[ns] CFP: The Sixth International Symposium on Applications of Ad hoc and Sensor Networks (AASNET'14)

2014-06-03 Thread anas alroubaiy

=The Sixth International Symposium on  Applications of Ad hoc and Sensor 
Networks (AASNET'14)=[Our apologies if you receive multiple copies of this 
Call for Papers]

September 17 – 19, 2014, Split, CroatiaHalifax, Nova Scotia, Canada on 
September 22-25, 2014.
Important dates:Submission deadline: June 7, 2014
Notification of acceptance: June 17, 2014
Camera-ready manuscript: July 24, 2014
Symposium info: https://sites.google.com/site/aasnet14/HomeThe Sixth 
International Symposium on  Applications of Ad hoc and Sensor Networks 
(AASNET'14) will be held in conjunction with the 4th International Conference 
on Emerging Ubiquitous Systems and Pervasive Networks (EUSPN-2014) in Halifax, 
Nova Scotia, Canada on September 22-25, 2014.
Wireless mobile ad hoc and sensor network nodes have limited battery capacity. 
Hence, they tend to be energy conservative. Many MAC, routing protocols, 
scheduling scheme were proposed to promote energy conservation without 
degrading the performance of the network. Nonetheless, nowadays, many real-time 
applications have been proposed and developed using ad hoc and sensor 
networks.The aim of this symposium is to provide a forum for academic and 
industry professionals to discuss recent progress and challenges in the area of 
real time applications in ad hoc and sensor networks. We encourage 
contributions that describe innovative work and results on AASNET. 
The topics of interest include but are not limited to:
· Energy-aware routing protocols· Energy-aware scheduling 
techniques· Energy-aware MAC protocols· Artificial intelligence 
applications in ad hoc and sensor networks· Sensor networks for oil and 
gas industry· Mobility tracking schemes in ad hoc networks· 
Voice over ad hoc networks· Multimedia over sensor networks· 
Machine leaning schemes for ad hoc and sensor networks· Intrusion 
detection systems in ad hoc and sensor networks· Telehealth monitoring 
system using ad hoc and sensor networks

Publicity Chair CommitteeAnas Alroubiey, KFUPM, SA  

[ns] GPSR implementation running out of memory

2013-05-12 Thread Anas Almajali


I ported GPSR implementation to ns-2 2.34. The examples that come with the
implementation work fine.
Some of my simulations that have small number of nodes or few events
happening work fine too. However, when I increase the number of nodes above
100 nodes and have more events, the simulation runs for a while then
aborts. I was checking the memory while running the cases that fail and
found that these simulations are consume the whole memory on my machine and
off course abort after that. I have 8GB of memory! The same simulations
work fine with other routing protocols like AODV and the memory consumption
is within limits.

Does anyone know were does GPSR goes wrong and consumes the memory? and is
there a fix for that?


[ns] Geographical Routing

2013-04-15 Thread Anas Almajali


I am looking for geographical routing implementation for wireless nodes in
I found GPSR from Ke Liu

This implementation works for 2.29 version as mentioned in the above link.
Is there any recent implementation of any kind of geographical routing?
Or does anyone know if this GPSR implementation can work with 2.34 or 3.35?

Best Regards,

[ns] Diffusion RMSt (diffagent, routing table, reinforcement messages )

2011-08-31 Thread Anas

Dear ns-2 users and developers 
I have been working on ns2.29 using Directed Diffusion (RMST) to
simulate my network.

1- I attached the rmst as DiffApp to the node that conflict NS2 that
says agents should be attached to nodes and applications to the agents
so should i create diffusion agents and attach it to the nodes before.

2- i managed to run the simulation with zigbee and in the trace file i
can see packets being sent and received but as diffusion is defined to
do gradient reinforcement so can i see the packets which execute these
reinforcements in the trace file and what will they be labelled.

