Re: [newbie] Slow computer with MD 7.2

2001-01-17 Thread abe

hey, I'll tell you what I do to make mandrake really scream.

1.  HDparm.  Read this article. 
That oughta get your hard drive going as bit faster.
2.  recompile the kernel and get rid of everything you don't use.  If
you've never done this, email me personally and I'll write you a step by
step.  You can simply change the cpu optimizations to PPro and rebuild
your current kernel if you don't want to change anything drastic.  This
will make your machine quite a bit faster.  I gained 15 fps in quake3
simply by recompiling.
3.  Download .src.rpms of all your favorite programs from the
linux/mandrake/7.2/SRPMS/ directory on one of the mirrors fo 7.s and
recompile them.
4.  recompile X if you can.  Doing this speeded up my system
5.  Use a windowmanager that is small and light eg.  Windowmaker,
Blackbox, raw sawfish, I'm sure others fall into that catagory but I
haven't used them yet ;-)

Good luck and feel free to write me off the list if you have any really
indepth questions.


"Blomquist, Niklas" wrote:
 Hi all!
 I have just download the MD 7.2 and installed it om my computer.
 It's a Asus AV7, AMD 1000MHz, 256MB Ram, 3 Harddrives.
 I magages to get the ATA100 to work, but it s l o w. It takes log time
 before the program starts and it takes log time to start the computer.
 I did run MD 6 or 7 before, but my grafic card wasn't supported (asus 7100,
 gefore2 MX). And tha was working fine, exept for I just got 640*480 :-)
 Any suggestions?
 Niklas Blomquist

Re: [newbie] Slow computer with MD 7.2

2001-01-17 Thread -michael-

My suggestion is send me your box! drool drool

"Blomquist, Niklas" wrote:
 Hi all!
 I have just download the MD 7.2 and installed it om my computer.
 It's a Asus AV7, AMD 1000MHz, 256MB Ram, 3 Harddrives.
 I magages to get the ATA100 to work, but it s l o w. It takes log time
 before the program starts and it takes log time to start the computer.
 I did run MD 6 or 7 before, but my grafic card wasn't supported (asus 7100,
 gefore2 MX). And tha was working fine, exept for I just got 640*480 :-)
 Any suggestions?
 Niklas Blomquist