Re: Archive website in Corpus font

2009-09-07 Thread cj
In article <>,
   Jim Nagel  wrote:
> why is Netsurf displaying the Archive website in Corpus (aka Courier) 
> font?

> this is the case here with Netsurf r9548 and r9530.

> correct fonts were displayed by r7792, and Firefox 3 on XP displays 
> correct fonts.

Tried it now with r9549 and the site looks fine, no hint of the
Corpus font.

Chris Johnson

Re: Google's PDF-as-text

2009-11-14 Thread cj
In article ,
   Jim Nagel  wrote:
> when the results of a Google search include a PDF, Google offers to 
> display it as plain text.  but it comes out as nonsense in Netsurf 
> (r9629): all the lines of text seem to be piled on top of one another.

> at least in this example:


True, but if you SHIFT-click on the link displayed above the
nonsense, the pdf file downloads and can be read in e.g. !PDF without
any problem.

Chris Johnson

Re: Google's PDF-as-text

2009-11-14 Thread cj
In article <>,
   Erving  wrote:
> I'm puzzeled. whent I click on that link I don't get any 'piling' 
> (Netsurf 2.1) and clicking the link at the top of the page 
> (not SHIFT-click) downloads the PDF.
> But I see with r9640 (26 Aug 2009 11:30) I do get the 'piling'
> but still do not need to SHIFT-click to get the PDF.

Ditto - it's obviously a problem with the recent development versions.

Chris Johnson

Re: crash and 34M logfile

2010-01-11 Thread cj
In article <>,
   Jim Nagel  wrote:
> i've done that, and the site loaded with no crash.  mind you, it
> took around 60 seconds to render, which seems a long time for what
> looks like just text.

It may be 'just text' but the source is nearly 400kB, so that is
quite a lot of work to render.


Re: star-command to fetch a web page

2010-07-06 Thread cj
In article <>,
   Tony Moore  wrote:
> but there is no manual, or help, to indicate how it is used.

I have had a trawl through my hard drive and found some old
documentation (in text or Impression format). If anyone would like a
copy let me know (by private email).

Chris Johnson

Re: star-command to fetch a web page

2010-07-06 Thread cj
In article <>,
   cj  wrote:
> In article <>,
>Tony Moore  wrote:
> > but there is no manual, or help, to indicate how it is used.

> I have had a trawl through my hard drive and found some old
> documentation (in text or Impression format). If anyone would like a
> copy let me know (by private email).

I have now placed a copy at

Chris Johnson

Re: Impulse (was Re: star-command to fetch a web page)

2010-07-06 Thread cj
In article <>,
   Jim Nagel  wrote:
> your notes on that page say you have replaced the old Impulse
> module with the 32-bit version.

Sorry chaps - I ended up uploading the 'wrong' zip file. The zip
there now has the 32-bit module in a directory called 'module'. The
32-bit version is indeed 0.20 so you have it anyway, Jim.

Chris Johnson

Re: Easy Font Pro says Netsurf attempting to change Font$Path

2010-07-30 Thread cj
In article <>,
   Roger Darlington  wrote:
> Whichever way I answer, the next time I run Netsurf, I get asked
> the same question. Anyone know where and what I should change
> somewhere? I only ask here because it seems to be a specific to
> Netsurf. OvPro doesn't do this when run.

Take a look in !Netsurf.!Run

There are lines

| Install NetSurf-specific fonts
| NB: trailing dot is required
FontInstall NetSurf:Resources.Fonts.

Netsurf adds its own fonts to the FontPath.

These fonts are then removed from FontPath when Netsurf is quit.

Chris Johnson

Re: Netsurf makes RO4.39 crawl along...

2010-07-30 Thread cj
In article <>,
   Roger Darlington  wrote:
> But when I was backing everything up, I noticed that Netsurfs log
> file had grown to epic proportions! 690MB!

This is a known problemand has been raised previously in this group.

Chris Johnson

Re: Margins

2010-12-03 Thread cj
In article <>,
   Richard Porter  wrote:
> That's what I would have thought, but I can't see how, when you
> inadvertantly boot an obsolete version, you get bugs that were
> present in that version and when you reboot the correct
> application, without quitting and re-running it, it comes all
> right again. This is easy to demonstrate. Maybe that particular
> bug was data-related.

Well, the !Boot file has the line

  Set NetSurf$Dir 

in it, so booting an obsolete version will definitely change the
system variable. I thought it was recommended that boot files should
have that line of the form

  If  = "" Then Set NetSurf$Dir 

so the variable is only set if it doesn't exist. Only the !run file
sets the variable directly.

It means the source of various resource files will be set to the old
version, e.g. the default CSS styles which may influence the layout
of pages.

Chris Johnson

Re: Black Blobs

2010-12-21 Thread cj
In article <>,
   Geoffrey Baxendale  wrote:
> I have just had black blobs all the time for a long time now, has
> nobody else had this problem?

I have not seen this, and no-one else seems to be admitting to having
seen it. It looks as if it is something specific to your installation.
Have you tried a completely new install?

Chris Johnson

Re: Black Blobs

2010-12-23 Thread cj
In article <>,
   Geoffrey Baxendale  wrote:
> Any suggestions for a better prog any one?


Chris Johnson

Re: Wiki pages cut off on left.

2011-01-03 Thread cj
In article <>,
   Roger Darlington  wrote:

> On the Wiki page;
> The molecule is truncated on the left.
> This is happening on several other Wiki pages, not just the one above.

> NS r11135, RO 4.39 VA-RPC / Win7.

It is not just the molecule - there are two columns at the left not
showing. They come into view if the page is made much wider (I use a
1920x1200 display). The page has a lot of javascript and a huge
amount of CSS controlled table layout. It looks a nightmare so I
didn't try to untangle it.

Chris Johnson

Re: Error:"Format of URL was incorrect"

2011-01-08 Thread cj
In article ,
   Roger Darlington  wrote:
> I have just spent another 10 minutes looking for Netsurfs logfile
> without finding it (either in its own !Netsurf directories, or in
> the Choices file). It must be somewhere, but I can't remember how
> to look at it without first making it crash.

