Re: Nim forum features

2018-09-20 Thread mmierzwa
@Araq Thank you. Of course it was my mistake. I used wrong account and that 
list was just empty.

@juancarlospaco Thanks. Why I did not get that idea myself... ;)

Re: Version 0.17.0 released!

2017-05-20 Thread mmierzwa
First of all. Congratulations.

> But you're spot on, I hope this feature means we can remove method from the 
> language.

If you do, you may consider put some words into documentation what to do to 
achieve similar behaviour because there is quite a lot of people that are 
comfortable with that approach.

Re: How not to use methods

2017-03-15 Thread mmierzwa
Jonathan Blow is creating this language and compiler and actually as testing he 
is making a game in it. There you can declare things as SOA or AOS (struct of 
arrays or array of structs). I encourage you to visit his videos sessions on 
youtube. So it exists but is not available yet.

Re: How not to use methods

2017-03-15 Thread mmierzwa
Thank you for your explanation. Whereas I can understand I am not good at 
applying this knowledge in practise. First lets take a look at object variant 
polymorphism. It can do the same as methods but then cases sneak everywhere 
which is ugly. Then, let me elaborate more. There are entities. Entities does 
not have basically anything interesting by themselves but list of components. 
Components are responsible for different behaviours and they can be attached or 
removed. So basically I do not know what components entity will have. Then I 
have a command. I present such command to every component until it is consumed 
by any. Sometimes there are more components which can take the same command. 
For instance flyer and walker both can take "move" command and execute it in 
its own way. This prevents me from adding separate table for every component 
and process them one by one. I know that it is not as performant but leave 
performance for now.

Re: Immutable sequence

2017-03-14 Thread mmierzwa
Thank you. From my examples also I realized that I am tending to mix reference 
semantics with value semantics which lead to quite frustrating bugs.

Immutable sequence

2017-03-14 Thread mmierzwa
I have found such example when seq is immutable

type B* = object
myseq: seq[int]

type A* = object
bseq*: seq[B]

proc test1() =
var b: B
b.myseq = newSeq[int]()
var i = 0
while i < len(b.myseq):
if b.myseq[i] == 10:
b.myseq.del(i) # mutable

proc test() =
var b: B
b.myseq = newSeq[int]()
var a: A
a.bseq = newSeq[B]()
var j = 0
while j < len(a.bseq):
var myb = a.bseq[j]
var i = 0
while i < len(myb.myseq):
myb.myseq.del(i) # mutable
i += 1
j += 1

proc test2() =
var b: B
b.myseq = newSeq[int]()
var a: A
a.bseq = newSeq[B]()
for myb in a.bseq:
var i = 0
while i < len(myb.myseq):
myb.myseq.del(i) # immutable
i += 1

It seems that in test2 it is "for myb in a.bseq" which makes later myb.myseq 
immutable but with comparison to test1 and test I have feeling that it is a bit 
inconsistent. Why "for myb in a.bseq:" makes it immutable whilst myb = 
a.bseq[j] not? Or maybe I am wrong at all...

Re: How not to use methods

2017-03-11 Thread mmierzwa
Yes. First I am afraid they could remove them, second and more important, it 
means they do such things in different way which I would like to learn.

Re: How not to use methods

2017-03-11 Thread mmierzwa
Thank you. Would you mind to present "colsure" solution? The one you suggested 
would not be feasible as every entity can have various nubmer of various 

How not to use methods

2017-03-11 Thread mmierzwa

I need a hint.

Provided I have such construction

type Component = ref object of RootObj

type Entity = ref object
  components = seq[Component]

method update(c: Component) = discard

Then, I have components, like: 

type Fighter = ref object of Component
method update(c: Fighter) = discard


for c in entity.components:

So it is quite common pattern. Collection of objects with common interface on 
which you perform some action. How can I preserve such functionality avoiding 
using methods (as I have heard core team do not like them).

Method does not work, implicit generic?