3- in term of packets forwarding i cannot see any packet being forwarded
from the far nodes toward the rmst sink in the trace file so should i
add the routing tables manually to each node or it is internally
implemented in the diffusion application

i have added my scripts at the end 

With all appreciate to any reply or suggestion 

# Simulation parameters setup

set val(chan)   Channel/WirelessChannel;# channel type
set val(prop)   Propagation/TwoRayGround   ;# radio-propagation model
set val(netif)  Phy/WirelessPhy/802_15_4;# network interface
set val(mac)Mac/802_15_4;# MAC type
set val(ifq)Queue/DropTail/PriQueue;# interface queue type
set val(ll) LL ;# link layer type
set val(ant)Antenna/OmniAntenna;# antenna model
set val(ifqlen) 50 ;# max packet in ifq
set val(seed)   00.0
set val(nn) 20  ;# number of mobilenodes
set val(filters)   GradientFilter ;# filters  
set val(adhocRouting)   Directed_Diffusion ;# routing protocol
set val(x)  400  ;# X dimension of topography
set val(y)  400  ;# Y dimension of topography
set val(stop)   80 ;# time of simulation end
set val(en) EnergyModel;
set val(initialenergy)  10.0   ;  

Phy/WirelessPhy set L_ 1.0 ;#System Loss Factor
Phy/WirelessPhy set freq_ 2.472e9  ;#channel
Phy/WirelessPhy set bandwidth_ 11Mb;#Data Rate
Phy/WirelessPhy set Pt_ 1.8;#Transmit Power
Phy/WirelessPhy set CPThresh_ 100.0 ;#Collision Threshold
Phy/WirelessPhy set CSThresh_ 5.011872e-12 ;#Carrier Sense Power
Phy/WirelessPhy set RXThresh_ 5.82587e-09  ;#Receive Power Threshold
Mac/802_11 set dataRate_ 11Mb  ;#Rate for   ta Frames
Mac/802_11 set basicRate_ 1Mb  ;#Rate for Control Frames

LL set mindelay_50us
LL set delay_   25us
LL set bandwidth_   0   ;# not used

Queue/DropTail/PriQueue set Prefer_Routing_Protocols1
# unity gain, omni-directional antennas
# set up the antennas to be centered in the node and 1.5 meters above it
Antenna/OmniAntenna set X_ 0
Antenna/OmniAntenna set Y_ 0
Antenna/OmniAntenna set Z_ 1.5
Antenna/OmniAntenna set Gt_ 1.0
Antenna/OmniAntenna set Gr_ 1.0
#set the default ports 
#Agent/UDP set sport_ 0
#Agent/UDP set dport_ 1
#Agent/Null set sport_ 2 
#Agent/Null set dport_ 3
#Application/DiffApp/RmstSource set sport_ 4
#Application/DiffApp/RmstSink set dport_ 5
#Create a ns simulator
set ns_ [new Simulator]
$ns_ use-newtrace

#$ns_ puts "simulation starts"

# Create the God

set god_ [create-god $val(nn)]

#Setup topography object

set topo   [new Topography]
$topo load_flatgrid $val(x) $val(y)

#Open the NS trace file

set tracefile [open out.tr w]
$ns_ trace-all $tracefile

#Open the NAM trace file
set namfile [open rmst.nam w]
$ns_ namtrace-all $namfile
$ns_ namtrace-all-wireless $namfile $val(x) $val(y)
set chan [new $val(chan)]; #Create wireless channel

# Mobile node parameter setup
#Setting the sensing nodes 
#set val(adhocrouting) AODV
$ns_ node-config -adhocRouting $val(adhocRouting) \
 -llType $val(ll) \
 -macType $val(mac) \
 -ifqType $val(ifq) \
 -ifqLen $val(ifqlen) \
 -antType $val(ant) \
 -propType $val(prop) \
 -phyType $val(netif) \
 -channel  $chan \
 -topoInstance $topo \
 -diffusionFilter $val(filters) \
 -agentTrace ON \
 -routerTrace OFF \
 -macTrace ON \
 -idlePower 1.0 \
 -rxPower 1.0 \
 -txPower 1.0 \
 -sleepPower 0.001 \
 -transitionPower 0.2 \
 -transitionTime 0.005 \
 -initialEnergy $val(initialenergy) \

