[newbie] archiving to multi volumes

2004-09-22 Thread hugenots
welcome newbie,

  can someone sugest nice script for making tar arcives with given
  size from given folder, presuming that data in folder is more than
  given volume size; that volumes must be independet form each other
  (no file spliting); that volume name is smart (e.g. vol1.tar;
  vol2.tar vol3.tar; ...)

  maybe I'm thinking in the wrong direction, then please enlighten me

  the idea is to make tar arcives for storing to dvd, except storing
  will be done once in a month, but archiving should be perfomed more
  or less every night. so there will be hard copy and daily backup.

force, my friend, is violence!
 hugenots  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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[newbie] postfix loging

2004-06-07 Thread hugenots
Haiz newbie,

  how to configure postfix to make its own log

  I have this in main.cf
debug_peer_level = 2
  but it makes loging in syslog file!

  and how to limit log file size, so it doesn't grow too lage? (the
  same Q for amavis too)

force, my friend, is violence!
 hugenots  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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[newbie] postfix won't work

2004-05-25 Thread hugenots
 I've tryed to install postfix+courier-imap+courier_pop+mysql

 everuthig starts normaly, bt I can't send any mail to this server.
 I get this error message:

May 25 08:51:59 server postfix/smtpd[6032]: connect from unknown[]
May 25 08:51:59 server postfix/smtpd[6032]: warning: connect to mysql server 
localhost: Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket 
'/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock' (2)
May 25 08:51:59 server postfix/smtpd[6032]: NOQUEUE: reject: RCPT from
unknown[]: 451 [EMAIL PROTECTED]: Temporary lookup failure;
from=[EMAIL PROTECTED] to=hug\
[EMAIL PROTECTED] proto=ESMTP helo=localhost
May 25 08:52:00 server postfix/cleanup[6034]: 597B3B907:
message-id=[EMAIL PROTECTED]
May 25 08:52:00 server postfix/qmgr[1738]: 597B3B907:
from=[EMAIL PROTECTED], size=815, nrcpt=1 (queue active)
May 25 08:52:00 server postfix/smtpd[6032]: disconnect from unknown[]
May 25 08:52:00 server postfix/virtual[6035]: 597B3B907:
to=[EMAIL PROTECTED], orig_to=postmaster, relay=virtual, delay=0, status=sent 
(delivered to maildir)
May 25 08:52:00 server postfix/qmgr[1738]: 597B3B907: removed

where is the problem?
which config files should I post that you can make any conclusion?

my /etc/postfix/main.cf file:

# These are changed by postfix install script
queue_directory = /var/spool/postfix
command_directory = /usr/sbin
daemon_directory = /usr/lib/postfix
mail_owner = postfix
sendmail_path = /usr/sbin/sendmail.postfix
newaliases_path = /usr/bin/newaliases.postfix
mailq_path = /usr/bin/mailq.postfix
setgid_group = postdrop
manpage_directory = /usr/share/man
sample_directory = /usr/share/doc/postfix-2.1.0/samples
readme_directory = /usr/share/doc/postfix-2.1.0/README_FILES

# User configurable parameters
#unknown_local_recipient_reject_code = 450
delay_warning_time = 4

smtpd_banner = $myhostname ESMTP $mail_name ($mail_version) (Mandrake Linux)
inet_interfaces = all

mynetworks =,

#added by hugo
alias_maps = hash:/etc/postfix/aliases
alias_database = hash:/etc/postfix/aliases
mail_spool_directory = /var/spool/mail
mailbox_command = /usr/bin/procmail -Y -a $DOMAIN
debug_peer_level = 2
debuger_command = 
xxgdb $daemon_directory/$process_name $process_id  sleep 5
#smtpd_recipient_restrictions = permit_mynetworks
#   warn_if_reject reject_unknown_hostname
smtpd_sender_restrictions = permit_mynetworks
   warn_if_reject reject_unknown_hostname
smtpd_helo_restrictions = permit_mynetworks
   warn_if_reject reject_unknown_hostname

myhostname = bcom.lv
#relayhost = smtp.ml.lv

local_recipient_maps = 
mydestination = 
virtual_transport = virtual
virtual_mailbox_base = /tmp/mail_spool
virtual_mailbox_maps = mysql:/etc/postfix/mysql_mailbox.cf
virtual_uid_maps = mysql:/etc/postfix/mysql_uid.cf
virtual_gid_maps = mysql:/etc/postfix/mysql_gid.cf
virtual_mailbox_domains = localhost $myhostname

force, my friend, is violence!
 hugenots  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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[newbie] samba as DC

