Re: [newbie-it] MU1

2001-10-17 Thread Andrea Celli

manolo simoni wrote:
 grazie in anticipo
 qualcuno potrebbe spiegarmi come intallare software non rpm
 per esempio acrobat reader linux-ar-405.tar.gz
 quali sono le regole generali?
 immagino che io debba installare nuovo software sempre da root?
 la directory in cui poisizione il file compresso è irrilevante?
 da root e da directory mi pare tmp

puoi farlo da dove vuoi.

 ho eseguito gunzip
 ho eseguito tar xvf

bastava tar xvzf linux-ar-405.tar.gz :-)

 ho letto il file ilstallazione


 ho eseguito
 come richiesto
 ho digitato accept per accettare la licenza
 ho scelto una directory /ust/local/Acrobat4

meglio installarlo in una directory del PATH in modo che chiunque
possa usarlo senza dare l'indirizzo completo.
Adesso farei:
 ln -s /usr/local/Acrobat4/bin/acroread /usr/bin/acroread

i file restano dobve sono (il che e` pulito) ma l'eseguibile
e` visto da tutti come se fosse in /usr/bin

 poi seguente messaggioinstalling platform independent files...Done
installing pl. dep. files...Done
./INSTALL: ed: Command not found
ERROR installing/usr/Acrobat4/bin/acroread
 dove ho sbagliato?

sembra che gli manchi ed che e` uno storico editor di linea
(l'antenato di sed) forse lo utilizza per modificare qualche file
di configurazione.
Sulla mia vecchissima Mandrake 
$ rpm -qf `which ed`

Trovi senz'altro il pacchetto ed-qualcosa.rpm sul CD di Mandrake.
Prova ad installarlo.
Adesso ho una vecchissima distro e 
$ rpm -qf `which ed`

ciao, Andrea

ciao, Andrea

[newbie-it] Super OT: Paragone Dos-Windows

2001-10-17 Thread Stefano Salari

Scusatemi se sono PAUROSAMENTE OT, ma l'ho trovato


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Re: [newbie-it] Modem ISDN

2001-10-17 Thread LukenShiro

Nell'anno di grazia 16:34, mercoledì 17 ottobre 2001, Voi, Messer 
Maurizio, avete scritto:
 Ho cercato in rete se qualcuno avesse lo stesso problema e pare che i
 modem Trust (esterni ed interni) non vanno anche se qualcuno giura di
 farli girare con isdn4linux.

Uhm, dunque bisognerebbe iniziare a sgombrare il campo, dato che le 
cause son molte: 
- intanto se il TA e' esterno su porta seriale non hai bisogno 
dell'accrocco isdn di linux (ne' moduli, ne' programmi isdn), lo usi 
come se fosse un modem analogico [con l'accortezza di inserire come 
stringhe AT i comandi che son scritti nel manuale]; 
- se e' esterno usb, son .azzi amari, nel senso che devi vedere la 
compatibilita' caso per caso, io son allergico all'usb [per esperienza 
da evitare come la peste] quindi non ti posso esser d'aiuto, senza 
modulo/driver apposito mi pare che non ci fai nulla ... ;
- se viceversa e' interno (come pare), e' necessario caricare il modulo 
del kernel che sta alla base del TA, per questo l'unica cosa che ti 
consiglio e' guardare bene la documentazione di isdn4linux, poi la doc 
in /usr/src/_directory_dei_sorgenti_del_kernel/Documentation/isdn. 
Perlopiu' si tratta, una volta sistemate le impostazioni relative a IRQ 
e affini in modules.conf, di caricare uno alla volta i moduli per TA 
interni (HiSax, Teles, ecc... ) e di verificare (modo abbastanza grezzo 
e sperimentale :P); dato che non ho esperienza diretta per questo, ti 
rimando a degli HowTo specifici in italiano, dacci uno sguardo:
Ciauz, Lk

LUsr. #210970 - LMach. #98222
Cocktail MDK 8.1/8.2 su 2.4.10-ac9. Cooker per sempre :)

