Re: Question regarding the setter method/proc

2018-02-12 Thread rajydv23
To the best thing the play online game is 
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Re: Question regarding the setter method/proc

2017-08-29 Thread Udiknedormin
@Lando I think you misunderstood me. I like properties for the reasons you 
mentioned (mainly: not giving a damn). I just don't like the fact they work 
differently in the module the type is defined in. 

As for whether properties are good: it depends. Memoized properties are often a 
good usecase: after the first access it actually is just a simple read 
(although one could argue that as the very first call is expensive, it should 
not mimic simple access). Also, properties can be an alias --- in one of my 
projects I used some generic N-spaces but aliased a few first elements of any 
N-dimentional array by x, y, z etc.

As for solution: why not use the same one as with assignments? 
system.`host=`(s, 34) sounds weird but hey, it IS weird to directly access a 
field when a setter for this field is defined!

Re: Question regarding the setter method/proc

2017-08-29 Thread Lando
@Udiknedormi: I see how that would make sense. There is that ambiguity that = 34_ can mean two completely different things inside the module:

  * call the assignment operator
  * call a procedure named _host=_

But Nim seems to consciously embrace ambiguity to accomplish separation of 
concerns: I can write _a.host_ in another module and not give a damn about 
whether this accesses a field or calls a proc which returns the value of a 
field and I like that. I don't want to know what encapsulation model the module 
I use has, I just want to use it. Much better than Java's getter/setter scheme.

Also having to use a tweaked field name inside the module would feel bad to me. 
Maybe a big fat ambiguity warning instead of an error would do.

Re: Question regarding the setter method/proc

2017-08-28 Thread Udiknedormin
It seems to me it would be better to not allow a getter/setter to be named just 
like a private field. It's quite misleading.

Re: Question regarding the setter method/proc

2017-08-28 Thread pgmf
Thanks again @Lando for confirming this. It more clear to me now. Best Regards

Re: Question regarding the setter method/proc

2017-08-28 Thread Lando
Correct. This is why the name of the field was changed to something other than 
_host_ in the updated example code.

Re: Question regarding the setter method/proc

2017-08-28 Thread pgmf
@Lando, Many thanks for your reply, much appreciated. I was really confused. 
This is how I understand the concept from your reply. Please correct me if I am 

  * if ' = 34 ' is called from the _same module_, it will directly 
access the object variable bypassing the '' method/proc.
  * if ' = 34 ' is called from a _different module_, '' 
method/proc is called as direct access to object variable is not allowed.

Re: Question regarding the setter method/proc

2017-08-28 Thread Lando
The example from the tutorial is a bit misleading, try the updated [version 
from the language 
manual]( instead. 
The _host_ field of a _Socket_ object is invisible to code from a different 
module, but the tutorial example code accesses it directly from **within the 
same module** with = 34_.

Re: Question regarding the setter method/proc

2017-08-28 Thread pgmf
Aplologies, there was an error in my program, corrected now. My question still 
stands though. Thanks.

Question regarding the setter method/proc

2017-08-28 Thread pgmf
Hello all,

A newbie here. I have been learning Nim using the online tutorials and is 
thoroughly enjoying Nim . I have completed the part 1 and have advanced to Part 
2 of the tutorial. Have a question regarding the setter methods discussed in 
the 'Properties' section of the tutorial. Can you please help.

The code looks like this. It appears like ** = 34** is not calling the 
setter proc. At the same time , s.`host=` 34 calls the setter proc.

Also is there a facility in Nim to mark class variables as Private/Public? 
Thanks in advance.

  Socket = ref object of RootObj
host: int # cannot be accessed from the outside of the module due to 
missing star

proc `host=`(s: var Socket, value: int) {.inline.} =
  ## setter of host address = value

proc host(s: Socket): int {.inline.} =
  ## getter of host address
  echo "inside the getter host method"

var s: Socket
new s = 34  # => does not call the host= proc. "inside the getter method" 
string is not printed
s.`host=` 34 # => works as expected. host= proc is called.