[ns] Segmentation during leach simulation run...

2011-12-05 Thread Najma Ismat

Hi, i m working on the reliability of WSN and trying simulate leach tcl script 
generated by mannasim script generator tool on ns-2.29 but when i run the 
script i get the segmentation fault error. also the trace file contains no 
captured data.
i'll be grateful if anyone can help me in this regard.Regards,

Najma Ismat 


[ns] Help Needed!!! Leach Segmentation Fault

2011-12-05 Thread Najma Ismat
.DONE!Segmentation fault

waiting for the reply

Najma Ismat 


[ns] Error: Meta size 4064 too large (max = 1000) Help Needed!!!!!!

2011-12-07 Thread Najma Ismat

Hi, i m simulate leach tcl script generated by mannasim script generator tool 
on ns-2.29. when i run a simulation it ends with an error meta size 4064 too 
large (max=1000). i tried with 100 nodes and 10 nodes but simulation ends with 
the same error. i've read it at one of the sites that  change  meta size from 
1000 to 4000 in /ns-allinone-2.29/ns-2.29/common/packet.h and then rum make 
clean and make.  when i tried that command it gives gen.o error and make 
failed. i run install again and than run my leach.tcl script and gives 
segmentation fault. i revert the changes made and execution of leach tcl  
script is giving the same error.  Please help me in finding the solution to 
this problem.
thanks in advance,


- There is 100 data aggregated.Node 98 - Temperature Data 24.674213 - Time 
7.115507Common Node 98 - Disseminating data -  Time 7.116 - There is 100 data 
aggregated.Node 99 - Temperature Data 27.275256 - Time 7.115507Common Node 99 - 
Disseminating data -  Time 7.116 - There is 100 data aggregated.Node 100 - 
Temperature Data 16.863848 - Time 7.115507Common Node 100 - Disseminating data 
-  Time 7.116 - There is 100 data aggregated.Warning! There are no nodes in 
cluster 52Node 52 sending 100 data to BS at time 7.116903Error: Meta size 4064 
too large (max = 1000).

Najma Ismat 


[ns] leach error.... help needed!!!

2011-12-07 Thread Najma Ismat

Hi,i've made change from char meta[1000] to char meta[2000]  in packet.h and   
sigSize to 225 plus  hdr_size=25 (accordinh leach packet size=2000) in 
leachApp.cc and ran make clean and make in ns-2.29 folder but when i ran the 
leach tcl script it still gives the same error   meta size 4064 too large 
(max=2000). please guide what else to done to correct this.
please urgent help is needed.regards,

Najma Ismat 


[ns] Bonnmotion and ns2

2012-01-08 Thread Najma Ismat

Hi,can anyone guide how to use bonnmotion mobility model in wsn tcl 

[ns] Mobility error

2012-01-15 Thread Najma Ismat

hi,i m trying to simulate wsn with mobility and i have used bonnmotion for 
adding mobility in wsn. the problem is when i run the simulation script it 
gives the following error.  what i can get from the following error is that 
there is some problem in reading bonnmotion movement patern file. i have used 
the movement pattern file the way we use it for manet like:
set val(t) "S1.ns_movements"and calling that file after the creation of 
for { set common_node_i 0 } { $common_node_i < 100 } { incr common_node_i } {   
set local(x) [$rng 
uniform 0.0 $val(x)] set local(y) [$rng 
uniform 0.0 $val(y)] set local(z) 0.0   
 source $val(t)  
i'll be grateful if anyone can point out the reason for this error.regards,najma

