Re: OT [newbie] Microsoft and George W. Bush

2000-09-28 Per discussione F. E. Schaper

Ok, I see that every right wing, gun toting, special interest puppet that is
on this list is attempting to suck me into a political debate.
I refuse to get into such a battle on this list as this forum is not an
appropriate area for discussion of such things, however if you feel the need
to push your agenda down my throat and explain to me why someone with a
history of hard drug abuse who would not be anywhere at all without his rich
oil-baron (who nearly bankrupted the country, while himself attaining great
wealth)  father's political connections, and who could not even manage to
run a baseball team, or do anything more in Texas than execute people, and
who has openly stated he wants to use federal money to pay parents to send
their children to private school, yet maintains that he will not allocate
more federal money for schools because "education is the responsibility of
the state, it's not a federal problem, so we shouldn't spend federal money
there, it's wasteful" would be a good choice for president, please do so.

You can flame me at the following e-mail address:


- Original Message -
Sent: Thursday, September 28, 2000 3:02 AM
Subject: Re: OT [newbie] Microsoft and George W. Bush

On Thu, 28 Sep 2000, you wrote:
 On Wed, 27 Sep 2000, Ronald J. Hall [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  I agree that this is better left somewhere else...but I can't help
  never vote for a potential president whose agenda includes destroying
the 2nd
  amendment in order to achieve the (dubious) honor of removing firearms
  I say again...never.
 Amen and pass the ammo.

 | Ken Wahl, CCNA   [EMAIL PROTECTED]  PGP Key ID:  3CF9AB36 |
 | PGP Public Key: |
 #-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-- Powered by Linux Mandrake --=-=-=-=-=-=-#

 Linux up 3 days, 45 min, 1 user, load average: 0.03, 0.04, 0.00
I am NRA...hear me ROAR!!

"May the sound of happy music, And the lilt of Irish laughter, fill your
heart with gladness, that stays forever after."
"May the enemies of Ireland never meet a friend."

Re: OT [newbie] Microsoft and George W. Bush

2000-09-28 Per discussione F. E. Schaper


I take pleasure in responding to you publicly, despite the fact that I still
don't think this list is the place for this conversation.

I have no idea why kids kill each other, and I don't care that your school
had a rifle range, your school was most likely segregated as well,
that does not mean it was right, that means that is just the way it was.
Personally I was shooting a .22 rifle when I was 13 years old at Boy Scout
camp, does that mean I am going to go out and attack people with it. No. And
I never implied that you would do the same. Things change, ideas change and
society changes. You can't solve the problems of the present and future with
ideas from the past, they don't work. They are simply outdated. I don't want
to get rid of the second amendment at all, because the very thought that I
may own a weapon keeps the idiots out of my house. However you should
recognize that the amendment that grants the right to bear arms (the 2nd)
included the provision only because the United States did not have a well
armed militia ready for combat, and ready to defend the citizenry should the
need arise to do so, therefore it was a requirement to bear arms in the 18th
century. Do I want to take away your guns? No I do not. Do I want to take
away guns from children, yes I do, do I think a mandatory 7 day federal
waiting period should be required on firearms purchased? Yes I do. Do I
think that people who allow access to firearms to minors should be subject
to the same criminal punishment as the minor who committed the act? Yes I
do. Do I think you need to have an automatic rifle to defend your home, or
to hunt a wild animal? No I do not. Do I want to take "gun rights" away from
people? No I do not. The bottom line is this, states control gun laws, not
the federal government, in the state I live in (FL) it takes less time to
buy a car than it does to purchase a weapon, granted both are equally as
dangerous when not used with care. However the purpose of a car is simply
transportation, that is not the case with a weapon. The federal government
needs to handle gun registrations and gun laws, not the states. One of my
problems with Bush arises from the fact that he has openly stated "that
should be controlled by the states..not the federal government" on several
occasions. This leads me to believe that he is going to take this stance on
most cases where the states may be involved in a decision of law, and to me
that means a weaker federal government. Of course the only ads or things I
have heard him say are negative comments towards his opponent, and that also
leaves a bad taste in my mouth. The Republican party has spent so much
effort and so much time attempting to make the Democratic party look bad
(and granted the Democratic party has played right into it with thoughtless
acts) that they have weakened themselves by not developing any strong
leaders in the party. After this happened they turned to Bush, he has money
and he has his fathers credentials (which based on his Presidency, and the
state of the economy when he left office) are shaky at best, still, he is
their best candidate and rather than have him (or allowing him the freedom
to display some leadership initiatives) to discuss issues they have him
attack Gore at every turn on a morality bent. Granted Gore has made it easy
with his unbelievably inept claims, such as the fact that he "invented the
internet". But at least he is sticking with issues (for the most part) as
opposed to attacking Bush at every turn with a dirty campaign.

