[newbie] OCR for musical part

1999-07-29 Thread Cyrille . BERTRAND

07/29/99 09:20 AM

I'm looking for a Linux software which do a musical partition recognition after
a scan (like an OCR for classical caracters). Is this kind of thing existing ?
(under Linux or other system).

[newbie] UNIX INTRO: Shells, redirection

1999-07-29 Thread Richard Myers


The shell provides the Command Line Interface that you see
in Linux/UNIX. The shell accepts your input, processes it,
and takes appropriate actions, interfacing with the kernel
and the filesystem as necessary.

The BASH shell was based (partly) upon the Korn Shell, which
was based upon the Bourne Shell. BASH stands for "Bourne Again

Examples in some of the emails I send were created using the 
Korn Shell. This should make little or no difference, except 
for the occasional "switches" to commands which may vary 

(I also develop some of this material on SunOS rather
than Linux... Again, little or no difference...
but I hope to have Linux net-connected soon, so that will 


When you encounter an error detected by the shell, it is
normally flagged by the shell. In this example, the shell
is Korn Shell, and the shell designation is "ksh":

$ thisfile
-ksh: thisfile: cannot execute [Permission denied]

This identifier did not exist in the original Bourne 
Shell. (After all, it was the *only* shell in existence
at the time. Why should it need to identify itself?)

Here is the equivalent Bourne Shell detected error:

$ thisfile
thisfile: execute permission denied

The Bourne Shell is a good, simple shell, but is
missing some of the advanced features of later shells.

How do we know what shell we are in? 

A variable is something which stores a value. Bourne shell 
variables are designated by a preceding $ as in $SHELL

Many systems have a $SHELL variable which shows the shell 
we are currently using: 

$ echo $SHELL

sh means the Bourne Shell.

The response to the echo $SHELL command shows the path
to the sh file. (Your shell and path may vary from this)

Three common shells are:

  Bourne Shell = sh
  Korn Shell = ksh
  BASH Shell = bash


Suppose that we start in the Bourne Shell, execute a
command that fails, then we'll move to the Korn and BASH 
shells to try the same thing.

From the command line, you may type:

$ printpwd 
printpwd: not found

We have attempted to execute a command, but the file
printpwd does not exist (not found).

We switch to the Korn Shell by simply typing ksh.

$ ksh

$ printpwd
ksh: printpwd:  not found

Again, the command is not found. We haven't created it yet!
But notice how this response line differs from the one above.

Now lets try in BASH (which for many of you will be your
startup shell):

$ bash

$ printpwd
bash: printpwd: command not found

See the difference? We can learn from this that:

  o We change shells simply by naming the new shell

  o The shell being used is identified on error.
bash: is the first word in the above line... 
(but remember that the Bourne Shell was the first
shell, and it still doesn't know there are other 
shells out there!)

  o The shell detects some errors and identifies
the command which failed (printpwd: in the above line)

  o The shell detects and reports, specifically, 
*filesearch* errors (the "command not found" in the 
above line). Remember that the shell interfaces with
the filesystem?

Now lets create our file:

$ echo pwd  printpwd

We redirect the pwd command to a filename printpwd.
Redirection, once again, works via the  command.
printpwd didn't exist before this command; this 
command creates it.

If the "target" of a  command does not exist, it is 
created as a file. In this case, it is created by the 
shell, because the shell handles redirection (more about 
that in a later lesson).

The pwd command stands for "print working directory".

If we wish to see what is now in printpwd, we can cat it:

$ cat printpwd

Now we will try (again) to execute our new file:

$ printpwd
bash: ./printpwd: Permission denied

Notice the difference between this error and the 
previous error-- displayed again here:

bash: printpwd: command not found

At least the shell is able to *find* our command now
(since we created a file with the filename printpwd).

Permission? Oh yes! We need EXECUTE permission to execute
a file. Lets look at the long listing of our new file:

$ ls -l printpwd
-rw-r--r--   1 rtmyers  other  4 Jul 28 16:20 printpwd

Our permissions string is -rw-r--r-- 

There are no "x's" in our permissions string.

