Re: [newbie] Slow Bandwidth Fixes

1999-08-01 Thread drek

On Sun, 01 Aug 1999, you wrote:
 For those of us that don't yet have access to ADSL or a T1
 connection you might want to try the following.

 2 - Turn off Van Jacobsen compression for PPP. In the PPP
 argument box of KPPP add 'novj'.

For us muddlers, what exactly does this do?  I ask only that I and the neighbor
kid spent countless hours trying to log on with the 2.2 kernel. I could 
connect, but absolutely no data would transfer. Drove me nuts.

 Finally, we started inactivating things, and hit upon novj by chance.



[newbie] UNIX INTRO

1999-07-28 Thread drek

I would recommend newbies cruise the discount and closeout racks of your local
B.Dalton and other bookstore chains.

For $10, I got a copy of Dave Taylor's  _Teach Yourself UNIX in a Week_.   He
gave us Elm, among other goodies, and he's an excellent writer.  I've found the
SAMS books particularly helpful.

Lots of gems in those racks for a pittance.  Check them out.


 I believe in teaching some background as well as basic UNIX concepts. I
 promise that we will soon get to the command line...
 Big snip
 This is exactly what we need.  

Re: [newbie] Theme problems

1999-07-25 Thread drek

On Sun, 25 Jul 1999, you wrote:
  I installed a theme and now my background changes between the theme
  background and another background at seemingly random times. Why?!?

settings-desktop-background.  In the lower part  is a "random" checkbox. 
Uncheck it, apply, OK.

Try the parrots background.

On thing I've noticed, if I change backgrounds, then apply, the random box
will check itself.  I'll have to go back and uncheck it.  Minor bug.

Re: [newbie] PPP setup

1999-07-19 Thread drek

I ran into a bit of difficulty that had the same symptom.  I found (guessed)
that VanJacobson compression will not work with my ISP.  Put the "novj"  line
without the quotes into the options file, or into the kppp setup and see if
that helps.  It might.


On Sun, 18 Jul 1999, you wrote:
 I called up my ISP and they said that they do run a PAP authentification... 
 which is what I currently have KPPP set to, but still i don't get a 
 connection.  It still just sits there and hangs when it logs on.  Is there 
 anything else going on that could cause KPPP not to realize that the PPP 
 connection was open?
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Re: [newbie] Forcing 100dpi fonts in X...?

1999-07-19 Thread drek

They're Type1 fonts that came with Corel Draw for Windows.   I'm not sure
there's a public location for them to point to.

  I'd appreciate any help with the PS

 If you could point me at the offending fonts I will have a look.

Re: [newbie] Forcing 100dpi fonts in X...?

1999-07-18 Thread drek

I just did this. I'm assmuming you're using mdk6 from a CD.

First, back up the configuration file /etc/X11/XF86Config. Something like this:

cp /etc/X11/XF86Config /etc/X11/XF86Config.original

My install left me hanging with only the 75dpi fonts, install the 100dpi fonts.
 Make sure your mdk distro is in the CD drive, mount it, then change to

cd mountpoint/Mandrake/RPMS

List the font files like Wa-La:

ls *font*

You'll get all the font files.  The first one for me happens to be one I want:

rpm -Uvh XFree86-100dpi-fonts-

Do the same for all the others that have 100 in them.

Now, you did back up that file, didn't you?  

vi /etc/X11/XF86Config

You're in the editor.  Press the Insert key.  Scroll down two PageDowns, you'll
see some FontPath entries.  Mine had anything containing 100 commented out with
a leading # on the line.  Remove those.  Place a leading # on any line with a
75.  Save the file by pressing Esc:wq.  Remember, the colon is the shifted

Back up your work:

cp /etc/X11/XF86Config  /etc/X11/XF86Config.mod1

Now, the crafty will change the order of those FontPath lines.  Get the ssc
cheatsheet that shows you how to cut and paste in vi.

I hope I don't have any typos.


On Sun, 18 Jul 1999, you wrote:
 Hello all,
 I've got a relatively simple question. At install time, I distinctly unchecked
 75dpi fonts and installed all the 100dpi ones. But, when I check "information",
 it says that my X is running with 75x75 dpi fonts.
 How do I make it use the higher res fonts? Also, the font display in kfm seems
 to have a weird tendency to auto scale the text. When the page is long, the
 fonts become very small. And you cannot simply [view]-[increase font
 size] have to click on the config settings...and apply...yuck.
 Also, I find the fonts not very nice in kfm. (my res is 1280x1024 at 32 bit
 using a 17" Iiyama monitor...does this matter?)
 What config file do I change? Thanks...
 Kuraiken - Python fanatic.
 Python. Try it. It'll swallow you whole!

