Re: [newbie] Removing a full directory via command line

2001-04-07 Thread Daniel J. Ferris

I think I sent that message to your real e-mail address instead of the
list.  Whoops. :-)


At the command line just type:

unalias rm

Then rm will no longer be aliased by the shell.

Just please PLEASE remember never to run rm -r as root or you face the
very real danger of trashing your system.

Also, be VERY careful if the directory you are deleting contains symbolic
links, because rm -r will follow them.  If you have write permissions to
the files the link points to, they will be trashed as well.


On Sat, 7 Apr 2001, Andrew Iovannisci wrote:

 On Saturday 07 April 2001 20:30, you wrote:

  Yeah, use rm - r directory name
  make sure that there is no alias for rm that asks for confirmation for
  deletion, otherwise if you delete a large directory structure, you will
  get to confirm lots and lots of files.

 Ahh, I have an alias rm="rm -i" that is forcing me to confirm the deletion of
 every file. So, how do I get rid of the alias?

Ad astra per aspera.
[To the stars by aspiration.]

Re: [newbie] Nvidia Drivers

2001-03-21 Thread Daniel J. Ferris

Open a terminal and type rpm -ivh package-name and substitute the real
package name.  If you want to know what files will be installed, do an
rpm -qpf package-name.  If there is a script that is called install that
is installed by the rpm, then note its location so you can run it after
the RPM is installed.



 I have Mandrake 7.2 installed and wanted to use the latest drivers for Linux
 that are posted on Nvidia's web site for my Gforce Annihilator Pro card.

 I downloaded the RPM and when I double click it, I get a list of files. One
 of these files is called install, if I double click that I get a text
 message saying "Run this to install the package".

 Not too sure how to do this or what to do next.

 Can anyone give me some guidance?



Humor in the Court:
Q: Are you sexually active?
A: No, I just lie there.

Re: [newbie] PMFirewall and PortSentry logging?

2001-01-03 Thread Daniel J. Ferris

Jon Doe [EMAIL PROTECTED] said: 

 I have used PMFirewall for a long time, I just installed 
Portsentry, I can't
 seem to find where they keep logs or how you configure them to keep 
logs any


The dmesg command will also output logs from the kernel, which is 
where the firewall stuff resides.


Re: [newbie] Apache

2000-12-12 Thread Daniel J. Ferris

Dave DeGear [EMAIL PROTECTED] said: 

 I've got my telnet and ftp servers working ok and would like to try 
 with Apache.  If I install the latest Apache rpm files should I 
 immediately about any security problems with this.  I'd like to 
have it running 
 while I'm learning but not if I introduce too many security 
leaks. :-(  Has 
 anyone gone through this recently?  I've never run a web server 

I've played a little bit with Apache.  If you download the latest 
version, it should be reasonably secure.  Just remember that your 
telnet or ftp may have security holes as well.  That would open up 
your web server to an attack via ftp or telnet.  Also, if you are 
planning on running any cgi programs, you may open yourself up that 
way.  You can also misconfigure Apache and open it up.

There is a book that I read called "Maximum Linux Security"  It has a 
rather large section devoted to securing Apache, I read through the 
chapter as I was playing with the configuration files.  It is a good 

Oh one more thing...

I would reccomend you ditch telnet and install OpenSSL and OpenSSH.  
SSH (secure shell) works similarly to telnet, however, it employs 
encryption so people cannot use a traffic sniffer to get your 
passwords.  It can also use public key encryption for authentication 
which prevents spoofing attacks that telnet is vulnerable to.  If you 
plan on logging into your server remotely, SSH is a much better 
alternative to telnet.  SSH also allows you to foreward ports from a 
local computer to a remote computer.  This allows you to make 
encrypted "tunnels" that you can run other protocols through 
these "tunnels" and the data will be encrypted by SSH.  As far as ftp 
goes, just remember that the passwords are sent in plain text.  For a 
web server you should probably disable anonymous ftp access.


Re: [newbie] Tripwire ??