It is in !Scrap. On my machine the path is


Chris Johnson

Re: crash on trying to get to textfile or to enter password

2011-03-02 Thread cj
In article <>,
   Jim Nagel  wrote:
> similar thing happened just now in trying to download new version of 
> Moredesk from -- it 
> asks for a username and password, which i enter, whereupon Netsurf 
> crashes.

Well, I downloaded from there this afternoon, using Netsurf r11881,
and it was fine.

Chris Johnson

Re: cookie association with specific windows?

2011-05-23 Thread cj
In article <>,
   Tony Moore  wrote:
> Using NetSurf, the website times-out (but the rest of the net seems to
> work normally). wget also fails

>wget: unable to resolve host address `'

> Does anyone else see a problem?

I have had some failures to resolve host address with Netsurf
recently. I am not sure whether it is Netsurf specific, but the
failures cease when Netsurf is restarted. Since the urls are
different, it is difficult to make a repeatable test case.

Chris Johnson

Re: peculiar F3 crash saving an Archive web page

2011-05-27 Thread cj
In article <>,
   Jim Nagel  wrote:
> this crash is repeatable; i'm mystified:

>, click on the URLs link in the left-hand menu,
> it loads, mouse over the main frame, F3 to save it -- Netsurf
> immediately quits leaving hourglass running.

>reload Netsurf, same sequence repeats.

Not here it doesn't. Works as expected. Iyonix RISC OS 5.16. Netsurf

Chris Johnson

Re: Loading text files

2011-06-16 Thread cj
In article <>,
   John Williams  wrote:
> I am assuming this happens everywhere and to everyone reproducibly,
> so have not sent off the log file.

> RISC OS 5.16 on Iyonix.

Ditto. Same thing happens here.

Chris Johnson

Re: Errors in Documentation

2011-06-22 Thread cj
In article
   Dave Lawton  wrote:
> but I can't see any obvious way for someone who has time on
> their hands to contribute by actually fixing the docs.

WEll, the doc files can be extracted from the app directory easily
enough and corrected. It just needs a way to then get the improved
version back to the developers.

Chris Johnson

Re: Incorrect character display

2011-07-26 Thread cj
In article <>,
   Bernard Boase  wrote:
> The whole page looks pretty trad HTML with no use of CSS. So my
> question is how come Netsurf displays the two identical versions
> (A) and (B) differently? And indeed if I save out the correctly
> displayed (B) version and load the file back into Netsurf the
> problem reappears.

Are the versions identical? From the information you have given,
opening the html attachment loads the version on disc from the email,
whereas presumably clicking on the url in the text portion loads the
page from a remote site. Have you actually compared the two versions
to check they are identical? The remote site version may be
referencing something else which a locally saved page cannot (you are
doing a full save?).

Chris Johnson

Re: Permajet website

2011-08-17 Thread cj
In article <>,
   Brian Bailey  wrote:
> > > Would some kind soul have a look at Permajet's website
> > > please. Netsurf doesn't seem to be displaying
> > > the page tabs correctly.

> > > Are the tabs really supposed to be like that?

> > No.

> > On Safari 5.1 and Firefox 6.0 on Mac's Lion the upper row of tabs 
> > 'appear' to be behind the lower row. It all looks very sensible.

> Umm, that's what I concluded. I have noticed strange, similar
> 'overlaps' on other sites from time to time. Can this 'feature' be
> fixed, please?

> Mostly it doesn't matter very much but from time to time this
> 'feature' occludes pertinent, vital material.

Looking at the source and CSS, the tabs are simply gifs used as
backgrounds to the actual text. If everything was plotted in the
order it appears in the source, the second row would overlay the
first as is presumably intended. It may simply be that Netsurf is not
following the order in which the tags appear in the source when it
lays out the page. I'm not sure that when html is rendered, it has to
be rendered in the order it occurs in the source.

Chris Johnson

Re: Invisible content

2011-10-02 Thread cj
In article <>,
   Harriet Bazley  wrote:
> On 28 Sep 2011 as I do recall,
>   John Harrison  wrote:

> >
> > > What makes the content of this web page
> > > (which is allegedly W3C
> > > checked, and doesn't seem to have any serious syntax errors
> > > reported when you test it there) invisible on NetSurf when you
> > > view the page on their servers, but visible if you save the
> > > HTML and double-click on it locally?
> >
> > When I view it in their server I get what you describe (white
> > area surrounded by stuff that looks normal).
> >
> > But if I save it and then the whole layout goes to pot, with a
> > lot more white space.  The missing content does render,  but
> > several window-depths down the page.
> >
> Oh yes - you get the Lynx-style display, but with actual usable
> content.

I just noted this in passing, but I have now found another url

which does something also odd. It displays fine when viewing the
site, but goes to pot when viewing the result of a full save. The
result is similar to that mentioned above, i.e. the left sidebar is
shown at the top, and the main content (should be on the right)
appears at the bottom, with many of the styles missing. It is
obviously CSS related.

In the original there are four stylesheets referenced:

There are indeed four SSs saved in the 'full save' directory.
However, when inspecting the saved source only two have been
converted to local links, the other two have been converted to a full
remote url.";>";>

This gives the 'incorrect' display, the latter two SS being
apparently ignored.

If the latter two are replaced with links to the two ignored local
files, as per

the display is still all wrong. However, if the two media types are
removed from the latter two so it becomes

then everything displays as it should. NetSurf appears to be dealing
with the media types differently when parsing the local html.

In the original url given by Harriet, the SSs are defined
differently, e.g. 


which becomes

@import '0x76a3b3b0;

in the full save index file. NetSurf does not appear to be coping
with this format at all. Changing these references to the form

then produces a display more like the original, including the blank
main frame, although some of the background colouring is lost.

Make of all this what you will 8o)

Chris Johnson

Break tags in full save pages

2011-10-02 Thread cj
I have just noticed while comparing the rendering of 'live' pages
with the same page when rendered locally after a full save that the
tag , which is rendered as a single line feed, is converted to
the tag pair  in the full saved page, which is then rendered
as two line feeds.

On the other hand, the menu option Page->Save, rather than the
Page->Full save, retains the tag .

