Re: [[newbie] HP Deskjet 722C]

1999-08-19 Thread Bert Bullough

If you need a good printer try any of the epson inkjets (600-800)... they freakin' 
rock in linux.

John Aldrich wrote:

 On Thu, 19 Aug 1999, you wrote:
 Now I DO have the same printer shared on my NT Server
  box(KB01NT, I know, NT should at as the print server, but I've
  gotta be different.  I have tried configuring the printer to go through the
  NT box to no avail, figuring that since the printer is
 shared, it could somehow  be found.  I guess what I'm trying to ask is  Does 
anybody know if a driver
  is available for the HP 722C in case that is the problem, AND/OR can anyone tell
  from the rambling information above if I am going about this in the right
  Bryan Moorehead
  Newbius Linux Ignoramus
  Hi Bryan,
   I'm a newbie also, but I believe that your HP 722C requires windows
  software to work.  In other words the printer equivalent of a "winmodem".  One
  of the gurus on this list may have a work around for you, especially since you
  are networked with an NT box.
 I believe you'll have to set up SAMBA to get NT to act as
 the print server. I'm assuming that you haven't tried this
 as you don't mention it Having never configured it
 before, I'm not sure how to go about doing that OTOH,
 if you figure it out, I hope you'll send me detailsI'm
 looking for a good inkjet printer myself... :-)

Re: [newbie] Printer question

1999-08-16 Thread Bert Bullough

All compaq printers are actually lexmarks in a different case. last time i
checked, lexmarks aren't supported.

John Aldrich wrote:

 I've noticed a good price on a Compaq inkjet printer, but I can't find
 Compaq in the Printer Compatibility List. Anyone know if Compaq brand inkjet
 printers work under Linux?

Re: [newbie] Unpredictable Netscape closing?

1999-08-16 Thread Bert Bullough

I had the same thing happen, I'm not sure why this worked but what i did was
delete all of my settings ( email address, home page, mail servers) out of
the preferences menu... i then closed netscape, re-opened and setup a dummy
profile (wrong email address, no mail servers.) closed, re-opened, and set
back up with the correct information and it worked.

Alan Schussman wrote:

  Sounds more like you slid a little too far down the menu and accidently
  hit the 'Exit' choice instead.  That would cause what you describe.
  Can't say I've ever had 'Close' close all the windows.

 One might think, but nope, that's not what I'm doing -- it's actually the
 close -button- out on the upper right of the window. Sometimes it shuts
 down Netscape, and sometimes it just closes a single browser window. Odd,


Re: [newbie] Linux and the modem

1999-08-13 Thread Bert Bullough

dont worry too much, i agree with you completely... this kind of attitude more than
any other aspect is the linux community's greatest strength.

Toby Sheets wrote:

 Sorry for posting that to the group. I meant to send it personally.


 Toby Sheets wrote:
  If you're serious and it will work and get me online temporarily I would
  be glad to take you up on that.
  I can't tell you how frustrating it is to have to close Linux, open
  Windows, check my email, get an answer, close Windows, open Linux, test
  the answer, find out it doesn't work, close Linux, open Windows, etc
  My snail address:
  4902 DON DRIVE
  DALLAS TX 75247
  You are the greatest!!
  John Connell wrote:
   I have a Practical Peripheral 28,800 ext modem if you want it. It's not fast
   but it works with Linux. I used it for a couple of months before I could
   afford to buy a new USR 5686-03. it's yours if you want it, no strings
   attached! If interested email me your address and I'll put it the mail to you.
   John Connell

Re: [newbie] ppp gradual slowdown

1999-08-12 Thread Bert Bullough

I've been having the same problem, i had a zoltrix modem at first then i
switched to a usr 56k int pnp... the usr worked fine for about a week and
then the same thing started happening... i reinstalled mandrake and the modem
worked fine up until a couple of days ago... i guess i'll try reinstalling

sinx wrote:

 I just installed Mandrake, and setup my modem, etc, and after being
 connected for about 5-10 minutes, my connection seems to slow down to 500
 bytes/sec, etc. I know it's not my isp or modem because it works fine in
 windows. Anyone have any tips or what is wrong? Thanks.