[ns] RMST source publish or start

2011-08-27 Thread Anas

Dear NS users i am trying to use rmst in diffusion to send my data
through my wireless sensor network 
I have build my network but i am having problem in making the source
starting to publish 
when i put "src publish" i get the following error plz help 
ns: _o98 publish: 
(_o98 cmd line 1)
invoked from within
"_o98 cmd publish"
invoked from within
"catch "$self cmd $args" ret"
invoked from within
"if [catch "$self cmd $args" ret] {
set cls [$self info class]
global errorInfo
set savedInfo $errorInfo
error "error when calling class $cls: $args" $..."
(procedure "_o98" line 2)
(SplitObject unknown line 2)
invoked from within
"_o98 publish"

Thanx for any suggestions 

[ns] regarding packet forwarding + WSN

2011-08-23 Thread Anas

Dear  ns2 users i am trying to simulate wireless sensor network with
ns2.29 I need your advice what to do in terms of 
-which transport layer packets should is use TCP/UDP
-if i have to include multihop data flow in my network how should i
configure my node to forward some packets for another neighbour node 
I have been reading for a while about classifiers and connectors should
we declare the classifier in our tcl scripts or it is already included
in any node we create 
and what about the connector should i attach it to the node after
configuring it 
I will be so thankful for anyone who had a previous experience with wsn 

[ns] Dear Diffusion users

2011-08-18 Thread Anas

Hi i am trying to implement Directed diffusion in my WSN simulation and
i found twoo ways of defining diffusion 
the first is 
set opt(adhocRouting)   Directed_Diffusion
Which is used in the simple-diffusion example 
While in the test-suit-wireless-diffusion the routing was defined as
set opt(adhocRouting)   DIFFUSION/RATE 
set opt(adhocRouting)   DIFFUSION/PROB

so can any body tell me what is the difference  

[ns] sensor net in ns2

2011-08-16 Thread Anas

Dear NS2 users 
I am a master student who has been struggling to simulate wireless
sensor network in NS2 but still have no success 
i tried ns2.34 and 2.29 
the main problem is about the phenom routing agent 
plzz if any body have any idea about how to simulate wsn in ns2 can u

[ns] ns2.29, nrlsensorsim, PHENOM routing not recognised

2011-08-14 Thread Anas

Dear NS2 users 
I am trying to simulate wireless sensor network using ns2.29 with both
mannasim and nrlsensorsim 2.29 
i managed to get working scripts from the first one but when i try to
run any example in the second using "PHENOM" as routing protocol i get
this error msg 

although i followed the read me file exactly 
Thanx in advance for any suggestions

[ns] wrong node routing agent!

2011-08-12 Thread Anas

Hi guys i have been trying to simulate wireless sensor network on ns2.34
but it does not recognise the phenom routing protocol it keeps giving
this error message 
wrong node routing agent!
PLZ help 

[ns] Directed Diffusion

2011-08-12 Thread Anas

Dear NS2 users I want to simulate a sensor network using NS2 with
Directed diffusion in it so i was wondering if any body recommend which
version of ns-2 with which version of Directed diffusion to use 
I have been trying with ns2.34 for almost 2 weeks and i think i wasted
my time so if any one has experience with the directed diffusion plz

[ns] Urgent Help

2011-08-10 Thread Anas

Dear Ns2 users  
I have been trying to learn how to simulate wireless sensor network on
NS2 using Directed Diffusion as the routing protocol but till now all
the presented examples with the program deals with the ping sender and
receiver without mentioning how the matching mechanism and the data
Please if any one can refer me or send me any full example 
I have read all the examples but there are some of them that are written
in the old version of directed diffusion without using filters at all 
Thanx in advance

[ns] mannasim using

2011-08-09 Thread ANAS AMER

Dear NS2 users  I have been working on NS2.34  to simulate a wireless sensor 
networks with Directed Diffusion as routing protocol Can any one tell me if 
Mannasim is compatible with ns2.34 Regards Anas 

