Re: Advice on OOP in Nim

2018-01-12 Thread jzakiya
Ruby is a fully OOP language but doesn't have multiple inheritance either. 
Every class is open though (you can add/change methods in them), and you can 
create the equivalence of multiple inheritance by using **modules** and 
**mixins** where you **include** them in **classes** to extend them.

You can use this paradigm with Nim too, as it also provides for **modules**.

There's lots of ways to define and do/implement OO paradigms. Below is tutorial 
info on Ruby's implementation of its OOP paradigm



Once you figure out the characteristics/features you want to have in your OOP 
paradigm then you can build it. 

Re: Advice on OOP in Nim

2018-01-12 Thread yglukhov
Please, feel free to ask anything, I'll try my best to answer. Note though, 
that that's only my opinion 

As for a good read, nothing comes to mind atm. But generally, since you're 
asking about OOP in terms of graphics, I would suggest sacrificing OOP, as well 
as composition-over-inheritance, in favor of DOD (Data Oriented Design). 
Additional keywords to lookup: ECS (Entity Component System). OOP is really 
unfriendly to batch processing. DOD turns OOP completely inside out, so to 
accept this you'll have to forget about OOP completely =). When you start 
thinking DOD (that will likely take some time), you'll suddenly notice that DOD 
is a lot more suitable approach for lots of programming problems. It makes your 
systems not only blazing fast but also makes it easier to reason about your 
code and your dataflow.

Re: Advice on OOP in Nim

2018-01-12 Thread gdelazzari
That was really helpful, I'll look into a similar approach and I'll try to 
apply these suggestions to other designs I'll have to implement.

I see that the problem is definitely my way of thinking about the project 
structure/architecture (which is no surprise given I have a C++ background). I 
guess I'll study a bit more how to avoid "bad OOP" and reason in a "cleaner" 
way (i.e. like the "prefer composition over inheritance" I read everywhere  ). 
If you happen to have any specific blog post/book/article worth mentioning, 
that would be amazing. But I'll find stuff myself.

I hope I can come back to this thread if I have other questions or I need more 
advice/help in the future.

Re: Prevent accidental object copies

2018-01-12 Thread Udiknedormin
@Serenitor It's different in many ways:

  * also changes semantics of == ("is it actually the same object" instead of 
"is this (other) object the same")
  * no dynamic dispatch is usable anyway unless {.inheritable.} is applied first
  * poorer performance due to dynamic heap allocation (and GC)
  * poorer performance due to memory fragmentation

Proof of the first thesis:

type Person = ref object
  first, last: string

let person1 = Person(first: "John", last: "Doe")
let person2 = person1  # the very same object
let person3 = Person(first: "John", last: "Doe")  # essentially the same 

echo person1 == person2  # true
echo person1 == person3  # false

I wouldn't be all-overjoyed with these Java-like == semantics...

Re: Advice on OOP in Nim

2018-01-12 Thread yglukhov
> But does that mean I'll have to allocate a new AbstractRenderTarget on the 
> heap

Yes. Or you could just return something already cached within the respective 
Texture/Window objects to make it high load friendly.

As a side note, your suggested API makes the user believe there's no price for 
switching the rendering context all the time. That could work when you 
implement deferred rendering (e.g. later, call underlying system functions in a 
batch per context). But such API will not work for e.g. direct OpenGL 
rendering, because switching context states is considered to be expensive.

nimx lib kinda solves this like this: 

let myImage = imageWithSize(x, y)

myImage.draw: # Context switch here
  let ctx = getCurrentContext()
  ... etc
  # Context switches back

Re: Nim package for ATOM

2018-01-12 Thread aedt
Just tested the package in Arch Linux, everything works just fine.

Thank you very much for the plugin, I'll be using it from now on.

Re: Wow. It all 'just works'

2018-01-12 Thread Araq
Before you brought it up we managed to be apolitical. You can discuss this 
somewhere else.

> You can't have one side of the issue (ex. Stallman, GitHub, etc) shouting 
> political propaganda with a megaphone, but as soon as someone disagrees - 
> "OMFG, he brought up politics!? What a vulgar uncivilized brute!!! Fetch my 
> smelling salts, O goodness, I think I shall faint!"

That is not what I'm doing as I'm not the one with the megaphone. 

Re: Advice on OOP in Nim

2018-01-12 Thread yglukhov
I don't know the right answer to your problem. However note that a lot of 
languages do not support multiple inheritance for a good reason (outside the 
scope of this question), so how would you use those?  A working pattern for me 
is the following: create an interface to your "multi-interface" object:

  Texture = ref object ...
  AbstractRenderTarget = ref object {.inheritable.} ...
  Window = ref object ...

proc setCurrentRenderTarget(t: AbstractRenderTarget)

proc renderTargetWithTexture(t: Texture): AbstractRenderTarget = ...
proc renderTargetWithWindow(w: Window): AbstractRenderTarget = ...


var myTexture: Texture = ...