Re: [newbie] Linux and the modem

1999-08-12 Thread Bert Bullough

the official word is fall of 99. linus is calling for a halt to all new
development on the kernel this month so they can get going on the new version.

John Aldrich wrote:

 - Original Message -
 From: Bert Bullough [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Thursday, August 12, 1999 5:25 PM
 Subject: Re: [newbie] Linux and the modem

  you might want to hang on to it for a while and just get a cheap one for
  kernel 2.4 is going to have winmodem support.
 Yes, but how long is it going to take to get kernel 2.4? I know Linus is
 calling for it by the end of the year, but do you SERIOUSLY think it'll come
 that fast? Also included in 2.4 is supposed to be the new file system (which
 will basically "break" all our current systems, no? G)

[newbie] jdk

1999-08-11 Thread Bert Bullough

has anyone had any luck installing the jdk package from miribalis that
is required to run java icq? documentation is pretty scarce and i'm not
really sure what some of the environmental variables are for.

Re: [newbie] jdk

1999-08-11 Thread Bert Bullough

cooker's the developer version of mandrake right?

Bernhard Rosenkraenzer wrote:

 On Wed, 11 Aug 1999, Bert Bullough wrote:

  has anyone had any luck installing the jdk package from miribalis that
  is required to run java icq? documentation is pretty scarce and i'm not
  really sure what some of the environmental variables are for.

 ICQ4Java sucks... Try using licq. It's contained in cooker if you don't
 want to compile it yourself.


 Tired of waiting for Windows 2000?

Re: [newbie] Recommendation needed for Dual PentiumII/III board withMandrake

1999-08-11 Thread Bert Bullough


Rob wrote:

  I just built a (s1836dluan-bx)Tyan Thunder 100 motherboard running 2
 500mhz PentiunIII cpu's. That board has built in audio(Creative Labs
 Vibra16xv), onboard dual channel Ultra Wide SCSI, and a 10/100
 Ehernet(Intel) built in. After 2 months it is still running strong and I
 have had none,zero,zip,nada problems out of it.
  Of course I am also running Linux-Mandrake as my o/s, that explains alot
 of the problem free part. :)

 On Wed, 11 Aug 1999, Lionel Siau wrote:

  Hi everyone,
  I need a quote/recommendation for the above which should be rock solid and
  very problem free with
  Linux(running Mandrake of course). It is to be used as a fileserver,
  database/mining server and my future Q3
  Don't recommend me the dual celeron BH6. ATA-66 interfaces would be very
  nice even if kernel doesn't
  have drivers for it yet. Overclocking is not important but reliablity is.

[newbie] hard drive problems

1999-08-09 Thread Bert Bullough

Ok, this really sucks. My hard drive isn't unmounting properly when i
shut down. Each time i reboot or halt the system it gives me a message
usually like "/dev/hda2/ device or resource busy." When i start the
system back up this causes a check to be forced. It has typically found
.5% non-contiguous blocks. This line typically receives a PASS response
from the system. Any idea what I could be doing wrong, or is there a way
to forcibly unmount the hard drive? I realize that I have probably left
alot of info out so feel free to request more.

Re: [newbie] RPMs (?)

1999-08-05 Thread Bert Bullough

For the nth time. Mandrake 6.0 sucks on anything less that a 586... all of the
packages are optimized for the pentium architechture. It would occur to me that
MandrakeSoft Tech support should have probably asked that right up front.

"Noonan, Mr Sean P." wrote:

 I bought Mandrake-Linux so that I could get help if I ran into a stumbling
 block.  I'm pretty much a newbie to the UNIX world with only a few months of
 FreeBSD experience under my belt.  I therefore decided to PURCHASE Mandrake
 instead of downloading for free so that I could ask a question if something
 really bad happened.

 Something really bad happened.  I emailed support and got a half-ass answer.
 I replied and told them so.  They told me that they only support
 "installation of the OS" but I believe my question falls within that realm.