Chris Johnson

formatting broken

2011-10-03 Thread cj
It looks as if text within   tags is no longer formatted
correctly. Implicit line feeds are no longer honoured, so any
multiline text comes out as a mess. Using r12932, but r12923 is also
broken. r12898 is all right, so it has happened within the last day
or so.

Chris Johnson

Re: formatting broken

2011-10-03 Thread cj
In article <>,
   Michael Drake  wrote:
> What URL are you testing with?

Easiest to see the effect by looking at 8. Appendix near the bottom.
The genre list should be one item per line.

Chris Johnson

Re: formatting broken

2011-10-03 Thread cj
In article ,
   Richard Porter  wrote:
> On 3 Oct 2011 cj  wrote:

> > In article <>,
> >Michael Drake  wrote:
> >> What URL are you testing with?

> >

> > Easiest to see the effect by looking at 8. Appendix near the bottom.
> > The genre list should be one item per line.

> The table in section 4 seems to have gone awry too. NS seems to be 
> getting confused by the wretched span tags.

Yes, there are a number of places where it goes awry - the section I
mentioned is the most obvious. The code is absolutely full of span
tags, but NetSurf coped with it until very recently.

Chris Johnson

Re: formatting broken

2011-10-04 Thread cj
In article <>,
   cj  wrote:
> It looks as if text within   tags is no longer formatted
> correctly. Implicit line feeds are no longer honoured, so any
> multiline text comes out as a mess. Using r12932, but r12923 is also
> broken. r12898 is all right, so it has happened within the last day
> or so.

Looks like this has now been fixed. Thanks chaps.

Chris Johnson

Re: r12975 NetSurf failure -serious error

2011-10-07 Thread cj
In article <>,
   Brian Bailey  wrote:
> Accessing the testbuilds page gives a serious error and NetSurf
> then quits.

Seems OK here.

Chris Johnson

Re: Problem with "Save page location as text".

2011-10-11 Thread cj
In article <>,
   Dr Peter Young  wrote:
> Just re-run NetSurf with my home page and have tried
> two saves of page location before doing anything else, and NetSurf
> vanished again.

I have tried and failed to reproduce this using this and other site.
I am on r13025 and RISC OS 5.16 (Iyonix).

Chris Johnson

Re: Problem with "Save page location as text".

2011-10-11 Thread cj
In article <>,
   Dr Peter Young  wrote:
> I've been doing the saves in today's directory of Transient, which
> is fairly deep in the directory hierarchy. I've tried now saving
> to a temporary directory in the root, and can save as many times
> as I like.

I actually did all the saving into a few dirs of Transient as well,
when all was fine. However, the path would have been fairly short -
e.g. ADFS::Dorset1.$.Transient.Default.110919

Chris Johnson

Re: Problem with "Save page location as text".

2011-10-11 Thread cj
In article <>,
   Dr Peter Young  wrote:
> I've been doing the saves in today's directory of Transient, which
> is fairly deep in the directory hierarchy. I've tried now saving
> to a temporary directory in the root, and can save as many times
> as I like. As NetSurf obviously isn't at fault here, is it
> Transient or the filer that is causing the problem? In any case,
> the bug report can be closed, I think.

I guess the test is to continually add a dir recursively inside your
temporary directory, and see at what point the save fails - then try
a save from a different app. It could still be a problem in NetSurf
when it has a long filepath to deal with. The other test is to use
short and long names for the directories to see if it is simply the
length of path, or the depth of the path.

Actually I have just tried a test and Netsurf does go into a black
hole when the path is long. It does not need to be the same save. Eg
save the location text into a deep directory. Goes ok. Open another
save dialogue, e.g. save full page - NS exits immediately the save as
dialogue opens. There may be a problem with memory buffering for the
file names.

Chris Johnson

Re: Problem with "Save page location as text".

2011-10-11 Thread cj
... and further tests show that other apps are happy saving to an
even greater depth than I tried with Netsurf, so the problem appears
to be Netsurf related.

Chris Johnson

Re: Netsurf saving a BMP object.

2011-10-18 Thread cj
In article <8889162452.pitt...@iyonix.home>,
   David Pitt  wrote:
> Should this be so? Should this be in MimeMap by default? Could it
> have been a factor in the "puzzling email" thread confusing Pluto?

No idea, but I do have the following in my mimemap file (not that I
put it there myself)

image/x-ms-bmp  BMP 69c .bmp .dib .vga
image/x-rle BMP 69c .rle .rl4 .rl8

Chris Johnson

Re: puzzling email (getting OT)

2011-10-20 Thread cj
In article <>,
   Brian Bailey  wrote:
> I got into a real tangle with a business person. Neither of us
> could read/render correctly each others HTML files, sent to and
> from each other via email, cross platform, and it mattered.

... but this is still the province of the mail reader/sender software
and not a browser problem (unless the html contains important content
as javascript which isn't being rendered).

Chris Johnson

Fatal error when page render clashes with a mail/news fetch

2011-10-20 Thread cj
Has anyone else noticed that if a mail fetch initiates while NetSurf
is rendering a page, then NS exits with a fatal error?

Before submitting a report, it would be interesting to know whether
anyone else has experienced this.

It has done it several times here over the past few weeks(?), but has
taken me a while to realise the connection. I have now tried fetching
a web page and then forcing a mail fetch - it gives the error
sometimes - it may depend on exactly where NS has reached in the
rendering when the mail fetch starts and whether the page to be
rendered is already in the cache or not.

Forcing a news/rss fetch while NS was rendering a page caused NetSurf
to just vanish from the iconbar, with no error message. The pages
used for the test were ROOL pages.

I did these tests with r13071, but the errors have also occurred with
earlier releases. Machine is an Iyonix with RISC OS 5.17. Mail/news
software is Netfetch with Hermes and NewsHound.

Chris Johnson

Re: Fatal error when page render clashes with a mail/news fetch

2011-10-20 Thread cj
In article <>,
   John Harrison  wrote:
> Do you specifically mean rendering, as opposed to downloading?  The
> pages I tried took a few seconds, but didn't have a long rendering
> pause after getting the data.

