Re: Having a hard time getting raylib bindings to work

2017-08-10 Thread def_pri_pub
So this is a fun issue now...

I've gotten the bindings to work, but when you want to do something with 
Textures, they won't display on the screen. The raylib tracelog says everything 
is okay when it came to loading the assets. I'm tracking the issue here: 

I've tried:

  * dynamically loading at runtime, (via the dynlib pragma)
  * statically linking raylib
  * statically compiling the raylib source into raylib.nim (via the compile 

The only thing I can think of is that there is some issue with how c2Nim 
translated the Image data structure. I think it has to do with that void * 

typedef struct Image {
void *data; // Image raw data
int width;  // Image base width
int height; // Image base height
int mipmaps;// Mipmap levels, 1 by default
int format; // Data format (TextureFormat type)
} Image;

  Image* = object
data*: pointer ##  Image raw data
width*: cint   ##  Image base width
height*: cint  ##  Image base height
mipmaps*: cint ##  Mipmap levels, 1 by default
format*: cint  ##  Data format (TextureFormat type)

Anyone got any ideas?

Re: Having a hard time getting raylib bindings to work

2017-07-25 Thread def_pri_pub
Taking a look [at the man page for 
dlopen(3)](, I think the 
easiest thing to do would to be to wrap the dlopen() call in the Nim code in 
something that sets and then resets the LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable.

Taking a look at the dlopen() imports in 
 we could use the os modules' getEnv() and putEnv() functions.


from os import getEnv, putEnv

proc real_dlopen(path: cstring, mode: cint): LibHandle
  {.importc: "dlopen", header: "".}

proc dlopen(path: cstring, mode: cint): LibHandle=
  # Modify the library search path
origLibPath = getEnv("LD_LIBRARY_PATH")
newLibPath = originalLibPath & ":/usr/local/lib"
  setEnv("LD_LIBRARY_PATH", newLibPath)
  result = real_dlopen(path, mode)
  setEnv("LD_LIBRARY_PATH", origLibPath)

I think that would do it. Looking also [at OS X's 
 it might be best to add in a block that will get the correct environment 
variable to get, set, and reset. Interestingly enough, OS X already searches 
/usr/local/lib by defualt. But I'm not sure about /usr/local/Cellar, where is 
where homebrew likes to put stuff.

I'll leave the details up to you, but I think this needs to be the case for 
Linux at least.

Re: Having a hard time getting raylib bindings to work

2017-07-24 Thread Araq
> I consider it something that Nim should be concerned about.

I am concerned. Now what?  How can we improve the situation? 

Re: Having a hard time getting raylib bindings to work

2017-07-24 Thread mratsim
It might be aadded to a FAQ but this is clearly a distribution issue.

Searching "ubuntu /usr/local/lib" yields 700k+ results according to Google. The 
first page all have at least one correct answer (export ...).

Also no regular package installs in `/usr/local/lib`, only things that you 
compile from source. It's a well known location for user compiled libraries but 
I think it's fair to expect people compiling from source to manage their custom 

Re: Having a hard time getting raylib bindings to work

2017-07-24 Thread def_pri_pub
I consider it something that Nim should be concerned about. It's already caused 
me a fair bit of grief trying to get the bindings working on Linux and I'm sure 
anyone else will run into the same issue down the road. Keep in mind it's not 
my .so that it was failing to find, but an .so that mine depended on, which was 
in a well known install location.

Re: Having a hard time getting raylib bindings to work

2017-07-24 Thread jlp765
It is not Nim's problem.

>From the `dlopen` doco, you definitely need to either use `ldconfig` or set 
>`LD_LIBRARY_PATH`, because `dlopen` does not check `/usr/local/lib` by default:

   o   (ELF only) If the executable file for the calling program
   contains a DT_RPATH tag, and does not contain a DT_RUNPATH tag,
   then the directories listed in the DT_RPATH tag are searched.
   o   If, at the time that the program was started, the environment
   variable LD_LIBRARY_PATH was defined to contain a colon-separated
   list of directories, then these are searched.  (As a security
   measure, this variable is ignored for set-user-ID and set-group-
   ID programs.)
   o   (ELF only) If the executable file for the calling program
   contains a DT_RUNPATH tag, then the directories listed in that
   tag are searched.
   o   The cache file /etc/ (maintained by ldconfig(8)) is
   checked to see whether it contains an entry for filename.
   o   The directories /lib and /usr/lib are searched (in that order).

