Tue, 16 Jan 2001  18:08:09

When I attempt to download mail in Kmail or Netscape mail in MDK 7.2

With a solid connection to my ISP with Kppp I can trigger "get
messages" and see in the" details" window of Kppp, the graphic
representation of the mail being downloaded..
On the Kppp status graph I can see the transfer spikes lined
up like soldiers and the lights blink and everything appears to be
downloading ok..the bytes read 669 out and 42256 in.....however when
the row of spikes quit...the netscape still says downloading 1 of 20
and does not progress... and no mail file is to be found...

        Where does it go.?.A mystic bitbucket? I have searched all
over temp and var to no avail....

        I can download newsgroups in Pan and Netscape I can browse
with netscape and KonQ....but no pop 3...???

Fetchmailconf crashed and is kaput...this happened after the above
though and is not causitive...but I cant use it.....

Has anyone a suggestion on where my mail might be?

thank you
Olly P

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