[newbie-it] problemi con mandrake 8.1 e skeda audio

2001-11-19 Thread Massimiliano Leone

allora ho installato la mandrake 8.1 ...e sono iniziati i miei 

ho una skeda audio integrata nella skeda madre (di marca siemens, per 
pentium II): la sk audio in questione è di processore crystal, e modello 
cs4235...un ottima skeda...per essere integrata e anke abbastanza vekkiama 

 Nella mdk 8.0 caricava il supporto sonoro come suono, e 
al boot vedevo la scritta (cs4235 ecc ecc), poi alla prima configurazione 
eseguivo sndconfig, me la riconosceva correttamente come "Crystal SoundChip 
CS4253: CTRL" e mi kiedeva di eseguire2 files campioni, ke suonava 
 Nella 8.1 invece, la riconosce come "Crystal SoundChip 
CS4253: GAME", e quando si appresta ad eseguire il primo file, si blocca e dice 
ke non riesce ad accedere a /dev/audio, il dispositivo della skeda audio: allora 
mi kiede di far la configurazione manuale, io proseguo: mi presenta tutte le 
configurazioni delle porte IRQ DMA ecc ecc ecc...le imposto...mi rikiede 
nuovamente di poter suonare il file campione...e il circolo vizioso 

 Esplorando nel file system...scopro ke in /dev non c'è 
nessun file kiamato "audio" e deduco ke sndconfig si pianta xkè nel suo percorso 
di ricerca non trova il file cercato: effettivamente esiste in /dev una 
sottodirectory "sound" (dunque /dev/sound) dove risiedono5 file, per 
l'appunto audio, mixer, sequencer e altri 2 di cuinon ricordo il nome, 
giustappunto i file di sistema usati per il riconoscimento della sk audio... Mi 
viene allora l'illuminazione: copio i suddetti file direttamente in /dev: e 
invece no !, xkè, non si sa per quale arcano motivo, non riesco a scrivere in 
/dev (da ambiente grafico si kiude la finestra di konqueror, da shell dice 
"segmentation fault"). Ultima spiaggia: vado in windows, con l'intenzione di 
copiare quei file da winz in /dev, tramite il programmino explore2fs (http://uranus.it.swin.edu.au/~jn/linux/), 
una semplice utility ke permette di accedere alle partizioni linux da winzozzo: 
entro in /dev, cerco la dir sound...e non c'è !! I file ke pensavo essere in 
/dev/sound sono GIA' in /dev...

 NO COMMENT...Com'è dunque possibile ke da linux mi vede 
i file in una sottodirectory...e da win nella directory superiore ??!!

 E come diavolo è possibile ke, aggiornandosi dalla mdk 8 
alla 8.1 ci si regredisca ??!?!

 I'm disperato :( 

Grazie anticipatamente per l'aiuto :) 

Re: [newbie-it] problemi con mandrake 8.1 e skeda audio

2001-11-19 Thread Daniele Micci

Il giorno 10:14, lunedì 19 novembre 2001 hai scritto:
 Esplorando nel file system...scopro ke in /dev non c'è nessun file
 kiamato audio e deduco ke sndconfig si pianta xkè nel suo percorso di
 ricerca non trova il file cercato: effettivamente esiste in /dev una
 sottodirectory sound (dunque /dev/sound) dove risiedono 5 file, per
 l'appunto audio, mixer, sequencer e altri 2 di cui non ricordo il nome,
 giustappunto i file di sistema usati per il riconoscimento della sk
 audio... Mi viene allora l'illuminazione: copio i suddetti file
 direttamente in /dev: e invece no !, xkè, non si sa per quale arcano
 motivo, non riesco a scrivere in /dev (da ambiente grafico si kiude la
 finestra di konqueror, da shell dice segmentation fault). Ultima
 spiaggia: vado in windows, con l'intenzione di copiare quei file da winz in
 /dev, tramite il programmino explore2fs
 (http://uranus.it.swin.edu.au/~jn/linux/), una semplice utility ke permette
 di accedere alle partizioni linux da winzozzo: entro in /dev, cerco la dir
 sound...e non c'è !! I file ke pensavo essere in /dev/sound sono GIA' in

 NO COMMENT...Com'è dunque possibile ke da linux mi vede i file in una
 sottodirectory...e da win nella directory superiore ??!!

Forse perchè li avevi copiati tu? Oppure il programmino non gestisce in pieno 
il file sistem EXT2... Hai verificato di nuovo da Linux dove ti vede quei 

 E come diavolo è possibile ke, aggiornandosi dalla mdk 8 alla 8.1 ci si
 regredisca ??!?!

Io sono passato alla MDK 8.1 da 3 o 4 giorni. Ho avuto un paio di problemi, 
finora (risolti anche grazie all'aiuto di questa fantastica ML). Per il resto 
devo dire che, una volta effettuati i corretti e dovuti settaggi e risolti i 
due problemi di cui sopra, la 8.1 è nettamente superiore alla 8.0 (mio 
modesto parere, ovvio). Magari (tirata d'orecchie alla MandrakeSoft) una 
versione beta o RC in più avrebbe eliminato anche gli ultimi errori...
Comunque, venendo al tuo problema, prova a disabilitare DEVFS nel bootloader. 
Io, inoltre, ho eliminato - già in fase di installazione, ma lo puoi fare in 
qualsiasi momento dal Mandrake Control Center - KUDZU, che in passato mi 
aveva dato un sacco di problemi di questo tipo sulla 8.0 ...


Re: [newbie-it] mandrake 8.1 e floppy

2001-11-19 Thread Stefano Salari

 --- Stefano Salari [EMAIL PROTECTED] ha
scritto:  Data: Mon, 19 Nov 2001 09:28:51 +0100 (CET)
 Da: Stefano Salari [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Oggetto: Re: [newbie-it] mandrake 8.1 e floppy
  --- seygues [EMAIL PROTECTED] ha scritto: 
  Non c'è verso di usare il floppy con mandrake 8.1.
  Nessun problema con 
  mandrake 8.0, ma nell'aggiornamento non funziona.
  terminale quando faccio 
  il mount /mnt/floppy mi da' il messaggio errore di
  input/output. Da Kde mi 
  dice che è impossibile aprire ilfile. 
  Che dite formatto il tutto?
  Dai, datemi lumi o madatemi a quel paese della

Ciao Mauro,

  ...Scusami ma mi sono accorto di averti risposto
privatamente. Re-inoltro per tutta la lista (magari
puo' servire a qualcun'altro...)

...Aspetta prima di formattare, io ho installato la
8.1 e mi funziona!

Hai controllato /etc/fstab? E' il file di
configurazione dei mount-point di Linux. Dovrebbe
contenere qualcosa tipo

/dev/fd0  /mnt/floppy  ext2  user,auto[,...]

Controlla che /dev/fd0 esista (dovrebbe essere un
link) e che esista pure /mnt/floppy. Il floppy che
hai cercato di montare ha un filesystem dello stesso
tipo indicato in /etc/fstab? (se in /etc/fstab c'e'
indicato ext2 e cerchi di montare un dischetto vfat
ti da' un errore se non gli forzi il filesystem nel
comando di mount).

Potresti riportare esattamente l'errore che ti
restituisce? Forse si riesce a capire meglio dove
puo' stare il problema.

Ciao! Steo.

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[newbie-it] mandrake 8.1 e floppy.

2001-11-19 Thread seygues

Grazie a Stefano e Daniele per le risposte e i consigli. Ma non ho risolto il 
per la cronaca ecco il file etc/stab. Che è uguale per la versione 8.0 e la 
versione 8.1. perchè in una funziona e nell'altra no?
Ho eliminato pure Kudzu.
ho pure scritto devfs=nomount.
In fin dei conti credo di aver fatto un bel po' di casino nell'aggiornamento.
Bene, d'altronde volevo farmi le ossa  con linux!
Mi sembra che l'aggiornamento 8.1 non veda il floppy.

/dev/hda3 / ext2 defaults 1 1
/dev/hda1 /boot ext2 defaults 1 2
none /dev/pts devpts mode=0620 0 0
none /dev/shm tmpfs defaults 0 0
/mnt/cdrom /mnt/cdrom supermount dev=/dev/cdrom,fs=iso9660 0 0
/mnt/cdrom2 /mnt/cdrom2 supermount dev=/dev/cdrom2,fs=iso9660 0 0
/mnt/floppy /mnt/floppy supermount dev=/dev/fd0,fs=vfat 0 0
none /proc proc defaults 0 0
/dev/hda2 swap swap defaults 0 0

Posso rifare l'aggiornamento?


Re: [newbie-it] mandrake 8.1 e floppy.

2001-11-19 Thread Stefano Salari

 --- seygues [EMAIL PROTECTED] ha scritto: 
 Grazie a Stefano e Daniele per le risposte e i
 consigli. Ma non ho risolto il 
 per la cronaca ecco il file etc/stab. Che è uguale
 per la versione 8.0 e la 
 versione 8.1. perchè in una funziona e nell'altra
 Ho eliminato pure Kudzu.
 ho pure scritto devfs=nomount.
 In fin dei conti credo di aver fatto un bel po' di
 casino nell'aggiornamento.
 Bene, d'altronde volevo farmi le ossa  con linux!
 Mi sembra che l'aggiornamento 8.1 non veda il
 /dev/hda3 / ext2 defaults 1 1
 /dev/hda1 /boot ext2 defaults 1 2
 none /dev/pts devpts mode=0620 0 0
 none /dev/shm tmpfs defaults 0 0
 /mnt/cdrom /mnt/cdrom supermount
dev=/dev/cdrom,fs=iso9660 0 0
 /mnt/cdrom2 /mnt/cdrom2 supermount
dev=/dev/cdrom2,fs=iso9660 0 0
 /mnt/floppy /mnt/floppy supermount
dev=/dev/fd0,fs=vfat 0 0
 none /proc proc defaults 0 0
 /dev/hda2 swap swap defaults 0 0
 Posso rifare l'aggiornamento?

  Aspetta, credo di aver capito qual'e' il problema:
questo /etc/fstab che hai mandato e' configurato per
il supermount, che era compreso nella Mandrake 8.0 ma
non nella 8.1!! Il supermount e' una patch (che non fa
parte del kernel standard Linux) che la Mandrake ha
incluso nei suoi kernel (fino alla mdk 8.0) che esegue
automaticamente il mount della periferica quando un
media (cd, dvd, floppy..) viene inserito nel sistema,
cosi' come capita con windows, evitandoti di dare
manualmente il comando di mount.