2017-03-11 Thread mmierzwa

I have had hard time with method which did not behave as I expected to.


type Parent* = ref object of RootObj
type Child* = ref object of Parent
type Some = object

method getDataToSave*(x: Parent): object {.base.} =
echo("took getDataToSave Parent")
var o: Some
return o

method getDataToSave*(x: Child): object =
echo("took getDataToSave from Child")
var o: Some
return o


from child import Parent, Child, getDataToSave

proc test() =
var x: Parent = Child()
discard getDataToSave(x)


It compiles and gives "took getDataToSave from Parent", whilst I expected 
method on Child would be invoked. After long long time I noticed that problem 
lies in return type which is object. If you change child.nim

type Parent* = ref object of RootObj
type Child* = ref object of Parent
type Some = object

method getDataToSave*(x: Parent): Some {.base.} =
echo("took getDataToSave Parent")
var o: Some
return o

method getDataToSave*(x: Child): Some =
echo("took getDataToSave from Child")
var o: Some
return o

It is working as expected, which means I get "took getDataToSave from Child". 
Perhaps compiler should give warning?

Re: 7drl - Seven Day Roguelike Game Dev Competition

2017-03-02 Thread mmierzwa
I do not know the rules. But if anyone would like to write it in Nim I would be 
happy to join. Recently I was working on something that resemble Roguelike:

[Not Roguelike!](

Re: Atom/Sublime with recent versions of nimsuggest

2017-03-02 Thread mmierzwa
Sublime works decent with nimlime. However it was recently abandoned so I am a 
bit worried.

Re: Nim video tutorials

2017-02-25 Thread mmierzwa
Great idea. Rather short videos focused on particular subject. Worth mentioning 
is basics, how to install, how to use, hello world, then syntax, datatypes, 
object model, ref and without ref. More advanced topics could cover generics, 
templates, marros. Now please bear in mind that I am not particular fan of 
design patterns, but, in Nim, thanks to its specification some useful patterns 
emerges and can be used to overcome difficulties. It would be fantastic to 
identify them, gather. It does not have to be related to objects composition 
like in java. It could be related to variadic objects (that use case), how to 
implement mutually redundant types in a clean way, when and how to use 
templates, when, let, const etc. Some episodes could be "special" and focus on 
some interesting libraries, systems, programs that are worth mentioning. Then 
we have interviews. Like interview with core dev team with subject "Future of 
Nim".  Ok, I think I let my imagination fly. 

Re: Nim Syntax ''Skins''

2017-02-23 Thread mmierzwa
Just remark. In SQL Server for instance you can design query graphically but 
everyone (in my experience) just write it in text. I am trying to say that it 
would not be easy to go to higher level of abstraction. Graphical languages are 
not very popular. Human is a beast which thinks rather sequentially and text 
mirrors that behaviour.

If we want to drag people here making syntax looking familiar to them I am 
afraid that it is wrong approach. They will go anyway. I think when you choose 
language you have many more serious considerations. Especially when you know 
few other languages it does not matter if curly braces or not.

Also I am afraid that we have relatively small community and instead of uniting 
we are going to split it to smaller incompatible camps. 

Re: Nim Syntax ''Skins''

2017-02-22 Thread mmierzwa
I think that also the question is whether we (you rather) are making practical 
language or academic one. I am not sure if both can be successfully combined 
(although such approach worked for pypy they say). Endow language with all 
shiny, "it is how it should be" etc. concepts, which can by the way confuse 
people, can (when not careful) make a garbage. But let's make 1.0 version. Make 
it useful, stable, not bugged, otherwise it will never end. 

Re: Nim Syntax ''Skins''

2017-02-22 Thread mmierzwa
While I agree with everything what Libman says I am also a bit afraid.

  * syntax wars will not be ceased in peaceful Nim world, they will be drag 
inside Nim world
  * Nim already allows using quite different styles. And it happens quite often 
that I am looking at someone's code and it take me time to understand. I loved 
that in Python with its quite easy schematic syntax and not many keywords I was 
able to pickup programs just by looking at them.
  * Programs are written by people and read by people. I do not care about AST. 
If I see two programs in Nim written in different syntax it is not very 
different situation for me if they were actually written in different 
languages. And so if I see program written in F# it does not help that I know 
VB and C# and all three are compiled to CLR.
  * For a long run I doubt that it is existence or lack of curly braces in 
language that makes it good or bad (or popular). This is only excuse in most 
cases. Programming in a specific language I am able to adapt to its 
specification. I want it to be concise, clear and allowing me to implement what 
I have on my mind. Also easy read examples and documentation.
  * It is already frustrating when I am adapting libraries or copy someone's 
else part of program and I find that it uses 2 spaces indentation (I am using 4 
because then I can see better, using tabs would solve this problem, but it was 
discussed somewhere else so I need to live with that). I can imagine if I had 
to merge two Nim different syntax programs. Automatic conversion could help but 
it is just another step to do and I doubt it would be perfect.

