Re: [newbie] [Newbie] Windowmaker is borked on 9.0????

2003-02-12 Thread FemmeFatale
At 09:08 PM 2/11/2003 -0500, you wrote:

Hash: SHA1

On Tuesday 11 February 2003 07:51 pm, FemmeFatale wrote:

> That will do.  Thx Damian.  Not that I'll remember the command cause I
> don't understand grep yet... :)
> So I'll just save your mail as a txt file.

Hey FF, try this.  Add the following line to your ~/.bashrc file

- --

Wow... awesome Greg!  Thx a bunch :)

Good Decisions You boss Made:
"We'll do as you suggest and go with Linux. I've always liked that
character from Peanuts."

- Source: Dilbert

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Re: [newbie] [Newbie] Windowmaker is borked on 9.0????

2003-02-12 Thread Greg Meyer
Hash: SHA1

On Wednesday 12 February 2003 09:18 am, Tom Brinkman wrote:
>   The last part '$1' isn't needed, eg,
>  tom$ alias frpm
> alias frpm='rpm -qa | grep -i'

Thanks for the correction.  I learn something new every day.

- -- 
Version: GnuPG v1.0.7 (GNU/Linux)


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Re: [newbie] [Newbie] Windowmaker is borked on 9.0????

2003-02-12 Thread Tom Brinkman
On Tuesday February 11 2003 09:01 pm, Greg Meyer wrote:

> On Tuesday 11 February 2003 06:23 pm, Damian Gatabria wrote:
> > > Hey FF, try this.  Add the following line to your ~/.bashrc
> > > file
> > >
> > > alias rpmq="rpm -qa | grep -i $1"
> >
> > Nice idea... why don't i have that on my box!?
> I bet you do now ;-)

  The last part '$1' isn't needed, eg,

 tom$ alias frpm
alias frpm='rpm -qa | grep -i'

 tom$ frpm rpm

Actually I believe the use of 'urpmq' (man urpmq) is better than 
my alias, but it's hard to teach an old dog (like me) new tricks ;)

Tom Brinkman  Corpus Christi, Texas

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Re: [newbie] [Newbie] Windowmaker is borked on 9.0????

2003-02-12 Thread Tom Brinkman
On Tuesday February 11 2003 07:01 pm, et wrote:

> > >[root@localhost user]# rpm -qa  | grep -i Windowmaker
> > >WindowMaker-0.80.1-2.1mdk

> > That will do.  Thx Damian.  Not that I'll remember the command
> > cause I don't understand grep yet... :)
> > So I'll just save your mail as a txt file.
> > -
> > FemmeFatale

> grep is just a way to use regular words to sort and see only
> certian info. in the above command, rpm -qa (asks the rpm program
> to Query All so -qa) then "|" is a "pipe to" or route thru, then,
> grep -i Windowmaker says only answers that (-i) include
> "WIndowmaker" so grep strips out all the answers that don't include
> "Windowmaker"

   -i, --ignore-case
  Ignore case distinctions in  both  the  PATTERN  and 
  the  input files.

rpm -qa  | grep -i windowmaker   will also return
Tom Brinkman  Corpus Christi, Texas

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Re: [newbie] [Newbie] Windowmaker is borked on 9.0????

2003-02-11 Thread Greg Meyer
Hash: SHA1

On Tuesday 11 February 2003 06:23 pm, Damian Gatabria wrote:
> > Hey FF, try this.  Add the following line to your ~/.bashrc file
> >
> > alias rpmq="rpm -qa | grep -i $1"
> Nice idea... why don't i have that on my box!?
I bet you do now ;-)

- -- 
Version: GnuPG v1.0.7 (GNU/Linux)


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Re: [newbie] [Newbie] Windowmaker is borked on 9.0????

2003-02-11 Thread Damian Gatabria
> Hey FF, try this.  Add the following line to your ~/.bashrc file
> alias rpmq="rpm -qa | grep -i $1"

Nice idea... why don't i have that on my box!?


