Re: [newbie] Ghost Mailspool

2001-01-20 Thread Mark Weaver


Hey man! that's great!! way to hang in there. Feels good, doesn't it?

Now...where'd I put that ballpeen hammer?...


"If you don't share your concepts and ideals, they end up being worthless,"
"Sharing is what makes them powerful."

Linus Torvalds

On Fri, 19 Jan 2001, Oliver L. Plaine Jr. wrote:

 On Wed, 17 Jan 2001 21:18:33 -0600, Olly wrote:

  Are you familiar with socket problems...what would normally be
 a logical approach for repair of sticky sockets? or trouble shooting ?
  The man fetchmail says  "treat it as an unrecoverable error"
 wellI must do some recovery...somehow...
 Fri, 19 Jan 2001  15:38:29

 I got it Mark...heeheee
  I am happy to report
 that the problem is cured and I can download mailand it

 Here is the fix:

 from a FaQ written by Eric S. Raymond, at [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 R7. Fetchmail randomly dies with socket errors.

 Check the MTU value in your PPP interface reported by /sbin/ifconfig.
 If it's over 600,
 change it in your PPP options file. (/etc/ppp/options on my box). Here
 are option values
 that work:

   mtu 552
   mru 552

   I added the above options to my /etc /ppp/options file and it
 works nicely
   I do not profess to even a slight  knowledge of the intricate
 relationship between ppp and the various mailprogram protocalsBut
 it seems to me that a mtu value in the ppp interface is in fact a ppp
 related problem.

 At any rate, the problem is cured and I am getting mail...hopefully
 this may help someone else, for this is not an easy problem for a
 beginner to research..I could not determine if the difficulty
 originated with worldnet server., my programs ,,or a combination of
 the two?
   But now it is over...until the next problem 8-)

 Thank you for your help and patience.

 Olly P

Re: [newbie] Ghost Mailspool

2001-01-19 Thread Oliver L. Plaine Jr.

On Wed, 17 Jan 2001 21:18:33 -0600, Olly wrote:

   Are you familiar with socket problems...what would normally be
a logical approach for repair of sticky sockets? or trouble shooting ?

   The man fetchmail says  "treat it as an unrecoverable error"
wellI must do some recovery...somehow...
Fri, 19 Jan 2001  15:38:29

I got it Mark...heeheee
 I am happy to report
that the problem is cured and I can download mailand it

Here is the fix:

from a FaQ written by Eric S. Raymond, at [EMAIL PROTECTED]

R7. Fetchmail randomly dies with socket errors.

Check the MTU value in your PPP interface reported by /sbin/ifconfig.
If it's over 600, 
change it in your PPP options file. (/etc/ppp/options on my box). Here
are option values 
that work:

  mtu 552
  mru 552

I added the above options to my /etc /ppp/options file and it
works nicely
I do not profess to even a slight  knowledge of the intricate
relationship between ppp and the various mailprogram protocalsBut
it seems to me that a mtu value in the ppp interface is in fact a ppp
related problem.

At any rate, the problem is cured and I am getting mail...hopefully
this may help someone else, for this is not an easy problem for a
beginner to research..I could not determine if the difficulty
originated with worldnet server., my programs ,,or a combination of
the two?
But now it is over...until the next problem 8-)

Thank you for your help and patience.

Olly P

Re: [newbie] Ghost Mailspool

2001-01-17 Thread Oliver L. Plaine Jr.

On Tue, 16 Jan 2001 20:48:19 -0500 (EST), you wrote:

Where are you telling it to go when you download the mail from the server?


Wed, 17 Jan 2001  11:51:06

Hi MarkThe Kmail is setup to go to ~/Mail and that dir does
exist..this is default and I did not attempt to redirect it...

The netscape mail ~/nsmailsame data applies.

these are two different mail programs so my problem must be something
that is applicable to both? it seems to be downloading but not saving?

It will save newsgroups in PAN but I did notice a couple of
times when all the data was gone, and then mysteriously reappeared?
but I am unfamiliar as to how all these programs function as I have
never had a modem that actually does Linux until recently.  An old
time user of "Forte agent" I was trying to not compare PAN in its
present infancy and am overlooking small things until I get a clue on
what is what..

 I am guessing, the mail should go directly to the program
element directory  that requested the download?...and not go to /var/
like maybe fetchmail would?...I can't try it in fetchmail for when I
tried to set it up the fetchmailconf crashed and is now jammed

If I command "fetchmail" or "fetchmailconf" I get a error
message:  fetchmail: couldn't find canonical DNS name of `umask 077; fetchmail --configdump --no
syslog /tmp/fetchmailconf.4010'  run failure, status 2816.unknown
error while running fetchmail --configdump.

The above translates to me as  it errored running conf
and it errored again trying to dump?  I have found no log entrys?