2000-12-04 Thread Daniel J. Ferris

Tripwire is a program that uses cryptographic checksums (like md5,
crc32, and SHA1) to perform accounting on the filesystem.  

Tripwire is generally used to make sure that a program like login, or
ps, or netstat isn't substituted for a version that is trojaned,
because the MD5 sums on the trojaned version will be different than
the MD5 sums on the original program.  Coincidently, this is why Linux
distributors like Red Hat and Mandrake ALWAYS print MD5 sums for their
ISO images avaliable to download.

There is also a GPLed replacement for Tripwire, but I don't remember
the name of it off hand.  Somebody else may know.

Tripwire was semi-difficult for me to install the first time.  It has
a very strange looking configuration file.  There is a manual that
comes with it.  I suggest downloading it and printing it out.  It is
in PDF format.  

If you check out Tripwire and decide that it is to hard for you, you
can do a poor mans version with find and md5sum...

find / -name -print | md5sum  md5sums.

this will print out md5sums for every file on your disk.  Tweak to
your hearts content. :-)  I would exclude log files, spool
directories, and configuration files that you change frequently. 

The Mandrake security scripts attempt to do some of this by
calculating the MD5 sums for SUID and SGID files on your system every


Mark Weaver [EMAIL PROTECTED] said: 

 what is tripwire? I've heard that name before somewhere.
 / * Sometimes it becomes necessary to rock the boat
   * in order to get the rats up from below decks
   * so they can be kicked over the side and drowned!
 On 4 Dec 2000 ed had this to say!
  Hi all I was wondering if anyone here uses tripwire and if so
where can i
  get it and how hard is it to install.
 thanks all .

  Get free email and a permanent address at

We are Microsoft of Borg
You will be assimilated
resistance is-
 Invalid Page Fault in module msborg32.dll

Re: [newbie] nslookup and domain name

2000-11-21 Thread Daniel J. Ferris

On Tue, 21 Nov 2000, Ron Auer wrote:

 Configuration question
 After I finished the configuration, I loaded an application that requires it
 to resolve IP address based on host name.  So if I have a computer with name
 of, it wants to resolve on mypc (since all PC must be in the
 same domain).  So when I do a ping mypc, it can not find it.  If I do a ping it works fine.  Same problem with nslookup when I type nslookup
 mypc I get:
 *** can't fine mypc:  Non-existent host/domain
 However, when I do a nslookup I get:
 When I do dnsdomain name I get
 When I do domainname it is blank.
 To fix the ping problem, I put in /etc/hosts the ipaddress and mypc as an
 alias.  However, this does not fix nslookup problem.  But even more
 importantly, I did not want to put anything in the /etc/hosts if possible as
 there are a lot of PCs on the network and IP addresses get changed and we
 may be going to dhcp soon.
 My question, what did I configure incorrectly so Linux isn't appending the
 domainname to the hostname when I do something like ping or nslookup?

In /etc/resolv.conf, there is a directive called
search.  It looks like:

this would make the resolver append to the end of any domain
names that you type in.  So if you type in ping mypc, the resolver will
automatically append to that.


Re: [newbie] Fetchmail

2000-11-19 Thread Daniel J. Ferris

On Sun, 19 Nov 2000, Roger Sherman wrote:

 Can anyone tell me how to set up Fetchmail so that it runs as a daemon in
 the background? In fetchmailconf, for cycles to skip between polls, I put
 300, as I wanted it to check every 5 minutes. But, if I type fetchmail at
 the command prompt, it just runs once, and details everything its doing
 (checking messages, how many messages, flushing messages) in the
 terminal. I clicked Invisible mode in fetchmailconf, but then I hit the
 Run Fetchmail button, and it brings up the fetchmail run window...and it
 still only seems to check once.
 I'm using 7.2, and fetchmailconf 1.28, if that makes a difference.
You don't need fetchmailconf :-)

fetchmailconf will make a .fetchmailrc file in your home directory.  So
you set up your username, password, mail server, and mail server protocol
with fetchmailconf.