 My problem:

 I just purchased and installed Mandrake 6.0 and clicked on the "updates"
 icon within KDE/X.  I chose a local mirror.  The program came back and gave
 me several RPMs that needed to be upgraded.  I clicked on the button that
 said something like "go get the updates".  It got the updates without a
 problem.  However, upon trying to install the updates, I got an error
 messages telling me that the RPMs were for a "different architecture".
 Indeed, the RPMs the update utility received had "i586" in their names.  I'm
 running on a 486, not a 586.

 I've checked the official FAQ, unofficial FAQ, Deja, etc.  Nothing.

 My question:

 How do I fix this?

 -Sean Noonan

Re: [newbie] Linux on your laptop

1999-08-04 Thread Bert Bullough

kernel version 2.4 is supposed to have much better support for "winmodems"... this
update is due out in the fall.

bgf wrote:

 I checked here and am now depressed. A  couple of really good explanations here. But
 the only thing is that if I want to get Linux up and running, I have to buy another
 modem--other than the internal one--because Linux won't run that one. Argh. Oh well.

 Anybody know if there are plans to support this sort of thing? I wish I knew the
 first frigging thing about coding--I would start working on it. But, alas, I am a
 bonehead about such things.

 Oh well, have to go back to trying to get Linux running properly on my desktop.

 Theo Brinkman wrote:

  Check out '' for a
  more extensive list.  The page seems a bit out of date.
  On another note, the 2540CDS is most likely the same as the 2545CDS.
  Toshiba normally distinguishes between direct-sale and retail 'versions'
  by using a 5 for the last digit of the 'retail model'.  Also, the
  2545XCDT should only differ in that it has an active matrix screen.
  - Theo
  bgf wrote:
   I have seen this, I was just wondering if anyone had made a clean install on my
   specific machine. I'll probably dive in and give it a go anyway, but I was
   curious if anyone had blazed the trail. doesn't list the Satellite
   2540CDS specifically.
   Lorenzo Jimenez wrote:
Reading so many laptop issues with Linux, this link will take to an specific
link to your laptop to guide you to make a Linux install:

Re: [newbie] Usr Sportster voice 33.6

1999-08-02 Thread Bert Bullough

its pretty easy. all you need to do is know what com port it is on.
run " modemtool " from a command line and it is pretty much
self-explainatory. I have the same modem and i set it to /dev/cua3 and it
works great

RB wrote:

 I have a usr sportster voice modem and I don't know how to setup up this
 What can I do to linux find my modem ?
 Thanks in advance

 Message envoye depuis iFrance
 Gratuit  Hebergement (50 Mo)/Vos emails (POPHTML)/Vos P.A.
 NOUVEAU : vos encheres On-line :

Re: [newbie] Mandrake 6.0 install continually hangs

1999-08-02 Thread Bert Bullough


Andy Goth wrote:

   Actually I've tried both the Mandrake and RedHat 6.0 installs and they do
   the exact same thing and hang in the same place.  Plus I wouldn't think
   pentium optimizations would cause a hang on the install before anything
   really happens.
  If they both hang in the same place, that points to a different issue.
  Possibly an incompatibility with something in your PC.
  Pentium optimizations also imply Pentium opcodes which don't exist on the
  486. Any program compiled with a Pentium specific compiler could fail. I
  don't know which items in Mandrake are compiled specifically for Pentium,
  but I suspect probably all of them are. That would seem to be the easiest
  way, as it should only affect the make file.

 While on the subject, how can I (or anyone else) obtain a version of
 Mandrake-Linux that's compiled for a 486 (or some other processor)?

Re: [newbie] Slow bandwith

1999-08-01 Thread Bert Bullough


 Heres how i fixed slow bandwidth for once and for all. I got ADSL and the guy
 is coming on tuesaday to set up the line! Damn am i stoked!


well, this guy has the right idea. I went out and traded up to a usr sportster.
3-4k a second baby!

Re: [newbie] Slow bandwith

1999-07-31 Thread Bert Bullough

tried that... thanks though

Ben wrote:

 In kppp check your connection speed.

