about that. Sure it 
"works", but it doesn't seem to respect the rules like my desktop npf 
does (it basically blocks EVERYTHING). I'm 99% sure it's a XEN problem 
and not me.

Re: NetBSD, ipv6, and linode

2016-12-31 Thread atomicules
Thanks for the XEN -> KVM notes Michael. I can't decide whether to 
switch to KVM or switch to prgmr. I'll probably put off deciding for 
as long as I can.

NetBSD XEN on Linode has been solid for me. I have much love for this 

Re: NetBSD, ipv6, and linode

2016-12-30 Thread atomicules
I use NetBSD on Linode, but still a XEN install (if it ain't broke, 
don't fix it). All I do for ipv6 is:


in rc.conf and this works automagically for me.

The only issue I have is dmesg gets spammed with:

"in6_ifadd: 2a01:7e00::f03c:91ff:fe70:e653 is already configured"

Re: netbsd-7 fails to boot on dell optiplex 990

2016-07-18 Thread atomicules

On 18-Jul-2016 15:18:51, Greg Troxel wrote:

I tried to boot an amd64 GENERIC on a Dell Optiplex 990, and it paniced
with no console.   Following upgrade norms, I had only updated the
kernel and not userland.

Maybe related, but on an Optiplex 745 I had a i915drmkms panic/crash 
during boot/install. Couldn't do anything with it once it crashed 

I had to add a boot option with i915drmkms disabled via userconf to 
get it to boot:

menu=Disable i915drmkms:rndseed /var/db/entropy-file;userconf disable 
i915drmkms;boot netbsd

Re: Please recommend office package on NetBSD

2015-10-30 Thread atomicules

On 30-Oct-2015 14:04:55, Swift Griggs wrote:

On Fri, 30 Oct 2015, Mayuresh wrote:

Minimal == antiword (converts word docs to text)

Tried. Cute one, but seems to say "is not a Word Document." for just too
many files.

It only works on doc (Word 97 or before, I think) files not the newer 
DOCX files (which are really zip files full of MS garbage).

Use docx2txt for more recent word docs to get just the plain text. I 
use this within mutt. But I'd hardly call it an office package.

Re: problems configuring jabber server

2015-02-19 Thread atomicules

Hi Ezequiel,

On 19-Feb-2015 18:40:31, Ezequiel Reyes Aragon wrote:
searched the net and found that prosody works well with lua 5.1 but 
fails with lua 5.2, I don't understand why netbsd's prosody binary is 
depedent on a lua version that will not let it run. 

Can't help specifically with a Jabber server, but I have noticed that 
pkgsrc often has blanket updates for dependencies such as Perl and 
Lua, etc. So anything that requires Lua will get updated to require 
the latest version, etc. And this then determines how the binaries are 

I had a similar issue with Elinks which says it requires 5.2, but the 
lua integration only works with 5.1. To solve this problem I set 
LUA_VERSION_DEFAULT=51 in mk.conf and then built it from source.

However, saying all that, on pkgsrc it says prosody now requires 
lua51. Looks like some kind of fix was made in mid 2014. Perhaps the 
binaries were built before then?

Could you try building from source?

Re: NetBSD for the dekstop

2015-02-17 Thread atomicules
To join in, I also use NetBSD on the desktop. I've had about a year 
using the dwm window manager, but I'm now spending most of my time not 
even bothering with X and just using the framebuffer thanks to 
mlterm-fb; however, I guess this probably no longer counts as 
desktop as far as most are concerned.

Re: openbsd - netbsd : same yet feels different ...

2014-06-17 Thread atomicules

Hi Mayuresh,

On 17-Jun-2014 13:43:05, Mayuresh Kathe wrote:

secondly, the community (mailing list) isn't grumpy. :)

Yay for non-grumpiness! 

i migrated primarily because of the upcoming support for lua
throughout the operating system, hope it materializes.

From searching the mailing list and blogs, etc I think opinion is 
quite divided, but personally I like Lua so I think it's a good idea. 

what else could someone who's not so much into system setup and
administration, nor into systems programming do with netbsd?

Just use it day to day. I don't see that NetBSD has to be reserved to 
a system/server role. I mean, I do use it to host my website and as my 
email server, but I also use the exact same server as my remote 
desktop (Tmux) to write this email, write code, write blog posts, 
browse the web, use Twitter, etc.

ah yes, i am not much of a 'gui' user, so will be working at the
console, primarily, but would be nice to know if there's anyone
here using or carrying over 'cwm' from openbsd, it's kinda nice.

