Re: Doc error

2018-03-29 Thread twetzel59
There is an issue listed now: 

Re: how to call a function by name?

2018-03-29 Thread mikra
Nim is statically typed so only compile-time reflection (see module typetraits 
for instance) is possible. Runtime reflection like in java is not possible (all 
metadata stripped away by the backend compiler)

Re: how to call a function by name?

2018-03-29 Thread r3d9u11
But is it possible in Nim to call procedure with parameters who name and 
parameters will be known at runtime (and get result value)? Does Nim support 

Re: scope guards

2018-03-29 Thread timothee
> Note that if you use except/finally as a statement your code will do 
> unexpected things if you try to concatenate it into a single line with a 
> semicolon (see 
> [](\)).

this bug has been fixed 

> Presumably working nimrod code matching your example would be: ...

IIRC now we use defer: instead of finally: for that although both seem to work. 
see also: 

Re: proc(t: typedesc): var t -- expected 'None' error

2018-03-29 Thread c0ntribut0r
Thank you guys! I stayed with templates, don't know why I didn't use them from 
the beginning.

But typedesc[T] is really, really evil and black magic:

proc getMutableVal[T](key: int, desc: typedesc[T]): var T =

Re: How to return Unicode in shared library

2018-03-29 Thread Santino
Thanks jangko .These solutions are c specific. I am on Windows and in winapi 
there are two functions multibytetowidechar and widechartomultibyte .if Utf8 
string contains character with size of more than one byte then 
multibytetowidechar with cp_utf8 we can get utf16 string. Is there similar 
functions available for Linux and Mac. Actually I want to use Nim language for 
making shared libraries for all 3 major desktop plateforms. It is a supplement 
to use plateforms API embedded in Nim proc, exported in dll,so,dylib.. etc. For 
C backend it is ok but cpp backend ABI is problem.

Re: Doc error

2018-03-29 Thread dom96
The docs are missing.

Doc error

2018-03-29 Thread twetzel59

I am getting a 404 for `asyncstreams` and `asyncfutures` when I navigate to 
them from the Imports section of this documentation page: 

Do these modules still exist, or are the docs missing?

Is there reflection in Nim?

2018-03-29 Thread r3d9u11
Hi. Is it possible in Nim to call procedure with parameters who name and 
parameters will be known at runtime (and get result value)?

Re: How to dealloc complex object correctly?

2018-03-29 Thread r3d9u11

Re: a proc returning void creates 1 arg, not 0: breaking generic code

2018-03-29 Thread Dennis
> in D, variadic argument size will be 0 when calling fun(bar()); since bar 
> returns void isn't that a better behavior? if not what would be downsides of 
> that?

It doesn't? Aside from the wrong semi-colon in the for-loop it gives an error:


"cannot deduce function from argument types !()(void)"

It seems like weird behavior if that were the case. What would fun(1, bar(), 
1); do, give a list of 2 integers?

Re: cpp compilation into own namespace

2018-03-29 Thread Araq
PRs are welcome.

Re: Algorithms must decouple from containers

2018-03-29 Thread lightness1024
@cdome the openArray makes no difference in this regard. It's a (pointer, 
length) tuple, so you have to increment an iterating pointer, or keep an 
integer offset and do pointer arithmetics from the start pointer. both are 
stateful, and just equally as stateful as an interator. Except you've just made 
a regression, because iterators support linked lists or any esoteric memory 
layout, but (pointer, length) do not. I insist, this is not bad design, 
decoupling is a good principle. c.f. 
 from 1':00

Re: complex statement requires indentation

2018-03-29 Thread lightness1024
@mashingan that's the problem. I suggest to remove this feature from ?? and put 
it in ???.

Re: how to call a function by name?

2018-03-29 Thread mratsim
Oh yes of course, you can store the procs in a table. Though you might have 
issue with type-checking if they don't have the exact same arguments.

Re: cpp compilation into own namespace

2018-03-29 Thread adrianv
I did some deeper research. wrapping the nimbase.h would be wrong it is enough 
to wrap the TFrame stuff conditionally into a namespace Nim. In the generated 
code the wrapping should start after the #undef unix or before the first 
declaration until the end.

