Re: [newbie] 2 questions about web server

2001-08-01 Thread Michael D. Viron

At 10:45 PM 07/31/2001 -0400, Jon Doe wrote:
1. How do I get password protected site going? I know I need htaccess and 
htpasswd files? How do I make them and where do I put them?
You need three files...

These are .htaccess (in the directory you wish to protect, which also
protects all subdirectories off of that directory), htpasswd and htgroup
(which should be in /var/www).

They should look like:

deny from all
AuthName WhateverYouWant
AuthType Basic
AuthUserFile /var/www/htpasswd
AuthGroupFile /var/www/htgroup
require group groupname
require user username1, username2, etc
satisfy any

groupname: username1, username2, etc

The htpasswd file is generated by /usr/bin/htpasswd.

To create it, do 'htpasswd -c htpasswd username1' (from /var/www, and
without the quotes).  This will create the file, and add username1 to it.

2. I would like people to be able to upload files to my computer. How do I
about that?

This depends on whether you want an ftp upload, or a web upload.  If you
want an ftp upload, you can setup an anonymous ftp server with an incoming
directory.  For a web upload, you'll have to do a search somewhere like to see if any web upload software is available (either perl
or php).


Michael Viron
Registered Linux User #81978
Senior Systems  Administration Consultant
Web Spinners, University of West Florida

RE: [newbie] 2 questions about web server

2001-08-01 Thread Franki

don't know if this has been answered yet..

if you want to upload files to your linux box...

get a browser, point it at a search engine, and try typing upload, or

or any other variations, there are alot of perl cgi scripts that do just
that, all the newer ones are based on

the older ones are probably

horses for courses.

as for the .htaccess and ptpasswd files, put them in the highest directory
you want to protect, (say for example that you want to protect
/var/www/html/secured and every directory below it... then thats where you
put the files..

then you need to run the actual file that creates the file, here is an
exerpt of the user instructions from one of mine.
htpasswd manager.access your_user_name
#where manager.access is the file that you want to contain the

The server should respond with...

 Adding user your_user_name
 New password: (you'll type your password)

 Re-type new password: (you'll type it again :-))

Thats all there is to it,, IF your apache is setup to use them. (you might
need to configure that.)

give it a shot



-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Jon Doe
Sent: Wednesday, 1 August 2001 10:46 AM
Subject: [newbie] 2 questions about web server

1. How do I get password protected site going? I know I need htaccess and
htpasswd files? How do I make them and where do I put them?

2. I would like people to be able to upload files to my computer. How do I
about that?

[newbie] 2 questions about web server

2001-07-31 Thread Jon Doe

1. How do I get password protected site going? I know I need htaccess and 
htpasswd files? How do I make them and where do I put them?

2. I would like people to be able to upload files to my computer. How do I go 
about that?