Then at the command line type fetchmail -d interval -s -f 

That will set the -d tells fetchmail to fork into the background the
interval is how often you want it to check -s will make it silent -f will
flush messages off of the server.  Assuming you have a POP e-mail account
of course :-)

--keep will keep messages on the server.

If you type nohup fetchmail -d interval -s -f  then fetchmail will
continue to run even when you log out of Linux or close the terminal
window you are running it in.


Re: [newbie] Booting to Linux

2000-11-16 Thread Daniel J. Ferris

On Thu, 16 Nov 2000, Mark Weaver wrote:

 AAAaah...turn off the friggin HTML
 mail!!! Www HATE HTML mail!

You know, even my version of pine will get HTML mail these days

But by and large you are right I guess.


Re: [newbie] ipchains

2000-11-06 Thread Daniel J. Ferris

bascule wrote:
 hi dan, i've been deleting mail today so your message appears orphaned
 but i think you are replying to a mail i sent and i would like to
 thankyou for replying, you are right, i was confused initially about the
 transient nature of ipchains rules and needing to run the commands each
Yep ;-)


Re: [newbie] ipchains

2000-11-04 Thread Daniel J. Ferris

I use ipchains on 2 linux boxes I have here at home (no pmfirewall). There
is a pair of scripts, one called ipchains-save, the other

If you write a bunch of firewall rulesets and you are happy, you can just
do something similar to:

ipchains-save  /etc/firewall

Then in one of the startup scripts, you can do this:

ipchains-restore  /etc/firewall

The actual ipchains rulesets are part of the Linux kernel, and exist in
the memory of the computer, so they will go away if you set them up and
then reboot or shutdown.  I had a bit of confusion about this myself when
I first started playing with ipchains, so it is understandable.

The two scripts, ipchains-save and ipchains-restore will parse the
firewall rulesets and determine which options you used when you set them
up.  Then they write the command line options to the standard output,
which you then redirect into a file.


[newbie] Security Question

2000-10-18 Thread Daniel J. Ferris

Portsentry reported this:

Active System Attack Alerts
Oct 17 20:36:51 hornet portsentry[642]: attackalert: UDP scan
host: to UDP
Oct 17 20:36:51 hornet portsentry[642]: attackalert: Host has been blocked via wrappers with string: "ALL:"
Oct 17 20:36:51 hornet portsentry[642]: attackalert: Host has been blocked via dropped route using command:
"/sbin/route add -host reject"

Zone alarm also reported this person did a syn scan on my win 98
box.  Is there anything else that I should check?

I have some ipchains rules set up, that will deny most anything
incoming.  But I want to be on the safe side. :-) 


[newbie] Strange Behavior

2000-10-09 Thread Daniel J. Ferris

Here is a weird one.

I have LM 7.1.  Today I went to check my e-mail, and turned on
the monitor.  Unfortunatly, the screen was blank.  No kdm.  Very
strange.  So I hit alt-f2 and no virtual terminal.  No virtual
terminals when I hit alt-f1, or alt-f3-f6.

I couldn't log in via ssh either.  I didn't telnet to my sendmail
to see if that was still responding.  But the computer was turned
on and the damn thing was completely dead, and I had to do a
reboot with the reset switch.  G.  This is the first time
that Linux has ever acted like Windows 98.  

Any ideas?  I suppose that I may have been DoSed, but kind of
doubt it, since I've never had problems before.  Could this be
indicitive of a hardware problem??  Just curious is all.


Re: [newbie] ipchains and ssh

2000-09-27 Thread Daniel J. Ferris

At 08:11 AM 9/27/00 -0500, you wrote:


My first post on the newbie list...

I have been struggling for some time to get SSH to work on my Linux box
(2.2.13-4mdk : Mandrake 6.1).
I believe I finally have it up and running, because I am able to create a
SSH connection from/to the machine itself.

What I can't seem to manage is to make a SSH connection from an external
machine (I work in DC, Linux box is at home in OH).   I am trying using
FiSSH and I repeatedly get "Failed to Connect to Host."

