Re: [newbie] Netscape 6 - Installing from the net. Frezzes.

2001-06-28 Thread Jay needs a Guinness

(Of course I must say that for the record, konqueror is still my fav a

You have got to try Opera.  That is the creme-de-la-crop web browser for 
~May the enemies of Ireland never meet a friend~

[newbie] Question

2001-06-20 Thread Jay needs a Guinness

Can I safely uninstall printpro and it's related files safely.  I can't 
configure my printer and I believe printpro to be the culprit.  When I 
installed LM 7.2 from a single CD, me printer was configured OK.  Only when I 
installed the Power Pack and all the CD's, did my printer become impossible 
to configure.
~May the enemies of Ireland never meet a friend~

Fwd: Re: [newbie] Wow

2001-06-14 Thread Jay needs a Guinness

--  Forwarded Message  --
Subject: Re: [newbie] Wow
Date: Fri, 15 Jun 2001 00:58:59 -0400
From: Jay needs a Guinness [EMAIL PROTECTED]

On Thursday 14 June 2001 09:33 pm, you wrote:
 Lucky dog!

 If you are trying to make us feel jealous you are doing an excellent
 job. I'm still chugging along with a Pentium II 350 (albeit with 256MB
 of RAM).

 Next time you play a game, think of us poor underprivileged saps who
 aren't fortunate to have a brand-spanking-new state-of-the-art
 computer  :-)

 Let your conscience eat away at you until all you want to do is

 Have fun!  :-)

 P.S. MWAhahahahahahaha

You are chuggin'?!!??!!  I still have a Compaq 2266 with a Cyrix 225MHz.
Thank God I installed more RAM and a new hard drive.  Me PC is horribly
obselete.  But, not to disappoint you all, the new computer I buy will be the
new Dual Proc Mac with OS X.  I refuse to buy Windoze ever again, and I miss
~May the enemies of Ireland never meet a friend~

[newbie] Printer

2001-06-13 Thread Jay needs a Guinness

I am having a bitch of a time getting my printer configured.  I had it 
configured fine under 7.2 before, the single CD installation.  I liked 7.2 so 
much I bought the powerpack.  I installed the complete set and now I cannot 
get my printer to configure for the life of me.  I am getting ready to blow 
me top!  It is a HP DeskJet 648C.  I tried cups and probably a bunch of other 
stuff, but I need help.
~May the enemies of Ireland never meet a friend~

Re: [newbie] Configuring K-Mail

2001-05-01 Thread Jay needs a Guinness

On Tuesday 01 May 2001 03:41 am, you wrote:
 Hi Folks,

 I use this list as a last resort,preferring to struggle in
 solitude,hopefully learning more in the process.

 Ok..I'm in root,goto the control my way down to the e-mail
 section.Bring up the settings tab,enter my personel info,then the smtp
 server(I can send,just can't receive). Click new to enter the pop
 address(called incoming host). I know this info is correct because I copied
 it from eudora(in the windoze section). Thing is..I get the messageunknown
 host giving out the pop info. I've tried rebooting between entries,closing
 then re-opening..a bit lost for a moment.
 I tried to do this while not in root but the results are the same. What am
 I missing here ? I think I have got the right idea,just the wrong place...I
 think :)

 Thank you all very much for your time. I feel like I might be a shady
 character posting to a linux list on a 98se machine :)Hava great week

First of all, do not configure your mail in root.  Each user has their own 
TASKS!!!  Did you enter the pop host correctly.  It may be pop.ISP mail  If all else fails call your ISP for the correct settings, 
they can provide them for you.
~May the enemies of Ireland never meet a friend~

Re: [newbie] Stormix Out of Business

2001-04-27 Thread Jay needs a Guinness

On Friday 27 April 2001 04:33 am, you wrote:

That sucks.  Somewhere in Redmond a Microsoft employee is smirking.  Sniff...
~May the enemies of Ireland never meet a friend~

Re: [newbie] Removing integrated soundcard

2001-04-11 Thread Jay needs a Guinness

On Wednesday 11 April 2001 11:53 pm, you wrote:
 OK, here's the problem. I bought a Compaq Presario (I know, first mistake
 ;-))5834 about a year ago. Now way back then, I didn't know anything about
 the evils of integrated soundcards, vid cards, or anything else. By now I
 do, but I still am not sure what to do about this: I just bought a
 Soundblaster Live! Platinum 5.1, which absolutely rocks in
 Winbitesmyfatwhiteass, but doesn't work in Linux right now.