Would you accept a pull request when I try to do the change ?

With my manual patches I can compile in debug and release mode, and the above 
code reduces to:

import vcl/stdctrls, vcl/forms, vcl/sysutils, strutils


  TForm2* {.importcpp:"TForm2", header:"uFNimHelloCBuilder.h".} = object of 
Button1*: ptr TButton
Label1*: ptr TLabel
  TNotifyCode* = proc(self: ptr DelphiObject, sender: ptr DelphiObject) 

var counter = 0

proc myClick(self: ptr TForm2, sender: ptr DelphiObject) {.fastcall.} =
  Button1.Caption = "greetings from nim".capitalize

proc test(self: ptr TForm2) {.exportc, fastcall.} =
  inc counter
  Button1.Caption = Button1.Caption & $counter
  var mycall: TMethod
  mycall.Data = self
  #var call: TNotifyCode = cast[TNotifyCode](myClick)
  mycall.Code = cast[TNotifyCode](myClick)
  Label1.OnClick := mycall

Re: a proc returning void creates 1 arg, not 0: breaking generic code

2018-03-29 Thread dom96
> @timothee
> Why don't you write D as d? Please learn to write Nim with a capital letter. 
> This is disrespectful at least.

I seriously doubt @timothee meant it in a disrespectful way. This is a 
programming forum, not a parliamentary chambers so no need to call people out 
for such things. 

Re: a proc returning void creates 1 arg, not 0: breaking generic code

2018-03-29 Thread Lando
> fun(bar()) # n.len=1 ?? why not 0?

Because fun is a macro, not a function. A macro call is not supposed to 
"evaluate" its arguments - definitely not untyped ones - before using them. It 
takes pieces of code, transforms them into AST nodes (in this case: one node, 
hence n.len = 1) and makes a new AST node out of them. Your D example shows a 
function, which is a completely different animal.

Imagine bar had side effects. Would you really want fun(bar()) to result in 
code which does nothing (since the varargs argument would be considered 

Re: cpp compilation into own namespace

2018-03-29 Thread adrianv
I am trying to use Embarcadero C++ Builder with Nim. The problem is that by 
default C++ Builder pulls in all namespaces. So you have name clashes for 
example with TFrame or Exception. There is a way to avoid this by defining 
DELPHIHEADER_NO_IMPLICIT_NAMESPACE_USE which should prevents this. But still it 
is APITA to work with this colliding names and till now I can only compile with 
-d:release. I think it would get easier if the generated Nim code would be 
wrapped into its own namespace Nim. This means the #include "nimbase.h" and the 
generated code

to illustrate my problem in the following code I need to include 
uFNimHelloCBuilder.h in order to use TForm2, but this needs to pull in some 
namespaces of the VCL which pulls ins TFrame for example. This 
uFNimHelloCBuilder.h is managed by the C++ Builder and uses only unqualified 
names like TForm or TButton or TFrame...

import vcl/stdctrls, vcl/forms, vcl/sysutils, strutils


using namespace System;
using namespace Vcl;
using namespace Vcl::Controls;
using namespace Vcl::Stdctrls;
using namespace Vcl::Forms;
#include "uFNimHelloCBuilder.h"


  TForm2* {.importcpp:"TForm2" .} = object of TForm
Button1*: ptr TButton
Label1*: ptr TLabel
  TNotifyCode* = proc(self: ptr DelphiObject, sender: ptr DelphiObject) 

var counter = 0

proc myClick(self: ptr TForm2, sender: ptr DelphiObject) {.fastcall.} =
  Button1.Caption = "greetings from nim".capitalize

proc test(self: ptr TForm2) {.exportc.} =
  inc counter
  Button1.Caption = Button1.Caption & $counter
  var mycall: TMethod
  mycall.Data = self
  #var call: TNotifyCode = cast[TNotifyCode](myClick)
  mycall.Code = cast[TNotifyCode](myClick)
  Label1.OnClick := mycall

Re: Partial code upgrades: important or meh?