[ns] Diffusion implementation

2011-08-04 Thread Anas

Hi guys 
Through the examples of directed diffusion provided with the ns2
tutorials only ping sending are receiving are presented. however, there
is no examples how the subscription should meet the publication or the
if any body knows any example plz help 

[ns] trace file simulation

2011-08-02 Thread Anas

Hi guys i found this website which finally helped me getting a good tool
to convert my trace file into graph i just followed the steps and it

[ns] NS results differ from platform to other

2009-06-21 Thread anas

Dear NS-2 users,

Do the results of NS-2 differ from one platform to other, or they are all the 

Best Regards,


[ns] WIMAX in NS-2

2009-06-18 Thread anas

From: anas 
Sent: Thursday, June 18, 2009 11:50 PM
To: ns 

Dear all, 

could you please tell me if there is an examples to simulate WIMAX in NS-2



Re: [ns] invalide command name "Agent/myUDP" during using smallkoEvalvid

2009-05-08 Thread anas

as I have searched for many times on the net to get the answer all what I 
have seen just the same question
but I have identified the problem which was in the makefile step
actually I add the contents of makefile step as in the Evalvid steps but 
there are three files with different extensions
just be sure that all of them is modified and do ./confugure before
make clean; make

Anas Al-Roubaiey

From: "anas" 
Sent: Saturday, May 09, 2009 8:19 AM
To: "ns" 
Cc: "Dr.Tarek Sheltami" 
Subject: [ns] invalide command name "Agent/myUDP" during using 

> dear NS users,
> I am working on video traffic over MANET. I downloaded the
> EvalVid version used for NS. In that they have created
> new agent called "myUDP" agent. I follwed all the
> steps given in
> http://hpds.ee.ncku.edu.tw/~smallko/ns2/Evalvid_in_NS2.htm
> when I compiled the ns again everything
> was fine. But when I run the file "be.tcl" which is
> given in the link only the error was:  [ code omitted because of length]
> invalid command name "Agent/myUDP"
> please help me

[ns] invalide command name "Agent/myUDP" during using smallkoEvalvid

2009-05-08 Thread anas

dear NS users,  
I am working on video traffic over MANET. I downloaded the
EvalVid version used for NS. In that they have created
new agent called "myUDP" agent. I follwed all the
steps given in 

 when I compiled the ns again everything
was fine. But when I run the file "be.tcl" which is
given in the link only the error was:  [ code omitted because of length]
invalid command name "Agent/myUDP"
please help me 

[ns] invalide command name "Agent/myUDP" during using smallko Evalvid

2009-05-08 Thread anas

I am working on video traffic over MANET. I downloaded the
EvalVid version used for NS. In that they have created
new agent called "myUDP" agent. I follwed all the
steps given in 

 when I compiled the ns again everything
was fine. But when I run the file "be.tcl" which is
given in the link only the error was:  [ code omitted because of length]
invalid command name "Agent/myUDP"please help me 

Re: [ns] help needed

2009-04-29 Thread anas

firstly, you will name your file as the same name of the original one, 
ofcours you will save the original with different name, and do make
take your statistics and then go back and rename yours and rename the 
original one to the original name
and do make and take your statistics and so on,

hop it will help you

A. Alroubaiey
From: "Nikheel Kumar" 
Sent: Wednesday, April 29, 2009 5:26 PM
Subject: [ns] help needed

> hello all,
> i am working on ns-2.31. i make some changes in 802_11.cc file and save it
> as my_802_11.cc and i want to use this both file (802_11.cc & 
> my_802_11.cc)
> in my wireless simulation for comparing with each other for knowing
> throughput enhancement . how can i do this?
> please help me
> regards,

Re: [ns] how to implement overhearing by neighborhood nodes in manetprotocol( DSR )?

2009-04-27 Thread anas

there is a function in the dsragent.cc called tap
the purpose of this function is to overhear the transmission of the 
so this the input of this function always the packets that are sent by the 
neighbors nodes
hop it will help
Anas Al-Roubaiey

From: "Sangameshwar Alladi" 
Sent: Sunday, April 26, 2009 3:44 PM
Subject: [ns] how to implement overhearing by neighborhood nodes in 
manetprotocol( DSR )?