How do we fix the problems in this country? I think getting away from the
electoral college would be a good start, at least it would be an attempt to
get the special interest groups from controlling every election and might
make our votes count. I have plenty of other ideas but I think I have
rambled long enough, if you would like to share your views, or you would
like hear more about what I have to say, please e-mail me privately and I
will discuss them with you.

Do you still think of me as puppet?


- Original Message -
Sent: Thursday, September 28, 2000 10:20 AM
Subject: Re: OT [newbie] Microsoft and George W. Bush

 I must say I have never heard a line of  like yours!
 Did you know your hero claims to have been in combat?
 Did you know he never was? Did you know that gun owners
 are not all puppets? But sir you sure do sound like one.
 Typical short term fix. Dont fix the problems you start.
 No way! Blame the tools. Your right! You sure are.
 Then tell me one thing, Why do kids kill each other?
 We had guns thrity years ago, Hell my school had a rifle range
 45 of us shot nearly every day. But I know I am just a puppet right?
 But what is the answer? I know you wont be able to tell me
 Hell you are just a sock puppet yourself!

 Now you have a nice day and please write when you chose too.
 Just remember I dont talk to socks :)

 PS. Not one 

Re: OT [newbie] Microsoft and George W. Bush

2000-09-27 Per discussione F. E. Schaper

Hey Y'all,

Before I got into using Linux I used various versions of the MAC O/S and I
always found it to be somewhat unstable, the one thing I did like about it
was the fact that it was not nearly as dumbed down as Windows, it is easy to
use, but you still need to have some kind of understanding as to what the
machine is doing. Hopefully when OS/X gets all the way (it is available in
server packages) out they will somehow port it to run on Intel based
processor machines, and hopefully the stability problems will be corrected,
without having to compromise the ease of use.
If these things happen, and the work on developing a more consumer friendly
Linux product continues, Microsoft could be in for quite a shock.

Of course bad news for Bill is good news for the rest of us.

I'll leave the Presidential debate open for others to discuss as I think
that is too far off topic for this list, but I will ask you this:
Do you want a President who, up until this point is most famous for
approving the execution of 2 women, and for picking his nose on national

I may have to move to Canada next year.


- Original Message -
Sent: Wednesday, September 27, 2000 4:56 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Microsoft and George W. Bush

On Wed, 27 Sep 2000, you wrote:
 On Wed, 27 Sep 2000, you wrote:

 Isnt OSX a MAC versions of Operating System.  I thought it's not related
 Linux.   Of course there are some Linux distributions for the Mac.  But
 I've heard Apple is producing the next generation of O/S entitled OSX.

It is Mac.  But OS X is based on Unix.  The buzz is that it is very stable
easy to use.  If Mac makes the OS X Intel compatible, watch out!  So,
it is not Linux, OS X is a perceived threat to Windoze.

"May the sound of happy music, And the lilt of Irish laughter, fill your
heart with gladness, that stays forever after."
"May the enemies of Ireland never meet a friend."

Re: [newbie] apache

2000-09-25 Per discussione F. E. Schaper


Apache will work fine with IIS, but the question is.why on Earth would
you want to use IIS???

- Original Message -
Sent: Monday, September 25, 2000 11:49 AM
Subject: [newbie] apache

 Does anyone know what version or how to check what version of apache comes
with mandrake 7.1??

 And how to upgrade it to xssi etc.  it told me to goto my apache dir
/apache_1.3.X/src/modules.  I don't have a apache_1.3.X dir or a src dir or
a modueles.