Difficult to say - one starts off the NetSurf fetch, then forces a
mail/news fetch as soon as possible, the mail fetch status opens, and
then the error occurs. Its not obvious at what point NetSurf has got
to. The test I did just now with a mail fetch caused NetSurf to
vanish, rather than raise an error box. Even the NS log files show
different errors, e.g. segmentation fault in one, illegal instruction
in another.

I guess I should just send in the log files and let the experts

Chris Johnson

Re: Fatal error when page render clashes with a mail/news fetch

2011-10-20 Thread cj
In article <18c32a2552.GrahameParish@grahame.parish>,
   Grahame Parish  wrote:

> Just tried loading the page and running a mail fetch 
> (Netfetch/Hermes) and got a Netsurf error followed by quit.

Ahhh - it's not just my system then.

> In the instances above I rarely get an error box, just a sudden
> quit from the iconbar.

It's still worth checking in Scrap where NetSurf puts its log file,
(there is an obey file in the !NS app called OpenScrap which is a
quick way to get there). Check the timestamp on the log file to see
whether it has just been written. I have found that, even when NS
goes into a black hole, and the log file is not opened in an editor,
it still often has been written.

Chris Johnson

Re: Fatal error when page render clashes with a mail/news fetch

2011-10-28 Thread cj
In article <>,
   Michael Drake  wrote:
> Please try the latest build.  The problem was tracked down to an
> issue in UnixLib which has now been fixed.

I have tried a few tests and it hasn't failed yet, so it looks as if
that has fixed it.

Many thanks.

Chris Johnson

Re: r13135

2011-11-08 Thread cj
In article <>,
   Brian Bailey  wrote:
> Please note, error message when accessing


> error:14077458:SSL routines:SSL23__GET_SERVER_HELLO:reason(1112)

I assume the url is not what is given above. However, when corrected,
it still gives the above error.

Chris Johnson

Re: Error converting PNG

2011-11-20 Thread cj
In article <>,
   Dave Higton  wrote:
> Every picture I view from the Railway Herald site's Imaging Centre
> causes "Error converting PNG" to flash briefly on the bottom line,
> but only when the image is viewed for the first time - refreshing
> the image, or going back to one recently visited, doesn't show the
> message.

Yes - r13157 does the same here.

Chris Johnson

Re: Serious? bug saving - always crashes on second save

2012-03-04 Thread cj
In article ,
   Roger Darlington  wrote:


> Then wait for the page to come up, press menu, and Save> SaveAs and 
> drag it to a disc

Are you using 'Save' or 'Full save'? In either case I can save
multiple pages - changing the leafname since the default is always
the same. You will need to give a bit more info on exactly how you
are doing things.

I am on Iyonix RISC OS 5.18 and Netsurf r13502

Chris Johnson

Re: Serious? bug saving - always crashes on second save

2012-03-04 Thread cj
In article <>,
   Roger Darlington  wrote:
> Save only, not full save. There is no 'Full Save' in the Save>
> SaveAs bit...

I am totally confused. Netsurf menu over page gives Menu with
page>save and page>full save. Both give a save as dialogue, and both
work to save multiple times.

Chris Johnson

Re: configuring default a:link colour??

2012-03-06 Thread cj
In article <>,
   Roger Darlington  wrote:
> I have looked in the configure window and failed to spot a means of 
> setting the default a:link colour.

> Can it be done?

In my !NetSurf, in the file internal/css are the definitions:

a:link {
text-decoration: underline;
color: #00f; }

a:visited {
text-decoration: underline;
color: #60a; }

a:hover {
text-decoration: none; }

a:active {
text-decoration: underline;
color: #f00; }

Is that not what you want?

Chris Johnson

Re: configuring default a:link colour??

2012-03-06 Thread cj
There is also a setting in the file CSS:

a:link { color: #00f; text-decoration: underline; }

However, changing the definitions in both css files makes damm all
difference to the display after rebooting netsurf.

It must be being set somewhere else, or being ignored.

Chris Johnson

Re: Installing Themes - Risc OS

2012-03-24 Thread cj
In article <>,
   Allan Bennett  wrote:
> On Risc PC & Iyonix, new themes were added to 
> Choices:WWW.NetSurf.Themes, but cannot do this on the Armini - get the 
> error message: "Path variable had multiple entries and was used for a 
> write operation".

You probably need to use Choices$Write: rather than Choices:

Chris Johnson

Re: Could someone look at

2012-10-08 Thread cj
In article <>,
   george greenfield  wrote:
> In message <>
>   lists  wrote:

> > Could someone else take a look at:
> > 
> >
> > 
> > Here it looks like the page is about 200 yards wide.
> > 
> > Netsurf 2.9 (27th Feb 2012)
> > 
> Same here.

> (NS-2012-10-07_21-57-22, RPCEmu089/RO4.02, Win7 (64-bit).

Had a very quick look at the source. It could do with some LFs to
make it easier to read! Apart from javascript, there are a lot of
nested divs, tables and iFrames etc. Could be something simple like
misnested blocks, which NetSurf sometimes takes exception to. Would
need a lot more time to look at in more detail.

Chris Johnson

Re: NetSurf running out of memory

2012-10-08 Thread cj
In article <>,
   John Rickman Iyonix  wrote:
> If someone can confirm that this is not unique to my setup I will post 
> a bug report.

Happens here with a 2012-10-06 build.

Chris Johnson

Re: Fetching NetSurf

2012-10-13 Thread cj
In article ,
   Peter Young  wrote:
> Any ideas as to what is going on would be gratefully received!

Try going in to !Fetch_NS.!Run and change the line

If NetSurf$LatestVersion <> "" THEN Set NetSurf$PreviousVersion


If "" <> "" THEN Set NetSurf$PreviousVersion

It then works OK.

I have always had an automated way of upgrading NetSurf.

It is possible to extend the !Run file to keep the previous
version(s) and automatically copy !NetSurf out of the archive etc.
Obey files can be very powerful!

