RE: Nimda and patch end up shutting my Web Server

2001-09-23 Thread John Hanks

By now there are probably tools that will remove (or at least claim to
remove) Nimda, but once you were infected your machine started
announcing to the world that everyone had access to it. Even if a tool
cleans up Nimda can you ever be sure that some enterprising script
kiddie hasn't placed a trojan/backdoor on it? Wipe-n-load is the only
way to be sure.


-Original Message-
From: Vani Murarka [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Sunday, September 23, 2001 7:49 AM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: Nimda and patch end up shutting my Web Server

NT and IIS Gurus, please help.

My system was infected by Nimda. Norton found certain TFTPxxx files 
under Inetpub/scripts which were infected. It could not clean it. It 
quarantined it. I deleted those files. But new TFTPxxx files kept 
getting created in that directory, and Norton kept saying those are 
infected with Nimda.

I searched the internet to see what patch I must install. Following 
links from Symantec, this is the one I downloaded and installed -

The patch was called Windows 4.0 Hotfix

Ever since installing that, my Web Server does not run. Trying to run 
it from Internet Service Manager, says, The specified module could not 
be found.

I am also not being unable to uninstall the patch from Control Panel - 
Add/Remove Programs as the page from where I downloaded it suggests, 
because it is not listed there.

Maybe I selected the inappropriate patch - but now I am at a loss as to 
what to do next.

Please give pointers.



RE: IIS Slow Down Due to Nimda?

2001-09-20 Thread John Hanks
Title: IIS Slow Down Due to Nimda?

On my 
boxes where I have host headers configured and no website is "default", that is, 
every website demands that a host header be in the request, none of these 
requests are making it into the logs. I have no idea what that means wrt IIS, 
maybe it is still processing them and not logging or maybe it just ignores them 
once a matching host header isn't found.


  -Original Message-From: John Cesta - Lists 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]Sent: Thursday, September 20, 2001 9:03 
  AMTo: NT System Admin IssuesSubject: RE: IIS Slow Down 
  Due to Nimda?
  Any one seen there IIS Server slow down due to the bug? 
  Is there anyway to stop the request(cmd.exe) from even being 
  made to you box? 
  Here's is what my logs look like. Sunday was a little slow but 
  on an average day we get around ~700 unique visitors. 
  course IIS is going to slow down due to many requests. Not much of a way to 
  make it stop unless you know where the source is, call them and ask. Otherwise 
  we are all in the same boat.
-Original Message-From: Jerry Gamblin 
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]Sent: Thursday, September 20, 
2001 10:36 AMTo: NT System Admin IssuesSubject: IIS 
Slow Down Due to Nimda?
Any one seen there IIS Server slow down due to the 
bug? Is there anyway to stop the request(cmd.exe) 
from even being made to you box? 
Here's is what my logs look like. Sunday was a little slow 
but on an average day we get around ~700 unique visitors. 
Hits Successful Hits 09/16/2001 : 
372 : 222 09/17/2001 : 3,454 : 
1,026 09/18/2001 : 6,224 : 1,046 
09/19/2001 : 5,401 : 745 09/20/2001 : 2,193 : 86 
Total Hits : 17644 Average Hits : 
That's around 14,000 hits alone from this virus. 
I don't know what its doing to the server, but is there any 
way to make it stop? 
Jerry Gamblin Technology 
Linn State Technical College One 
Technology Drive Linn, MO 65051 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] 573-897-5240 

-Original Message- From: 
Murray Freeman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: Thursday, September 20, 2001 9:24 AM To: NT System Admin Issues Subject: RE: HELP 
HEY, not true, not true. We got hit on 3 servers and were 
able to cleanse manually and never even turned off 
the servers, nor did it impact our regular 
-Original Message- From: 
Rocky Stefano [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: Thursday, September 20, 2001 9:21 AM To: NT System Admin Issues Subject: RE: HELP 
For those of you that were unfortunately hit with the latest 
worm. There is usually no recourse but to wipe the 
machine clean and reload your software. Trend 
Antivirus has released a cleaner for the virus. Here is the info. 