Re: Why `..` does not work for countdown

2017-02-20 Thread mmierzwa
>From system.nim

iterator `..`[S, T](a: S; b: T): T {..}

An alias for countup.   Source Edit

Anyway, could not it work with a > b? Probably there is some reasoning behind 
this and I am trying to understand.

Why `..` does not work for countdown

2017-02-20 Thread mmierzwa

I have been wondering why _`..`_ operator works only for _countup_. Why there 
is no counterpart for _couontdown_?

For instance something like: 

when sizeof(int) <= 2:
type IntLikeForCount = int|int8|int16|char|bool|uint8|enum
type IntLikeForCount = int|int8|int16|int32|char|bool|uint8|uint16|enum

iterator `..`[S, T](a: S, b: T): T {.inline.} =
dbg("Using .. for ", a, ", ", b)
if a > b:
when T is IntLikeForCount:
var res = int(a)
while res >= int(b):
yield T(res)
dec(res, 1)
var res = a
while res >= b:
yield res
dec(res, 1)
when T is IntLikeForCount:
var res = int(a)
while res <= int(b):
yield T(res)
var res: T = T(a)
while res <= b:
yield res

Perhaps it is naive approach but I assume that it could be written to resemble 
currently existing _`..`_ implementation.

File, FileDescriptor, Handle, Windows

2017-02-17 Thread mmierzwa

I would like to ask you for help again.

I am trying to achive double buffering for console under Windows (I was in 
shock when I noticed that there is double buffering for console).

My current code: 

import winim
from os import execShellCmd, sleep

var buffer1: HANDLE = GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE)
var buffer2: HANDLE = CreateConsoleScreenBuffer( GENERIC_WRITE, 0, NULL, 

discard execShellCmd("cls")

var begin: COORD
begin.X = 0;
begin.Y = 0;

SetConsoleCursorPosition(buffer1, begin)

var written: DWORD;
var s: wstring = `+$`[wstring]("milk!")
var s1: wstring = `+$`[wstring]("choco")

WriteConsole( buffer1, &s, 5, addr written, NULL)
echo "buffer 1"
WriteConsole( buffer2, &s1, 5, addr written, NULL)

proc open_osfhandle(osfhandle: Handle, flags: int): int  {.importc: 
"_open_osfhandle", header: "io.h".}
proc fdopen(fd: int, mode: char): FILE {.importc: "_fdopen", header: 

var fd = open_osfhandle(buffer1, 8)
echo "FD: ", fd

# This line produces error
# SIGSEGV: Illegal storage access. (Attempt to read from nil?)
# var f = fdopen(fd, 'a') # <- ERROR

#f.write("2 buf")

SetConsoleActiveScreenBuffer( buffer2 )

SetConsoleActiveScreenBuffer( buffer1 )

So I have found that required functions are fortunately wrapped in _winim_. 
Fantastic, I could rewrite c++ code without almost any changes. And it works. 
However, having this I would like to be able to just use standard _"write"_ Nim 
procedure. Then the problems started to pile up. I need Nim _File_ having c 
_HANDLE_. I have found that I can change _HANDLE_ to FILE* in c by obtaining 
first file descriptor using __open_osfhandle_ and then get FILE* from FD using 
__fd_open_. I tried but I find difficult to map c types to Nim and back. In 
example code I have error. Could you help me?

Re: How to be more concise in code [NEWBIE]

2017-02-16 Thread mmierzwa
Thank you. Will take a look. I am looking for simple solutions. Patty is for 
sure marvellous but 400 lines (or so) of code to emit few lines of code is 
intimidating to me.