You could go a bit further and make renderTargetWithTexture and 
renderTargetWithWindow implicit converters, so that setRenderTarget is just: 

setRenderTarget(myTexture) # renderTargetWithTexture is called implicitly

Such pattern usually allows for a nice decoupled design, although may be a bit 
problematic when you need to work with value types instead of reference types.

Advice on OOP in Nim

2018-01-12 Thread gdelazzari
Hello everyone. I'm learning Nim but I'm finding it difficult to implement some 
OOP software designs I have in mind. I see that Nim is a really flexible 
language that doesn't enforce the programmer to a particular programming 
paradigm/style (I may be wrong, but that's what I noticed while playing around 
with it). However I'm having trouble with the lack of multiple inheritance 
and/or interfaces...

I would like to make a concrete example hoping for someone to help me 
understand what would be an alternative way of implementing something like this 
in Nim. Let's consider a graphics library (maybe like SFML, strongly object 

There are drawable objects (text, rectangles, circles, sprites, etc...) and 
render targets (a window or a texture - so I can render off-screen to a 
framebuffer). So the first thing I'll need is some sort of "Drawable" base 
class/interface and a "RenderTarget" one (I'm strongly referencing SFML here). 
But then a lot of drawable objects (rectangles, circles, etc...) have in common 
the fact that they're a shape, and having a "Shape" base class would be pretty 
useful to recycle a lot of (OpenGL) code used to draw... shapes. But, as far as 
I can understand, there's not a simple, "native" way of having a Rectangle 
class inherit from Drawable and Shape. Also, as I mentioned, there are multiple 
render targets (for example the main window or textures). Even in this case, I 
would have to define a texture as being both a Drawable and a RenderTarget, but 
how would be the best way to do that?

Please note that I'm not criticizing Nim by any means, in fact I've been using 
it various times in the last 2 years for various small projects and it's just 
an amazing language. I'm just asking for some advice/ideas on how to _cleanly_ 
implement such software architectures, since that has always been my major 
"trouble" with the language. Also I did various experiments (even with the 
example above) and I know there are some ways but I have never been satisfied 
with them (for various reasons). Without listing all the approaches I tried 
here, I would simply like for someone that is experienced with the language to 
directly point me out to the "right" way. Or, better said, to a "good" way, 
since I'm sure there are multiple ones given the flexibility of Nim.

Thank you very much in advance, I hope this is not a "dumb" question.

Re: Increasing Nim exposure

2018-01-12 Thread malice
Nim is an excellent project but its ecosystem is too damn small. Besides the 
core devs what Nim needs is small companies that try nim and release more and 
more quality pkgs like yglukhov did with his Reel Valley project.

If you do not have the resources to build something like that do small 
screencasts, write short blog posts about what you think are cool aspects of 
Nim and how did it help you to achieve your goal.

Other than that we need 1.0 and a continuous development for the C/CPP and JS 

Re: Nim for Rubyists

2018-01-12 Thread Arrrrrrrrr
There used to be a nim weekly, but don't know what happened to that.

Re: Wow. It all 'just works'

2018-01-12 Thread Libman

> I think a significant portion of nim users found Nim through Rust. Not sure 
> why, but there used to be some sort of competition between the two (or at 
> least Nim was more known in the Rust community).

That, if true, is very interesting. I would've thought that Nim's closest 
competitor would be 
 both are GC by default, both a lot less verbose than Rust, both created by 
individuals without big .com / .org / .edu sponsorship, nearly tied on most 
benchmarks (and now even in my package ecosystem license freedom rankings), etc.

* * *


> that is a nice essay.

I don't think that ad-hoc rant deserves being called an essay. Your polite 
tolerance of my rants (especially given that I've never contributed any code) 
is a great testament to the openness and geniality of the Nim community. 

> Thank you for taking the time to write it up.

To be perfectly honest, GitHub's ten-alarm "Net Neutrality" banners (appearing 
for weeks on top of every project, file, issue, wiki article, etc) has been a 
huge blow to me psychologically. Internet freedom is sacred to me, and having 
calls for slavery injected down my throat in the name of freedom was just too 
much... And perhaps the worst part is when people don't even see that they did 
anything divisive or controversial...

I've resisted bringing up this issue as a separate thread, but I guess I've 
jumped on too eagerly when I thought that @KevinGolding brought up the issue of 
left-wing political bias first.

I now feel morally obligated to disassociate myself from GitHub - which is near 
darn impossible. A huge and growing fraction of the free software ecosystem is 
married to GitHub, _including Nim and the vast majority of its modules and 

> Sadly I cannot agree with some of your points, in particular regarding net 
> neutrality.