The chmod command changes permissions for us, and  +x
gives us (global) execute permissions:

$ chmod +x printpwd

Lets take another look:

$ ls -l printpwd
-rwxr-xr-x   1 rtmyers  other  4 Jul 28 16:20 printpwd

Now we've got x's. (More about this in a later lesson)

So now we should be able to execute our new command:

$ printpwd

Neat! It works! 

We have executed the pwd command, by calling the name
of a file (which has been given execute permissions)
that simply includes the pwd command.

But now we are faced with a disturbing recognition:


[newbie] UNIX INTRO: Pipes and Redirection

1999-07-29 Thread Richard Myers

 Pipes and

Someone wrote:
: OK...I thought I had it all straight in my mind but 
: I now find the difference between redirection and
: pipes really foggy.  Is there something absolute I 
: can put in my mind to clarify the two?

EXCELLENT question!!!


Redirection is a mechanism in the shell that causes the standard input for
a program to come from a file rather than from the terminal. It also
causes the standard output and standard error to go to a file rather than
to the terminal. (Standard output, standard error? Later lesson!)

Input redirection is symbolized by the  character. Output is the 
character, and output with append uses the  characters.

A pipe is a mechanism used by one command to pass information to a second
command for processing; a pipe connects the standard output of one command
to the standard input of the next, without creating an intermediate file.

A pipe is symbolized by the vertical bar | character.


I don't know of any easy way to learn the difference, other than to
practice and see what works:

  $ echo this  thisfile
  $ cat thisfile

We have redirected the output of echo to a file. We can then cat the file
and display what is in it. Now try piping from echo to a file:

  $ echo this | thisfile
  -ksh: thisfile: cannot execute [Permission denied]

As you can see, this does not work. However, we can pipe from one command
to another:

  $ echo this | cat

This is a redundant operation. It would win the "useless use of cat" award
(more about that later). However, it works without generating an error
(important for our purposes), and this next step proves that *echo* isn't
displaying "this" to the screen, *cat* is.

Now lets try to redirect to cat and see what happens:

  $ echo this  cat

Well, what happened to our output? It didn't appear on the screen! We can
find it if we look for redirection to a file using cat:

  $ cat cat

Aha! In the previous command we redirected the string "this" to a
newly-created file called cat, and we can display that file with cat.

As a general guideline, then, redirection seems to work with files, and
piping works with commands. It does get a bit more complicated later on,
but for now that is a good way to tell the difference. 

Lets try one more example. The wc command does word counting, and this
particular behavior is turned on with the -w switch. Thus:

  $ echo this | wc -w

We have echoed one word to wc -w.

  $ echo this that | wc -w

  $ echo this that other | wc -w

...and a two, and a three...

Now lets try redirecting three words to wc -w (instead of piping).
  $ echo this that other  wc -w

No output. No error. That means our command was successful, but maybe
didn't do what we wanted (since we were expecting output to the screen).

We can find the file created with redirection by using ls:

  $ ls

And now for the mysterious part:

  $ cat wc 
  this that other -w

Our words were not counted, they were redirected into a file which has
the filename wc.

But how did that -w get in there? Ahhh, but that is the subject of a later

  ___ end ___ 

Errata: it IS possible to pipe to a file. How? Because (as we saw in the
last lesson) a file can become a command.

But piping to a user-created command is an advanced technique, and we
aren't going to explore that right away.

best wishes,

richard myers

[newbie] Block device not found?

1999-07-29 Thread Bob Jiggins


Hopefully a quick question (or at least easily answered)! I've just 
'upgraded' from RedHat 5.2 + KDE 1.1 to Mandrake 6.0 - and wow, 
problems abound - enough to go back to win95 temporarily!

1 On boot I see the message 'hard linked hdd to dev/cdrom' but 
can never mount the cdrom (or play music CDs!). The system 
responds with a message like

'kernel does not recognise /dev/cdrom/ as a block device (maybe 
insmod driver?)'

similar messages apply for /dev/hdd and for /dev/dsp (for sound 
purposes - sndconfig won't function)

I ought to add I've tried both 'upgrading' and an clean install and on 
both occasions I cannot get either the cdrom or sound functioning 
as it did easily under 5.2. Is this a bug?