Now, I do have a firewall up, and it is a pretty basic one in order to
provide IP-Masquerading (which works!), so I thought
maybe my problem was simply that the firewall wasn't letting the connection
to port 22.  So, after extensive research I felt
that what I needed to add was a couple rules to allow the connection in,
and I tried to add something like this (and other
similar variations):

ipchains -A input -p tcp -s -d yyy.yyy.yyy.yyy 22 -j ACCEPT
ipchains -A output -p tcp -d -d yyy.yyy.yyy.yyy 22 -j ACCEPT

But it isn't working - and I think my problem lies with and
yyy.yyy.yyy.yyy (the source and destination addresses).

1.  I don't exactly know the source IP address for where I'm at, so is it
acceptable to use instead?
2.  I have a variable IP - so how the heck do I populate yyy.yyy.yyy.yyy
with my current IP address if I don't even know it?

For #2 - I've seen some people use $IPADDR which is all well and good, but
I don't know how to populate that variable without simply hardcoding and
that just presents the same problem again.

In addition, I typed in the ipchains commands (both above) at the command
prompt and used what my IP address is currently and I still couldn't
connect to it remotely via SSH.So now my entire solution has been

Any suggestions?


I have the exact same setup as you do (almost) and ssh works from anywhere.

I just did this

ipchains -A input -p tcp -d 22 -j ACCEPT

If you are really concerned about the source address, try using the ip 
address instead of the hostname/DNS name, because it may resolve to 
something unexpected.

As you can see, in my example, I wasn't concerned with the source 
address.  Only the destination address and port number.


Re: [newbie] Good book

2000-09-22 Thread Daniel J. Ferris

ed wrote:
 HI all I am wondering if anybody knows of a good linux security book
   that will explain firewalls,ports,scaners..etc... To use to secure my linux
 box and learn more about security. thanks in advance.
 Get free email and a permanent address at

Maximum Linux Security  By Anonymous (yes really)

Describes all that stuff.  Except the firewall section kinda


Re: [newbie] CD-RW help!

2000-09-22 Thread Daniel J. Ferris

 okay, my IDE CD-RW is acting up.  I have an HP 9100 IDE/ATAPI.  For some
 reason, Linux refuses to recognize it.  Every so often I would be able to use
 it, but once I rebooted I couldn't anymore. I have reinstalled Mandrake about
 15 times and even installed it from the CD-RW.  My DVD works just fine.  As a
 last resort, I tried removing Mandrake's "Supermount Technology" and opted to
 mount removable drives myself.  My DVD mounted OK, my zip the same, but when
 I went to mount my CD-RW,  it said "mount: The kernel does not recognize
 /dev/cdrom as a block device (maybe 'insmod driver'?)".  I also logged on as
 root and typed cdrecord -scanbus.  This was the error message I received "No
 such file or directory.  Cannot open SCSI driver."  Another observation I
 made:  whenver the CD-RW was working (the rare occasions) I would go into the
 HardDrake configuration utility and listed under the category CD-ROM Drives
 would be the following:
 Toshiba SD-M1212 DVD
 HP CD-Writer Plus 9100
 Unknown (When I clicked on this it was identified as a SCSI device
 (dev/scd0).  Perhaps it was a driver used for SCSI emulation???)
 Anyway, whenever the CD-RW didn't work, I would go into the HardDrake again
 and see the following:
 Toshiba SD-M1212 DVD
 HP CD-Writer Plus 9100
 The unknown SCSI device disappeared.  Am I correct in my assumption that the
 unknown device was a SCSI emulator?  Is this why my CD-Writer isn't working?
 If it is a SCSI driver, how do I reinstall it?  Would updating the Kernel or
 recompiling it help?  If so, how would I do that? Thanks for helping me on
 this mind-boggling problem!
 Joe, the one-week old Linux newbie.

heh heh heh

Yep.  It was a SCSI emulator.  You have to install the scsi
emulation.  I don't remember how, but that should point you in
the right direction.


Re: [newbie] Spanish co.

2000-09-14 Thread Daniel J. Ferris

Kathleen Dickason wrote:
 Yay Eugene!!  I did the same thing (Babelfish) but couldn't help either.
 who will put away the pom-poms and stop acting like a cheerleader now

Ra Ra Re,  Kick em in the Knee.

