Re: [newbie] What to do with old CDs

2002-06-03 Per discussione Dwight Hines

 I give mine to our local community education centre. Last Christmas the
 nursery had a ball making tree decorations, and sticking the CDs on paper
 plates for xmas parties. I even got a hand made card (by 3 yr olds) saying
 thank you :-))

We need to keep this thread going. It's the only one on the list I


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Re: [newbie] What to do with old CDs

2002-06-03 Per discussione Dwight Hines


You can't just nuke one, said Oppenheimer.
The support group that helps people who keep optimizing their hard drives
with Norton Speed disk just to see all those lines and colors flashing all
around will probably be of some help.
P.S.  If you think this is the type of thing that might upset her, and you
still are determined to do it, might as well go ahead and disable the light
bulb inside the wave so you see the effects even better.
But, then again, all the men who have done that are divorced.

 Okay, you guys are gonna get me in trouble with the wife.  I am REALLY trying
 to hold back the urge to nuke my old CDs.  I want to see fireworks and cool
 patterns on the CDs.  Is there such a thing as a support group??
 On Monday 03 June 2002 01:27 pm, you wrote:
 On Mon, 3 Jun 2002, Schwenk, Jeanie wrote:
 I give them to my teenage daughter who then nukes them in the wave for
 about 3 seconds (cool patterns result)  She then hangs them on her wall.
 It looks pretty good especially when she has the black light on.
 Yeah, it's probably not that great on the wave but she's been doing it
 for about a year and I can still heat up my tea.
 I'm going to have to do that one again. it's been a while since last it
 was done. kinda miss the excitement. My wife didn't know I had stuck
 something in there and thought I was running it empty. I told her that
 what she was seeing was the results of severe magnatron decay and that we
 were all being exposed to terrible levels of radiation. she was scared for
 a fraction of a second and then realized I wasn't in all that big a hurry
 to get out of the house. and of course the twinkle in my eye was a dead
 can't pull anything over on her...  ;)
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Re: [newbie] What to do with old CDs

2002-06-01 Per discussione Dwight Hines

 Over the course of two years, I've been tossing old
 CDs in a pile. I'm guessing there are about 100 now.
 Any interesting ideas as to what I could do with
First, be sure your wife is not at home.  The children will love this but
it is not something you want them doing alone.
Stack 4 or five disks together.  Separate them by a small hard plastic
button in the middle.  Put the stack, and be sure you line the disks up
neatly after you put it on the bottom, in the microwave.
Hit the on button and watch the incredible fireworks.
Be sure to stop the microwave before there is a real stinking meltdown.

Or, you can send the disks to
The United States Coast Guard
in Indiannapolis, Indiana

They will turn them into reflective disks to put into life jackets.

Good thing to do, the latter.

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Re: [newbie] Mandrake PPC question

2002-05-28 Per discussione Dwight Hines

These are great basic newby questions and I'd like to know the answers too.
Please keep a notebook of why you're making certain decisions as you go
along and let us all read it as you go along.
What mac system and hardware are you running?
 Hello all,
 I'm considering either Mandrake 8.2 or YDL 2.2, and am hoping someone here
 can help with some questions.
 On YDL's web site, they suggest placing Linux and Mac OS 9 on separate disks,
 and making the drive with YDL the master on the IDE bus.
 Is this also recommended for Mandrake?
 Also, although I can access the Mac drives from Linux, is the reverse true?
 If I'm booted in OS 9, can I access the Linux partition(s)?
 Thanks much,
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Re: [newbie] Re: Mandrake PPC question

2002-05-28 Per discussione Dwight Hines

I'm running Powerbook G3/400, system 9.2.2 with 128 meg ram and 6 gig
internal.  I have a backup of 20 gig on the firewire.
I can add another firewire drive but want to avoid that expense if possible.
My objectives for going to Linux are:
1) It's open source.
2) It's more robust;
3) It is more flexible in what can be customized.
4) It runs SPlus and a number of other good stat routines that were
developed for Unix.
I want to keep my appleworks 5 wordprocessor, my OE email, and my IE and
Opera browsers, or have at least good equivalents.
Right now have narrowed down choices to YDL, Mandrake, and SuSE.
I'm not leaning toward any of them right now, it is too early.
So, anything you post regarding your choice strategy and thinking along the
way would be helpful to me.  The same goes for any others who have been down
this path already.
 What mac system and hardware are you running?
 A blue/white G3 currently, but I may trade up to a G4 since my G3 has the
 Rev 1 IDE chip and can't support a 2nd drive on the internal IDE bus.
 I can't use an IDE card, because I wouldn't be able to boot from the drive
 connected to it.
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[newbie] Digest version of Newbie available

2002-05-27 Per discussione Dwight Hines

I've just subscribed and will only be able to work on the linux on my
powerbook G3 firewire after hours and on weekends.  I have not yet installed
or obtained the software.  My plan is to read the digests for a while and
then when I have some time go for the installation.

First question: I have a 6 gig disk internal and it is already partitioned.
Can I just clean one of those partitions and install linux on it so it is
not necessary to blow away the whole disk and all my wonderful contents?

Thank you in advance,

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Re: [newbie] Digest version of Newbie available

2002-05-27 Per discussione Dwight Hines

 In general, Linux requires two partitions: one for / and one for swap.
 I've heard that if you have enough RAM you can do without a swap, but I
 don't know if that's true.  Anyone ever done that?  Further, most people
 install with 3 or more partitions.  Mine right now has /, swap, /usr and
 /home all on their own partitions.
With my present partition scheme, I could set up three partitions for linux
and still have one left for OS9.2.2 and a spare.  But, how much space does
/, swap, and /usr require each?

 PartitionMagic 7.0 is a wonderful thing.  You can add, delete and resize
 partitions without losing data.  It's incredibly slow and inefficient,
 though, (mine took 8.5 hours to repartition a 40 gig drive that was about
 75% full) so beware.  But in the end, it worked and it worked flawlessly,
 with no data loss or any problems.
I don't think speed is a concern, it could go overnight for me.  But, in the
partitioning is there a difference in how the file structures are set up so
the actual separation into different disks is only a part of what needs to
be done?

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