I don't want Windows to be only for the 31173. Yes, we've come a long way from
all those security holes, virii, and cryptic commands like "Edit textfile.txt"
(what in the hell is that supposed to mean?)

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Re: [newbie] [Newbie] Windowmaker is borked on 9.0????

2003-02-11 Thread Greg Meyer
Hash: SHA1

On Tuesday 11 February 2003 07:51 pm, FemmeFatale wrote:

> That will do.  Thx Damian.  Not that I'll remember the command cause I
> don't understand grep yet... :)
> So I'll just save your mail as a txt file.

Hey FF, try this.  Add the following line to your ~/.bashrc file

alias rpmq="rpm -qa | grep -i $1"

rpm  = call the rpm program
- -qa  = list all files installed to standard output (screen)
|= redirect output to 
grep = search input for text string
- -i   = ignore case
$1   = variable indicating string to search for

What the line I am telling you to add does is alias rpmq (or any other string 
you can remember for that matter) to the command rpm -qa | grep.  So now when 
you type 

[greg@aurora ~]$ rpmq fluxbox

You'll get (on my box anyway)


Which is the same result as typing rpm -qa | grep -i fluxbox.  The purpose of 
doing this is so you don't have to remember "rpm -qa | grep -i", just rpmq.

You can do this with lot's of commands.  Here is another example.  I like my 
directory listings done to have the file size in human readable format as 
well as all file attributes displayed and the list displayed in color when I 
use the ls command.  Since ls does not do this by default, I added this line 
to my .bashrc file:

alias ls="ls -lsh --color"

now when I type ls I get 

[greg@aurora ~]$ ls
total 6.4M
 20K -rw-r--r--1 greg greg17K Feb  7 23:52 blackbox-menu
4.0K drwxrwxr-x4 greg greg   4.0K Feb 11 09:00 Desktop/
1.1M -rw-r--r--1 greg greg   1.1M Jan 26 21:31 diskoutput
4.0K -rw-rw-r--1 greg greg   1.3K Feb  2 10:11 Fix_Bug.patch
4.0K drwxr-xr-x3 greg greg   4.0K Jan 29 09:26 GNUstep/
 80K -rw-rw-r--1 greg greg73K Jan 26 22:32 ioerrors
4.0K drwxr-xr-x3 greg greg   4.0K Feb  7 07:40 iso/
156K -rwxrwxrwx1 greg greg   151K Feb  2 10:04 kdebase.spec
156K -rwxrwxrwx1 greg greg   151K Feb  2 10:04 kdebase.spec*
156K -rwxrwxrwx1 greg greg   151K Feb  2 09:59 kdebase.spec~*
4.0K -rw-rw-r--1 greg greg972 Jan 31 07:44 kdeerror
4.0K drwx--   18 greg greg   4.0K Feb 11 19:25 Mail/
4.0K drwxr-xr-x2 greg greg   4.0K Jan 31 16:10 mnt/
4.0K -rw-r--r--1 greg greg   2.6K Jan 27 11:44 partition.log
   0 -rw-rw-r--1 greg greg  0 Jan 27 11:43 part.log
4.0K -rw-r--r--1 greg greg   1.6K Feb 11 12:05 qt3_build-erros
4.0K -rw-r--r--1 greg greg   1.6K Feb 11 11:33 qt3_build-erros~
 60K -rw-r--r--1 greg greg54K Jan 30 22:44 results.txt
4.0K drwxrwxr-x8 greg greg   4.0K Feb 11 08:40 RPM/
4.0K drwxrwxr-x2 greg greg   4.0K Feb  8 12:42 scripts/
   0 lrwxrwxrwx1 greg greg 10 Feb  5 21:44 shared -> /mnt/smb/
2.5M -rw---1 greg greg   2.5M Jan 19 23:42 shlop2.mpg
4.0K drwxrwxr-x3 greg greg   4.0K Jan 29 12:49 staroffice6.0/
4.0K drwx--6 greg greg   4.0K Feb  7 23:52 tmp/
4.0K drwxr-xr-x   18 greg greg   4.0K Feb  9 20:09 win/

One more note.  If you want these to take effect for all users, put them in 
the /etc/bashrc file.  If you want them to be set for certain users, put them 
in the ~/.bashrc files of each user.