 I have a /usr/lib/apache and a usr/include/apache

 I also wanted to know if I could use iis and apache.  And if so how?  And
will it work from a win box



 Get your own free email account from

Re: [newbie] linux mandrake 6.5

2000-09-25 Per discussione F. E. Schaper

Your best bet would be to check the docs or to check online at for the install guide. The install should
be pretty self explanatory. Also you may want to check your hardware to be
sure that your devices are compatible, there is a list
(I'm pretty sure) of compatible hardware at the site on the above link.

Are you installing from a cd? You do realize that this is not a program but
an O/S that should be used as the only Operating System on the machine, more
so if you are attempting to use it as a server. I can't imagine a dual boot
machine using Windows and Linux and operating as a server.

One more thing, if you are going to use the box you are installing on as a
network server to communicate to Windows machines, you will want to install
(and read up and and get real real familiar with) Samba. You can more info
on Samba with the users docs and at the following site:

Good Luck!


- Original Message -
From: bux m.k [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, September 25, 2000 10:23 AM
Subject: [newbie] linux mandrake 6.5

 dear sir.
 we have purchased the above software and when we are
 trying to intall this programm we are unable to
 install it we are getting the message 'install exited
 abnormally received signal  11...whenever we are
 trying to install after some installation the above
 message comes.
 we are installing as server net working system,is it
 possiblle that the workstation thrugh window 95 and
 windows 98 if it is possible than let us know a to how
 it is to set up on server and windows workstation.
 kindly let us know step by step how to set it up.
 thanking you verymuch awiting for your reply soon.

 Do You Yahoo!?
 Send instant messages  get email alerts with Yahoo! Messenger.

Re: [newbie] Tech Support from Macmillan -- Personal Inquiry

2000-09-22 Per discussione F. E. Schaper

Hey All,

Really I think this list is a better resource than calling someone and
waiting on hold for hours on end, only to hear a stock answer or a
pre-written script. With this list you get real users who have had similar
problems who are willing to help, not only that, rather than getting one
stock or formula answer you most often get several creative options to use
to attempt to solve your issues.

This helps you to learn the O/S and the software for it more quickly and
more thoroughlyremember this is not a MicroSucks O/S...Linux users are
supposed to know what goes on behind the scenes of the O/S so that they can
control it and use it to it's fullest potential.

I think the whole idea of calling someone else the moment you have a problem
as opposed to attempting to work through it on your own really defeats the
purpose of using Linux.

Just my thoughts and thanks to all those on the list.


- Original Message -
From: Denis Havlik [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, September 22, 2000 10:08 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Tech Support from Macmillan -- Personal Inquiry

 On Wed, 20 Sep 2000 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 :~unfortunately you only get support when you buy their boxed sets, well
i got
 :~mine out of a magazine for linux so i get no support what so ever from

 Well, one usually gets what one pays for in life... With linux, one often
 gets a bit more, but giving you 121 tech support for free is not gonna
 happen. There are folks on this list who are willing to help, there is, there is, our manuals are freely
 available for download...

 If you have something against boxed sets, maybe we could start selling
 ONLY support at a same price ;-


 FYI: MacMillan is not responsible for support anymore. It is us,us, and
 again us, and if/when we come up with some shit, we'll try to fix it as
 soon as possible. Unfortunately, we are still "warming up" as far as
 support is concerned, and I expect to see problems during next few
 weeks. But we'll fix them as soon as we find them out.
 Dr. Denis Havlik
 Mandrakesoft||| e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Quality Assurance  (@ @)(private: [EMAIL PROTECTED])
 The mailserver is on strike. It wants better working conditions,
 paid days off and a female connector. ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

Re: [newbie] Windoze

2000-07-20 Per discussione F. E. Schaper

Hugh...I agree with you, Outlook is a terrible mail program I have no choice
but to use it at work and keep my eyes wide open for the 2-3 viruses that I
am sure to get each month. Of course when I am at home I don't really have
to worry to much about viruses (thanks again Linux) In fact Windows leaves
itself wide open (maybe this is how they got the name?) to anyone with a
little time and intelligence to go right in and break, move, rename or
destroy system files.