2018-03-29 Thread Araq
Please, focus on Nimble lockfiles. 

> Nimble (and Nim itself for that matter) don't support a dependency on two 
> different versions of the same package. Is this a problem that will bite us 
> in the future?

No, IMO it's a very reasonable limitation.

Re: vtref and vtptr vs method !!!

2018-03-29 Thread Araq
I haven't made up my mind yet. `vtref` and `vtptr` are about giving Nim 
interfaces, yes. But `concept` is still to rough to base yet another feature on 
top of it and larger OO projects in Nim are full of `method` already, so 
removing it would be a slow painful process.

Re: a proc returning void creates 1 arg, not 0: breaking generic code

2018-03-29 Thread jangko
> Maybe I'm missing some valid use case I haven't thought about?

Nim macros cannot be directly compared to D templates/generics. You can use Nim 
macros to implement DSL, such as assembler, JIT engine, shader language, etc:

macro my_asm_engine(n: varargs[untyped]): typed =
  bla bla bla

  mov eax, ebx
  xor eax, eax

if Nim macros choose to ignore void returning function call, it would be 
unusable to implement DSL at all. 

Re: How to return Unicode in shared library

2018-03-29 Thread jangko
if your unicode string is encoded in UTF8 and your C shared library also accept 
UTF8 encoded, then it is safe to export nim string to cstring. the Nim compiler 
will automatically handle the conversion. actually, no conversion take place, 
only pointer passing.

if it is not UTF8 encoded, or the C library cannot accept UTF8, you can do some 
conversion and pass the pointer of your unicode string to C.

#assume both of this function deals with UTF8 encoded string
proc get_c_unicode(): cstring {.importc: bla bla bla.}
proc put_c_unicode(x: cstring): cint {.importc: bla bla bla.}

var nim_unicode_string = $get_c_unicode()

#do something with unicode module

if put_c_unicode(nim_unicode_string) != 0.cint:
  echo "ok"

as simple as that, if both party agree to use UTF8

unicode codepoints it self it not too hard to program, but rendering and 
formatting the unicode font/typeface, that is the real nightmare.

Re: a proc returning void creates 1 arg, not 0: breaking generic code

2018-03-29 Thread timothee
@rpowers thanks, that solves my problem! and thanks for the rationale, makes 

Re: a proc returning void creates 1 arg, not 0: breaking generic code

2018-03-29 Thread dataman

Why don't you write D as d? Please learn to write Nim with a capital letter. 
This is disrespectful at least.

Re: how to call a function by name?

2018-03-29 Thread mashingan
@timothee, use `procvar` annotation if you have the proc defined

proc echoa() {.procvar.} =
  echo "proca"

proc echob() {.procvar.} =
  echo "procb"

let echos = @[echoa, echob]

for f in echos:

You can use together with enum as matching case or any other method, like using 
index of array or string key table etc

Re: a proc returning void creates 1 arg, not 0: breaking generic code

2018-03-29 Thread rpowers
Oh, right!  I guess it's testing it on untyped rather than the actual type in 
the macro. Anyways, this one is definitely working, it just tests for 
void-typed arguments:

import macros
import typetraits
import strformat

macro fun*(n: varargs[typed]): typed =
result = newNimNode(nnkStmtList, n)
var echoedCount = 0
for x in n:
if x.getTypeInst.typeKind != ntyVoid:
result.add(newCall("echo", x))
echoedCount += 1

result.add(newCall("echo", newStrLitNode($(echoedCount

proc bar() = echo "ok"

fun(1+1) # n.len=1
fun() # n.len=0
# comment this to make it work

> isn't that a better behavior? if not what would be downsides of that?

No, I think automatically filtering void arguments in a macro is not a better 
or intuitive behavior. What if you remove a return type from a function and the 
compiler just silently starts ignoring it in argument lists instead of 
producing a type mismatch error? That seems like it could be an interesting 
source of bugs.

