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Subject: Re: [newbie] Wow
Date: Fri, 15 Jun 2001 00:58:59 -0400
From: Jay needs a Guinness <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

On Thursday 14 June 2001 09:33 pm, you wrote:
> Lucky dog!
> If you are trying to make us feel jealous you are doing an excellent
> job. I'm still chugging along with a Pentium II 350 (albeit with 256MB
> of RAM).
> Next time you play a game, think of us poor underprivileged saps who
> aren't fortunate to have a brand-spanking-new state-of-the-art
> computer  :-)
> Let your conscience eat away at you until all you want to do is
> SCREAM!!!!
> Have fun!  :-)
> P.S. MWAhahahahahahaha!!!!

You are chuggin'?!!??!!  I still have a Compaq 2266 with a Cyrix 225MHz.
Thank God I installed more RAM and a new hard drive.  Me PC is horribly
obselete.  But, not to disappoint you all, the new computer I buy will be the
new Dual Proc Mac with OS X.  I refuse to buy Windoze ever again, and I miss
~May the enemies of Ireland never meet a friend~

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