najmaismat@ubuntu:~/ns-allinone-2.29/ns-2.29$ ns SM1.tclInitializing MannaSim 
Script...Setting up mica 2 mote with Antenna/OmniAntenna and range = 100
Nodes count: - 1 access points - 100 common nodes - 0 cluster heads - 101 nodes 
- AODV routing protocol - LL link layer - Phy/WirelessPhy network interface
Using sensor.tr as trace filenum_nodes is set 101Creating an access 
point...Setting up mica 2 mote with Antenna/OmniAntenna and range = 100Using 
mica 2 mote settingsSetting up mica 2 mote with Antenna/OmniAntenna and range = 
100warning: Please use -channel as shown in tcl/ex/wireless-mitf.tclINITIALIZE 
THE LIST xListHead* Access point 0 = 0 created in (50.0, 50.0, 0.0)Creating 
common node...Setting up mica 2 mote with Antenna/OmniAntenna and range = 
100Using mica 2 mote settingsSetting up mica 2 mote with Antenna/OmniAntenna 
and range = 100Setting disseminating type to programmedSetting disseminating 
interval: 20.0can't read "node_(1)": no such element in arraywhile 
executing"$node_(1) set X_ 104.53228771707317"(file "S1.ns_movements" line 
5)invoked from within"source.orig S1.ns_movements"("uplevel" body line 
1)invoked from within"uplevel source.orig [list $fileName]"invoked from 
within"if [$instance_ is_http_url $fileName] {set buffer [$instance_ rea!
 d_url $fileName]uplevel eval $buffer} else {uplevel source.orig [list 
$fileName]..."(procedure "source" line 8)invoked from within"source 
$val(t)  "("for" body line 7)invoked from 
within"for { set common_node_i 0 } { $common_node_i < 100 } { incr 
common_node_i } {   set 
local(x) [$rng uniform 0.0 $val(x)] set 
local(y) [$rn..."(file "SM1.tcl" line 604)

[ns] Error in simulating wsn with mobility

2012-01-15 Thread Najma Ismat

hi,i m trying to simulate wsn with mobility and i have used bonnmotion for 
adding mobility in wsn. the problem is when i run the simulation script it 
gives the following error.  what i can get from the following error is that 
there is some problem in reading bonnmotion movement patern file. i have used 
the movement pattern file the way we use it for manet like:
set val(t) "S1.ns_movements"and calling that file after the creation of 
for { set common_node_i 0 } { $common_node_i < 100 } { incr common_node_i } {   
set local(x) [$rng 
uniform 0.0 $val(x)] set local(y) [$rng 
uniform 0.0 $val(y)] set local(z) 0.0   
 source $val(t)  
i'll be grateful if anyone can point out the reason for this error.regards,najma

najmaismat@ubuntu:~/ns-allinone-2.29/ns-2.29$ ns SM1.tclInitializing MannaSim 
Script...Setting up mica 2 mote with Antenna/OmniAntenna and range = 100
Nodes count: - 1 access points - 100 common nodes - 0 cluster heads - 101 nodes 
- AODV routing protocol - LL link layer - Phy/WirelessPhy network interface
Using sensor.tr as trace filenum_nodes is set 101Creating an access 
point...Setting up mica 2 mote with Antenna/OmniAntenna and range = 100Using 
mica 2 mote settingsSetting up mica 2 mote with Antenna/OmniAntenna and range = 
100warning: Please use -channel as shown in tcl/ex/wireless-mitf.tclINITIALIZE 
THE LIST xListHead* Access point 0 = 0 created in (50.0, 50.0, 0.0)Creating 
common node...Setting up mica 2 mote with Antenna/OmniAntenna and range = 
100Using mica 2 mote settingsSetting up mica 2 mote with Antenna/OmniAntenna 
and range = 100Setting disseminating type to programmedSetting disseminating 
interval: 20.0can't read "node_(1)": no such element in arraywhile 
executing"$node_(1) set X_ 104.53228771707317"(file "S1.ns_movements" line 
5)invoked from within"source.orig S1.ns_movements"("uplevel" body line 
1)invoked from within"uplevel source.orig [list $fileName]"invoked from 
within"if [$instance_ is_http_url $fileName] {set buffer [$instance_ rea!
 d_url $fileName]uplevel eval $buffer} else {uplevel source.orig [list 
$fileName]..."(procedure "source" line 8)invoked from within"source 
$val(t)  "("for" body line 7)invoked from 
within"for { set common_node_i 0 } { $common_node_i < 100 } { incr 
common_node_i } {   set 
local(x) [$rng uniform 0.0 $val(x)] set 
local(y) [$rn..."(file "SM1.tcl" line 604)


[ns] setdest error

2012-02-19 Thread Najma Ismat

Hii m trying to use setdest tool to generate randomway point model fro my 
simulation but when i run ./setdest command i m getting this error. can anyone 
tell me why i mgetting this error in setdest.cc file and how to resolve 