Re: How to be more concise in code [NEWBIE]

2017-02-16 Thread mmierzwa
So final version from my first post would now look like:  
(I took variantp from andrea's patty and added my version of match)  

template match*(t: typed, handlers: openArray): untyped =
var x = ord(t.kind)


import patty

variantp Message:
msgHit(target: string, hp: int)
msgDeath(died: string)
msgDayNight(isDay: bool)

# normally queue
var messages*: Message

proc getTextHit(m: Message): string = "You hit " & & " for " & 
$m.hp & " HP."
proc getTextDeath(m: Message): string = m.died & " just died."
proc getTextDayNight(m: Message): string =
if m.isDay:
result = "The day has just begun."
result = "Beware! Night is coming."

proc getText*(m: Message): string =
match(m, [getTextHit, getTextDeath, getTextDayNight])


from message import msgDayNight, messages, getText

# game time system
proc informAboutDay() =
messages = msgDayNight(isDay = true)

# player informer
proc update() =
echo( getText(messages) )

when isMainModule:

Sweet. Except two things. First andrea's version is complicated and I do not 
understand it, so if by accident it stops working with new version of nim i am 
doomed. Second, I do not understand how my simple _match_ version is working, 
even though I wrote it and it is working... 

BTW: Is it possible instead of playing with AST in macros to spit just code 
built from strings? Like in static block i could create few lines of code which 
would be then compiled as rest of normal code? I know, this is wrong approach 
and AST is proper but still... 

Re: How to be more concise in code [NEWBIE]

2017-02-16 Thread mmierzwa
Thank you **andrea**.

I like your _variant_ but _match_ is for me similar in verbosity to my getText 
and I think it could be compressed further.

My attempt:

import patty

variant Message:
hit(hp: int)
death(died: string)

proc hhit(m: Message) = echo "HIT " & $m.hp
proc hdeath(m: Message) = echo "DEATH" & m.died

template choose(t: typed, handlers: tuple) =
#var x = ord(t.kind)
#handlers[x]() # - compilation error: cannot evaluate at compile time
case ord(t.kind)
of 0: handlers[0](t)
of 1: handlers[1](t)

proc test() =
var h = hit(5)
choose(h, (hhit, hdeath))


It works nice, but I cannot overcome problem with variable amount of handlers.

Thank you **flyx**.

When death message is dispatched entity is already removed so having ID I would 
not be able to fetch name, and you will have to make string somewhere anyway to 
display it - so this is not my concern.

Your solution is also very interesting.

How to be more concise in code [NEWBIE]

2017-02-16 Thread mmierzwa

I needed some sort of polymorphism, but did not want to use inheritance and 
methods because it needs heap allocation and I have quite small objects which 
are created and destroyed frequently.

Finally I came out with setup which I was comfortable with, and here is example:


type MessageType = enum msgHit, msgDeath, msgDayNight

type Message* = object
case messageType*: MessageType
of msgHit:
target*: string
hp*: int
of msgDeath:
died*: string
of msgDayNight:
isDay*: bool

# normally queue
var messages*: Message

proc hit*(target: string, hp: int): Message = Message(messageType: msgHit, 
target: target, hp: hp)

proc death*(died: string): Message = Message(messageType: msgDeath, died: 

proc dayNight*(isDay: bool): Message = Message(messageType: msgDayNight, 
isDay: isDay)

proc getTextHit(m: Message): string = "You hit " & & " for " & 
$m.hp & " HP."

proc getTextDeath(m: Message): string = m.died & " just died."

proc getTextDayNight(m: Message): string =
if m.isDay:
result = "The day has just begun."
result = "Beware! Night is coming."

proc getText*(m: Message): string =
case m.messageType:
of msgHit:
result = getTextHit(m)
of msgDeath:
result = getTextDeath(m)
of msgDayNight:
result = getTextDayNight(m)


from message import dayNight, messages, getText

# game time system

proc informAboutDay() =
messages = dayNight(isDay = true)

# player informer

proc update() =
echo( getText(messages) )

when isMainModule:


It is simple, it is clear but it is very verbose. What would you suggest to 
preserve merits while allowing addition of new MessageTypes easier. Currently 
it consist in:

  1. Add message type in MessageType
  2. Add "of" condition in Message
  3. Add "of" in getText
  4. Provide constructor
  5. Provide handler

Also I would not like to solve this problem introducing another overly 
complicated layer (like not simple templates for instance).

All suggestions appreciated.

"Very bad coder." \- You have been warned!  