But this occurred when I was trying to set up fetchmail after
the two GUI mailprograms wouldn't saveand may not be related or
perhaps yes?

One other thing .I noticed is while in PAN I get errors of
socket problems.(remember my total operating time with this program
equals less than one hour)  I think these sockets would also be used
in the other programs although they don't say anything as PAN does?

Do you think my whole problem might be sticky sockets?

Thanks for responding
Olly P

Re: [newbie] Ghost Mailspool

2001-01-17 Thread Oliver L. Plaine Jr.

On Wed, 17 Jan 2001 15:59:30 -0500 (EST), Mark wrote:


The fetchmail error you're getting when you tried to download mail with
command line fetchmail is a communication error between fetchmail and the
TCP/IP to speak. I get that error when I issue a fetchmail
command froma terminal window and my modem isnn't connected to the
internet. Alright.'..stop laughing...pick yourself up off the floor. It
was late and I needed to unplug.
Wed, 17 Jan 2001  16:52:19

How embarrassing Mark heehenot for you though, but for me..grin

It seems as though the fetchmail conf Was done already, and trying to
access the IP connection that I had not you describe
above...geeso much for my five minutes of experience with

When running fetchmail (with a connection) I can see the mail
being downloaded much as before with all the other mail programs..

However now I get another nice error message that the other
programs did not mention...this may explain the whole problem of not
getting a mail file.?
fetchmail 13 messages for ollyplaine at  (2429878 octets) . reading message 1 of
13 (662174 octets)  fetchmail time out after 300 seconds.

fetchmail: client /server syncronization error while fetching from,
fetchmail: query status =7 (error)
Looks like I rolled a seven?
Ok what syncronizes the two?  obviously , though the mail
is coming down..the download never closes and saves?

I am going to search for an explanation of error 7...meanwhile
does the above mean anything to you?

Tell me...the path statement that you have entered for these programs,
does it read ~/Mail  ~/nsmail, or /home/username/Mail

they should bothe read as the latter two read. If they don't change them
and let me know what happens.

Naw Mark...I didn't enter anything...those were defaults ...I was just
telling you where they were. I am sure the GUI pathed them correctly
it just don't show the whole path...but anyway those files are made in
the proper directories...(but empty).

You and I both know that every mail program on the machine is
not is weird how every one conceals information
differently...Kmail don't say anything...NS says it is downloading
one...but fetchmail gives me a sync error...that is the most helpful
yet...I still don't have a clue what to do though?

Thanks for the help
Olly P

Re: [newbie] Ghost Mailspool

2001-01-17 Thread Mark Weaver

On Wed, 17 Jan 2001, Oliver L. Plaine Jr. wrote:
 How embarrassing Mark heehenot for you though, but for me..grin

   When running fetchmail (with a connection) I can see the mail
 being downloaded much as before with all the other mail programs..
   However now I get another nice error message that the other
 programs did not mention...this may explain the whole problem of not
 getting a mail file.?
 fetchmail 13 messages for ollyplaine at  (2429878 octets) . reading message 1 of
 13 (662174 octets)  fetchmail time out after 300 seconds.

It sounds like part of the problem may very well be on the server end and not 
on your end. For what ever reason the connection is timing out and you're not 
able to establish a real good connection to be able to download your mail. 
I'm assuming that you have absolutely no problems at all getting your mail if 
you're running windows, right?

Fetchmail is reporting in plain english, as some other programs could clearly 
take a lesson from, what part of the problem is. Now, all you've got to do is 
find out why? I'd be willing to bet that you haven't been downloading any 
mail at all as long as this has been happening each and every time you 
attempt to connect to the mail server from Linux.

Clearly fetchmail is seeing your mail on the server as evidenced from the 
output just before the connection times out.

 fetchmail: client /server syncronization error while fetching from,
 fetchmail: query status =7 (error)

All that status = 7 means is that the connection from the server to your 
computer, (the client) was timed out. Not very informative past what you 
already know from fetchmail.

It may be that the mailserver at worldnet is unable to talk to your machine. 
Which I'm beginning to suspect is the case. What is happening is that with 
fetchmail at least, fetchmail contacts the mailserver, logs in as you, reads 
the mail directory holding your messages, communicates back to it's machine 
that there is mail, then contact the MDA on your machine, very likely Postfix 
and then waits for a response to let fetchmail know that it is now safe and 
possible for it to "fetch" the mail from the mailserver to your machine. 

Since it has to hand off the mail to someone, beit Postfix, or Sendmail 
usually, that is the next place I would look in this chain to see if it's 
functioning correctly. The weird thing in this is that it's not just 
fetchmail that is having this problem. It is all three of the programs that 
you've tried. Which would then point back to your ISP as having the problem.

So, I think I would give their tech support a call, or write them an email 
and breifly describe, in simple terms, that you're unable to connect to the 
mailserver and download your email when you're connected to them with Linux.