> how to implement overhearing in DSR?
> i am not getting how to over hear the transmissions of neighbor node?
> According to my knowledge a node stores only the address or handle of the
> downstream node only, then how can an upstream node may receive the
> transmission of its downstream node?
> and also i need to know how can all the nodes in the radio range of the
> transmitting downstream node receive a packet?
> Help me.
> From:~
> Sangameshwar Srinivas Alladi

[ns] big delay by MAC-802_11 bug

2009-04-06 Thread anas

Dear all,

I have encountered a large delay end to end delay
and when I checked the out put file I see some of the packets have a very 
large delay at MAC layer as shown below:

f 202.663960039 _25_ RTR  --- 585 cbr 576 [13a 2b 19 800] --- [9:1 10:1 
25 30] [17] 7 2
s 358.840523771 _25_ MAC  --- 585 cbr 634 [13a 1e 19 800] --- [9:1 10:1 
25 30] [17] 7 2
as it appears there is about 150 second at MAC layer

what is the bug here
I used NS2.33 under both Linux and sygwin all of them have the same bug

please help me
best regards

[ns] large delay by Mac802_11 is that right

2009-04-06 Thread anas

Dear all,

I have encountered a large delay end to end delay
and when I checked the out put file I see some of the packets have a very 
large delay at MAC layer as shown below:

f 202.663960039 _25_ RTR  --- 585 cbr 576 [13a 2b 19 800] --- [9:1 10:1 
25 30] [17] 7 2
s 358.840523771 _25_ MAC  --- 585 cbr 634 [13a 1e 19 800] --- [9:1 10:1 
25 30] [17] 7 2
as it appears there is about 150 second at MAC layer

what is the bug here
I used NS2.33 under both Linux and sygwin all of them have the same bug

please help me
best regards

Re: [ns] Why NAM does not work for wireless simulation!

2009-04-03 Thread anas

Dear Rodrigo
I have tried both but it didn't work
it gave me this massage

cannot connect ot existing nam instance. starting new one


From: "Rodrigo Palucci Pantoni" 
Sent: Friday, April 03, 2009 2:38 PM
To: "anas" ; "qute rose" 
Cc: "ns" 
Subject: Re: [ns] Why NAM does not work for wireless simulation!

> Hello,
>Perpahps your tcl script is not calling the nam program.
>Try to execute the following command on linux terminal:
>exec nam filename.nam
>You can also execute just "exec nam" and select the nam filename 
> through the nam program browser.
> Regards,
> Rodrigo
> - Original Message - 
> From: "anas" 
> To: "qute rose" 
> Cc: "ns" 
> Sent: Friday, April 03, 2009 6:24 AM
> Subject: Re: [ns] Why NAM does not work for wireless simulation!
>> I have the same problem I have tried too much but still did not work
>> I am using ns2.33
>> I am now trying to use iNSpect  but still have errors
>> Anas
>> --
>> From: "qute rose" 
>> Sent: Friday, April 03, 2009 8:17 AM
>> To: 
>> Subject: [ns] Why NAM does not work for wireless simulation!
>>> Why NAM does not work for wireless simulations? Even if we make 
>>> necessary
>>> changes in the example tcl files present in NS2 (2.33 version), still it
>>> gives errors for executing NAM Although i get trace files but no NAM
>>> display.
>>> Can anyone help me to solve this problem?

Re: [ns] Why NAM does not work for wireless simulation!

2009-04-03 Thread anas

I have the same problem I have tried too much but still did not work
I am using ns2.33

I am now trying to use iNSpect  but still have errors


From: "qute rose" 
Sent: Friday, April 03, 2009 8:17 AM
Subject: [ns] Why NAM does not work for wireless simulation!