On to the rest of the post (rant)

As far as the rest of the software on that list goes...I did not know they
made a software (Fritz 6) using my name...pretty cool I must admit.
In regards to the rest of the list, I'm sure the Linux community is kicking
themselves on a daily basis for not coming up with more Ham Radio
softwaremaybe they should focus a little less on the dev software, the
office software and the rest of the software that 99% of what users use to
focus on what 1% of the community wants.

But see the great thing about Linux is (you will find this out as you use it
more often as I did) that because you have access to the kernel, you can
program your own software for don't have to rely on someone else
(like Micosoft for example) to make an application to do what you
can do it yourselfand all it takes is some knowledge and hard
earned dollars have to be spent, just hard earned hours.

That is the whole ideause it.develop for it...and share it


- Original Message -
Sent: Thursday, July 20, 2000 9:19 AM
Subject: RE: [newbie] Windoze

 I beg to differ, Outlook is Virus bate.  We need a troll here almost as
 as Outlook express. Hey ever wonder why so many companys refuse to use
 it?  Give you a clue.  It's Junk :)
 Now you have a real nice day and you dont forget to write. If Outlook will
 work that is  :)


 On Thu, 20 Jul 2000, you wrote:
   -Original Message-
   From: Alexander Skwar [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
   Sent: Wednesday, July 19, 2000 11:15 AM
   Subject: Re: [newbie] Windoze
   On Mon, Jul 17, 2000 at 06:25:25PM -0500, Gilbert Baron wrote:
Linux is so great, where are all of the applications. I will
   tell you where
they are. They are not written because nobody can make money on it .
   What application do you need?  They are all there!  And everything is
   available, most even in GPL.  Latest addition: StarOffice 6 will be
   Or do you mean application == games?  If so, then yes, you are right;
   *professional* games are _still_ a weakness of Linux.  But that'll
  I mean applications for Ham Radio like
  Truetty   RTTY and AMtor with sound cark
  Zakanaka  PSK31 with sound card
  Logic 5   Logging and radio control program
  Fritz 6   Chess program that has beaten the world champion
  MS Office I don't want to convert files and everyone is using office
  FugawiA digital mapping program that allows me to make maps to put
in my
  Palm for GPS use
  PSP5  The best low cost image processing program
  All this is only a start. I have 15000 files on my system. Of course not
  that many apps but a lot.
  Netscape sucks in comparison to IE5.5. Various other things that are not
  on Linux.
Everyone expects everything for free on Linux. Well ad far as
choice goes, you get what you pay for.
   Yes, exactly!  Everything I need is there: Office (KOffice,
   graphics (GIMP), browser (Netscape, Mozilla), email clients (lots and
   lotsa), news clients (too many to name 'em all), programming
   (what language
   do you want?  I suppose that it is available), databases (MySQL,
  Yes but these applications are not nearly as robust as the Usoft
  counterparts. Nothing available can touch Outlook and Outlook express.
I am not hoping that we talk about LINUX in the past tense. I
   just find it
is not ready for serious use yet AT HOME.
   So isn't Windows.  That's all I'm trying to say.
AGAIN though applications are the major thing, they drive the
   OS and not the
other way around. THAT is the real world.
   Sure, and that's why Linux will "win".  If there's something to win.
  Not at this time it won't. It is also MUCH harder to install for the
  It is a fun toy and learning experience, that is all.
   Alexander Skwar
   Sichere Mail? Mail an [EMAIL PROTECTED] fuer GnuPG Keys
   ICQ: 7328191

Re: [newbie] Website

2000-07-01 Per discussione F. E. Schaper


An SQL database accessed and maintained with PHP might work for you.
You might want to take a look at that one...I used to used SQL and PHP with
am fairly confident that you could get this running on Linux. PHP is
somewhat similar to Perl so
if you have some knowledge there (which I would assume you do based on the
Linux experience)
it so should not be hard for you to pick it up.