 Setup - Device - Connection Speed

 Try setting it to 115200 and see if that helps.

  mdk6.0 kppp says i am connecting @ 38400 but whenever i pull up a site,
  ftp, download, etc., the maximum i pull is between 300- 600 bytes. under
  windows i average between 2-3k. I have no idea where to even begin with
  settings to fix this. thanks in advance.
  btw: it is a zoltrix 56k flex. not sure the exact model.

Re: [newbie] Slow bandwith

1999-07-31 Thread Bert Bullough

the speed issue is the only problem i'm having... aside from my soundcard not
being supported... my vfat partition is recognized every time and my cdrom works

Bob Jiggins wrote:

 Date sent:  Fri, 30 Jul 1999 23:19:41 -0500
 Subject:Re: [newbie] Slow bandwith
 Send reply to:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  In kppp check your connection speed.
  Setup - Device - Connection Speed
  Try setting it to 115200 and see if that helps.
   mdk6.0 kppp says i am connecting @ 38400 but whenever i pull up a site,
   ftp, download, etc., the maximum i pull is between 300- 600 bytes. under
   windows i average between 2-3k. I have no idea where to even begin with
   settings to fix this. thanks in advance.
   btw: it is a zoltrix 56k flex. not sure the exact model.

 I have *exactly* the same problem (kernel 2.2.9-19mdk) and have
 the speed set on hghest rate. Connection as reported by KPPP is
 generally 48/49k - yet transfer rates are 300 bytes to 3 k at most.
 Same hardware, same ISP under win95 (as I'm using now) is now
 problem - nor was it with Redhat 5.2.

 Along with all the other problems I've having with 2.2.9-19 (no
 CDROM - kernal won;t recognise /dev/hdc; no mounting win95 drive
 (hda) I'm beginning to think this kernel version is nothing short of a
 lemon. That's my explnation as a non-technie... :-)


[newbie] Slow bandwith

1999-07-28 Thread Bert Bullough

Just got a modem that works with Linux. Hooray! Got it installed fine
on Com2 under windows and as the equivalent for kppp cant recall right
now what that is anyway... it works great under windows but under
mdk6.0 kppp says i am connecting @ 38400 but whenever i pull up a site,
ftp, download, etc., the maximum i pull is between 300- 600 bytes. under
windows i average between 2-3k. I have no idea where to even begin with
settings to fix this. thanks in advance.

btw: it is a zoltrix 56k flex. not sure the exact model.

Re: [newbie] Slow bandwith

1999-07-28 Thread Bert Bullough

Sorry, forgot to mention that I already tried various baud rates both in Kppp and
in the bios itself. Right now the com port baud rate is maxed out and KPPP's baud
is set to 56700kps

"Thomas J. Hamman" wrote:

 On 28-Jul-99 Bert Bullough wrote:
  Just got a modem that works with Linux. Hooray! Got it installed fine
  on Com2 under windows and as the equivalent for kppp cant recall right
  now what that is anyway... it works great under windows but under
  mdk6.0 kppp says i am connecting @ 38400 but whenever i pull up a site,
  ftp, download, etc., the maximum i pull is between 300- 600 bytes. under
  windows i average between 2-3k. I have no idea where to even begin with
  settings to fix this. thanks in advance.
  btw: it is a zoltrix 56k flex. not sure the exact model.

 Somewhere in kppp's settings is a setting for 'Connection speed' (or something
 like that), try setting it to 115200 and see if that helps.


Re: [newbie] Re:HTML mail to this list?

1999-07-27 Thread Bert Bullough

Will everyone stfu about HTML.

Art Rowe wrote:


 I have used Outlook Express and like it very much, but I am running Mandrake
 Linux only at the moment. I am not sure about KFM browser, but Linux Netscape
 Mail does HTML fine. I like to have HTML turned on because some of my mail
 lists come that way and look much better.  I have a rather basic system Pentium
 133 and a 1.6 hard drive. I would think people with at least that much
 computing power could reasd html if they want to. If they don't want to,
 perhaps they czn just skip those messages.