Re: messaging - or communicating between GUI's

2017-01-28 Thread mmierzwa
Thank you **god**. data[][0].addr was what I was looking for, tried to use repr 
to check but it turned out unreliable and so my confusion. So **Araq** was 
right, I was trying to send pointer, but I could not find from his answer where 
I made it wrong.

Re: var param vs tuple as return value

2017-01-28 Thread mmierzwa
I know. Closed. I am sorry but let me add last quick remark. Such discussions, 
even when look somewhat as a fight, are not necessarily bad thing. It is good 
to see some other people opinions as long as they are backed up with 
constructive arguments. So if it is possible to make section for my questions , 
maybe it is possible to also create section for more loose discussions? I hate 
when I see interesting debate on stackoverflow and suddenly it is closed 
because someone found it not constructive.

Re: messaging - or communicating between GUI's

2017-01-27 Thread mmierzwa
My understanding is that I **do not** send pointer but I give address of start 
of memory from which pipe should send the data of bytes length. And the pipe is 
to cross the processes barrier. Also I have no idea how or what could I use 
from stdlib.

Re: messaging - or communicating between GUI's

2017-01-27 Thread mmierzwa
So I modified god's example. The main differrence is that server receives data 
and client pushes and data should be string. Unfortunatelly after many many 
hours i gave up and would like to ask you for help again. I feel I am doing 
something terrible with strings and its places in memory.


import winlean, os

type Msg = cstring

import strutils
import typetraits

# Auxilary 
proc rr[T](v: ptr T) =
echo "Type: ", name(T), "   Addr: ", toHex(cast[int](v)), "   Val: ", 

proc rr(v: pointer, t: typedesc) =
echo "Type: ", name(pointer), "   Addr: ", toHex(cast[int](v)), "   val 
", name(t), ": ", (cast[ptr t](v))[]

template leave =
if(true): return

proc connectNamedPipe(hNamedPipe: Handle, lpOverlapped: pointer): WINBOOL 
{.importc: "ConnectNamedPipe", stdcall, dynlib: "kernel32".}

pipeHeaderName = r"\\.\pipe\dbgpipe"


var pipe:Handle

proc createPipe() =
echo "Creating an instance of a named pipe ..."
var pipeName = newWideCString(pipeHeaderName)
pipe = createNamedPipe(pipeName, # name of the pipe
 PIPE_ACCESS_INBOUND, # 1-way pipe -- receive only
 1, # only allow 1 instance of this pipe
 0, # no outbound buffer
 0, # no inbound buffer
 0, # use default wait time
echo "Failed to create inbound pipe instance."
let err = osLastError()
if err.int32 != ERROR_PIPE_BUSY:

echo "Waiting for a client to connect to the pipe..."
# This call blocks until a client process connects to the pipe
var res = connectNamedPipe(pipe, nil)
if res == 0:
echo "Failed to make connection on named pipe."
# look up error code here using GetLastError()
discard closeHandle(pipe)
# close the pipe

proc recvMessage(buffer: ptr Msg ):bool =
result = false
msglen = 0.int32
res = 0.int32
discard pipe.peekNamedPipe(cast[pointer](buffer), (4).int32, 
msglen.addr) # not blocking
return false
echo("Expected msg bytes: ", 4)
echo("Bytes to read in pipe: ", msglen)
if msglen == 0:
return false

var numBytesRead:int32  = 0
res  = readFile(pipe, cast[pointer](buffer), # the data from the 
pipe will be put here
numBytesRead.addr, # this will store number of 
bytes actually read
return false
if res > 0:
echo "Number of bytes read: ", numBytesRead
echo "Message: "
rr(buffer, Msg)
return true
echo "Failed to read data from the pipe."

proc test() =
var b:Msg = "ABC"
rr(addr b)
var i = 4
while i > 0:
i -= 1
if recvMessage(addr b):
rr(addr b)

echo "ver ", 40


import winlean, os

type Msg = cstring

pipeHeaderName = r"\\.\pipe\dbgpipe"


var pipe:Handle

proc connectPipe() =
echo "Connecting to pipe..."
var pipeName = newWideCString(pipeHeaderName)
   lpSecurityDescriptor: nil, bInheritHandle: 1)
pipe = createFileW(pipeName, GENERIC_WRITE,
 0, sa.addr, OPEN_EXISTING,

echo "Failed to connect to pipe."
let err = osLastError()
if err.int32 != ERROR_PIPE_BUSY:

proc closePipe*() =
# Close the pipe (automatically disconnects client too)
discard closeHandle(pipe)

proc sendMessage*(data: ptr Msg) =
echo "Sending data to pipe..."
numBytesWritten:int32  = 0
res:int32 = 0
echo "Writing: ", len(data[]), " chars, sizeof ", sizeof(data[])
res = writeFile(pipe,  # handle to our outbound pipe