  Questa patch  pero' da' problemi con le ultime
versioni del kernel, cosi' la Mandrake non l'ha piu'
inclusa nella 8.1. Probabilmente l'upgrade dalla 8.0
alla 8.1 non tiene conto di questo piccolo particolare
e non ti ha modificato l'/etc/fstab che non e'
comprensibile per il mount standard. Editando
opportunamente il file dovresti risolvere il problema.

  Dovresti modificare le linee che riguardano i
dispositivi rimuovibili: il floppy ed i cdrom. Stando
a quanto scritto nel tuo vecchio fstab le righe

  /mnt/cdrom /mnt/cdrom supermount
dev=/dev/cdrom,fs=iso9660 0 0

  /mnt/cdrom2 /mnt/cdrom2 supermount
dev=/dev/cdrom2,fs=iso9660 0 0

  /mnt/floppy /mnt/floppy supermount
dev=/dev/fd0,fs=vfat 0 0

dovrebbero essere modificate cosi:

  /dev/cdrom  /mnt/cdrom  iso9660
ro,noauto,exec,user,nodev 0 0

  /dev/cdrom2 /mnt/cdrom2 iso9660
ro,noauto,exec,user,nodev 0 0

  /dev/fd0/mnt/floppy vfat
sync,noauto,user,nodev,unhide 0 0

  Il primo parametro indica il dispositivo (1^ cdrom,
2^ cdrom, floppy...); il secondo parametro e' il mount
point; segue il filesystem (e tutto questo c'era gia'
nel tuo /etc/fstab ma in un altro formato). Delle
opzioni che ci sono al fondo le piu' importanti sono
ro,noauto,exec e user: indicano che il filesystem deve
essere montato in sola lettura ([r]ead [o]nly), che
non deve essere montato automaticamente al boot
(noauto) altrimenti se avvii il sistema e non hai un
cd nel lettore ti segnala un errore, che l'utente puo'
eseguire i files sul media (exec) e che il mount non
e' riservato a root ma che puo' essere eseguito da
qualsiasi utente (user).

  Per informazioni (molto) piu' dettagliate puoi
consultare man mount e man fstab.

  Con queste modifiche dovresti essere a posto, ma se
avessi ancora problemi facci sapere. E' importante
pero' indicare esattamente l'errore che ti segnala,
perche' il messaggio spesso e' una grande fonte di

  Ciao! Steo.


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Re: [newbie] Laying Out Partitions?

2001-11-19 Thread Hugo Ferreira


Sorry for butting in, but I was wondering: do we have to create the swap
partition or can we just have a /.


- Original Message -
Sent: Friday, November 16, 2001 7:36 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Laying Out Partitions?

  Yes, sorry... I meant my Swap to be 2x my RAM so I would go for a Swap
  partition of about 130 MB or so.

 That's fine.

  Is Root where the actual OS is
  installed... The System Files, etc.?

 No, there are only directories in the root directory, and /root is
 basically the home directory of the root user. The OS, well,
 let's say the kernel, is located in /boot, and the rest of the
 configuration files, libraries, etc. are scattered in various
 other places.

  Lastly, is the Home partition for all Programs one wants to load?

 Typically, no. Home is just for personal data (letters, spreadsheets,
 etc.) and configuration files (KDE, Gnome, X apps, etc.). You could
 run smaller apps from your home directory. I, for instance, run the
 AudioGalaxy client from my home directory. But as a rule, apps go
 somewhere under /usr.

  With a
  Swap partition of 130 MB and Root of 1 GB, that only leaves me about 900
  MB for a Home partition. Does that sound about right? And again, will
  DiskDrake allow me to create those partitions or will I have to purchase
  Partition Magic?

 With a 2GB drive, I think Tom Brinkman's strategy is the best. Just make
 a swap partition (130MB is fine), and make the rest a single partition
 mounted  at /. You'll save yourself a lot of space headaches.

 DiskDrake will do it. Don't both with PM. I've used version 7 (the
 and it's caused great headaches for me. Plus, PM doesn't make ReiserFS
 partitions, which you'll probably want to use instead of Ext2.

  Sorry to be so persistent, but having never run or installed Linux, this
  all seems rather foreign to me although I've been a Win32 User for

 No apology necessary.


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Re: [newbie] Does Mdk 8.1 Use OSS or ALSA for Sound?

2001-11-19 Thread Mohammed Arafa

search this mailing list for my post on cs423x crystal sound. it might help
- Original Message -
From: James F. Marshall [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Mandrake Newbie List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, November 19, 2001 8:46 AM
Subject: [newbie] Does Mdk 8.1 Use OSS or ALSA for Sound?

 I am having trouble getting my sound card (CS4237B + CS9236) to
 work.  I cannot tell which sound system Mandrake 8.1 uses.  Is
 it OSS or ALSA?  How does one tell?
 Jim Marshall

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Re: [newbie] Palm OS vs Windows CE

2001-11-19 Thread Mohammed Arafa

i believe sharp is going to release a linux based pda soon.. i have seen
headlines to that sort recently
- Original Message -
From: Valerie Cheng [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, November 19, 2001 5:00 AM
Subject: [newbie] Palm OS vs Windows CE

 I'm planning to buy a PDA. I'm wondering which is easier to setup w/
 linux, Palm OS or Windows CE? Or, is Windows CE even able to be setup
 for syncing? Thanx.

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[newbie] How can I use gcc 3.01 instead of 2.96?

2001-11-19 Thread hellmut


I know that I have installed both gcc versions - 2.96 and 3.01. I'd like
to use the 3.01 version, but how?


   (o o)
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 | _ | _ |
  | | | |
  | | | |
  ooO Ooo

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[newbie] Sound problem

2001-11-19 Thread Ivan Miranda

Hi all,
Looks like LM8.1 has serious problems configuring sound cards.Out of the 
three sytems i have installed none of them configured sound   to my 

1)Dell optiplex GX110 (i810 motherboard with Ac97codec and AD 1881A on 
board PCIsound ).When i start KDE the sound comes out in breaks,but 
plays mp3 files with Xmms,some file it plays with little distortion and 
some files it plays fast.I tried to disable Devfs and try stiill the 
same results

2)Super motherboard BX chip set ,PIII 450,SBLive value board,it 
configured sound okay.Then i was bugged that there was no bass and 
treble controls,so installed the RPM from cooker for emu10k1 as per 
Mandrake Forum notes  and got the controls i wanted.But now the sound 
does not come on when i start KDE,it starts working only after i mute 
and unmute the volume or pcm on the mixer and sometimes both...why is this?

2)An Intel FX motherboard with PII 333 overdrive processor,on board 
crystal CS4236(isapnp).Here i made the isapnp.conf file as per a 
writeout in Mandrake forum and i ran sndconfig,the sound come out on the 
first test,then it gives an error while trying to play the midi sound 
and goes for manual configuration which still does not help either.What 
i could make out is that sndconfig was trying to use the kernel driver 
for opl3.o and gives an error on modprobe.Icould not find a kernel 
driver for CS4236 in the list of kernel drivers.How can i proceed now...

Thanks in advance

Ivan Miranda
General Instrument Engineer/IT Support

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Re: [newbie] How can I use gcc 3.01 instead of 2.96?

2001-11-19 Thread Anuerin G. Diaz

if i remember it right you have to replace the command gcc with gcc-3.0.1
(assuming that you have the package installed with all the necessary

you can also check the info of the package because there is a mini-instruction

rpm -qi gcc-3.0.1

or whatever the packagename for gcc-3.0.1 is called (use rpm -qa | grep gcc to
find out)


hellmut wrote:


 I know that I have installed both gcc versions - 2.96 and 3.01. I'd like
 to use the 3.01 version, but how?


Programming, an artform that fights back.

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[newbie] drakopt and 2.2.19-5.1 (or any 2.2 kernel)

2001-11-19 Thread Franki

Hi all,

I just downloaded the src rpm for drakopt, rebuild and installed it on a
mandrake 7.2 box..

when I ran it I got this message:

[root@mail /]# drakopt
   Welcome to DrakOPT
['Linux', 'mail.mydomain.com', '2.2.17-21mdk', '#1', 'Thu', 'Oct', '5',
'13:16:08', 'CEST', '2000', 'i686', 'unknown']

There is no way this program can run.  The hdparm instruction will
have no capabilities line.  Kernel 2.4 must be in use

So I can't run drakopt on that machine, is there an alternative? I was
getting 28 mb/sec from that  box,  but since changing motherboards I get
3.5mb/sec  do I have an alternative method for 7.2 or do I have to make
hdparm rules manually???

Its an IBM 7200 rpm 61.5gig on a ATA100 mb with ata100 cable..

anyone got some rules for that harddisk (or similiar)?



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Re: [newbie] proxy servers..squid vs. apache ?

2001-11-19 Thread Ed Tharp

OK, make my life intersting, I want to do both, Squid to cache and serve 
webpages to my home network, Apache to serve web pages to the external world. 
got instructions?

On Monday 19 November 2001 01:05, you wrote:
 --- Sridhar Dhanapalan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  On Sun, 18 Nov 2001 12:57:28 -0500, lee
   I see apache has a proxy module..now an
  interesting choice here. What does
   the panel at large say about which one is
  preferable. I won't be serving any
   web pages,just a home network here. Any
  performance advantages of 1 over the
   Again,thank you all for your time,and of
  course..hava great week all  :-)
  Apache is primarily a web server; Squid is primarily
  a proxy app. It sounds like
  you need Squid, not Apache.
  Sridhar Dhanapalan

 Lee, if it's consensus you need, I concur with
 Sridhar.  Your question becomes interesting if you
 want to do both!


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[newbie] Ftp server

2001-11-19 Thread E Estes

Could anyone tell me where I can find the 
information on setting up and configuring an ftp server. I thought one was 
installed by default in Mandrake but I could be wrong. If there is one 
installed by defaultcould someone point me to where I can find 

Thanks in advance

Re: [newbie] How can I use gcc 3.01 instead of 2.96?

