Re: [newbie] Star Office as RPM ?

2002-02-02 Thread Chris Keelan

Hash: SHA1

Sat, 2 Feb 2002 10:02:53 -0500: In attempt to throw the authorities off his
trail, Hanan Z. AL-Shargi [EMAIL PROTECTED] transmitted:


 - file.rpm will be installed by the rpm - option command

On the road to guruhood, stop and read the man(info) pages. Seriously, you
will learn more about rpm by typing:

$ man rpm | less


$ info rpm

(the $ sign represents your prompt in a terminal or shell -- we use $
to denote a normal user and # to denote root; the | is the unix pipe
symbol and it means redirect the output of the man program to the
input of the less pager program), than you will by firing off an
e-mail. What's better, you will be able to make more sense of the help
offered to you. The beauty of unix systems is that most of the
information you need is already on your computer.

Now when you type man or info, you'll see a lot of stuff--it's very
terse.  Don't worry about trying to understand all of it at once. Just
skim through it looking for the information you need. Here's an
excerpt from the rpm man page:

   rpm {-i|--install} [install-options] PACKAGE_FILE ...

   rpm {-U|--upgrade} [install-options] PACKAGE_FILE ...

   rpm {-F|--freshen} [install-options] PACKAGE_FILE ...

   rpm  {-e|--erase}  [--allmatches] [--nodeps] [--noscripts]
   [--notriggers] [--repackage] [--test] PACKAGE_NAME ...

Look at that a few times. You'll begin to see that it's telling you
exactly how to use rpm to install, upgrade, freshen, and erase
programs. Oh, if that hasn't answered your question. Always use the
rpm command to install packages that end with .rpm.

 - file.bin with  bla bla command

Well, .bin denotes binary. It means that the program you are trying
to install is itself contained in an installer program. This is the
equivalent of an .exe extension in the Windows world. So if you get
this file: hot_new_program-V4.0.bin from the internet, the command
to install it is going to be:

# ./hot_new_program-V4.0.bin

or StarOffice 6.0 Beta is installed by typing

$ ./so-6_0-beta-bin-linux-en.bin*

or, if you want it installed system-wide (wise on a single-user machine):

# ./so-6_0-beta-bin-linux-en.bin*

 - when to use the ./ , when do u need to chmod the file before u install  

Remember, .bin files are PROGRAMS. In unix, a program must be
executable in order to run, i.e. it's permissions must be set to
executable. When you download hot_new_program-V4.0.bin and copy it to
whatever directory you're going to install from, check its permissions

# cd /home/downloads/

# ls -l

- -rw-r--r--1 rufmetal root  1474560 Jan 20 19:06 driver-1.bin
- -rwxr-xr-x1 rufmetal root  1474560 Jul 29  2001 rescue.bin*
- -rwxr-xr-x1 rufmetal root  1474560 Jul 29  2001 root.bin*
- -rw-r--r--1 rufmetal root 124582824 Oct  3

Uh-oh. There are no x's in the permissions listing for
hot_new_program-V4.0.bin. What's more, our bash shell is kind enough
to put an asterisk * on the end of any file that's executable, when
using the ls command. Since the file has no execute permissions, we
need to change its modes.

# chmod u+x hot_new_program-V4.0.bin

(do man chmod | less to see what I'm talking about).

Now in unix, as in DOS, an executible must be in one of the
directories listed in your PATH variable in order for it to be
executed at the command line. If it's not in your PATH, i.e. the shell
doesn't know to look in the current directory for executable files,
you either need to add the directory (not always a good idea), or make
an absolute reference to the file.

So you could type:

# /home/downloads/hot_new_program-V4.0.bin

Which would execute HotProgram4's installer. That's called absolute
referencing because you tell bash the absolute (complete) path to the
file. An easier way is to use ./ which means look for the file in
the current directory.

# /home/downloads/hot_new_program-V4.0.bin


# ./hot_new_program-V4.0.bin

are really the same command, but one is easier to type.

Finally, a lot of programs are still packaged as tarballs. That is,
they are compressed tar archives with installer scripts. To install

# gunzip hot_new_program-V4.0.tar.gz

# tar -xvf hot_new_program-V4.0.tar

# cd hot_new_program-V4.0

# cat README | less

# cat INSTALL | less


# ./

Notice, I'm recommending you read at least the INSTALL and README
files that come with most tarballs!

Have a look at the man pages for gunzip and tar to get an idea of what
these incredibly useful commands can do.

Hope this helps

~ Chris

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Re: [newbie] Star Office as RPM ?