2004-05-19 Thread hugenots
Haiz newbie,

  can someone mail me working smb.conf file as domain contoler

  and please point out things I have to be avare of while setting up my
  own DC.

force, my friend, is violence!
 hugenots  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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[newbie] link to folder

2004-05-18 Thread hugenots
Haiz newbie,

  how do I create link to folder

  i gues LN is involved but I can make link to file, so ...

force, my friend, is violence!
 hugenots  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re[2]: [newbie] link to folder

2004-05-18 Thread hugenots
silly me

problem was somewear else, bt it I solved it.

so now I''ve got my links.

force, my friend, is violence!
 hugenots  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

DJ On Tuesday 18 May 2004 10:25, hugenots wrote:
 Haiz newbie,

   how do I create link to folder

   i gues LN is involved but I can make link to file, so ...

 force, my friend, is violence!
  hugenots  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

DJ Exactly the same as for a file.
DJ By command line

DJ ln -s /path/to/target /path/to/link

DJ For some reason it is not possible to create links using Konqueror.
DJ (If someone knows how let me know)

DJ Making links in Rox or xwc is very easy.

DJ derek

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[newbie] spaces in samba shared forders

2004-05-17 Thread hugenots
Haiz newbie,

  how to prevent in samba shares create folders and files containing
  spaces ore some other characters in names.?.

force, my friend, is violence!
 hugenots  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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[newbie] raid in MDK10

2004-05-05 Thread hugenots
Haiz newbie,

  i'm planning to intall ide raid card q-tec 340R!
  does anyone have this card in his PC?
  is it working properly or I have to forget about it?

  any coments about raid+linux!

force, my friend, is violence!
 hugenots  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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[newbie] M$ mail in linux (continued) - kolab server

2004-04-13 Thread hugenots
about kolab server!

I found, I installed...

but I have one suggestion:
wouldn't it be nice to add kolab client too!?
or there is no need for that!?

force, my friend, is violence!
 hugenots  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

R Hash: SHA1

R Op vrijdag 9 april 2004 10:52, schreef hugenots:
 but I found that Mandrake 10.0 will contain a full featured Kolab

R this is from the mcc on my system (MDK 10)
R Name: kolab-server
R Version: 1.0-0.16mdk
R Grootte: 694 KB
R Medium: update_source

R HTH.  ronald

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Re[2]: [newbie] M$ mail in linux

2004-04-09 Thread hugenots
my tnks to everyone who came with his advice!

not speeking about my poor knowledge about instaling programms under

but I found that Mandrake 10.0 will contain a full featured Kolab
server (http://kroupware.org/faq/faq.html)
as for now, it is not true, so I wonder WHEN???

force, my friend, is violence!
 hugenots  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

R Hash: SHA1

R Op woensdag 7 april 2004 18:27, schreef hugenots:
 actualy, main features is posibility to share callendar, contacts,
 make meeting requests...
 someting what outlook does over ms mail.

 so I need the very server, mali client for linux Working like outlook
 and some kind of integrity with M$ outlook.

R maybe this is what you are looking for..

R http://www.kontact.org
R http://kolab.kde.org
R http://egroupware.org
R http://opengroupware.org

R HTH.  ronald

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Re[2]: [newbie] M$ mail in linux

2004-04-07 Thread hugenots
you left my mouth wide shut :)

force, my friend, is violence!
 hugenots  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

SK On Wed, 2004-04-07 at 18:24, hugenots wrote:
 Haiz newbie,
   I know this is unplesant question, bt is there any way for linux
   users work with microsoft mail...
   and is there something like M$ mail under linux?
 force, my friend, is violence!
  hugenots  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

SK 1.) UNIX based mail and FIDO based mail came before M$ types of mail.
SK M$ types of mail are proprietary and generally not well written bits of
SK software.