2001-11-19 Thread Sridhar Dhanapalan

On Mon, 19 Nov 2001 10:29:08 +0100, hellmut [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I know that I have installed both gcc versions - 2.96 and 3.01. I'd like
 to use the 3.01 version, but how?

I'm assuming that you use bash for your shell (if you don't know what bash is,
then you're most likely using it).

Some apps don't like gcc 2.96. In that case, try switching compilers.

To use gcc 2.96 (default):

$ export CC=gcc-2.96 CXX=g++-2.96

To switch to egcs/kgcc:

$ export CC=egcs CXX=egcs++


$ export CC=kgcc CXX=kg++

To switch to GCC 3.0.1 (only in Mandrake 8.1, not 8.0):

$ export CC=gcc-3.0.1 CXX=gcc-3.0.1

You obviously require the relavant gcc packages to be installed.

Sridhar Dhanapalan

Windows is not done until Lotus 123 won't run.
-- Old Microsoft internal slogan

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Re: [newbie] How can I use gcc 3.01 instead of 2.96?

2001-11-19 Thread Derek Jennings

All you have to do is install 3.01 as well as 2.96 using  Mandrake software 
manager. Then (it seems to be totally automatic) if you look at /bin/gcc you 
will see that it has become a symlink pointing to /etc/alternates/gcc which 
is itself a symlink to either /sbin/gcc2.96 or /sbin/gcc3.01
To switch between releases all you have to do is change this symlink.


On Monday 19 November 2001 09:29, you wrote:

 I know that I have installed both gcc versions - 2.96 and 3.01. I'd like
 to use the 3.01 version, but how?

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Re: [newbie] wireless card with Dell Latitude

2001-11-19 Thread Derek Jennings

On Monday 19 November 2001 04:18, you wrote:
 what driver are you using for the linksys 802.11b pcmcia card?  i
 thought that there were no linux drivers for it...?

 Check out  http://www.hpl.hp.com/personal/Jean_Tourrilhes/Linux/
 Looks like wvlan_cs is the driver being used.

 On a separate topic, can someone tell me the commands to mount an NFS
 volume on my LAN on my local machine?

There is a step by step tutorial at www.mandrakeuser.org

 Andy Miller

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Re: [newbie] proxy servers..squid vs. apache ?

2001-11-19 Thread Randy Kramer

Ron Bouwhuis wrote:
 --- Sridhar Dhanapalan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Apache is primarily a web server; Squid is primarily
  a proxy app. It sounds like
  you need Squid, not Apache.

 Lee, if it's consensus you need, I concur with
 Sridhar.  Your question becomes interesting if you
 want to do both!

OK, then let's make it interesting!  I want to do both.

For a small computer school (teaching computers to mostly mature people
who may never have touched a computer (teaching Windows, BTW, for the
time being), I'd like to set up a server that will not be connected to
the Internet, but will simulate the Internet so that we can connect to
it from (Windows) workstations and do Internet things like surf the web,
download (ftp) files, send and receive mail between workstations, and
use IRC between workstations.

For the browsing, I'm considering installing Squid, going online to surf
and fill the cache, then switching to offline mode during class
periods.  (I may actually bring the server home to fill the cache and
take it back to the school (a church) for class -- the church is
reluctant to have a live connection to the Internet.)

Since I know almost nothing about Squid, my first question was going to
be do I need Apache.  From this post, I infer that I do not.

I'm also considering installing a wiki (TWiki) which works on top of
Apache for a class notes application, so in the end I do need both
Squid and Apache.  

I assume that I can install both and make them work independently. 
Until I learn more, we will probably use the raw tcp/ip address to
browse the TWiki (i.e., urls like  I
guess to do better I'd either have to set up a local DNS nameserver or
put something in the hosts file of each workstation?

Any other hints or suggestions?

Randy Kramer

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Re: [newbie] Web page design

2001-11-19 Thread robin

Michel Clasquin wrote:

On Thursday 15 November 2001 22:34, you wrote:


  What program is the best to design web pages without knowing now to
program.  I have been using frontpage 2000. 

You probably already have two GUI setups on your system. Both Netscape 4.x 
and Mozilla contain a Composer module. Not the greatest, I know, but I 
thought I'd mention it so you'd have the whole  range of possibilities.

If you're using Netscape, upgrade to 6.2, as this produces cleaner HTML.

Other possibilities for WYSIWYG web composition are Star Office (not 
wonderful HTML, but passable) and Amaya (from ther good people at W3C).


Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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[newbie] 3Com/USR Professional Message Modem

2001-11-19 Thread Michael Carr


I've finally found a way around the USR Professional Message Modem's
inability to negotiate a successful ppp connection with the PMM answer
machine facility disabled.

As it happens this was done within two separate terminal sessions, though
there's no reason (with the second ATZ removed) why it can't be
accomplished within a single session:




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[newbie] mouse problems in x

2001-11-19 Thread Shannon Bernhard Neuhofer

Have Logitech MouseMan Wheel; 
When starting x mouse cursor shows up but doesn't move.  Error codes
when loading x are:
(EE) xf860 OpenSerial: Cannot open device /dev/psaux No such devices or
(WW) Mouse1: cannot open input device

Also tried a different mouse - albeit it was also a PS/2 mouse.  Tried
all variants of PS/2 mouse configs in drakxconfig.  On forums seems to
be a common problem - but can't locate info to resolve problem.

I also made sure there was a symbolic link from /dev/mouse to /dev/psaux
as that wasn't there to begin with either.  I did notice that /dev/psaux
also points to /misc/psaux.

Any ideas? I'm a complete newbie so don't have much to go on!


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Re: [newbie] netscape 6.2

2001-11-19 Thread Randy Kramer

Anuerin G.Diaz wrote:
 which only searches on the directories specified by your PATH variable.



Randy Kramer

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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[newbie] newbie Has anyone settup a G3 Server with PPC LM in a school

2001-11-19 Thread Anke Max

Gidday All

This Mac serves 14 iMacs and has 8.6 on it. I've got no software that I can
track what the students are doing.
I'm not allowed to spend the $1800 odd to upgrade so that I can use stuff to
set filespace and printing quotas, track who was on what iMac doing what.
Has anyone settup a G3 Server with PPC Mandrake with logging and hopefully
even the ability to view what's happening on student screens?

Thanks for your time

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Re: [newbie] Linux Mandrake vs Linux Suse

2001-11-19 Thread Scott

On Sun, 18 Nov 2001, Dennis Myers wrote:

 On Sunday 18 November 2001 16:27, you wrote:
  I am using for quite a while LM. Personally I like
  Mandrake a lot, but I have been open toward other
  distributions also.
  It looks to me that the most popular distributions
  (imho) are:
  1. Mandrake
  2. Suse


I work at a large insurance carrier in the US and also do work for several 
ISP's.  I can tell you the breakdown is as follows:

Servers:  Almost always Red Hat.  The alliance with IBM and the support 
offerings have made Red Hat easier to get into the Enterprise.  Red Hat 
has done a good job to provide administration tools, yet still allow you 
to tweak the OS as much as you need.  

Desktop:  Here is where I am seeing Mandrake shine.  People I work with 
who would never consider Linux before beg to have me install Mandrake for 
them.  That can be good and bad.  Good because I have always liked the 
Mandrake distro, bad because they sit and play with my good lap top all 
day.  I was finally able to find Mandrake 8.1 Power Pack in the stores 
this weekend and I am happy to say I installed it in 30 minutes on my HP 
OmniBook 6000 lap top.  To the crew at Mandrake you did an EXCELLENT JOB.

As for Suse, it is a nice distro, and we have considered it here for 
running Oracle, but the biggest complaint I hear about them is the 
interface, especially during install.

I have run all 3 of them.  Currently I have Red Hat 7.2 on one machine, 
Mandrake 8.0 on another, Mandrake 8.1 on my lap top and I use Red Hat 7.1 
on my server.  

Bottom line is, you might have to try each one and decided what is most 
comfortable for YOU.  Me, I prefer Red Hat on my servers and Mandrake on 
my desktop.  The best part is, you can download and try each one, then I 
HIGHLY encourage you when you pick the one you like to SUPPORT them and go 
and purchase the CD pack.  


Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: running 'kylix' was Re: [newbie] problems installing 'kylix'

2001-11-19 Thread David ..

I had the same thign with Kylix version 1, I upgraded to version 2 this 
weekend and it works fine. The matrix loads up in a few seconds now.

From: H.J.Bathoorn [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: running 'kylix' was Re: [newbie] problems installing 'kylix'
Date: Sat, 17 Nov 2001 20:17:12 +0100

Mine started after a while as well (thanks). Dunno why tho, didn't leave 
widget running all night though.

Funny thing: I installed the crossover-wine and presto: all the icons were
ther (they weren't before) on the taskbar.
Then. I moved my /home/harm directory to another (bigger)
partition and sh... :( there's the bl font matrix widget again!
I'ts been sitting there for 4 hours now consuming about 80% of the cpu 

Apparently this has something to do with wine, anybody got any clues or
Just some clues as to what is going on there!, anything?

  On Mon, 29 Oct 2001 18:46:32 +0100
   Not exactly the same problem, mine installed fine on 8.1 (the 
   refused to run though :o/?) but then: On startup, the fontmatrix setup
   widget appears and the proccess dies, leaving the widget there glaring 
   me :o(
   Is there anybody with a running Kylix on 8.1 out there?
  I have it running.
  I do not know what the deal is with the font matrix widget.
  My install did the same thing.
  I do not know what the deal is with the font matrix widget.
  I left it and went to bed, the next morning it was still there.
  I closed it.
  Did startkylic, just for the hell of it, and the program launched
  How long the wigets really needs, I do not know.

