[newbie] XFree 4.0.3 freezes in LM8.0

2001-06-18 Thread Carlos Berardi

I have been having problems with the installation of LM8.0

the worst has been that the Xservers freezes without any pattern at all.

I think someone had posted it was related to some gtk packages, but I 
dont remember which ones.

Please HELP

Carlos Berardi

Re: [newbie] 7.2 iso's

2001-06-18 Thread Carlos Berardi

i don't know if these are the latest


they are at my local university at Mexico

[newbie] LM8.0 question/problem

2001-06-17 Thread Carlos Berardi

Hi all
I recently installed LM8.0 in my home box ( i already have a laptop 
running LM7.2) with this conf

AMD motherboard
PIII-750MHz, 192MB RAM
20 GB HD (15 for windows, 5 for linux)
Nvidia TNT2 card with 16 MB shared ram memory, which leaves 176MB of ram
Sony CD-RW 8X
Creative Labs CD 52X
+soundcard, ethernet card, modem cable

i set the swap partition to about 400 MB (is this too much?) recently 
someone posted that there is a 256MB maximum

Also the Xserver has been freezing a lot, i think someone posted 
something related to a few gtk packages

what should i do with the swap (resize or leave it like that?)


Re: [newbie] Do I have to download everything in RPMS

2001-06-17 Thread Carlos Berardi

the minimum install is about 400MB (a lot for a 56kb modem), so i would 
recommend you to ask a friend with more bandwith to download the isos 
and then burn the CD's or maybe buy the cds at a local store

if you still want to try the modem installation, I think you can 
download the network image (inside the images directory), make a boot 
floppy of this image with rawwrite (it is in the dosutils directory) and 
give it a try. this image is made for a network card, so i am not sure 
if it would allow you to dial.


Carlos Berardi

Re: [newbie] Ho can I create a demo .AVI or similar to show how OS operates?

2001-06-17 Thread Carlos Berardi

i haven't found an app for making avis, but there seems to be several 
for making mpegs.

i have used xvidcap (look for it in rpmfind.net, or I can send it to 
you)... firts it takes snapshots of a window, the desktop, an area, 
etc... then with all the images you can use this software or gimp to 
make the movie

the time I tried to use this app was on my laptop, but the ram/swap 
couldn't handle so much info (about 1000 images), so i betrayed our 
cause and used quicktime pro in my home box with w98se to make a mov 
file, which was pretty easy (i recently installed lm8 in that box)

Carlos Berardi

Re: [newbie] Crystal Semiconducter CS4236B Audio Codec

2001-06-12 Thread Carlos Berardi

i couldn't set up my cs4232 card properly, so i tried installing it as a 
SoundBlaster 16 and IT WORKED!


if the sound sounds crappy, triy modifying this parameters...

[newbie] Gnome-alt key problem

2001-06-03 Thread Carlos Berardi

I recently reinstalled LM7.2, with gnome as graphical desktop i 
found out that my Left Alt Key tries to raise the window in the 
xserver and haven't been able to fix it

any help?

[newbie] LM8.0 bug fixes

2001-05-10 Thread Carlos Berardi

as i said a few days ago, my LM8.0 installation failed because of my
thinkpad's ps/2 mouse.

have someone installed this new version perfectly with this kind of

if not, does any one know if there is a way to patch the kernel or when
8.1 is being released?


[newbie] LM 8.0 installation failed

2001-05-09 Thread Carlos Berardi

Lastnight i tried to install LM 8.0 on my laptop

IBM ThinkPad 380XD
Neomagic graphic card
Ethernet card
USB port
Serial and parallel port
Toshiba CDROM

I booted directly from the CD, installation started fine at first, but i
couldn't get the mouse to work properly... i tried all (really all) the
mouse devices listed at the beginning, but none of them worked
finally i decided to do a no mouse install and worry about it later
the installation continued, but at the very end the computer frozed
i rebooted it, aurora started, and then couldn't get into Xwindows

After 5 hours i got very frustrated and installed back good old LM 7.2
which works perfectly on my computer


Re: [newbie] problems installing runtime environment file from Sun

2001-05-04 Thread Carlos Berardi

I think you should do this as user, not root

for the .bin, first do a
chmod 744 filename.bin, then ./filename.bin

for the .rpm do
rpm -i filename.rpm

tazmun wrote:

 Hi All
 I am very new to Linux and the command line is very intimidating yet.  
 I have downloaded a supposedly self extracting file (.bin) as well as 
 the rpm version of the file.  They suggest in the install directions 
 that this be done from the command line and tell you that by using a 
 command(./) on both of the files will start a script asking if you 
 agree to their agreement first.  This command on either file just gets 
 me a permission denied error whether I'm logged on as a user or as 
 root.  This file is to install the runtime java enviroment required by 
 Staroffice for any java applications to function.  The file will not 
 run in kpackage in the rpm version either..if you try to execute 
 it it will error and say  is it not  executeable.  I am running 
 Mandrake 7.1 for now.  I've also tried the rpm -ivh and -iv commands 
 to no avail either.help please.I hate the Redmond gang but 
 this is driving me nuts too!! 
 Anyone helping here please assume I know nothing of the command line 
 in their directions. 

Re: [newbie] charecters in Mandrake 72 - Spanish

2001-05-03 Thread Carlos Berardi

Hola Edelmiro.

Yo tuve problemas similares para configurar mi teclado.

Antes que nada, puedes usar todas las teclas de tu teclado correctamente?
me refiero a que si los acentos y caracteres especiales funcionan bien?

si la respuesta es afirmativa, el teclado latinoamericano tiene la @ al 
presionar altgr-q


Edelmiro Guerra wrote:

 Stupid question:
 I am very new newbie in linux. How can I get the character @ in Mandrake
 7.2. I am using KDE, lengauge is spanish (from mexico) and the keyboard is
 configured as latinoamercan. I tried using the key Alt and 64 at same time
 as in Win95/98, but there is no answer
 Help will be appreciated.
 Edelmiro Guerra

[newbie] rebuilding the kernel

2001-05-02 Thread Carlos Berardi

Hi all

1. What packages do i need to download to rebuild my kernel
2. Where can i find a guide or how-to to rebuild my kernel

Carlos Berardi

Re: [newbie] Gzip

2001-04-18 Thread Carlos Berardi

tar -zvxf tarfile.tar.gz


 I'm new to Linux and I forgot how to extract .tar.gz files.  Can someone offer me 
some assistance?  

Re: [newbie] Wine

2001-04-17 Thread Carlos Berardi

type at a terminal
wine --managed /mnt/windows/Program\ Files/Microsoft\ 

or whatever your program path is

Matt Harrison wrote:

 One more questionHow exactly do I use Wine?  I did a full Install of
 Mandrake installing every package and I know wine got installed.  I want
 to try using Word to show my boss ways of helping old Microsoft Users
 that Linux is capable of running Microcrap software.

[newbie] video capture

2001-02-19 Thread Carlos Berardi

Hi all
can somebody recommend me a video capture app to make a movie from a 
running app.

Carlos Berardi

[newbie] aurora images

2001-02-19 Thread Carlos Berardi

for those who haven't noticed, when aurora is booting or shutting down, 
left click on the penguin and an image will appear at the bottom of the 

Carlos Berardi

[newbie] Pstricks

2001-02-15 Thread Carlos Berardi

i'm making figures in LaTeX with PsTricks. When watching the dvi file, 
figures (the ones made with pstricks) look good, but when translating to 
PostScript, they scramble a little.

Does anyone have an answer for this?

Carlos Berardi

[newbie] a question that doesn't belong here

2001-02-13 Thread Carlos Berardi

Hi all.

I know this question doesn't belong here, but since there is a lot of 
people reading this, probably it's the best way to find out.

I'm lookinf for a song, but don't know the name and/or artist.
I just remember the video where some guy (a movie actor) is a fugitive 
running through a forest, then he hides in a farm's barn and the farmer 
children start feeding him; then all of a sudden the farmer realices and 
starts chasing the guy with a shootgun throgh the country.

i know this is worst than mission impossible, but who know, one of you 
might remember the song name or artist i'm referring to.

Carlos Berardi

Re: [newbie] Netscape 6 -- Segmentation Fault

2001-02-13 Thread Carlos Berardi

i'm using netscape 6.01 without any problem...
it has crashed some times, but not as much as 6.0

Benjamin Sher wrote:

 Dear friends:
 1) My system is an AMD K6-2 400 with 128 megs of real RAM (and a 256
 swap file on LM72).
 2) I am using the new Netscape 6.01, which just came out a few days ago.
 This 6.01 version is based on the stable Mozilla .7, which came out in
 January, while Netscape 6.0, which came out in November, was based on
 the unstable Mozilla Milestone 17 of mid-September. In other words,
 three milestones separate Netscape 6.0 and 6.1, namely, Mozilla
 Milestone 17, 18 and Mozilla .6 and now Mozilla .7.
 You might wish to check out the new Netscape 6.01. I used Mozilla .7 for
 quite a while, and it was very stable (for many hours at a time) and
 reliable. Please try it and let me know if you have this same
 segmentation fault.
 I have this segmentation fault even when I use Netscape 6.01 ONLY (i.e.
 without Netscape 4.76).
 My thanks to all of you for your kind help.