Hope somebody can help a pressured sociologist!


Bob Jiggins  
Research Unit in South East European Studies   
University of Bradford  
West Yorkshire 
Tel: +44(0)7050 615511
Fax: +44(0)7050 644569
PGP 5.0i Encryption - Public Key Available

[newbie] Website

1999-07-29 Thread James J. Capone

 I know this is not a help question about the Mandrake Linux but..

I would like to have you all check out my website and tell me what you think.

Please if you do not like emails like this. Do not flame it, Skip over it.


James J. Capone

Re: [newbie] Diamond Fire GL 1000 AGP Xfree??

1999-07-29 Thread helmut halfmann

On Wed, 28 Jul 1999, you wrote:
 I see the Diamond Fire GL 1000 (AGP version) under the supported list on
 xfree.org but I was wondering if anyone has had any experience in using it
 with X windows.Can I at least get 1024x768-16bit using that card?
 My distributor has it on sale for 35 bones and I could not lay off...

Yes and more


Re: [newbie] SBlive! in Mandrake 2.2.9

1999-07-29 Thread Martin White

I'm a little confused as to why it doesn't work (it does for me!), my
'conf.modules' can be found at
http://www.whitem.demon.co.uk/my_conf_modules.htm if you want to check it
out and make sure i gave you the correct syntax, etc.

An alternative, but not as tidy method would be to insert the line that you
are typing manually each boot into the end of '/etc/rc.d/rc.local'. This
script is always the last init script to get run before starting X or the
command prompt.

Hope this helps.


- Original Message -
From: Cindy Pearce [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, July 29, 1999 3:21 AM
Subject: RE: [newbie] SBlive! in Mandrake 2.2.9

 Well, none of that works so I'll just stick to loading the module
 Thanks anyway!


  -Original Message-
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Martin White
  Sent: Wednesday, July 28, 1999 6:23 AM
  Subject: Re: [newbie] SBlive! in Mandrake 2.2.9
  Have you tried inserting either 'options emu10k1 -f' or 'insert emu10k1
  insmod -f emu10k1' into your conf.modules.
  Either of these should do the trick although both are specifically NOT
  recommended by Creative - no idea why as it seems to work for everyone -
  just covering there backs i guess.
  - Original Message -
  From: Cindy Pearce [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Wednesday, July 28, 1999 4:17 AM
  Subject: [newbie] SBlive! in Mandrake 2.2.9
   I have been following this thread and have been able to get my
  SBlive! to
   work but only by typing modprobe soundcore and insmod -f emu10k1 in a
   terminal window in KDE. I tried adding the recommended lines to the
   conf.modules file( the pre-install and post-remove lines) but I get
   but errors and the sound doesn't work.
   Any ideas or do you need more specific info?

[newbie] Re: your mail

1999-07-29 Thread Bernhard Rosenkraenzer

On Wed, 28 Jul 1999 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I have heard htathat linux can only use 64MB of memory by deafault. Is this 
true? Where can I change this optioinn?

It is no longer true with 2.2 kernels.


Re: [newbie] True type fonts

1999-07-29 Thread Kalju Rtli

Sorry, I missed previous messages about fonts.
Can I use windooze (.ttf) fonts? If I can, then how?

I could not find this utility (mkttfdir)... Where I can look for it?

Thanks in advance


 On Sat, 17 Jul 1999, Lloyd Osten wrote:
  I need to know if I need font metric files (the FON type files you
  see in Windows) to get them to work correctly.Or can I just copy them
  into the ttfonts directory?
 Just copy them to the ttfonts directory and run mkttfdir.