  HTML is bulkier as a lot of formatting tags and other extranious
  non-information bearing garbage.  What's wrong with a plain text message.
  Also, not everyone is equipped to handle html, I'm pretty sure Pine doesn't.

Re: [newbie] Problem with PPP connection

1999-07-27 Thread Bert Bullough

Do you have DNS #'s for the isp listed in the settings of the ppp connection? I ran
into that problem myself today.

"Thomas J. Hamman" wrote:

 I'm trying to help someone else get Mandrake to work, and she is having a
 problem with her PPP connection.

 Basically, her modem seems to work fine, and apparently she can connect fine to
 her ISP without any trouble.  However, she cannot connect to anything else (or
 at least not receive any transmitted data from anything else).  For example if
 she tries to retrieve a webpage with Netscape, she gets to the 'contacted host,
 waiting for reply' (or something like that) message and then gets nothing else.
  Results are similar with other programs (like telnet).

 Does anyone know what would cause this, and how to fix it?

 Note:  During the install LILO failed to install in her MBR, and the boot
 disk creation failed also, so I have her using loadlin to boot Linux... but
 otherwise her installation seems fine.


Re: [newbie] Oh, yeah

1999-07-27 Thread Bert Bullough

Anything you can do to help us command-line idiots would be greatly appreciated!

Richard Myers wrote:

  On Tue, 27 Jul 1999, Richard Myers wrote:
   Neat stuff, huh? This is Unix.
   best wishes,
   richard myers

 On Tue, 27 Jul 1999, darkknight wrote:
  : )  Ever thought about teaching?

 We, I taught an online college-level Intro to Unix course for several
 years. Gave it up because (1) the college didn't support it well enough,
 and (2) I make ten times as much money working for Lucent Technologies.

  I always had trouble grasping the diferrence between hard links and soft
  (symbolic) links, untill now. And I was'nt even the poster of the message.
  cool ,  thanks alot, you really have patients and should consider teaching as a
  career. Great stuff indeed, Unix has always facinated me but I thought it too
  hard for me to grasp. More lessons like that and there might be hope for me yet.
  I shure am glad I make it a habbit to at least skim through each and every post.
  Thanks alot,
  John Love

 Hmmm. Glad it helped. Maybe we should do some quickie Unix-command-line
 intro lessons online. QUESTION: should it be on this list, or would it be
 better to start a new, separate maillist? Or should we just try a few easy
 lessons, and see how it goes, with the option to move elsewhere later?

 What say, everyone?

 best wishes,

 richard myers

Re: [newbie] Unix lessons; was:[ Oh, yeah]

1999-07-27 Thread Bert Bullough

I really like the idea for a web home for the tutorial

darkknight wrote:

 On Tue, 27 Jul 1999, Vox wrote:
  At 12:32 PM 7/27/99 , you wrote:
   Hmmm. Glad it helped. Maybe we should do some quickie Unix-command-line
   intro lessons online. QUESTION: should it be on this list, or would it be
   better to start a new, separate maillist? Or should we just try a few easy
   lessons, and see how it goes, with the option to move elsewhere later?
   What say, everyone?
   best wishes,
   richard myers
  Oh, please do.  I feel like I'm in remedial school anyway.   Damn, there
  should have been basic *nix classes required for every major at my Univ.
  They just told us how to do the bare minimum in the computer lab.  I guess
  they didn't want us to be dangerous.
   Count me in! :)  And if at some point in time we need to move it
  to some other list, we can do it in OneList (it works nicely, I run 3
  mailing lists there :) if nobody has a server to offer :)
   Arioshi ba :)
  "Vox populi, Vox Dei"
  Pain is the gift of the gods...and I'm the one they chose as their

 I would like the lesson's of course, but I am not sure the list would
 appreciate the extra bandwidth.
 I seem to live in a cacoon, I never heard of OneList, but perhaps if it would
 not be an extra burden, we can try to have a list for the lessons there.

