[newbie] file Permissions

1999-03-05 Thread Clay

I figured out why all my files were not working right it wasn't that
they were text files  but the permissions are messed up... everytime i
try to install something the permissions for it are always messed up! is
their some setting i can change to stop this... i am not telling it to
save permissions i don't think but apparently it is! anyone have any
idea why it is doing this...i am using linux mandrake 5.3 if that has
anything to do with it

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Re: [newbie] installing RPM all files are treated like documents?!?

1999-03-04 Thread Clay

no i meant all files are treated like text files instead of executeables
...sorry was in hurry when writing this

Steve Philp wrote:

 Clay wrote:
  when i install a file from an rpm or tar.gz it seems that all the files
  in the rpm or tar.gz are treated like text files instead of executables
  like they should be! what gives?! i downloaded these files under windows
  98 then mounted my fat 32 partition under linux got the files from the
  fat 32 partition  put them on my linux partition and tried to install
  them and it extracts them ok and everything just none of the files are
  treated correctly they are all treated like executeables! someone please
  help me!

 What do you mean by "they're treated like executables"?  Are you able to
 install them?

 It's possible that the permissions on the files are being munged because
 you're putting them on a FAT32 partition that has no idea about file
 permissions or ownership.  I've noticed that when using my FAT32
 partition under Linux all files are listed as executable.

 I doubt that it's going to cause a problem for you, since even if you
 ATTEMPTED to execute them nothing would happen.  If it bothers you,
 simply chmod them to be non-executable (chmod -x filename) and you're
 all set.

 Steve Philp "Oh Lord, I go for penguins. 'Cause penguins are
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] so sensitive to my needs..."--Lyle Lovett

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Re: [newbie] X fails

1999-03-04 Thread Clay

make sure you have your monitor configured correctly get out your monitor
manual if it isn't listed in list and make sure you have right
horzontinal lines and virtical lines set in the thing when you do
customi had same problem with my computer at first and thought it was
graphics card but found out i just had monitor configured wrong

Keith Robinson wrote:

 total newbie. just getting started

 dual boot Linux/Win98

 Install of linux went fine. configured X to Mach 64 server. when i
 try to startx the screen goes blank.

 The only reference I can find in the documents is to "free a getty
 process." I haven't a clue what this means, but looked in
 /etc/inittab. Six lines for getty, tty1-- tty6. nothing for tty7 or

 Big TIA

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 Those who profess to favor freedom, and yet depreciate agitation, are
 men who want rain without thunder and lightning.  They want the ocean
 without the roar of its many waters.
 -- Frederick Douglass
 Keith Robinson

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[newbie] installing RPM all files are treated like documents?!?

1999-03-03 Thread Clay

when i install a file from an rpm or tar.gz it seems that all the files
in the rpm or tar.gz are treated like text files instead of executables
like they should be! what gives?! i downloaded these files under windows
98 then mounted my fat 32 partition under linux got the files from the
fat 32 partition  put them on my linux partition and tried to install
them and it extracts them ok and everything just none of the files are
treated correctly they are all treated like executeables! someone please
help me!

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[newbie] Linux kernel, modem, and dosemu questions

1999-02-28 Thread Clay

first question...i have a rockwell hcf 56k data fax pci modem and was
wondering if anyone else had the same modem and was able to get it to
work under linux mandrake with kppp and if so how?
second question. this has to due somewhat with first question what
adavantages will i have by installing latest linux kernel and how do i
install it? also if i install it do you think that might help my modem
get working because i know my modem is a PnP and i heard somewhere that
latest linux kernel has full PnP support...
third question... i can't seem to get xdos to work it says there is some
error in some .global file or something like that and i looked that file
but couldn't figure out what the heck to do in it and what was causing
the problem...
well any help anybody can provide with these questions would be greatly

ps.. i am affraid i already know the  answer to my first question and
that is get a new modem (like an externel one)...but if you know
something i don't about getting a PnP modem to work under linux i would
greatly appreciate it!

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[newbie] one more question i almost forgot...

1999-02-28 Thread Clay

how do you get linux mandrake to see my fat 32 partition i have used
linux slackware and was able to get it to see my fat 16 partition on my
older computer but didn't see a way to get my fat 32 visible under
linux...again any help would be appreciatied

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[newbie] ok sorry to be a pain but i have two more question...

1999-02-28 Thread Clay

ok i figured out my first dosemu problem now i have another one and
can't seem to figure out how to even start with itok when i run xdos
now it gives me some vga font error ... i probably should of written it
down and wrote it exactly right here oh well...
ok here is my second problem and a real anoying one... i downloaded the
latest wine rpm and tried to install it and it looked like everything
installed ok but it didn't...now i can't even use winei looked at
where it put what looked to be the executable file but the file isn't a
runable file... it put wine in a directory called /usr/local/bin i
believe was it...i know i should be able to upgrade this program with no
problem but apparently not :P... oh i a downloading the binary in tar.gz
format right now and am going to try it that way but if you know what i
did wrong with installing it with the rpm i would greatly apreciate it
if you told me what i did wrong...

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