Chris Johnson

Re: Fetching NetSurf

2012-10-13 Thread cj
In article ,
   Peter Young  wrote:
> Fetch_NS 
> now runs but falls over with:

>  pc:9da08 sp:   207f8c ^post_signal()
>  pc:9dd14 sp:   207fa4 __unixlib_raise_signal()
>  pc:f9ea4 sp:   206b54 __h_cback()
>  pc:25008 sp:   206b70 strncasecmp()
>  pc: ba3c sp:   206b80 ?()
>  pc:32084 sp:   206e10 ?()
>  pc:3368c sp:   206f60 ?()
>  pc:b3950 sp:   206f78 _main()

> Termination signal received: Segmentation fault

This is cURL falling over. Is it ARMv7 compatible? I haven't tried
yet on the ARMini.

Chris Johnson

Re: RISC OS: Squeezed executable

2012-10-13 Thread cj
In article <>,
   Rob Kendrick  wrote:
> I would expect to see the most significant improvement on a
> StrongARM RiscPC using the on-board IDE where the IO is a
> significant bottleneck and time to decompress insignificant.

I would think there would be a significant speed up on a BB system
using a USB pendrive as the drive. This is very slow.

Chris Johnson

Re: Fetching NetSurf

2012-10-13 Thread cj
In article <>,
   Frank de Bruijn  wrote:
> Google
> directed me to 7.11.0 by James Bursa and that's one of the ones that
> fail.

That's the one I used (7.11.0) which did work on the Iyonix (RISC OS
5.19, 4-Oct-2012).

Chris Johnson

Re: Fetching NetSurf

2012-10-14 Thread cj
In article ,
   Peter Young  wrote:
> unless I open the library so that cURL is booted.

Are you putting the curl *binary* in to Boot:Library? If you are
putting the !cURL *application* in Boot:Library it will not work
because nothing in Boot:Library is booted at boot time. Either
extract the cURL binary from the app and put in to Library or put the
!cURL application in to eg Boot:Resources, where the app will be

Chris Johnson

Re: Fetching NetSurf

2012-10-14 Thread cj
In article <>,
   Peter Young  wrote:
> would there be interest in 
> adding bits to the program, similar to the bits I had in my old 
> script?

I have a script that does that and more, although I need to extend it
to deal with the case when the latest version hasn't changed. Contact
me privately in a day or so - I may have a round tuit by then.

Chris Johnson

Re: Fetching NetSurf

2012-10-14 Thread cj
In article <>,
   Richard Ashbery  wrote:
> Peter - what I didn't clarify is that John's utility and curl works
> correctly on the Iyonix (RISC OS 5.18) but not on BB (RISC OS
> 5.19). I get the same "segmentation fault" you highlighted earlier.

The current version of cURL will not run on the BB. As mentioned by
Frank, use wget instead - that works fine on the BB (ARMini).

I guess cURL simply needs a recompile with ARMv7 friendly flags.

Chris Johnson

Re: Fetching NetSurf

2012-10-14 Thread cj
In article <>,
   Peter Young  wrote:
> That sounds interesting, and I will do that.

Well, I now have a modified version of 'Fetch_NS' that works fine on
the ARMini. In addition to actually fetching the latest release (if
there is one) it will quit NetSurf, rotate the 4 previous backup
versions, extract the latest version from the zip, clean up the
temporary files and then run the newly downloaded version. If anyone
would like to give it a try, let me know (directly, not on the list).

Chris Johnson

Re: NetSurf running out of memory

2012-10-17 Thread cj
In article ,
   Brian Jordan  wrote:
> The page shown at has started
> throwing up a "NetSurf is running out of memory" error since at
> least NetSurf 3.0 (Dev CI#471) and up to 492.

If the first two lines

$zonkpage 1.35


are removed then it loads fine. These lines don't look like valid
html to me.

Chris Johnson

Re: Word wrapping

2012-10-17 Thread cj
In article <>,
   Richard Porter  wrote:
> NetSurf is still inclined to split words or expressions over two
> lines where there is no white space or hyphen.

It certainly has a habit of splitting lines at a tag, where the tag
applies to only part of a continuous bit of text as well. Egs that
spring to mind include sub/superscript in an expression or even

some text italic text.

The full stop ends up on the next line.

Chris Johnson

Re: Unable to access the Internet with recent RISCOS test builds

2012-10-25 Thread cj
In article <>,
   Clive Bonsall  wrote:
> Can anyone suggest what the problem might be?

Something must have changed on your system. There are a lot of users
regularly updating the latest builds. If there was a general problem
it would soon show up here.

The latest build (#531) is absolutely fine here.

Chris Johnson

Re: Unable to access the Internet with recent RISCOS test builds

2012-10-26 Thread cj
In article ,
   Alan & Sally  wrote:
> Same result with 531. I downloaded it using 2.9, works normally.
> Tried 531. Still doesn't connect. No changes have been made between
> using the two versions. Are you using VRPC on a Mac?

No. I am using RISC OS 5.19 on an Iyonix and an ARMini.

Chris Johnson

Re: Unable to access the Internet with recent RISCOS test builds

2012-10-26 Thread cj
In article <>,
   Peter Young  wrote:
> Slight warning: it doesn't look as if anything is happening till
> the new version suddenly springs into life.

If you have the directory, in which Fetch_NS is located, open, do you
not see the new zip file appear as it is downloaded, the icon change
to a zip, when the download is finished, Netsurf disappear from
iconbar, the zip file deleted, then new version reappear on the
iconbar? If there is not a new version, then certainly there is no
visible sign of action - perhaps an error box? - but then that
requires a user to dismiss it again. There will be periods of
inactivity of a few seconds, since NS does take a wee while to quit,
and to start up again.

Chris Johnson

Re: Hotlist truncation/corruption

2012-11-22 Thread cj
In article ,
   David Pitt  wrote:
> FWIW I note the Hotlist generated by #665 is missing the 
> tag. OTOH I have not seen the Hotlist get truncated yet. 

Having now checked on both Iyonix and ARMini, both hotlists are
truncated. Since I 'auto-upgrade' NetSurf very regularly (at least
daily), and only keep the last 3 versions I have no idea when it
started. I never noticed before, since my most frequented sites are
at the top of the list, so probably haven't needed to scroll down the
list for maybe weeks.