"If you don't share your concepts and ideals, they end up being worthless," 
"Sharing is what makes them powerful."

Linus Torvalds

Re: [newbie] Ghost Mailspool

2001-01-17 Thread Oliver L. Plaine Jr.

On Wed, 17 Jan 2001 20:21:05 -0500, Mark W wrote:

Since it has to hand off the mail to someone, beit Postfix, or Sendmail 
usually, that is the next place I would look in this chain to see if it's 
functioning correctly. The weird thing in this is that it's not just 
fetchmail that is having this problem. It is all three of the programs that 
you've tried. Which would then point back to your ISP as having the problem.

So, I think I would give their tech support a call, or write them an email 
and breifly describe, in simple terms, that you're unable to connect to the 
mailserver and download your email when you're connected to them with Linux.
Wed, 17 Jan 2001  19:58:25

I am running postfix Markdoes the mail have to go thru postfix
even when you are using Kmail?

with this same ATX machine, I have an old cut up copy of W95a (first
generation)..and forte agent...using this same modem and same ISP it
functions flawlessly.what would Linux be doing differently that
would create a ISP end problem,,,?  

Every one of these mailprograms ask for the pop3 server ,
username and password separately  ..from that I gather that they are
an independent entity and do not use a common file  (like chap
secrets) to pass the pop information?

or do they all trigger postfix?  any how ...there is provision
for multiple servers so that would mean they were independent? I
donno...what is microsoft telling this modem?  I wonder?..all the
other stuff works well...just pop3 is giving me an aneurism..

thanks for you efforts Mark...
still thinking slowly...I will fix this eventually 8-)

Olly P

Re: [newbie] Ghost Mailspool

2001-01-17 Thread Oliver L. Plaine Jr.

On Wed, 17 Jan 2001 20:18:03 -0600, I wrote:

Every one of these mailprograms ask for the pop3 server ,
username and password separately
Wed, 17 Jan 2001  21:05:20

Another bean falls into the pot Markwhile messing with the pop3
password I discovered that one changed character produces an error, so
I am now confident that the data is correct.

I exercised all the mail programs, with the thought that
exercise will make a strong penguinthe fetchmail came up with a
sig 2..cannot open a socket to retrieve mail.

Aha..this meshes with some errors I had obtained from Pan
previously and makes me believe I was correct in the idea that my
problem was one of saving on my end

Are you familiar with socket problems...what would normally be
a logical approach for repair of sticky sockets? or trouble shooting ?

The man fetchmail says  "treat it as an unrecoverable error"
wellI must do some recovery...somehow...

Olly P

[newbie] Ghost Mailspool

2001-01-16 Thread Oliver L. Plaine Jr.

Tue, 16 Jan 2001  18:08:09

When I attempt to download mail in Kmail or Netscape mail in MDK 7.2

With a solid connection to my ISP with Kppp I can trigger "get
messages" and see in the" details" window of Kppp, the graphic
representation of the mail being downloaded..
On the Kppp status graph I can see the transfer spikes lined
up like soldiers and the lights blink and everything appears to be
downloading ok..the bytes read 669 out and 42256 in.however when
the row of spikes quit...the netscape still says downloading 1 of 20
and does not progress... and no mail file is to be found...

Where does it go.?.A mystic bitbucket? I have searched all
over temp and var to no avail

I can download newsgroups in Pan and Netscape I can browse
with netscape and KonQbut no pop 3...???

Fetchmailconf crashed and is kaput...this happened after the above
though and is not causitive...but I cant use it.

Has anyone a suggestion on where my mail might be?

thank you
Olly P

Re: [newbie] Ghost Mailspool

2001-01-16 Thread Mark Weaver

Where are you telling it to go when you download the mail from the server?


"If you don't share your concepts and ideals, they end up being worthless,"
"Sharing is what makes them powerful."

Linus Torvalds

On Tue, 16 Jan 2001, Oliver L. Plaine Jr. wrote:

 Tue, 16 Jan 2001  18:08:09

 When I attempt to download mail in Kmail or Netscape mail in MDK 7.2

 With a solid connection to my ISP with Kppp I can trigger "get
 messages" and see in the" details" window of Kppp, the graphic
 representation of the mail being downloaded..

 On the Kppp status graph I can see the transfer spikes lined
 up like soldiers and the lights blink and everything appears to be
 downloading ok..the bytes read 669 out and 42256 in.however when
 the row of spikes quit...the netscape still says downloading 1 of 20
 and does not progress... and no mail file is to be found...

   Where does it go.?.A mystic bitbucket? I have searched all
 over temp and var to no avail

   I can download newsgroups in Pan and Netscape I can browse
 with netscape and KonQbut no pop 3...???

 Fetchmailconf crashed and is kaput...this happened after the above
 though and is not causitive...but I cant use it.

 Has anyone a suggestion on where my mail might be?

 thank you
 Olly P