Ra Ra Ri, Kick em in the eye

Ra Ra err...never mind...


Re: [newbie] Learning Linux?

2000-09-13 Thread Daniel J. Ferris

Gordon Burgess-Parker wrote:
 As a fairly competent Windows user, what is the best method of learning
 Linux? Is it to just learn about performing tasks as they occur, (ie
 unzipping and installing programs etc) or to go through a book like
 "Linux for Dummies" for example chapter by chapter?

Three methods I found:

1.  Loose X windows for a little while and learn some command
2.  Take a class :-)
3.  Buy lots of books and learn to use man

Look at me, I still don't know that much even after 2 years :-)


Re: [newbie] pmfirewall and portsentry test?

2000-09-12 Thread Daniel J. Ferris

Rob wrote:
 On Tue, 12 Sep 2000, you wrote:
 oh cool,  I went to that site at and they probed it and tested my
 internet security and they stated that they had no way of getting into my

Just remember that GRC only tests a few certain well defined

Better idea would be to download nmap or saint and THEN scan
yourself (just remember to turn off portsentry first otherwise
you'll lock youself out of your machine)


Re: [newbie] IDE ATAPI tape drive

2000-09-11 Thread Daniel J. Ferris

Ian Land wrote:
 hi all
 I have a Seagate STT8000-A ide tape drive. HardDrake shows the device as
 /dev/hdd and dmesg identifies it properly. Can't get tar
 or KDat to see it, however. I have a /dev/nht0 entry (which, as I understand
 it, is what I should use as the mount point), and the ide-tape module is
 loaded, but doing a mt -f /dev/nht0 status says no such device. Presumably
 there's something else I have to do but I can't work out what.

Maybe I don't know anything, but on my SCSI dat drive, when I use
cpio, I don't have to issue any mount commands.  Just find /
-print | cpio -ov  /dev/st0.

Maybe that would work for your tape drive, just point to /dev/hdd
or whatever.

Just a suggestion, don't know if it will work.


[newbie] Modules question

2000-09-10 Thread Daniel J. Ferris

This is really annoying and I'm certain the solution is so easy
that I'm missing it.

EVERY time I boot up, kudzu comes up and complains that my zip
drive has been removed (which it hasn't).  And morprobe -a ppa.o
results in the error message that it can't find module ppa.o. 
ppa.o is in fact in /lib/modules/scsi.  Ugh, this is annoying.

I only have one kernel installed and its the stock 2.2.16-9 one.



Re: [newbie] question

2000-09-10 Thread Daniel J. Ferris

Greg Stewart wrote:
 The writer(s) of portsentry assume you may need telnet and ftp and leave
 those ports off the list lest you lock yourself out of your own machine.
 If you are using ipcahins or a script wchi writes ipchains for (ie:
 pmfirewall, You can, also configure the ipchains rules to
 drop connections at kernel level.
 In my opinion, and I'm sure there are others who would agree,
 runningportsentry on its own can give you a false sense of security. There
 are other ways to tighten your connected box and several apps/modules can be
 used in tandem.
 Just in case you do not know already, pmfirewall is an easy script which
 writes the ipchains rules for packet filtering and masquerading at kernel
 level. All packets that are bound for ports in the rules are checked, and if
 they fail to conform to protocol rules they are dropped or rejected.
 pmfirewall default ruels can be modified to make a much tighter rule set, as
 well. Examples are given in the in the pmfirewall.rules.local file which you
 can use to add your own rules.
 If you have any questions...just ask.

I turned off telnet and ftp.  I use ssh to login remotely, and
scp to transfer files.  So I don't much give a darn if telnet and
ftp work. :-)

I will look into ipchains, although I have managed to piss people
off multiple times when I have played with the port filtering on
our DSL router (Netopia something-or-another), so it makes me
kind of gun shy you could say. :-)

But I suppose you have to learn sometime.


[newbie] question

2000-09-09 Thread Daniel J. Ferris

What is a good program to use that will log attempts to scan your

Preferably something that can detect stealth scans.