Trend Micro has developed a cleaning tool that will allow 
you to clean systems infected by PE_NIMDA.A. The 
cleaning tool and instructions, manual cleaning 
instructions, and the latest pattern file can be found on our FTP 
site at: 
ftp://us-web\[EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Password: tmcustomer 
Directory: Premium Customer\tool 
Cleaning tool: 
Cleaning tool description and instructions: 
Manual cleaning documentation: How to Clean.txt 
Latest pattern file: 
-Original Message- From: 
Tiffany Belcher [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: September 19, 2001 5:35 PM To: NT System Admin Issues Subject: HELP 
This thing is on a machine at work and it writes .eml files 
all over the place in the folders on the hard drive. 
Is there a way to get rid if this virus? What is it? 
Uninstalling outlook express or email would that do it? It ran very sluggish and now is frozen up. HELP

RE: OT? perspective of events

2001-09-12 Thread John Hanks

There are a number of problems you leave out. First, I have sniffed a
switched network before and it is not that hard. You need only overflow
a switch with more bogus MAC addresses than it can handle and suddenly
you have a hub. Even without any effort my snort box picks up loads of
traffic it shouldn't behind two switches. You can probably assume you
are safe from sniffing behind a router, unless there is a compromised
box behind it with you.

Second, you may have plenty to be afraid of. If someone sends you an
html mail with a linked image from a child porn site, by having it open
by accident in a preview window you could suddenly be catogorized as a
child porn viewer by some automatic tool. I have had several very
disturbed and concerned users contact me about incidents like this with
html mail.

I have no worries about reactions to this tragedy as I beleive that the
vast majority of indivuals have good intentions even if their actions
aren't perfect. What I worry about are overreactions. I woke up today
much angrier than I was yesterday and I can think of some pretty
horrible overreactions that I might be willing to support in the
aftermath of the attacks. One can only hope that the leaders of my
country and others have a better handle on their emotions than the
general population. 


 -Original Message-
 From: Luke Brumbaugh [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Wednesday, September 12, 2001 8:29 AM
 To: NT System Admin Issues
 Subject: RE: OT? perspective of events
 I read about this.  It's a NT box running a kinda Sniffer software.
 I have used sniffer, the log gets incredibly big in a short 
 period of time.
 So, the idea of scanning an ip address or email header for 
 certain patterns
 would only be possible.
 Wiretaps are common, but you can only monitor so many phones 
 at a time.
 Same here with email and this Carnivore black box.  So you 
 ask yourself, are
 you doing something to be afraid of?
 If not, then why worry, sniffer doesn't work well on switched 
 networks and
 as for internet, only terrorist and child pornographers have 
 something to
 worry about.
 -Original Message-
 From: Benjamin Winzenz [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Wednesday, September 12, 2001 9:51 AM
 To: NT System Admin Issues
 Subject: RE: OT? perspective of events
 I don't know how I feel about stuff like that yet.  I think 
 some of it may
 be warranted (we already know that any phone conversation 
 basically can be
 recorded based on a myriad of words that are said).  I think 
 that the same
 type of thing monitoring e-mail would not be noticed by most.  I think
 though, that if we were all told the extent of spying that 
 the FBI already
 does, legally or illegally, we probably would be shocked.  I 
 almost think
 that things like that are better off kept silent.  what the 
 people don't
 know won't hurt them type of attitude.  It's gonna get 
 really interesting
 for a while here.  As someone else said, we are in for a bit 
 of a bumpy
 As a side note, although I was not directly affected by the 
 horrible acts
 that took place yesterday (no relatives), we will all be 
 affected by this
 dastardly deed for a long time to come.  My heart goes out to 
 those who have
 experienced a loss.  Even today, I still am in shock at what 
 happened.  At
 the same time, let us pray that our leaders make informed and 
 wise decisions
 in the aftermath of what has happened.
 Ben Winzenz, MCSE
 Network/Systems Administrator
 Peregrine Systems, Inc.
  -Original Message-
 From: Kevin Lundy [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
 Sent: Wednesday, September 12, 2001 9:14 AM
 To:   NT System Admin Issues
 Subject:  OT? perspective of events
 My sympathies and thoughts go out to everyone directly 
 affected by these
 cowardly acts.  My thoughts also go out to the millions of us 
 Now to bring a slightly on-topic slant to the discussions - 
 in recent months
 there has been considerable debate on Carnivore (the FBI's electronic
 snooping tool).  In order to increase our security, I'm sure 
 we Americans
 are going to have to give up some of our personal freedom and 
 privacy.  As
 IT pro's, has anyone's opinion of Carnivore changed?  I know 
 if someone had
 asked me the question on Monday, I was adamantly against 
 Carnivore.  Today,
 I'm willing to accept some software black-box scanning my 
 email looking
 for suspicious activity.
 BTW - just because I am initiating a slightly on topic 
 discussion, in no way
 am I suggesting that that the other threads stop.  I'm all 
 for them.  Many
 of our list members are in NY and DC.  Those who don't like 
 the off topic
 discussions - learn to use the delete key or setup a filter or rule.
 Enterprise Channel Management Software for Manufacturers 
 Visit us at 