SK 2.) RESEARCH. Google is your friend. In linux you have Evolution, Balsa,
SK Sylpheed, Kmail and several other mail packages NOT including the ever
SK popular Mozilla Mail and Netscape Mail. Have you bothered to look at
SK your system? You SHOULD have at leat four different packages that come
SK default with your installation without making any choices. RTFM.

SK 3.) Evolution is better than Outlook (otherwise known as LOOKOUT) and
SK Outlook Express (otherwise know and LOOKOUT NOW); dig into your system
SK and RTFM.

SK 4.) You have the ability with a normal installation to have IMAP and
SK POP3 by default; if you want M$ style IMAP ability, install the packages
SK and they work right off the bat. RTFM.

SK Linux/*NIX are the original mail handlers from more than 30 years
SK past. You also have PINE, MUTT and MAIL available from the command
SK line...

SK How long have you been using linux now?

SK stephen kuhn - owner
SK ==
SK illawarra computer services
SK a kuhn media australia company
SK http://kma.0catch.com
SK --
SK   * This message was composed on a 100% Microsoft free computer *
SK   We expressly refuse to utilise Microsoft DRM encoded documents
SK --
SK Everyone knows that dragons don't exist. But while this simplistic
SK formulation may satisfy the layman, it does not suffice for the
SK scientific mind. The School of Higher Neantical Nillity is in fact
SK wholly unconcerned with what does exist. Indeed, the banality of
SK existence has been so amply demonstrated, there is no need for us to
SK discuss it any further here. The brilliant Cerebron, attacking the
SK problem analytically, discovered three distinct kinds of dragon: the
SK mythical, the chimerical, and the purely hypothetical. They were all,
SK one might say, nonexistent, but each nonexisted in an entirely different
SK way ... -- Stanislaw Lem, Cyberiad

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[newbie] ms mail in linux

2004-04-07 Thread hugenots
Haiz newbie,

  I know this is unplesant question, bt is there any way for linux
  users work with microsoft mail...

  and is there something like M$ mail under linux?

force, my friend, is violence!
 hugenots  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re[2]: [newbie] M$ mail in linux

2004-04-07 Thread hugenots
there seems some problem with this list!

I've made several posts because, I get bounce mail, and post go to
list realy slow...

force, my friend, is violence!
 hugenots  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

SK On Wed, 2004-04-07 at 18:24, hugenots wrote:
 Haiz newbie,
   I know this is unplesant question, bt is there any way for linux
   users work with microsoft mail...
   and is there something like M$ mail under linux?
 force, my friend, is violence!
  hugenots  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

SK 1.) UNIX based mail and FIDO based mail came before M$ types of mail.
SK M$ types of mail are proprietary and generally not well written bits of
SK software.

SK 2.) RESEARCH. Google is your friend. In linux you have Evolution, Balsa,
SK Sylpheed, Kmail and several other mail packages NOT including the ever
SK popular Mozilla Mail and Netscape Mail. Have you bothered to look at
SK your system? You SHOULD have at leat four different packages that come
SK default with your installation without making any choices. RTFM.

SK 3.) Evolution is better than Outlook (otherwise known as LOOKOUT) and
SK Outlook Express (otherwise know and LOOKOUT NOW); dig into your system
SK and RTFM.

SK 4.) You have the ability with a normal installation to have IMAP and
SK POP3 by default; if you want M$ style IMAP ability, install the packages
SK and they work right off the bat. RTFM.

SK Linux/*NIX are the original mail handlers from more than 30 years
SK past. You also have PINE, MUTT and MAIL available from the command
SK line...

SK How long have you been using linux now?

SK stephen kuhn - owner
SK ==
SK illawarra computer services
SK a kuhn media australia company
SK http://kma.0catch.com
SK --
SK   * This message was composed on a 100% Microsoft free computer *
SK   We expressly refuse to utilise Microsoft DRM encoded documents
SK --
SK Everyone knows that dragons don't exist. But while this simplistic
SK formulation may satisfy the layman, it does not suffice for the
SK scientific mind. The School of Higher Neantical Nillity is in fact
SK wholly unconcerned with what does exist. Indeed, the banality of
SK existence has been so amply demonstrated, there is no need for us to
SK discuss it any further here. The brilliant Cerebron, attacking the
SK problem analytically, discovered three distinct kinds of dragon: the
SK mythical, the chimerical, and the purely hypothetical. They were all,
SK one might say, nonexistent, but each nonexisted in an entirely different
SK way ... -- Stanislaw Lem, Cyberiad