Re: [newbie] single CPU to SMP

2000-09-04 Thread Daniel J. Ferris

Thomas Lankester wrote:
 I have just upgraded my PC to run two PIII 700E processors but my Mandrake
 7.1 installation predates this so I only get one CPU recognised at boot up.
 Reading 'Running Linux' one solution seems to be to rebuild my kernel.
 However, given the number of options that I don't understand this could be
 somewhat hit and miss if not down right hazardous.
 What are my other options to get a kernel that recognises and handles SMP?
 Reinstall 7.1 from CD and rely on it to auto detect the 2 CPUs?  Do a kernel
 update using RPM?
 Thanks in advance for any help / advice
 Tom Lankester

The process of making and installing a new kernel is well documented,
and is accessable on any Linux relate site.  So won't go to much into
the nitty gritty stuff.  Besides, there is a readme for the kernel
source in /usr/src/linux (or whatever it is on Mandrake), and the readme
will remind you of the steps.

As far as advice goes...
-Use 'make menuconfig' to set the configuration options.  You don't
need X windows to make it work, and its more friendly and organized than
the standard 'make config'

-Keep a copy of your current kernel.  Obviously it works even though it
only uses one processor.  If you make a new kernel and it blows up, you
can always boot the old one.  You can have as many kernels as you want. 
All you have to do is add them to lilo in the /etc/lilo.conf file.  Just
add a line that looks like this:

root=your root partition (/dev/hda1 or whatever)
Obviously, you have to copy the compiled kernel image to /boot.
After you do this, just exit vi, or whatever text editor, and run lilo
from the command prompt (as root of course :-)

-Smaller is better.  Smaller kernels run more efficiently (faster),
since they don't have a bunch of worthless drivers added to them. 
Tweaking your kernel make take a few times.  Just keep the first backup
at hand, and make as many as you want till you get it right.  Just keep
adding the lines to lilo :-)

-Easy as pie :-)  I just made a new kernel on a RH 6.2 box last week,
and the box runs MUCH better now.  

Enjoy, have fun.

[newbie] Alsa

2000-08-20 Thread Daniel J. Ferris

Is there anyone who has installed the ALSA drivers with Mandrake.  I
compiled the utilities, the library, and the drivers.  Also made the
devices as stated in the ALSA HOWTO.  But it still installs the OSS

Any advice would be helpful.

... I think I'd better go back to my DESK and toy with a few common

Re: [newbie] redirecting rpm output

2000-08-17 Thread Daniel J. Ferris

Adrian Smith wrote:
 i'm having some trouble with an RPM, getting lots of error messages.
 i'm installing from the command line
 is there any way to redirect the output to a txt file, such as in DOS one would type
 "dir  dir.txt"
um yes :-)

You redirect the same way actually,  will redirect standard output to a
file  will append standard output to a file ( just overwrites it) 
redirects standard input to be used from a file. 2 redirects standard
error which is most error messages.  If you're trying to redirect error
messages you can use 2.  If you want standard output and standard error
to go to the same file, you would use: 2 somefile.txt 12  voila :-)

Oh and you can use the | (pipe) symbol to pipe the output from one
command to another command.  For example, with me, Netscape hangs every
so often.  So at the command line, I just execute ps -ef | grep
"netscape" that will show me the process id numbers for Netscape, since
the output for the ps command is going to grep, and grep is looking
through that output for the string "netscape".


Re: [newbie] redirecting rpm output

2000-08-17 Thread Daniel J. Ferris

Adrian Smith wrote:
 thanks Dan
 gosh, i hate it when the answer is so obvious that i can't find it.
Sure :-)

One thing you find about MS-DOS, is that Microsoft in their eternal
wisdom (thats an oxymoron) decided that they would make DOS work similar
to UNIX, which is why you can use theand | in DOS. And from what
I've heard, some DOS commands are actually crippled UNIX commands,
although I don't know which ones offhand :-) 


What one believes to be true either is true or becomes true.
-- John Lilly

[newbie] deep hacking cough

2000-08-15 Thread Daniel J. Ferris

Dan LaBine wrote:
 Dear Mike and Tracy; I recommend "Halls" to get rid of that delicate cough!
 It sounds like it's spreading to others in the forum.