 John Love

[newbie] Mailer is possessed

1999-07-23 Thread Bert Bullough

Did anyone else just get 5 posts from 7-8-99?

Re: [newbie] Mailer is possessed

1999-07-23 Thread Bert Bullough

you should have done the world a big favor and shot his dumb ass.

darkknight wrote:

 On Fri, 23 Jul 1999, Bert Bullough wrote:
  Did anyone else just get 5 posts from 7-8-99?

 I thought I saw a strange little dwarfy-looking guy messing around over by the
 mail server. He had light sandy brown hair and glasses, weird looking guy. I
 chased him away though, I said, go away Bill.


 John Love


Re: [newbie] Mandrake... (fwd)

1999-07-22 Thread Bert Bullough

I heard it put best just this morning actually. Yellow Dog Linux is the
RedHat for Macs and Black Lab Linux is to Yellow Dog as Mandrake is to

Ty Mixon wrote:

 I don't think that there is a Mandrake version for Macs, but there is
 a Linux for Macs. Depends on what type of Mac you have as to which
 Linux you need.

 There is one for old Macs (M68k) and one for Power Macs (???) too.


  Original Message 

 On 7/22/99, 5:55:55 PM, hevnsnt [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote regarding
 [newbie] Mandrake... (fwd):

  Can anyone answer this question for me? Can you run Mandrake on a Mac?
  not can you run ANY version of Linux on a Mac?


  -- Forwarded message --
  Date: Thu, 22 Jul 1999 20:36:27 -0500
  From: Arthur Katz [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Subject: Mandrake...

  I'm a Mac nut, and I've heard that linux can be installed on a Mac.
  True? I attended the Mac expo in New York today, but the nerds running
  booth wouldn't talk to me. They were so deep in conversation with
  nerds, having a war about which Linux was best.

[newbie] Re:

1999-07-21 Thread Bert Bullough

you would need to use samba to do this.

stephan schutter wrote:

 Is there any one there that knows how to use linuxconf to set up windows
 connectivity -- I have seen 3 MCSE people try for 2 hours! It should not, can
 not be that impossible!

 All I want to do is share a couple of folders to everyone and access my user
 folder in the nt box. I have Linux Mandrake 6.0 and I have run the update so
 everything should be the latest supported version.

 In nt the values are:
 Domain: ASG
 computer name: mandrake

 Share : /home/ftp

 I added this to the obvious places in linuxconf, and now it appears in the
 brows list in the domain. However, when ever I double click on the icon in the
 network neighbourhood i get the error: network path can not be found

 It is there i can see it, ican ping it...

 I can log on from other windows machines...


 Stephan Schutter[EMAIL PROTECTED]

[newbie] OSS

1999-07-19 Thread Bert Bullough

Greetings all.
I have just successfully installed the OSS Drivers for the Turtle Beach
Montego cheers I tried it out with an AVI movie and some Mp3z. These
both work great but when I play a wave file the audio is choppy,
high-pitched, and distorted.

[newbie] UP SMP

1999-07-18 Thread Bert Bullough

Can someone tell me what UP and SMP are referring to? I just downloaded
the OSS drivers for kernel 2.2 and these where the 2 options for that
kernel version.

Re: [newbie]: Audio and Video Under X

1999-07-17 Thread Bert Bullough

lower your resolution

Sean McMains wrote:

 Hi Folks,

 I'm just starting with Linux and really like what I'm seeing so far. A few
 questions, though:

 1. I got the sound working ok, but it's really tinny, and the bass slider in
 the mixer doesn't seem to make much difference. Does this just mean I've got
 a cheesy sound card, or is it possible it's just misconfigured? I bought the
 machine used, and I can't tell anything about the sound card's make or

 2. Xconfigure has done a decent job finding settings that will work, but
 whenever anything on screen animates (minimizing windows, sliding that tool
 bar thingy in and out) the screen goes kind of jittery. As soon as the
 animation finishes, the jitters stop too. I'm using the monitor for several
 other machines, and it works fine. The video is the built-in video on the
 Dell OptiPlex GMT5133 with 2MB of VRAM running at 1024x768 at 16 bits. How
 do I stop the jitters?