Check the PHP site for more info:


- Original Message - 
From: Darryl Gibson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, June 27, 2000 8:49 PM
Subject: [newbie] Website

 Hi list,
 A club I belong to wants to create a web site to track it's membership's
 status, attendance, activity participation etc...
 The club would like the web site to have the following features:
 Accessibility to all members, but not the world. (or just the top page
 open to the world, and the sub pages "hidden."
 Officers and designated members, can maintain and update the site, but
 not the general membership.
 The web page will be on a "free" ISP providers machine.
 Our Oracle guru passed on the project, so being the clubs Linux "guru,"
 and not knowing any better, I volunteered to take on the project.
 So today I went in search of a Linux database on Freshmeat, and MUO, and
 was dismayed not to find a database application. Nor did I find any
 apps. in KDE that would seem to fit the bill.
 Any suggestions on how I might accomplish this task?
 Can Netscape Composer handle this task, or do I need something more
 Do I need an HTML compliant database? CGI?
 Can Gnumeric function as a database?
 Darryl Gibson
 Linux Neophyte (tm)
 This computer is 100% Microsoft FREE

Re: [newbie] Re: Fw: Linux

2000-07-01 Per discussione F. E. Schaper


Nice response.

Being that I have done stand up comedy for many years (and yes, Star Trek
fans have been a constant target of said comedy over the years) I would
normally respond to you with some type of sarcastic response. However, in
this case I feel that would be unjustified as you have made a strong
argument against what I have said and I feel you deserve more respect than
that type of response might give back to you.

But no matter what is said to me, or whatever type of justification is
provided for it, I'll never understand why anyone would ever translate
Hamlet into Klingon. And you have to at least agree with me that Captain
Janeway is pretty annoying (what's the deal with the hair?)

To me the funniest part of the subculture that the show has created over the
years (which is somewhat understandable based on the fact that the show
first showed up during the "Space Race" era) is the fact that even the
actors themselves have constantly poked fun at the very same fans (and
themselves and their Star Trek roles) on a regular basis.

Another example of this would be the 3rd Rock From The Sun episode in which
George Takei appeared.

All in all I do not think the show itself was all that bad (for a weekly
sci-fi show from the 1960's) however I think that the underground movement
it has created has opened itself up to the torment of others. I do not
belittle the individuals personally who watch the show (including my very
own father who is in fact a very very loyal fan), they are people and as
such are welcomed to their own views on what they like and do not. Further I
do not feel their choices of entertainment are basis for making a personal
judgment. This is not to say that I do not enjoy making light of the
underground following that the show has spawned, because quite the opposite
is true. I just find it very funny (and somewhat frightening in respects)
when a science fiction/fantasy television show creates such emotions and
loyalties in people that they will be willing to sacrifice
large amounts of their lives to following it and to learning it's
idiosyncrasies. Perhaps society would be better served if people would use
their time to advance and learn of their own culture, rather than to
completely immerse themselves into a world of fantasy.

I recommend (if you have done so already) that you read the book "We" by
Yvengy Zamyatin. It provides a much more specific and detailed commentary on
the loss of culture and of the assimilation of the individual into the
general consciousness than I could ever provide in an e-mail.

In some ways it has an interesting parallel with the same subculture of
which have been speaking.


- Original Message -
From: Mark Weaver [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, June 29, 2000 6:22 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Re: Fw: Linux


 I liked your commentary. You speak well, but I think you're all wet. For
 reasons known only to yourself and maybe a few close friends you've pigeon
 holed literally hundreds of thousands of people whom you don't even know
 into a group of very small minded bunch of misfits that clearly don't have
 a life of their own and are forced to live vicariously through the
 fantacies of TV writers. Nothing could be further from the truth.

 While I'm not offended by your words, for I find your well spoken prose
 amusing, I know many would be. I have no doubt that what you've said about
 Shatner is nothing but the truth, saying that the fans are mindless morons
 was not very nice. It is your opinion, however misguided and tainted it
 may be and you're entitled to it. I just wanted you to know that myself
 and many others that I know have been Star Trek fans since I can
 remember. Although I've never gone to the place of wearing the ears or
 anything so drastically strange, I do still enjoy the original series and
 the new programs that it spawned in the decades since.

 And IMHO I'm NOT a dribbling moron who doesn't have the education of a
 rat, nor am I a blithering idiot with the IQ of a peice of lunch meat! My
 words...not yours. I'm merely paraphrasing your sentiments. I happen to be
 an educated professional in a field that requires an IQ much higher than
 that of anything Oscar Myer could produce.

 Sadly, for whatever reasons, you've managed to mean-spiritedly stereotype
 a vast segmant of american society into a place where YOU are comfortable
 that they are not a threat to you.