2002-02-01 Thread shane

On Friday 01 February 2002 23:49, you spoke unto me thusly:

 Hi All,
 Does anyone know if Star Office comes in RPM format ?

i doubt it, but ya never know

 if not, then would someone please tell me ( in steps) how to install it ?

well the simple way is to download it, open it with archiver (assuming you 
use kde you can right click and simply choose archiver from the pop-up) then 
extract it (kinda like using winzip, fairly self explanitory, but if not 
repost with new questions) change to the directory where you extracted to, 
and run the setup executable.

having said that, you might prefer open office, most people so far have.  it 
is based on the same code but new and improved over star 5.2.  if you have 
the beta staroffice 6, you basically have openoffice.

and don't be scared off by the beta part.  that just means it will run 
about like microsoft releaseware.  ;-)

 I'm a newbie ( as I'm still posting here in this list :-) )

hey i post here and i have been using mandrake since 7.1 came out all fresh 
and new.  guess some of us just know how little we actually know.   ;-)

i usually learn things here too.

The linux philosophy is laugh in the face of danger. Oops. Wrong one. 'Do it 
yourself.' That's it.  -L. Torvalds

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Re: [newbie] Star Office as RPM ?

2002-02-01 Thread Michel Clasquin

On Saturday 02 February 2002 09:49, Hanan Z. AL-Shargi wrote:
 Hi All,
 Does anyone know if Star Office comes in RPM format ?
 if not, then would someone please tell me ( in steps) how to install it
 ? I'm a newbie ( as I'm still posting here in this list :-) ) and have
 never installed any thing other than RPM's  !!
but I think that may be a little dated.

But really, installing  either OpenOffice or StarOffice from the 
installation binary is about as hard as clicking on install.exe in a 
windows system. You should not need to install either from source.

1. go to

2. follow instructions there to download install641_linux_intel.tar.gz

2a. Go make several cups of coffee - this is a big file!

3. Open a terminal and use cd to go to the directory where you downloaded 
the file , for example
cd /home/a_user/downloads ENTER

4. untar and gunzip the file (use the winzip-like kab application if you 
like, otherwise just use 
tar -xvzf install641_linux_intel.tar.gz ENTER 
from the command line, without the quotes of course). A directory called 
install with lots of files in it will be formed. cd to it:
cd install ENTER

5 Now run the command
./setup ENTER

6. Follow the on-screen instructions

Michel Clasquin, D Litt et Phil (Unisa)
This message was posted from a Microsoft-free PC

All in all, you're just another brick in the wall- Pink Floyd

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Re: [newbie] Star Office as RPM ?

2002-02-01 Thread Michel Clasquin

On Saturday 02 February 2002 06:48, Michel Clasquin wrote:

 4. untar and gunzip the file (use the winzip-like kab application if you
 like, otherwise just use
 tar -xvzf install641_linux_intel.tar.gz ENTER
 from the command line, without the quotes of course)

oops there were quotes in there originally ...

Michel Clasquin, D Litt et Phil (Unisa)
This message was posted from a Microsoft-free PC

All in all, you're just another brick in the wall- Pink Floyd

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] Star Office as RPM ?

2002-02-01 Thread Hanan Z. AL-Shargi

Thank you Michel,

I downloaded star office in binary format from Sun's  website, and as you 
said installing it was as easy as clicking on a .exe  

But since this was brought up, would any of the list gurus please kindly post 
a short list clearifying how do u know how to install the diffirent types of 
files  ?

I mean something like a small list : 
- file.rpm   will be installed by the rpm - option  command  
- file.bin with  bla bla command
- when to use the ./ , when do u need to chmod the file before u install  

Many thanks in advance to any volunteer :-)

 But really, installing  either OpenOffice or StarOffice from the
 installation binary is about as hard as clicking on install.exe in a
 windows system. You should not need to install either from source.

 1. go to

 2. follow instructions there to download install641_linux_intel.tar.gz

 2a. Go make several cups of coffee - this is a big file!

 3. Open a terminal and use cd to go to the directory where you downloaded
 the file , for example
 cd /home/a_user/downloads ENTER

 4. untar and gunzip the file (use the winzip-like kab application if you
 like, otherwise just use
 tar -xvzf install641_linux_intel.tar.gz ENTER
 from the command line, without the quotes of course). A directory called
 install with lots of files in it will be formed. cd to it:
 cd install ENTER

 5 Now run the command
 ./setup ENTER

 6. Follow the on-screen instructions

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