./setdest -v 1 -n 5 p 2.0 -s52.0 -t 60 -x 100 -y 100## nodes: 5, pause: 0.00, 
max speed: 0.00, max x: 100.00, max y: 100.00#$node_(0) set X_ 
68.572913404360$node_(0) set Y_ 13.038846829925$node_(0) set Z_ 
0.$node_(1) set X_ 84.128541918177$node_(1) set Y_ 
82.494416148131$node_(1) set Z_ 0.$node_(2) set X_ 
14.562919044189$node_(2) set Y_ 38.205968110552$node_(2) set Z_ 
0.$node_(3) set X_ 41.413668709351$node_(3) set Y_ 
34.787218560404$node_(3) set Z_ 0.$node_(4) set X_ 
59.636714007807$node_(4) set Y_ 37.280814036357$node_(4) set Z_ 
0.setdest: setdest.cc:595: void Node::RandomSpeed(): Assertion 
`speed != 0.0' failed.Aborted


[ns] Sample Tcl script

2012-02-19 Thread Najma Ismat

Hi,i want to simulate wsn and need sample tcl script. i'll be grateful if 
anyone can help.regards,Najma Ismat 

[ns] wsn error

2012-03-04 Thread Najma Ismat

hi,i m trying to simulate wsn. in my tcl script i've written a procedure for 
the creation of sensor node. the procedure contains no arguments , so i simply 
call the procedure by its name but when i run the simulation it gives the error 
invalid command name. i have read that procedures can be created without an 
argument and also the same method is used for the sample scripts available from 
mannasim . please guide how to resolve this issue.regards,najma ismat

 ns hi.tclnum_nodes is set 5invalid command name "create_common_node"while 
executing"create_common_node "(file "hi.tcl" line 50)

# ==# Main 
Program (Part of the script)# 
Initialize Global Variables#set ns_ [new Simulator]set tracefile [open hi.tr 
w]$ns_ use-newtrace$ns_ trace-all $tracefile
# set up topography objectset topo [new Topography]$topo load_flatgrid $val(x) 
$val(y)## Create God#create-god $val(nn)set rng [new RNG]$rng 
seed [clock seconds]set chan [new $val(chan)]

#common sensor node procedure callcreate_common_node 
## procedure common sensor node

proc create_common_node {} {global val ns_ node_ topo udp_ app_ gen_ 
contador_nodos rng
$ns_ node-config -sensorNode ON \-adhocRouting $val(rp) \-llType $val(ll) 
\-macType $val(mac) \-ifqType $val(ifq) \-ifqLen $val(ifqlen) \-antType 
$val(ant) \-propType $val(prop) \-phyType $val(netif) \-topoInstance $topo 
\-agentTrace ON \-routerTrace ON \-macTrace ON \-movementTrace ON \-channel 
$chan \-energyModel $val(en) \-initialEnergy 10.0\-rxPower 0.024 \-txPower 
0.036 \   

[ns] displaying node's posittion

2012-03-13 Thread Najma Ismat

hi,i want to know is it possible to display the node's position from  the 
mobility pattern  file ?? if there is than please guide how to do that?? 

[ns] accessing MAC cache_ array out of range

2012-03-29 Thread Najma Ismat

Hi,i m trying simulate wsn with mobility for 5 nodes using aodv routing 
protocol but getting this error. i have matched the coordinates of mobility 
pattern file with the node movement pattern in trace file and found that  
movement pattern assign tto node 0 is now assigned to node 5  and Node 
numbering starts from 1-5 for 5 nodes. i have assigned id 0 to the sink.
please guide how to resolve this issue..
  error  ###