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Re[2]: [newbie] M$ mail in linux

2004-04-07 Thread hugenots
thats what I had in mind, but as you said it was the forerunner to exchange..

and I would be very happy to find linux based system...
main point is not to forget about MS users.

actualy, main features is posibility to share callendar, contacts,
make meeting requests...
someting what outlook does over ms mail.

so I need the very server, mali client for linux Working like outlook
and some kind of integrity with M$ outlook.

if solve this quest, it will be posible for me to persuade tom start
migrating to linux...

force, my friend, is violence!
 hugenots  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

f I don't think he means like exchange or normal mail..
f years back  I used to use a microsoft mail program which I setup to
f allow people on the internal network to leave messages for each other..
f sorta like internal messanging system.. I think it was the forerunner to
f exchange..

f I could be wrong, but that sounds like what he is after a client for.
f He might be out of luck, microsoft mail used to work via samba I think..
f (clients looked at a shared directory on the server)

f thats from memory so could be wrong.

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[newbie] how do I kill crashed program

2004-04-03 Thread hugenots
Haiz newbie,

  I have installed xing player, bt it sometimes stops responding!
  maybe some damaged media file or what, bt the question is how do I
  kill it or restart

  i know terminam comand kill, bt is there any lame way

  I'm running MD 9.1 and KDE (default version i gues)

force, my friend, is violence!
 hugenots  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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[newbie] a/v codecs

2004-03-30 Thread hugenots
Haiz newbie,

  is there any way to get them all as one collection?

  it could turn out too tiresome if you choose to install the one by

  and please sugest me some fine video player.


force, my friend, is violence!
 hugenots  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: [newbie] Which FTP Server is Installed by Default on MDK 10

2004-03-30 Thread hugenots
I gues proftpd, as it is in MDK 9

force, my friend, is violence!
 hugenots  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

SR Which FTP server is Installed by default if you select the server option when
SR you install MDK 10?

SR Steve

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[newbie] copy of HDD

2004-03-05 Thread hugenots
Haiz newbie,

  how can I take ones HDD and add it to other machine and make it
  accessible without any lost of data.

  proble is that I have to copy large amount of data
  (more than 60 GB) :(  I love movies ;)
  form one PC to another.
  over LAN it can get to tiresome...

force, my friend, is violence!
 hugenots  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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[newbie] download won't start

2004-02-26 Thread hugenots
Haiz newbie,

  I've installed MD 9.2 and everying runs just fine
  problem start when I write in konqueror (sorry if misspelt it)
  I get shares of this windows machine, bt I cannot get any
  file from it. download just sticks to 0%...
  the best is that if I use LinNeighbourhood and mount network shares
  then it goes fine until next restart. after restart I cannot get the
  folder list from mounted shares!

  is there any idea whats wrong???

force, my friend, is violence!
 hugenots  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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[newbie] looking for FF DIN font

2004-02-24 Thread hugenots
Haiz newbie,

  I've tried everything, but I haven't found font I'm looking for!
  could someone please help me with FF DIN font...

force, my friend, is violence!
 hugenots  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re[2]: [newbie] Printing Problems HP 5L - Open Office Calc

2004-02-23 Thread hugenots
well there is a problem from me to!

I get stuck when sending to printer large fails...
but when I hold and then start this job everything goes on.
any ideas why!?

I'm using CUPS an HP 6P printer

force, my friend, is violence!
 hugenots  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

DJ On Monday 23 Feb 2004 20:52, Weiers Coetser wrote:
 Hi, I am as newbie as can be.

 I set up a sizeable spreadsheet with Open Office and neglected to toggle
 print selected sheet only option.

 Ended up printing 8 copies of the whole spreadsheet (11 sheets) =
 approximately 90 pages.

 I tried everything to try to stop the printjob.
 But it was not registered in the Print Manager.
 Swithched the computer off. Swithced the printer off. Rebooted into Win XP.
 The moment I returned to Linux the printer started printing.