[newbie] boot problems

1999-07-29 Thread Christopher Race

Wondering if anyone else has had the problem where, when linux is installed 
to a partition (i.e. hda1) nothing happens after the "linux" image is chosen 
in LILO.  I've reinstalled multiple times and nothing happens.  It's like 
the hard drive won't 'kick in' and my computer sits stupidly, doing nothing. 
  The only time I actually encountered an error message is when I tried 
running the setup via lnx4win on the first mandrake CD.  It reported an 
error initializing hdax (where x was whatever number partition I had it on 
that time...) , but I haven't had problems with any other OS but linux.  I 
tried using the 'linear' mode for the hard drive, but it still didn't work.  
The partition was within the first 1024 cylinders so should be bootable.  
Most of the components of the machine are fairly new (K6-2 350, 128 MB PC100 
RAM, Microstar MS-5169 Motherboard, Voodoo 3 2000 AGP, SB PCI 128, 8.4 GB 
Fujitsu HDD, DLink 528CT NIC, Generic 36X CDROM, Memorex 2x2x6 CD-RW).  
Booting from a floppy results in the same thing.  LILO comes up fine but 
when it's told to boot to linux the system just sits there.

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[newbie] looking at my pc files from Linux

1999-07-29 Thread russ proudman

I'm running Mandrake 6 Linux. It's on a Pentium 166 (cyrix) and I boot 
Windows 95 from the hard disk and Linux from a floppy.

I have 2 separate hard drives. The first one if for Windows stuff, the 
second is for Linux. This setup works fine but I would like to be able to 
get files from the Windows hard disk. For example, I have Oracle's DB (for 
Linux) on the Windows hard disk.

Why? Because I have a winmodem and can download it there and not from Linux. 
Until I get a non-Windows modem how can I get the files.

In linuxconf it identifies the Windows disk as 2 partisions (16 bit if I 
remember correctly) but can I just mount it somehow and then CP or ftp the 
file across to the Linux disk?

Thx. in advance.

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[newbie] changing video card driver

1999-07-29 Thread Joe Brault

How would I change my video card driver after my setup is complete?  My
icons are quite small, and I am wondering if there is a way to change this?


Re: [newbie] Removing LILO

1999-07-29 Thread Jonathan Dlouhy

At 07:08 PM 7/29/99 , you wrote:
Hello , here is my dilemma . I have to clean out this computer
, remove linux and set it up with windows 98 for my daughter
for college . Anyway , I MS Fdisked it , then formatted it .
When it goes to boot , LILO kicks in . I thought that would be
gone . MS Fdisk doesn't find it , neither does disk druid , or
linux Fdisk . How do I get LILO out of here ?

Just boot from your Windows 98 floppy and type "fdisk /mbr" at the a: prompt.

Jonathan Dlouhy
Principal Oboe,
Atlanta Symphony Orchestra
Quote me as saying I was mis-quoted.

RE: [newbie] Removing LILO

1999-07-29 Thread Thomas J. Hamman

On 29-Jul-99 Dennis Podein wrote:
 Hello , here is my dilemma . I have to clean out this computer
 , remove linux and set it up with windows 98 for my daughter
 for college . Anyway , I MS Fdisked it , then formatted it .
 When it goes to boot , LILO kicks in . I thought that would be
 gone . MS Fdisk doesn't find it , neither does disk druid , or
 linux Fdisk . How do I get LILO out of here ?

With the DOS/Windows fdisk, type 'fdisk /mbr' to delete LILO from the Master
Boot Record.

Also if I remember correctly (and if Win98 is as rude as 95), the Windows
installation wipes the MBR without asking for permission anyway.


RE: [newbie] Removing LILO

1999-07-29 Thread Ezequiel SantamarĂ­a

fdisk /mbr
that´s it!

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Dennis Podein
 Sent: Thursday, July 29, 1999 8:09 PM
 To: Linux Group; Mandrake help
 Subject: [newbie] Removing LILO

 Hello , here is my dilemma . I have to clean out this computer
 , remove linux and set it up with windows 98 for my daughter
 for college . Anyway , I MS Fdisked it , then formatted it .
 When it goes to boot , LILO kicks in . I thought that would be
 gone . MS Fdisk doesn't find it , neither does disk druid , or
 linux Fdisk . How do I get LILO out of here ?

Re: [newbie] Removing LILO

1999-07-29 Thread Petey

Even though this is a kludge solution, here is what I've done in the past.
Boot to a dos floppy.  Run windows setup.  I don't know what windows does,
but both win 98 and win 95 remove LILO and make it boot like windows
normally would.