Node 05 - Temperature Data 27.056641 - Time 4.96Node 05 - Temperature Data 
21.473530 - Time 4.97Node 05 - Temperature Data 20.111480 - Time 
4.98Node 05 - Temperature Data 24.921908 - Time 4.99Node 05 - 
Temperature Data 24.789654 - Time 5.00Common Node 5 - Disseminating data -  
Time 5.000 - Destination node 0SORTING LISTS ...DONE!channel.cc:sendUp - Calc 
highestAntennaZ_ and distCST_highestAntennaZ_ = 1.5,  distCST_ = 
550.0MAC_802_11: accessing MAC cache_ array out of range (src 5, dst 0, size 
5)!Node 05 - Temperature Data 16.288288 - Time 5.01MAC_802_11: accessing 
MAC cache_ array out of range (src 5, dst 0, size 5)!--- Classfier::no-slot{} 
default handler (tcl/lib/ns-lib.tcl) ---   _o32: no target for slot 2020   
_o32 type: Classifier/Portcontent dump:classifier _o32  0 offset0 shift 
-1 mask 1 slots slot 255: _o34 (CMUTrace/Recv)-- Finished 
standard no-slot{} default handler --

[ns] Please Help!!!!

2012-04-16 Thread Najma Ismat

Hi,i m simulating and i have a created a procedure for sink but when i execute 
i get the sensor node configuration error. the same configuration works well 
for common sensing node in the main program but when i try to  call a procedure 
it gives this error for both sensing node and the sink.please guide how to 
remove this error.
thanks and regards,Najma Ismat
najmaismat@ubuntu:~/ns-allinone-2.29/ns-2.29$ ns hi11AODVStatic.tclnum_nodes is 
set 5Creating data sink...Using mica 2 mote settingscan't read "chan": no such 
variablewhile executing"$ns_ node-config -sensorNode ON  -adhocRouting 
$val(rp)  -llType $val(ll)  -macType $val(mac)  -ifqType $val(ifq)  -ifqLen 
$val(ifqlen)  -antType $val..."(procedure "sink" line 9)invoked from 
within"sink $local(energy) $local(x) $local(y) $local(z) $local(start) 
$local(time)"(file "hi11AODVStatic.tcl" line 254)


[ns] getting zero throughput...please guide!!!

2012-04-22 Thread Najma Ismat

Hi,i've simulated a simple wsn of 5 nodes with mobility. the trace file 
contains only agent trace but analysis of trace shows that the no. received 
packets is 0 and all the packets that have been sent are dropped. can anyone 
tell, why all the packets are dropped ? regards,najma   

[ns] please help!!!

2012-10-02 Thread Najma Ismat

hi,i have simulated LEACH protocol for 10 nodes in ns-2. 29 with mannasim and 
observe that the trace file show nodes greater than 10 with tag -Hd when 
packets are received. i have  marked the portion of trace with error in red. 
please guide why i getting this and how to resolve this issue? 