- -- 
Version: GnuPG v1.0.7 (GNU/Linux)


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Re: [newbie] [Newbie] Windowmaker is borked on 9.0????

2003-02-11 Thread FemmeFatale
At 10:20 PM 2/11/2003 +, you wrote:

> That will do.  Thx Damian.  Not that I'll remember the command cause I
> don't understand grep yet... :)
> So I'll just save your mail as a txt file.
> -
> FemmeFatale

But for this kind of usage, grep is as simple as can be! the -i switch
is simpy for case-INsensitivity. (so that a grep for windowmaker
will return results that include "Windowmaker, WINDOWMAKER", you
get the idea)

In this particular example, it's not even needed, you can usually just
"grep searchterm" and it will work :o)



Heh thx Damian.  Your answer is just as good as Ed's.

Good Decisions You boss Made:
"We'll do as you suggest and go with Linux. I've always liked that
character from Peanuts."

- Source: Dilbert

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Re: [newbie] [Newbie] Windowmaker is borked on 9.0????

2003-02-11 Thread FemmeFatale
At 08:01 PM 2/11/2003 -0500, you wrote:

> FemmeFatale
> Good Decisions You boss Made:
> "We'll do as you suggest and go with Linux. I've always liked that
> character from Peanuts."
> - Source: Dilbert
grep is just a way to use regular words to sort and see only certian info.
in the above command, rpm -qa (asks the rpm program to Query All so -qa) then
"|" is a "pipe to" or route thru, then, grep -i Windowmaker says only answers
that (-i) include "WIndowmaker" so grep strips out all the answers that don't
include "Windowmaker"

Wow... Thx Ed!  Thats the easiest answer & way to remember this stuff. 
:)  Up till the books I'd read about using grep were very confusing. Thx

Good Decisions You boss Made:
"We'll do as you suggest and go with Linux. I've always liked that
character from Peanuts."

- Source: Dilbert

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Re: [newbie] [Newbie] Windowmaker is borked on 9.0????

2003-02-11 Thread Terry Smith
On Tue, 2003-02-11 at 20:01, et wrote:
> On Tuesday 11 February 2003 07:51 pm, FemmeFatale wrote:
> > At 09:14 PM 2/11/2003 +, you wrote:
> > > > On a side note how can I tell which version of any window manager I'm
> > > > using?  Whats teh CLI cmd or Gui place to look?
> > > >
> > > > -
> > > > FemmeFatale
> > >
> > >umm.. like this?
> > >
> > >
> > >[root@localhost user]# rpm -qa  | grep -i Windowmaker
> > >WindowMaker-0.80.1-2.1mdk
> > >
> > >
> > >HTH
> > >
> > >Damian
> > >--
> >
> > That will do.  Thx Damian.  Not that I'll remember the command cause I
> > don't understand grep yet... :)
> > So I'll just save your mail as a txt file.
> > -
> > FemmeFatale
> >
> > Good Decisions You boss Made:
> > "We'll do as you suggest and go with Linux. I've always liked that
> > character from Peanuts."
> >
> > - Source: Dilbert
> grep is just a way to use regular words to sort and see only certian info. 
> in the above command, rpm -qa (asks the rpm program to Query All so -qa) then 
> "|" is a "pipe to" or route thru, then, grep -i Windowmaker says only answers 
> that (-i) include "WIndowmaker" so grep strips out all the answers that don't 
> include "Windowmaker" 
Thanks, ET, explaining things is the way to go.

A minor point ... the -i option for grep indicates that the search
should ignore case. This is useful if you're not sure if the rpm is
named WindowMaker, windowmaker, Windowmaker

Terry Smith


> Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
> Go to

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Re: [newbie] [Newbie] Windowmaker is borked on 9.0????