I've not made any detailed arguments against "Net Neutrality" in my previous 
post. I've just said that it was a recent and particularly egregious "example 
of left-wing political hijacking" of free software communities - and one that 
_most directly involves Nim._

It would have been great if GitHub used such a banner to raise funds for 
hurricane victims, for example, but what they did was very very different - and 
perhaps some people don't even see this. I'll make more detailed arguments 
against "Net Neutrality" in this post, but only to illustrate that there are 
two sides to this issue.

I don't expect anybody to ever change their political opinions, but what is 
most insulting is how **the left no longer even sees anyone who disagrees with 
them as human**. "Everyone must agree that Net Neutrality == freedom, no two 
ways about it, and anyone who disagrees is a bot for [soulless flat-earther 

> Many ISPs have a monopoly, especially in the US. So letting them go on to do 
> whatever they please, unregulated will be a nightmare.

All claims of a "natural monopoly" are a conjecture that becomes a 
self-fulfilling prophecy, stifling technological innovations that would enable 
competition, but it is especially ridiculous in regards to the Internet. The 
Internet is a network, not a "monopoly".

There are two different visions of Internet freedom:

  * A socialist vision of Internet freedom, based on faith that Mommy 
Government will make the Internet free. It pours opium on the 
government-created toothache of cable "monopolies", dulling the pain and 
enabling the illness to continue. The price of this opium is that everyone must 
trust the government to always put [its own 
interests](ò_Machiavelli) aside. All 
governments everywhere are magically benevolent, and they would never censor or 
discriminate against anyone, ever.
  * A capitalist vision of Internet freedom, based on free market competition 
(which is how networks actually work). This vision would have avoided the cable 
monopolies in the first place, and encouraged a lot more and faster 
technological innovation with wireless (cellular, satellite, municipal wifi, 
drone wifi, mesh networking, etc) and locally owned (["last 
mile"](, neighborhood cache, IPFS, etc) 
connectivity technologies. You have a choice between dozens of ISPs, and you 
can connect to several at the same time, adding or dropping subscriptions as 
you see fit (ex. based on connection speed). Ideally you also use independent 
VPN(s), so your ISP(s) can't even tell what you do online much less 

Maybe most people prefer the former, but people who prefer the latter should 
still be treated with respect.

I just hope that you understand that what GitHub did has crossed a serious 
line. As far as I'm concerned it was an act of war, in the propaganda sense of 
the term.

* * *

Re: importc: multiple headers?

2018-01-12 Thread yglukhov
header pragma allows multiple headers in the following way: 

proc myProc() {.importc, header: """#include 
  #include """.}

It is worth noting that header pragma better be avoided as it makes your file 
dependent on the header. When function or struct ABI is well defined, you can 
easily get away with just importc pragma.

Re: Is anyone using the libuv wrappers?

2018-01-12 Thread yglukhov
I suspect Araq suggests using stdlib asyncdispatch instead of libuv.

importc: multiple headers?

2018-01-12 Thread hoanghuynh

if I want to use the importc pragma, but the header containing the function I 
want only works properly, if prefixed by one or more other headers, how do I do 

This is the example in the doc:

proc printf(formatstr: cstring) {.header: "", importc: "printf", 
varargs.} Run So, what if "" needed to be imported before ""?

Re: Nim for Rubyists

2018-01-12 Thread miran
> Nim Weekly

This seems like too short period to get enough relevant/interesting stuff, but 
(once v1.0 is out) "Nim Monthly" might be a good idea!

Re: Increasing Nim exposure

2018-01-12 Thread stbalbach
> I am going to ignore Rust, D and Nim as they have too few users. Programming 
> is a social activity: if nobody can use your code, it does not matter that it 
> runs fast.

What the professor really means: his students can't get hired at AAA firms when 
trained in languages that aren't in the top 20. 

Nim for Rubyists

2018-01-12 Thread jzakiya
Looking thru the Ruby Weekly newsletter 
[]( there was these:

**Top five reasons for Rubyist to use Crystal**


and then the Rustacean foray for mindshare **Rust for Rubyists**:


The article which really spiked my interest in Nim (coming from Ruby) is from 
July 2017 below:

**Nim for the discerning Rubyist**


It would be really nice to have more of these articles to show Rubyist how to 
use Nim to their advantage.

It would also be really nice to have a **Nim Weekly** newsletter too.

I have some things I could possibly contribute. Something to work toward.

Re: Wow. It all 'just works'

2018-01-12 Thread Jehan
May I suggest that it's probably healthier to leave the politics out of this?

Re: Is anyone using the libuv wrappers?

2018-01-12 Thread 2vg
perhaps Araq is talking about SSL wrapping.

looking at devel, it seems that the wrapper of libuv has been delete.