s -t 0.086012595 -Hs 4 -Hd -2 -Ni 4 -Nx 99.83 -Ny 22.79 -Nz 0.00 -Ne 10.00 
-Nl AGT -Nw --- -Ma 0 -Md 400 -Ms 0 -Mt 0$r -t 0.086012595 -Hs 4 -Hd -2 -Ni 
4 -Nx 99.83 -Ny 22.79 -Nz 0.00 -Ne 10.00 -Nl RTR -Nw --- -M a 0 -Md 400 
-Ms 0 -Mt 0$s -t 0.086012595 -Hs 4 -Hd -2 -Ni 4 -Nx 99.83 -Ny 22.79 -Nz 0.00 
-Ne 10.00 -Nl RTR -Nw --- -Ma 0 -Md 400 -Ms 0 -Mt 0$s -t 0.086037595 
-Hs 4 -Hd -2 -Ni 4 -Nx 99.83 -Ny 22.79 -Nz 0.00 -Ne 10.00 -Nl MAC -Nw --- 
-Ma 0 -Md 400 -Ms 000$N -t 0.086038 -n 8 -e 9.98N -t 0.086038 -n 9 
-e 9.98N -t 0.086038 -n 10 -e 9.98N -t 0.086038 -n 2 -e 9.98N -t 
0.086038 -n 3 -e 9.98N -t 0.086038 -n 0 -e 99.52N -t 0.086038 -n 5 -e 
9.98N -t 0.086038 -n 1 -e 9.98N -t 0.086038 -n 7 -e 9.98N -t 
0.086038 -n 6 -e 9.98r -t 0.086133679 -Hs 8 -Hd 26 -Ni 8 -Nx 89.50 -Ny 
45.73 -Nz 0.00 -Ne 9.98 -Nl MAC -Nw --- -Ma 0 -Md 400 -Ms 0008$r -t 
0.086133779 -Hs 9 -Hd 56 -Ni 9 -Nx 70.26 -Ny 69.47 -Nz 0!
 .00 -Ne 9.98 -Nl MAC -Nw --- -Ma 0 -Md 400 -Ms 0008$r -t 
0.086133807 -Hs 10 -Hd 64 -Ni 10 -Nx 69.96 -Ny 78.95 -Nz 0.00 -Ne 9.98 -Nl 
MAC -Nw --- -Ma 0 -Md 400 -Ms 00$r -t 0.086133810 -Hs 2 -Hd 65 -Ni 2 
-Nx 36.50 -Ny 11.07 -Nz 0.00 -Ne 9.98 -Nl MAC -Nw --- -Ma 0 -Md 400 -Ms 
0008$r -t 0.086133814 -Hs 3 -Hd 66 -Ni 3 -Nx 39.10 -Ny 47.74 -Nz 0.00 -Ne 
9.98 -Nl MAC -Nw --- -Ma 0 -Md 400 -Ms 0008$r -t 0.086133817 -Hs 0 
-Hd 67 -Ni 0 -Nx 38.67 -Ny 49.48 -Nz 0.00 -Ne 99.52 -Nl MAC -Nw --- -Ma 0 
-Md 400 -Ms 000$r -t 0.086133843 -Hs 5 -Hd 75 -Ni 5 -Nx 96.38 -Ny 97.11 
-Nz 0.00 -Ne 9.98 -Nl MAC -Nw --- -Ma 0 -Md 400 -Ms 0008$r -t 
0.086133882 -Hs 1 -Hd 87 -Ni 1 -Nx 43.65 -Ny 87.99 -Nz 0.00 -Ne 9.98 -Nl 
MAC -Nw --- -Ma 0 -Md 400 -Ms 0008$ 

[ns] Node movement information

2012-10-16 Thread Najma Ismat

Hi, i m implementing clustered wireless network  with mobility and want to 
select cluster-heads on the basis of their mobility. can anyone guide how to 
get the node's mobility information like no. of times it is moved in a 
particular duration from the mobility pattern file??regards,najma   

Re: [ns] sensor network..

2013-01-03 Thread Najma Ismat

for tcl coding you can use script generator tool available with mannasim patch  

> Date: Thu, 3 Jan 2013 17:11:29 +0530
> From: gayu0...@gmail.com
> To: ns-users@ISI.EDU
> Subject: [ns] sensor network..
> i  have installed mannasim patch file into ns 2.34 how to write code for
> this.. can anyone help me,,,

[ns] make error

2013-01-03 Thread Najma Ismat

hi,I m using ns-2.29 with mannasim and i have made few changes in leach 
protocol by adding two new send member functions “Hello” and "Reply" and its 
corresponding receive member function "recvhello" and "recvreply" just like 
cluster head advertisement and join request funcions in leachApp.cc and 
leachApp.h. I have declared the function recvHELLO_ and recvREPLY_ in 
leachApp.h but when i run the make it gives the following errors for the 
corresponding receive functions. please guide how to resolve this.regards,najma 
ismatmannasim/leach/app/leachApp.cc: At global 
scope:mannasim/leach/app/leachApp.cc:995: error: no ‘void 
LeachApp::recvHELLO_(char*, int, double, int, int)’ member function declared in 
class ‘LeachApp’mannasim/leach/app/leachApp.cc: In member function ‘void 
LeachApp::clearClusterChoices()’:mannasim/leach/app/leachApp.cc:1106: warning: 
deleting ‘void*’ is undefinedmannasim/leach/app/leachApp.h: At global 
scope:mannasim/leach/app/leachApp.h:210: warning: inline function ‘void 
LeachApp::recvReply_(char*, int)’ used but never 
defined./mannasim/sensorBaseApp.h:84: warning: inline function ‘virtual void 
DisseminatingTimer::expire(Event*)’ used but never 
defined./mannasim/dataGenerator.h:65: warning: inline function ‘virtual void 
EventTimer::expire(Event*)’ used but never 
defined./mannasim/dataGenerator.h:52: warning: inline function ‘virtual void 
SensingTimer::expire(Event*)’ used but never definedmake: *** 
[mannasim/leach/app/leachApp.o] Error 1