Its getting worse to. :-)


P.S. Sorry, couldn't resist my $.02 :-)

Re: [newbie] Netscape Mail

2000-08-13 Thread Daniel J. Ferris

Dennis Myers wrote:
 Hi all, Here is a mail problem, I had this before my phone line problems
 started and now that I'm back up and running, it hasn't gone away.
 Netscape won't send mail. It says it can't create a temporary file. Then
 it doesn't send the mail. Any help would be appreciated. Dennis

Permissions problem on your /~/.netscape folder maybe?  I don't know,
but usually permissions problems can account for problems like that.


[newbie] GPG and PGP questions

2000-08-10 Thread Daniel J. Ferris

Something I was wondering as I viewed the GPG web page.  It says it
supports all of these ciphers, Blowfish, Twofish, Cast, MD5, IDEA, and a
bunch of other ones.

So, which one to use?  I personally doubt that they are all created
equal.  Which ones are the best?


Re: [newbie] fetchmail

2000-07-21 Thread Daniel J. Ferris

kppp allows you to specify commands to run on connect.

Under the account setup on the tab where you input the account name and
phone number, there are 3 boxes.  One says execute command on connect. 
Another says execute command before disconnect, and the last one says
execute command on disconnect.

Easy as pie.
A mother takes twenty years to make a man of her boy, and another woman
makes a fool of him in twenty minutes.
-- Frost

Re: [newbie] 2 questions

2000-07-20 Thread Daniel J. Ferris

I was just curious about CDE.  I've seen it on a Solaris machine before,
and figured that it would be an interesting experiment. 

And no, Mandrake does NOT ship with CDE.  You're probably right, if it
is avaliable for Linux, it certanily is no provided as open source.  Oh


Re: [newbie] 2 questions

2000-07-20 Thread Daniel J. Ferris

Alexander Skwar wrote:
 On Wed, Jul 19, 2000 at 05:18:34PM -0700, Alan Shoemaker wrote:
  Alexanderh, well no I guess it doesn't any longer.  I
  used CDE once, a while back, just to try it out (it was one of
 CDE was available for Linux?  I really didn't know that, and would like to
 apologize if my words seemed to harsh.
 Thanks for the info.
 Alexander Skwar

I found out that there is a CDE avaliable for Linux.  It is from a
Denver based company that I don't remember the name of.  It comes with
an accellerated 3D X-server, and costs $200 :-)


Re: [newbie] Great MP3player

2000-07-20 Thread Daniel J. Ferris

"Ronald J. Hall" wrote:
 Tom Brinkman wrote:
   XMMS:   under Preferences | Audio IO Plugins,  hi-lite 'CD Audio
  Player', choose 'enable' and 'OK'.  Plays audio CD's better than any
  other player I've heard.  Xmms 1.2.2 is available on cooker now.
  ~~   Tom Brinkman[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Hmm. Mine's already setup like that (in fact,
 all the plugins in that section are enabled),
 but what do you do next? I've got an audio CD
 in my drive, but clicking on play does nothing.

Open up /mnt/cdrom or whereever you mount your cd.  The audio tracks
will show up as files.  Either that, or you have to configure the CD
player plugin to the proper directory.  And you don't have to mount the
CD, it just works :-)


A mother takes twenty years to make a man of her boy, and another woman
makes a fool of him in twenty minutes.
-- Frost

[newbie] Problem with kernel modules

2000-07-20 Thread Daniel J. Ferris

Hi again,

Just a small problem that is becoming really annoying.

I have upgraded to kernel 2.2.15 from 2.2.13 with plans to get
2.2.16 at
some point in the future.

Anyway, since I did the upgrade, modprobe can no longer find any
of my
kernel modules, and not being able to use my zip drive has become
annoyance.  Any ideas?

Even when I specify the absolute path to the module, it still
comes back
and says module not found.