Re: [newbie-it] Modem ISDN

2001-10-17 Thread Maurizio

 Uhm, dunque bisognerebbe iniziare a sgombrare il campo, dato che le
 cause son molte:
 - intanto se il TA e' esterno su porta seriale non hai bisogno
 dell'accrocco isdn di linux (ne' moduli, ne' programmi isdn), lo usi
 come se fosse un modem analogico [con l'accortezza di inserire come
 stringhe AT i comandi che son scritti nel manuale];

Se riesco a trovare le stringheAT, dove vado a modificare i comandi?
Trattasi di modem esterno.
Grazie e ciao

Re: [newbie-it] Modem ISDN

2001-10-17 Thread LukenShiro

Nell'anno di grazia 21:32, mercoledì 17 ottobre 2001, Voi, Messer 
Maurizio, avete scritto:
 Se riesco a trovare le stringheAT, dove vado a modificare i comandi?
 Trattasi di modem esterno.

Con kppp, in impostazioni nella linguetta modem, comandi modem, dial 
string (o l'equivalente in italiano che non ricordo):
dove trovi scritto ATDT, basta sostituire con AT***D, dove al posto 
delle *** inserisci la stringa che trovi sul manuale [per esempio io ho 
un digicom tintoretto e la stringa  e' AT%A2=5D]. Non usare ne' il 
protocollo V.110 ne' il V.120, ma direttamente PPP/64000.
Puo' darsi cmq che sian errori passeggeri, dovuti al provider, non 
necessariamente problemi di configurazione (con aruba, per esempio 
sembra una tombola :P).
SaluT, Lk

LUsr. #210970 - LMach. #98222
Cocktail MDK 8.1/8.2 su 2.4.10-ac9. Cooker per sempre :)

Re: [newbie-it] Lin+win

2001-10-17 Thread Marco

ciao :) credo che wine possa far girare office ho letto in giro che le
uniche appz che non riesce ad aprire sono quelle che hanno accesso a Direct
3d ti puo' interessare ho trovato una piccola appz per linux che fa
girare wine sotto X, si chiama xwine ma e' in francese :oP  io ancora non
sono riuscito a far funzionare wine (parlo di configurazione) ma non
demordociao e gl!

by Spider
- Original Message -
From: Luigi De Pascale [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, October 16, 2001 9:14 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie-it] Lin+win

 On Tue, 16 Oct 2001, Daniele Micci wrote:

  Il 12:42, martedì 16 ottobre 2001, hai scritto:
   qualcuno di voi conosce un programmino gratis che mi permetta (con
64Mb di
   ram) di aprire windows98 dal desktop linux?
  Ciao Luigi, che intendi per aprire Windows 98?
  Se ti serve un emulatore, per piccole cose puoi usare wine: lo trovi già
  incluso in Linux-Mandrake (se non lo hai installato, cercalo sui CD).
  Se, invece, ti serve un supporto più esteso, che ti consenta di far
  Windows come se fosse una qualsiasi applicazione Linux, esistono un paio
  prodotti. Ma, che io sappia, sono tutti a pagamento...

 Il punto e' che spesso la facolta' ci invia documenti doc e fogli excell
 da riempire. Io ho adottato la linea dura: apro con staroffice riempio e
 restituisco il risultato. Se non riescono a leggerlo e' un problema loro.
 I miei vicini di studio vorrebbero pero' mantenere una linea diversa.
 Quello che pero' vorrei evitare e' che si facciano un eccesso di boot
 sotto windows rendendo la nostra rete piu' insicura.
 Wine permetterebbe l'uso di office?

[newbie-it] impostazioni locali

2001-10-17 Thread Andrea Colanicchia

Salve a tutti, ho una MDK 8.1 e ho il seguente errore 
quando do alcuni comandi:

perl: warning: Setting locale failed.
perl: warning: Please check that your locale settings:
LANGUAGE = it_IT:it,
LC_ALL = (unset),
LC_MESSAGES = it_IT@euro,
LC_TIME = it_IT@euro,
LC_NUMERIC = it_IT@euro,
LC_CTYPE = it_IT@euro,
LC_MONETARY = it_IT@euro,
LC_COLLATE = it_IT@euro,
LANG = it
are supported and installed on your system.
perl: warning: Falling back to the standard locale (C).