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Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at http://explorer.msn.com/intl.asp

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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[newbie] Konqueror

2001-11-19 Thread Florian Struck

I have weird problems with konqueror it will only start if i delete the rc 
file from .kde/share/config otherwise it will try for a while but not start. 
Also ever since i installed mdk 8.1 (actually it was same with 8.0 too) my 
mousewheel stops working in konqueror after about 10 minutes surfing.

might have something to do with nsplugins .
Ill attach xsessionerrors cause there are a few entrys that i dont quite 
understand ... sorry for the big post

ps: i didnt do any significant changes to the konqueror setup 

WARNING: imwheel is not checking/writing a pid file, BE CAREFUL!
  An imwheel may be running already.
  Two or more imwheel processes on the same X display,
  or simultaneously using a wheel fifo,
  will not operate as expected!
INFO: imwheel started (pid=4201)
/home/kernell/.imwheelrc: No such file or directory
kdecore (KLibLoader): WARNING: library=/home/kernell/flash_linux/README: 
file=/home/kernell/flash_linux/README.la: file not found
kdecore (KLibLoader): WARNING: library=/home/kernell/flash_linux/ReadMe.htm: 
file=/home/kernell/flash_linux/ReadMe.htm: /home/kernell/flash_linux/ReadMe.htm: 
invalid ELF header
kdecore (KLibLoader): WARNING: library=/home/kernell/flash_linux/ShockwaveFlash.class: 
/home/kernell/flash_linux/ShockwaveFlash.class: invalid ELF header
kdecore (KLibLoader): WARNING: library=/home/kernell/.netscape/plugins/README: 
file=/home/kernell/.netscape/plugins/README.la: file not found
kdecore (KLibLoader): WARNING: library=/home/kernell/.netscape/plugins/ReadMe.htm: 
/home/kernell/.netscape/plugins/ReadMe.htm: invalid ELF header
kdecore (KLibLoader): WARNING: 
/home/kernell/.netscape/plugins/ShockwaveFlash.class: invalid ELF header
kdecore (KLibLoader): WARNING: library=/usr/lib/netscape/plugins/cpPack1.jar: 
file=/usr/lib/netscape/plugins/cpPack1.jar: /usr/lib/netscape/plugins/cpPack1.jar: 
invalid ELF header
kdecore (KLibLoader): WARNING: library=/usr/lib/netscape/plugins/ShockwaveFlash.class: 
/usr/lib/netscape/plugins/ShockwaveFlash.class: invalid ELF header
kdecore (KLibLoader): WARNING: library=/usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/ShockwaveFlash.class: 
/usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/ShockwaveFlash.class: invalid ELF header
Creating link /home/kernell/.kde/socket-desktop.localdomain.
Created link from /home/kernell/.kde/socket-desktop.localdomain to 
iceauth:  creating new authority file /home/kernell/.ICEauthority
DCOPServer up and running.
kdeinit: Shutting down running client.
kio (KLauncher): ERROR: KLauncher: KDEInit communication error! Commiting suicide!
It looks like dcopserver is already running. If you are sure
that it is not already running, remove /home/kernell/.DCOPserver_desktop.localdomain_:0
and start dcopserver again.

KDE Daemon (kded) already running.
kdecore (KLibLoader): WARNING: library=/home/kernell/flash_linux/README: 
file=/home/kernell/flash_linux/README.la: file not found
kdecore (KLibLoader): WARNING: library=/home/kernell/flash_linux/ReadMe.htm: 
file=/home/kernell/flash_linux/ReadMe.htm: /home/kernell/flash_linux/ReadMe.htm: 
invalid ELF header
kdecore (KLibLoader): WARNING: library=/home/kernell/flash_linux/ShockwaveFlash.class: 
/home/kernell/flash_linux/ShockwaveFlash.class: invalid ELF header
kdecore (KLibLoader): WARNING: library=/home/kernell/.netscape/plugins/README: 
file=/home/kernell/.netscape/plugins/README.la: file not found
kdecore (KLibLoader): WARNING: library=/home/kernell/.netscape/plugins/ReadMe.htm: 
/home/kernell/.netscape/plugins/ReadMe.htm: invalid ELF header
kdecore (KLibLoader): WARNING: 
/home/kernell/.netscape/plugins/ShockwaveFlash.class: invalid ELF header
kdecore (KLibLoader): WARNING: library=/usr/lib/netscape/plugins/cpPack1.jar: 
file=/usr/lib/netscape/plugins/cpPack1.jar: /usr/lib/netscape/plugins/cpPack1.jar: 
invalid ELF header
kdecore (KLibLoader): WARNING: library=/usr/lib/netscape/plugins/ShockwaveFlash.class: 
/usr/lib/netscape/plugins/ShockwaveFlash.class: invalid ELF header
kdecore (KLibLoader): WARNING: library=/usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/ShockwaveFlash.class: 
/usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/ShockwaveFlash.class: invalid ELF header
QObject::connect: No such signal KDockArea::docked()
QObject::connect:  (sender name:   'unnamed')
QObject::connect:  (receiver name: 'view 

Re: Re[2]: [newbie] cdrom and floppies! Again.. or yet?

2001-11-19 Thread Terry

On Saturday 17 November 2001 11:32 am, you wrote:
 Actually tis happens to me too, it is just a devfs trouble. (If I
 remember right they are writing the devfs from the scratch now)

 2 solutions,

 Sorry dont remember the name, but someone had adviced to delete
 everything in /lib/dev-state , and reboot. Guess this works until you
 change the places of devices in your pc, just give it a try.

 Second one, I use this. Simply dont use devfs. How ? If you are using
 lilo, change the kernel option, that is in /etc/lilo.conf ,
 devfs=mount to devfs=nomount. And dont forget to type lilo at the
 command prompt to make the new setting work as default. I dont know
 the grub type, but I guess it is easy to figure out :)

  Onur Kucuk

What exactly is devfs?  What is it used for?  What does it do? 
Terry Sheltra
PC Technician / Asst. Network Administrator
University of Virginia
School of Architecture
434 (or 804) 982.3047
Registered Linux User #218330

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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RE: [newbie] UML diagram tool for Linux

2001-11-19 Thread Mark Johnson

check freshmeat.net or sourceforget.net... I think there is a nice one
called Dia...

 -Original Message-
 From: Søren Neigaard [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Monday, November 19, 2001 12:30 PM
 Subject: [newbie] UML diagram tool for Linux
 Anybody know a good UML diagram tool for Linux?
 Med venlig hilsen/Best regards
 Søren Neigaard
 Registered Linux User #239437

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[newbie] What applet is this?

2001-11-19 Thread PBN

I recently saw an X-applet in a screenshot on freshmeat that displayed
cpu temp and some other values. Anyone know what this is?


Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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[newbie] ipchains-fw configuration

2001-11-19 Thread Michael Dannhorn


I have to re-configure for a remote access vpn.

Authentification seems to work so far over udp port xx.
But I can't send data over 'IP protocol 50 bi-directional'.

How is the ipchains syntax to open 'IP protocol 50 bi-directional'
in my firewall rules?

Thanx for your help!



*** Macht's gut, und Danke für den Fisch ... ***


Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] What applet is this?

2001-11-19 Thread Brandon Hutchinson

Can't say for sure, but it may have been gkrellm


On Monday 19 November 2001 12:31 pm, you wrote:
 I recently saw an X-applet in a screenshot on freshmeat that displayed
 cpu temp and some other values. Anyone know what this is?


Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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RE: [newbie] Mandrake Business Survey

2001-11-19 Thread Mark Johnson

I haven't check out the survey yet, so I might be putting my foot in my
mouth, but I'm not sure it's clear how to make linux or for that matter
Mandrake Linux more than just a hobbist platform/OS.  You often hear Linux
has proven itself in the (web) server market but this is a misleading
statement I think.  Yeah, the linux kernel has proven itself as stable and
robust and Apache has proven itself stable and robust but I think this is
not analogous to the quote above. Anything beyond web, print, file sharing,
and development environment is about it for large scale deployment of linux.
Not that it couldn't be more, just folks are too scared to try.

We use linux here for our UNIX development but when it comes time to
production all code is ultimately compiled for Solaris only because none of
the upper management trust that in the time of need that they will be able
to get the support required if things should fail.  The developers gripe and
moan wishing to deploy linux for production and scrape solaris but linux
doesn't generate warm fuzzies like solaris does as far as support.  Is it
possible to get professional g++ development support from Mandrake for
mission critical development?  We use an object database by FastObjects
(www.fastobjects.com) that is available for Solaris, Windows, and Linux -
but they don't support the linux version.  And the only linux flavor they
are comfortable answering questions about is Red Hat not Mandrake.   So is
it possible to get IT support from Mandrake that is comparable to what we
get for SUN, especially if we are bold enough to use a product like
FastObjects on a platform the vendor doesn't formally support?

And then there's the the office products issue.  Even though we build
backend systems in UNIX we must interface with MS Office, specifically with
Excel and Visio.  It doesn't appear that any of the linux office products
are on par with the MS stuff.  Sure they work pretty good for personal
stuff, but not very well for large scale use like we do here.

It would be my greatest wish to go linux but I'm not sure how it could be
done.  It seems that MS has won the desktop battle at large.  The only way
to go the linux route is if everyone in your company is on board or if it
has been mandated from the company's CEO or something.

ps: I was thinking about this whole thing this weekend.  You cannot market a
product to the consumer because it will never take off, it must be marketed
to the business sector and from there it'll trickle down to consumers.  The
reason why most people are running Windows or Mac machines is because they
are running them at work (or at school). So how can linux (Mandrake)
leverage itself in the market? It's not a desktop OS it's a server OS (that
happens to have some reasonable desktop applications).  It fits better in
embedded devices and other service oriented products.

I went to Home Depot this weekend to buy some crap and I hate going in there
because I can't find anything and neither can the helper folks.  I don't
understand why they don't have a kiosk setup (running linux on one of those
deprecated internet applicances) that would allow me to do a search on the
item I wanted and show me exactly where to go.  They should put these in
grocery stores, book stores, computer stores, etc.  They should make the
these kiosks internet enabled so I can access my Consumer Reports account so
I can quickly compare items.  And if not kiosks, why don't the helper folks
have PDAs running linux so they can quickly identify where something (or
someone) is so you don't have follow this guy for five blocks as he asks
three other employees where something might be.

I'm sensitive to the fact that it's hard to figure out how to make money --
especially on open source stuff, but it seems that most marketing is applied
to the wrong folks.  

pps: this is probably blasphemous but I really would be willing to pay for
linux applications if they were of the same caliber as all these Windows
products (Quicken, DevStudio, MS Office Suite, etc..).  Personally, I never
use any services, I buy the product and that's it. Personally, I never
call the support desk for either linux or windows or for any other product.
I don't buy exteneded warranties. I just generally hate subscribing to
services. I don't understand how anyone can make money selling services.
Ximian's Red Carpet is fantastic, but I will never buy the upgraded version.
But really I hate saying all this because I feel like I'm slapping some
linux programmer in the face for all the hard work he or she volunteers to
the movement. There are few examples of high quality free software. Usually
you really do get what you pay for. 

