Re: What are the important features that are missing in Nim?

2016-07-01 Thread didlybom
> | Ideally, I'd like to get a REPL based on Jupyter (formerly known as 
> ipython).
> That would mean Python becomes an essential dependency for Nim development. 
> I'm sure Nim can come up with a stand-alone feature-rich REPL, and optional 
> Jupyter integration.

Actually it doesn´t mean that. Jupyter _started_ as a Python tool, but it has 
since been heavily refactored so that it is completely language agnostic. It 
provides a REPL that can be used with any language. There are Jupyter-based 
REPLs for Haskell, Ruby, Julia, Javascript, Csharp, and so on 
 Having a Jupyter-based nim environment would be wonderful. 

Re: What are the important features that are missing in Nim?

2016-06-28 Thread honhon
IMHO Nim doesn't need any new features to move to 1.0. Just general tidying and 
bug fixing. Maybe moving some features to __future__.

A little off topic but I've tried Nim in a lot of different editors. I tried 
Visual Studio Code for the first time as an editor to see what the Nim 
experience was like. For me Visual Studio Code provides the best Nim code 
editing experience. 

Re: What are the important features that are missing in Nim?

2016-06-28 Thread Libman
> I also think that the killer feature would be a python2Nim converter which 
> works right out of the box.

That's a two-edged sword... I've been pitching a closer Nim-Python relationship 
for a while now, but it's also important to maintain some boundaries. We want 
to attract Python developers into Nim's ecosystem, but Python should never 
become a dependency for normal Nim development.

> While this may be true for Go I think this is not true with Rust.

Yes, I didn't want to tweak the quote too much. I find Rust repulsive just from 
its syntax.

> Ideally, I'd like to get a REPL based on Jupyter (formerly known as ipython).

That would mean Python becomes an essential dependency for Nim development. I'm 
sure Nim can come up with a stand-alone feature-rich REPL, and **_optional_** 
Jupyter integration.

> In particular I find the Aporia editor really easy on the eyes, makes it fun 
> to get coding and tinkering and learning.

I like Atom's Nim package. I think it offers everything Aporia does (someone 
correct me if I'm wrong), plus all the hackability and package ecosystem of 

Re: What are the important features that are missing in Nim?

2016-06-27 Thread RellHaiser
I'm not a particularly good programmer, but I'm loving Nim for how easy it is 
to get started working with it. In particular I find the Aporia editor really 
easy on the eyes, makes it fun to get coding and tinkering and learning.

That said, one thing I am missing (and I do recognize I may have simply not 
noticed something key) as a result of my tinkering is the ability to get 
information about your own procs from within code... information such as number 
and type of arguments a proc requires.

I ran into this while tinkering, creating a string caching system for data that 
gets pulled out of a Windows OS using either slmgr or wmic, since both of those 
can sometimes take a second or two to execute. Not being able to dynamically 
handle procs with different arguments has kind of hamstrung that (though for 
now I have settled on a version that works on procs that require no arguments).

Re: What are the important features that are missing in Nim?

2016-06-27 Thread moigagoo
@vega Yes, I did. Unfortunately, it's not feature-rich enough to become the 
official Nim REPL. It's rudimentary by definition.

Re: What are the important features that are missing in Nim?

2016-06-27 Thread vega
moigagoo, did you try this? 

Re: What are the important features that are missing in Nim?

2016-06-27 Thread ManfredLotz
@Libman: You quote this "...Go and Rust are easier to get started with because 
they are simpler languages. ..."

While this may be true for Go I think this is not true with Rust. Rust with its 
ownership concept is much harder to learn, IMHO.

Re: What are the important features that are missing in Nim?

2016-06-27 Thread DarkBlue
I also think that the killer feature would be a python2Nim converter which 
works right out of the box. Something like this would help to pull in any 
number of developers and presumably sponsors:

import nimNumpy as np
import nimMatplotlib.pyplot as plt
from nimSklearn.linear_model import perceptron
import nimPandas as pd


Re: What are the important features that are missing in Nim?

2016-06-27 Thread Libman
For someone used to languages like Python and Go, Nim's kitchen sink approach 
can be a bit intimidating.

Quoting [someone's comment from YComb 

> Nim is great, and I use it (in production), but I know exactly why it isn't 
> as popular: **_Nim is ƒ*ƈƘȋŊĝ huge_**.
> Most other very complete languages are not compiled so you can kinda muck 
> around in a repl and use introspection to figure out whats going on. Nim 
> isn't like that. You need to think and figure things out when you're first 
> learning it. Furthermore Nim isn't yet at 1.0 and lacks its killer library. 
> Go and Rust are easier to get started with because they are simpler 
> languages. They are easier to teach and easier to write documentation for.

As I keep emphasizing, Nim needs to break out of obscurity in order to be a 
great language, and marketing matters. Pardon my philistinism, but a third 
kitchen sink will not make Nim better as far as most programmers are concerned. 
I think making Nim more appealing to Python programmers is the best way 