Ho provato a fare queste impostazioni da KDE, ma non ho 
risolto niente. Ho pure reinstallato il pacchetto 
LOCALES-it, ma niente.

Che devo fare? C'è qualche file di configurazione o qualche 

Ciao e grazie, Andrea.

Re: [newbie-it] Modem ISDN

2001-10-17 Thread Maurizio

 dove trovi scritto ATDT, basta sostituire con AT***D, dove al posto
 delle *** inserisci la stringa che trovi sul manuale [per esempio io ho
 un digicom tintoretto e la stringa  e' AT%A2=5D]. 


A/  Re-exute previous command line
A   Answer incoming calls
Dnn Dial number. the dial modifiers (Wpt,;/R) bcan be freelyinserted in the   
dial string

e continua la sequenza dei vari AT senza citare nessun altra opzione per 

Non usare ne' il
 protocollo V.110 ne' il V.120, ma direttamente PPP/64000.

E' la stessa cosa TA+PPP?

Provando  ATD ora mi segna un nuovo errore di PPPD=10 (the PPP negotiation 
E il debug di KPPP cita una nuova stringa: LCP: timeout sending 
Che ne dici?
Ciao e scusa se sto abusando

Re: [newbie-it] impostazioni locali

2001-10-17 Thread LukenShiro

Nell'anno di grazia 19:59, mercoledì 17 ottobre 2001, Voi, Messer 
Andrea Colanicchia, avete scritto:
   LANG = it

Non piu' tardi di ieri, per una maledetta svista tra liste expert-it e 
newbie-it ho cannato lista rispondendo alla stessa domanda, 
cerca Re: Errori strani. Ovviamente me ne scuso ...
Cmq per farla breve cambia la variabile in LANG=it_IT.ISO-8859-1

LUsr. #210970 - LMach. #98222
Cocktail MDK 8.1/8.2 su 2.4.10-ac9. Cooker per sempre :)

[newbie] Sound card oddity

2001-10-17 Thread Carl Lafferty

Why, when I installed lm81 on a comp with a sb64 in it did  the sound
start with mixer setting that allow me to hear the KDE jingle and yet
when I installed on my home system with a Yamaha 724F (DS-XG) card
the mixer settings were set so that EVERYTHING was muted by default??

beat my head on the wall for 2 days till I tried loading kmixer
on a lark and saw it was set all the way down on EVERYTHING.

Oh well.  Live and learn.  Was happy to see it supported so well!

I can hear multiple sounds and such (LICQ sounds over mp3 and such)
so I am happy!!

I have yet to meet a C compiler that is more friendly and easier to use than
eating soup with a knife.

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RE: [newbie] OT: Life of a CD - Recorder

2001-10-17 Thread Franki


Most of them are rated for around 50,000 hours of operation,, so that is
probably alot more then 500 burns..

Also, if you use it for a CDROM all the time, then it will wear out faster,
but if you only use it for burning,, then expect it to last a while, I had a
burner from when the very first IDE burners came out, it was an old Octek
RW260 and when I sold it 4 yours later, it was still goin strong, and it
must have burned at least 500 CD's because back then I was the only person
that people know had one.

don't stress it, they make them alot better and more accurate now, then they
did when my old Octek was new.

Actually, I have a HP 9500 series burner that I stuck in the case of a USB
8200 series case, works great in windows, haven't tried it in Linux yet.
only downside is that I have a 12x burner connected via USB (USB can't do
more then 4 times burning, due to USB bandwidth limits.)



-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of ngn
Sent: Thursday, 18 October 2001 10:48 AM
To: newbie
Subject: [newbie] OT: Life of a CD - Recorder

Hi folks!!! I have a stupid doubt... but is a doubt at least...

I Have a HP CD - R 9300 Series 10x8x32 and i'm wondering how many burnings
it will support.
I heard from a friend that this number is of 500 copies??? it is true?? I
suppose that they are very few

Thanks a lot!!