I always try to buy linux software through donations but it's real hard to
tell how helpful that is in the scheme of things.

Again, I haven't check out the survey yet, so I might be putting my foot in
my mouth.

 -Original Message-
 From: Yu Yu [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]

Re: [newbie] Does Mdk 8.1 Use OSS or ALSA for Sound?

2001-11-19 Thread James F. Marshall

On Mon, 19 Nov 2001 10:38:06 +0200, Mohammed Arafa wrote:

search this mailing list for my post on cs423x crystal sound. 

Do you have a specific post in mind?  I did a search but the
results were not helpful in the sense of giving steps to make
sound work.
Jim Marshall

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Re: [newbie] Soundblaster problems on Mandrake 8.1

2001-11-19 Thread Frans Ketelaars

On Fri, 16 Nov 2001 09:14:10 +0100
Renato Tognaccini [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Thursday 15 November 2001 08:17 pm, you wrote:
  On Thu, 15 Nov 2001 14:00:01 +0100
  Renato Tognaccini [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   I moved fropm Mandrake 7.1 to 8.1 by reinstalling everything.
   Everythinh worked fine except I am not able to
   install soundblaster which was workinf fine on 7.1.
  OK, if it worked with LM7.1 it should work with LM8.1 . And there are the
  ALSA drivers as an alternative to the OSS/Free (AKA kernel) drivers. You
  didn't change any hardware before installing LM8.1 which could have caused
 No , as far as I remember
   At boot I have the following message:
   Soundblaster audio driver Copyright (C) by Hannu Savolainen 1993-1996
   sb: Creative ViBRA16X PnP detected
   sb: Sound Blaster Vibra16X sb config failed (out of resources?)[-2]
  This seems to be the problem. I wonder, you can't set up your card with
  either MCC or sndconfig but during boot the sb driver tries to load. Are
  there any sound related entries in your /etc/modules.conf file?
 these are the contensts of /etc/modules:
 pre-install pcmcia_core CARDMGR_OPTS=-f /etc/rc.d/init.d/pcmcia start
 alias usb-interface usb-uhci
 probeall scsi_hostadapter aic7xxx
 alias eth0 3c509
 alias scsi_hostadapter aic7xxx
 alias sound-slot-0 sb

Sorry, I have no idea what's wrong. The line above makes the system try to
load the sb module, while at boot you get a message that it fails.

I would check with '/sbin/lsmod' which (sound related) modules are loaded
and (if there are no conflicting modules loaded) try the ALSA drivers: 'su'
to root and at the # prompt:

# modprobe snd-card-sb16
# modprobe snd-pcm-oss
# modprobe snd-mixer-oss

[frans@amd frans]$ rpm -qf /usr/src/linux-2.4.8/alsa-driver-0.5.11/INSTALL
[frans@amd frans]$

So if you install the kernel-source-2.4.8-26mdk package you can read the ALSA
INSTALL file, it has an entry for your soundcard :)


Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] AVI files

2001-11-19 Thread Newbie

I would test out the 'mplayer' I hope it works for you.

Feel free to download my copy

If that one does not work please test
out the ones they have on their 
web page, they have all the
original source code at the url below.


Be careful, its beta software I think.

I hope it all works out for you.

On Monday 19 November 2001 12:30 pm, you wrote:
 Hey group,

 Does anyone know of a good avi player for Linux?

 Xmovie and xmms doesnt seem to support those files.
 I have some world trade center movies that I want to view.



Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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RE: [newbie] Mandrake Business Survey

2001-11-19 Thread Franki

Well, I don't know about others, but we are using linux servers, (all
mandrake now too)
as Web, Mail, DNS, packet filters, Network Intrusion Detection, MASQ and
filesharing servers,, sometimes on one machine... all over our company. you
want a great open souce piece of software that is commercial quality, look
at postfix.

I am also working on using Bayonne to replace our current IVR system, and
once that is done, I
will also be working to replace our win2000/IIS ecommerce servers running
JAVA servlets on Jrun
with linux boxs as well, so we are working hard to move our entire network
over to Linux, and one day all
the windoze desktops as well... (once we get the users used to staroffice
for windows...)

It can happen, you just have to do it slowly.

Simply showing some web pages that detailed how insurance companies don't
want to insure IIS servers got the
ball rolling for us... (although Solaris is a different story..)

There are some problems that you detail very well, and I sympathise, the
solution isn't a short term one..

not that long ago, there was hardly any sysadmins willing to consider linux
at all, for the reasons you have detailed,, but the new generation is
working their way in now, (and not just as sysadmins) and they are more
performance based.

I write ecommerce apps that have to run on ISP servers, and guess what the
majority of those are??? Linux and NT/2000
so I write apps that work on those two, and so far its been flawless...

it will happen, just not fast.



-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Mark Johnson
Sent: Tuesday, 20 November 2001 3:25 AM
Subject: RE: [newbie] Mandrake Business Survey

I haven't check out the survey yet, so I might be putting my foot in my
mouth, but I'm not sure it's clear how to make linux or for that matter
Mandrake Linux more than just a hobbist platform/OS.  You often hear Linux
has proven itself in the (web) server market but this is a misleading
statement I think.  Yeah, the linux kernel has proven itself as stable and
robust and Apache has proven itself stable and robust but I think this is
not analogous to the quote above. Anything beyond web, print, file sharing,
and development environment is about it for large scale deployment of linux.
Not that it couldn't be more, just folks are too scared to try.

We use linux here for our UNIX development but when it comes time to
production all code is ultimately compiled for Solaris only because none of
the upper management trust that in the time of need that they will be able
to get the support required if things should fail.  The developers gripe and
moan wishing to deploy linux for production and scrape solaris but linux
doesn't generate warm fuzzies like solaris does as far as support.  Is it
possible to get professional g++ development support from Mandrake for
mission critical development?  We use an object database by FastObjects
(www.fastobjects.com) that is available for Solaris, Windows, and Linux -
but they don't support the linux version.  And the only linux flavor they
are comfortable answering questions about is Red Hat not Mandrake.   So is
it possible to get IT support from Mandrake that is comparable to what we
get for SUN, especially if we are bold enough to use a product like
FastObjects on a platform the vendor doesn't formally support?

And then there's the the office products issue.  Even though we build
backend systems in UNIX we must interface with MS Office, specifically with
Excel and Visio.  It doesn't appear that any of the linux office products
are on par with the MS stuff.  Sure they work pretty good for personal
stuff, but not very well for large scale use like we do here.

It would be my greatest wish to go linux but I'm not sure how it could be
done.  It seems that MS has won the desktop battle at large.  The only way
to go the linux route is if everyone in your company is on board or if it
has been mandated from the company's CEO or something.

ps: I was thinking about this whole thing this weekend.  You cannot market a
product to the consumer because it will never take off, it must be marketed
to the business sector and from there it'll trickle down to consumers.  The
reason why most people are running Windows or Mac machines is because they
are running them at work (or at school). So how can linux (Mandrake)
leverage itself in the market? It's not a desktop OS it's a server OS (that
happens to have some reasonable desktop applications).  It fits better in
embedded devices and other service oriented products.

I went to Home Depot this weekend to buy some crap and I hate going in there
because I can't find anything and neither can the helper folks.  I don't
understand why they don't have a kiosk setup (running linux on one of those
deprecated internet applicances) that would allow me to do a search on the
item I wanted and show me exactly where to go.  They should put these in

[newbie] Re: running 'kylix'

2001-11-19 Thread H.J.Bathoorn

On Monday 19 November 2001 15:10, you wrote:
 I had the same thign with Kylix version 1, I upgraded to version 2 this
 weekend and it works fine. The matrix loads up in a few seconds now.

Thanks a lot, that worked allright:)

A worrying thing though: In the install (readme) it says very explicitly 
This product is NOT certified for use with Mandrake 8.1This product is NOT 
certified for use with Mandrake 8.1 :(

So anybody know what's the deal? Everything looks alright though I don't have 
any projects far enough to really test that. As a matter of fact neither of 
my two projects (former Delphi3) can be slapped into any sort of life.
But where there's life (again) there's hope:)

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RE: [newbie] Re: running 'kylix'

2001-11-19 Thread Franki

Well, thats a bummer, Kylix was on my list of things to install,,

and I just sat through that big Borland survey as well, what a bummer...

oh well, such is life...

lifes a bitch and then I met my girlfriend :-)


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of H.J.Bathoorn
Sent: Tuesday, 20 November 2001 4:16 AM
Subject: [newbie] Re: running 'kylix'

On Monday 19 November 2001 15:10, you wrote:
 I had the same thign with Kylix version 1, I upgraded to version 2 this
 weekend and it works fine. The matrix loads up in a few seconds now.

Thanks a lot, that worked allright:)

A worrying thing though: In the install (readme) it says very explicitly
This product is NOT certified for use with Mandrake 8.1This product is NOT
certified for use with Mandrake 8.1 :(

So anybody know what's the deal? Everything looks alright though I don't
any projects far enough to really test that. As a matter of fact neither of
my two projects (former Delphi3) can be slapped into any sort of life.
But where there's life (again) there's hope:)

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

[newbie] Wine and Scriptwriting

2001-11-19 Thread Steven Spears

I was wondering if anyone on the list is good at getting programs working 
under Wine?

I have a program, MovieMaster, that I use to write movie scripts. I'm working 
on one now and need the program to write my drafts and final scripts. Problem 
is I can't get it to work under Wine, and I don't have a machine with Windows 
on it that I can access easily (I hate rebooting and who really wants to use 

If anyone knows of a site or people that might be interested in the 
challenge, please let me know. 


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[newbie] Password On Grub/Lilo

2001-11-19 Thread xsturm

Hey group,

Does anyone know how to password lilo/grub on boot to where you have to
have a passwd to boot whichever partition you want or to make any
changes like as to boot into single user mode?

