Re: [newbie] Informacion

1999-12-15 Thread Ing. Carlos Mayorga V.

Pues si es mejor pero no es para principiantes, si no has tenido experiencia
con algn sistema operativo tipo unix, va a ser realmente dficil
que lo configures y lo manejes bien.
Para que le saques un buen provechio si no eres experto necesitas instalarlo
de tal manera que accedas al modo grfico directamente, bueno vamos
por el pricipio; la forma ms facil de instalarlo es haciendo que
el computador arranque con el CD, debes cambiar en el BIOS la secuencia
en que la computadora buscar un disco con sitema operativo para
arrancar y hacer que el primer lugan en donde lo busque sea EL CDROM, es
la forma en la que lo hago yo es ms sencillo para mi pero hay otra
forma, reinica el computador en modalida DOS inserta el CD y ejecuta:
"X" es la unidad del CDROM y eso es todo se puede utlizar el asistente
en espaol, la primera vez te aconsejo que intales todo por default
de esa manera no tendrs mayor problema. Eso es todo espero que
te ayude.
esavlem wrote:
Deseo saver por que razon no
puedo instalar el linux mandrake, lo tengo en cd, distribuido por la Maximum
PC un cd completo pero no se como imstalarlo realmente, ademas no entiendo
eso del GNU pue no se de que se trata favor indiquenme que devo hacer y
que sera lo que necesito pues no entiendo y segun tengo entendido, linux
es mejor que win98 y si es asi y no me da tantos problemas lo quisiera
instalar en mi computador..atte.Manuel
EmilioFuturo usuario de linux

Re: [newbie] Reverse Windoze Internet sharing

1999-11-13 Thread Ing. Carlos Mayorga V.


Last night I just make Wingate 3.0 work in my house, 2 computers interconected in a
LAN and they share internet acces throught a dial-up access and we boot have ICQ
working. Enable ICQ service in the gate requieres an aditional immplemantation of UDP
mapping service. If you are still interesting on it e-mail me back.


John Aldrich wrote:

 On Thu, 11 Nov 1999, you wrote:
  A few reason ,
  1. We are talking about a dial up line , not a full time
  2.  We both use icq, as well as other software which works off of different
  ports. if I remember what I read. I would have to enable the ports to allow use
  of these programs. The Second edition  (I agree, still waiting on the third ,
  but i will not go to 2000) allows traffic on these ports by defualt.
  3. My wife's system tends to connect at better speeds than my machine, (She
  gets 28800, i get 26400)
  Do you require more??
 Nope...but I would like to point out that Linux *will* work
 just fine sharing a dial-up line. :-) (Oh, as for the
 connection difference... I read somewhere that MS has a
 tendancy to overstate the actual connect speed, whereas
 Linux will give you EXACTLY what the modem says it
 connected at...)

[newbie] SiS 6326 AGP

1999-11-02 Thread Ing. Carlos Mayorga V.

please help me, I can not make this card work fine in graphical
environment (I'm novice), I mean I hope look kde like windows but I
can't read the little words of the icons and the pop up menu leaves a
shadow after use it.

Can somebody helpme please?


[newbie] remove

1999-10-12 Thread Ing. Carlos Mayorga V.


Re: [newbie] Mandrake 6.5

1999-10-12 Thread Ing. Carlos Mayorga V.

Where do you find it?

Hugh wrote:

 Hi all,
 I just found out Comp USA is selling Mandrake 6.5. I thought Mandrake
 was up to 6.1? What is the difference between the two?

[newbie] (sin asunto)

1999-09-29 Thread Ing. Carlos Mayorga V.


Re: [Re: [newbie] SBlive in Mandrake 2.2.9]

1999-07-23 Thread Carlos Mayorga

I really thanks Martin ans sorry about my little english, I need some help
with this becuse I downloaded the files from Cretive labs page:

and the files are:


My firs problem after read the "README" file was "install_emu10k1" did't work
and I tried manual installation. Please tell me if my steps have mistakes:

1. Determine your kernel sound modules installation location
 (usually /lib/modules/2.x.y/misc)

I did it the driversare in "/lib/modules/2.2.9-19mdk/misc"

2. Copy the appropriate driver to that location as emu10k1.o
 (eg. /lib/modules/2.x.y/misc/emu10k1.o)

I tried it butwhat is the right file? for my kernel version?

3. Unload all existing soundcard drivers, including soundcore

May be here is the problem, how must I do it?

4. Remove all old soundcard references from /etc/conf.modules

In my "conf.modules" file are not sound drivers is a file with 3 lines

5. Add a new reference to the driver in /etc/conf.modules:
 (eg. "alias sound emu10k1" or "alias char-major-14 emu10k1")

I use "alias sound emu10k1" and the other but doesn't work

6. If your kernel is compiled with version information, add the following 
   lines to /etc/conf.modules after the previous statement:
 pre-install emu10k1 insmod soundcore
 post-remove emu10k1 rmmod soundcore

How can I verify if "my kernel is compiled with version information"?

7. Load the driver: "modprobe emu10k1"

PLEASE HELP!! I spent US$200 in this card and it doesnt work!!
help again.

- Original Message -

"Martin White" 
For the time being pick up the modules from Creative's site, copy them to
'/lib/modules/2.2.9-19mdk/misc' (or whereever) and do an 'insmod -f sblive'
to get it going.