> Why NAM does not work for wireless simulations? Even if we make necessary 
> changes in the example tcl files present in NS2 (2.33 version), still it 
> gives errors for executing NAM Although i get trace files but no NAM 
> display.
> Can anyone help me to solve this problem?

[ns] Fw: unreasonable average end to end delay of TES video trafficmodel

2009-04-02 Thread anas

From: "anas" 
Sent: Thursday, April 02, 2009 8:44 PM
To: "ns" 
Subject: [ns] unreasonable average end to end delay of TES video 

> Dear NS users,
> when I did a simulation for
> video traffic of TES model
> over DSR routing protocol
> with 50 nodes and
> simulation time of 200 s
> and grid of 670x670
> speed 20
> pause  0
> NS2.33 over red hat Linux platform
> the average end to end delay was 5 Sec which is unreasonable value
> thanks in advance
> Anas

[ns] unreasonable average end to end delay of TES video traffic model

2009-04-02 Thread anas

Dear NS users,

when I did a simulation for
 video traffic of TES model  
over DSR routing protocol 
with 50 nodes and 
simulation time of 200 s
and grid of 670x670
speed 20
pause  0

NS2.33 over red hat Linux platform 

the average end to end delay was 5 Sec which is unreasonable value 

thanks in advance 


[ns] please is there an extra fields in the DSR header that can i use to classify the packets

2009-04-02 Thread anas

Dear users, 

I need just one bit in the DSR header to use it for classifying the packets
to two types 

is it found

best regards,


[ns] how can i get the node coordinates to the c++ file

2009-03-27 Thread anas

Dear users, 

I need to get the node coordinates to the c++ file 
I am working in dsragent.cc file and I need to get the nodes coordinates to do 
some calculations 

thanks in advance


[ns] how to build a scenario from 100 node and 2000 x 2000 flat erea

2009-03-27 Thread anas

Dear NS users ,

I have generate a mobile scenario of  100 node in ns2.33 with flat area of 2000 
x 2000 
my ram was 512 with pantium 3...
the ns does not respond 

what is the problem , I used setdest command

best ragrads,

[ns] how to get the coordinates of the nodes in evrey period of time

2009-03-24 Thread anas

Dear users

how to get the coordinates of the nodes in evrey period of time



[ns] Fw: vedio traffic output e-e delay is not reasonable

2009-03-15 Thread anas

From: anas 
Sent: Monday, March 16, 2009 3:41 AM
To: ns 
Subject: vedio traffic output e-e delay is not reasonable 

Dear all, 

I have used the MPEG4 traffic of TES model over DSR but the end to end delay 
was not reasonable 
it was 5 s in average 

please if you have any suggestion or explanation for that tell me?


[ns] video traffic generator

2009-02-10 Thread anas

Dear all, 

please it is very important for me,  I have searched for many times in the 
internet to get an understandable description about the video traffic generator 
, I need to use it in my thesis work on DSR 

Best Regards, 


[ns] committee presentation

2009-02-07 Thread anas

Dear Dr. Tarek, 

you told me a few weeks ago about committee presentation to inform them what we 
have done, 
I think it will be good to do that to take their notices that will improve the 
we can do it in the next week on Wednesday if you don't mind 
  and if it is convenient for  them

best regards

[ns] please how can i generate VBR (video) traffic in ns2

2009-02-04 Thread anas

Dear all, 

please help me 
how can I generate a video traffic 
or VBR traffic 
and how can I simulate H.264

Thank you in advance


[ns] Fw: generating video traffic

2009-02-02 Thread anas

From: anas 
Sent: Monday, February 02, 2009 11:38 PM
To: ns 
Subject: generating video traffic

Dear all, 

could you tell me how can I generate a video traffic over DSR 

Thanks in advance 


[ns] how can i purge specific route form the cache of dsr nodes

2009-01-12 Thread anas

dear all, 

please help me, 

how can i purge specific route form the cache of dsr nodes

thanks in advanced


[ns] rout cach dump >>> could i print out the cache contents

2009-01-02 Thread anas

Dear  all Ns users, 

could I print out or at least knowing what is inside the route cache of the 

thanks in advance

[ns] how to print route cach of dsr nodes

2008-12-29 Thread anas

please all, 

I need just to know what are the contents of the cach of any node using dsr 
routing protocol 

thanks in advance 

[ns] Fw: should i have to change the seed number each run or there isanother way to do so