Thank you,


It's a beautiful day...don't let it get away... ~U2~

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Re: [newbie] nmbd

2001-11-19 Thread Jason Pearce

Hi frank 
try to disable DNS or WINS in your SAMBA.conf or use SWAT
regs JAson PEARCE

On Tue, 20 Nov 2001 01:52, you wrote:
 Hi All,

 Can't get nmbd to start.

 Any clues would be appreciated as I keep getting No Domain Servers appear
 to be able to... and this would probably be the first step

 Using Mandrake 8.0

 Thanks in advance,

 Frank McKenna

 Difficulties increase the closer we approach our Goals

 Plato ~ It takes a minute to have a crush on
 someone,an hour to like someone and a day to love
 someonebut it takes a lifetime to forget someone.

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Re: [newbie] Palm OS vs Windows CE

2001-11-19 Thread shane

win ce?  ya wanna stare at that damn hour glass all day you go right 

On Sunday 18 November 2001 19:00, you spoke unto me thusly:

 I'm planning to buy a PDA. I'm wondering which is easier to setup w/
 linux, Palm OS or Windows CE? Or, is Windows CE even able to be setup
 for syncing? Thanx.

I used to be confused, but now I am not that sure anymore..

registered linux user #101606 @ http://counter.li.org/
Proud to be a DMOZ editor since 10-98
http://dmoz.org cause humans do it better!
Link different.
Profile at: http://dmoz.org/profiles/shen.html

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] Palm OS vs Windows CE

2001-11-19 Thread Valerie Cheng

Haha.. well... The reason why I can put up staring at that hour glass is 
because palm systems have that black area at the bottom of the screen... 
Which really really bothers me... because it doen't look nice.
BUT, I ordered one that runs on palm os already neways... I'd rather put 
up w/ the black area then windows.

shane wrote:

 win ce?  ya wanna stare at that damn hour glass all day you go right 

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] Apache config, was Help

2001-11-19 Thread Jan Wilson

* Frank McKenna [EMAIL PROTECTED] [09 16:04]:
 Thank you for replying.

Best to reply to the list ... my phone was out for a couple of days
and someone else might have answered.  Also, I would recommend a
better subject than Help ... it makes it hard to keep threads
straight for those of us who have REAL email programs  ;-)

 I am trying to set my 8.0 box to act as the DHCP, DNS, and Samba server to
 my home LAN right now


 I thought that it would be nice if I could get Apache up and running as

If you installed it when you installed Mandrake, it should be up and
running ... what do you get when you open a browser window?  Try


and see if you get a Mandrake welcome page ... if so Apache is

 A former employer asked me for some ideas and asked me to create a model at
 home so I could demonstrate what I had in mind for their small LAN

Look at the included documentation and let us know if you get stuck.

 Thanks again,

 Frank McKenna

You'll find this list to be among the very best support groups around.

Jan Wilson, SysAdmin _/*];  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Corozal Junior College   |  |:'  corozal.com corozal.bz
Corozal Town, Belize |  /'  chetumal.com  linux.bz
Reg. Linux user #151611  |_/   Network, SQL, Perl, HTML

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[newbie] 7.2 glibc compatibility?

2001-11-19 Thread Justin Kao


In Mandrake 8.0 there was an rpm that allowed programs compiled for 7.2 libraries to 
run on 8.0. Is it still around in Mandrake 8.1? I tried to search for it in rpmdrake 
but I couldn't find it.

(I am trying to get Matlab 5 working on 8.1... if anyone has done this, please email 


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Re: [newbie] Palm OS vs Windows CE

2001-11-19 Thread shane

try the visor, much nicer.  love mine

On Monday 19 November 2001 14:49, you spoke unto me thusly:

 Haha.. well... The reason why I can put up staring at that hour glass is
 because palm systems have that black area at the bottom of the screen...
 Which really really bothers me... because it doen't look nice.
 BUT, I ordered one that runs on palm os already neways... I'd rather put
 up w/ the black area then windows.

When everyone agrees around here, it means that something must be wrong.

registered linux user #101606 @ http://counter.li.org/
Proud to be a DMOZ editor since 10-98
http://dmoz.org cause humans do it better!
Link different.
Profile at: http://dmoz.org/profiles/shen.html

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] Laying Out Partitions?

2001-11-19 Thread Miark

 Sorry for butting in, but I was wondering: do we have to create the swap
 partition or can we just have a /.


As far as I know, you must. And even if you didn't technically
need one, you _should_ have one anyway.


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Re: [newbie] Palm OS vs Windows CE

2001-11-19 Thread Valerie Cheng

actually.. i ordered sony clie n760c already. i can't resist sony and 
the cute clie headphone and remote. (i'm a big sony fan - their designs 
are too cute.)

shane wrote:

 try the visor, much nicer.  love mine

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Re: [newbie] Palm OS vs Windows CE

2001-11-19 Thread Derek Jennings

How about a Linux PDA ?

There are 13 of them listed in this review

On Monday 19 November 2001 22:42, shane wrote:
 win ce?  ya wanna stare at that damn hour glass all day you go right

 On Sunday 18 November 2001 19:00, you spoke unto me thusly:
  I'm planning to buy a PDA. I'm wondering which is easier to setup w/
  linux, Palm OS or Windows CE? Or, is Windows CE even able to be setup
  for syncing? Thanx.

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] Ftp server

2001-11-19 Thread Anuerin G.Diaz

i dont think one is installed by default. you have to manually select the rpms from 
the installation discs. proftd and wuftd are great (im using proftd). i think the ftp 
services are boot-enabled once installed but I may be wrong so double check using 
Mandrake Control Center-Services.


On Mon, 19 Nov 2001 07:10:13 -0800, E Estes [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   Could anyone tell me where I can find the information on setting up and
   configuring an ftp server. I thought one was installed by default in
   Mandrake but I could be wrong. If there is one  installed by default
   could someone point me to where I can find  it.

   Thanks in advance


Programming, an artform that fights back.


Anuerin G. Diaz
Design Engineer
25/F Equitable-PCI Tower
ADB Ave. cor. Poveda St.,
Ortigas Center, Pasig City,
Philippines 1605

Tel no: (632) 6383070 loc 75

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

[newbie] re: devfs

2001-11-19 Thread Anuerin G. Diaz

On Mon, 19 Nov 2001 09:36:27 -0500, Terry [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   What exactly is devfs?  What is it used for?  What does it do? 


on older linux systems, the /dev contains all the possible block devices that may be 
used to represent all the hardware on your computer. with the multitude of peripherals 
available on the market today you can just imagine what a mess the /dev would be. not 
all block devices are used but they are there 'just in case'. a device driver (its 
just an explanation so it may be other applications) that needs to say access the 
cdrom will first have to check the existing block devices in /dev to find the needed 
entry. it may have to communicate with dud devices until it finds the valid one.

and then comes devfs. this scheme lets the kernel only load the needed block devices. 
this lessens the time an application/utility has to search for the appropriate block 

for a more detailed explanation go to www.mandrakeuser.org/mub/index.php  and then go 
to the tips section. there is a post (i think it was by rolf) linking to the series of 
pages on ibm.com about reiserfs, tmpfs, devfs and others. check it out for its very 


Programming, an artform that fights back.


Anuerin G. Diaz
Design Engineer
25/F Equitable-PCI Tower
ADB Ave. cor. Poveda St.,
Ortigas Center, Pasig City,
Philippines 1605

Tel no: (632) 6383070 loc 75

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] Palm OS vs Windows CE

2001-11-19 Thread Valerie Cheng

I posted a message a while ago asking if anyone knows when the consumer 
version of Sharp Zaurus will come out. (The developer's version comes 
out in this month.) That was the only Linux pda that I liked. But after 
comparing that with clie.. I decided on clie, since I really like their 
design and stuff... And I dun have to wait for it to come out.

Derek Jennings wrote:

 How about a Linux PDA ?
 There are 13 of them listed in this review

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Re: [newbie] How do I change exec in fstab

2001-11-19 Thread Anuerin G. Diaz

On Mon, 19 Nov 2001 15:05:15 +, cwclarke [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   I am running Mandrake 8 on my imac and am trying to install StarOffice.  I
   have copied the file from the cd it came on to my tmp directory and changed
   the read, write, execute permissions.  However, every time I try to execute
   the .bin file I get the error - cannot execute binary file.
   A glance at my 'dummies guide' suggests that the exec permission is not set
   in fstab but trying to reset this using linuxconf really messed up my system
   Can someone please tell me if I am on the right track and explain how (using
   command line or whatever) to change fstab, or explain how I can execute
   binary files.

i dont think you need to change your fstab entries if you were executing from /tmp 
(btw, i tried installing from tmp but my tmp was not large enough so it aborted 
installation. i installed by creating a tmp directory in my home partition and 
installed from there).

here is one of the entries that I have for mounting a fat32 partition

/dev/hda5 /mnt/win_d vfat uid=501,gid=506,umask=007,iocharset=iso8859-1,codepage=850 0 0

it would be better if you can read the manpage but here is the basic dissection:

/dev/hda5 is the device that corresponds to the windows drive D:
/mnt/win_d is the mount point. i will access the files in drive D: through here.
vfat   is the file system type
uid=501 is my userid.i have a multi-user system so I need to mount my windows drive in 
such a way that all files are owned by me.
gid=506 is the groud id for a group that I created for the sole purpose of accessing 
this drive.
umask=007 is the file permission on the drive. this removes all the permissions of 
users not belonging to the group.

the rest you can read about in the manpages for fstab and mount. the mac filesystem 
may have other options but the uid, gid and umask is probably present.


Programming, an artform that fights back.


Anuerin G. Diaz
Design Engineer
25/F Equitable-PCI Tower
ADB Ave. cor. Poveda St.,
Ortigas Center, Pasig City,
Philippines 1605

Tel no: (632) 6383070 loc 75

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

[newbie] Hack My Linux

2001-11-19 Thread SKLIM


I have done some secure issue in my Linux Server. 
How can I know is it secure.

Is there a tools to trying to hack my Linux Server 

Best Regards,

[newbie] Joystick setup

2001-11-19 Thread Craig Williamson (ENZ)
Title: Joystick setup

Hi All,

 Can anyone tell me how to set up a joystick under Linux. Also, does the throttle control and the VOP buttons work under Linux or is that just wishful thinking. I have an A4Tech Scrollfire SF-5 joystick. Please help.