You will also need to have put the pre/post install lines into your
conf.modules as instructed by their readme.

I do have a better way of doing it than this, but can't remember off the
of my head. I'll post my conf.modules to my webpage and then post the URL


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[newbie] SBlive in Mandrake 2.2.9

1999-07-22 Thread Carlos Mayorga

Have any one working SBlive with with mandrake 6.0 kernel 2.2.9 if so please
help to make it work please.

Thanks in advance...

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RE: [newbie] For all spanish speaking users

1999-04-13 Thread Ing. Carlos Mayorga V.

Vivo en Ecuador Y tengo el mismo problema, quiero salirme de la movida
Windows pero veo que por el momento no es posible (soy muy aficionado a los
juegos), se que es posible instalar linux en un disco particionado y si se
tiene 2 discos es posible instalarlo en uno de ellos y elegir con que
sistema operativo se bootea la máquina.

Ya eche a perder los datos de "mis documentos" por instalar linux sin muchas
precauciones, alguien me podría decir como hacerlo para tener a la vez ambos
sistemas operativos funcionando en mi CPU y no perder los datos Windows?

Pdta.Tengo un disco completamente limpio para realizar la instalación.

- Mensaje original -
De: Jose Alberto Abreu [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Enviado: Martes, 13 de Abril de 1999 09:07 a.m.
Asunto: RE: [newbie] For all spanish speaking users

 El 12 Apr 1999 11:18:58 el  Ing. Carlos Mayorga V. tradujo sus
pensamientos a electrones:
 Hola, ya era hora de que asome alguien de hanbla hispana en esta lista de
 gringos; pero en fin solo para agradecer este mensaje

 En efecto... por cierto, ?alguien sabe quiin me podrma instalar Mandrake
en mi maquina?
 Vivo en Mixico D.F. y realmente no tengo la menor idea del Linux...

 Pero estoy hasta la madre (perdonen mi francis) de Redmond y sus programas

 Sin embargo aprecio el poder encender mi computadora y entrar
automaticamente a una interfaz grafica que me habla en un idioma que puedo
entender (mas o menos).

 Total, todas las aplicaciones que necesito tienen una contraparte en Linux
(pensi que ICQ era la excepcisn, pero acabo de descubrir que estaba
equivocado) y si el KDE me permite utilizarlas sin tener que andar tecleando
comandos manualmente pues creo que es hora de saltar de este barco. ^_^

 En fin, quiero dar el brinco, pero me quisiera evitar el trabajo sucio...
?Alguien de ustedes vive en Mixico o conoce a alguien que viva en Mixico y
me pueda ayudar con la instalacisn?

 "Free your mind... and your ass will follow"
  Bono, U2

 Get your FREE Email at

Re: [newbie] SB Live

1999-01-03 Thread Ing. Carlos Mayorga V.

I do not test any midi file in linux, but I think it doesn´t work fine.

Sysadmin wrote:

 Does the midi in SBLive work also?

 On Thu, 04 Nov 1999, you wrote:
  I have SBlive workink thanks to this 2 helps:
  To load the driver, type:
modprobe soundcore
insmod -f emu10k1
You will get a warning about the module being compiled for a 2.2.10 kernel,
and your being a 2.2.9, you can safely ignore this
Now, test sound with the mediaplayer and a wav file. Should work.
For the module to load at every startup, include the insmod -f command in
your rc.local file.
  Okay - do the following (exactly everything Creative recommend you _DONT_
  do, so i take no responsibilty for this ;-) it works fine for me tho!)
  DO IT ALL AS ROOT (su -)
  Untar/zip the file from creative.
  'cp emu10k1.o-2.2.5-15 /lib/modules/2.2.9-19mdk/misc/emu10k1.o'
  Remove any existing sound lines from conf.modules
  Add the following...
  'alias sound emu10k1'
  'options emu10k1 -f'
  'pre-install emu10k1 insmod soundcore'
  'post-remove emu10k1 rmmod soundcore'
  Save the file  reboot.
  Instead of rebooting you could come out of X and then do...
  'rmmod soundcore'
  'rmmod sblive' (or whatever your old module was called)
  'insmod -f emu10k1'
  John Aldrich wrote:
   On Thu, 04 Nov 1999, you wrote:
OK so I found the creative site with the open source drivers and
downloaded and unzipped them. I must have taken my stupid pills today
because I cannot seem to follow their instructions especially the part
regarding copying the emu10k1.o driver to a particular directory.  Am I
blind or is there no driver to copy, all I see are a bunch of what
appears to be C files.  I'm getting fairly good at this finally but this
has got me stumped again
anyone figure this out??
Drop me a line  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Try compiling the driver using the C files there. :-) There
   should be some instructions there on compiling.
 Normal=boring x 100

Re: [newbie] installing Linux

1999-01-02 Thread Ing. Carlos Mayorga V.

3.2GB of memory WOW!!! maybe you mean 3.2MB od space on hd

Well here is the help:

Go to the BIOS of your computer and make the first bootable device your CDROM
whe you reboot your computer put the mandrake CD in the CDROM drive and it
must be enough to begin the intalaltion process.

Andre Colin Cox wrote:

 I have a 6.4GB hard drive and I am running win98 on the primary drive. I
 would like to run linux Mandrake on the extended partition which contains
 3.2GB of memory.

 How do I begin the installation?

 Would someone help me.

 Andre Cox
 "The Seventh Sense."