Chris Johnson

Re: Hotlist truncation/corruption

2012-11-22 Thread cj
With #665 on the Iyonix (5.19, 7 Nov 2012) the truncation is still
occurring when NetSurf is quit. The file I am using to test is
shortened from 24K to 10K.

Chris Johnson

Re: RISC OS Netsurf on Beagleboard

2013-01-07 Thread cj
In article
> It changes each time however some examples are:

You might find the utility 'Where' is of use. It will tell you in
which module the address is. Unfortunately a total crash will not
allow where to be run. However, if it is in an OS module, the address
may be in the same module once the machine is rebooted. Note the hex
address and then do a *where .

Chris Johnson

Re: Scroll wheel speed

2013-01-20 Thread cj
In article <>,
   Richard Ashbery  wrote:
> Unfortunately HID as suggested by John wouldn't work
> on the RiscPC because it was designed for the Castle Technology USB
> stack.

... and is not fully ARMv7 so has issues on a BB.

Chris Johnson

Re: Iconv 0.12 released

2013-01-31 Thread cj
In article <>,
   Rev Dr Alan Leighton  wrote:
> Now that i scary,

> Lost in Middlesbrough

Unless you write software in C that makes calls to iconv to process
unicoded character strings then you have absolutely no use for the
stubs files, which can therefore be safely ignored and deleted.

Chris Johnson

Re: rendering of Wikipedia page

2013-02-25 Thread cj
In article ,
   Jim Nagel  wrote:
> John Rickman Iyonix  wrote on 24 Feb:
> > Are there any pages in particular that are slow?
> > Wikipedia pages on my Iyonix typically take 2 to 3 seconds to load and
> > render which is quick enough.

> On Netsurf home page, click Wikipedia link.  The Wikipedia home page 
> takes 10 seconds to appear on my Iyonix (Ro 5.18, Netsurf #891).

> Today's home page happens to have a link to "exoplanet".  I clicked 
> that; the Wikipedia entry 
>  took 10 seconds to 
> appear.

> Click a typical link on that page.  
>  takes 9 seconds to 
> appear.

Timings seem a bit different here (RISC OS 5.19, 24 Feb 2013),
NetSurf #946 js disabled.

Test 1: 3.8s rather than 10s
Test 2: 13s rather than 10s
Test 3: 2.8s rather than 9s


Chris Johnson

Re: blank PHP output from Telephone Preference Service

2013-03-15 Thread cj
In article ,
   Jim Nagel  wrote:
> Netsurf build #891 here on Iyonix 5.1 -- same behaviour whether 
> Javascript on or off.

If you do a full save of one of the pages, a bit of minor editing of
the html allows the page to be viewed (I assume) normally in NetSurf.
It may be a bit of dodgy CSS although there is some javascript at the
head of the page.

Chris Johnson

Re: Incompatible site?

2013-03-17 Thread cj
In article <>,
> On Netsurf - all versions I have, including 3.0 (Dev# 975) Netsurf crashes
> out on trying to access

Seems ok here on 5.19 Iyonix and dev#966.

Chris Johnson

Re: techradar fails to display

2013-05-13 Thread cj
In article <>,
   Tony Moore  wrote:
> On 10 May 2013, Tony Moore  wrote:

> > In the ROOL Forum, Keith Dunlop pointed to
> >
> > which is an interesting review of operating system distros for the RPi.
> >
> > Using NS #1125, with JS turned off, the page displays without problem.
> > However, if JS is turned on, loading never completes, and the NS
> > display remains blank.
> >
> > Does this require a bug-report?

> No response, so I'll assume not.

This happens on a number of pages - ie jsoff is fine but json
displays nothing or parts of the page are missing. I assume it means
that when a server sends a js page, it is too complex for NetSurf to
parse and hence goes awry, whereas if the non-js page is sent, that
displays fine.

Chris Johnson

Re: Hotlist display illegible

2013-05-28 Thread cj
In article <>,
   Dave Higton  wrote:
> The hotlist display was OK up to CI1201.  CI1212 and CI1219 display
> the hotlist as black on black.  RISC OS 5.18, Iyonix, 512 MiB.
> Reverted to CI1201 and it's OK again.

> I'll put in a bug report.

Have you tried deleting your Choices file, as per suggestions in
other threads?

Chris Johnson

Re: Remember this password

2013-05-31 Thread cj
In article ,
   Gavin Wraith  wrote:
> If not, then maybe some approximation could
> be kludged using function keys.

There is always FFiller by Kevin Wells. I have found it quite useful
in the past. Always use it for eg ROOL forum.

Chris Johnson

Re: Remember this password

2013-05-31 Thread cj
In article ,
   Peter Young  wrote:
> Or if you are paranoid about having visible passwords on your
> system, CrypStor by Frank de Bruijn will store passwords encrypted.

...but if you are paranoid, why would you want the browser to
remember passwords anyway?

Chris Johnson

Re: 3.1 (Dev CI #1330)

2013-09-03 Thread cj
In article <>,
   John Williams  wrote:

> My treeview display pluses and minuses have changed to 25/b8 and
> 25/be.

Probably because you do not have a font with the correct characters -
the treview code has been rewritten recently.

Michael Drake, who has done the work, wrote on the Netsurf dev list
in reply to a similar comment

> Same result - works just fine, but I see 25b8 and 25be instead of
> the triangles.

Yeah, as I said, it seems the default RISC OS fonts don't supply those
glyphs.  We'll need to add them to the

Anyone want to have a crack at that?

Chris Johnson

Re: Bad archive

2014-02-03 Thread cj
In article <>,
   Gavin Wraith  wrote:
> NetSurf 3.1 (Dev CI #1681-9) all give "bad archive" when I try to
> unzip. The relevant files appear to be !Help, !Run and !RunImage.
> Is this just me?

There does seem to have been a problem with the jsoff builds
recently. The zips arrive as zero length files. The json version
seems fine. It is screwing up my auto download and updater, though,
because the extraction of Netsurf from the zero length zip obviously

Chris Johnson

Re: Bad archive

2014-02-04 Thread cj
In article <>,
   Vincent Sanders  wrote:
> The CI system is no longer generating jsoff builds at all for any
> target that supports a build with javascript.

Ahhh - right. I should be paying more attention at the back!