Re: [newbie]: Audio and Video Under X

1999-07-17 Thread drek

I'm seeing the same effect with the Mandrake 6 distro under both fvwm and kde,
and it occurs at all resolutions.

Whenever I move a window,  it develops ghost windows that are displaced about
one inch to the left, right, and top.  They appear and disappear rapidly,
giving a flash effect.  As soon as I let the window go, the effect goes away.
It doesn't happen nearly as often with animated GIFs.

This doesn't occur with RH6, COL22, or SUSE 6, same hardware and resolutions.

It doesn't seem to hurt anything, but it is weird looking.  Haven't seen it
since the bad old days of DOS3.3.  Haven't swapped the build of XFree for the
one in RH6 just to see if it's there.  

I guess this is one for the people who compile kernels.  What compile time
option could cause this?

  sliding that tool
  bar thingy in and out) the screen goes kind of jittery. As soon as the
  animation finishes, the jitters stop too. I
 I'm not clear what you mean by jitters, is it slowing down or is it more
 like bad tv reception. Judgeing from the hardware i'd lower the resolution
 or try a lighter windowmanager..

Re: [newbie] Installing Apps

1999-07-14 Thread drek

I made a 3 Gb /opt in a separate partition and place this kind of stuff into
it.  That way, when I upgrade, I just leave that partition alone and I don't
have to reinstall apps.

As far as WordPerfect goes, it must not be installed as root, otherwise it
creates icky security holes.  The exact instructions are on

On Wed, 14 Jul 1999, you wrote:
 hey I got a quick question, when installing applications such as
 StarOffice, Wordperfect, etc.. Where do you want to install it to? (which
 dir?)  I would like it so everyone can use it, which reminds me, do I need
 to be root when installing it?  

Re: [newbie] Network Hub Question

1999-07-13 Thread drek

A couple of weeks ago I saw the InfoMagic Workgroup Server still available on
cheapbytes.  I still use it, yes it is great.

 for a while.  An old system based on ipfwadm might be available from
 infomagic...  Their excellent but discontinued workgroup server software.
 Petey wrote:
  I just came across a few extra computers (2 Macs and 3-486's and I'm
  putting linux on every one).  My question is what properties in a hub
  should I be looking for so that I can network them all.  I know I want
  10/100BT autosensing, but what else should I be looking for?  Thanks for
  any help.

Re: [newbie] Which printer should I buy?

1999-07-12 Thread drek

WalMart was blowing out the HP 697C for $98.  Haven't given it a complete
workout, but it doesn't look bad.

On Sun, 11 Jul 1999, you wrote:
 %_Hello Everyone,
 I am buying a printer next week and I am wondering if anyone can suggest a 
printer.  I want one that works with Linux.  

Content-Type: text/html; name="unnamed"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

Re: [newbie] KPPP problems

1999-07-07 Thread drek

It's looking for resolv.conf, not resolv.config .

First copy your existing resolv.conf to resolve.conf.orig,
then ediit resolv.conf to contain:
domain yourdomainname
search your isp name
nameserver primary names erver at isp
nameserver secondary name server at isp

If your machine is standalone dialup, you probably won't
need the domain line.

On Wed, 07 Jul 1999, you wrote:
 Hello , When I open kppp , I get this error message -
 /etc/resolv.config is missing !   Ask your system
 administrator to create a non-empty file that has  appropriate
 read and write permissions . What must I do ?

Re: [newbie] Review of Mandrake 6.0

1999-07-07 Thread drek

I've run into a glitch on my Mandrake Linux system, and I'm wondering if it's a
DNS problem or just Netscape wierdness.

I've got a standard dialup server using diald to trigger the modem.  When I
search for an outside URL using Netscape on RH52, the modem will dial, the
internet connection will come up, the address will resolve, and the page loads.

I have one computer with Mandrake 6 installed.  Typing in an outside URL will
trigger the modem and cause the internet connection to come up, Netscape will
list connect on the info line, but the page won't load.  Other machines on
the network can load pages at this point, but Netscape will have to time out (3
to 10 minutes), then entering a URL will work, and everything will be fine
after that.  The initial connection doesn't seem to work.

If I fire up this machine with the dialup already functional, NS will work as
expected.  It's just that initial connection seems to get lost.  I can short
circuit this by firing up a second copy of NS, click OK on the box that warns
"duplicate copy, no cache", and I can browse as expected.

Is this a DNS prob?  I turned off DNS (I think) and am using the hosts file.   I
set everything up as I would in RH52.  Is this just an NS problem?  Should I go
to the libc5 version of NS?