[newbie] hostname

2001-11-19 Thread NDPTAL85

Which file in /etc do I have to edit to change my hostname on Mandrake 


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Re: [newbie] hostname

2001-11-19 Thread Mark D'voo

/etc/hosts (must be root)

On Tuesday 20 November 2001 07:44 am, you wrote:
 Which file in /etc do I have to edit to change my hostname on Mandrake


  1:48am  up  3:13,  3 users,  load average: 0.26, 0.49, 0.88

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Re: [newbie] hostname

2001-11-19 Thread Anuerin G. Diaz


i dont know specifically but you can change it using linuxconf. are you trying
to change your hostname through a script/application?


NDPTAL85 wrote:

 Which file in /etc do I have to edit to change my hostname on Mandrake



Programming, an artform that fights back.

Anuerin G. Diaz
Design Engineer
Millennium Software, Incorporated
25/F Equitable-PCI Tower
ADB Avenue cor. Poveda St.
Ortigas Center, Pasig City

Tel# 638-3070 loc. 72
Fax# 638-3079

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Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] hostname

2001-11-19 Thread NDPTAL85

There's nothing in hosts that says anything about a hostname. This is 
the only thing in my hosts file:   localhost.localdomain localhost

On Monday, November 19, 2001, at 02:48 PM, Mark D'voo wrote:

 /etc/hosts (must be root)

 On Tuesday 20 November 2001 07:44 am, you wrote:
 Which file in /etc do I have to edit to change my hostname on Mandrake


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Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] AVI files

2001-11-19 Thread Ronald J. Hall

 Hey group,
 Does anyone know of a good avi player for Linux?
 Xmovie and xmms doesnt seem to support those files.
 I have some world trade center movies that I want to view.
 It's a beautiful day...don't let it get away... ~U2~
 Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft?
 Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Hi there. Mplayer and Aviplay both work fine with AVI files...


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Re: [newbie] AVI files

2001-11-19 Thread Valerie Cheng

I find xine that came with Mandrake able to play all the media files I 
encoutered so far.. including avi and asf files and it's pretty good 

Ronald J. Hall wrote:

Hey group,

Does anyone know of a good avi player for Linux?

Xmovie and xmms doesnt seem to support those files.
I have some world trade center movies that I want to view.



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Re: [newbie] hostname

2001-11-19 Thread NDPTAL85

Nope I'm just trying to edit it manually. In FreeBSD there is rc.conf 
and on OS X there's hostname but on Mandrake I can't seem to find the 
right file.

On Monday, November 19, 2001, at 08:55 PM, Anuerin G. Diaz wrote:


 i dont know specifically but you can change it using linuxconf. are you 
 to change your hostname through a script/application?


 NDPTAL85 wrote:

 Which file in /etc do I have to edit to change my hostname on Mandrake



 Programming, an artform that fights back.

 Anuerin G. Diaz
 Design Engineer
 Millennium Software, Incorporated
 25/F Equitable-PCI Tower
 ADB Avenue cor. Poveda St.
 Ortigas Center, Pasig City

 Tel# 638-3070 loc. 72
 Fax# 638-3079

 Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft?
 Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com


2001-11-19 Thread Warren Cameron

Solarisinstallation,missed steptoadd 
todomain. Was hoping someone could tell me where default location 
for domain namefor manual insert should 


Re: [newbie] hostname

2001-11-19 Thread skidley

On Mon, 19 Nov 2001, NDPTAL85 wrote:

 Which file in /etc do I have to edit to change my hostname on Mandrake


You can change it using the command hostname whatever and it will change
it for you.
Linux User #195191

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Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] Joystick setup

2001-11-19 Thread Brian Parish

Hi Craig,

Are you using alsa drivers?  If so go to: http://www.alsa-project.org/ and do 
a search for your joystick.  You'll find lots of questions and answers there. 
BTW until last week my e-mail address was [EMAIL PROTECTED], so hi 
from a freshly ex ericssonite!


On Tuesday 20 November 2001 12:15 pm, you wrote:
 Hi All,

   Can anyone tell me how to set up a joystick under Linux.  Also, does
 the throttle control and the VOP buttons work under Linux or is that just
 wishful thinking.  I have an A4Tech Scrollfire SF-5 joystick.  Please help.

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] hostname

2001-11-19 Thread skidley

On Mon, 19 Nov 2001, NDPTAL85 wrote:

 There's nothing in hosts that says anything about a hostname. This is
 the only thing in my hosts file:   localhost.localdomain localhost

Sure there is it says your hostname is localhost.localdomain. But I don't
believe that is where you set your hostname as I recall. I remember
changing my hostname and having to change the hostname in /etc/hosts so
that X would work correctly.  Just use the command hostname as root
Linux User #195191

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Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie]

2001-11-19 Thread skidley

On Tue, 20 Nov 2001, Warren Cameron wrote:

 Afternoon All,
 New Solaris installation, missed step to add to domain.
 Was hoping someone could tell me where default location for domain name for
 manual insert should be please.

 May thanks

And what does that have to do with a newbie list for Linux-Mandrake?
Linux User #195191

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

RE: [newbie] Joystick setup

2001-11-19 Thread Jose M. Sanchez
Title: Message

type of soundcard/joystick interface do you have?


  -Original Message-From: 
  Behalf Of Craig Williamson (ENZ)Sent: Monday, November 19, 2001 
  8:15 PMTo: 'Mandrake Newbie'Subject: [newbie] Joystick 
  Hi All, 
  anyone tell me how to set up a joystick under Linux. Also, does the 
  throttle control and the VOP buttons work under Linux or is that just wishful 
  thinking. I have an A4Tech Scrollfire SF-5 joystick. Please 

RE: [newbie]

2001-11-19 Thread Warren Cameron

Apols if incorrect forum, but was told this was most likely area for quick

-Original Message-
From: skidley [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, 20 November 2001 14:39
Subject: Re: [newbie] 

On Tue, 20 Nov 2001, Warren Cameron wrote:

 Afternoon All,
 New Solaris installation, missed step to add to
 Was hoping someone could tell me where default location for domain name
 manual insert should be please.

 May thanks

And what does that have to do with a newbie list for Linux-Mandrake?
Linux User #195191

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] Terminus (game) problems.

2001-11-19 Thread Ronald J. Hall

Tom Brinkman wrote:

I've never used it, but I believe 'cpio' is would do that. Also
 'mc' (Midnight Commander) will.  Both are probly already installed,
 if not they're on your CD's, see 'man cpio' and 'man mc'
   Tom Brinkman Galveston Bay, USA

Hi Tom. Thanks for the reply. Another user pointed out that the particular
file I needed is already on the 8.1 CD's in file:


(wonder how he knew that? smile). I would still like to know how to pull a
particular file from an RPM/archive, so I'll look at cpio and MC's man files.
MC in particular looks very capable. That other user also mentioned using
alien to accomplish the same thing.

Thanks to everyone for their help! ;-)


Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] Hack My Linux

2001-11-19 Thread Grant Fraser

This link was posted nov 5.
Be afraid
Be very afraid

On November 19, 2001 05:04 pm, you wrote:

 I have done some secure issue in my Linux Server. How can I know is it

 Is there a tools to trying to hack my Linux Server ?

 Best Regards,

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Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

[newbie] Video Card Purchase?

2001-11-19 Thread R C

Hi All,

I've been reading all the messages about video card compatability. I 
currently have a NVidia GeForce MX 2 installed on my AOpen AK73 series MB 
w/an Athlon 1000mhz processor. (dual boot w/win98 se)

I do plan on upgrading my linux version in the future and I read where my 
card, even if upgraded w/new drivers, will most likely not work on the new 
Linux version. So, w/out looking at the educational benefits of this process, 
I'd rather just install a new card that works!

Since I'm not exactly strapped for money, does anyone have any suggestions 
for a new video card? 

Also, is there a web site that offers information on, ie: compatability 
w/linux, and recommendations? (like the modem site)

Registered Linux User 244036
Since August 2001 - LM8.0
Open Source = Freedom

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[newbie] Re: Solaris issue

2001-11-19 Thread Anuerin G.Diaz


no apology should be necessary as this is a 'community-help' site. its just that 
majority of subscribers here are using Mandrake and only a few have knowledge about 
Solaris/Unix Administration. you would generally find better and quicker response 
through other lists (maybe unix administration-oriented ones) or searching at deja.com 
or at any search engine.

a colleague here suggested looking at /etc/defaultdomain

sorry if i cant help you more.


On Tue, 20 Nov 2001 15:05:24 +1100, Warren Cameron [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

   Apols if incorrect forum, but was told this was most likely area for quick


Programming, an artform that fights back.


Anuerin G. Diaz
Design Engineer
25/F Equitable-PCI Tower
ADB Ave. cor. Poveda St.,
Ortigas Center, Pasig City,
Philippines 1605

Tel no: (632) 6383070 loc 75

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] VNC

2001-11-19 Thread Marcia

Dear Steve,
Thank you for your great help. I will be waiting to work on this until I get 
my new LM8.1 installed. I found the LM8.1 Power Pack when I was out shopping 
today, so I will be installing it within the next few days. After I get that 
up and running I will begin setting up  the VNC. I may have a few more 
questions about it at that time. It sounds like a great program. Thanks for 
the explicit steps. At least I will be setting it up on 8.1 now which may 
work much better than 8 for it. Thanks again and I will let you know my 



On Saturday 17 November 2001 18:42, you wrote:

 VNC is like PCAnywhere, which allows you to remotely administrate a
 computer. You can actually see the other computer in a window on your
 desktop. It's pretty cool, but slow over the Internet, so it's very
 benificial for LANs.

 I can't say that I've had any luck with VNC and 8.0; I'm currently working
 on it. I finally achieved success with 8.1, and it works well.

 Let me give you a few recources and then I will tell you what I did.

 This is the place there it actually comes from and is a big help -

 This site was also a help and may help you in the future for other things -

 Now on to what I had to do. I will try to do this step by step.