 Thanks in advance for any help!

 Sean McMains

Sean McMains wrote:

 Hi Folks,

 I'm just starting with Linux and really like what I'm seeing so far. A few
 questions, though:

 1. I got the sound working ok, but it's really tinny, and the bass slider in
 the mixer doesn't seem to make much difference. Does this just mean I've got
 a cheesy sound card, or is it possible it's just misconfigured? I bought the
 machine used, and I can't tell anything about the sound card's make or

 2. Xconfigure has done a decent job finding settings that will work, but
 whenever anything on screen animates (minimizing windows, sliding that tool
 bar thingy in and out) the screen goes kind of jittery. As soon as the
 animation finishes, the jitters stop too. I'm using the monitor for several
 other machines, and it works fine. The video is the built-in video on the
 Dell OptiPlex GMT5133 with 2MB of VRAM running at 1024x768 at 16 bits. How
 do I stop the jitters?

 Thanks in advance for any help!

 Sean McMains

Re: [newbie] command prompt

1999-07-17 Thread Bert Bullough

Sorry I wasn't clear enough, I meant the login screen for X. I realize I need
to login, I just wanted to start at command prompt instead of X. Already got
the answer though.

Lloyd Osten wrote:

 On Fri, 16 Jul 1999, you wrote:
  By default when I start Mandrake 6.0 it goes straight to the cute little
  logon manager. Is there a way to change this so that it will go straight
  to a command prompt?

 you are SUPPOSED tolog in so it knows who you's a security
 thing required because it's a multiuser OS.

Re: [newbie] Man ?

1999-07-17 Thread Bert Bullough

Then be more careful what you send.

pup wrote:

 Bert Bullough wrote:
  fucker you have happy99...get a virus program!
  pup wrote:
 Name: Happy99.exe
  Happy99.exeType: unspecified type (application/octet-stream)
 Encoding: x-uuencode

   kindly watch the f* please,my kids also read these.

[newbie] Re:

1999-07-16 Thread Bert Bullough

I have no personal experience with this but I have heard and read that the ati rage 
128 works great +-$180

Joseph Gardner wrote:

 I suppose I was unclear regarding my posting earlier.

 I am the only person I know who has ventured into linux and therefor have no way to 
compare graphics adapters / monitors.  I have the STB Lightspeed 128 adapter 
installed and it gives what I would consider reasonable performance for the time 
being (considering that I only have the Mandrake KDE environment and no apps. to 
compare it with.)   I am wondering if anybody has something they would definitely 
recommend as a "higher end" graphics adapter (please, keep it under $200.)


 Joseph Gardner
 Senior Designer / Technical Support
 Kirby Company
 Cleveland, OH

Re: [[newbie] speaking of passwords]

1999-07-15 Thread Bert Bullough

Why is someone who has an aol account using Linux?

Michael Scottaline wrote:

 i just installed linux and i forgot my password. i know my username, but i
 was talking on the phone and must have typed in something and now i forgot
 what it is. what do i do?

 thanks, jerrud
 If you've only just installed, why not simply reinstall?
 This time, I assure you, you won't forget your passwd!

 Get your own FREE, personal Netscape WebMail account today at

Re: [[newbie] speaking of passwords]

1999-07-15 Thread Bert Bullough

don't worry, i was just flipping you shit. :)


 i am getting DSL in a week
 so realy all i have to use aol for is getting mail till the dsl install guys


Re: [newbie] Login passwords

1999-07-14 Thread Bert Bullough

Separate logins are necessary to protect you from yourself. Root has unrestricted
access to every file on your system, thus making it very easy for you to screw
things up royally if you don't know what you are doing. Unless you are performing
system maintenance you want to login as a restricted user.

Richard Salts wrote:

 Hi, list;

 When only one person ever uses their own computer and they want Linux
 installed, is it _really_necessary_ for these people to have to login, 
 give a password to get into their own computer if no one else ever uses it?
  Is there some means that an individual user can get out of having to do this?