RE: W2K permissions

2001-09-12 Thread John Hanks
Title: W2K permissions

users are prevented from installing printer drviers by default. To change this 
on a single workstation, open the Local Security Policy snap-in (can be found in 
the Administrative Toolsfolder within the Control Panel), expand Local Policies 
and under it expand Security Options. Change the "Prevent users from installing 
printer drivers" policy to disabled. 

can also change this policy within the Domain Security Policy snapin on a domain 
controller and it will take affect for all the machines in your 


  -Original Message-From: Blake R. Fowkes 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]Sent: Wednesday, September 12, 2001 3:53 
  PMTo: NT System Admin IssuesSubject: W2K 
  I am still very new to W2K so please bear with 
  me. Can anyone tell me why I can not install a network printer as a 
  normal user? I have installed the NT compat security template, at least 
  I think that I did that correctly.
  Thanks, Blake Fowkes Waid and 

RE: NewYork Terrorist Attack

2001-09-11 Thread John Hanks

Am I the only one that thinks that imaginary friends have caused enough
trouble. If our species could put this whole god thing behind us maybe,
just maybe, we could approach our problems rationally and find better
solutions than what has happened today and what will happen as a result
of it.

Some people will think the perpetrators are going to heaven as martyrs,
some will think they are destined for hell as sinners. I just think a
lot of people died needlessly today (and every day) because of the human
fascination with supreme beings and this constant struggle for who has
the better imaginary friend.


-Original Message-
From: Laura Swartout [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, September 11, 2001 9:57 AM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: RE: NewYork Terrorist Attack

The news said that there were 5 planes hijacked. 4 are accounted for (2
NYC, 1 pentagon, 1 crashed in PA (plane was originally scheduled to fly
San Francisco)). They don't know where the 5th is. No news about any of
those planes being shot down by the military. 

The news just reported that the Palestinians are celebrating in the
shouting God is Great. I sincerely doubt that God is celebrating.

GOD BLESS AMERICA! Let's pray that the terror these cowards hope to
in us instead more strongly unites us as a great and noble nation. 

Deepest sympathies to families, friends and loved ones of those who have
been murdered today. 

-Original Message-
From: Gareth Campling [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: Tuesday, September 11, 2001 10:36 AM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: Re: NewYork Terrorist Attack

deepest sympathys to everyone involved in this tragic day. can anyone
in the states elaberate on the rumours on UK TV about a 4th airplane ?
and US military to shoot down ? , all i can say is i hope it is pure

Best wishes to all

Best regards,
 Gareth, MCP   mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

RE: NewYork Terrorist Attack

2001-09-11 Thread John Hanks
Title: RE: NewYork Terrorist Attack

are setting up several places aroundmy part of Utah for blood donation. 
Donating blood is always a good thing, so even if it never gets to NYC it is a 
good idea.


  -Original Message-From: Murray Binette 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]Sent: Tuesday, September 11, 
  2001 2:04 PMTo: NT System Admin IssuesSubject: RE: 
  NewYork Terrorist AttackDoes anyone know if donating blood up 
  here in Canada would somehow contribute?

RE: telnet client

2001-09-06 Thread John Hanks

I like TeraTerm Pro, mainly for the ssh extension.


 -Original Message-
 From: Jim Busick [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Thursday, September 06, 2001 4:46 PM
 To: NT System Admin Issues
 Subject: telnet client
 Any suggestions for an alternative telnet client for Win2k?

RE: Legal Email Issues - Dont shoot me :) -

2001-09-06 Thread John Hanks
Title: Message

is only semi-related, but I recently did some work to recover email evidence in 
a dispute. What I did was hook the hard drive from a Windows 98 machine up to my 
linux box and dump the strings from the entire drive (including "empty" space.) 
I was able to reconstruct mail as far back as early 1999. Another great thing 
was that the machine had a huge drive and since IE was using a percentage of the 
drive as cache, it never stopped caching so we could reconstruct browsing 
sessions that far back too. The odd thing about the email was that it was from a 
yahoo account and while we couldn't read the cached yahoo pages, we could find 
lots of yahoo email in the free space on the disk. My only guess is that it was 
somehow written to disk by IE unencrypted (temporarily for rendering?) and then 
thoseclusters never got written over again. Since an email fits nicely 
within a cluster, we got lots of them. Overall, it was pretty spooky to get this 
much information from a drive, but given the conditions I think it would have 
been impossible to fake.

your eyes open when you look at the machines, never know what good stuff you 
might find in there.