Re: [newbie question] Pointer to cstring

2017-01-27 Thread mmierzwa
Thank you Krux and Araq. repr is very useful to be able to understand what is 
going on in my program. I am trying to send strings through a pipe (without 
success) so casting to pointer and knowing what is exactly happening is crucial 
for me.

[newbie question] Pointer to cstring

2017-01-26 Thread mmierzwa

I am having hard time understanding pointers, addr, cstrings.

var i: cstring = "a"
var pi: ptr cstring = i.addr
echo repr(i)
echo repr(pi)


ref 004477F8 --> 005BC070"a"

My understanding is this. First we declare variable i and assign string "a" 
there. As first line of output says, "a" is kept in ...058 cell of memory so in 
fact i contains address of this cell. Now we are declaring pointer pi and 
assign address of i. Is it that pi points to i that points to ...058 memory 
which contains "a"? As I understand from second ouput line address of pi 
variable is ...77F8, but then it is suggesting that "a" is in memory cell C070. 
I am a bit confused. Could you help me understand? 

Re: messaging - or communicating between GUI's

2017-01-26 Thread mmierzwa
Thank you for your reply **Krux02**, I appreciate it. Not quite there however 
because what I am interested in is processes not threads and how to set up 
communication between two. Also I am looking for pipes, shared memory, ffs and 
differences among them, performance etc. I do not want to setup communication 
through sockets. Nothing to do with GUI applications.

**god**, thank you I think exactly what I am looking for. Will check your 

Re: messaging - or communicating between GUI's

2017-01-25 Thread mmierzwa
Could you paste your solution (the IPC part) for future reference?

Re: var param vs tuple as return value

2017-01-25 Thread mmierzwa
Thank you. I will use this IRC bridge. Anyhow, I feel forum is a lot better for 
even newbie questions. If language becomes more popular you will have the same 
questions asked again and again in IRC whilst they should be easy discoverable 
in forum (like in stackoverflow), this could serve as additional documentation 
with examples.

Re: How to open new console window and File, FileInfo, FileHandle

2017-01-25 Thread mmierzwa
When I am in forum view I see there are 4 answers in this thread and I see also 
AironGregatti. However when I enter I see only 3 posts without that from Airon. 
Why is this so? Moderation?

Re: var param vs tuple as return value

2017-01-25 Thread mmierzwa

"Btw please join IRC or gitter instead of flooding this forum with newbie 
questions, no offense."

I do not want to flood your forum, but I do realize my questions would be 
newbie as well. The problem is, if I use irc-like I have chance to get answer 
only from people who are already online/reading, then it is buried, while on 
forum it stays as separate thread. So for others possible newbie (I know there 
are not many newbie here, but for future?) it is easier to discover later. 
Maybe finding separate part of forum or something similar would be nice idea? 
Having said that, I am moving to gitter.

Regards Michal

Re: Exploring namespaces support in Nim

2017-01-24 Thread mmierzwa
Andrea, whilst its true, it is on library creator side, whilst we may want to 
decide how it would look like in our code, when there are two libraries where 
their creators did not use distinct type.

How to open new console window and File, FileInfo, FileHandle

2017-01-24 Thread mmierzwa

I am trying to open new console window and be able to write to it. My attempts 
failed. How to do that? (currently using MinGW)

During my attempts I tried to create process using startProcess I noticed that 
I can get then FileHandle for process. However I do not know how obtain File to 
which I could write (like stdout), I also have seen FileInfo. So having File, 
FileHandle, FileInfo - could someone give some hints about them? I could also 
fetch input Stream.

Third. Is it difficult (it is not, but for me it is) to switch to vcc compiler? 
Are there any easy manual for that?

Thanks in advance for any help.

Regards Michal /The really bad programmer/