[newbie] flash in netscape 6

2001-02-11 Thread Carlos Berardi

Hi all
To those who have been wondering about flash in netscape 6:

i got flash working installing the ShockwaveFlash.class and 
libflashplayer.so in my netscape 6 plugins directory, which is 

i'm using netscape 4.76 too, and i had to do the same at 

probably there is a better way than copying the files twice, but this 
works anyway.

Carlos Berardi

Re: [newbie] realplayer install; different architecture

2001-02-11 Thread Carlos Berardi

i had the same problem with the rpm package
the only way i found was downloading the .bin file

since then i succesfully got real player 8 installed

rootbus wrote:

 Downloaded an rpm for RealPlayer-8.0-1. Clicked and got Kpackage for rpms. 
 When the install started I got the message "Realplayer-8.0-1 is for a 
 different architecture."  Looked for other rpms and found none. Anyone found 
 a good way to get RealPlayer in? Or any other way to stream ra format?

Re: [newbie] Flash in Netscape-6.01 -- How?

2001-02-11 Thread Carlos Berardi

try running netscape 6 this way:

if from a terminal you type "netscape", it will run the command in the PATH.

i have both netscape 6 and netscape 4.76 installed, and have to run the 
6.01 version manually (actually i placed a shortcut in a panel)

Benjamin Sher wrote:

 Dear Mike and friends:
 OK, here is the lowdown on Netscape 6.01:
 I initially installed it in /usr/local/netscape. But after installation,
 when I tried to run it by typing in xterm "netscape", it would
 invariably bring up Netscape 4.76 (which is located in
 /usr/bin/netscape). So, I uninstalled it and reinstalled it in my home
 directory under NET6. Well, that has apparently caused other problems.
 So, I have uninstalled it once again and reinstalled by default in
 /usr/local/netscape. However, there is no Netscape 6 or any Netscape
 executable in /usr/local/netscape or /usr/local/bin. But I did copy the
 plugins from /usr/lib/netscape/plugins into /usr/local/netscape/plugins
 (without overwriting the ones that were already there -- thanks for the
 tip -- but I still don't know how to launch Netscape 6. Please remember
 that I have both Netscape 4.76 and Netscape 6 installed on my LM72. How
 do I now launch Netscape 6, please?
 Thanks so very much.

Re: [newbie] Where is Netscape 6.01 executable?

2001-02-11 Thread Carlos Berardi

in the xterm type /usr/local/netscape/netscape

Benjamin Sher wrote:

 Dear friends:
 Just installed the new Netscape 6.01 into the default directory
 /usr/local/netscape. How do I launch Netscape 6. When I type "netscape"
 in xterm, it launches Netscape 4.76, which I also have on my system.
 Would very much appreciate your help.
 Thank you.

Re:[newbie] Where is Netscape 6.01 executable?

2001-02-11 Thread Carlos Berardi


did you install it as root? you might change the netscape folder 
permissions to 755

as i said before, there should be a "netscape" entry in the 

Benjamin Sher wrote:

 Dear Carlos and friends:
 There's the rub. Installed Netscape 6 in /usr/local/netscape but there
 is no netscape6 executable.
 Would really appreciate your help:
 [sher@sher sher]$ /usr/local/netscape/netscape
 bash: /usr/local/netscape/netscape: No such file or directory
 [sher@sher sher]$
 [sher@sher sher]$ cd /usr/local/netscape
 [sher@sher netscape]$ ls
 [sher@sher netscape]$
 Thanks so much.

[newbie] shutdown image

2001-02-11 Thread Carlos Berardi

hi all.

a few days ago i was shuting down my computer (aurora showing up 
status), then accidently hit some key (i don't know which one) and an 
image (a sunset) appeared at the bottom of the screen.

does anyone know that key stroke that activates the image?
i guess this is a very stupid question, but i would like to know how it 
got activated

Carlos Berardi

[newbie] Netscape 6

2001-02-08 Thread Carlos Berardi

I have been using Netscape 6 for a month and every now and then it 
crashes.  I already tried re-installing it, but its the same.

have anyone found a way to fix it?

Carlos Berardi