Re: Surprises with Generics

2017-11-12 Thread cblake
One other wrinkle more in line with this thread topic is making things work for 
general object types but specific standard key types. In C one might handle 
that by taking an `offsetof` for where they key field is within an object and 
`sizeof` for the size of object in the array. In Nim, one could do similar, but 
it might be more "Nimonic" to more safely dispatch via some `sort template` 
instead of a `sort proc`, e.g.: 

template sort[T](inp: seq[T], keyField: untyped) =
  when T.`keyField` is byte: ## XXX Handle all the standard types
...  ## XXX good & stable algos for each one

The implementation might look nicer with a family of overloaded calls rather 
than a big `when T.`keyField` is` dispatcher. I am not sure there is a clean 
way to do that in this case. Each `when` clause should be able to dispatch to a 
type-specialized case, though. So, it's not too bad.

Re: Surprises with Generics

2017-11-12 Thread cblake
@Stefan_Salewski - I think this idea of having a family of overloaded procs to 
sort on standard types is very good. I have almost raised it myself several 

It would be useful for `cmp`-less `sort` procs on such type to be _stable_ 
sorts (meaning elements with identical keys retain relative positions in the 
array). Then a user could implement a simple 2-level or 3-level sort on 
distinct embedded keys by just calling such sort procs 2 or 3 times. (A 
multi-level sort orders elements first by a primary key, then a secondary key 
for equal primary keys, and so on).

This arrangement has another performance bonus potentially much greater than 
the inlining effect mentioned so far in this thread. It allows one to tune 
which sorting algorithm is used based on the nature of the key, e.g. how long 
it is, integer or floating point or string, etc. For example, for single-byte 
integer keys it is hard to be faster than [counting 
sort]( which does two pretty linear 
sweeps through the input - the first to histogram byte values and the second to 
output the answer (with a keyspace-sized prefix sum in between to convert 
counts to output offsets). The simplest version of that does require an 
additional copy of the input array which may have some consequences on the proc 

Re: Surprises with Generics

2017-11-12 Thread Stefan_Salewski
Reading this blog post


> I just remembered a discussion some time ago:

S. Salewski wrote:

> A consequence may be, that for algorithm.sort() we do not need a cmp() proc 
> parameter (which can not be inlined and is a bit slow so). We may just define 
> a plain cmp() proc in our module for the types which we pass to compare?
> Some months ago I tested a quicksort proc, and found out that giving a cmp() 
> proc for custom types decreases performance by about 25 percent compared to 
> using a default cmp proc for known standard types.

So maybe we should provide indeed a sort proc without cmp() function.

Re: Surprises with Generics

2017-01-08 Thread Varriount
The symbol binding rules for generics are outlined in the manual 
 It might help if the section defined what exactly 'open' and 'closed' symbols 
are, since most programmers don't know about compiler-specific terminology.

Re: Surprises with Generics

2017-01-07 Thread Stefan_Salewski
> Why should it be surprising? Procedure calls and field accesses in generics 
> aren't resolved until instantiation time.

Yes, you may know that from other languages, I can not remember reading it in 
the Nim docs. I saw a hint in Tables module defining a custom hash proc, but 
until today I thought that that works only because table module uses templates. 
The question was, if the wuff() proc in my example can be inlined from the 

> Looking at the algorithm module's sort procedure,

Some months ago I tested a quicksort proc, and found out that giving a cmp() 
proc for custom types decreases performance by about 25 percent compared to 
using a default cmp proc for known standard types. I tested that of course for 
the same data types like int. And the result did not surprised me that time, 
because the cmp() proc parameter is called often and is not inlined. My 
conclusion was, that it may make sense to provide a sort proc for arbitrary 
custom types with cmp() proc parameter, and additional procs for basic data 
types like int which do not need a cmp() proc parameter.

Re: Surprises with Generics

2017-01-07 Thread Varriount
Why should it be surprising? Procedure calls and field accesses in generics 
aren't resolved until instantiation time. What if wuff was a field of 'a'? 
Anyway, if by 'inlining' you mean, 'can the Nim compiler/backend compiler 
inline generics', then yes, it can be inlined.

I don't quite understand your last question. If there is a generic cmp[T](x, y: 
T) that applies to all objects, and a more specific cmp(x, y: Foo) defined in 
the current module/an imported module, the more specific procedure will take 
precedence during the resolution process.

Looking at the algorithm module's 
procedure, it looks like a sensible addition might be to have a 'sort' 
procedure which defaults to calling 'cmp' on the items, but the current 
implementation is ok. I wouldn't be surprised if a compile inlined any calls to 
'sort', detected the function pointer, and inlined the referenced function too.

Surprises with Generics

2017-01-07 Thread Stefan_Salewski

# module m1
proc p1*[T](a: T) =
  echo a.wuff

template t1*[T](a: T) =
  echo a.wuff

# module m2
import m1

  T = object
i: int

proc wuff(a: T): string =
  result = "miau"

var t: T


$ nim c m2.nim
$ ./m2

My assumption was, that p1 would not compile, because proc wuff is unknown 
inside module m1. But it magically works! (That template t1 should work is not 
a surprise, because I assume it is "generated" inside module m2.)

Does somebody know what the trick is? And is inlining for proc wuff possible 

A consequence may be, that for algorithm.sort() we do not need a cmp() proc 
parameter (which can not be inlined and is a bit slow so). We may just define a 
plain cmp() proc in our module for the types which we pass to compare? (of 
course we would have to modify the code of proc sort().)