At 06:08 PM 7/29/1999 -0500, you wrote:
Hello , here is my dilemma . I have to clean out this computer
, remove linux and set it up with windows 98 for my daughter
for college . Anyway , I MS Fdisked it , then formatted it .
When it goes to boot , LILO kicks in . I thought that would be
gone . MS Fdisk doesn't find it , neither does disk druid , or
linux Fdisk . How do I get LILO out of here ?

Re: [newbie] Removing LILO

1999-07-29 Thread Matt Stegman

Lilo resides in the Master Boot Record (MBR) which is, I think, the first
sector of the drive, not included in any partitions.  Thus, you can wipe
all the partitions without touching the MBR.  To clear it, run 
`fdisk /mbr` from DOS.  This will clear LILO out of the MBR.


On Thu, 29 Jul 1999, Dennis Podein wrote:

 Hello , here is my dilemma . I have to clean out this computer
 , remove linux and set it up with windows 98 for my daughter
 for college . Anyway , I MS Fdisked it , then formatted it .
 When it goes to boot , LILO kicks in . I thought that would be
 gone . MS Fdisk doesn't find it , neither does disk druid , or
 linux Fdisk . How do I get LILO out of here ?

[newbie] Changing/Deleting KDE Desktop Icons

1999-07-29 Thread Art Rowe

On Mandrake 6.0 KDE desktop, I can move icons into folders (eg:
updates to a Mandrake folder).
However, the original icons reappear on the main desktop, although
copies are in the folders.
I have tried, both as user and root, to delete the unwanted items,
but they reappear when the computer is started again. I can't find
any reference to this in KDE Help.


Re: [newbie] Re: X lockup

1999-07-29 Thread Andy Goth

  I still want to know how to shut either X or the process down instantly.
 Ctrl-Alt-Backspace shuts down X

It's supposed to, but it took maybe an hour for it to respond.  Usually
it's instant, but it wasn't in this case.

Re: [newbie] UNIX INTRO: Pipes and Redirection

1999-07-29 Thread Andy Goth

 Input redirection is symbolized by the  character. Output is the 
 character, and output with append uses the  characters.

That's like DOS (except that MORE  FILE doesn't seem to work).

   $ echo this | thisfile
   -ksh: thisfile: cannot execute [Permission denied]

KSH?  Korn Shell?

 This is a redundant operation. It would win the "useless use of cat" award

How about ls | cat | cat ?  That's even worse!

   $ echo this that other  wc -w
   $ cat wc
   this that other -w
 Our words were not counted, they were redirected into a file which has
 the filename wc.
 But how did that -w get in there? Ahhh, but that is the subject of a later

Weird... I want to know!

 Errata: it IS possible to pipe to a file. How? Because (as we saw in the
 last lesson) a file can become a command.

And what about piping STDERR?
 But piping to a user-created command is an advanced technique, and we
 aren't going to explore that right away.

I wrote a DOS program that would accept piped input (STDIN, I
believe...) and display it to a graphics mode using a custom font.  It
locked up since I didn't know when to stop taking input! There is some
character to flag the end, but I am unsure

But that was DOS.  We're talking UNIX here.

Re: [newbie] ISDN configuration

1999-07-29 Thread Travis Kriza

Question, is the isdn line hooked into a 
router? Or is it going through the linux machine first? If it is 
going through a router, all you should need to do is set your gateway address to 
the ip address of the router. Otherwise I am not sure but I believe there 
are several tools included on the CD that are for ISDN 

  - Original Message - 
  Tom Fisher 
  Sent: Thursday, July 29, 1999 4:04 
  Subject: [newbie] ISDN 
  This is my first start at linux, and I am stuck I installed 
  Mandrake 6.0 from CD. Configured everything to the best of my knowledge 
  (not much) set it for custom not server, but running a network at office (I 
  set theIP address and host name to what is on my WindowsOS, it is 
  a dual boot) I want to know how to configure an ISDN line. I can't 
  figure out how to make Linux recognize the ISDN line and not a 

[newbie] Changing/Deleting KDE Desktop Icons

1999-07-29 Thread Robert Sheskin

 "Art" == Art Rowe [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Art On Mandrake 6.0 KDE desktop, I can move icons into folders
Art (eg: updates to a Mandrake folder).  However, the original
Art icons reappear on the main desktop, although copies are in
Art the folders.  I have tried, both as user and root, to delete
Art the unwanted items, but they reappear when the computer is
Art started again. I can't find any reference to this in KDE
Art Help.