[ns] Node Coordinates

2013-04-17 Thread Najma Ismat

Hi,I want to print the position of nodes at the start of the simulation on the 
terminal window, can anyone guide how to do that? I have included mobility 
pattern file in my tcl script for the node placement and position.Regards,Najma 

[ns] node's initial coordinates

2013-04-20 Thread Najma Ismat

Hi, i m simulating leach protocol and  want to get the initial coordinates  of 
the nodes in my .cc file to calculate node's distance from the base station. i 
have been able to get individual node's coordinates at run time following the 
link mentioned below but unable to get its initial coordinates of all nodes 
which is needed for my work. i have included a node position and pattern file 
in my tcl script.http://elmurod.net/en/index.php/archives/348
i'll be grateful if anyone can guide how to do that. regards,najma  

[ns] calculating network energy from the trace file

2013-06-20 Thread Najma Ismat

hi,i want to calculate remaining energy of sensor nodes after every 15 sec 
during 500 sec simulation. can anyone guide how to do that using awk scripting? 
i can calculate the remaining energy of the sensor at the end of the simulation 
from the trace file but have no idea how to get the values after every 15 sec. 
please guide.regards,najma  

[ns] GaussMarkov mobility model

2013-07-22 Thread Najma Ismat

Hi, i m simulating leach protocol with Gauss-Markov mobility model, but my 
simulation ends within 1 sec although the complete simulation time is 500 sec. 
i m not getting any errors. the mobility pattern is generated using bonnmotion 
mobility tool. i have used the same tool for generating random-way point model 
and ran it with the leach protocol and it worked well. don't understand why i m 
getting this issue. I'll be grateful if anyone can guide.regards,najma  

[ns] Ns-2 make error

2013-10-01 Thread Najma Ismat

Hi, I m working on the energy model of leach protocol, and for that using 
Ns-2.29  with mannasim. I have added few lines in battery.cc and battery.h ( 
which is used for sensor nodes), and run make command, my code compiles 
perfectly without any error, then I commented the changes made and run make 
command, now I m getting this error. I have checked classifier-bst.cc and ump.h 
is included. I haven't access or changed any of these files but don't know why 
I m getting this. I'll be grateful if anyone can help in resolving this issue. 

classifier/classifier-bst.cc:62:17: error: ump.h: No such file or directory

classifier/classifier-bst.cc: In member function ‘virtual void 
MCastBSTClassifier::recv(Packet*, Handler*)’:
classifier/classifier-bst.cc:158: error: ‘hdr_ump’ was not declared in this 
classifier/classifier-bst.cc:158: error: ‘ump’ was not declared in this scope
classifier/classifier-bst.cc:158: error: ‘hdr_ump’ is not a class or namespace
make: *** [classifier/classifier-bst.o] Error 1

Sent from my iPad

[ns] Energy Model

2013-10-21 Thread Najma Ismat

Hi,I want to modify the energy model of sensor node. I m using ns-2.29 mannasim 
for sensor network simulation. I want to modify the energy model for sensor 
node and have read in mannasim class manual that the battery class of sensor 
node extends Energy-model class which means all fields are inherited from 
Energy-model class. My query is to modify the energy structure of sensor node 
which is defined in battery class, do I need to make changes in Energy-model 
class or simply making changes in battery class would be enough?I'll be 
grateful if can anyone guide how to achieve this task?regards,najma 

[ns] sendUp and sendDown Methods

2013-10-30 Thread Najma Ismat

Hi, for my research work i want to know from where sendUp(Packet *p) and 
sendDown(Packet *p) methods have been called.I ll be extremely grateful if 
anyone can guide.regards,najma