  -Original Message-From: Benjamin Zachary 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]Sent: Thursday, September 06, 
  2001 8:29 PMTo: NT System Admin IssuesSubject: RE: Legal 
  Email Issues - Dont shoot me :) -
  man that would be great, we need an expert. Mail me off list and maybe I can 
  fax you the documents. My lawyer has free reign, Im basically spending 20k to 
  make her go away, so money is not an object at this point. We also got a 
  letter from MS today explaining they have been informed that my company 
  distributes illegal software. heh.. gee I wonder where that came 
  are going to try and find out which PC she recieved it from, and which 
  account, she couldnt have deleted it, else, what good is it. So we are going 
  to try and subpeona (sp?) all the computers she is in contact with, and then 
  have someone go through them looking for the word document. When we pull the 
  computer, Im going to run EZ-Recovery from Ontrack against it and try to pull 
  it back and then we will press for purgery, and jail time. As far as the ISP, 
  we own the mail server at the office, but anything they want would be there.. 
  Thanks Bob!

-Original Message-From: 
Sent: Thursday, September 06, 2001 9:56 AMTo: NT 
System Admin IssuesSubject: RE: Legal Email Issues - Dont shoot 
me :) -
Just got back to work today. Got this at home, but couldn't 
reply (relaying turned off to prevent spamming) 
This is the sort of work I do. If I were in your situation, 
I would let her introduce the evidence in court. In the mean time, you 
attorney should be able to obtain a copy of the 'e-mail'. With this copy, 
check the time and date it was supposedly sent. A summons should then be 
sent off to your ISP for connection details and mail routing records. This 
would certainly hurt her credibility and should make the rest of the 
procedings in court lean your way. 
On top of all of this, I realize this is a civil proceeding, 
but purgery is purgery no matter what court it is in. By her entering this 
evidence and testifying to that fact that she received it, she would be 
purgering herself on the stand. This is punishable by jail time. If it gets 
into all that, a forensic investigation could be done to show that indeed 
she did not recieve the e-mail and that she typed it up herself. 
Not sure where you live, but if I can do anything to help 
you in this, please let me know. I am a computer forensic investigator 
in Kentucky and would be happy to lend a helping hand. 
Ptl. Bob Couchman Unit 57 
Network Administrator Computer 
Crime Section Madisonville Police Department 
99 East Center Street Madisonville, 
KY 42431 (270) 821-1720 (270) 824-2115 (fax) [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Visit the Madisonville Police Department on the internet 
-Original Message- From: 
Benjamin Zachary [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: Wednesday, September 05, 2001 11:05 To: NT System Admin Issues Subject: OT: Legal 
Email Issues - Dont shoot me :) - 
This is kind of a personal issue, 
but maybe someone could help me out as it relates to 
legalaties for email. My x-wife typed stuff up in word to look like an email and put threats and various obscenties in it. 
There is no header info just says subject,to,from 
and the offending text it could simply be typed in 
word (and was btw!:) ).  Anyhow, I went online to,,, 
outlook, outlook express, and and printed up 
an email from each to show 


2001-08-27 Thread John Hanks

Does anyone know of a legitimate reason my my c:\InetPubs\Scripts
directory would have in it a file named t.exe and why that file would
show up as a task belonging to IUSR_SERVERNAME? I can't find a reference
to t.exe anywhere I have looked and the file was created recently, but
not at a time corresponding to anything I have done to the machine (I




2001-08-20 Thread John Hanks

This is a pretty big stretch. I think it should say not just anyone can
create a DHCP server on a W2K server that is a member of your domain.
Anyone could setup a DHCP server using third party software or with
another OS and cause havoc. The resource kit has a utility called
DHCPLOC that makes rouge servers a little easier to locate (or at least


 -Original Message-
 From: Starrdust [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Monday, August 20, 2001 7:11 PM
 To: NT System Admin Issues
 Subject: RE: DHCP...
 Thanks Kevin.
 I am reading the resource kit and it is talking about 'the 
 end of rougue
 DHCP servers'. It states - with Windows 2000 not just anyone 
 can create a
 DHCP server. Now, DHCP servers must be authorized in the 
 Active Directory
 before they're allowed to start handing out addresses.
 -Original Message-
 From: Kevin Miller [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Monday, August 20, 2001 11:54 PM
 To: NT System Admin Issues
 Subject: RE: DHCP...
 Not that I know of?
 More letters after my name makes me Smarter.
 please respond back to rent this ad space for your needs
 -Original Message-
 From: Starrdust [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Monday, August 20, 2001 5:52 PM
 To: NT System Admin Issues
 Subject: DHCP...
 Sorry for asking for what must be a very rookie question, but 
 to install
 DHCP on a Win2K domain, does Active Directory 'have' to be used.