No, but I do use dwm. That makes NetBSD fine as a desktop OS for me. 
That way I can use a NetBSD machine to access my main NetBSD machine 
for double the goodness.

Re: openbsd - netbsd : same yet feels different ...

2014-06-17 Thread atomicules

On 17-Jun-2014 16:45:10, Ottavio Caruso wrote:

On 17 June 2014 16:38, atomicules wrote:

Just use it day to day. I don't see that NetBSD has to be reserved to a
system/server role

Sure, but this is unfortunately not in Netbsd's hands. Most modern
graphical applications depend on/are built on udev/systemd. Let's see
what happens with pulseaudio for example. We (all *bsd + slackware and
a few other distros) might end up one day with no sound platform.

Ah, yes, perhaps I should have qualified that currently I have no need 
for audio or anything too modern. I've regressed my computing over the 
years from flashy and modern (E.g. Apple's Mail client) to plain and 
old (Mutt). Perhaps that's why NetBSD suits me?

Re: NetBSD 6.1.4 on Dell Inspiron 3700

2014-05-15 Thread atomicules

Hi Jan,

On 15-May-2014 18:53:18, Jan Stary wrote:

I am trying to install 6.1.4/i386 on this Dell Inspiron 3700,
without much success. The installer's kernel either stops at
piixide0 and doesn't go any further, or uvm_fault's while
detecting esm0.

Try the technique I used [here][1] of dropping to userconf and 
disabling various drivers to see if you can get it to boot.

Based on [this web page][2] perhaps try disabling piixide. I assume 
NetBSD will automagically try some other driver? If it doesn't maybe 
you can enable another via userconf? Based on [this thread][3] perhaps 
there are some BIOS settings you can tweak/change that affects the 
driver used?

Assuming you do eventually get it working you can easily (honestly!) 
build your own kernel and enable ACPI (for what it's worth; it doesn't 
bring much to me beyond automatically powering off).


Re: recompiling dwm with custom config.h

2014-04-05 Thread atomicules

Hi Béla,

On 05-Apr-2014 13:34:17, Béla wrote:

Hi guys,
Anybody using dwm out there? I'm quite new to NetBSD...

I'm using dwm, but not via pkgsrc, just straight from the suckless 
repository, which makes dealing with config.def.h easier.

recompile dwm in pkgsrc with a custom config.h file but I have no idea
how to do this.

One option would be to get your changes for config.def.h in the 
form of a patch and use the local patches option of pkgsrc to pull 
them in, if you want to use pkgsrc for dwm. That should work really 

Re: NetBSD on a Toshiba Satellite Pro 4280 / A NetBSD (Love) Story

2014-03-20 Thread atomicules

On 20-Mar-2014 19:06:06, Christian Koch wrote:

All operating systems, including NetBSD, will occasionally throw curveballs at
its users. But with NetBSD, you can throw curveballs back at _it_ and it never
breaks. Other OSes would force you to give up.

Yes, exactly. I knew I'd be able to get it working _somehow_ I just 
had to search long enough and stick at it.

Unfortunately the useful tidbits of NetBSD information can take some 
tracking down.

I explain in greater detail that's why I love NetBSD here:

I completely agree. In fact, I think I must have already read that as 
I remember the bit about being able to do `ps -A` and being able to 
understand all the processes: At work I use ArchLinux inside 
VirtualBox and I have quite a minimal install (same window manager as 
per my Toshiba NetBSD install, etc), but there is still a lot more 
processes going on than I have in NetBSD. And ArchLinux is one of the 
lighter distributions.

I feel a bit like I've stumbled across a really good secret with 
NetBSD. Apart from it's not actually secret.

Re: NetBSD on a Toshiba Satellite Pro 4280 / A NetBSD (Love) Story

2014-03-20 Thread atomicules

Hi Ricardo,

On 20-Mar-2014 10:13:15, Riccardo Mottola wrote:
That machine has a floppy disk, so you should be able to use it 
actually? Useful for booting... and for nostalgia :)

Thanks. Sorry, I didn't explain myself clearly. I know it has a floppy 
disk drive, but I found that the floppy disk controller was 
conflicting with the PCMCIA card, so I am happy enough disabling the 
floppy drive as I'd prefer to have wireless working :-)

Useful for booting... and for nostalgia :)

I don't think I actually have any floppy disks lying around any more. 
Plenty of ZIP disks from my University days though.

