Open a terminal and type rpm -ivh <package-name> and substitute the real
package name.  If you want to know what files will be installed, do an
rpm -qpf <package-name>.  If there is a script that is called install that
is installed by the rpm, then note its location so you can run it after
the RPM is installed.


> Hi,
> I have Mandrake 7.2 installed and wanted to use the latest drivers for Linux
> that are posted on Nvidia's web site for my Gforce Annihilator Pro card.
> I downloaded the RPM and when I double click it, I get a list of files. One
> of these files is called install, if I double click that I get a text
> message saying "Run this to install the package".
> Not too sure how to do this or what to do next.
> Can anyone give me some guidance?
> Thanks,
> j0e

Humor in the Court:
Q: Are you sexually active?
A: No, I just lie there.

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