2008-12-23 Thread anas

From: "anas" 
Sent: Tuesday, December 23, 2008 11:35 PM
To: "ns" 
Subject: [ns] should i have to change the seed number each run or there 
isanother way to do so

> dear all,
> is there any way to change the seed number automatically please  help me
> best regards
> Anas

[ns] should i have to change the seed number each run or there is another way to do so

2008-12-23 Thread anas

dear all, 

is there any way to change the seed number automatically please  help me 

best regards


[ns] Fw: alarm in dsr

2008-12-20 Thread anas

From: anas 
Sent: Saturday, December 20, 2008 12:58 PM
To: ns 
Subject: alarm in dsr

Dear all, 

I need to generate alarm in dsr.   is it an regulare route error or there is 
another type of packets,

Best Regards

[ns] what is the GAF Packet

2008-11-28 Thread anas

Please if anybody knows about this type of packet help me 

best regards


[ns] Watchdog time out and threshold

2008-11-20 Thread anas

Dear ns users, 

depend on what can I set he value of timeout and threshold of the watchdog 

best regards 

[ns] Watchdog Algorithm position in the dsragent

2008-11-15 Thread anas

Dear, ns users

is it right to put the code of the watchdog technique in the 

please help


[ns] how to send an acknowledgment to the one before the previous hop in dsr SR

2008-11-11 Thread anas

Dear NS-Users

Please I need to send an acknowledgment to the node which is before the 
previous one through the source rout in DSR, 
just I need to implement a TWOACK approach, 

I mean where should I but the code, and is there a packet format for network 
layer acknowledgments. 

Thanks in Advance 

[ns] how to send an acknowledgment to the one before the previous hop in dsr SR

2008-11-11 Thread anas

Dear NS-Users

Please I need to send an acknowledgment to the node which is before the 
previous one through the source rout in DSR, 
just I need to implement a TWOACK approach, 

I mean where should I but the code, and is there a packet format for network 
layer acknowledgments. 

Thanks in Advance 

[ns] how to implement watchdog and promiscuse mode

2008-11-09 Thread anas

Dear ns users, 

could you please give my an information about implementing watchdog technique 
and how to change the mode to promiscuous mode
thanks in advance 

[ns] implemention malicious node in MANET over DSR

2008-10-31 Thread anas

I am doing some research to provide security to MANET. However, I am stuck by 
the way how to simulate one or more malicious node(s) in one  MANET scenario, 
such the nodes that drops the forwarding packets
intentively, or absorbs all packets to it, or duplicates the  forwarding 
packets. Is there any solution to this problem. 

thank you in advance

[ns] problem with installation of ns2.33 on redhat liux

2008-10-28 Thread anas

No rule to make target 'VERSION' needed by 'gen/version.c'. stop. ns make 
please help me, i need the ns to do my thesis work, 
best regards

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[ns] node id in c++

2008-05-15 Thread anas abu_taleb

Hi all 
  I am trying to get the node id in the aodv and the udpagent c++ codes. Can 
anyone provide my with the way to do that and I will be grateful.


[ns] counting the number of packets sent during the simulation

2008-05-06 Thread anas abu_taleb

Hi all
  I am using ns-2.29 and as part of my research I am trying to count the number 
of packets sent by a node. 
  I added a method called counting to count the number of packets to the source 
code of the UDP agent ( I wonder if this is the right place). And what I want 
after that is to calculate  the number of packet at some time during the 
simulation this is as example of what I did: 
  set udp_(0) [new Agent/UDP]
$ns_ attach-agent $node_(0) $udp_(0)
set null_(0) [new Agent/Null]
$ns_ attach-agent $node_(1) $null_(0)
  set cbr_(0) [new Application/Traffic/CBR]
$cbr_(0) set packetSize_ 512
$cbr_(0) set rate_ 81920
$cbr_(0) set random_ 1
$cbr_(0) set maxpkts_ 1
$cbr_(0) attach-agent $udp_(0)
#$ns_ link_lossmodel $val(err) $node_(0) $node_(1)
$ns_ connect $udp_(0) $null_(0)
$ns_ at 0 "$cbr_(0) start"
$ns_ at 90 "$cbr_(0) stop"