Thanks - I will modify my scripts accordingly.

Chris Johnson

Re: Sockets

2014-02-04 Thread cj
In article <>,
   george greenfield  wrote:
> However, I've noticed this link-resolving failure in Netsurf for 
> quite a while

Yes - it has been happening for a month or so. It was SWMBO who
commented first, since she gets emails from various chain stores etc,
and the links stopped working. I just assumed there was some change
at the remote site, but then when it happened to me, I took more
notice and saw it was a lookup failure. I just went back to 3.0 when
this happened. Therefore I didn't notice for a while that simply
restarting the development version would have fixed things.

Chris Johnson

Version 1773

2014-03-28 Thread cj
Is anyone using the latest build (1773) on an Iyonix? Here, it
crashes on startup with a stack backtrace, no log produced.

The strange thing is, I have downloaded the same version on the
PandaBoard and it works fine.

Both Iyonix and PandaBoard are running RISC OS v. 5.21 (26 Mar 2014).

I have downloaded the latest version three times on the Iyonix.

If I copy the working version from the Panda to the Iyo, it crashes
in the same way.

Chris Johnson

Re: Version 1773

2014-03-28 Thread cj
In article <17ab86ef53.pitt...@iyonix.home>,
   David Pitt  wrote:
> No such problem here with #1773 on this Iyonix running OS5.21 
> (28-Mar-14).

Right - so it is something funny at my end, then. Thanks.

Chris Johnson

Re: Version 1773

2014-03-28 Thread cj
In article <>,
   Rob Kendrick  wrote:
> It mostly appears to be Makefile changes, not code changes.

Thanks Rob. As you say nothing codewise. Even the makefile changes
are mainly formatting changes.

I'll check it out on the BeagleBoard first, then do some reboots on
the Iyonix to see if it is a clash with something else that is

I'll have to note down the old-fashioned way what the stack dump is,
although the main part is:

Error - branch through zero, pc = fffc


UnixLib detected recursion of signal SIGSERV

Unfortunately nothing is being written to the log - log is the
previous one at a clean exit.

Chris Johnson

Re: Version 1773

2014-03-28 Thread cj
Ok. I have downloaded some past versions (I was on 1762 before
upgrading this morning).

1762 - 1766 work fine.

1767 - 1773 all crash on startup.

I wonder what has changed either in the latest 5.21 ROM/!Boot (I
upgraded both this morning) or in NetSurf.

Chris Johnson

Re: Version 1773

2014-03-28 Thread cj
In article <>,
   Brian Howlett  wrote:
> On 28 Mar, Rob Kendrick wrote:

> > Something bizarre is happening.

> It may be RO 5.21 related - I'm on RO 5.20 on my Iyonix and I don't 
> get these issues with #1773.

I went back first to an earlier 5.21 and then right back to 5.18.
Still the same versions run or crash. The only thing I cannot do is
unwind the changes to !Boot, which I update every two or three weeks.

Chris Johnson

Re: Version 1773

2014-03-29 Thread cj
I am no further forward. Have now fired up the BeagleBoard, and 1773
works fine on that.

About the only thing I can try with the Iyo is to install a clean
boot from the ROOL site, and try with that.

Chris Johnson

Re: Version 1773

2014-03-30 Thread cj
In article <>,
   Ron Briscoe  wrote:
> NetSurf Version 1774 works with no problems with the latest !Boot
> (014-03-30) and 5.21 ROM (014-03-30) from ROOL on my Iyo :-)).

JUst upgraded everything, and it still crashes 8(

Looks like I need to delve deeper.

Chris Johnson

Re: Version 1773

2014-03-31 Thread cj
Now that is interesting - just tried to run !Packman on the Iyonix
and got the exact same crash and stackdump. Looks like it might be
something to do with SharedULib, although my version is 1.12 (5 Feb
2011). I cannot think what else NetSurf and Packman might have in

Chris Johnson

Re: Version 1773

2014-03-31 Thread cj
In article <>,
   Rob Kendrick  wrote:
> The computer it's running on :)  If you have more than one memory
> stick, try using only one at a time to see if one of them is faulty.

> I also seem to remember that the PSUs in Iyonixes are famously
> unreliable.

Neither of those remarks are in the least bit helpful.

Chris Johnson

Re: Version 1773

2014-04-01 Thread cj
In article <>,
   Ron Briscoe  wrote:

> I took a picture of the error box ;-). Thus.

> --
> Error 0x8005: Internal error: branch through zero
>  pc: fffc

> Fatal signal received:  EMT trap

> Stack backtrace:
> Running thread 0x6153a4
>  (   61df7c)  pc:  478d281r:  4729b0  sp:  61df80 _write_backtrace()
>  (   61dfe4)  pc:  478e4c1r:  4799ac  sp:  61dfe8 _unixlib_raise_signal()
>  (   61dff4)  pc:  4798e01r:  48c9bc  sp:  61cf10 UnixLibErrorHandler()
>  (fb4213e2) pc: 421ae92c 1r:bea00  sp:  680010
> UnixLib detected recursion of signal SIGSEGV.  Exiting.

> Press Space or click mouse to continue

That is the same that I still get ... but I am now on the 30th Mar
versions of OS and Boot. I am in the process of constructing a clean
!Boot based on the 30th Mar, putting back in the minimum needed to
get the machine booted, and Netsurf running (or not).

I may know something later on today.

Chris Johnson

Re: Version 1773

2014-04-01 Thread cj
In article <>,
   cj  wrote:
> I may know something later on today.

OK. I now have the Iyonix running a relatively clean boot from 30th
Mar, and RISC OS v. 5.21 30th Mar. Netsurf #1772 is now running fine
(that's the latest I have on the Iyo at the moment). Will download
and upgrade to #1774 (or later if available), and check that is ok as
well. A lot more stuff still to get back in to !Boot, so keeping
fingers crossed.

Whether I will ever find out what in !Boot was causing the problem I

Anyway, thanks for the help, chaps, especially Ron for showing I
wasn't totally mad!

Chris Johnson

Re: Strange rendering of ROOL forum page in 1791

2014-04-09 Thread cj
In article ,
   Dave Higton  wrote:
> Anyone else seen this?