 1. Install VNCServer in the Software Manager if you haven't already.
 2. Open a konsole and tye this: vncserver
   You will be asked for a password and then verify it.
   You will then see it creating directories and such.
 3. This is where things are different from 8.0. I had to navagate to
 /etc/sysconfig in 8.1 and open the vncserver file; it will look something
 like this

 # The VNCSERVERS variable is a list of display:user pairs.
 # Uncomment the line below to start a VNC server on display :1
 # as my 'myusername' (adjust this to your own).  You will also
 # need to set a VNC password; run 'man vncpasswd' to see how
 # to do that.
 # DO NOT RUN THIS SERVICE if your local area network is
 # untrusted!  For a secure way of using VNC, see
 # URL:http://www.uk.research.att.com/vnc/sshvnc.html

 VNCSERVERS=1:yourpassword (put the password you chose in place of

 Save changes. You will have to be root to do it.

 Now, again, if were using 8.1 all you would have to do is go to another
 machine that has the viewer, and open the viewer. If you are in Linux, you
 will probably have to open it from a command line:  vncviewer. When the
 little windows pops up, just type in the IP address of the machine and the
 konsole number whish is the 1 you see in the VNCSERVER line. Like this
   Little windows pops up -
   Then you will be asked for the pass word you entered and off you go!

 Now, with 8.0, I'm not sure. I installed the server and then went to the
 command line and typed in vncserver and then put in the password. I then go
 to my other machine and follow what I did for 8.1. Unfortunetly, It only
 gives me a very meek XWindow manager, not KDE which I prefer. I don't see
 the vncserver file like in 8.1.

 I'm still working on what I have to do to get the full desktop, and if I
 find anything else out, I will forward the information.

 Please let me know if this has been any help to you.


 On Saturday 17 November 2001 03:33 pm, you wrote:
  Dear Steve,
  I am interested in using VNC. I have LM8 on my desktop and Windows 98/LM8
  dual boot on my laptop. Is this like using IP masquerade or is it very
  different from that?
  Exactly what other information did you research to learn how to set it
  up? What line did you edit and exactly how? I am quite the newbie when it
  comes to any kind of networking. Thanks alot.
  On Saturday 17 November 2001 14:53, you wrote:
   Actually, I found the site and some others that were helpful and now I
   have it up and running on my local network as well as over the net. It
   works pretty good for what I need it for.
   All I had to do was edit one line and I was up and going. Oh, yeah, had
   to change the router to allow outside entry. Not too difficult.
   Again, thanks.
   On Saturday 17 November 2001 12:33 pm, you wrote:
try this one:
 Has anyone tried running a VNC server with Mandrake 8.1? I've tried
 but have had no luck, not that I claim to know what I'm going. But
 if anyone could point me to a site or where I could find some
 information, I would be thankful.
Ivo :)
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2001-11-19 Thread Colin Jenkins

Hello all,
I have samba running ok (logon, file and print sharing)and when I run
the 11 tests in diagnosis.txt, everthin works fine except..
1. I can ping from win98 to linux server using host names, but can only
 ping from linux to win98 by ip address.
2. nmblookup -B ACLIENT '*' returns the address of the server, not the

both these errors point to dns not being configured correctly, but I
was under the impression that DNS is only used on 'real' servers, not
home lans.
btw. I am also using dhcp, so I can use my laptop at work and home,
when I last asked a similar question, it was suggested I use a host
file, but don't see how that is possible with dhcp.


Colin Jenkins
ICQ: 650611   registered linux user 223862
To be or not to be is true. Or maybe not. 

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Re: [newbie] Video Card Purchase?

2001-11-19 Thread shane

i have had very good luck under linux and windows both with all of the ati 
cards i have used, thought the windows drivers tend to be a little buggy in 
the first few versions the hardware seems to be outstanding and the drivers 
always catch up a few months later.

anyone else?

On Monday 19 November 2001 19:28, R  C spoke unto the masses thusly:

 Since I'm not exactly strapped for money, does anyone have any suggestions
 for a new video card?

One of the surest signs of intelligent in outer space is that it hasn't 
contacted us yet.

registered linux user #101606 @ http://counter.li.org/
Proud to be a DMOZ editor since 10-98
http://dmoz.org cause humans do it better!
Link different.
Profile at: http://dmoz.org/profiles/shen.html

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[newbie] Need sample modules.conf for cs423x sound card

2001-11-19 Thread James F. Marshall

I can't figure it out.

Would some who has a cs423x sound card working under Mdk 8.1 and
please post their /etc/modules.conf file?

Jim Marshall

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Re: [newbie] EFAX Viewer for Linux

2001-11-19 Thread David E. Fox

 I am looking for a program to view my efax documents.  EFax.com states
 that I could use any TIFF Image viewer to open these documents.  But all

The fax software might store the pages in separate files (like fax.1.g3,
fax.2.g3, etc.)

I am not sure if this is the case here, though. Fax format, as far as 
I know, isn't quite TIFF: it's in a format called g3. I'm not sure what
the differences are. 

If you have imagemagick and/or the netpbm packages, there should be 
something that would let you convert g3's to something else. Ghostview
may also be useful here, since I'm pretty sure that ghostscript can 
convert (using the dfaxhigh printer) from fax format to PostScript.

 John Turek

David E. Fox  Thanks for letting me
[EMAIL PROTECTED]change magnetic patterns
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   on your hard disk.

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Re: [newbie] Re: running 'kylix'

2001-11-19 Thread Robert MacLean

I run kylix at home on my m8.1 box. no problems,
all is good until i met my girlfriend ;)

Robert MacLean

- Original Message -
Sent: Monday, November 19, 2001 10:14 PM
Subject: RE: [newbie] Re: running 'kylix'

 Well, thats a bummer, Kylix was on my list of things to install,,

 and I just sat through that big Borland survey as well, what a

 oh well, such is life...

 lifes a bitch and then I met my girlfriend :-)


 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of H.J.Bathoorn
 Sent: Tuesday, 20 November 2001 4:16 AM
 Subject: [newbie] Re: running 'kylix'

 On Monday 19 November 2001 15:10, you wrote:
  I had the same thign with Kylix version 1, I upgraded to version 2
  weekend and it works fine. The matrix loads up in a few seconds

 Thanks a lot, that worked allright:)

 A worrying thing though: In the install (readme) it says very
 This product is NOT certified for use with Mandrake 8.1This product
is NOT
 certified for use with Mandrake 8.1 :(

 So anybody know what's the deal? Everything looks alright though I
 any projects far enough to really test that. As a matter of fact
neither of
 my two projects (former Delphi3) can be slapped into any sort of
 But where there's life (again) there's hope:)


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Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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[newbie] Strange Directory Listing

2001-11-19 Thread R C

Hi All,

I was playing around in the terminal located in the bottom window of 
konqueror, issuing commands, and generally looking around and trying to get 
comfortable using a terminal. I gave the following command:

 ls -aop 

-in my home directory. One particular file caught my eye because it was  
highlighted in flashing red w/white letters. 

 lrwxrwxrwx   1 username   43  Nov 13 19:48   .#RMAIL  -  
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:1005694765 

It seems to be a link to somewhere else but even looking under file 
properties was unsucessfulunknown !  

BTW, I use KDE's mail client, KMail, on LM8.0

Can I get rid of it...or should I get rid of it? Is it normal/problem? 

Registered Linux User 244036
Since August 2001 - LM8.0
Open Source = Freedom

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Re: [newbie] Hack My Linux

2001-11-19 Thread Søren Neigaard

Strange you never find a portscanner that can scan all your ports, have
your ever seen souch one?


On Wed, 2001-11-21 at 05:25, Grant Fraser wrote:
 This link was posted nov 5.
 Be afraid
 Be very afraid
 On November 19, 2001 05:04 pm, you wrote:
  I have done some secure issue in my Linux Server. How can I know is it
  Is there a tools to trying to hack my Linux Server ?
  Best Regards,
 Content-Type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1; name=Attachment: 1
 Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
 Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
 Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com
Med venlig hilsen/Best regards
Søren Neigaard
Registered Linux User #239437

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

RE: [newbie] UML diagram tool for Linux

2001-11-19 Thread tek1
also try:


At 12:39 01/11/19 -0600, you wrote:
check freshmeat.net or sourceforget.net... I think there is a nice one
called Dia...

  -Original Message-
  From: S$BS(Ben Neigaard [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
  Sent: Monday, November 19, 2001 12:30 PM
  Subject: [newbie] UML diagram tool for Linux
  Anybody know a good UML diagram tool for Linux?
  Med venlig hilsen/Best regards
  S$BS(Ben Neigaard
  Registered Linux User #239437

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Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] Hack My Linux

2001-11-19 Thread Grant Fraser

Thats a good question. I did a google search for 'test all ports' and found
They have various tests you can try.


On November 19, 2001 11:16 pm, you wrote:
 Strange you never find a portscanner that can scan all your ports, have
 your ever seen souch one?


 On Wed, 2001-11-21 at 05:25, Grant Fraser wrote:
  This link was posted nov 5.
  Be afraid
  Be very afraid
  On November 19, 2001 05:04 pm, you wrote:
   I have done some secure issue in my Linux Server. How can I know is it
   Is there a tools to trying to hack my Linux Server ?
   Best Regards,
  Content-Type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1; name=Attachment: 1
  Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
  Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft?
  Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

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Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] Video Card Purchase?

2001-11-19 Thread Jody Harvey

On Mon, 19 Nov 2001, R  C wrote:
I have had 2 different NVidia GeForce2 cards. With Mandrake 8.0, it was a
Hercules Prop. II (32 MB). It ran with zero problems. I just recently
upgrade that card to a GeForce2 GTS Pro (64 MB). And again zero problems
with it running on Mandrake 8.1. That is my experiences. Anyone play witha
GeForce3 card yet on Mandrake?

  Hi All,
 I've been reading all the messages about video card compatability. I
 currently have a NVidia GeForce MX 2 installed on my AOpen AK73 series MB
 w/an Athlon 1000mhz processor. (dual boot w/win98 se)
 I do plan on upgrading my linux version in the future and I read where my
 card, even if upgraded w/new drivers, will most likely not work on the new
 Linux version. So, w/out looking at the educational benefits of this process,
 I'd rather just install a new card that works!
 Since I'm not exactly strapped for money, does anyone have any suggestions
 for a new video card?
 Also, is there a web site that offers information on, ie: compatability
 w/linux, and recommendations? (like the modem site)

Jody 'JoLinux' Harvey
Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre
-Albert Einstein

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