[ns] Printing Node ID

2013-11-08 Thread Najma Ismat

Hi,I m working on the energy model of sensor network. i want to print node's 
energy after transmission and reception of packets with node ID on the 
terminal. I've been able to print the the energy spent on transmission and 
reception but without node ID. I'll be extremely  grateful if anyone can guide 
how i can print those values from energy-model.cc file. The sample o/p I m 
getting right now is given below:#74 sending TDMA schedule 
(ADV_SCH): 197 219 at time 4.570386EE 999.998783energy consumed in transmission 
0.004734EE 999.994109energy conusmed in reception 0.001052energy conusmed in 
reception 0.000420energy conusmed in reception 0.000904energy conusmed in 
reception 0.000527energy conusmed in reception 0.001065energy conusmed in 
reception 0.001011energy conusmed in reception 0.000393energy conusmed in 
reception 0.000924#####Regards,Najma Ismat

[ns] Gauss-Markov model not working with ns-2

2013-11-19 Thread Najma Ismat

Hi, I want to simulate WSN using Gauss-Markov mobility model but whenever i 
tried to use the mobility file generated by bonnmotion i m getting error during 
simulation. Please guide how to resolve this issue. 
The command used to generate mobility file is:

najmaismat@ubuntu:~/ns-allinone-2.29/ns-2.29$ bm -f 2mob1 GaussMarkov -n 225 -x 
495 -y 495 -d 500 -i 3600 -R 2361 -a 1 -m 1 -h 3 -s 0.4 -b -u -q 2.5
najmaismat@ubuntu:~/ns-allinone-2.29/ns-2.29$ bm -f 2mob1 -b

Starting Simulation...
ns: _o2721 setdest 0.0 424.9070995669916 1.5190543958340652: 
(_o2721 cmd line 1)
invoked from within
"_o2721 cmd setdest 0.0 424.9070995669916 1.5190543958340652"
invoked from within
"catch "$self cmd $args" ret"
invoked from within
"if [catch "$self cmd $args" ret] {
set cls [$self info class]
global errorInfo
set savedInfo $errorInfo
error "error when calling class $cls: $args" $..."
(procedure "_o2721" line 2)
(SplitObject unknown line 2)
invoked from within
"_o2721 setdest 0.0 424.9070995669916 1.5190543958340652"
num_nodes is set 225  

[ns] how to change the transmission range of a node???

2014-01-25 Thread Najma Ismat

Hi,I want to change the transmission range of sensor node from 100m to 250m and 
and i have read that for changing transmission range i should change the 
RXThreshold. In my tcl script which is generated using tcl script generator  i 
m confused with some parameters for the calculation of RXThreshold. 
Phy/WirelessPhy set Pt_ 0.281838Phy/WirelessPhy 
set freq_ 2.4e09Phy/WirelessPhy set L_ 1.0  
Phy/WirelessPhy set lambda_ 0.125   Phy/WirelessPhy 
set RXThresh_ [TwoRay 0.281838 [$antenna set Gt_]   [$antenna set 
Gr_] 0.8 0.8 1.0 $range 0.125]
Gr_and Gt_ =1.0range=100
Can anyone guide how to interpret these values in pink bold color and calculate 
RXThreshold value? 

[ns] Node Position

2014-05-05 Thread Najma Ismat

Hi,I am want to implement grid topology in mobile wsn and before the start of 
specific protocol operation i want to identify nodes in a grid so that routing 
protocol should only used nodes that exists in that grid. Nodes initial 
position and movement pattern is stored and taken from mobility pattern file. 
Can anyone guide how to achieve this also how should i run individual routing 
solution in every grid. I'll be extremely grateful if anyone can 
guide.Regards,Najma Ismat   

[ns] Accessing nodes

2014-05-15 Thread Najma Ismat

Hi,I want to control cluster-head selection process of leach where only some 
specific node's should be selected as Cluster-head but whenever protocol run, 
it randomly picks node for the possible contender of being a 
cluster-head.Please guide how to access all nodes before the start of a round. 
I m using ns-2 mannasim, and nodes are mobile and their movement is provided in 
mobility pattern file. Regards,Najma   

[ns] Accessing node coordinates

2014-05-18 Thread Najma Ismat

Hi, I m simulating Leach protocol with mobility and I want to print all mobile 
sensor nodes coordianates at the start of every round. I have been able to 
access node coordinates with the help of a command, but whenever I tried that 
at the start of the round I can only access nodes that are contending for being 
CH. Please guide how to get coordinates of all nodes at the start of every 

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