  if { [$ns_ at 5 "$udp_(0) counting"] < 120 } {
 set x_coor [$node_(0) getX]
 set y_coor [$node_(0) getY]
 $node_(4) setdest $x_coor $y_coor 15.0
  However the code is working fine but it is not recognizing the condition in 
the if statement. 
  I will be grateful for your help 


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[ns] energy model variables

2008-04-25 Thread anas abu_taleb

Hi all
  I am trying to access the value of the initial energy for the energy model 
after configuring the nodes. for example after 
  $ns_ node-config -adhocRouting $val(rp) \
  -llType $val(ll) \
  -macType $val(mac) \
  -ifqType $val(ifq) \
  -ifqLen $val(ifqlen) \
  -antType $val(ant) \
  -propType $val(prop) \
  -phyType $val(netif) \
  -topoInstance $topo \
  -agentTrace OFF \
  -routerTrace OFF \
  -macTrace ON \
  -movementTrace OFF \
-energyModel "EnergyModel" \
-initialEnergy 3 \
-rxPower 0.3 \
-txPower 0.3 \
-IDLE 0.3 \
  -channel $chan_1_ 
  #-errProc UniformErr
  #-IncomingErrProc UniformErrorProc
  #-IncomingErrProc $val(err)
  for {set i 2} {$i < $val(nn) } {incr i} {
set node_($i) [$ns_ node] 
 $node_($i) random-motion 0  ;# disable random motion
  I want to check the initial energy using an if statement 
  if {$initialEnergy > 2} { DO WHATEVER} 
  I will be grateful for your help 

Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Yahoo! Mobile.  Try it now.

[ns] energy model variables

2008-04-23 Thread anas abu_taleb

Hi all
  I am trying to acces the initial energy value after configuring the wireless 
node, unfortunally i did not succeed to do that. As a result I wonder anyone 
knows a way to do that and I will be grateful for the help

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[ns] LEACH total energy consumpsion

2008-01-31 Thread anas abu_taleb

  Finally I managed to run leach under ns-allinone-2.29. Unfortunatelly, when I 
ran the example script the output said that the total energy comsumed is equal 
to 367.6739273 ... etc. but this doen not look right as the every node has 2 
joules as initial energy and if you run the simulation for 100 nodes this mean 
that the total initial energy is 200. so how come the totat energy consumed is 
larger than the total initial energy?
  Please help me to solve this problem and if the output is correct could you 
please provide me with an explanation for that and I will be grateful.

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[ns] ns-leach extesion problems

2008-01-22 Thread anas abu_taleb

Dear Sir 
  I am using ns-2.31 under cygwin and I have been trying to extend it
 with the leach extension 
  developed for ns-2.27. 
  after following the procedure specified in the pfd document that
 comes with it I got the following error:
  trace/trace.cc: In static member function `static int
trace/trace.cc:206: error: `PT_XCP' undeclared (first use this
trace/trace.cc:206: error: (Each undeclared identifier is reported only
 once for
 each function it appears in.)
trace/trace.cc: In member function `virtual void
 DequeTrace::recv(Packet*, Handl
trace/trace.cc:567: warning: int format, nsaddr_t arg (arg 5)
trace/trace.cc:567: warning: int format, nsaddr_t arg (arg 6)
trace/trace.cc:586: warning: int format, nsaddr_t arg (arg 5)
trace/trace.cc:586: warning: int format, nsaddr_t arg (arg 6)
make: *** [trace/trace.o] Error 1
  I do not know what is wrong, and I wonder if I have to install
 ns-2.27, but I tried to install it but it did not work. 
  I am grateful for your help

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