Re: [newbie] Screen saver in logon manager?

1999-07-14 Thread Bert Bullough

Only if you write the code for it. read: no

Beacham Tim P wrote:

 I know the background image can be changed on the login manager, but what
 about the screen saver?   Currently it just blanks out the screen.

 No, try not.. do, or do not.. there is no try.   -Yoda

  -Original Message-
  From: Dennis Podein [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
  Sent: Tuesday, July 13, 1999 9:48 PM
  Subject:  Re: [newbie] Screen saver in logon manager?
  Yes you can ! Login as root , go to K/ Settings/Applications /
  Login manager . Select the background tab , and go crazy .Be
  sure to apply your changes .
  - Original Message -
  From: Beacham Tim P [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  To: Linux Newbie List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Tuesday, July 13, 1999 3:23 PM
  Subject: [newbie] Screen saver in logon manager?
  I know this is petty.. but.. can you have the cool screen
  savers that are in
  Gnome and KDE for the X based logon manger? Thanks!
  Tim Beacham, HDIS  ¤ [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  No, try not.. do, or do not.. there is no try.   -Yoda

[newbie] Printers and Scanners

1999-07-12 Thread Bert Bullough

Hello Hello!

2 questions for everyone. I have an Epson 740 and a Umax 1220u(USB).  I
have been able to setup the Epson as an 800 series but can only get it
to print in BW. I have no idea where to even start with the Scanner.
Any thoughts?

tel;work:1(888)275-2643 ext 126
email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [newbie] Exploit in Java for Netscape

1999-07-12 Thread Bert Bullough

watch out don, the script kiddie might get angry and 0V/ |V \/

Don Kelley wrote:

 uh, hi.  Have you been programming "Java" for long?  Because the language
 you're showing here is Javascript, not Java.  It's a completely different
 language, and there is no way to have inline Java with html statements as
 Java is (more or less) a compiled language while Javascript is interpreted
 (and can be parsed by browsers on the fly along with HTML statements).  Or
 am I wrong about this?

 and anyway, what's your point?  Every programmer can write bad code that
 loops badly - and the code in your example here can be done much more easily
 within a loop.  That is, if you actually want to create a useless web page
 that crashes people's browsers that have JAVASCRIPT enabled, not java


 -Original Message-
 From: James J. Capone [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: Sunday, July 11, 1999 10:13 PM
 Subject: [newbie] Exploit in Java for Netscape

 I found a Exploit in All Internet browsers that support Java. The only way
 works is to have Java Running..
 Here it is though:
 BODY onLoad="alert('Welcome to my test!  Full of examples, tutorials,
 and links!  All for FREE!!  Check it out!');" onUnLoad="confirm('Are you
 you want to leave this

[newbie] yo

1999-07-12 Thread Bert Bullough

Don't buy a new fan. Your machine is still under waranty. Go to As far as Linux goes, I'll get you a copy. The only
part of your system that won't work with it is your modem, but CompUSA
has a good one right now for about $30.

tel;work:1(888)275-2643 ext 126
email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [newbie] Internal zip drive - help needed

1999-07-12 Thread Bert Bullough

What have you tried?

Sean Brzozowski wrote:


 Can somebody help me with setting up internal IDE zip disk?  So far, I had
 no luck in trying to make it work.


Re: [newbie] Turtle Beach Montego

1999-07-12 Thread Bert Bullough haven't tried them yet.

Don Whitman wrote:

 Has anyone had any luck finding the drivers for the Turtle Beach Montego sound
 card. I thought I read something about "open sound source for linux" having a
 beta version out. Does anyone know the address? Does it work?


 Get your own FREE, personal Netscape WebMail account today at

[newbie] dvd-rom and turtle beach montego

1999-07-08 Thread Bert Bullough

Does anyone here know if a Toshiba DVD-Rom (ide) or a Turtle Beach
Montego pnp sound card are supported by Mandrake 6.x?

tel;work:1(888)275-2643 ext 126
email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]