Art Art
Remove the ones you want from the desktop. Then go to
/usr/share/apps/kfm/preconf and move the folders to temp. Worked here
no more mass of useless icons in  my face.
/ ) +--+ ( \
   / /  |  |  \ \
 _( /_  | _   Robert Sheskin _ |  _) )_
(((\ \  |/ )[EMAIL PROTECTED]( \|  / /)))
( \_/ /ICQ:5788323   \ \_/ )
 \   / AIM:RobertLS   \/
  \_/  \_ /
  /   / +--+ \\
 /   /\\

Re: [newbie] shuting down by ord. user..

1999-07-29 Thread Andy Goth

Has anyone ever bothered pressing Ctrl+D at the shell prompt?  Just try
it.  On my computer, it appears to be another way of logging out.

Re: [newbie] UNIX INTRO: Shells, redirection

1999-07-29 Thread Andy Goth

 When you encounter an error detected by the shell, it is
 normally flagged by the shell. In this example, the shell
 is Korn Shell, and the shell designation is "ksh":
 $ thisfile
 -ksh: thisfile: cannot execute [Permission denied]

So I was right.  I was expecting pdksh, though (the Public Domain Korn

 Three common shells are:
   Bourne Shell = sh
   Korn Shell = ksh
   BASH Shell = bash

And what of the C Shell?  I read about one version called "tcsh" in a
Linux book.  I'm pretty sure it comes with Red Hat 5.0.  I really really
wish those guys would hurry up fixing the laptop with Mandrake on it! 
All they have to do is fix a broken wire!

   o We change shells simply by naming the new shell

When you name a new shell, you run it.  You can exit the new shell with
the "exit" command.  Then you'll find yourself in the old shell.  It's
like a function call in C--you enter a new function by calling it but
you leave it with a return statement.

 So now we should be able to execute our new command:
 $ printpwd
 Neat! It works!

Alternately, you can call a shell and tell it to run the shell script
file.  "sh printpwd" should do the trick... is this right?  In most
shells, ". printpwd" (notice the period) will run a shell script as
well, regardless of the X permission (or the lack thereof).  Right?
 And the answer is profound: with this simple procedure,
 we have created our first simple executable script!

Isn't there a convention that the first line of all shell scripts should
be a comment identifying which shell it is to be run with?  I believe I
have seen things like:


before.  The C Shell requires that shell scripts start with a # comment
line (or was that the Korn Shell?).

 don't have to content ourself with one command, we can
 put in multiple commands. Also, data structures, and
 program logic, and other nifty stuff.

Shell scripts look very flexible (from what I've read).  I haven't had
occasion to write any yet--all I've done is modified existing ones.

Re: [newbie] Removing LILO

1999-07-29 Thread John Aldrich

Run FDISK /MBR from a Windows disk. This will take care of it FDISK does not
remove the Master boot recordwhich is where LILO resides.

- Original Message -
From: Dennis Podein [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Linux Group [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Mandrake help
Sent: Thursday, July 29, 1999 7:08 PM
Subject: [newbie] Removing LILO

 Hello , here is my dilemma . I have to clean out this computer
 , remove linux and set it up with windows 98 for my daughter
 for college . Anyway , I MS Fdisked it , then formatted it .
 When it goes to boot , LILO kicks in . I thought that would be
 gone . MS Fdisk doesn't find it , neither does disk druid , or
 linux Fdisk . How do I get LILO out of here ?

Re: [newbie] shuting down by ord. user..

1999-07-29 Thread Dan Brown


 Has anyone ever bothered pressing Ctrl+D at the shell prompt?  Just
 it.  On my computer, it appears to be another way of logging out.