2003-02-11 Thread Damian Gatabria
> That will do.  Thx Damian.  Not that I'll remember the command cause I
> don't understand grep yet... :)
> So I'll just save your mail as a txt file.
> -
> FemmeFatale

But for this kind of usage, grep is as simple as can be! the -i switch
is simpy for case-INsensitivity. (so that a grep for windowmaker
will return results that include "Windowmaker, WINDOWMAKER", you
get the idea)

In this particular example, it's not even needed, you can usually just 
"grep searchterm" and it will work :o)


I don't want Windows to be only for the 31173. Yes, we've come a long way from
all those security holes, virii, and cryptic commands like "Edit textfile.txt"
(what in the hell is that supposed to mean?)

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Re: [newbie] [Newbie] Windowmaker is borked on 9.0????

2003-02-11 Thread et
On Tuesday 11 February 2003 07:51 pm, FemmeFatale wrote:
> At 09:14 PM 2/11/2003 +, you wrote:
> > > On a side note how can I tell which version of any window manager I'm
> > > using?  Whats teh CLI cmd or Gui place to look?
> > >
> > > -
> > > FemmeFatale
> >
> >umm.. like this?
> >
> >
> >[root@localhost user]# rpm -qa  | grep -i Windowmaker
> >WindowMaker-0.80.1-2.1mdk
> >
> >
> >HTH
> >
> >Damian
> >--
> That will do.  Thx Damian.  Not that I'll remember the command cause I
> don't understand grep yet... :)
> So I'll just save your mail as a txt file.
> -
> FemmeFatale
> Good Decisions You boss Made:
> "We'll do as you suggest and go with Linux. I've always liked that
> character from Peanuts."
> - Source: Dilbert
grep is just a way to use regular words to sort and see only certian info. 
in the above command, rpm -qa (asks the rpm program to Query All so -qa) then 
"|" is a "pipe to" or route thru, then, grep -i Windowmaker says only answers 
that (-i) include "WIndowmaker" so grep strips out all the answers that don't 
include "Windowmaker" 

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Re: [newbie] [Newbie] Windowmaker is borked on 9.0????

2003-02-11 Thread FemmeFatale
At 09:14 PM 2/11/2003 +, you wrote:

> On a side note how can I tell which version of any window manager I'm
> using?  Whats teh CLI cmd or Gui place to look?
> -
> FemmeFatale

umm.. like this?

[root@localhost user]# rpm -qa  | grep -i Windowmaker



That will do.  Thx Damian.  Not that I'll remember the command cause I 
don't understand grep yet... :)
So I'll just save your mail as a txt file.

Good Decisions You boss Made:
"We'll do as you suggest and go with Linux. I've always liked that
character from Peanuts."

- Source: Dilbert

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Re: [newbie] [Newbie] Windowmaker is borked on 9.0????

2003-02-11 Thread Damian Gatabria
> On a side note how can I tell which version of any window manager I'm
> using?  Whats teh CLI cmd or Gui place to look?
> -
> FemmeFatale

umm.. like this?

[root@localhost user]# rpm -qa  | grep -i Windowmaker


I don't want Windows to be only for the 31173. Yes, we've come a long way from
all those security holes, virii, and cryptic commands like "Edit textfile.txt"
(what in the hell is that supposed to mean?)

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[newbie] [Newbie] Windowmaker is borked on 9.0????

2003-02-11 Thread FemmeFatale

I tried to run WindowMaker on 9.0 the other day.  It gave strange errors & 
wouldn't run properly.  Whats up with that?  I d/led a new(er) *I hope* 
WMaker from the contrib or one of MDK's mirror sites.  I haven't installed 
it yet thinkig that if I can just make the one that comes with 9.0 works I 
won't bother loading it.  If I can't fix windowmaker as it is now, I'll try 
using the newer one I have.

On a side note how can I tell which version of any window manager I'm 
using?  Whats teh CLI cmd or Gui place to look?


Good Decisions You boss Made:
"We'll do as you suggest and go with Linux. I've always liked that
character from Peanuts."

- Source: Dilbert

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