On Tue, 16 Jan 2001 20:48:19 -0500 (EST), you wrote:

>Where are you telling it to go when you download the mail from the server?
Wed, 17 Jan 2001  11:51:06

Hi Mark....The Kmail is setup to go to ~/Mail and that dir does
exist..this is default and I did not attempt to redirect it...

        The netscape mail ~/nsmail....same data applies.

these are two different mail programs so my problem must be something
that is applicable to both? it seems to be downloading but not saving?

        It will save newsgroups in PAN but I did notice a couple of
times when all the data was gone, and then mysteriously reappeared?
but I am unfamiliar as to how all these programs function as I have
never had a modem that actually does Linux until recently.  An old
time user of "Forte agent" I was trying to not compare PAN in its
present infancy and am overlooking small things until I get a clue on
what is what..........

         I am guessing, the mail should go directly to the program
element directory  that requested the download?...and not go to /var/
like maybe fetchmail would?...I can't try it in fetchmail for when I
tried to set it up the fetchmailconf crashed and is now jammed....

        If I command "fetchmail" or "fetchmailconf" I get a error
message:  fetchmail: couldn't find canonical DNS name of
postoffice.worldnet.att.net `umask 077; fetchmail --configdump --no
syslog >/tmp/fetchmailconf.4010'  run failure, status 2816.....unknown
error while running fetchmail --configdump.

        The above translates to me as  ....it errored running conf
and it errored again trying to dump?  I have found no log entrys?

        But this occurred when I was trying to set up fetchmail after
the two GUI mailprograms wouldn't save....and may not be related or
perhaps yes?

        One other thing .....I noticed is while in PAN I get errors of
socket problems.(remember my total operating time with this program
equals less than one hour)  I think these sockets would also be used
in the other programs although they don't say anything as PAN does?

        Do you think my whole problem might be sticky sockets?

Thanks for responding
Olly P

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