I guess what you're asking for is not SFINAE, but it feels similar -- it's a 
hack used to make template systems have some limited metaprogramming. I think 
that you'll find that sort of thing is not necessary with Nim, you can just 
write a macro that does what you want. Is there something specific that you're 
trying to do that requires the argument-ignoring approach used in D? Maybe we 
could help you come up with a good solution for it in Nim. 

Re: Is there any way to create template with await?

2018-03-29 Thread slangmgh
The following code is extracted from asyncpg. 

template withConnection*(pool: apgPool, conn, body: untyped) =
  ## Retrieves first available connection from pool, assign it
  ## to variable with name `conn`. You can use this connection
  ## inside withConnection code block.
  mixin getFreeConnection
  var connFuture = getFreeConnection(pool)
  yield connFuture
  var index =
var conn = pool.connections[index]

When code in 'body' raise a exception, the last line 
"pool.future[index].complete()" will not be executed and the connection in the 
pool will be leaked. Wrapper the body in a proc is not possible when body 
contains async call itself. I have no idea how to make the above code works 

Re: a proc returning void creates 1 arg, not 0: breaking generic code

2018-03-29 Thread timothee
> bar returns nothing, how could you echo it. I see nothing to fix here, 
> especially not the involved lengths.

if nim treated a void-returning function call as being 0 arguments as in D (as 
if no argument was passed) then there would be no call to echo (ie, fun(bar()) 
would call bar() and then fun()) ; this introduces less edge cases (no need to 
consider void variables). Maybe I'm missing some valid use case I haven't 
thought about?

> I guess that D has implemented some kind of SFINAE that won't run for args 
> that cause errors?

no, it's simpler than that: as I was explaining above, in D, variadic argument 
size will be 0 when calling fun(bar()); since bar returns void

isn't that a better behavior? if not what would be downsides of that?

> it doesn't need those sorts of things, but you can certainly emulate the 
> behavior.

your code doesn't work, compiles(echo(x)) still returns true; here's a full 
modified example so you can click run:

import macros
import typetraits
import strformat

macro fun*(n: varargs[untyped]): typed =
result = newNimNode(nnkStmtList, n)
var echoedCount = 0
for x in n:
if compiles(echo(x)):
result.add(newCall("echo", x))
echoedCount += 1

result.add(newCall("echo", newStrLitNode($(echoedCount

proc bar() = echo "ok"

fun(1+1) # n.len=1
fun() # n.len=0
# comment this to make it work

vtref and vtptr vs method !!!

2018-03-29 Thread dangdongho1
I'm reading the concept documentation in the devel branch and I noticed the new 
(I think) descriptions of vtref and vtptr. Are these intended to replace 
method? I haven't seen these features discussed on the forum yet. From the 
brief description, it appears that these would provide interfaces, a much 
requested feature for Nim. If that's the intention, maybe IfcRef/IfcPtr could 
be used as names?

My initial impression is that I like this a lot, to me it appears much more 
harmonious with the rest of Nim than multimethods, but that having both would 
not be a good thing. I've still not written anything using the new features, 
but I generally avoid method so I'm not the ideal judge.

Re: a proc returning void creates 1 arg, not 0: breaking generic code

2018-03-29 Thread rpowers
I guess that D has implemented some kind of SFINAE that won't run for args that 
cause errors? Since Nim has a full macro system, it doesn't need those sorts of 
things, but you can certainly emulate the behavior. Use the proc compiles, 
which will return true if an expression compiles without errors:

macro fun*(n: varargs[untyped]): typed =
result = newNimNode(nnkStmtList, n)
var echoedCount = 0
for x in n:
if compiles(echo(x)):
result.add(newCall("echo", x))
echoedCount += 1

result.add(newCall("echo", newStrLitNode($(echoedCount

proc bar() = echo "ok"

Re: Is there any way to create template with await?

2018-03-29 Thread slangmgh
The document is about exception raised by async proc, my problem is about the 
exception raised by called proc between async code using resource, they are 
something different. Maybe I can wrapper the body with a proc which turn 
exception into return value.