 Now, I believe theres a conflict, because when I disabled the stock
 integrated soundcard (with help from Compaq Tech Support), I did it from
 Safe Mode, not the BIOS. When I booted into Linux, Kudzu detected and
 configured the SB Live!, but when I look at Harddrake, I can see both the
 SB Live! and the old one (ESS Solo1 Audiodrive). And when Linux is booting
 up, I see it saying its starting sound module es1933 or something like
 that, which I believe is the ESS soundcard.

 Can anyone tell me what to do about this?

 Thanks! :-)
I have the same problem with my soundcard.  I have a Compaq Presario 2266.  
~May the enemies of Ireland never meet a friend~

Re: [newbie]Linux Isp

2001-04-03 Thread Jay needs a Guinness

On Tuesday 03 April 2001 00:41, you wrote:
 Anyone know of any Linux friendly  ISP?I get the Impression  My  ISP
 is  not.
 Cable  access Roadrunner Time warner!
I know of one
~May the enemies of Ireland never meet a friend~

Re: [newbie] Upgrading RedHat?

2001-03-30 Thread Jay needs a Guinness

On Friday 30 March 2001 08:43, you wrote:
 Is it possible to upgrade from RedHat 7.0 to Mandrake 7.2 without loosing
 too much information?
 What kind of info do I risk to loose?
 We've got qmail with vmail and courier on that machine right now and we
 don't look forward to loosing all the mail and accounts or the

 I'd be grateful for any help or comments onthis.

I think RedHat 7.0 and Mandrake 7.2 are essentially similar in terms of 
kernel, etc.  Why would you even take the chance of upgrading from a distro 
to a distro, besides I am sure that it cannot be done.  Remember the old 
adage, if it isn't broke, don't fix it.
~May the enemies of Ireland never meet a friend~

Re: [newbie] How to use WINE?

2001-03-18 Thread Jay needs a Guinness

On Sunday 18 March 2001 12:44, you wrote:
 I installed 7.2 and I saw the package for WINE install, but I can't seem to
 figure out where it is or how to make it run. I checked the KDE and GNOME
 menus and its not listed anywhere. Please help. Also and little tricks you
 have would be welcomed. Thanks.

 Jeff Davis
type (without the quotes)  wine "package name" at a command prompt.  Make 
sure you are in the directory in which the package is located.
~May the enemies of Ireland never meet a friend~

Re: [newbie] upgrade from 7.2 to 8.0

2001-03-18 Thread Jay needs a Guinness

On Sunday 18 March 2001 06:12, you wrote:
 hi all !

 i have a question regarding the upgrade of LM 7.2 to 8.0
 right now i have my linux server set up with 7.1, i was just thinking about
 upgrading it to 7.2 when the advice came to my mind that i was given a few
 weeks before on this mailing list. that was that i would have to completly
 weep out the partitions when upgrading from 7.1 to 7.2.
 now if i re-install 7.2 from scratch - forced to do all my config again - i
 dont want to repeat this when then upgrading to 8.0.
 has somebody experience with upgrading from 7.2 - 8.0 ?
 does it work properly or would one be forced again to completly wipe all
 partitions ?
 i dont want to do all the work twice .



 Icq# 30932448
 ! Knowledge is power 
 For confidental email plz encrypt with PGP
I found that upgrades never work as advertised.  If you have your /home 
partition separate from your /, /swap, etc. partitions, you do not have to 
wipe all partitions, you can keep /home intact.  Do a clean install, it will 
give your PC that "oh-so-fresh" feeling.
~May the enemies of Ireland never meet a friend~

Re: [newbie] Mandrake 8.0

2001-03-17 Thread Jay needs a Guinness

 - --
 It said uses Windows 98 or better so I installed SuSE 7.1
 Proud user of SuSE 7.1 Professional
 Register Linux User 168814 ICQ #49993234
 GPG Public Key available at
 Key fingerprint = 6426 1CFF 0987 9D51 76D6 06BC F22A CFF4 559A 03E7
 Version: GnuPG v1.0.4 (GNU/Linux)
 Comment: For info see

That is quite a signature line!  Talk about long!  WO!
~May the enemies of Ireland never meet a friend~

Re: [newbie] Kppp

2001-03-15 Thread Jay needs a Guinness

On Thursday 15 March 2001 09:43, you wrote:

  Hi, All

 I just had callwaiting put on my phoneline.
 My Question is how and where do I tell Kppp about it??
 I have touch-tone ,so the *70, will work in Windoze.
 My ISP doesn't have a script. All I had to do before was
 to put the proper Telephone number and Kppp did the
 Is this the same now or what??