Yes, Dave. Have just repeated that after downloading latest version.
Netsurf #1791, Iyonix 5.21 (30 Mar 2014).

Chris Johnson

Re: Strange rendering of ROOL forum page in 1791

2014-04-09 Thread cj
In article ,
   Dave Higton  wrote:
> And, since I don't know exactly what format Mantis requires, and if
> I get it wrong again all will be lost again, I'm not going to bother
> reporting it.

It has been found by other persons that including the # causes

Chris Johnson

Re: Strange rendering of ROOL forum page in 1791

2014-04-11 Thread cj
In article <>,
   Dave Higton  wrote:
> It appears to be fixed in 1793.

Yes, seems fine on Iyonix and PandaBoard.

Chris Johnson

Re: Persistant disc cache

2014-06-05 Thread cj
In article <>,
   Tony Moore  wrote:
> The disc cache now seems to be named 'Misc'? Is there any way of
> moving it out of !Scrap?

Here it looks like !Cache (in Resources) has now got a lot of data in
it (in NetSurf directory) after installing latest NetSurf and the
!Cache 'application', and having a short browsing session.

Chris Johnson

Re: Persistant disc cache

2014-06-05 Thread cj
In article ,
   Tony Moore  wrote:
> Here, I can't see any NetSurf directory, in Resources.!Cache

Have you Boot-Installed the latest !Boot in the NetSurf download?

Chris Johnson

Re: Not enough application memory to start Basic

2014-06-14 Thread cj
In article <>,
   Michael Drake  wrote:
> Our options are to get Cache from
> fixed, and continue using it, or create our own simpler solution.

Having had a very *quick* look, it seems !Cache is implementing a
method of being compatible with Select, i.e. a multiuser system, and
keeps each users cache separate.

I should just say that I have the latest NetSurf, and !Cache,
installed on an Iyonix and a PandaBoard, both running a very recent
version of RISC OS 5.21 and it seems fine.

Chris Johnson

Re: Not enough application memory to start Basic

2014-06-14 Thread cj
In article ,
   Steve Fryatt  wrote:
> I don't run NetSurf during the boot sequence

Neither do I.

Chris Johnson

Re: Memory still not being released

2014-08-29 Thread cj
In article <>,
   Michael Drake  wrote:
> You say "persist" and "still"; is there some context for this that
> I am missing?  Do we have a log files for such runs?

I think this problem has been raised on a number of occasions,
probably for more than a year. The comment that has come back is that
RISC OS has appalling memory management routines and not much can be
done. Many other apps manage to release their DAs when documents are

The problem seems to be release of memory. For example, I have just
run Netsurf, and looked at a couple of ROOL forum pages. Netsurf has
claimed three dynamic areas totalling 16 MB, the largest more than 12
MB. However, this memory usage is not released when the pages are
closed. When different pages are loaded the claimed memory
continually increases. On this machine (on 24/7) I used to get
regular crashes when one of Netsurfs dynamic areas reached ca. 131 MB
which is the maximum setting. I am now in the habit of regularly
quitting Netsurf so the DAs are released.

One can live with it.

Chris Johnson

Re: Avaaz fails to open

2014-09-14 Thread cj
In article <>,
   Chris Newman  wrote:


> fails to open  in 3.3 (#2106), or 3.2 but does open in 2.9. albeit
> with lots of warnings about safety certificates.

Seems to load ok here using #2107, also did earlier with #2105.

Chris Johnson

Re: Avaaz fails to open

2014-09-14 Thread cj
In article <>,
   Dave Higton  wrote:
> Fails for me here with 2107 (Iyonix, RO 5.20); lots of hour glasses,
> nothing gets written to the window within any reasonable time.

OK. I have now turned JS on and it does indeed hourglass on and off
for ages. Clicking the 'stop loading' button allows the load to stop
without crashing.

The short answer then is that it is a javascript problem - Netsurf
doesn't do javascript very well at all at the moment.

I would respectively suggest that any problem page should be checked
with JS off as well as on before reporting it as a bug. Version 2.9,
of course, had no javascript so that is why it loads the page.

Chris Johnson

Re: Cache on Atari build

2014-10-01 Thread cj
In article <>,
   Peter Slegg  wrote:
> A look in the log showed it was trying top open res/cache/control
> so I created an empty folder res/cache

> Netsurf was then able to start.

I would have thought that any sensibly implemented system should
automatically create folders that do not exist, rather than die.

Chris Johnson

!Cache management

2014-11-16 Thread cj
Is anyone else finding that the new Cache feature does not seem to
expire its content?

I wondered a few weeks ago why the main harddrive on the Iyonix was
filling up more quickly than I thought it should. I found the Netsurf
cache was close to 10 GB in size. Netsurf was configured for a cache
maximum of 1 GB with expiry set to 10 days. Randomly checking
datestamps of some of the files in the cache showed them to be weeks
and even months old. I had been assuming that (a) old files would be
deleted after the configured expiry time and (b) if the cache size
approached the configured maximum size, then the older files would be
deleted anyway to keep the size under the limit. I deleted the whole
cache at the time, and it is well under 1 GB at the moment, although
checking a few random datestamps, there are certainly files going
back to early August, even with an expiry now set to 7 days.

I checked on the PandaBoard today and lo and behold, the cache
contained more than 8 GB of files. This machine was also configured
for a 1 GB max and 10 days expiry. I have now deleted and disabled
the cache on the PandaRO.

On all my machines I use recent versions of RISC OS 5.21, and recent
development versions of Netsurf.

Am I misunderstanding what the cache settings are?

Chris Johnson

Re: !Cache management

2014-11-16 Thread cj
In article <>,
   Rob Kendrick  wrote:
> Currently, if NetSurf crashes (or your computer does) without
> quitting cleanly, newly-created cached items will be "leaked"; ie
> they will not be stored in the index which is written out on exit.

Ahhh - that could explain it. My machines normally run 24/7, and the
only time Netsurf is quit is when I move to the most recent version,
which may be a week or more between upgrades. I do get the occasional
crash of Netsurf, so it could be that a week or more of cache
contents is not being indexed.

Chris Johnson

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