Nicolas Gomez

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Re: [newbie] Will Cable Modems Work with 8.1

2001-10-17 Thread Roger Sherman

I have Optimum Online, which works great in 7.2, but I haven't been able
to get online with it in any 8.x version. :-(

On Wed, 17 Oct 2001, Matt Greer wrote:

 on 10/17/01 1:15 PM, michael at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  ATT@home gives me from 250-500Kb/s and 8.1 didn't even
  hiccough...zoom,zoom zoom.

 Damn. My crappy ass cable connection gives me about 150k tops. That's what I
 get for living in the city.


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The guy was all over the place. I had to swerve a number of times before I hit him

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Re: [newbie] Error messages

2001-10-17 Thread Frank McKenna

Hi Dennis

Just wanted to say thanks for the info

Frank McKenna

Difficulties increase the closer we approach our Goals

Plato ~ It takes a minute to have a crush on 
someone,an hour to like someone and a day to love 
someonebut it takes a lifetime to forget someone. 
following means:

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Re: [newbie] Error messages

2001-10-17 Thread Dennis Myers

On Wednesday 17 October 2001 11:05 pm, you wrote:
 Hi Dennis

 Just wanted to say thanks for the info

 Frank McKenna

 Difficulties increase the closer we approach our Goals

 Plato ~ It takes a minute to have a crush on
 someone,an hour to like someone and a day to love
 someonebut it takes a lifetime to forget someone.
 following means:
S'Ok, not a great deal of help but every little bit helps on our quest for 
truth. :  )

Dennis M. registered Linux user #180842

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Re: [newbie] Sound card oddity

2001-10-17 Thread Dennis Myers

On Wednesday 17 October 2001 10:20 pm, you wrote:
 Why, when I installed lm81 on a comp with a sb64 in it did  the sound
 start with mixer setting that allow me to hear the KDE jingle and yet
 when I installed on my home system with a Yamaha 724F (DS-XG) card
 the mixer settings were set so that EVERYTHING was muted by default??

 beat my head on the wall for 2 days till I tried loading kmixer
 on a lark and saw it was set all the way down on EVERYTHING.

 Oh well.  Live and learn.  Was happy to see it supported so well!

 I can hear multiple sounds and such (LICQ sounds over mp3 and such)
 so I am happy!!

 Another oddity, as mentioned earlier the sound in 8.1 on my system and 
others is a bit subdued. I notice that with the Kmixer icon docked on the 
Kbar, and you put the mouse pointer over it, it says volume at 31% even 
with the slider all the way to the top. Anyone know how to improve on this or 
is it not fixable.?  I have tried resetting aumix and that makes no dif with 
the Kmixer.  
Dennis M. registered Linux user #180842

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Re: [newbie] Will Cable Modems Work with 8.1

2001-10-17 Thread johnc

On Wednesday 17 October 2001 03:15 pm, you wrote:
 Who is your service provider? :^)

 Hans N.

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Re: [newbie] Burn directly from ISO OR decompress first - any difference?

2001-10-17 Thread Pascal Goguey


On Wednesday 17 October 2001 18:14, you wrote:
 Burning from win I have a limited choice of burn-apps
 Nero/Cdrwin/Winoncd. None of these seem to handle
 burning the ISO's After spending lots of thime reading
 Nero-howtos and burning Useless ISO cds (Just one big
 useless file on the entire cd) I was wondering if it made any
 difference if I unpacked the ISO images first and then
 burned them

Unpack? You mean, you have a compressed image file,
something like xxx.iso.gz? In this case, yes, you have to
uncompress it before burning.