Yes, it is.  It's also the "end-of-file" character in Unix.

Just a bit of theory:  In Unix, everything is a file, including the
keyboard, mouse, hard drive, etc, hence all the /dev/something stuff.
The shell takes input from from "standard input" (usually your keyboard)
and processes it.  When it gets the EOF character, it figures that its
job is done, and so it closes.

Some shells (like csh, I think) have an option to disable this

[newbie] lnx4win.exe

1999-07-29 Thread Hoyt

A brief review of lnx4win.exe is at http://linuxforum.com/


Re: [newbie] UNIX INTRO: Shells, redirection

1999-07-29 Thread Dan Brown


 Alternately, you can call a shell and tell it to run the shell script
 file.  "sh printpwd" should do the trick... is this right?  In most
 shells, ". printpwd" (notice the period) will run a shell script as

Both of those will run a script, but there's a difference.  "sh
printpwd" will run the script in a new instance of the shell.

Re: [newbie] Konsole problem within Mandrake 6.0

1999-07-29 Thread Axalon

On Thu, 29 Jul 1999, Dominique Deleris wrote:

 I'm having problems using konsole (the KDE console) in Mandrake 6.0. You
 certainly remember that I am a color-addicted user of VIM ;-)
 Since I have resolved  my color problem in vi (I've removed the
 "vi-minimal" package, and installed "vim-improved"), I'd like to use the

You might want to reinstall vi-minimal if /bin and /usr are not on the
same partition, and reorder the $PATH to use /usr/bin (or call /usr/bin/vi

 scheme "Linux Console" by default when launching konsole (it enables
 colors !).
 I've done "Options-Save Options" after selecting my favorite schema,
 but when I leave konsole and run it again, nothing has been saved...
 Any idea ?

Make sure you have the only one open when you make the setting it's not
that smart, if all else fails manualy edit ~/.kde/share/config/konsolerc*


Re: [newbie] shuting down by ord. user..

1999-07-29 Thread Axalon

On Thu, 29 Jul 1999, Theo Brinkman wrote:

 Axalon wrote:
  On Tue, 27 Jul 1999, Theo Brinkman wrote:
   Can you control what Ctrl-Alt-Del does by user?  (i.e.: Let root reboot
   the system that way, but have it just log everyone else out?)
 - Theo
  In theory it is not that hard, you need a program to check the currect
  virtual console then check whos logged into it. All you need todo now is
  find it or write it.
 How about creating a quick script '/etc/threefingersalute', like the one
 - -
 if [ $USERNAME = "ROOT" ]; then

$USER $USERNAME or $LOGNAME, bash manpages will give you info on what each
is, the "ROOT" should be "root" it's case sensitive. This might work, but
without double checking i'm pretty sure it'll be a problem that init runs
as root and this does not actualy run on the current console when you
call it with.

 - -
 and putting a call to it in /etc/inittab like this:
 - -
 - -
 Please bear in mind, this is my first attempt at a script, so any
 debugging comments will come in handy.

[newbie] Past messages file?

1999-07-29 Thread sledge151

Where do I need to go to find a collection of the past newsgroups postings?
I remember somebody awhile back asking but I don't remember the location.

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Re: [newbie] UNIX INTRO: Shells, redirection

1999-07-29 Thread Dan Brown

 From: Andy Goth [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  Alternately, you can call a shell and tell it to run the shell
  file.  "sh printpwd" should do the trick... is this right?  In most
  shells, ". printpwd" (notice the period) will run a shell script as

 Both of those will run a script, but there's a difference.  "sh
 printpwd" will run the script in a new instance of the shell.

now to finish the message...

Running the script in a new instance of the shell means it spawns
another shell which runs the script, and then terminates.  Running ".
printpwd" (or "source printpwd", which is the same thing) runs the shell
in the currently-running shell, not spawning a new one.  Usually, this
doesn't make much difference.  However, if you are using the script to
set environment variables (like the prompt, for example), the difference
is significant.