 THAT, my friend is the hallmark of a small mind. Predjudice is a symptom
 of fear and ignorance and eventually leaves a person alone and
 hopeless. America is a great place dispite her troubles.


 I love my Linux Box...
 REASON # 2 ...X-windows is just a suedonym.
 Registered Linux user # 1299563

 On Wed, 28 Jun 2000, F. E. Schaper wrote:

  Yes that was an older skit on SNL in which William "Eg

Re: [newbie] boot problems

2000-05-11 Per discussione F. E. Schaper


Thanks for the idea...tried that 
and the CD-Rom drive is not recognized...what really is getting me pissed about 
this whole thing is that the boot floppy is not being recognized...I've even 
tried to use my other box to burn off another one and it does not work 
either...I either get a "Library 2" error or a can not load library 16 

So, I guess the best thing to do at 
this point is to try to create a boot disk that has a cd rom driver on it so I 
can boot up dos with the cd and run the install from there. Anyone know where I 
can get such a utility? 

If that does not work I'll chant 
f*ck Linux as I throw the box out the window and revert to my previous NT 


  - Original Message - 
  Ron Greer 
  Sent: Thursday, May 11, 2000 9:52 
  Subject: RE: [newbie] boot problems
  Well, I'm not sure why that's happening, but if your 
  cdrom is working in DOS, you can always boot to dos, go to the cdrom drive 
  (Ex, drive d:) and
  run autoboot.bat
-Original Message-----From: F. E. Schaper [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]Sent: 
Thursday, May 11, 2000 8:46 AMTo: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: 
[newbie] boot problems
Hey Guys,

I'm getting a strange error 
here. I originally setup my box to run Windows 98 and a Linux 
partition...the problem is that I didn't like the loopback it was way to 
slow for the setup I needed. So, I reformatted the hard drive (it's now a 
DOS drive) and attempted to reload Linux using a boot floppy (which I got 
with the software) and the cdI checked the BIOS and have it set to boot 
A,C in sequenceof course now I can't get Linux to boot won't 
recognize the boot disk and I am stuck with DOS!! (Which I am pretty sure 
won't work too well as a web server :-)) 

Any ideas?



Re: [newbie] boot problems

2000-05-11 Per discussione F. E. Schaper


After preparing myself to treat my 
office as if I were Johnny Depp in a hotel room I realized all I needed to do 
was make a Windows 98 boot floppy...load the cd-rom driver and boot Linux 
manually from there

In the middle of the install 

  - Original Message - 
  Ron Greer 
  Sent: Thursday, May 11, 2000 9:52 
  Subject: RE: [newbie] boot problems
  Well, I'm not sure why that's happening, but if your 
  cdrom is working in DOS, you can always boot to dos, go to the cdrom drive 
  (Ex, drive d:) and
  run autoboot.bat
-Original Message-From: F. E. Schaper [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]Sent: 
Thursday, May 11, 2000 8:46 AMTo: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: 
[newbie] boot problems
Hey Guys,

I'm getting a strange error 
here. I originally setup my box to run Windows 98 and a Linux 
partition...the problem is that I didn't like the loopback it was way to 
slow for the setup I needed. So, I reformatted the hard drive (it's now a 
DOS drive) and attempted to reload Linux using a boot floppy (which I got 
with the software) and the cdI checked the BIOS and have it set to boot 
A,C in sequenceof course now I can't get Linux to boot won't 
recognize the boot disk and I am stuck with DOS!! (Which I am pretty sure 
won't work too well as a web server :-)) 

Any ideas?




2000-05-11 Per discussione F. E. Schaper

Hey Guys,

Trying to do a re-install here and 
not having any luck. For some reason the CD will not boot up when I restart the 
machine (the cd drive is found, but it won't start the install when I use it) 

Also using the bootdisk in the 
floppy is no good...I'm about of of patience here any ideas of how to 
re-install...I've read all of the documentation (which seems a little light to 
me) and can't seem to get this damn thing to re-install

Any ideas guys or should I just 
quit on this and keep giving my $$ to "The Evil One"

Re: [newbie] off topic (but not really)

2000-05-09 Per discussione F. E. Schaper

In most cases ISP's have a space limit set for users...I know for my hosting
company it is site files and such take up 40 or so MB leaving me
with 10MB for mail (for which I have 6 or 7 POP3 boxes setup)...since you
said that you had thousands and thousands of messages I am kind of surprised
that your ISP did not inform you, you were going over your limit...that is
assuming you have one, which if you do not is also surprising in itself.