By the way, I made two aliases in prder to burn images.
This is easier in the case you want to burn a plain CD image
like for instance Mandrake Linux CDs.
These aliases are used like this in a command tool:

1. Burning myfile.iso is done by:
burniso myfile.iso

2. Blanking a cdrw:

You can get the best of both worlds: a nice GUI when
necessary, and a very quick utility when you want to burn a
single image. If you are interested, here is my .bashrc and some
explanations to configure your environment:

# .bashrc

# User specific aliases and functions

export CDRDEV=0,0,0
export CDSPEED=8
alias blankcd=cdrecord dev=$CDRDEV blank=fast
alias burniso=cdrecord -v dev=$CDRDEV speed=$CDSPEED -data $1

# Source global definitions
if [ -f /etc/bashrc ]; then
. /etc/bashrc

You have to edit it and if necessary change 2 variables for your
1. Device: in my case, it is 0,0,0. If you run cdrecord -scanbus
in a terminal, you will get a list of the devices and their parameters.
You have to enter the 3-number sequence (separated by commas)
corresponding to your burner. Change the line export CDRDEV=0,0,0

2. Enter the speed (8 in my case). But this is not too important.
It works even if I set another number, preferably greaer than 8.
Change the line export CDSPEED=8 accordingly. One never

Once you're done, type source .bashrc so that your command line
tool takes the new config into account. Then you can use the two
commands burniso and blankcd.

That's about it.


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Re: [newbie] How to find CD-RW read speed?

2001-10-17 Thread Paul

In reply to Jon Doe's words, written Wed, 17 Oct 2001 19:23:17 -0400

How do I find out the read speed of my CD-RW?

It is usually in the modelname. I have a Plextor 16/12/40, the read speed is

Imagination is the weapon in the war against reality - Registered Linux User 174403
Linux Mandrake 8.0 - Sylpheed 0.6.3
Open Source, Open Minds. Linux.

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[newbie] Folder Icon Color in KDE2 Konqueror

2001-10-17 Thread Bryan Tyson

In KDE2, I have noticed on my SuSE system that the file manager 
(Konqueror) shows the folder icons in light blue (top half of folder) 
whereas my Mandrake box shows the folder icons in a reddish brown 
color. This causes me to think the folder color can be changed. 
However, looking in KDE control center, I could not find a setting for 
the color of folder icons. Does anyone know how the color can be 


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Bryan S. Tyson

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Re: [newbie] CONEXANT on compaq presario 12XL509 with MAndrake 8.1

2001-10-17 Thread Allen H

The olitec drivers never worked for me and I also got those 
no dialtone errors after using hsfcompat.

There are several inf files on the web, you have to look for them
yourself, though.
I've heard or read of some people who copy their Windoze inf files,
but I'm sure that won't work.

Here's what I used, but I haven't compared
it with the one from Olitec, I don't know if there's any difference.

I use it with a 2.2.17 Kernel on Mdk 8.0, but it works on all the 
2.4 kernels I've compiled and used.

I tweaked around a lot before I got it to work right, and destroyed
alot of data.

Just a small piece of advicedon't use this modem unless you're
on a ReiserFS file system.
Rebooting on an Ext2fs after a

Use vi to read it, I can't get gEdit or kedit to view it right.


Hi Allen
thanks for your help...i tried to follow your suggestion, changing the coun=
and country code in the inf file but now it doesn't recognize the modem
anymore...while before it did (but it was impossible to dial cos it went
on saying  No DIALTONE) u know if compaq released any driver or inf
file about their modems??? do u have any other idea i could try and experim=
Thank you again

-- Messaggio Originale --

You have to change the .inf file for your country specifically.
Read the file if your country's there,
if it is, then you have to change the United States to your
own country and also change the country code entry.

I changed this before doing ./ins_all and it worked.

If you're using a 2.4 kernel, you need hsfcompat-.tar.gz to patch it somew=
or have you done that already?).
It's at

I have a CN 5614 PCI modem and the manufacturers made drivers avai-
lable with their own .inf file on their website, I used these
drivers with the hsfcompat to make mine work after changing the
two lines on the .inf file.


Hi all,
I recently bought a new laptop compaq presario 12XL509 and ...SUrpris=
nice comapq win modem with the conexant chipset came with it.the vend=
ID is 14F1 and the device ID is 2013I have Linux Mandrake 8.1 (kernel
2.4.8..i think!!!)so I tried to use the olitec driver with the wrapper
make it work under kernel recognize the modem now...which is
a big resultbut it gives me the NODIALTONE errorany idea about
need help

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