NetBSD on a Toshiba Satellite Pro 4280 / A NetBSD (Love) Story

2014-03-19 Thread atomicules
tl;dr: To get a Linksys WPC55AG Wireless PCMCIA card and a Toshiba 
Satellite Pro 4280 (4200 series) to play nicely set as Cardbus/16 bit 
in the BIOS and disable fdc, midi and mpu in userconf.


I've been using NetBSD for about a year now, since switching to it 
from OSX 10.5 when my ageing Powerbook (which I basically used 
remotely as a shell account) finally died. So I replaced it with 
Linode and a Xen instance of NetBSD. The switch was painless and easy 
as everything I wanted to run (mutt, elinks, etc) was already cross 
platform and either available as binaries or through pkgsrc.

So firstly, thanks for that. NetBSD is a great.

In the last couple of weeks I've been able to replace the ageing 
powerbook with an even older Toshiba Satellite Pro. This thing is a 
beast! It must be about 4cm thick with the lid closed.

I had to order a CD from [osdisc][1] since I no longer have access to 
any machine with a CD writer (curse technological process!) and the 
Toshiba can't boot from USB and doesn't have an ethernet port.

After much reading of the email archives and the [ath][2] manual page 
I decided to go for a [Linksys WPC55AG][3] PCMCIA card which I could 
get for about £4 and was still boxed, shrink-wrapped and new!

When both had arrived in the post I was initially disheartened 
(absolutely gutted) that I couldn't get it to boot up and work. I 
could get it booted from the CD, no problem, but it would hang as soon 
as I tried to run dhcpcd.

In my haste I decided to install to disk and see if that would work 
better than just from the CD - of course, it didn't.

After more reading around I found out [about audio conflicts][4] and 
this made sense as the speakers would make a noise when going through 
pcmcia bit on boot, but since I couldn't get the sources on to the 
machine in any way yet (Plugging in a USB stick would hang the 
machine) I was stuck. 

I then got it into my head that I needed to enable acpi and that would 
solve all my problems (in hindsight: completely unrelated). Due to the 
age of the BIOS it was disabled by NetBSD. Due to my haste to install 
to disk I'd neglected to look into updating the BIOS ([good on 
Toshiba, they still provide them][5]; too late for an eager beaver 
though). There are [quite][6] [a][7] [few][8] [references][9] to 
`acpi_force_load`, but no answers as to how to use it (I presume 
somehow as a boot parameter?). The other option is enabling it in the 
kernel, but again, how to compile my own kernel? I briefly thought 
about trying to get hold of a Windows CD and re-installing it just so 
I could update the BIOS. Fortunately I didn't have to.

I found a post about setting cards as [Cardbus/16 bit as best for 
NetBSD][10] and indeed I did not have this set as so in the BIOS, I 
had Auto-Selected. So I changed this to 16 bit, but then it wouldn't 
boot and would hang at `fdc at fdc0 drive 0: 1.44MB, 80 cyl, 2 head, 
18 sec`.

In looking into how to enable acpi I found this post about [how to 
_disable_ it via userconf][11]. I had a bit of a light-bulb moment and 
thought that if you could `disable acpi` via userconf I could try 
disabling `fdc` since that is where it was hanging on boot. It worked! 
But then immediately hung at `midi`, but that made sense because of 
what I'd read and seen about audio conflicts. I disabled that and then 
`mpu` because it also hung there and finally it booted up and in the 
moment of truth `dhcpcd` also worked.

With 128MB ram, I can't do much with it, but enough to make it a 
useful machine. I'm using [dwm][12], [st][13] and [mksh][14] and I can 
ssh to my Linode NetBSD box which is the main thing. It actually 
launches [surf][15] for browsing easily, it's just loading some sites 
where I'll run out of memory; Dillo is fine.

Next steps will be re-building the kernel with fdc, midi and mpu 
disabled to avoid having to do that manually on start-up. Might one 
day play about with I/O space for the PCMCIA card, but not any time 
soon as I don't need the floppy drive or audio.

So that's all really, just wanted to say thanks add some info to the 
mail archives for all the other people like me who spend all their 
time searching instead of posting.