 Thanks for any assistance
 Robert F. Trettel

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Yes, put *70 before the number, it will work.  That number is not dependent 
on and OS, it is dependent on the phone line itself.
~May the enemies of Ireland never meet a friend~

[newbie] OFF TOPIC - about the ridiculous 8.0 beta response

2001-03-08 Thread Jay needs a Guinness

In this day of political correctness we always have to be wary of what and 
how we say it.  I, for one, am NOT politically correct.  I refuse to be 
offended by what anybody says on a mailing list and my suggestion is, if you 
are offended by a comment (or my signature line...remember that one) just 
ignore the comment or delete the offending message.  Stop flooding the inbox 
with ridiculous replies about how you feel about it, for it is redundant and 
uncalled for.  
~May the enemies of Ireland never meet a friend~

Re: [newbie] MORE NETSCAPE.

2001-03-07 Thread Jay needs a Guinness

On Tuesday 06 March 2001 16:21, you wrote:
 And the pages it appears in the bar... where?

You need to go to your /home/user name/.netscape (.netscape is a hidden 
file).  Then edit the history file and get rid of any URL that you do not 
want there.  
~May the enemies of Ireland never meet a friend~

Re: [newbie] 8.0 Beta

2001-03-04 Thread Jay needs a Guinness

On Sunday 04 March 2001 13:11, you wrote:
 I usually don't pay attention to that type of comment, but this one
 bothered me - and yes, there are lots of females on this list - can we
 keep the bashing to MS and Gates and politics and leave the juvenile
 pseuodo-macho statements at home ?

 Besides, while it is good and will be great, there are plenty of bugs in
 the 8.0 beta, so the meaning behind the comment isn't even all that
 accurate ! :-)


 Daryl Johnson wrote:
  Can't say I mind crude language or dirty jokes, but references of this
  kind make me distinctly uneasy.  :o/
   To all you people!
   I just downloaded 8.0 beta and let me tell you this OS is tighter
   than a 16
   yr old girl, you guys should check out the new interface, it's outta
  Guys in this case perhaps acknowledging that there are some females on
  this list?
Does anybody know when the approximate release date of 8.0 is?
~May the enemies of Ireland never meet a friend~

Re: [newbie] 8.0 Beta

2001-03-04 Thread Jay needs a Guinness

On Friday 02 March 2001 00:44, you wrote:
 Too Much Information! But since we're on the subject,...what's your
 girlfriend's phone number? If it starts with 1-900 don't bother posting
 it to the group!!! Grin-Grin!

Personally, I enjoy the sick humour.  I realize that it is all intended as a 
whacked metaphor, so let's all just lighten up.  Nobody here REALLY knows how 
tight an 8 year old is, 16...yeah some of us do.  We were in high school 
once, remember?
~May the enemies of Ireland never meet a friend~

Re: [newbie] playing the Mandrake Update game

2001-02-26 Thread Jay needs a Guinness

On Monday 26 February 2001 19:29, you wrote:

  Well, as you can tell, I'm a newbie to Linux. I have a few problems
 with this OS. First and foremost is the Mandrake Update thingy. Its
 possessed by the satan, I swear. First, it lured me into thinking
 that it worked correctly, then it turned on me! I don't know what it
 did, but the whole system now refuses to update anything, even if I
 pull it through a different packaging application. The do the same
 thing it does, slow the processing speed down to nill and crash. The
 only thing I haven't done is un-install the Update application, but I
 don't believe that's going to help me at all. Is there anything I can
 do aside from a formal destroy all/take no prisoners?


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I had a problem with Mandrake Update in 7.1 but 7.2's update tool works 
excellently for me.  
~May the enemies of Ireland never meet a friend~

Re: [newbie] CUPS

2001-02-25 Thread Jay needs a Guinness

On Saturday 24 February 2001 14:00, you wrote:
 Can someone tell me,

 what HP driver do I choose for a

 DeskJet 648c

 I don't see that one 7.2 cups
I used the HP 660C.  Works good.
~May the enemies of Ireland never meet a friend~