Re: [newbie] Networking with Mandrake (help!)

1999-06-25 Thread Anonymous

I have installed linux several times.  This procedure always works.
1. Edit /etc/smb.conf and change the following
 MAKE SURE that the line "workgroup = MYGROUP' is CHANGED to be
"workgroup = (what ever you have in windows under workgroup in
settings-control panel-network-identification"
2. Change the line 'security = user' to security = share'
3. Uncomment (take out the semi-colon) the section that looks like
;path = /home/samba
;public = yes
;writable = yes
;printable = no
4. If you want your whole linux machine to show up in windows, change
the above "path = /home/samba" to 'path = /", otherwise, only the
/home/samba directory will be available to windows.
5. Shutdown and restart samba or reboot you linux machine and it will
be visible in windows network neighborhood.

On Fri, 25 Jun 1999 09:06:51 -0700, Jason Riesa wrote:

I have a working two computer network with file, print, and internet sharing in 
Windows. I would like to have the 
same thing in Linux, but I know almost nothing about networking in Linux. Both 
computers have 2 NIC cards. My 
internal IP is and the other computer has an IP of 
The card type is an "NDC 10/100 Fast Etherent PCI (MX-A)(MX987x5)". That is what 
shows in the Windows 
Network Control Panel. What are the steps that I would need to take to get a working 
two computer network in 
Linux with file, print, and internet sharing? My computer switches between Windows 98 
and Mandrake 6.0. The 
other computer is only Windows 98. Will Linux see the other Windows computer and will 
the other windows 
computer see my Linux computer? Thanks a whole lot! 

The Webmonkey 

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Re: [newbie] Networking with Mandrake (help!)

1999-06-25 Thread Anonymous

Ok. Now what drivers do I use for my ethernet card? The autoprobe in the installation 
said it was a tulip card. I don't know what that is, but my card is an NDC 10/100 PCI 
card. After I went into Linux it seemed fine until every 10 seconds it kept popping up 
messages in the console saying something like "eth0 blah blah blah retrying" Are 
there any generic ethernet drivers available? And is it possible to share the internet 
connection from windows with my linux computer. Thanks.

The Webmonkey

Free web-based email, anytime, anywhere! 
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Re: [newbie] Networking with Mandrake (help!)

1999-06-25 Thread Anonymous

Your card use's the tulip driver. 
Go into netcfg and enter your machines IP address and the DNS.

On Fri, 25 Jun 1999 11:20:03 -0700, Jason Riesa wrote:

Ok. Now what drivers do I use for my ethernet card? The autoprobe in the installation 
said it was a tulip card. I 
don't know what that is, but my card is an NDC 10/100 PCI card. After I went into 
Linux it seemed fine until every 
10 seconds it kept popping up messages in the console saying something like "eth0 blah 
blah blah retrying" 
Are there any generic ethernet drivers available? And is it possible to share the 
internet connection from windows 
with my linux computer. Thanks.

The Webmonkey

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