Re: Having a hard time getting raylib bindings to work

2017-07-24 Thread def_pri_pub
I think I figured out why setting export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/lib was 
necessary to make it work. [The dlopen() 
function]( is used under the 
hood for the dynlib macro on Linux. dlopen() will not search /usr/local/lib by 
default. It needs to be manually specified...

Is this something that maybe should be fixed in the Nim source to also search 
/usr/local/lib for .so files on unix systems?

Re: Having a hard time getting raylib bindings to work

2017-07-23 Thread def_pri_pub
I use ubuntu (well, xubuntu... technically). I doubt it's a bug on their side. 
Someone else would have tripped over this way before I would have and fixed it 

Re: Having a hard time getting raylib bindings to work

2017-07-22 Thread mratsim
Add it through /etc/ example 
[here]( Relevant 
[thread in Archlinux forum](

You might want to file a bug to your linux distro.

Re: Having a hard time getting raylib bindings to work

2017-07-22 Thread def_pri_pub
I've been able to get the Nim bindings to work on Linux using .so files!! There 
is still a bit of an odd quirk:

  1. GLFW 3.2.1 needs to be installed (with cmake -DBUILD_SHARED_LIBS=ON) from 
source (sudo make install). So those get put in /usr/local/lib
  2. raylib needs to be installed (with make SHARED_RAYLIB=YES) from source 
(sudo make install SHARED_RAYLIB=YES). Those get put in /usr/local/lib too.

So at this point, you can compile the core_basic_window.nim example I have in 
examples. But the problem is that if I try to run it, I get this:

ben@linux:examples$ ./core_basic_window
/usr/local/lib/ undefined symbol: glfwSetWindowIcon
could not load:

But when I did export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/lib. then it would run fine. 
What the hell is going on here? Isn't /usr/local/lib one of the default library 
search paths? That's where the .so files are put.

Re: Having a hard time getting raylib bindings to work

2017-07-21 Thread def_pri_pub
I found out some more information about the issue on Linux. If you read the 
link to my edited post at the top it explains a little more. tl;dr the Linux .so is broken.

Re: Having a hard time getting raylib bindings to work

2017-07-20 Thread Krux02
you can also add all c files of raylib manually with the compile pragma, like I 
did it in AntTweakBar 

Re: Having a hard time getting raylib bindings to work

2017-07-20 Thread Araq
Well you use `dynlib: LIB_RAYLIB` (which is fine) and add linker commands 
`{.passL: "-L. -lraylib".}` at the same time! That's wrong! Use one way or the 
other, preferably the `dynlib` solution.

Having a hard time getting raylib bindings to work

2017-07-20 Thread def_pri_pub
I'm trying to get some Nim bindings for [this neat little game programming 
library called raylib]( But well, I'm 
having some difficulties trying to do so.

After cleaning up raylib.h, I was able to use c2nim to auto-generate a .nim. I 
commented out a few things and added in the {.importc.} pragmas manually. You 
can [see it thus far 

If you want to help me out, you'll need to build your own copy of raylib, off 
of the develop branch, using the SHARED_RAYLIB=YES option at make. There are 
some extra instructions on their Wiki.

On Linux: I can't seem to get the library to load at runtime. It compiles fine. 
But when I try to run the core_basic_window in examples, I keep on getting 
could not load: messages. I tried compiling with the extra 
information and it only said that it couldn't find the .so file. I tried 
placing the .so in /usr/local/lib, and the current working directory (with 
setting LD_LIBRARY_PATH). Still nothing. Does anyone see what's wrong here?

On OS X: It's in a partial working state. For now, the .dylib needs to be in 
the same folder as the .nim you want to compile, as well as for to run the 
executable. There's a bit of a problem though. It's failing to load some of the 
functions from the .dylib, thus making the application crash if I don't have 
that {.deadCodeElim: on.} pragma at the top of src/raylib.nim. For example, if 
I remove that pragma, it will compile, but at runtime it will say could not 
import: LoadMeshEx. The proc id in Nim looks fine to me. Anyone know what's 
going wrong?

For Windows: I haven't tried yet. If someone else to try this out and see how 
they are going, I'd be very appreciative.