I know it seems like a pain, but you should consider yourself  lucky...also
unless there is really no way to avoid it you should try not to keep your
mail on the server.

Just my $.02


- Original Message -
From: bascule [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, May 09, 2000 12:28 PM
Subject: [newbie] off topic (but not really)

 this is only vaguely related to this list but i figure a lot of people
 here use netscape and i have a question:

 i use netscape 4.72 128 bit in windows98 (modem doesn't work in linux
 but i have strong suspicion this is a hardware fault caused by lightning
 i have 'leave messages on server' option on preferences ticked with
 'delete messages on server if deleted locally' selected also (this is
 not an option if the former is not checked,
 however messages on my isp server are not being deleted, ifound out when
 i tried netscape 6 pre release and it wanted to download thousands and
 thousands of messages!

 is this a bug perhaps, any one else had this, i am in communication with
 my isp as well but i wondered if any one else had ever come across this,

 if i'm not careful then i could be responsible for people on the list
 receiving 'message bounced' emails if i use up my message quota,

 not wishing to cause annoyance i am trying to nip this in the bud while
 i can.


Re: [newbie] Root Password

2000-05-05 Per discussione F. E. Schaper

If you lose the root password.yepso don't lose it.

- Original Message -
From: hopper [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, May 05, 2000 1:09 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Root Password

 On Thu, 04 May 2000, you wrote:
  On Wed, 3 May 2000, David Smith wrote:
  Anyone know anything about how to set super permissions to a user
without giving them the root password, or the authority to change the root
password once they are granted super user permissions.
  Thanks in advance.
  You could add the user to the ROOT group, using userconf (as root).

 This question is sort of along the lost password lines.

 If I loose the root password, am I totally screwed?


Re: [newbie] Hate Netscape! ... or is it me?...

2000-04-27 Per discussione F. E. Schaper

I've downloaded Netscape 6 and find it looks an awful lot like an AOL

Also I feel I have to warn all of you that the beta version that is
available right now is very very's a better browser than
previous versions to be sure...but it is still in betaperhaps when the
'official' final release is ready (most of) the bugs will be gone

One can hope

- Original Message -
From: Anthony Huereca [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, April 27, 2000 3:12 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Hate Netscape! ... or is it me?...

 That's just the buggieness and crashfullness (a word? : ) of Netscape. The
 other real competition to Netscape right now is Mozilla. It doesn't
 Java yet, but everything else works fine. You can download the latest
 here: However
 doesn't support SSL "out of the box" (you have to download a program from
 third party) so if you don't want to mess around with that and want to be
 to browse secure sites, you should just download teh Netscape 6 Beta,
which is
 based on Mozilla. You can get that here: But remember that it's
 in Beta, and still has quite a few bugs in it. But it crashes less then
 for me, so I use it.

  Somehow, for some unknown to me reason, Netscape randomly closes /all/
  windows. For example, when I close one of six open windows (+Messenger),
  Netscape is gone altogether. The same *randomly* happens when Messenger
  me to enter me e-mail server password... Is there any way to amend it?
  other browsers are there capable of JAVA, frames etc
 Anthony Huereca
 Computers are not intelligent. They only think they are.

Re: [newbie] Uninstalling Stuff

2000-04-12 Per discussione F. E. Schaper


I may be way off here but if I remember my old Unix days...try using

rm -r

And that should get rid of whatever you don't wantjust be careful with
the command

- Original Message -
From: Patrick Dyer [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, April 12, 2000 4:24 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Uninstalling Stuff

 Thank for the assistance,but what about zip files. How
 do I uninstall those.

 --- flupke [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Patrick Dyer wrote:
   Can someone tell me how to uninstall software in
   Linux. I have downloaded and installed a few
   for trial purposes. Now I want to remove them. How
   exactly is that done. I am running Mandrake 6.
  If you installed rpm packages, you desinstall it
  with rpm -e.
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