 1. How do I stop a printjob if I am not happy with it.
 2. How do I set OpenOffice to only print the selected sheet by default, in
 stead of the whole document?

 (I hope I did not hi-jack any threads. I did do a search of the archives,
 but did not find something that seems to answer this particular questions)

DJ There are lots of ways to manage print jobs.
DJ Assuming you are using KDE and CUPS :-

DJ In konqueror press the 'services' button in the tool bar dividing the pane.
DJ The left pane will then show 'Print System Browser'  You can stop jobs in
DJ there.

DJ Or Right click on your 'Quick start' bar select 
Panel MenuAddSpecial ButtonPrint System

DJ Or in any browser
DJ http://localhost:631

DJ derek

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[newbie] rooter software

2004-02-19 Thread hugenots
Haiz newbie,

  can anyone advise me some rooter software!
  I want to get remote control and real time monitoring...
  something like exe in windows who can connect to rooter and I can
  see what's going on.

  sorry for my poor english, but I hope you get the message!

force, my friend, is violence!
 hugenots  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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[newbie] help with setting time...

2004-02-13 Thread hugenots
Haiz newbie,


I do like this:

Thu Feb 12 11:47:00 EST 2004
[EMAIL PROTECTED] root]# date -s EET
Wed Feb 11 17:00:00 EST 2004
 as you can see time has changed, bt time zone is the same :(
 have I missunderstood something? I want to get time zone set to EET!

 maybe I don't get the right idea about how it works :(

force, my friend, is violence!
 hugenots  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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[newbie] time zones

2004-02-11 Thread hugenots
Haiz newbie,

  I have time set to Wed Feb 11 10:34:09 EST 2004

  EST is USA time zone I guess, but where can I find other time zones
  :) sound silly, but I have only remote access to my linux machine,
  so I have to do it through SSH! but there I cannot get any clue...
  hope you will understand me!

force, my friend, is violence!
 hugenots  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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[newbie] strange printing problem

2004-02-06 Thread hugenots
can enyone help me! It's realy urgent problem...

Haiz newbie,

I have M 9.1 with samba and cups running on it!
I have HP LaserJet 6P attached to this machine and I share this
everything works fine, but on some conditions printing queue gets
stuck. I have made some observations that I occasionally happens when
there are some ppt (powrepoint prezentation) as pending job! bt it may
also be with some other files as well.

shoud I provide you with cupsd.conf and smb.conf to see the
problem?!?! If so how can I get then without those waste comments the
easyest way! :)

force, my friend, is violence!
 hugenots  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re[2]: [newbie] strange printing problem

2004-02-06 Thread hugenots
bt when I restar printing job everything goes fine...

still strange, bt I will consider this idea.

force, my friend, is violence!
 hugenots  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

AS It sounds almost as if some of the docs required a different
AS paper format that the default one (for example, Letter instead of
AS A4).
AS //Alex

AS -Original Message-
AS From: hugenots [EMAIL PROTECTED]
AS Date: Fri, 6 Feb 2004 13:33:51 +0200
AS Subject: [newbie] strange printing problem

AS can enyone help me! It's realy urgent problem...

AS Haiz newbie,

AS I have M 9.1 with samba and cups running on it!
AS I have HP LaserJet 6P attached to this machine and I share this
AS printer!
AS everything works fine, but on some conditions printing queue gets
AS stuck. I have made some observations that I occasionally happens when
AS there are some ppt (powrepoint prezentation) as pending job! bt it may
AS also be with some other files as well.

AS shoud I provide you with cupsd.conf and smb.conf to see the
AS problem?!?! If so how can I get then without those waste comments the
AS easyest way! :)

AS force, my friend, is violence!

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[newbie] problems installing proftpd

2004-01-21 Thread hugenots
Haiz newbie,

  I download proftpd souce and follow installation procedure:
  copy proftpd-1.2.9.tar.gz into /usr/local/src
  tar xvfz proftpd-1.2.9.tar.gz
  ... everything gose fine
  ... so far so fine
  ... is done perfectly
  make install
  ... also is done perfectly

  but when I try to log onto ftp server I get this error:
ftp: connect: Connection refused

where I have done something wrong or have missed something?

force, my friend, is violence!
 hugenots  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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