Re: [newbie] Boot from hard drive

1999-07-29 Thread Axalon

You'll need to set the bootable flag on atleast one partition

On Fri, 30 Jul 1999 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  I installed Mandrake Linux 6.0 in my hard drive (linux only). It works 
  fine when it boot from floppy disk. But I can't boot from hard drive 
  and error message prompted.
  How do I get LILO boot from hard drive?

[newbie] Loading modules?

1999-07-29 Thread Dan Brown

Where do I specify what modules to load at boot time?  Currently,
some modules load, while others do not.  Particularly, the tulip and sg
modules do not load.  I can manually load them as root by typing
/sbin/insmod, but that's a bit of a pain.  Thanks for any info!

Re: [newbie] Re: X lockup

1999-07-29 Thread William Meyer

  Ctrl-Alt-Backspace shuts down X

 It's supposed to, but it took maybe an hour for it to respond.  Usually
 it's instant, but it wasn't in this case.

A second is more like it. You've got something stealing cycles in a big way!

Re: [newbie] UNIX INTRO: Shells, redirection

1999-07-29 Thread Richard Myers

  $ thisfile
  -ksh: thisfile: cannot execute [Permission denied]
On Thu, 29 Jul 1999, Andy Goth wrote:
 So I was right.  I was expecting pdksh, though (the Public Domain Korn

It appears that the maillist switched the order of my two posts. Yes, Korn
Shell. In my experience pdksh is not a good substitute for ksh (although
my experience was years ago; not sure of the current status).

 And what of the C Shell?  

I have used the C Shell, and it provides a nice interface. However, csh is
worse than worthless for creating scripts:

Unix Support frequently advises people not to use /bin/csh. Here is the
classic document by Tom Christiansen on why you shouldn't use it for

Csh Programming Considered Harmful

Resolved: The csh is a tool utterly inadequate for programming, and its
use for such purposes should be strictly banned.

I am continually shocked and dismayed to see people write test cases,
install scripts, and other random hackery using the csh. 

See the complete article at:


   ...I read about one version called "tcsh" in a
 Linux book.  

I've heard it is improved. I'd do some research before I started using it,
however. The above URL is a good place to start, it mentions tcsh.

 Isn't there a convention that the first line of all shell scripts should
 be a comment identifying which shell it is to be run with?  I believe I
 have seen things like:

In the UNIX world, there are basically two types of shell scripts-- those
based upon the Bourne Shell (including Korn Shell and BASH), and those
based upon the C Shell. The common shell language for writing portable
scripts is the Bourne Shell. Advanced features of other shells are to be
avoided unless the script is never expected to leave the target system.

There may be other considerations for Linux. It seems that BASH has become
pretty much a standard.

The #! convention is an interesting story. Too long for posting here; I
refer you to:

unix/faq Digest part 3 of 7 by Ted Timar - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

It is a regular posting in comp.unix.shell, or check out:

Here is just an excerpt:

3.16) Why do some scripts start with #! ... ?

  The Berkeley folks had a neat idea to extend how the kernel starts
  up programs.  They hacked the kernel to recognize the magic number
  `#!'.  (Magic numbers are 16-bits and two 8-bit characters makes
  16 bits, right?)  When the `#!' magic number was recognized, the
  kernel would read in the rest of the line and treat it as a
  command to run upon the contents of the file.  With this hack you
  could now do things like:
#! /bin/sh
#! /bin/csh
#! /bin/awk -F:
  This hack has existed solely in the Berkeley world, and has
  migrated to USG kernels as part of System V Release 4. 


best wishes,

richard myers

Re[2]: [newbie] Boot from hard drive

1999-07-29 Thread rincosum

My Hard drive partition as following:

mount   bootable flag  devfs type
/   *  hda1   linux native
   hda2   linux swap
/home  hda3   linux native

I set bootable flag on first partition which contain first sector and MBR,
but still can't boot from hard drive.

You'll need to set the bootable flag on atleast one partition
On Fri, 30 Jul 1999 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I installed Mandrake Linux 6.0 in my hard drive (linux only). It works 
  fine when it boot from floppy disk. But I can't boot from hard drive 
  and error message prompted.
  How do I get LILO boot from hard drive?